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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65


Reef development at the Frasnian/Famennian

mass extinction boundary
Paul Copper 
Department of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada P3E 2C6
Accepted 6 December 2001


A newly compiled global reef database indicates that the 5^6 Myr long Frasnian (Late Devonian) metazoan reef
episode had relatively low diversity compared to Middle Devonian highs (with over 200 genera of calcitic rugose and
tabulate corals). Following an initial early rise after Late Givetian coral and stromatoporoid extinctions, reefs
expanded for the last time during mid-Frasnian sealevel highstands, but declined markedly in the Late Frasnian
(rhenana-linguiformis conodont zones), below the Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) boundary. Globally, metazoan reefs were
wiped out by the end Frasnian: some Famennian reefs, while partly retaining the structure of the underlying
carbonate platform, were built by cyanobacterial consortia such as Renalcis, Rothpletzella, Girvanella and Epiphyton.
During the Famennian, foraminiferans with calcite walls became abundant for the first time in the Phanerozoic,
adding a new dimension to carbonate platforms. Colonial rugose corals (phaceloid, cerioid and thamnasterioid
modules) were absent in the early post-extinction phases up into the mid-Famennian, and very rare and non-reef-
building later, but solitary deep-water Lazarus corals survived locally. Coral^sponge reefs are unknown from the 21
Myr long Famennian, also a time of very low platform carbonate production. Rare, small, isolated stromatoporoid
sponge, and lithistid sponge patch reefs returned episodically during the Famennian in North America, western
Europe, Australia and China: the aragonitic stromatoporoids became extinct at the end of the Famennian. During a
Late Devonian tectonically very active, collisional Caledonian mountain-building phase, oceanic and atmospheric
cooling, accompanied by sealevel lowstand systems, exposed most carbonate platforms, accelerating coastal erosion
and karsting. This increased the amount of clastics in the shelf-slope setting, in the last 1^3 Myr prior to the F/F
boundary, often burying reefs. Immediately following, there were protracted losses in nearly all major tropical shelf,
benthic marine invertebrates, exceeded only by the end Permian extinctions in severity. There is no apparent link
between black, organic-rich horizons and reef demise at or close to the F/F boundary. The F/F boundary not also
marks the largest change from widespread flooded Early and Mid-Paleozoic continental cratons to narrow, distal
shelves, but also spikes the largest known global Phanerozoic shift in atmospheric O2 enrichment, and CO2 drawdown.
This threshold matched the rise of the first tropical rainforests, and expansion of terrestrial biomes on the tropical
coastal lowlands formerly occupied by carbonate platforms. 6 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Frasnian/Famennian boundary; coral^sponge reefs; extinctions; ocean^atmosphere system; climate; anoxia

1. Introduction
* Fax: +1-705-673-6508.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Copper). The Mid- to Late Devonian marked the Pha-

0031-0182 / 02 / $ ^ see front matter 6 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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28 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

nerozoic acme of metazoan reef and carbonate nite saturation system, triggered by rising O2 and
platform productivity (Copper, 1994; Kiessling cooler temperatures. The Famennian^Tournaisian
et al., 1999), with a second acme in the Mid-Si- was also marked by a major radiation of the sili-
lurian (Wenlock). During this ca. 80 Myr interval, ceous planktic radiolarians, identi¢ed by a rise
sandwiched between two major ice ages and glob- and peak in the Tournaisian ‘hypersiliceous peri-
al mass extinctions, coral and sponge reefs od’ (Nazarov and Ormiston, 1986; Racki, 1999;
reached their maximum known geographic extent, Racki and Cordey, 2000).
with barrier reef complexes far exceeding in size From the Silurian through Middle Devonian,
those of today’s interglacial Holocene. Reefs were land vegetation had initially consisted of simple,
periodically projected well into latitudes 45‡S and low-spreading pteridophytes, or mosses and liver-
possibly 60‡N, as seasurface temperatures were worts, until the evolution of trunked and cano-
10^15‡ higher than today’s interglacial 16‡C glob- pied trees (the large horsetails and clubmosses)
al average. Exceptional global warming was led to the ¢rst appearance of Phanerozoic rain-
coupled to atmospheric CO2 levels 14^24U great- forests in the Late Devonian. Examples of such
er than today, and more than double the CO2 tree trunks are found preserved in mid-Frasnian
levels of the warm Mesozoic (Berner, 1994, reefs and inter-reef strata of Banks Island (Embry
1998, 1999b). High rates of weathering of terres- and Klovan, 1971), the ¢rst time this is seen in the
trial Ca/Mg silicates in the presence of CO2 -rich geologic record. Dramatic changes in spore sizes
atmospheres ultimately meant a long term trans- of the global land £ora at the Frasnian/Famen-
fer of atmospheric CO2 to oceanic-stored CaCO3 nian (F/F) boundary are related to new strategies
during the Early and Mid-Palaeozoic. Sealevel for plant reproduction, e.g. seeds and pre-pollen
highstands £ooded vast continental interiors, (Streel and Loboziak, 1995). These ¢rst rainfor-
and epicontinental seas greatly exceeded in size ests a¡ected soil development and the storage of
their modern tropical analogues, the relatively carbon by soil microbiota, chemical rock weath-
small South China, Java and Arafura seas. This ering, and coastal sediment transport (Wilder,
£ooding created ample accommodation space for 1989; Algeo et al., 1995; Berner, 1997). Fairly
shallow-water, ‘skeleton framework reef facto- stable levels of 15^20% O2 prevailed in the Cam-
ries’, and coral^stromatoporoid sponge carpets brian through Mid-Ordovician, probably with O2
and meadows, suitable for accelerated calcite generated primarily by marine phytoplankton.
and aragonite production under warm tropical Levels of O2 then rose during the Late Ordovi-
climates (e.g. as seen for the mid-Frasnian, Fig. cian, as CO2 declined (Berner, 1998), with the ¢rst
1). Prime examples of such carbonate factories arrival of very simple small plant cover of bryo-
existed on the areas fringing and covering Lau- phytes (Retallack, 1985). Oxygen levels then shot
rentia during the mid-Devonian : more than half up dramatically to elevated levels, possibly near
of the present 10 million km2 land area of Canada 35% in the Late Carboniferous (Berner and Can-
was covered in tropical seas at that time, as North ¢eld, 1989; Berner, 1999a), with a shift to land-
America straddled the equator, and similar trop- based carbon sequestration, O2 ceilings being con-
ical oceans covered Russia and Siberia. As a re- strained by upper wild¢re limits. Thus both Late
sult, giant barrier, fringing, and patch reefs £our- Ordovician and Late Devonian oceanic cooling
ished into ‘super’ sizes. Reefs were dominated by episodes were marked by a reduction of CO2
tabulate and rugose corals, and cyanobacterian and an increase of O2 coinciding with plant evolu-
calcimicrobes possessing calcite skeletons, and tionary events (Retallack, 1997; FrancOois et al.,
by the aragonitic stromatoporoid sponges. Oceans 1997). In terrestrial lake, river and deltaic envi-
were in a calcite mode, in contrast to the modern ronments, and in the coastal mixed fresh- and
Cenozoic and Late Palaeozoic ‘aragonite’ oceans salt-water estuarine systems, there was a disas-
(Sandberg, 1983). From the 5^6 Myr long Fras- trous loss of ¢sh during the multiple F/F crises,
nian into the 21 Myr long Famennian, the ocean^ e.g. the thelodont, heterostracans, galeaspids,
atmosphere climate system switched to an arago- ptiuraspids, osteostracans, onychodonts, and po-

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Fig. 1. Time scale for global F/F reef development, showing major hiatuses at the F/F boundary coinciding with sealevel low-
stands. Reefs expanded during the mid-Frasnian, but had largely ceased growth by the close of the rhenana CZ: reefs were
poorly developed during the ¢nal Frasnian linguiformis CZ. Famennian reefs were dominantly calcimicrobial consortia, with rare
stromatoporoid, or lithistid patch reefs, e.g. in the Early Famennian of the Bonaparte-Canning basins, western Canada carbonate
platform. Following repeated regressive cycles and cooling events, mid- to late Famennian carbonate platforms declined, followed
by transgressive intervals of isolated mudmounds to sponge patch reefs (e.g. Belgium, Poland small patch reefs in the marginifera
and postera-praesulcata CZ). In other parts of the world, giant siliciclastic deltas were built up, £ooding the shelf areas (NE Can-
ada, Appalachians, Caledonides), or areas were subject to erosion and non-deposition (asterisks denote Frasnian coral^stromatop-
oroid reefs, see Fig. 4).

