Excel Advanced Assignment

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The document presented an eight-year financial projection for Product X that included projections for sales, costs, expenses, income, and taxes. It also included assumptions for annual sales growth, price increases, and margins.

The assumptions made in the financial projections included the units sold in the prior year, annual cost increases, annual sales growth rates, annual price increase percentages, and gross margin percentages.

The projections accounted for annual increases in sales, costs of goods, expenses like salaries and supplies, and factors like price increases and sales growth rates.


1 Adaptive Solutions Online

Eight-Year Financial Projection for Product X

4 Sales 42,524,207 45,222,900 48,092,858 51,144,951 54,390,737

5 Cost of Goods 29,809,469 31,701,253 33,713,093 35,852,611 38,127,907
6 Gross Margin 12,714,738 13,521,647 14,379,765 15,292,340 16,262,830
7 Expenses
8 Advertising 3,190,816 3,393,217 3,608,464 3,837,371 4,080,805
9 Maintenance 500,000 625,000 430,000 525,000 550,000
10 Rent 1,050,000 1,113,000 1,179,780 1,250,567 1,325,601
11 Salaries 5,953,389 6,331,206 6,733,000 7,160,293 7,614,703
12 Shipping 1,445,823 1,537,579 1,635,157 1,738,928 1,849,285
13 Supplies 467,766 497,452 529,021 562,594 598,298
14 Web Services 75,000 80,250 85,868 91,878 98,310
15 Total Expenses 12,682,794 13,577,704 14,201,291 15,166,632 16,117,002

17 Operating Income 31,944 (56,057) 178,474 125,708
18 Income Tax 11,180 0 62,466 43,998 51,040
19 Net Income 20,764 (56,057) 116,008 81,710
22 Assumptions
23 Units sold in Prior Year 242,847
24 Unit Cost $ 122.75
25 Annual Sales Growth 3.50%
26 Annual Price Increase 2.75%
27 Margin 29.90%


54,390,737 57,842,510 61,513,340 65,417,130

38,127,907 40,547,599 43,120,851 45,857,408
16,262,830 17,294,910 18,392,489 19,559,722

4,080,805 4,339,688 4,615,000 4,907,785

550,000 450,000 400,000 400,000
1,325,601 1,405,137 1,489,445 1,578,812
7,614,703 8,097,951 8,611,868 9,158,398
1,849,285 1,966,645 2,091,454 2,224,182
598,298 636,268 676,647 719,588
98,310 105,191 112,555 120,434
16,117,002 17,000,881 17,996,968 19,109,199

145,828 294,030 395,520 450,523

51,040 102,910 138,432 157,683
94,788 191,119 257,088 292,840
t in this chapter.. Labs' 1 and 2, whicha i'ocrease
Desìgn and/or create a workbook using. the guideline's,. cóncepts, and skills presen ed

create solutions
based on whät you learned iń the chapter; Läb 3. requires you to create a solution, which usës claud. and web techńo
investigating on your own from
general guiadänce. . “ ” “ "
Lab 1: EipŁit-Year Financial Projection
Problem: Your ’supervisor in the finä nce department at Adaptive SoluÙ ons Online has ílSkecÍ you to ‘create. a worksheët:fö r .th
project the annual gross margin, total expcnscs,
opéra;ing incorrie, incomé. íaxes, and net incöme for che next eight years based on the assu rnptions in Table .3 —9. The, deisired w
—84. In Part 1, you will create the worksheet. Jn Part 2, you will creaté a chart to present the data, shown in Figure 3 —85 on
pã Age EX 201. In P.art 3, you xvíİl use Goal Seek to analyze three different sales scena rios.

