This document discusses landscape plant selections for a beach resort. It describes using palm trees like royal palm and sabal palmetto because they provide shade, minimize wind, and have a tropical feel. Royal palm grows very tall and is well-suited to open spaces. Sabal palmetto supports more biodiversity than isolated landscaped trees. Blue fescue grass and boxwood topiaries are also suggested for their visual appeal and ability to provide texture and boundaries around the pool area. Perspective images of the proposed landscape design are included.
This document discusses landscape plant selections for a beach resort. It describes using palm trees like royal palm and sabal palmetto because they provide shade, minimize wind, and have a tropical feel. Royal palm grows very tall and is well-suited to open spaces. Sabal palmetto supports more biodiversity than isolated landscaped trees. Blue fescue grass and boxwood topiaries are also suggested for their visual appeal and ability to provide texture and boundaries around the pool area. Perspective images of the proposed landscape design are included.
This document discusses landscape plant selections for a beach resort. It describes using palm trees like royal palm and sabal palmetto because they provide shade, minimize wind, and have a tropical feel. Royal palm grows very tall and is well-suited to open spaces. Sabal palmetto supports more biodiversity than isolated landscaped trees. Blue fescue grass and boxwood topiaries are also suggested for their visual appeal and ability to provide texture and boundaries around the pool area. Perspective images of the proposed landscape design are included.
This document discusses landscape plant selections for a beach resort. It describes using palm trees like royal palm and sabal palmetto because they provide shade, minimize wind, and have a tropical feel. Royal palm grows very tall and is well-suited to open spaces. Sabal palmetto supports more biodiversity than isolated landscaped trees. Blue fescue grass and boxwood topiaries are also suggested for their visual appeal and ability to provide texture and boundaries around the pool area. Perspective images of the proposed landscape design are included.
provides beauty and aesthetic is also provides functions in this presentation I will provide the names and species that I picked in designing the landscape for the given beach resort plan • When we talk about designing beach resorts we often see and use Palm trees but why?
It’s because it blends with the them of a Tropical feeling,
and it provides a large shade to minimize heat from the sunlight and trees also function as minimizing wind break to our resorts. Royal Palm - The Royal Palm is native from Hispanola through the Virgin Islands, but has been planted throughout the tropics for its beauty and versatility. Reaching over 20 m at maturity, it is the tallest and fastest growing of the Virgin Islands three native palms. This plant was once quite common, but today is found mostly in isolated patches in guts. Although somewhat drought tolerant, the royal palm is one of our more water-loving trees and can withstand occasional flooding. In the landscape it is most frequently planted in rows, giving the appearance of formal columns. Its great height makes it more suited to open spaces. Old leaves can reach 4 m in length and require occasional disposal. Sabal Palmetto - Sabal palmetto (cabbage palm) is a native palm species used commonly in urban landscaping throughout Florida. In addition to its aesthetic appeal and high tolerance to the variable environmental conditions found in Florida, the use of cabbage palms in landscaping should be expected to promote urban wildlife because the tree provides food and nesting sites for various organisms, including arthropods. In this study, we compared arthropod number, abundance, and biodiversity in cabbage palms between natural and landscaped environments. Trees in natural environments supported more individuals and greater species richness than trees in landscaped environments. Environmental factors, such as human activity and depauperate botanical communities, might explain why landscaped cabbage palms supported fewer arthropods. This suggests that landscaping with isolated native trees, such as the cabbage palms in this study, in an otherwise lawn-manicured environment might have adverse effects on biodiversity as predicted by island biogeography. Natural and landscaped palms supported a similar diversity of transient arthropods, which were primarily involved either directly or indirectly with pollination. Transient arthropods were found flying around cabbage palms, which might explain the ability of the arthropods to use landscaped trees. Increased use of native species such as S. palmetto in urban landscapes should have a positive effect on urban wildlife that can disperse broadly, such as flying arthropods and birds. Blue Fescue
A seaside garden isn’t complete
without some soft grass texture to blow in the breeze. This evergreen is happy in containers, rockeries and can add texture to flowerbeds. When clumps are planted separately among gravel and pebbles, it can have a really striking impact. Boxwood Topiary
• Boxwoods were added to help
decorate the platforms near the swimming pool and also help creating a imaginary boundary for access and passage for people who is going to be staying on the platform. Perspective 1 Perspective 2 Perspective 3 Perspective 4