rolepids all became extinct during the Frasnian, harsh terrestrial river and lake climates by slime
with placoderms and lobe-¢nned ¢sh dying out in cocooning and burrowing. This strongly suggests
the Famennian (Long, 1995). This is the largest that coastal lowland, terrestrial habitats were
extinction and diversity loss of ¢sh known in the equally as much a¡ected as shallow marine trop-
Phanerozoic. The only survivors appear to have ical successions in the Late Devonian, ruling out
been groups that migrated into marine environ- marine anoxia as a prime cause for extinctions. In
ments, that adapted to land as amphibian tetra- turn, changing land conditions (e.g. the rise of the
pods, or like the estivating lung¢sh, survived ¢rst forests, rise of oxygen via photosynthesis,

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30 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

reduced atmospheric CO2 , weathering and erosion of these, and (c) whether only marine environ-
pro¢les) had a run-o¡ impact on neighboring ments were a¡ected (House, 1985; Becker,
tropical marine systems. 1993a,b), or whether both terrestrial and marine
The Siluro-Devonian coral^sponge reef ecosys- systems were disturbed (Wilder, 1989; Algeo et
tem had a coral biodiversity of more than 200 al., 1995; Copper, 1998). Debate also swirls
genera (Scrutton, 1998), 30% greater than that around causes, primarily whether these were ter-
of the scleractinian corals for the Cenozoic (Ve- restrially internal in origin (climate change, oce-
ron, 1995; Budd, 2000). Complementing this were anic overturning via current systems, anoxia, vol-
more than 60 genera of aragonitic stromatoporoid canism, tectonics, etc.), or astronomically forced
sponges adapted to open, illuminated, fore- and (single or multiple impacts, orbital changes and
back-reef settings (Stearn et al., 1999), compared cycles, etc.). When examining causal e¡ects, the
to only a handful of primarily cryptic coralline question turns to whether there was a primary,
sponges today. Metazoans were accompanied by triggering factor (e.g. did climate change kill reefs,
diverse coralline algae and green algae. Frasnian or was it global ocean anoxia?), a secondary fac-
reefs were dominated by alveolitid and thamno- tor triggered by another event (did warming or
porid tabulates, and giant phaceloid to aphroid cooling trigger anoxia?, nutrient £ux?, sealevel
rugosan corals, but with a diversity much lower change), or whether there were multi-causal or
than seen in the mid-Devonian (showing that cascading threshold factors (were sealevel draw-
£ourishing reef growth was not necessarily corre- down, cooling and anoxia inter-linked, and in
lated with diversity). Many were capped by very what order?). Can the same extinction factor
large, meter-sized, platy to domal stromatopor- have multiple, opposing explanations? (e.g. was
oids in the fore-reef and reef £at areas (Fager- anoxia due to stagnant, sluggish ‘hot’ oceans, or
strom, 1994). Calcimicrobes played a signi¢cant the product of rapid overturn by sea surface tem-
cementing, encrusting and cavity-¢lling role, as perature (SST) cooling, bringing up deep CO2 -
from the Miocene to today (Riding et al., 1991; rich waters and nutrients?). For those favoring
Reid and Macintyre, 1992; Esteban, 1996). From anoxia as a primary cause, were black shales or
the close of the Frasnian, the metazoan, shallow black limestones the result of high oceanic surface
tropical reef ecosystem never fully recovered in productivity under well-oxygenated bottoms, or
size or diversity in the Famennian, nor Late Pa- the result of bottom anoxia and burial factors?
laeozoic. For tropical marine biota, the Late De- (i.e. were black shales the cause, or the e¡ect, or
vonian was the second largest mass extinction in organic burial events unrelated to mass extinc-
the Phanerozoic, exceeding severity of Ordovician tions?). Were pelagic events coupled to shelf
events for the metazoan reef ecosystem (wiping events, or not? Were atmospheric events linked
out more than 70% of the primary reef dwellers to oceanic events? Were some events simply
and builders and shallow carbonate platform bio- symptoms of change, or the real agents of mass
tas, as well as losing the Mid-Palaeozoic metazo- extinction, e.g. were sealevel lowstands just re-
an, coral^sponge reefs). Famennian microbial £ecting glacial cooling events, or did eustatic sea-
reefs covered 6 10^20% of the shelf space seen level drain shelf areas, removing habitable space
in the Frasnian. and biotas (e.g. Johnson, 1974)? Was the F/F ex-
F/F boundary events still remain controversial. tinction due to anomalous nutrient (biogeochem-
Controversy relates to (a) the timing of the events ical) cycling and eutrophication (e.g. Murphy et
within conodont zones (CZs), whether sudden al., 2000), or were these end-products (symptoms)
(Claeys and Casier, 1994), or staggered, gradual of extinction ? How did reefs ¢t into this picture?
or stepdown (Copper, 1984; Joachimski and Bug- Since the events are dated at or near the F/F
gisch, 1996), (b) whether there was a single event boundary, at ca. 376 Ma (Tucker et al., 1998;
(Goodfellow et al., 1988; Feist, 1991; Wang et al., Okulitch, 1999), the oceanic crust that might
1996), or whether there were multiple events (Joa- have given us distinctive platinum^iridium signa-
chimski and Buggisch, 1993), including the timing tures, has largely been lost by subduction. Despite

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exhaustive search, no de¢nitive impact crater, nor The Late Devonian encompassed two phases of
boundary clay horizon, nor iridium anomalies reef evolution, a restricted Frasnian episode of
have been detected at the F/F boundary, though coral and stromatoporoid reefs, and a Famennian
anomalies have been noted well above and below episode of catastrophic metazoan reef collapse,
the boundary in both shallow and deeper water and replacement by microbial reefs. During the
sections. Frasnian, the taxa that survived the severe coral
It is generally agreed that the equatorial coastal biodiversity losses of the Late Givetian (norrisi
marine ecosystems, particularly shallow-water CZ), probably triggered by a phase of cooling,
reefs, from interior £ooded cratons to shelf mar- global sealevel drawdown, and exposure of the
gins, were most strongly a¡ected by the F/F shallow tropical reef setting to subaerial karst ero-
events. During the Middle Devonian (Eifelian^ sion, had regrouped. Surviving tabulate corals
Givetian), metazoan reefs reached latitudes of and colonial rugosans formed reef tracts which
up to 60‡N (if the Mongolia plate is correctly were regionally extensive, such as in the western
plotted), and 45^50‡S. The most severe extinc- Canada sedimentary basin and the Urals. In the
tions marked the end of the Givetian, when tab- high 40^50‡S latitudes, for example NW Africa
ulate and rugose corals (Scrutton, 1997, 1998), (Morocco and Algeria), and even in lower latitude
stromatoporoids (Stearn et al., 1999), and reefal areas such as the Montagne Noire and Sardinia,
to peri-reefal atrypid and pentamerid brachiopods reefs completely vanished during the Frasnian.
declined, with the loss of many families and even Early Frasnian reefs were usually smaller, with
a whole suborder (Copper, 1998; Godefroid and peri-reefal settings of lower diversities: reefs in-
Helsen, 1998). The terminal Frasnian extinctions cluded more mudmound reef types than seen ear-
in these groups were less than the end-Givetian lier. By mid-Frasnian time, reefs had temporarily
biodiversity losses at the genus and subgenus lev- recovered to a considerable extent in size and
el, a fact which is generally buried in the litera- areal extent, with cosmopolitan coral taxa,
ture. During the Emsian and succeeding Eifelian^ though with reduced diversity compared to the
Givetian (Middle Devonian), reefs reached their Givetian. Late Frasnian reefs were diminished in
greatest extent of the Phanerozoic, using four fac- abundance and geographic distribution, and these
tors: (1) overall size of reef tracts (cumulative appear to have become even more restricted to-
thickness and areal extent), (2) pervasive occupa- wards the F/F boundary, with few localities
tion of widely £ooded, tropical and subtropical known where reefs extended to the ¢nal extinction
continental interiors and platform margins to events at the close of the linguiformis CZ (last
high latitudes, (3) high coral and coralline sponge zone below the F/F boundary). Commonly, latest
diversity, with more than 200 genera of tabulate Frasnian reefs were replaced by bryozoan bio-
and rugose corals (Scrutton, 1997, 1998), and 60 stromes or stromatolitic units in the rhenana
Devonian stromatoporoid genera (Stearn et al., through linguiformis zones. The Famennian was
1999) and (4) peripheral invasion by deep-water marked by major, worldwide, sealevel drawdown
slope, and high-latitude, cool shallow-water mud- pulses, interrupted by rapid transgressions: meta-
mounds. A number of mid-Devonian reef provin- zoan reefs were replaced by calcimicrobial, Renal-
ces were at least three to four times longer, and cis-dominated reefs. Famennian coral reefs are
several times wider, than the modern Great Bar- unknown, but a few patch reefs with stromatop-
rier Reef (e.g. the Emsian^Givetian carbonate reef oroid and lithistid sponges occurred regionally
platform extending from Nevada into Ellesmere (Fig. 1). Though some stromatoporoids survived
Island, some 5000 km along the northwestern as rare Lazarus taxa, especially the domed or lam-
margin of Laurentia). In the Frasnian this reef inar labechiids and some stick-like amphiporids,
belt disappeared almost totally from the Cana- these were greatly reduced in diversity.
da^Greenland arctic, shrinking by nearly 2000 This paper explores some of the possible sce-
km to only a 150 km belt along Banks island at narios worldwide in the decline and ultimate loss
the western margin. of the Mid-Palaeozoic reef ecosystem from the