” " . - ' • . e - . •
Ucts Said !ü Prior Year
Uńit Cost.
Annùal Šaİes GroMh

” .Adüual. I?riče Ïńc/rease

Working with Large Worksheet, Charting, and What-If Analysis Excol Qg g
1. Run
Exccl and create a blank workbook. Apply the Celestial theme to the worksheet. Bold the entire worksheet.
Enter the worksheet title Adaptive SoluC ions Onllne in cell Al and the subtitle
light -Yea= Financ ia1 Proj ection £or Pro‹3uc t X in cell A2. Format the worksheet
tide in cell /\1 to 28-point Aharoni and the worksheet subtitle in cell A2 to 18-point Aharoni. Enter the system Plate i
A'OW function. Format the date to the 14-Mar-12 style.
Ch‹i nge the following column widths: A = 24.00 characters; B through I = 14.00 characters. Change the heights of ro
and 22 to 18.00 points.
Enter tlic eigh t column titles Year 1 through Year 8 in the range B3:I3 by entering Year 1 in cell B3 end then clragg
handle through the range C3:I3. Format cell B3 as follows:
a. Increase the font size to 12.
b. Center ‹i ncl italici ze it.
c. /iigle its contents counterclockwise.
Use the to rnaat Painter button to copy the format assigned to cell B3 to the range C3:I3.
Enter the row titles in the range A4:AU. Change the font in cells A7, AU, A17, and A19 to 14-]9uint /Vharoni (or a s
thick bottom borders to the ranges B3:I3 and BS:IJ. Use the Increase Inclent hutton (1-ION\UE teb I Alignment grou
indent of the ro titlcs in cell /\5, the range A8:A l4, and cell A18.
If i‘e‹juestetl lay your instructor, change the entry in row 14 by inserting your surname prior to tae text, \ñ fi1a Sei
7. Em tcr the tahle title Assump tions in cell A22. Enter the assumptions in Table 3 —9 on page EX 198 i n the ran ge U 3:B2 7. Use format symbols whe
numbers. Change the font size of the ta Idle title in cell U 2 to 10-point Aharoni and underline it.
b. Select the i a rage fl4:I19 a ncl then tap or click the Number Format Dialog Box Launcher fl-IO \ IF t: la 1 fi'uinbcr
the Format Cells dialog box. Use the Number
category (Format Cells clialog box) to assign the Number style with no decimal places and negatii'e iailIiibers enclose
to the range B4:119.
9. Com)alete the following entries:
a. Year I Sales = Umi ‹s Sold in Prior Year * (Unit Cost / (1 — Margin))
b. Year 2 Sa les (cell C4) = Year 1 Sales * (1 + Annual Sales Growth) * (1 + Annual Price
I ncreiise)
C. Cop} cell C4 to the range D4:14.

d. Year 1 Cost of Goods (cell BS) = Year 1 Sales * (1 — iVtargin)

c. Co|ay cell B 5 to the range CS:I5.

Gross 4Inrgin (cell B6) = Year 1 Sales - Year 1 Cost of Goods

g. Copy cell B6 to the range C6:I6.
h. â "ear 1 Advertising (cell B8) = 1500 + 7.5 % * Year 1 Sales Copy cell B8 to the range C8:18.
/Vlaintenance (row 9): Year I = 500,000; Year 2 = 625,000¡ Year 3 = 430,000; Year 4 =
525,000; Year 5 = S50,000; Year 6 = 450,000; Year 7 = fi00,000; Year 8 =

Year 1 Rent (cell B10) = 1,0J0,000

1. Year 2 Rent (cell C 10) = Year 1 Rent + (6% * Year 1 Rent)
m. Copy cell C 10 to the range D 10:110.
Year 1 Rent (cell B10) = 1,0J0,000
1. Year 2 Rent (cell C 10) = Year 1 Rent + (6% * Year 1 Rent)
m. Copy cell C 10 to the range D 10:110.
in this chapter.. Labs' 1 and 2, whicha i'ocrease in difficulty, r”equire you to

you to create a solution, which usës claud. and web techńoIog.ies; by ’learning .and

SoluÙ ons Online has ílSkecÍ you to ‘create. a worksheët:fö r .the flagship prodiict that WilÏ

ars based on the assu rnptions in Table .3 —9. The, deisired worksheet is shown in Figure 3
eaté a chart to present the data, shown in Figure 3 —85 on
ifferent sales scena rios.

