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MATRIC NO: 170408112




I, Ojo. Precious Mojolaoluwa with matriculation number 170408112, hereby declare that this
report was written by me and it is a record of all activities carried out during the period that I was
on SIWES. All sources of information are clearly acknowledged by means of references.


Signature Date

This is to certify that the activities reported in this report were carried out by Ojo Precious
Mojolaoluwa under my supervision and submitted to the Department of Biological Sciences,
Faculty of Science, Ondo State University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa Ondo State.

DR. A. O. OSEWOLE …………………………….

SIWES Supervisor Signature / Date

DR. A. O. OJATULA ………………………………

SIWES Coordinator Signature / Date

DR. I.A. ADEYEMO ……………..……………….

Head of Department Signature / Date

This SIWES report is dedicated to God almighty and to my parents Mr. & Mrs. Ojo.

My sincere appreciation goes to God Almighty, who through His love has made it possible for
me to write this report.
I also appreciate my parent, for their moral, financial, emotional, physical and spiritual support
during the period of my SIWES, may God grant you long life and good health to eat the fruit of
your labour.

I would also like to appreciate my supervisor in person of Dr. A. O.Osewole. I sincerely want to
appreciate your correction, time and your valuable discussion session.






TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………………………

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………………...vii


CHAPTER ONE…………………………………………………………………………………..1

1.0 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………. 1

1.1 Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)……………………………………..1

1.1.2 The Roles of Students during Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)…...2

1.2 The Log Book…………………………………………………………………………………2

CHAPTER TWO……………………………………………………………………………….....3

2.0 Brief History of Cway Group………………………………………………………................ 3

2.1 Structure of the company……………………………………………………………………...6

CHAPTER THREE…………………………………………………………………………….....7

3.0 Brief Description of work done at Cway Nigeria Drinking Water……………………………7

3.1 Safety Precautions in the Industry………………………………………………………….....8

3.2 Introduction to Water Treatment……………………………………………………………...8

3.3 Equipments used in the Water Treatment Section…………………………………………....9

3.4 Filtration Process…………………………………………………………………………….11

3.4.1 Activated Carbon filters……………………………………………………………………12
3.4.2 Ultra filter…………………………………………………………………………………..13

3.4.3 Reverse Osmosis Machine………………………………………………………………13.
3.4.4 Titanium filter…………………………………………………………………………….14
3.5 Physiochemical analysis of Water………………………………………………………….16

3.6 Prime Mineral Water……………………………………………………………………….16

3.6.1 Formation of Prime Mineral Water……………………………………………………….16
3.6.2 Physicochemical analysis of Prime Mineral Water pH…………………………………..,17
3.6.3 Determination of Table Water electrical Conductivity…………………………………....18
3.7 Bottle blowing Section………………………………………………………………………19
3.8 Quality Department……………………………………………………………………..........21

3.8.1 Laboratory Rules…………………………………………………………………………..22

3.8.2 Machines and Equipment used in the Laboratory………………………………………….23
3.9 Microbiology Laboratory…………………………………………………………………….24
3.9.1 Procedures for Microbiology Analysis performed in the Laboratory……………………,,25
CHAPTER FOUR………………………………………………………………………………. 29

4.0 PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED………………………………………………………………29

4.1 BENEFITS………………………………………………………………………………….. 29


RECOMMENDATION………………………………………………………………………… 31

REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………….. 32

1. Products of CWAY group Nigeria Drinking Water
2. Establishment Organogram..………………………………………………………………5
3. Water Treatment flow diagram…………………………………………………………..15
4. PET Preform Bottle………………………………………………………………………20
5. Plates arranged in safety cabinet before culturing takes place……………………………

This report is made to give proper outline in full details what I learnt at my industry of my

attachment during my six-month Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme at CWAY, Lagos

State Nigeria. It would be of larger benefit if the reader of this material has background

knowledge of this program, the nature and its objectives. I strongly believe that this report will

be a source of information to lecturers, Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and persons who might

wish to know about all I have done during my training period so that they can be able to evaluate

the efficiency of the program. This report might also serve as guide to all students who might be

partaking in the program in nearest future.

1.1 Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
The student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) was introduced in Nigeria by the
decree No. 46 of 1971 for students in higher institution and was designed to enable students
have practical industrial knowledge in their various discipline. More so, this programme
designed by the Federal Government of Nigeria via the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) as the
supervisor in collaboration with the tertiary institution to train students professionally in their
respective fields of learning hence providing each student an opportunity for practical
exposure outside the institution through attachment to industrial establishments, companies,
research stations etc.
SIWES is more or less a skill-training programme, which forms part of the approved
minimum academic requirement in the various degree programs for all Universities in Nigeria.
It is an effort to bridge the gap existing between theory and practice of Engineering and
Technology, Science, Agriculture, Medicine, Management and other professional Education
programme in Nigeria tertiary institutions.
It is aimed at exposing students to the operation of machine and equipment, professional work
methods and industrial safety of works in industries and other organizations. The scheme is
tripartite programme involving the students, the university and the industries (employers of
labour). (Onwuji, 2004)
Participation in SIWES has become a necessary pre-condition for the award of Diploma and
Degree certificates in specific disciplines in all institutions of higher learning in the country, in
accordance with the education policy of government.