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32 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

Frasnian through Famennian. To date no paper episodes with reef development controlled partly
has yet been devoted exclusively to looking at by local tectonics, or limited by siliciclastic delta
what happened to reefs worldwide at the F/F development (Canadian arctic, Catskill delta of
boundary. Problems remain with the lack of pre- the Appalachians), but with overall reef develop-
cise dating of reef terminations in a number of ment remarkably coordinated worldwide. Reefs
areas. Since conodonts are scarce in reef settings, are summarized here on an area by area basis.
the precise age of reef cores may not be fully A detailed region-by-region description and anal-
determinable, though the reef base and top may ysis of global Frasnian reef provinces is not re-
be better dated. Data from the early 1990s sug- peated here (Copper, 2002; abbreviated in Appen-
gested that the Frasnian was a relatively lengthy dix of Frasnian reef localities).
episode lasting ca. 10 Myr, with the Famennian The Early Frasnian (Montagne Noire CZ
about 4^5 Myr long. More recently, Okulitch (MNCZ) 1^4: Klapper, 1997, approximately tran-
(1999) has compiled radiometric data suggesting sitans-punctata zones of others) marked a some-
the converse, a 5^6 Myr long Frasnian followed what reduced episode of reef-building, and the
by a much longer Famennian lasting 21 Myr. This mid-Frasnian (MNCZ 5^11: approximately has-
suggests that the end-Givetian through Frasnian si-lower rhenana CZ of others) saw maximal reef
extinction and diversity losses in reefs lasted 6 6 development. The Late Frasnian (MNCZ 12^13:
Myr, but that the post-extinction phase was approximately upper rhenana-linguiformis CZ of
nearly four times longer than previously sus- others) saw the broad decline of reefs, with small-
pected. It also changes the general picture of er sizes and generally more restricted faunas, ter-
what happened to reefs, with a considerably minating in regressions, or regional black shale
shorter period of Frasnian reef expansion, and a events. A typical Middle Frasnian highstand car-
much more protracted phase of reef absence and bonate systems tract saw a broad passive margin
recovery. In addition, the accumulation rates of with barrier and platform reefs and isolated large
pre- and post-F/F carbonate platforms must be reef mounds up to several kilometers in diameter
re-interpreted (see below). The Devonian termi- (Fig. 2). The Frasnian interval represents the ‘dy-
nated about 355 Ma (Ciaou-Long et al., 1992). ing’ episodes and close of the Middle Palaeozoic
During the succeeding Carboniferous, mud- metazoan reef ecosystem, with reefs losing more
mounds became the preferred method of reef con- than 50% of their tabulate and rugose coral ge-
struction (Bridges et al., 1995). neric diversity by the end Givetian. Only 39% of
the Devonian coral suborders and superfamilies
survived into the Carboniferous (Scrutton,
2. Frasnian metazoan reefs: low diversity, 1997). The stromatoporoid sponges, the other ma-
cosmopolitanism and collapse jor reef builders, saw four orders surviving into
Famennian (Labechiida, Clathrodictyida, Stroma-
Though reefs were regionally abundant in the toporida and Amphiporida), and with one possi-
mid-Frasnian, they never reached such high lati- ble syringostromatid (Stearn, 1987). However, 10
tudes as those of the Eifelian^Givetian, being con- genera extended into the Famennian (with seven
¢ned to ca. 45‡N and 30‡S of the equator, slightly others more doubtfully ranging into the Famen-
better than those of the Holocene. Because many nian: Stearn et al., 1999). Total diversity of the
Frasnian reefs are petroleum reservoirs (e.g. in stromatoporoids in the Middle Devonian was ca.
western Canada and Timan^Pechora), these are 64 genera, with 38 recorded from the Frasnian
often better studied than Middle Devonian exam- (including four new genera), so that extinction
ples. Broadly summarized, there were three global of stromatoporoid genera by the end Givetian
Frasnian reef trends, probably related to major was ca. 47%, and by the end Frasnian 74% of
sealevel cycles plotted by Johnson and Klapper the remaining genera were lost. There are no
(1992) and to climate change. Regressive Late post-Famennian stromatoporoids, with Mesozoic
Givetian trends were succeeded by transgressive spiculate forms probably independently derived.

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Fig. 2. Schematic picture of idealized mid-Frasnian reef development in a carbonate platform sealevel highstand setting (e.g.
based on western Canadian and arctic examples). Reef ecosystems during sealevel highstands featured prograding sediments that
expanded carbonate platform margins seawards, and back-stepped reefs inland. Note the coral^stromatoporoid complexes that
dominated the reefs. O¡-reef settings featured organic-rich carbonates and shales. Coastal lowlands had the ¢rst pteridophyte

The Frasnian reefs of western Europe grew on nana-linguiformis CZ) shutting down reef growth
carbonate platform terrain that covered less than in Belgium and the Aachen area of Germany.
a million km2 , but reef outcrops form only a Boulvain and Herbosch (1996) demonstrated
fraction of this southern border of the Old Red that Frasnian mudmounds of Belgium were in£u-
continent, i.e. western Baltica (Krebs, 1974; enced in their growth by bathymetry, as the mid-
Burchette, 1981). Beginning in the Frasnian, Frasnian rimmed shelf changed to a ramp by the
transgression caused back-stepping of the carbon- Late Frasnian, signifying a slowdown in carbon-
ate platform northwards, and reef growth ex- ate production. Reefs disappeared in Belgium at
panded, with reefs peaking in the mid-Frasnian. the top of the F2j level, roughly at the base of the
In southwest England, the eastern terminus of this Matagne organic-rich shales, well below the F/F
belt, reef activity declined in the Early Frasnian, boundary (De Jonghe and Mamet, 1988). Gode-
probably strongly in£uenced by nearby siliciclas- froid (1970) and Godefroid and Helsen (1998)
tics and volcanics (Scrutton, 1977), but there ap- noted that atrypids and reefs in Belgium disap-
pear to be no Middle to Late Frasnian reefs be- peared together near the top of the Neuville
cause of local regression. In Belgium, for the Fm., below the Matagne shales. Casier and De-
classic sections around Frasne and Famenne (Le- vleeschouwer (1995) attributed decline of the Bel-
compte, 1936), limited Early Frasnian reef gian reefs to anoxia and variations in sealevel,
growth, was followed by maximal expansion in factors that he also used to explain the 75% loss
the mid-Frasnian, with many microbial mud- of benthic ostracodes at the F/F boundary. In
mound-type reefs from 30 to 150 m thick. Re- Germany, reefs were best developed east of the
stricted small reefs feature the Late Frasnian, Rhine, in part as shelf or ramp carbonates, and
with the latest Frasnian Matagne Shales (rhe- in part as isolated atoll-like, commonly ‘mud-

