Portarlington Parish Newsletter August 6th - Eighteenth Sunday in O.T. - Parish Newsletter PDF

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Very Rev. Thomas Dooley P.P. Tel: (057) 8643004  Rev. Eugen Dragoş Tomaş Tel: (057) 8646517
Very Rev. Michael Noonan P.E. Tel: (057) 8623431
Tel: 057 8643004 - Email: [email protected] / Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm Mon. – Fri.
Anniversary Masses, Baptisms and Weddings can be booked by contacting the Parish Office during g opening hours.
DIOCESE www.kandle.ie SAMARITANS 24-hour helpline: 116 123 Email: [email protected]
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 087 7640557 AWARE Lo-call Helpline 1890 303 302 G.R.O.W. www.grow.ie Info:1890 474 474
PARISH SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES: Jackie McNulty; Frances O’Dwyer; Mary Joyce; Clare Nerney
Kathleen Sherry – Director of Safeguarding - Tel: 085-8021633 [email protected] / E-mail [email protected]
St. Michael’s Church, Portarlington Link to live streaming from
10am Daily Mass (Monday – Friday) St. Michael’s Church, Portarlington
6.15pm (Vigil – Sat.), 9am & 12.15pm Sunday www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/st-michaels-
St. John’s Church, Killenard 10.30am Sun. church-portarlington
St. Paul’s Church, Emo
Portarlington & Emo Parish
7.30pm (Vigil – Sat.) & 11am Sun.
Sacred Heart Church, Rath 9am Sun.

 SUNDAY 6TH AUGUST, 2023  The Transfiguration of the Lord  YEAR “A” 
Your prayers are requested for the following
Saturday 5th August – 6.15pm who died recently:-
Kathleen Lovern, Foxcroft Street (M.M.) Margaret Hennessy, Freshford, Kilkenny
Bill & Sheila Fingleton & son, Paul; Deceased (Mother of Catherine Walsh, Patrick St.)
members of the Prendeville Family; Angela O’Malley, Clanmalire Crescent
Mick & Peggy Murphy & dec. members of the Tadgh Coughlan, New Ross & formerly
Murphy Family, Annamoe; Bracklone Street (Brother of Maura Coleman)
Dec. members of the Whelan Family, Deerpark; Sean Kelly, Dublin & formerly Ballybrittas
Lydia Allman & John Joe Allman, St. Joseph’s Peter O’Connell, Bog Road, Portarlington
Tce; Seamus Maher, Sandy Lane (28th Anniv.) (Funeral Mass Tuesday 8th August at 10am) Great God of dazzling beauty
Carmel Tynan, Patrick’s Avenue and overshadowing majesty,
BAPTISMS in Jesus Christ, your beloved Son,
Sunday 6th August – 12.15pm we glimpse the image of your glory.
Seamus (Shay) Colgan, Clondoolusk (2nd We welcome into our Christian
Community through Baptism Teach us to listen to him
Anniv.); Phyllis & James Colgan, Clondoolusk; so that we may hear your voice
Deceased members of the Colgan Family, Emo Parish and follow your holy way;
Bishopswood Emily-Grace Sarah Brophy, Killeen through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Mon. 7th August Paddy Murphy, Avondale
Tues. 8th August Frank Saunders, Wilton GREAT ADVENTURE
Lawns; Michael & Brigid Wall; Michael Jnr. & his
daughter Michelle Wall; JJ Bannon (B/Day
Rem.); John Joe & Patricia Bannon The Marie Keating Foundation are holding
Wed. 9th August Daniel & Teresa O’Mahony This 24 week course is commencing in a “Cancer Community Information Service”
Sheila Lenihan, Kanturk, Cork (M.M.) September in Scoil Phádraig, Portarlington. on Wed. next, 9th August at Portarlington
Thurs. 10th August Michael (Chips) Dunne, There are 4 elements to this Bible Study. Mens’ Shed (Old Fire Station) commencing
Deerpark / Joan Mariaynagan, Kent 1. Home preparation 2. Weekly, two hour 11am. Open to all / No appointment
Fri. 11th August Mary J. Shanley, Patrick Street study session to facilitate small group needed / No charge. Any queries call Val
discussions, review of the previous weeks study on 087 2332653.
questions & a 50 minute video presentation.
Sunday 6th August - 10.30am
3. Option to join by zoom if you cannot attend WELCOME
in person each week. There is an online
--- registration fee of approx. €50 with Ascension
Press for one year online access o the study
ANNIVERSARIES materials. €10 per week for the use of the
EMO school facilities. For further information & to
Saturday 5th August – 7.30pm register your interest email Ailish at
--- [email protected]
Sunday 6th August – 11am PRAYER FOR FINE WEATHER
Ann Maher, Killimy Road All-powerful and ever-living God,
Sean Crowley, Cappakeel we find security in your care
ANNIVERSARIES and love for us.