1.1.1 Objectives of the Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)

The objectives of the students’ industrial work experience scheme are among others:

(1) To provide an avenue for the students in institution of higher learning to bridge the gap
between theoretical knowledge in their chosen course of study
(2) To prepare students for the work situation they are likely to meet after graduation

(3) To promote technological advancement and enhance students’ contribution to the
economic development of the nation.
(4) To acquire professional ethics and etiquettes

(5) To develop good working relationship between superior and subordinates

(6) To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and
machineries that they may not have opportunity to work with within educational

(7) Witnessing of large scale practical which may be different from small scale practical
obtainable in the school laboratory though both may be based on the same principle.

1.1.2 The Roles of Students during Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
1. Students are expected to obey all the regulatory laws guiding the company.
2. To partake in all activities and work given them during intership,
3. Be obedient to their superiors and supervisors.
4. Expected to submit completed form 8 to ITF
5. Student must record the activities of each working day clearly with sketches and diagrams
where necessary.
6. Students are expected their submit to the industry based supervisor every week for comments
and signature.
7. They must submit reports on the scheme to ITF after the program.
1.2 The Log Book
The log-book is designed to assist student in keeping accurate record of his or her training during
SIWES. It shows the departments of the industry where a student has worked, and the period
spent in each department. The student must record the activities of each working day clearly with
sketches and diagrams where necessary. The logbook must be submitted to the industry based
supervisor every week for comments and signature. In addition, the logbook must be presented to
the trainer’s industry based supervisors at the end of each full month [ four weeks] for
assessment and comments. The university SIWES Supervisor/ITF Officer will check the log
book during monthly visit to ensure that proper training is being received by each student, and
also record their comments.
CWAY GROUP is a multinational company specialized in the production and wholesale supply
of treated water, water dispensers, soft drinks, and food and beverages industry in countries of
Africa & Asia.

CWAY as a company was founded by Mr. Onest Che in Nigeria in 1999. The founder whom at
the initial period of his investment in Nigeria had no prior experience of Nigeria or much of
Africa but for his passion to bring about improved social welfare scheme and people
empowerment via technology towards improving lifestyles in developing countries was his

Therefore, for these reasons he sacrificed his comfort and time and ventured to Nigeria where he
committed his limited resources alongside his strong ambition, hard work and human resource
management skills then to start up a small commercial business model which fortunately
overtime successfully grew into a multinational investment today.

CWAY in the last 22 years of fast-paced development, CWAY is now regarded as a self-
sustaining company moving towards becoming a global enterprise operating 16 plants across
Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya, and China.  Thirteen (13) of these plants are located in Nigeria: Lagos,
Ota, Kano, Kaduna, Abuja, Benin, and Port Harcourt with thousands of employees.

 18.9 Litres refillable dispenser water brand
 Prime
 Table water Brand
 750ml
 1.5 Litres
 Water Dispenser Machines
 Rugged
 Durable
 Aesthetic

FIGURE 1: Products of CWAY group Nigeria Drinking Water Company.

FSTL = Food safety Team Leader

FIGURE 2: Establishment Organogram


The company is comprised of various departments each performing different functions, which

 Human Resource Department: This department ensures employment, salaries or wages,

human welfare, efficiency and effectiveness of the company
 Production Department: This department is concern with the blowing of Preform PET to
bottle which are used for water packaging.
 Quality Department: This department helps to check mate the raw materials in the
production up to the package of the material, if it meets the standard Quality Assurance.
 Branding Department: This department helps to design a good packaging system that
befit the product.
 Healthy and Safety Department: It is department designed to aid the employees in terms
of medical services.
 Finance Department: This department monitor is the monetary inflow of the company.
 Consumer Service Department: This department helps to attend to the consumer and their
related complains, they help to provide good customer service relation.
 Logistics Department: This department ensures good transportation system of the
company’s products from one place to the other.
 Engineering Department: This department ensures the smooth running of machines and
other equipment through proper servicing, repairing and maintenance.
 Planning and Purchasing Department: This department helps in the planning and
purchasing of items such goods, equipment, tools, ingredients etc. that are of good quality
for the company.
 Sales Department: This department ensures the marketing of the company’s product.