3. 5õ .%

orksheet, Charting, and What-If Analysis Excol Qg g
ial theme to the worksheet. Bold the entire worksheet.
e in cell Al and the subtitle
n cell A2. Format the worksheet
ubtitle in cell A2 to 18-point Aharoni. Enter the system Plate in cell 12 using the
cters; B through I = 14.00 characters. Change the heights of rows 7, IS, 17, 19,

he range B3:I3 by entering Year 1 in cell B3 end then clragging cell B3’s fill

signed to cell B3 to the range C3:I3.

nt in cells A7, AU, A17, and A19 to 14-]9uint /Vharoni (or a sirn ilar font). Add
the Increase Inclent hutton (1-ION\UE teb I Alignment group) to increase the
d cell A18.
ow 14 by inserting your surname prior to tae text, \ñ fi1a Sei vices.
EX 198 i n the ran ge U 3:B2 7. Use format symbols when entering the
U 2 to 10-point Aharoni and underline it.
Number Format Dialog Box Launcher fl-IO \ IF t: la 1 fi'uinbcr group) to display

r style with no decimal places and negatii'e iailIiibers enclosed in parentheses

(1 — Margin))
Sales Growth) * (1 + Annual Price


Sales Copy cell B8 to the range C8:18.

ar 3 = 430,000; Year 4 =
0; Year 8 = 400,000.

EN 200 EB I Chapter 3 Working with Large Worksheets, Charting, and What-If Analysis
In the Labs
n. Year 1 Salaries (cell B11) = 14% * Year 1 Sales
Copy cell B11 to the range CH:111.
p. Year 1 Shipping (cell B12) = 3.4% * Year 1 Sales
q- Copy cell B12 to the range C12:I12.
Year I Supplies (cell B13) = 1.1 % * \"ear I Sales
Copy cell B13 to the range C13:I13.
Year 1 Web Services (cell B14) = 75,000
Year 2 Web Services (cell C14) = 1"ear 1 \A*eb Services + (7 % * \"ear 1 U*eb Services)
Copy cell C14 to the range D14:114.
Year 1 Total Expenses (cell B15) = SUM(B8:B l4).
Copy cell B15 to the range C15:I15.
y Year I Operating Income (cell B17) = Year 1 Gross Murpaiia - Year 1 Total Ex|aenses.
Copy cell B17 to the range C17:117.

ff. Insert column sparklines in cells JA, J6, J8 J *, and J17 J 1*1 usiiip r-a ngcs B :IJ, 136: l0, B8:18 — B15:Il 5, and B17:I17
10. Change the background colors, as shown in Figure 3 — S4. Use Olii e i reen, Accent 4, Liyl ter‘ 40% for the backgroun
11. Save the workbook using the file name, Lab 3 - 1 Adaptive Som tions Online Eight-\"ear Financial Projection.
12. Preview the worksheet. Use the Orientation button (PAGE LAYOUT tab l Page Setup group) to fit the printout on one p
orientation. Preview the formulas version (CTRL+’) of the worksheet in landscape orientation using the Fit to option. Pres
instruct Excel to display the values version of the worksheet. Save the xvorkhooY again and close the workbook.
13. Submit the workbook as specified by your instructor.
Icons Part 2:
1. Run Excel. Open the workbook Lab 3 - 1 Adaptive Solutions Online Eight-Year Financial
2. Use the nonadjacent ranges B3:I3 and B 19:119 to create a 2-D Area chart. You can draw the chart by using the Insert A
(INSERT tab I Charts group). then the chart is displayed, tap or click the Move Chart button to move the chart to a new she
3. Use the Chart Elements button to add a vertical axis title. Edit the axis title text to read Net
Income. Bold the axis title.
4. Change the Chart Style to Style 8 in the Chart Styles Gallery (CHART TOOLS DESIGN tab 1 Chart Styles group). Use the 'Chart Quick

tab I Chart Styles group) to change the color scheme to Monochromatic Color 13.
hapter 3 Working with Large Worksheets, Charting, and What-If Analysis
In the Labs
n. Year 1 Salaries (cell B11) = 14% * Year 1 Sales
Copy cell B11 to the range CH:111.
p. Year 1 Shipping (cell B12) = 3.4% * Year 1 Sales
q- Copy cell B12 to the range C12:I12.
Year I Supplies (cell B13) = 1.1 % * \"ear I Sales
Copy cell B13 to the range C13:I13.
Year 1 Web Services (cell B14) = 75,000
Year 2 Web Services (cell C14) = 1"ear 1 \A*eb Services + (7 % * \"ear 1 U*eb Services)
Copy cell C14 to the range D14:114.
Year 1 Total Expenses (cell B15) = SUM(B8:B l4).
Copy cell B15 to the range C15:I15.
y Year I Operating Income (cell B17) = Year 1 Gross Murpaiia - Year 1 Total Ex|aenses.
Copy cell B17 to the range C17:117.