RATH Give us the fine weather we pray for Fr. Eugen DragoşTamaş
Sunday 6th August - 9am and now badly need.
We welcome Fr. Eugen as Curate to the
Ellen Donoher, Jamestown; Rita Boland, Bless the hard work and efforts
Parishes of Portarlington & Emo.
Courtwood; Fr. John Boland, Jamestown of so many of our people that their labours
Fr Eugen is from the Diocese of Iaşi in
may come to fruition.
Romania. He will reside at the Parochial
Adoration of the Blessed We ask this through our Lord
House in Emo. We look forward to working
Sacrament in Jesus Christ, your Son,
together with Fr. Eugene over the coming
St. Michael’s Church, on who lives and reigns with you
years and wish him well in his new
Tues. 10.30am–7pm. and the Holy Spirit, one God,
forever and ever. Amen
Avoid using insecticides, fungicides and If you wish to make a donation to
herbicides These potent chemical cocktails are Portarlington / Emo Parishes, please see
designed to kill various organisms. One of the bank details below, where you can
best things you can do for pollinators is avoid transfer directly to the Parish Accounts.
using them. Why: Insecticides have been found Tuesday 8th August - St. Dominic
to kill, harm, and disorientate pollinators. Wednesday 9th August St. Teresa Benedicta of
Herbicides kill the ‘weeds’ that provide them with the Cross (Edith Stein) / St. Nathy; St. Felim
important food. www.pollinators.ie/top-ten-ways-
Thursday 10th August - St. Lawrence
to-help-pollinators/ PORTARLINGTON PARISH
Friday 11th August - St. Clare
Emo / Rath Parish LOTTO B.O.I. Portarlington BOFIIE2D
Saturday 13th August - St. Jane Frances de Portarlington Parish No. 1 Account
Draw results Mon. 31st July 2023 Chantal / St. Muredach / St. Attracta IBAN - IE28 BOFI 9018 6154 5717 14
Numbers: 2, 11, 14, 18. No Jackpot winner.
Portarlington Parish Clergy Fund A/C
€25 to each of the following: Ber & Christy
IBAN: IE59 BOFI 9018 6196 5850 57
Wheeler C/o Bernie / Ryanh Family C/o Maeve “LIVING HERITAGE”
Paul Ryan C/o Maeve / Ann Deering C/o Anne To mark Heritage Week 2023 the Portarlington EMO PARISH
Eileen Dunne C/o Maeve Arts & Heritage Group will host an event in B.O.I., Mountmellick BOFIIE2D
. Next draw takes place on the 14 August with Portarlington Library on Thursday 17th August at Emo Church No. 1 Account
a Jackpot fo €2,400. Tickets are available in 8pm, illustrating how two local buildings have IBAN - IE16 BOFI 9018 1051 4302 54
Emo Shop, Village Cafe, Ballybrittas, Ballybrittas become part of our living heritage. Liam Emo Parish Clergy Fund Account
Shop & the Parish Office - €2 each. Murphy, Irish Rail, will give a talk on the IBAN: IE34 BOFI 9018 1022 2378 77
restoration of buildings at Portarlington Railway
PORTARLINGTON CHRISTMAS TREE Station and plans for their future use. As part of
COMMITTEE the talk the original drawings for the station EMIGRANT NEWSLETTER
The Portarlington Christmas Tree Committee from 1845 will be on display for the first time in 2023
will hold their A.G.M. on the 11th August in the over 150 years. This will be followed by a talk 
Upstairs of the Anvil Inn, Portarlington on the restoration of Woodbrook House by the Those intending to submit articles /
at 8.30pm. All very welcome. current owner Ray Simmons. The evening will stories for inclusion in this year’s edition
YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL conclude with a short talk on Portarlington’s of the Emigrant Newsletter are asked to
forgotten artist, Walter Chetwood Aiken. send them in to the Parish Office. Clubs /
Admission is free and all are welcome. Organisations and a special welcome for
old group photographs (must include
Summer Stars names). Closing date for articles /
Join young people between16 and 35 this photographs by the end of August. You can
It is Summer Stars time again make sure to pop
August at the Youth 2000 Summer Festival. The drop in your article to the Parish Office or
into the library to register the children and keep
festival takes place in Clongowes Wood College, email: [email protected]
them reading throughout the summer!