On my first day at CWAY Nigeria Drinking Water Science and Technology Company, I was
posted to the Production department and Quality Control laboratory where documentations of
production analysis were done and where analysis such as physiochemical and microbial analysis
are carried out on food samples. On getting to the Production department, I was welcomed by my
industry-based supervisor, who in turn introduced me to other staff of the unit. I was introduced
to the major equipment used in the laboratory and how to carry out some documentation
analysis. I was informed of the rules and regulations guiding the laboratory and precautions on

The ability of a food industry to provide a continuous supply of nutrition and healthful food to
the consumer is highly dependent on the processing and equipment used throughout all stages of
handling, processing and distribution. The efficiency of these stages is a function of an effective
quality assurance system. CWAY Nigeria Drinking Water quality control department therefore,
in collaboration with production departments and with other department, is charged with the
sole responsibility of keeping the good image of the company by meeting customers’ maximum
satisfaction. This is achieved by employing several quality management practices such as GHP
(Good Hygienic Practices), GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and HACCP (Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point), AFF (Analytical Fault Finding) etc.
In Quality department, they involved the following operations:
Raw material/input inspection.
 Process Monitoring and Control.
 Proper documentation of results.
In Production department, they involved the following operations:
 Computation of daily production.
 Calculating Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for each workers and staff.
 Calculating the overall equipment efficiency (OEE) of machines.
CWAY Nigeria Drinking Water quality management system has been designed in such a way
that ensures that the products are prepared, package and handled in the most hygienic
Safety is the key component of CWAY Nigeria culture and it is hereby mandatory to all
incoming and existing employees i.e. (Full Time Employees & 3rd party Employees) to strictly
adhere to the rules that guide against the PPEs (Personal Preventive Equipment); Safety boat,
Reflective jacket, Safety goggle, ear plug, hand gloves, nose mask etc. The Slogan goes thus
SAFETY FIRST!!! SAFETY ALWAYS!!! At that, they have 12 lifesaving rules (LSR). The
LSR are listed below;
1. Be sober and free from drugs.
2. Wear your seatbelt and helmet.
3. Operate vehicles only when authorized.
4. Phone hands free
5. Drive at allowed speed.
6. Lock out, tag out before work on machines or equipment begins.
7. Comply with CO2 procedure when required.
8. Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space.
9. Obtain authorisation before starting any hot work activity.
10. Protect yourself when working with chemicals.
11. If at any point of work and you are confuse , ask question
12. Protect yourself against a fall when working at height.
13. Drive forklift trucks safely.


CWAY water is source from the underground, 160ft deep, with the aid of a well-constructed
borehole located few meters from the production building with the use a 7.5 High Pressure pump
(HPP) into a stainless tank of 6600litres capacity. The water is pumped with a stainless steel
pumping machine of 5.5 High Pressure to pass through the two industrial modules where
filtration process begins in the water treatment plant. The goal of water treatment process in
CWAY Nigeria Drinking Water Company is to remove existing contaminants in the water so
that the water becomes fit for production and consumption.

Water treatment section is a place where water treatment process is been carried out to produce a
purified and satisfied water for human consumption. Production starts at the water treatment
house, where the raw water gotten from borehole is processed through series of purifying device
down to the filling room where it has been packaged into the bottles for consumption. The water
treatment procedure employed originally focused on improving the aesthetic qualities water.


Below are the systematic processes involved in water treatment before consumption and sale in
CWAY Nigeria Drinking Water Company .
From the borehole, the water is been pumped to the aeration tank, here the water enters
the tank via sprinkler nozzles and it falls into the tank in drop like form allowing oxygen
from the atmosphere to get in contact with it , thereby giving off ammonia nitrogen, foul
smell, and any volatile elements or gases therein.
This tank functions as a temporary storage of water pumped in from the aeration tank. It
allows the untreated water to settle before pumping into the manganese bed tank.
This tank contains silicon sands of varies texture and coarse arranged by stratification in
beds. Water flows in and out of the tank. This tank removes all sand, insoluble solids,
stones and particles from the water by binding to it closely in according to its size and
The activated carbon is deposited in this tank and water flows into and out of the tank.
Activated carbon (in granules) is used to remove organic constituents (by adsorption) and
residual disinfectants (by catalytic reduction) in water. It improves the taste and sparkling
of the water. It helps the reverse osmosis machines from excessive workload and early

These are filters mounted immediately after the activated carbon tank to collect and filter
out any remaining tiny particles from entering into the reverse osmosis machine. The
filter pores are as tiny as 5ꭎmm in size that can filter even the tiniest particles.


This removes the inorganic soluble constituents (e.g. salts) in the water by forcing
the water to pass through a film like semi permeable membrane which allows only
pure water to pass through and organic compounds are flushed down the exhaust
pipe. It removes impurities as low as 0.001microns. It is the most effective approach
for water purification worldwide. It effectively removes particles, pathogens and
colloids from the water. It can also remove about 99% of total dissolved solid in
water. A pumping machine of 18.5HP pumps water from the R.O to the first
treatment water tank. A carefully prepared 25kg Caustic soda (Sodium Hydroxide)
into 200Litres of water is dosed into the water. This helps to regulate the pH, soften
and sanitized the water. From here a pumping machine of 18.5HP pumps the water
from the R.O machine into treatment water tank II.
Anti-scalant chemical is generally known as reverse osmosis membrane treatment
chemical prepared by (sodium Hexa-Meta potassium). It is a pre-treatment chemical
injected into the feed water before the water enters the Reverse osmosis membranes.
A carefully prepared 100ml of anti-scalant into 200Liters of water is dosed into the feed
water and this to prevent hardness of water and fouling of the R.O membranes

Ozone gas that is generated from the ozone generator at a reading of 3mg/l is diffused
into the finished reverse osmosis water for sterilization. It kills every microbial growth
and presence in the water. It also removes odour, taste, colour and destroyed
microorganisms and pathogens present in water. The soda solution at a concentration of

0.1kg/l is dosed into the finished reverse osmosis water as well to improve the pH value
of the water to meet industrial specification (6.5-8.5).
The treated/ozonised water is pumped with the aid of a stainless steel pumping. The next
page is the flow chart for the Water Treatment operation.


