Oral Communication Lecture 3
Oral Communication Lecture 3
Oral Communication Lecture 3
This refers to communication that centers on one person
where the speaker acts both as the sender and the receiver
of message. “The message is made up of your thoughts and
feelings. The channel is your brain, which processes what you
are thinking and feeling. There is feedback in the sense that
as you talk to yourself, you discard certain ideas and replace
them with others.” (Hybels & Weaver, 2012)
Types of Speech Context
This refers to communication between and among people and
establishes personal relationship between and among them.
Solomon and Theiss (2013) state that “the inter part of the word
highlights how interpersonal communication connects people…
when you engage in interpersonal communication, you and
another person become linked together… The personal part
means that your unique qualities as a person matter during
interpersonal communication…”
Types of Speech Context
This type refers to communication that requires you to deliver or
send the message before or in front of a group.The message can be
driven by informational or persuasive purposes. “In public
communication, unlike in interpersonal and small group, the channels
are more exaggerated. The voice is louder and the gestures are more
expansive because the audience is bigger.The speaker might use
additional visual channels such as slides or a Power Point
presentation.” (Hybels & Weaver, 2012)
Types of Speech Context
Mass Communication
This refers to communication that takes place
through television, radio, newspapers, magazines,
books, billboards, internet, and other types of media.
Types of Speech Style
1. Intimate – This style is private, which occurs between or among close family members or
individuals.The language used in this style may not be shared in public.
2. Casual – This style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or the vernacular
language are used.
3. Consultative – This style is the standard one. Professional or mutually acceptable language is a
must in this style. Examples of situations are communication between teachers and students,
employers and employees, doctor and patient, judge and lawyer, or President and his/her
4. Formal – This style is used in formal settings. Unlike the consultative style, this is one-way.
Examples are sermons by priests and ministers, State of the Nation Address of the President,
formal speeches, or pronouncements by judges.
5. Frozen – This style is “frozen” in time and remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in ceremonies.
Common examples are the Preamble to the Constitution, Lord’s Prayer, and Allegiance to
country or flag.