J.R. Joshi, Et Al
J.R. Joshi, Et Al
J.R. Joshi, Et Al
J.R. Joshi1*, V.M. Patel1, H.L. Barad1, S.M. Macwan1 and Javid Ehsas1
Pulses and Castor Research station, N.A.U., Navsari, Gujarat, India
Department of Agronomy, N.M. College of Agriculture, N.A.U., Navsari,
*Corresponding author
A field experiment was carried out during summer 2015 at the Pulses and Castor Research
Keywords station, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari to evaluate land configuration and
fertilizer management practices on growth and yield parameters, yield, quality and
Cowpea, Economics,
economics of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) cultivation. Experimental plot was clayey
management, Growth, soil having a pH 7.95 and poor in available nitrogen (210 kg/ha), medium in available
Land configuration, phosphorus (35.15 kg/ha) and considerably rich in available potash (340.50 kg/ha). To
Quality content, Vigna study three methods of land configuration viz., (flat bed, ridge and furrow and raised bed)
unguiculata L., Yield
and yield attributes
and five fertilizer management practices (FYM 4 t/ha, bio-compost 2 t/ha, FYM 2 t/ha +
50% RDF, bio-compost 1t/ha + 50% RDF and 100% RDF) were evaluated in split plot
Article Info design with three replications. The raised bed method of planting was recorded
significantly higher growth and yield attributes, seed yield (921 kg ha -1), stover yield (1992
Accepted: kg ha-1), net returns ((₹ 36,692 ha-1) and BCR ratio (3.12) than flatbed method of sowing.
10 December 2017
Available Online:
Application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer gave significantly higher valve for all
10 January 2018 growth and yield attributes, seed yield, stover yield, net returns and BCR ration than other
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 1148-1155
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 1148-1155
and biocompost as well as chemical fertilizer higher plant height, dry matter accumulation
in the form of urea and DAP (Diammonium and number of nodules per plant at 60 day
phosphate) manually applied in opened after sowing and harvest stage but, it was
furrows as per treatment before sowing. Gap statistically Sam bar with application of 50%
filling and thinning were done when necessary RDF + FYM 2 t/ha over other treatments.
and harvesting was done when crop was fully
matured. Improvement in growth attributes due to
application of inorganic fertilizer enhanced the
Results and Discussion availability of nutrients especially nitrogen
which is mainly responsible for vegetative
Growth attributes growth and phosphorus played important role
in root development and increased nodule
Cowpea plants exhibited significant response activity in plant. These results confirm the
to various land configurations and fertilizer findings of Abayomi et al., (2008), Choudhary
management practices on growth attributes. and Yadav (2011) and Khandelwal et al.,
The periodical observation viz., plant height, (2013).
dry matter accumulation and number of
nodules per plant (Table 1) at 60 DAS and Yield attributes and yield
harvest stage showed significant difference
due to land configuration methods except at Land configuration methods did not influence
number of branches per plant and day to 50% significantly for number of seeds per pod and
flowering. 100 seed weight (Table 2). While number of
pods per plant and yield was influenced
The maximum values for plant height (43.09, significantly.
45.37 cm), dry matter accumulation per plant
(25.17, 36.33 g) and number of nodules per Number of pods per plant was significantly
plant (53.57, 47.60) at 60 DAS and at harvest higher under raised bed method of sowing as
were recorded under raised bed method of compared to flatbed method of sowing. The
sowing than flatbed method of sowing. This better performance of cowpea crop observed
might be due to maintain of proper air in term of plant height, dry matter
moisture regimes under raised bed method of accumulation per plant and number of root
sowing which improved supply of required nodules per plant obtained under raised bed
moisture, available nutrients, soil aeration and method of sowing which ultimately reflected
better soil environment ultimately resulted in in higher number of pods per plant of summer
better growth and development of crop. cowpea.