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34 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

mound’ complexes in a tectonically active, vol- ceptions are noted in the Atlas Mountains (Gen-
canic belt of the Rhenish Schiefergebirge (Jux, drot, 1973).
1960; Krebs, 1967, 1971, 1974). Rhenish reefs Frasnian reef development was relatively vigo-
were best developed in the Early and Middle rous on the eastern side of the Russian Platform
Frasnian, commonly over Givetian highs, but or eastern Baltica (western slopes Urals from Vai-
metazoan reef and microbial mudmound growth gach Island in the north through the south Volga
ceased in the Late Frasnian (Weller, 1989; Gisch- region). Reefs are known both from outcrop and
ler, 1995). This has been related to regressive subsurface, and many are petroleum-bearing
cycles of siliciclastics in shelf areas, capping layers (Menner et al., 1996; Antoshkina, 1997). In
marking restricted facies (shallow water?), or de- southern Timan, Frasnian stromatoporoid^coral
position of hypoxic, lower Kellwasser black lime- reefs (Sirakhoi, Vezhavozh, Sedyu, Bolshoii Ke-
stones in the deeper water facies of the Rhenish ran reefal limestones) extended into the lower rhe-
trough (Krebs, 1974; Fuchs, 1990). nana CZ, but highest Frasnian linguiformis strata
In Poland, a 600 km long Frasnian carbonate are barren (Yudina and Moskalenko, 1997). Cor-
shelf, stretched along the eastern margin of the al^stromatoporoid reefs ceased at the F/F bound-
Old Red Continent, is typi¢ed by extensive coral ary, and best development was in the mid-Fras-
and stromatoporoid patch reefs of Early to Mid- nian. In Siberia, two lower to Middle Frasnian
dle Frasnian age. Kadzielnia-type microbial Re- barrier and patch reef complexes are located in
nalcis mounds were prominent in the Early Fras- the Kuznetsk Basin (Belskaya, 1960; Ivanova,
nian (Racki, 1988). Calcimicrobial mounds 1983). Stromatoporoid^coral reefs of the Glubo-
appear to have locally become increasingly impor- kaya complex, associated with solenoporids and
tant upwards in the Frasnian succession of oncolites, range into the rhenana CZ, but are lack-
Poland (Racki, 1992). Reef growth halted in the ing in higher strata (Rzhonsnitskaya et al., 1992).
lower rhenana CZ, when condensation and The Kazakhstan Dzungar and Tyan-Shan had
depositional hiatuses, with basin-wide facies re- small, lower Frasnian coral patch reefs, linked
structuring, and local karsting took over. Synse- to volcanic suites (Kim and Erina, 1984; Zado-
dimentary tectonics complicated carbonate plat- roshnaya et al., 1990a). Neighbouring Afghanistan
form foundering, and sealevel drawdown, with had a coral^stromatoporoid tract about 100 km
shallowing sealevel signatures even in basinal long (Mistiaen, 1985), and in Iran biostromes and
sections in the highest linguiformis CZ (Szulczew- small coral^stromatoporoid patch reefs occurred
ski et al., 1996). A series of micro-plates or ter- in the upper Givetian through mid-Frasnian to
ranes that today make up parts of southern and the top of the jamieae CZ (Wendt et al., 1997;
central Europe, i.e. southern France, Spain (in- Mistiaen et al., 2000). These identify the shelf
cluding the French Pyrenees), the Balearic islands, margin of a separate plate positioned adjacent
Sardinia, northern Italy, Austria, the Czech Re- to northern Gondwana but in the subtropics.
public, Slovakia, northern Italy, Austria, and the The North American craton was extensively
former Yugoslavia were situated between Baltica covered by giant reef complexes during the Mid-
and Gondwana in south subequatorial latitudes. dle Devonian and to a reduced extent in the Fras-
Frasnian reef development was very limited nian. The largest known Frasnian reefs are in Al-
here or locally wiped out, or possibly con¢ned berta (spilling over into NE British Columbia and
to low diversity sponge and microbial mud- the Yukon); many of these formed as rimmed
mounds, with other areas showing small coral^ platform and isolated reef complexes. Canadian
stromatoporoid patch reefs. In Moravia some reef studies have placed emphasis on di¡erent as-
reef growth continued to the F/F boundary, while pects, e.g. oil and gas resources (Davies, 1975;
in the Montagne Noire and Prague Basin Fras- Reinson et al., 1993), tectonics, basement and
nian reefs were absent. Reef growth had ceased in geography (Moore, 1988), platform-basin se-
western North Africa (Morocco, Algeria) by the quence stratigraphy (Whalen et al., 2000), and
end Givetian (Wendt, 1988), though possible ex- coral distribution correlated with conodonts with-

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in and around reefs (McLean and Klapper, 1998). transgressive phase, (2) the Woodbend (cycle 5)
A number of reef episodes, tied in part to trans- and (3) a generally regressive phase, the Winter-
gressive/regressive (T/R) cycles, have been recon- burn, cycle 6 (Reinson et al., 1993; Weissenber-
structed. These were during the Early Frasnian, ger, 1994). Woodbend cycle 5 (Middle Frasnian,
following the Late Givetian regressive episode CZ 5^11) saw an extensive reef-rimmed shelf com-
(below the norrisi CZ), and in general three reef plex developed on the southern Alberta Shelf, ex-
episodes are de¢ned for the early, middle and lat- panding wider with the 250 m thick Middle Fras-
est Frasnian. Reefs particularly £ourished in the nian Leduc Reef complexes on the Cooking Lake
Middle Frasnian, succeeded by major declines in and Beaverhill carbonate platforms to central
the Late Frasnian (CZ 12^13: Klapper, 1997). north Alberta (Andrichuk, 1958), and fringing
During the Frasnian, reefs vanished completely reefs around the Peace River Arch to the north-
from the central and eastern arctic (Victoria west. Many of these reefs were terminated at the
through Ellesmere islands, over 1500 km of shelf), end of cycle 5 (within CZ 11, the rhenana zone).
as a result of giant delta construction. In the west- Small reefs continued growth around the West
ern Canada sedimentary basin, Frasnian reefs Pembina area (Nisku reefs) during more regres-
were developed as barriers, banks, platforms, lin- sive phases of succeeding Winterburn cycle 6 in
ear trends, or large patch reef complexes many the Late Frasnian. However, few reefs, if any,
kilometers in diameter, or as arcuate fringing reefs seem to have extended up to the F/F boundary.
around land areas. Deep seismic surveys indicate Organic-rich, black shales and limestones accu-
that Upper Devonian reefs of Alberta partly in- mulated in the intervening basins during most of
herited their regional distribution from underlying the Frasnian (Geldsetzer and Morrow, 1992), pro-
Precambrian and Cambrian basement highs, but viding the source for petroleum trapped in the
some reef trends show no correlation with preced- reefs. These Frasnian black limestones, compara-
ing platform topography (Edwards and Brown, ble to the Givetian^Frasnian Domanik facies of
1999). Some rare Frasnian deeper water, slope the Russian Platform, and Lower Devonian Nan-
reefs with renalcids or receptaculitid green algae dan facies of South China, were developed as in-
sat in troughs or embayments between carbonate ter-reef or back-reef facies throughout the Fras-
platforms : these were probably still within the nian. The mid-Frasnian of western arctic Banks
photic zone 6 100 m deep (MacKenzie, 1967; Island shows the northernmost Frasnian reefs in
Mountjoy and Riding, 1981; Pratt and Weissen- Canada, developed as a ca. 150 m thick carbonate
berger, 1989). Carbonate reef mega-breccias, reef barrier bank on the distal margins of a giant delta
olisthostromes and reef margin debris £ows also complex s that stretched west from Greenland
reveal evidence of nearby shallower water reefs, (Thorsteinsson and Tozer, 1962). Reefs became
where adjacent reefs themselves are not evident scarce in the uppermost Frasnian (CZ 13, lingui-
in drill-core data or outcrop (Cook et al., 1972). formis zone), largely disappearing with regressive
On the northwestern side of Laurentia, at, or facies, or absent due to crustal £exing and deep-
north of, the equator, the 1500+ km long, and ca. ening into open marine facies in the west and
300^500 km wide central Frasnian reef belt ex- north (NWT and Yukon). Uppermost Frasnian
tended in the subsurface and outcrop from Alber- reefs of the District of Mackenzie and NE British
ta through British Columbia into the Yukon and Columbia, belonging to the Kakisa Formation,
Northwest Territories (NWT). If distal outcrops were open marine, small coral patch reefs with
of carbonate platform with reefs are added, this an abundant and diverse rugose coral fauna, re-
belt reached another 2000 km into southern Ari- markably the most diverse Frasnian coral fauna
zona, and 800 km north up to Banks Island. Fras- in western Canada with some 32 species (McLean
nian reefs were time-clustered in three cycles : and Klapper, 1998). Uppermost Frasnian rugose
(1) an Early Beaverhill Lake-Waterways cycle 4 coral patch reefs up to 30 m thick also outcrop in
(which may include some Givetian strata, from the Rocky Mountains, and succeeding Famennian
the disparilis CZ through Frasnian CZ 4, a marine strata shallow into intertidal facies.