Year I Income Taxes (cell B18): If Year 1 Operating Licornc is less thtu4 0, then \’e.ii 1 Income Taxes equal 0;
otlieovise Year 1 Incoiiie Taxcs equal 3 S % * Year 1 O|aera tiny Income
Copy cell B18 to the range C 18:118.
Year l Net Income (cell B19) = Year 1 Operating Income - Yea i I Income S:i xcs. Copy cell B 19 to the range
In cell J4, insert a column sparkline (INSERT tab I Spa rLlincs rou Ja) for cell i‹1It c
column sparklines in cells JA, J6, J8 J *, and J17 J 1*1 usiiip r-a ngcs B :IJ, 136: l0, B8:18 — B15:Il 5, and B17:I17 — B19:119
e the background colors, as shown in Figure 3 — S4. Use Olii e i reen, Accent 4, Liyl ter‘ 40% for the background colors.
the workbook using the file name, Lab 3 - 1 Adaptive Som tions Online Eight-\"ear Financial Projection.
ew the worksheet. Use the Orientation button (PAGE LAYOUT tab l Page Setup group) to fit the printout on one page in landscape
n. Preview the formulas version (CTRL+’) of the worksheet in landscape orientation using the Fit to option. Press CTRL+’ to
xcel to display the values version of the worksheet. Save the xvorkhooY again and close the workbook.
it the workbook as specified by your instructor.
t 2:
xcel. Open the workbook Lab 3 - 1 Adaptive Solutions Online Eight-Year Financial
e nonadjacent ranges B3:I3 and B 19:119 to create a 2-D Area chart. You can draw the chart by using the Insert Area Chart button
ab I Charts group). then the chart is displayed, tap or click the Move Chart button to move the chart to a new sheet.
e Chart Elements button to add a vertical axis title. Edit the axis title text to read Net
Bold the axis title.
e the Chart Style to Style 8 in the Chart Styles Gallery (CHART TOOLS DESIGN tab 1 Chart Styles group). Use the 'Chart Quick Colors’ button (CHART

Chart Styles group) to change the color scheme to Monochromatic Color 13.
Working with Large Worksheets, Charting, and What-If Analysis Excal g jg ''’“*
Eight-Year Financial Projection and Projected Net Income Chart.
5. Rename the sheet tabs

Rearrange the
sheets so that the worksheet is leftmost and color the tabs as shown in
Figure 3 — 85.
Figure 3 -85
I inrnctioiir Part 3:
1. Divide the window into Evo panes between rows 6 and 7. Use the scroll bars to show both the top and bottom of the wo
numbers in columns 2 and 3 of Table 3 — 10, analyze the effect of changing the annual sales growth (cell B2 5) and annual
on the net incomes in row 19. Record the answers for each case and submit the
results in ii for rn as requested by your insmictor.

.. - i' . . -

1 4.50%

2 2.50%
3 1.50%
2. Close the workbook without saving it and then reopen it. Use the ‘What-lf Analysis’ button (DATA tab I Dat
seek. Determine a margin that would result in a Year 8 net income of $500,000. Save the workbook with your nee
Adaptive Solutions Online Eight-Year Financial Projection CT. Submit the workbook with the new
values or the results of the goal seek as requested by your instructor.
g, and What-If Analysis Excal g jg ''’“*

bars to show both the top and bottom of the worksheet. Using the
g the annual sales growth (cell B2 5) and annual price increase (cell B26)

- s . - -

3.5036 , '

5.0096 .' ., ,
e ‘What-lf Analysis’ button (DATA tab I Data Tools group) to goal
500,000. Save the workbook with your needed changes as Lab 3-1
t the workbook with the new

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