The filtration process involves physical and chemical process for separating suspended and
colloidal impurities from water by passage through a porous medium, usually a bed of sand or
other granular material. Water fills the pores of the medium and the impurities are left behind in
the openings or upon the medium itself. Filtration plays an important role in the natural
treatment of groundwater as it percolates through the soil. It is also a major part of most water
treatment. The process depends on a combination of complex physical and chemical
mechanisms, the most important being adsorption. Adsorption is the process of particles
sticking onto the surface of the individual filter grains or onto the previously deposited
materials. Forces that attract and hold particles to the grains are the same as those that work in
coagulation and flocculation.


This is used in sand filtration; a process of removing suspended material from the water in all
treatment system by allowing water to pass through the sand filter. The type of sand filter used
is Rapid Sand Filters. In the Rapid Sand Filters, there are four layers of different sands in the
order below:
This is an up flow sand filter and it is easier to remove trapped debris from up flow sand filters,
compared to filters in which the water flows downwards. Fine sand grains are at the bottom of
the sand layer with larger grains farther up the filter. As a result, the filter removes most
suspended material in the first few inches of the filter. Much higher application velocities are
used and filtration occurs through the depth of the filter. The coarser sand in the sand filter has
larger voids that do not fill as easily. Gravel installed above the sand layer(s) in the filter
prevents filter sand from being lost during filtration and supports the filter sand. The under-

gravel also distributes the backwash water evenly across the total filter. As the filter begins to
clog from accumulated solids, less water will pass through it. At some point, cleaning is
required. Sand filter is cleaned by backwashing through the filters to flush out accumulated
foreign material in the reverse flow direction. The backwash water is taken from the existing
storage tank and conveyed to the filter by means of a backwash pump assisted by a scavenging
blower to loosen up the filter bed in order to optimize the cleaning process.

A sand filter purifies the water in three ways:
i. Filtration: in which particles are physically strained from the incoming wastewater.
ii. Chemical sorption: in which contaminants stick to the surface of the sand and to the
biological growth on the sand surface.
iii. Assimilation: in which aerobic microbes eat the nutrients in the wastewater. The
success of treating wastewater depends on these microbes. Air must be available for
these microbes to live.
Water from the sand filter is transported to the carbon filter. Activated carbon filter tank is a
canister holding coarse carbon in a column through which water passes Activated carbon helps
in removing organic constituents, absorption of odour, colour and taste. Activated carbon is a
favoured water treatment technique because of its multifunctional nature and the fact that it adds
nothing detrimental to the treated water. The Granulated Activated Carbon is made from raw
materials such as nutshells, wood, coal and petroleum. The effectiveness of removal depends
not only on the types of carbon used but also on the length of time the water is in contact with
the carbon.
Typical surface area for activated carbon is approximately 1,000 square meters per gram
(m2/gm). However, different raw materials produce different types of activated carbon varying
in hardness, density, pore and particle sizes, surface areas, extractable, ash and ph. These
differences in properties make certain carbons preferable over others in different applications.
The two principal mechanisms by which activated carbon removes contaminants from water are
adsorption and catalytic reduction.  Organics are removed by adsorption and residual
disinfectants are removed by catalytic reduction. The contaminant is attracted to and held

(adsorbed) on the surface of the carbon particles. The characteristics of the carbon material
(particle and pore size, surface area, surface chemistry, density, and hardness) influence the
efficiency of adsorption. The characteristics of the chemical contaminant such as the tendency
of the chemical to leave water are also important. Compounds that are less water soluble
(hydrophobic) are more likely to be adsorbed to a solid. A second characteristic is the attraction
of the contaminant to the carbon surface. If several compounds are present in the water, strong
absorbers will attach to the carbon in greater quantity than those with weak adsorbing ability.
These combined factors enable the activated carbon material to draw the molecule out of the
A micron rating for a fluid filter is a generalized way of indicating the ability of the filter to
remove contaminants by the size of the particles. A filter that is marked “10 microns” has some
capability in capturing particles as small as 10 microns. However, there is no one accepted
method to measure and describe the size of particles that a filter can capture or the total amount
of particles that the filter can hold. When you see the filter marked “10 microns”, you will not
know exactly what this means unless you also have a description of the test and standards used
to determine the filter rating. 2 micron filter medium should only be used in final or secondary
filters where the fuel is first filtered by a primary filter. The primary filter for a 2 micron final
filter should use a 10 micron medium
There are three types of pre-filter tanks. The 5micron, 1micon and 0.2micron filter tanks. These
filters filter minute carbon particles and any other particle present in the treated water. The 5
micron filters large particles down to the size of 5micron, the 1micron and 0.2micron filters to
the particle sizes of 1micron and 0.2micron respectively. After filtering, the water is passed to
the treated water I.
This removes the inorganic soluble constituents (e.g. salts) in the water by forcing the water to
pass through a film like semi permeable membrane which allows only pure water to pass through
and organic compounds are flushed down the exhaust pipe. It removes impurities as low as
0.001microns. It is the most effective approach for water purification worldwide. It effectively
removes particles, pathogens and colloids from the water. It can also remove about 99% of total
dissolved solid in water. A pumping machine of 18.5HP pumps water from the R.O to the first