Sowing on raised bed was particularly helpful Further, higher number of pods per plant
as experimental soil content was highly clay under raised bed method of sowing resulted in
(66.40%) is susceptible to waterlogging significantly higher seed yield (921 kg ha-1).
problem for over irrigation. The findings are The increased in seed yield under raised bed
in complete agreement with earlier work done was 21.02 % over flatbed methods of sowing.
by Shete et al., (2010), Jat et al., (2012) and Similar trend was also observed for stover
Shinde (2012). yield (1992 kg ha-1) of cowpea because of
higher dry matter accumulation per plant
Application of 100% recommended dose of under raised bed method of sowing.
fertilizers (RDF) resulted in significantly
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 1148-1155
Table.1 Effect of land configuration and fertilizer management practices on growth and growth attributes of
summer cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) under south Gujarat condition
Treatments Plant height (cm) Number of nodules Dry matter Number of branches Days to
per plant accumulation per per plant 50%
plant (g) flowering
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 1148-1155
Table.2 Effect of land configuration and fertilizer management practices on yield, yield attributes and quality of summer cowpea
(Vigna unguiculata L.) under south Gujarat condition
Treatments Number of Number of 100 seeds Seed yield Stover yield Harvest Protein Protein yield
pods per plant seeds per pod weight (g) (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) index (%) content (%) (kg ha-1)
(A) Land configuration
L1: Flat bed 9.24 10.11 10.60 761 1704 30.80 19.60 149.67
L2: Ridge and furrow 10.35 10.33 11.05 853 1871 31.24 20.08 171.42
L3: Raised bed 11.04 10.49 11.18 921 1992 31.51 20.29 187.14
S. Em. ± 0.24 0.14 0.20 24.7 43.3 0.32 0.32 7.21
C. D. (P=0.05) 0.93 NS NS 97 170 NS NS 28.30
C. V. % 9.02 5.13 7.18 11.31 9.05 4.01 6.14 16.48
(B) Fertilizer management
F1: FYM (4 t ha-1) 9.60 9.96 10.82 791 1779 30.74 19.80 157.07
F2: BC (2 t ha-1) 9.24 9.57 10.57 759 1713 30.62 19.69 149.79
F3: 50 % RDF + FYM (2 t ha-1) 10.60 10.60 11.06 882 1925 31.38 20.19 178.60
F4: 50 % RDF + BC (1 t ha-1) 10.33 10.39 10.95 846 1854 31.29 20.03 169.09
F5: 100 % RDF 11.27 11.04 11.32 948 2007 31.88 20.23 192.49
S. Em. ± 0.28 0.17 0.25 29.5 43.6 0.36 0.34 7.41
C. D. (P=0.05) 0.81 0.48 NS 86 127 NS NS 21.64
C. V. % 8.19 4.82 6.89 10.49 7.05 3.48 5.12 13.13
Table.3 Effect of land configuration and fertilizer management practices on economics of summer cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)
under south Gujarat condition
Treatments Seed yield Stover yield Gross realization Cost of cultivation (₹ ha-1) Cost of cultivation BCR
(kg ha-1) (kg ha-1) (₹ ha-1) Fixed cost Variable cost Total cost (₹ ha-1)
(₹ ha-1) (₹ ha-1) (₹ ha-1)
(A) Land configuration
L1: Flat bed 761 1704 44866 15526 0 15526 29340 2.89
L2: Ridge and furrow 853 1871 50134 15526 1200 16726 33408 3.00
L3: Raised bed 921 1992 54018 15526 1800 17326 36692 3.12
(B) Fertilizer management
F1: FYM (4 t ha-1) 791 1779 46666 15526 12000 27526 19140 1.70
F2: BC (2 t ha-1) 759 1713 44802 15526 11000 26526 18276 1.69
F3: 50 % RDF + FYM (2 t ha-1) 882 1925 51800 15526 7073 22599 29201 2.29
F4: 50 % RDF + BC (1 t ha-1) 846 1854 49716 15526 6573 22099 25617 2.25
F5: 100 % RDF 948 2007 55428 15526 2147 17673 37755 3.14
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 1148-1155
This might due to the cumulative effect Verma et al., (2014).In case of harvest index
exerted from improvement in soil (Table 2), there is no significant difference in
environment, aeration, root development, land configurations and fertilizer management
optimum moisture-air equilibrium throughout practices.