Clane, Co. Kildare from Thurs. 10th Aug. to Sun.
13th Aug. The festival includes inspiring talks,
music, prayer, concert, workshops, dramas,
share groups, reconciliation and healing service
Call into Portarlington Library throughout the
month of August &take part in our Summer 
Treasure Hunt. Solve the puzzle to win a prize. If you have any used stamps, please drop
and Mass. Donation only, and we have buses them into “The Nook”, Patrick Street.
Talk on the Conservation of Portarlington
going from all over Ireland. For more information These stamps will be sent to the I.S.P.C.C.
Railway Station
and to book your place go to www.youth2000.ie (Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
Join with David Orford for a talk on the
GRACEFIELD GAA CLUB LOTTO 31st July conservation of the buildings of Portarlington to Children), where they will help their
Numbers 14, 11, 28, 29 – No jackpot winner. railway station. Thurs. 17th Aug. at 8pm. For fundraising activities.
€50 to each of the following:- booking phone 057 864343751 or Email
Jake McLoughlin / Hillary Mulligan / Brendan [email protected]
Register to Vote EMO / RATH
Oakley / Sue Hanrahan / Robbie Keogh. Information evening hosted by Emo Sports
Promoters prize: Mary Keogh Need help getting on the register? Come along
to Portarlington Library on August 10th from field Committee will take place on
Next week’s Jackpot €6,000 Wed. next, 9th August at 7.30pm in the
2:30-4:30pm &find out how to register online.
Community Centre, Emo. Karen Moore,
EMO / RATH LOURDES PILGRIMAGE 2023 Little Library Bags
the Community Climate Action Officer with
Departing on for our pilgrimage is 26th August for Have you a child starting school in September?
Laois County Council & Laurence O’Reilly,
5 nights. Staying at Hotel Astrid. Cost of €745 Then call into Portarlington Library & pick up
their FREE Little Library Bag. Packed full of mentor for Laois & Offaly with SEAI will
per person sharing. For further info. & booking
books & tips to help make the transition to speak about what we can do to help
contact Tony Byrne on 086 1125833 or contact
primary school easier it’s an invaluable ourselves & the area as a group to go
Deirdre Lawlor on 087 2399457.
resource. greener. They may have ideas you would
Church Gate Collection will take place at Emo &
like, to help you reduce your energy bills &
Rath Churches this weekend 5th / 6th August in UNDER MARY’S MANTLE things we can do as a community to reduce
aid of the upcoming Lourdes Pilgrimage. Conference on faith and culture for young our carbon footprint. We ask householders,
PORTARLINGTON LIONS CLUB adults (18 – 35) with talks, prayer, Mass, farmers, business owners, everyone in the
FREE FAMILY FUN DAY Confession, workshops, food Emo / Rath area to attend & see what is in
Our annual Free Family Fun Day is back after a and social in the historic All it for you. Looking forward to a good
break. It takes place on Sunday 20th Hallows Campus, D.C.U., turnout on the night.
August, 2023 in The People's Park, Dublin. There will be several
keynote speakers with talks SPIORAID NAOIMH PRAYING
Portarlington - from 2pm to 5pm.
and workshops ranging widely COMMUNITY
Activities include bouncing castles,
face painting, athletics for all the from poetry to reading the
family, games, music, dancing exhibitions, Bible, vocations and Mary in
Raffles for assorted prizes. Come along and the Liturgical year. Mass and
enjoy this free event. Confessions takes place both days. This event
takes place on Sat. & Sun. 19th & 20th August. "The Step by Step to Feed the Next Child
SLIMMING WORLD Further details later or you can contact Walk" starts in Kilkenny and passes
Martina's Slimming World - Portarlington [email protected] / Phone 085 1442423 through Portlaoise. Mass will be celebrated
now Running all groups at SOLAS Eco Garden by Fr Eamonn Kelly, Mary's Meals Ireland,
Centre, Portarlington, R32 RPX8 PLAY IN PINK in Ss Peter & Paul’s Church, Portlaoise on
Join us ~ Wednesdays 9:30am / 5:30pm / 7:30pm. Portarlington Golf Club – Ladies & Gents Tues. 8th August at 6.30pm. All are invited
New and rejoining members welcome open 18 hole champagne scramble. to join in this Eucharistic celebration.
No booking required – You can phone Martina on Fri. 11th August. €40 entry per team. Contact: Michael Nerney @ 086 815 7305
087 7838403. Free Slimming World Magazine for Proceeds in aid of National Breast Mary's Meals: https//www.marysmeals.ie
New Members while stocks last. Cancer Research.

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