treatment water tank. A carefully prepared 25kg Caustic soda (Sodium Hydroxide) into
200Litres of water is dosed into the water. This helps to regulate the pH, soften and sanitized the
water. From here a pumping machine of 18.5HP pumps the water from the R.O machine into
treatment water tank II.
Ozone gas / soda solution
Ozone gas which is generated from the ozone generator at a reading of 3mg/l is diffused into the
finished reverse osmosis water for sterilization. It kills every microbial growth and presence in
the water. It also removes odour, taste, colour and destroyed microorganisms and pathogens
present in water. The soda solution at a concentration of 0.1kg/l is dosed into the finished reverse
osmosis water as well to improve the pH value of the water to meet industrial specification (6.5-
The treated/ozonised water is pumped with the aid of a stainless steel pump into the filling room
where bottle are rinsed, filled with the water and coked with the cover.
The next page is the flow chart for the Water Treatment operation.

WHO standard for portable drinking water states that Taste and odor in water must be inoffensie,
appearance must be clear and without particles, potential hydrogen must be 6.5 to 8.5, chloride
in mg/l must be 250, etc.(WHO, 2004.)

Figure 3: Water Treatment Flow Diagram

The physical analysis can be referred to as quantitative or organoleptic analysis. It covers
analysis on colour, taste, temperature, odour, turbidity, transparency etc. it involves analyst
using their sense organs.
Water should be colourless and the presence of colour indicates that it contains dissolved
colloidal material, this is usually objectionable.
Water becomes turbid when substances like salt, clay, and finely divided organic materials are
present. The presence of these colloidal materials (finely divided particles) gives the water a
cloudy appearance, which is unattractive and may be harmful. This is common with surface
(river) water during the running season. It can be measured by a turbid meter in NTU units.
Very hot or cold water is not desirable. Temperature affects the properties of water such as
viscosity, density and surface tension. The solubility of chemicals and bacteriological activity is
influenced by temperature. They also increase the taste and odour, decrease the solubility of
gases (i.e. oxygen is important in the taste of water, water without oxygen is flat in taste). This
is a common problem with ground water.
In the physio lab, we perform three main analyses using the Ph meter, EC meter, temperature
meter. Analysis record at each hour is quickly sent to any quality assurance supervisor. These
parameters of analysis can affect the drinking water quality, if their values are in higher or too
low than the safe limit set by the WHO then it will have effect on the quality of drinking water.
So, it is very important to monitor the values for proper adjustment
Prime Mineral Water is a brand
name of water product produced
in Cway Nigeria drinking water
containing some essensial
mineral which helps nurish and
support the growth of the body

system . These essensial minerals are Magnesium and Zinc which support proper fuctions of

enzymes and helps to boost the immue systems respectively. Magnesium and Zinc is a type of
mineral our body requires in a large and trace quantity respectively. These essensial mineral are
properly formulated and dosed into the treated water for production in line with Nigeria
Industrial Standard of 2mg/L for Magnesium and 5mg/L for Zinc. They are been produced both

in water dispenser of 18.9litres and in 75cl table water.

Function of zinc in the body

1. Supports healthy cells
2. Slows down ageing and boosts immunity
3. Relieves chronic fatique ( Tiredness)
4. Treats loss of hair in children and adults
Function of magnesium in the body
1. Supports nervous co-ordination
2. Keeps blood sugar levels in check
3. Builds stronger bones
4. Supports enzyme action
Prime mineral water is a mineral water produced in Cway with a special and well satisfied
procedure guilding the production of mineral water in Nigeria NIS (Nigeria Industral Standard)
and also in the world ISO (International Standard Organization).

Before the commencement of Prime mineral water production, all production regulations are
properly in adheres to and during the production of Prime water (mineral water),water in the
filling room that contains normal treated water are firstly flushed out thoroughly through the
wastewater holes ,this is done so as have a balance and well circulated mineral water in filling
room before production set in. When the intial filling room water is been floushed out
thoroughly. The prepared mineral concentrate containing Zinc and Magnesium is dosed into
treated water and passes through the titanium water tank with a pH of 6.5 - 8.5 and Electricity
Conductivity (EC) ranging from 145 – 155 µȿ/cm,which then move into the filling room where

the water are fill into the bottles for packaging. This preparation of Prime mineral water is done
inline with the Nigeria Industral Standard .