the crop growth period besides easily supply
of available nutrients to the crop resulted in Quality control
better growth and development ultimately
reflected in higher seed and stover yields. The Different land configuration methods and
results are in accordance with finding of fertilizer management practices did not exert
Pramanik et al., (2009), Shete et al., (2010), any significant effect on protein content
Jat et al., (2012) and Shinde (2012). (Table 2) whereas, it had significant effect on
Application of 100% RDF significantly protein yield (Table 2). Significantly higher
improved yield attributes and yield over other protein yield (187.14kg ha-1) was noted under
treatments. Significantly higher values for raised bed method of sowing as compared to
number of pods per plant, number of seeds flatbed method of sowing. This increase in
per pod were recorded under treatment protein yield was mainly due to higher seed
receiving 100 % RDF than other treatments. yield under raised bed method of sowing. The
The higher value of yield attributes with result was confirmed by Jat et al., (2012) and
application of100% RDF were largely Shinde (2012). The results (Table 2) revealed
attributed to better growth of plant in term of that various fertilizer management practices
plant height, dry matter accumulation per had significant effect on protein yield. The
plant and number of root nodules per plant higher protein yield (192.49 kg ha-1) was
which resulted in higher production of noted with treatment 100 % RDF than other
photosynthates were utilized by the plant for treatments. The higher protein yield with
development of sink under adequate supply of these treatments might be due to higher seed
nutrients through recommended dose of yield. Similar findings were also reported by
fertilizers gave higher number of pods per Dekhane et al., (2011) and Verma et al.,
plant and number of seeds per pod. The (2014).
present findings are in agreement with those
reported by Abayomi et al., (2008) and Das et Economics
al., (2011). Similarly, seed yield and stover
yield were also recorded significantly higher Economics is the major consideration for the
with application of 100% RDF than other farmers while taking a decision regarding the
treatments. Application of 100% RDF gave adoption of new technology. Raised bed
24.90% and 17.16% higher seed and stover method of sowing recorded higher net returns
yield than application of biocompost 2 t/ha, (₹ 36,692 ha-1) and benefit cost ratio (3.12)
respectively. The higher yield under these over flatbed method of sowing (Table 3). This
treatments might be due to cumulative effect was due to higher yield of seed and stover
of better yield attributes (number of pods per under raised bed method of sowing. These
plant and number of seeds per pod) and results are conformity with those reported by
higher nutrient uptake by cowpea. The Pramanik et al., (2009) and Jat et al., (2012).
positive response in terms of seed and stover Application of 100% RDF recorded higher
yield of cowpea to inorganic fertilizer have net returns (₹ 37755 ha-1) and benefit cost
also reported by Channabasappa et al., ratio (3.14) as compared to other treatments.
(2004), Patel et al., (2010), Choudhary and The higher net returns and BCR under these
Yadav (2011), Choudhary et al., (2013), and treatments was mainly due to higher yields
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 1148-1155
and low cost of cultivation. Similar results as influenced by fertility levels and
were also reported by Choudhary et al., mulching. Annals of Agricultural
(2013), Khandelwal et al., (2013) and Verma Research New Series, 34(1): 61-64.
et al., (2014). Das, B., Wagh, A. P., Dod, V. N., Nagre, P.
K. and Bawkar, S. O. 2011. Effect of
It can be concluded that summer cowpea var. integrated nutrient management on
GC 4 should be sown on raised bed method cowpea. The Asian journal of
(90 cm width X 45 cm wide and 30 cm deep Horiculture, 6(2): 402-405.
furrow) and fertilized with 100% Dekhane, S. S., Khafi, H. R., Raj, A. D. and
recommended dose of fertilizer (20:40:00 kg Parmar, R. M. 2011.Effect of
N:P2O5:K2O ha-1) under South Gujarat biofertilizers and fertility levels on
condition for obtaining higher yield and yield, protein content and nutrient
monetary returns. uptake of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata
L.). Legume Research 34(1): 51-54.
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