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36 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

The Carnarvon Basin, Lennard Shelf and Can- this suggests that at the F/F boundary, carbonate
ning Basin of Australia developed patch reefs, production fell at rates as great as reef losses, and
barriers, banks and atolls through the Frasnian. that the systems were coupled (but contrast Kiess-
Maximal reef development in the Canning Barrier ling et al., 2000). Area available for carbonate
Reef came during the mid-Frasnian. Such reefs platforms also shrank as sealevel lowstands were
featured a £ourishing coral^stromatoporoid and favored (Fig. 3). Dramatic global biodiversity de-
calcimicrobial community (Wood, 1998, 1999). clines and extinctions, and absence of innovation
Wood (2000a) suggested that the back-reef area of new species of reef faunas for the Late Fras-
of the Canning Basin was dominated by a micro- nian (McGhee, 1982) were the second factor at
bial community that also included branching and work. Losses were not on a ‘decimation’ scale
very large domed stromatoporoids, the latter up (i.e. a 10% loss), but a major ecosystem catastro-
to 5 m in diameter. Precise expansion and con- phe in the range of 60^85% of the skeleton- and
traction of the various Australian barrier, atoll, reef-building invertebrate phyla, and of equatorial
platform, patch and pinnacle reefs is not yet taxa in general, primarily the corals and stroma-
known for the Frasnian, but the coral^stromatop- toporoid sponges. Famennian rugose corals were
oroid reefs of the Pillara Formation were termi- mostly solitary, with only rare colonial forms
nated at or close to the F/F boundary, and under- (Sorauf, 1989, 1992; Poty, 1999). Very few tabu-
went karsti¢cation (Holmes and Christie-Blick, late corals are prominent (Smirnova in Simakov
1993). South China’s (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan) et al., 1983; Scrutton, 1998), and neither coral
Frasnian reefs parallel those of the Canning Basin groups were reef builders. Stromatoporoids were
in many respects, with the growth of coral^stro- stragglers that limped through the Early Famen-
matoporoid-rimmed banks, barriers and patch nian, had a minor resurgence in the Late Famen-
reefs curtailed by Famennian intertidal or re- nian Strunian substage, and disappeared by the
stricted marine facies. close of the Famennian (Smirnova in Simakov
et al., 1983; Stearn, 1987, 1988, 1997; Stock,
1990, 1997; Mistiaen et al., 1998; Stearn et al.,
3. The F/F boundary and succeeding Famennian 1999).
calcimicrobial reefs Few Famennian metazoan reefs are recorded,
and these were inhabited by low abundance, low
The long Famennian time interval eliminated diversity, Lazarus metazoans, such as labechiid
coral^sponge reef habitats on a worldwide basis, stromatoporoids and lithistid sponges. Most
with a protracted ‘winter’ of condensed shelf car- were mudmound reefs, or occurred as microbial
bonate productivity. The Famennian must have reef caps in open marine, shelf settings. Though
been a 21 myr long period of continued stress in local alpha diversity for lithistid sponges and cal-
the tropical carbonate setting. In terms of CaCO3 cimicrobes in some reefs was moderate in the
production (e.g. Timan^Pechora carbonate plat- Canning Basin (Wood, 2000b), this paled by com-
form), the total thickness for the Frasnian was parison to similar reefs in the Frasnian, and corals
350 m, but only 160 m for the Famennian (Men- were absent in these reefs. The ‘crisis-progenitor
ner et al., 1996), which indicates that carbonate model’ of Kau¡man and Harries (1996), e.g. that
sediment production dropped from ca. 70 m per here the calcimicrobes, lithistid and rare stroma-
Myr to 8 m per Myr after the F/F extinction, a toporoid sponges were the post-extinction win-
drop of nearly 90%. This di¡erence is comparable ners, generally holds true for the Famennian.
to average tropical carbonate production on the The Famennian carbonate platform was typi¢ed
Great Barrier Reef versus the temperate cool- by calcimicrobes (Fig. 3), along with solenoporid
water Great Australian Bight, and greater than red algae, dasyclad greens, and the ¢rst calcite-
the decline of platform reefs in the Late Miocene shelled foraminiferans. Thus, a new Late Palaeo-
due to temperature drops (Isern et al., 1996). zoic, i.e. Carboniferous^Permian consortium, be-
Although other areas have not been compared, gan to operate (note that many Famennian out-

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Fig. 3. Schematic setting for global, Early Famennian, lowstand setting, with calcimicrobial reef development, following the F/F
extinction boundary events: calcimicrobes inherited the platform architecture, or there was periodic build-up of mudmounds dur-
ing intermittent highstands. The cyanobacterial consortium of Renalcis, Rothpletzella and Epiphyton dominated in carbonate plat-
form margin and slope settings (retaining the structure of the barrier reef), with isolated relict stromatoporoid patch reefs devel-
oped primarily in o¡-reef, muddy, quieter water settings.

crops were formerly dated as Carboniferous). Cal- dent, for example, in correlation charts and sec-
cimicrobes and algae radiated rapidly into many tional reconstructions for large parts of the cen-
new genera in a not surprising burst of evolution, tral and western Canada carbonate platform
countering the pattern of extinction in nearly all (Reinson et al., 1993). In an area covering over
other biota, as they became abundant to rock- 800 000 km2 , extending from the southern NWT,
forming (Bogush et al., 1990; Bolshakova et al., through northern Alberta, over the Peace River
1994). Reefs in the Famennian were predomi- arch, into central Alberta and the Williston Basin,
nantly constructed by the Renalcis, Rothpletzella, the Frasnian succession is capped by such a dis-
Girvanella, Chabakovia, Renalcis, Parachaetetes, conformity. For the NWT, Geldsetzer et al.
and Shuguria complex, that formed hard, resis- (1993) indicated that regional sealevel lowstands
tant, frame-building, stromatolite-like crusts, began as early as the rhenana zone and persisted
mounds, pillars and digits. This post-F/F catas- through the F/F boundary in shallow shelf set-
trophe response was the result of the mass extinc- tings: reefs were karsti¢ed, and developed ¢ssures
tion of the main invertebrate frame-builders, and which were in¢lled. In the central and eastern
the loss of accommodation space due to global arctic, from Victoria Island through Greenland,
regressive phases, and changing cooler climates Famennian strata consist of siliciclastic delta com-
shifting into Late Palaeozoic icehouse modes. plexes that prograded westwards and southwards,
The top of the Frasnian carbonate shelf succes- burying pre-existing mid-Frasnian reefs of Banks
sion, virtually worldwide, is marked by a discon- Island to the far west (Goodbody, 1988; Embry,
formity and an erosional gap (sometimes extend- 1991). No Late Frasnian, nor Famennian reefs
ing well up into the lower Famennian, and down were developed along a coastal lowland system
into the uppermost Frasnian). This is clearly evi- over 1500 km long, where reefs had once been