Introduction: pH is an important factor in water quality check. The pH levels during various
stages of the water treatment process affect extract potential, water colour, of the water. It is also
an important consideration for water quality during storage as a low pH inhibits bacterial growth.

Apparatus: pH meter, Beaker, water sample, round bottom flask.

Procedure: Water sample is collected on each line of production A,B,C in it finish stage before
packaging them with the shrink, and was taken to the laboratory for analysis. The electrode of
the pH meter was placed in the water sample in the beaker and the reading was recorded. This
process was done for each sample gotten from each line of production of every one hour.

Results: From the test analysis carried out on each line of production A, B, C containing treated
water, the pH meter shows that the pH of the water ranges from 6.0 – 8.5 with the Electricity
Conductivity ranges from 145 – 155 µȿ/cm . This shows and indicates that the treated water is
safe for drinking.

Note: A good water will have a pH within the range of 6.0 -8.5.


INTRODUCTION: Electricity Conductivity (EC) is the measure of the amount of electrical

current water can carry or its ability to carry a current. It is also known as specific conductance .
Salts (magnesium Sulphate and Zinc sulphate) and other chemicals that dissolve in water which
can break down into positively and negatively charged ion. These free ions in the water conduct
electricity, so the water electricity depends on the concentration of ion. The EC is a function of
dissolved ions.

Apparatus: Beaker, water sample, round bottom flask, electricity conductivity meter etc.

Procedure: Water sample is collected on each line of production A,B,C in it finish stage before
packaging them with the shrink, and was taken to the laboratory for analysis. The electrode of
the Electricity Conductivity meter was placed in the water sample in the beaker and the reading

was recorded. This process was done for each sample gotten from each line of production of
every one hour.

Result: From the test carried out on each line of production A, B, C containing treated water, the
Electricity Conductivity meter shows that the Electricity Conductivity (EC) of the water ranges
from 145 – 155 µȿ/cm ( in-house standard) with a pH of 6.5 – 8.5. This shows and indicates that
the treated water has very low ionization ions in them and it’s safe for drinking.


The Bottle blowing section is one of the crucial section in the production department where
PET( polyethylene terephthalate) preform are used in the production of plastic bottles which are
further used in the packaging of Table Water in CWAY GROUP.
In bottle blowing section the raw material use for the production of plastic bottle and further
used as packaging material is call PET (Polyethylene terephthalate). Polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) use in CWAY group is a thermoplastic polymer from the group of polyesters which can be
synthesized by a method called direct reaction of a diacid with a diol. To produce PET,
terephthalic acid is reacted with ethylene glycol.

Upon receiving this PET perform in batches (manufacturing/ production date) into the factory for
it to be used, there are some Quality assurance check done on each of the Batches of PET
preform. These analyses are done on these PET to know the quality of the PET and to prevent
any unwanted contamination with product. The PET bottle is made using a semi-finished product
preform. PET preform is produced in various variants, colour and type to the company as a
whole. Parameters such as the type of Thread, Weight, Wall thickness, Height, internal
diameters, external diameter, external diameters under the neck, length defines the quality of the
PET preform. Different PET are used for packaging different product in Cway;

 18g.30mm of PET preform are used in packaging of 750ml of Table Water

 17.30mm of PET preform are used in packaging of 750ml of Prime Table Water
 30g of PET preform are used in packaging of 1500ml of Table Water.

FIGURE 4: PET bottle preform

As water remains the number one and most popular drink in the world, hence a need for good
Quality Control and Quality Assurance needs to be done on it. The technological department
consists of various laboratories that ensure the Quality Assurance and Quality Control of water
and other packaging materials which enhance them. The major analysis or tests carried out in the
laboratory are:
 Physiochemical analysis on finished product.
 Microbial analysis on bottle residual.
 Physiochemical analysis on finished product.
 Physiochemical analysis on raw materials.
The department has three (3) different laboratories that ensure the Quality Control and Quality
Assurance of products and raw materials. These laboratories are;

1. Microbiology Laboratory
2. Physicochemical Laboratory
3. Main Laboratory (Chemistry Laboratory)
1. Microbiology Laboratory

This laboratory is responsible for assuring Quality Assurance and Control of products by
carrying out analysis on the microbial parameters of the products. Some of the parameters
analysed in the laboratory includes Ozone content, FTR Micro, E. coil etc.

2. Physicochemical Laboratory

This laboratory ensures quality assurance and quality control by ensuring the products are
colourless, odourless, pH and tasteless. Colourless, odourless, pH and tasteless are one of the
major factors that attracts customers to products therefore colour, odour, pH and taste test is one
of the paramount tests that must be carried out in the water and must be done carefully. The
major test carried out in the sensory laboratory is the Colour, pH, Odour, Taste Test of different
batches of the products. Products are been tested hourly for colour, pH, odour and taste test by
different individuals.

