Zones of Reg Data Collection Tools
Zones of Reg Data Collection Tools
Zones of Reg Data Collection Tools
This is a self-assessment for individual learners that can FOR ASSESSMENT ITEMS
be administered before and after implementation of The
Zones of Regulation curriculum to determine progress
and guide instruction. Each item (or question) correlates Item # Correlating Lesson(s)
to core concepts and practices taught in the curriculum
as shown on the right. Use this tool to evaluate how well 1 Lessons 1-3
individual learners, as well as the whole class, have learned
key concepts and practices from The Zones of Regulation. 2 Lesson 6
When using as a whole class evaluation tool, compare
3 Lesson 4
the average score for the class before implementing the
curriculum to the average score after implementation to 4 Lesson 5
evaluate growth. You can also look for patterns within
individual items to guide whole group instruction. 5 Lesson 8
DIRECTIONS: 6 Lesson 9
Questions may be read independently, read aloud to
a group or asked 1-on-1 with learners. Learners may 7 Lessons 10-13
answer questions independently, or with the help of an
adult scribe. Have learners select one answer choice 8 Lessons 10-13
for each item. If necessary, share the definitions of key
vocabulary below. 9 Lessons 14 -16
10 Lesson 17
Emotions - Words we use to label our feelings.
Manage - To take care of, or regulate, feelings.
Situation - What is happening in a time or place,
including people around you.
Score each
item as follows: 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points Total
___ /30
1 I can list at least 7 emotions to name how I’m feeling besides happy, sad, and mad.
2 I notice how my body feels inside when I’m happy, sad, mad, etc.
6 I can name things that often bother me or make me feel uncomfortable (such as loud
noises, changes in schedule, cutting in line).
7 I know 2-3 tools or strategies I can use to calm down and feel in control.
8 I know 2-3 tools or strategies I can use to feel more focused or energetic.
9 I can use a tool or strategy to help me manage my strong feelings (such as feeling mad,
worried, out of control).
10 I understand why it’s helpful to manage my feelings and energy throughout the day.
DIRECTIONS: 7 Lessons 9
This assessment tool should be administered by a 8 Lessons 10 -13
facilitator who has an established positive relationship
with the learner. When completing this tool, reflect 9 Lessons 10 -13
on how the individual learner has exhibited each
competency over a period of 1-2 weeks. If possible, 10 Lesson 14 -15
use data such as learner anecdotal notes as a
reference when completing this tool and consider 11 Lessons 15
completing it with other adults who regularly work
with the learner. You may also prompt learners directly 12 Lesson 15
to reflect on specific question items, such as “How
does your body feel when you’re in the Blue Zone?”. 13 Lesson 16 -18
1 2 3 4 5
Not Yet Rarely Some- Often Always
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Neither Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree or
Agree Agree
1 2 3 4 5
Not Yet Rarely Some- Often Always