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38 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

Fig. 4. Global reef base map for the Famennian, showing loss of reef coverage in terms of size, geographic distribution and low-
er latitudes (modi¢ed from Copper, 2002). Two adjacent super-continents dominated, the equator straddling Old Red continent,
Laurussia, separated by a narrow sea from Siberia to the north, and closed o¡ to the south by Gondwana, centered on the
southern polar regions. Ocean currents were thus equatorially blocked, except by narrow straits, producing divergent warm-water
masses: nearly all reefs were in this ancient equatorial paleo-Tethys. Metazoan reefs were extremely scarce and patchy, with stro-
matoporoid patch reefs known from Belgium, Poland, and equatorial W. Canada, and lithistid sponge reefs from Australia (£ow-
ers): most reefs were calcimicrobial (solid circles). Post-crepida CZ reefs appear to be scarce, possibly due to mid-Famennian
cooling episodes, with data mainly derived from localities in Belgium and Poland, e.g. isolated build-ups from the marginifera
and postera-praesulcata zones. Vacated and karsted reef platforms were partially recovered by calcimicrobial consortia present
during Famennian transgressive cycles. Note the relatively southernly latitude Canning and Bonaparte basins of Australia, north-
ernly location of Russia, absence of reefs in northeastern and north central Gondwana.

extensive during the Emsian through Givetian shorter, periodic transgressive events, triggered
(Thorsteinsson and Mayer, 1987). Delta develop- by regional epeirogenic movements as seen in dis-
ment was assisted by dominant recurring Famen- conformities, erosional gaps, evaporites, black
nian sealevel lowstands that enabled erosion of shales, extensive sandstones, and paleosols (Dree-
former marine platforms, and renewed river inci- sen et al., 1985a, 1988). Coral^sponge reefs of the
sion inland. The F/F boundary here can be de- Belgian Ardennes shelf progressively died out
¢ned only within terrestrial sandstone sequences within the rhenana CZ, below the linguiformis
containing miospores and plant remains (Embry CZ, and the F/F boundary (Dreesen et al.,
and Klovan, 1976). 1985b). Black shales mark the terminal Famen-
nian Hangenberg event (praesulcata CZ), but
3.1. Western Europe (W. Baltica plate) ironstones, ooids, and hardgrounds record ero-
sional gaps, and turbulent, cyclic oceanic events
During the Famennian, the north European throughout the Famennian (Dreesen et al., 1988).
platform was located in the 15^20‡S latitudes, Mid-Famennian mudmounds up to 100 m thick,
£anking the Old Red continent Laurussia (Fig. formed by crinoids, dasyclad green algae, and
4). In general, Europe featured a major regressive sponges cemented by calcimicrobes, in an open
megasequence in the Famennian, interrupted by marine, marginal ramp setting, and possibly emer-

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gent in later stages, are described from the mar- facies, under a sealevel drop of 10 m, at least
ginifera CZ in Belgium and Germany (Kasig and locally switched the platform to semi-restricted
Wilder, 1983; Dreesen and Flajs, 1984; Dreesen back shoals and erosional surfaces at the F/F
et al., 1985a, 1991; Dreesen, 1989). The ¢nal stro- boundary. Where present, the ¢rst recovering Pol-
matoporoid patch reefs of Belgium occur within ish Famennian reefs of the crepida CZ were mud-
the Etroeungt (Strunian) praesulcata CZ, directly mounds with crinoids, bryozoans, and algae (Ma-
below the Carboniferous boundary (Dreesen, tyja, 1988; Racki, 1990). Other calcimicrobial
1989). Stromatoporoids occurred more as thickets mounds, or small, shallow-water stromatoporoid
or biostromes, such as in the Epinette and patch reefs were present in higher rhomboidea to
Etroeungt formations of Belgium, rather than as postera CZ, £anking peri-tidal carbonates (Nar-
prominent reefs (Paproth et al., 1986). Rare small kiewicz, 1988; Szulczewski et al., 1996; Racki,
coral patch reefs, 6 1^2 m thick, also occur in the 1997). The Famennian of Poland ended in car-
Strunian of Belgium (Poty, 1999). bonate shoaling and a further regressive discon-
During the latest Frasnian and Famennian, formity in the praesulcata CZ (Racki, 1997). In
some of the Frasnian reefs, e.g. the Iberg atoll the Prague basin, reefs had disappeared by the
complex of Germany, built on a volcanic pile, beginning of the Frasnian (Zukalova and Skocek,
were eroded, karsted, pierced by neptunian dykes, 1979; Zukalova and Chlupac, 1982). For Mora-
and depressions were in¢lled or covered with via, carbonate production declined from the Early
black shales and phosphorite nodules (Franke, Frasnian to Famennian (Hladil, 1986, 1988).
1973; Fuchs, 1990; Schindler, 1990; Gischler, Dvorak (1986) listed Moravian ‘Famennian’ reefs
1992. Fuchs (1990), who examined the Elberinge- (now redated as Frasnian!) with rare stromatop-
rode reef complex, concluded that the atoll ulti- oroids, and condensed carbonates with calcimic-
mately foundered and was covered by deep-water robes (algal nodules) and foraminiferans. Fras-
limestones. The subsiding atoll thus became a sea- nian reefs were terminated diachronously earlier
mount, covered by deep-water coral banks during in the north, forming emergent karst highs in the
the marginifera CZ, but emergent for most of the Famennian, or replaced by shoaling foraminiferal
remaining Famennian (Gischler, 1996). He also shelf facies, algal laminites and evaporites. Fa-
remarked that these ‘drowned’ atolls were pre- mennian basinal facies in Moravia were marked
vented from reef revival by cold waters. This re- by cherts with planktic radiolarians and benthic
sponse is analogous to that of ‘drowned’ Creta- sponges (Chlupac, 1988).
ceous atolls and carbonate platforms in the The stratotype F/F boundary is set in the Mon-
western Paci¢c ocean today, part of the sinking tagne Noire area of southern France, in deeper
hotspot system that a¡ects seamounts as they ei- water, ammonoid and conodont-bearing, pelagic
ther become inactive volcanic piles, or move out facies, lacking reefs or reefal mudmounds at the
of the equatorial belt (Wheeler and Aharon, 1991; boundary (Klapper et al., 1993). Reefs ceased here
Wilson et al., 1998). However, ancient platform in the Late Emsian. In the Montagne Noire, the
‘drowning’ (i.e. loss or reduction of carbonate Famennian ostracode survivors were suggested to
production) may be a direct response to cooling have come from oxygen oases in shallow waters,
climates, and have nothing to do with relative without reefs or mudmounds (Lethiers and Ca-
sealevel rise or tectonically sinking platforms sier, 1994). Spain and the French Pyrenees were
(Isern et al., 1996; Schlager, 1999). devoid of reefs by the Famennian, as platforms
In Poland, there is generally a major Early Fa- were converted to deeper water, black shale^lime-
mennian erosional gap above the uppermost Fras- stone facies. In the Carnic Alps, F/F boundary
nian shallow carbonate platform, with karst sur- strata are phosphatic (up to 90%), and no Famen-
faces developed as low as the Late Frasnian nian mudmounds or reefs are known (Vai, 1963,
rhenana CZ, except in deeper water facies (Szulc- 1967; Bandel, 1972). In Morocco, the Famennian
zewski, 1986; Narkiewicz, 1988). Casier et al. lacked metazoan reefs and mudmounds, with se-
(2000) suggested that normal marine carbonate quences dominated by siliciclastics, turbidites, or