3. Main Laboratory (Chemistry Laboratory)

The main laboratory as the name implies carries out most of the major tests on raw materials,
finished products, and water. Quality control is carried on all incoming raw material before they
are accepted into the store. Such quality check includes Batch number, Production and Best
before date of the material, physical appearance etc. Certificate of Analysis and Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS) of the material is also demanded from the Supplier to ensure conformity of
the material to the required standard and HACCP. Tests carried out in the major laboratory is
carried out with maximum attention because it has a great impact on the company as a whole, the
release of a product that fails to meet the specific standard of production could lead to the closure
of the company forever therefore adequate attention is given to tests carried out in the main
laboratory and in case of any deviation from the specified standard, the release of such product
will be determined by the higher ranked personnel (e.g. Quality Assurance Manager).


The following are general guidelines followed in maintaining laboratory equipment and
1. Read Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and know the hazards before working with
2. Follow laid down SOPs in carrying out all activities.
3. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is worn regularly.
4. Drinks and food are not allowed in the laboratory.
5. Wash and clean the laboratory apparatus before and after use.
6. Oven dry glass wares at about 1050C for 30minutes.
7. Arrange the glass wares properly on the rack to avoid breakage.
8. Switch off all equipment after each day work before leaving the laboratory
9. Apparatus and equipment are handled carefully.
10. Hair is covered while working in the laboratory.
11. Switch all electrical appliances before leaving laboratory.
12. Unauthorised personnel are not allowed in the laboratory.


1. pH Meter: This is an instrument used to measure acidity or alkalinity of a solution .The

pH meter is used basically to measure the pH of water products in the laboratory. An
accurate result is gotten at a temperature of 6.5-8.5.
2. Conductivity meter: This instrument is used for measuring majorly the specific
conductivity of water samples in the laboratory.
3. Weighing Balance: The weighing balance is used majorly for weighing grains, filter
paper and other things in the laboratory in grams.
4. Desiccators: It is used to remove moisture from sample. It has 2 part; upper and lower.
The lower contains a drying agent such as silica This instrument contains silica gel and
an apartment for cooling heated samples for further analysis; it is majorly used during the
wastewater analysis for cooling heated filter paper:
5. Oven: The oven works almost the same way as the furnace but the maximum
temperature of the oven is 1050C and it serves the same purpose as the furnace (drying).
6. Refrigerator: For storing products, vials etc.
7. Photometer :It is used in the laboratory to determine the presence of metal ions present
in water

8. Fume Cupboard: Used only for experimental work and not as storage areas to remove
hazardous chemicals gas from the laboratory.

9. Autoclave: Use for sterilization. To sterilize culture media, instrument at 121 oc for 15 –
20 minutes at pressure.
10. Weighing Balance: It is used in the laboratory to determine the mass of substance.

11. Laboratory Oven: it is used in the laboratory for heating and drying.

In this laboratory, the main reason we carry out analysis is to check for the effectiveness of the
ozone. In the physicochemical laboratory, physical and chemical hazards are detected but the
microbiology department deals with biological hazards. It is very important to collected RO
water for preparation of media. RO water has undergone treatment and so it can be used.
Preparation of media
To prepare media it is important to collect RO water with conical flask depending on the quantity
of the samples to be analysed. Each samples has to be tested for the presence of bacteria, fungi
and all other microorganisms. Cway make use of three different agar for analysis which are
saubroud dextrose agar, plate count agar and Mac conkey agar. Each media has a specific
amount to be used depending on the number of samples to be analysed. For example, if we want
to calculate the amount of SDA needed to prepare seven samples, it is very important to add a
blank. A blank is a control to check the effectiveness of the media or to check the absence of
microorganism from the media. A blank contains no sample, just the media prepared. After a
blank has been added the number of samples becomes eight.
Following manufacturers’ description,

65g 1000ml

7 samples and 1 control = 8 samples

1 petri dish = 15ml (quantity of cultured agar in 1 Petri dish)

8 Petri dish = 15 x 8 (= 120ml)

65g = 1000ml

Xg = 120ml

65g x 120ml =7.8g


This 7.8g is the accurate amount of SDA that must be weighed using the electronic scale. To
weigh, switch on the scale, place a filter paper on it and set it 0.00 so as not to add the weigh to
filter paper together, put the SDA media gently until it reaches 7.8g, transfer immediately inside

conical flask and measure and transfer RO water needed to dissolve the media, plug the mouth
using cotton wool and foil paper to wrap the mouth to prevent steam from entering it in the

