Mi Amor - A Privacy-Enhanced Environment For Online Matchmaking
Mi Amor - A Privacy-Enhanced Environment For Online Matchmaking
Mi Amor - A Privacy-Enhanced Environment For Online Matchmaking
ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Verification Looping:
Once the user's verification is complete and they gain
access to the data, a continuous loop is initiated. In this loop,
the user's image is captured and stored in the AWS database.
Every 60 seconds, a new image is captured and compared
with the previous image taken 60 seconds ago. If the
comparison reveals that the new image matches the previous
one, the process continues seamlessly without interrupting
the user. However, if another user begins using the
application and their image is captured after 60 seconds but
fails to match the previous image, a toast message
displaying "User's face not detected" will appear on the
application screen[8].The application will proceed smoothly
once the user's face is detected, but if detection fails, the
alert message will persist.
Image Capturing
The first and foremost process is capturing the image
from the front camera. There are two images to be compared
in this application, the first is manually recorded during the
registration process where the user’s photo is captured and
saved in the database, and the second is recorded every 60
sec while using the app. Both the images are pre-processed
Fig 1.Backend Functionality of the app
after they are captured and then optimized further to send it
to the neural network[10].
Image Normalization
A. Authentication using AWS:
During this process, the pixel values of an image are
As discussed previously, let's now explore the
rescaled to a range between 0 and 1. This technique is
authentication process within AWS. AWS is widely
employed to convert the pixel intensity values of each image
recognized for its strong focus on security. When a user
within this range, allowing for easier and more efficient
accesses an application integrated with AWS, they are
image comparison. As a result, the captured photos in the
required to go through an authentication procedure. During
application are normalized, ensuring that the comparison of
this process, the user is prompted to provide their login
images is conducted on a standardized scale.
credentials. They are presented with two options: to sign in
Fig 3: Edit your Bio The development of a dating web application that
prioritizes user privacy and data security is a crucial step
The results of this project indicate the successful towards providing a safe and transparent platform for
development and implementation of a dating web individuals seeking romantic connections. By incorporating
application that prioritizes user privacy and data security. features such as face registration and verification, the
The application offers a range of features, including partner application ensures authenticity and reduces the risk of
matching based on horoscopes, interests, compatibility impersonation. The collection of basic user details, along
percentage, and location. By registering the user's face and with the implementation of machine learning models for
implementing regular face verification, the application facial recognition, helps in minimizing the creation of fake
ensures transparency and minimizes the risk of accounts and enhancing the overall user experience.
impersonation or unauthorized use.
The inclusion of personalized matching criteria, such
The user experience has been enhanced through as horoscopes, interests, compatibility percentages, and
intuitive navigation, profile customization options, and the location, allows users to connect with potential partners
ability to interact with potential matches. The scroll based on shared traits and preferences. Additionally, the
functionality for browsing profiles, double-tap for liking, introduction of convenient features like double-tapping to
and swipe gestures for navigation provide a user-friendly express interest, swiping for profile browsing, and
interface. The feature to bookmark profiles for future bookmarking options enhances user engagement and
reference adds convenience. facilitates efficient exploration of potential matches.
One notable advancement is the elimination of fees for On the backend, the utilization of machine learning
viewing people who liked the user's profile, which is models, including FaceNet, optimizes the processing of user
typically charged by other dating applications. This images while ensuring privacy. The temporary image
streamlined approach enables users to easily identify those capture and comparison process effectively verifies user
interested in them and initiate interactions without wasting identity, allowing the application to run smoothly. The
time. adoption of space-saving techniques for image feature