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40 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

erosional gaps (Gendrot, 1973; Wendt, 1988; Famennian dolostones and evaporites. No Fa-
Benbouziane et al., 1993). mennian black shales are reported as £ooding
this platform, but microbial (‘algal’) reefs were
3.2. Central and eastern Baltica (including Russian repeated in the Carboniferous in the same, albeit
Platform, Urals) reduced, area of Beloruss and Ukraine (Makh-
nach et al., 1986). In the Precaspian region of
In the Timan^Pechora region, stromatoporoid^ the SE Russian Platform, Famennian (and Tour-
coral reefs ceased after the Frasnian and were naisian) microbial reefs, 6 10 m thick, are present
replaced by ‘algal bioherms and mud hills’ (Men- near Saratov in a sequence with dolostones, oo-
ner et al., 1996). In the northern Pechora Urals a lites and conglomerates (Rusetskaya and Yaro-
diverse assemblage of calcimicrobes such as Re- shenko, 1990). In the southern part of the Precas-
nalcis, Epiphyton, Izhella and Shuguria formed pian Synclinorium, data from oil¢elds on the
framework in Famennian patch reefs, and were N margin of the Caspian Sea, 400^500 km E of the
accompanied by inter-reef or lagoonal facies con- Volga delta (NW Kazakhstan, Karaton), identify
taining calcispheres (Belyaeva, 1986; Antoshkina, subsurface reefal limestones of Famennian and
1997). Some of these Famennian Pechora reefs Early Carboniferous age. These are of unde-
occur as petroleum-bearing prospects in the sub- scribed composition, in a succession some 80^90
surface (Belyaeva, 1986). On the NE tip of No- m thick (Rusetskaya and Yaroshenko, 1990). In
vaya Zemlya Island, Bondarev et al. (1967, p. 110) the Caucasus to the south, a collisional continen-
identi¢ed Famennian calcimicrobial reefs in a re- tal margin facies suppressed Famennian carbon-
gressive setting, con¢rmed by observations of An- ates, which are frequently interrupted by erosional
dreeva et al. (1979). Famennian calcimicrobial disconformities, slumped units, and sandstones.
‘Girvanella’, and red and green algal reefs, from Much of the sequence is regressional, reef activity
drill-core data, were said to continue on tops of having ceased in the Givetian (Chegodaev et al.,
highs created by underlying Frasnian reefs in the 1984).
southwestern Urals, and to be present in strata
possibly as young as the Tournaisian (Ulmishek, 3.3. Kazakhstan plate and Near East plate(s)
1988). A disconformity at the base of these Fa-
mennian microbial subsurface reefs is not re- Famennian through Tournaisian reefs in Ka-
ported, though the system switched from reef to zakhstan broadly conformed to patterns elsewhere
shelf limestones at the F/F boundary (Ulmishek, (Zadoroshnaya et al., 1990a). In central Kazakh-
1988). In the Urals, some reefs were mudmounds stan, ca. 300 km NW of Lake Balkhash, a terrig-
with an impoverished bryozoan, sponge or un- enous-volcanogenic pile of sediments incorpo-
known microbial contribution, and minor skeletal rated ‘algal’ reef massifs of Famennian age
remains, and in others, Famennian calcimicrobial (Buzmakov and Shibrik, 1976). Though the fring-
patch reefs with distinctive fabrics (Shuiskii, ing reefs are only a few meters thick (condensed
1986). Such reefs were also said to continue into Famennian carbonate section = 50^100 m), they
the Early Tournaisian (Mirchink, 1974). Famen- extend discontinuously for about 150 km; Tour-
nian reefs disappeared from the shallow platform naisian build-ups are thicker. In the northern
to the west, and were con¢ned to calcimicrobial Tyan-Shan Fold Belt (Karatau range, S. Kazakh-
build-ups along the new shelf edge margin, S and stan), Famennian reef belts stretch about 500 km
E of Pechora, in the black Domanik facies (Men- SE towards the Akshirak^Moldotau range, west
ner et al., 1996). of Lake Issuk Kul. These appear to be dolomi-
For the central and southern Russian Platform, tized, Famennian rimmed, ‘algal’ reef complexes,
Moskvich and Kruchek (1984) and Makhnach et covering an area about 10 km2 but ‘algal’ textures
al. (1986) ¢gured Early Famennian microbial (‘al- are diagenetic relicts (the Famenne section here is
gal’) reefs, from the Pripyat High or ‘Beloruss’ about 500 m thick). The carbonates are near the
shelf, in a 250 km wide tract, covered by Late top of a 1^5 km thick, rapidly subsiding sequen-

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ces of molasse and volcanics, probably derived km, with a bryozoan patch reef facies in the on-
from an actively uplifting area during the Devo- shore Salair paleocontinent setting. Belskaya
nian and Carboniferous (Zadoroshnaya et al., (1960, ¢gs. 51^52) described and ¢gured promi-
1990b). From Bolshoi Karatau, the same general nent Famennian ‘algal’ reefs, replacing earlier,
area, Cook et al. (1994) ¢gured Famennian more widely distributed Frasnian coral reefs in
‘Waulsortian’-type reef mounds, dominated by the Kuznetsk Basin, close to Kemerovo, stretch-
crinoids, bryozoans and algae, up to 100 m thick ing over a distance of nearly 100 km. Famennian
and 2 km long. Tournaisian reefs continue this and Early Carboniferous ‘algal’ reef massifs also
north Tyan-Shan section. In the Caspian Basin occur in the Alai Ranges near Archaltur (Dronov
of southern Kazakhstan, seismic modeling has and Natalin, 1990). Yolkin et al. (1994) pointed
discovered a very large, horseshoe-shaped reef out that ‘powerful volcanism’ within the Altai
atoll (the Tengiz structure, 400 km2 ), initiated in mountains, the fold belt £anking the Kuznetsk
the Frasnian, interrupted by probable sealevel Basin in the Late Devonian, may have disrupted
lowstands but continuing into the Famennian some of the reef development in the region.
and up to the Visean (Pavlov et al., 1988). Be-
cause of its great depth at 4^5 km, the more 3.5. Mongolia (Tuva), North China and NE
than 1 km thick Tengiz reefal units, with six Russia plates
stratigraphic breaks, are not precisely dated, and
the nature of the Frasnian and Famennian com- Famennian-age reefs are thus far unknown in
ponents of the reef are not known. In the south- the far-eastern parts of Russia (Kolyma^Chukot)
ern Tyan-Shan ranges of Zeravshan, Famennian and in Mongolia (Tuva). Though a major reef
strata of the Yatavluk Fm., some 500^550 m belt nearly 2000 km long on the Mongolian plate
thick, contain dolomitized stromatolitic mounds extended discontinuously from the Late Silurian
associated with lagoonal or peri-tidal micrites (Ludlow) through Eifelian (Middle Devonian),
(Kim et al., 1984). Such Famennian microbial this appears to have marked the end for condi-
reefs may also be present in the Chinese Tyan- tions suitable for the growth of either microbial
Shan ranges, but remain to be discovered. No reefs, reefal mudmounds or stromatoporoid reefs
Famennian reefs are known from Iran, Pakistan (Sharkova, 1980, 1986a,b). Sharkova (1986a,b) at-
or Afghanistan, in areas that previously sup- tributed the termination of reef growth in the Ei-
ported limited Frasnian or Givetian reef develop- felian to submergence and turbidity as a result of
ment (Gaetani, 1968; Huckriede et al., 1972; Das- active tectonism, but it is also possible that the
tanpour, 1996). Frasnian reefs were replaced in whole continent had simply moved northwards
the rhenana CZ by bryozoan and stromatolite out of the tropical reef belt, which was already
communities (Mistiaen et al., 2000). at relatively high north latitudes in the Devonian
(Fig. 4: assuming the Tuva location is correct).
3.4. Siberia plate There was no reef development in the Late De-
vonian and Early Carboniferous, thus shedding
Lower Famennian calcimicrobial (‘algal’) reefs, no direct clues on F/F reef demise in the area.
several meters thick, and locally associated with In the Omolon Massif of far northeastern Russia,
bryozoans, superceded Frasnian coral reefs along apparently only Famennian coral and stromato-
the Tom River north of Kemerovo (in the Kuz- poroid biostromes occur, but without metazoan
netsk Basin), over a distance of about 60 km. reef, or microbial mounds (Simakov et al., 1983).
These microbial reefs disappeared in higher strata Similarly, for the North China plate no Middle
(reefs illustrated by Belskaya, 1960, pp. 164^165, Devonian nor Frasnian^Famennian reefs have
pl. 1, ¢g. 2). Ivanova (1983, ¢g. 3) illustrated two been described to date. These areas without reef
Famennian ‘algal reef’, and rimmed bank com- growth suggest possible drift of these plates out of
plexes in the Kuznetsk Basin, west of Kemerovo, the tropics, or unsuitable conditions for reef
one ca. 45 km in diameter, and the other ca. 30 growth in the Famennian.