Autoclaving is very important because it is a medium for sanitizing equipment and laboratory
materials. All activities carried out in the laboratory must be free from contamination and so the
process of culturing must be done aseptically. This is why it is important to autoclave our media,
dropping pipettes and Petri dishes wrapped in foil paper. This is done at 121°c for 15minutes.
This also helps to dissolve media completely.
Microbiological examination of samples is a crucial aspect in the laboratory because samples has
to be cultured to determine if any form of microorganism is present. Culturing in CWAY is done
in the safety cabinet. This test is performed to determine the quantitative and qualitative
estimation of specific microorganisms present in samples which include bacteria, fungi, and
moulds. There are four methods for this test namely membrane filtration, pour plate, spread plate
and serial dilution. However, in CWAY, culturing is done using the pour plate method. 1ml of
sample is poured into 9-10cm diameter petri dish aseptically. 15ml sterilized agar medium
previously melted is added aseptically into the petri dishes and allowed to solidify. After
solidification, Incubate at 37°c for bacteria 25°c for fungi.
It is very important as part of quality control department to check for the presence of biological
hazards in water samples. After water samples has been analysed and it was found that, the
growth were not in accordance of standard, it is important for the quality control department to
trace the source of contamination. Part of the things we check is the efficiency of ozone because
if ozone is not enough it can be traced down to the presence of growth. Contamination can also
be sourced to hygiene of factory worker in the filling room even to the workers in the laboratory.
This is why we perform the hand swab analysis for those working in the filling room.
Contamination can also be sourced to the nozzles of filling machine this is why it’s important to
perform cleaning and maintainace checks on all machines.



● Hand Swab analysis: The purpose is for collecting microbiology hand swabs
1. Get a sterile swab stick
2. Swab the hand and skin fold with sterile sticks for 6secs
3. Inoculate the swab on each agar plate
4. Incubate at 37°c for bacteria 25°c for fungi
● Filler nozzles analysis: The purpose is for collecting microbiology filler nozzles swabs

1. Get a sterile swab stick
2. Swab the nozzles of the filling machine for 6 seconds
3. Inoculate the swab on each agar plate
4. Incubate at 37°c for bacteria 25°c for fungi
● Water sample analysis: This is to define guidelines for collecting microbiological water
1. get products both refill and table water on the lines
2. Quarantine for 24hours
3. Culture by pour plate method
4. Incubate at 37°c for bacteria 25°c for fungi
● Bottle residuals: This is to define guidelines for collecting microbiology bottle residuals
1. Get a sterile sample bottles
2. Take a randome sample of bottles after the inner rinsing machine to collect bottle residue
3. Culture by pour plate method
4. Incubate at 37°c for bacteria 25°c for fungi
● Filling room air: This is to define guidelines for checking the air hygiene in filling room

1. culture by pour plate
2. Incubate at 37°c for bacteria 25°c for fungi to check absence of growth
3. Open the cultured agar for 10mins

4. Incubate at 37°c for bacteria 25°c for fungi

Samples are collected in all CWAY 3 production plants. Plant 1 has three production lines and
they produce day and night. Plant 2 has 1 production line and they produce at night and plant 3
has 2 production line and they produce at night. Swab analysis are done and all these determine
the amount of media to be prepared for the culturing of the samples.

FIGURE 5: Arrangement of plates and media before culturing

All analysis that done in the quality control laboratory are just to determine the presence of
growth after culturing has taken place. Samples are tested for the presence of growth. If the
growth are not in accordance to company standard, we alert our quality assurance supervisor so
quality checks are done to ensure no form of contamination are traced to samples. After culturing
has taken place, we count the number of growth on each agar plate without identification of these
microorganism by performing staining on them. This aspect of microbiology analysis have not
been introduced to the laboratory. This limits the extent to with research in can be done in the
In solution to above problem, I was taught the theoretical aspect of what microbiology staining
entails and so I had more knowledge on that aspect. I got knowledge on the processes involved in
the purification of water right from the raw water to the final treatment stage and packaging of
water. The importance and functions of ozone in bottled water, the microbial analysis of water to
ascertain its purity and other aspects that has to do with water factory activities.


Without a doubt, the importance of the industrial training program cannot be over emphasized.
● Bridging the gap existing between theory and practice.
● Exposing students to machines and equipment together with its working principle.
● Exposing students to that practical aspect of their courses of study
● Professional work methods and ways of safeguarding the work areas and workers in the
As a siwes student, I learned a great deal on water treatments and production. Take for example,
I was able to understand how the company accept materials for production, process of production
of treated water ideal foe living, different packaging process in the industry and how
microbiology analysis are being done.

The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) unit together with the relevant
departments should make tangible efforts to liaise with relevant industries, companies, and
organization to alleviate the difficulties often faced by the students in securing a placement for
the industrial training

Employers should also be encouraged to pay stipends to I.T students to increase their enthusiasm
and motivation for work.
The university officials should visit students often in order to know their challenges and success

Andriamirando, L., Asensi, D., Ballard, T., Bele, P., Bernard, M., Brunet, J., and Cachot,L.,
(2007). water treatment handbook 1 (7th ed.). Rueil-Malmaison, France: Deremont. Pg

Eaton, D., Franson, H., (2005). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater
(21 ed). American Public Health association ISBN 978-0-87553-00047-5. Pp. 45, 56.

Judith, N., (2014). Evaluation of Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in
Library School: The Federal Polytechnic Nekede Experience

Onwuji, J. (2004). The Role of Industrial Placement Centre (IPC) in the training of our
Graduands. Fedponek News, 1(4):30-31.

WHO (2004). Guidelines for drinking water quality, 3rd ed., WHO, Geneva.


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