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42 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

3.6. Laurentia nella^Wetheredella oncoids up to 3 m thick, over-

lying black, cherty, conchostracan-rich mid-Fa-
The western Canada sedimentary basin, which mennian shales (Rodriguez and Gutschick, 2000).
had the world’s largest Frasnian reef tracts, lost In Iowa, in central Laurentia, Frasnian reefs
its metazoan coral^sponge reefs by the Famen- are missing, and there was a post-Middle Fras-
nian. Calcimicrobial reefs are also not known, nian platform regression marked by deep Late
possibly due to shallow to emergent conditions Frasnian shale ¢ssure in¢lls containing brachio-
over much of the carbonate shelf. In Alberta, pods (Day, 1998). Frasnian reefs were absent in
the weathered, karsted surface of the latest Fras- eastern North America (Fagerstrom, 1983). The
nian Southesk Formation, e.g. at Jasper Park in Famennian in southern and south central Lauren-
the central Rockies, is typically overlain by the tia (e.g. Michigan Basin, Ontario, New York,
primarily intertidal dolomitic siltstones of the Fa- Pennsylvania) was marked by shallow, hypoxic
mennian Sassenach Fm., with reefs ending in the to anoxic waters, pyrite and organic-rich, silici-
mid-Frasnian Mount Hawk Fm. (MacKenzie, clastic mud deposition, or local deepening (Gut-
1969). Reinson et al. (1993) identify the F/F break schick and Sandberg, 1991), partly as a response
at the top of their cycle C6, the Winterburn of crustal £exing and the expansion of the Catskill
Group, which is succeeded by cycle C7, the Wa- delta. Even bryozoan, or microbial mounds are
bamun Group. Stromatolites in the Wabamun unknown. The Famennian black shales (the An-
sediments suggest highly restrictive and stressed trim, Kettle Point formations, etc.) were rich in
conditions on the western side of Laurentia. The woody trunks, leaves, and fresh-water molluscs
F/F disconformity is followed in other areas by and insects, deposited in delta-distant, coastal
the ‘Graminia Silt’, a regressive unit recording a lowlands under fresh water, or estuarine to partly
thickening siliciclastic wedge, the base of which marine conditions. Widespread local marine black
marks the F/F boundary locally (Reinson et al., shale horizons, precisely dated by conodonts and
1993). McLean and Klapper (1998), however, bentonites, occur below, at and above the F/F
dated the regressive lower Graminia Silt as latest boundary in eastern North America, and thus
Frasnian : this suggests that uppermost marine Kellwasser-type ‘anoxia’ here appears to mark lo-
strata are discontinuous, and that regression be- cal sedimentary anoxic or hypertrophic events of
gan in the latest Frasnian. The only known Fa- di¡erent ages (Over, 2000).
mennian reefs on the west £anks of North Amer-
ica, over a distance of more than 5000 km, are 3.7. South China
small stromatoporoid patch reefs of mid- to late
Famennian age recorded from Alberta borehole Wang (1985) made no mention of the Chinese
data (Stearn et al., 1987; Nishida, 1987; Stearn, Famennian as an unusual episode in reef history,
1988; Halim-Dihardja and Mountjoy, 1988), and marked by regressions and loss of reef biotas.
some small outcropping mounds along Humming- South China is assumed to have been located
bird Creek, probably in the crepida CZ (Stearn, proximal to the Australian plate in the low lati-
1987). In basinal sequences, a regressive event is tudes 6 30‡S of the equator (Fig. 4). In south
also recorded in western Canada (Van Buchem et China, Famennian (Xiwangshanian) strata were
al., 1996). To the contrary, Geldsetzer et al. (1987) most commonly restricted intertidal to supratidal
suggested that a basinal section near Jasper, Alber- facies, though local deeper sediments mark a com-
ta, was marked by £ooding of anoxic waters, plete record of the F/F events, with collapse brec-
spiked by sharply positive N34 S values at the F/F cias recorded in the rhenana CZ (Hou et al.,
boundary, a feature not con¢rmed elsewhere. 1988). On the platform, inter-reef, shelf margin
However, this level also has icriodid conodonts, and slope, calcimicrobial reefs were dominated
indicating shallowing. In a 1200 km long belt virtually exclusively by massive Renalcis and Epi-
from Nevada to Montana, the terminal Famennian phyton (labeled as ‘algal’ mounds) on the platform
(praesulcata CZ) is featured by vast beds of Girva- margins, such as those in Guangxi, eastern

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Yunnan and southern Guizhou (Hang, 1987; pared the South China and Belgian sections of the
Tsien et al., 1988; Yu et al., 1991; Gao, 1991; F/F boundary and suggested that the same eu-
Yu and Shen, 1998). Prominent, up to 35 m thick static sealevel fall occurred in both, coinciding
and ca. 50^180 m diameter calcimicrobial ‘Renal- with the base of the triangularis CZ. In Vietnam,
cis^Epiphyton’ mounds of the upper Yongshien small stromatoporoid patch reefs are reported
Fm. near Miaomen and Zhaijiang, west of Guilin from the latest Famennian (Strunian) by Nguyen
(Guangxi province) have their surfaces intersected and Mistiaen (1998).
by sediment-in¢lled ¢ssures showing contempora-
neous erosion (Yu and Shen, 1998). Inter-reef 3.8. Australia
sediments with gastropods, ostracodes and forams
indicate a restricted subtidal to peri-tidal setting There is an erosional gap at the top of the
for these reefs. The famous Baisa reef in Guangxi Frasnian, and possibly the earliest Famennian,
is a Famennian calcimicrobial mound (Tsien et in much of the Canning Basin, which made the
al., 1988; Yu and Shen, 1998). shallow carbonate platform emergent (Playford,
The South China calcimicrobial reefs replaced 1984; Cockbain and Playford, 1988; Playford et
stromatoporoid reefs of the Late Frasnian. Fa- al., 1989). Famennian reefs of the Nullara and
mennian stromatoporoid reefs are scarce, though Windjana limestones were dominated by back-
endemic stromatoporoids, including labechiids stepping cycles with the cyanobacteria Renalcis,
were common to abundant, albeit not generally Shuguria, Girvanella and Rothpletzella in shallow
reef-building. Rare, small and 6 5 m thick, upper waters less than 45 m deep on both the platform
Famennian stromatoporoid patch reefs are re- and shallow slope (Playford and Cockbain, 1969;
ported from the Dongcun Fm., at the village of Begg, 1987). Some calcimicrobial reefs were prob-
Etaoucun, south of Guilin (Milhau et al., 1997). ably at the limit of the photic zone at 100 m, and
In Xinjiang province (NE China) the colonial ru- lithistid sponge reefs existed in still deeper waters
gose coral fauna of the Late Frasnian collapsed, (Playford and Cockbain, 1969). Reef architecture
and the Famennian rugosans were simple, solitary was largely inherited from the pre-existing car-
forms that appear to have been con¢ned to deeper bonate platform, and modi¢ed by regressive
waters (Guo, 1990). In platform non-reefal facies, pulses. Neptunian fracturing and platform col-
the uppermost Frasnian is a normal marine facies, lapse may be partly related to rapid sealevel £uc-
and basal Famennian is marked by a peloidal, tuations at this time (Southgate et al., 1993). It
‘‘algal-laminated limestone representing a tidal was suggested by Wood (2000b) that a local novel
£at environment’’ (Hou et al., 1988). In deeper reef ecology with a relatively diverse lithistid,
water, o¡-reef sections of Maanshan in Guangxi sphinctozoan and calcimicrobial community dem-
province, the top of the Frasnian is marked by a onstrated that Famennian reef recovery was in-
brachiopod bed of ‘‘shell-beach facies under high stantaneous in the Canning Basin, and that the
dynamic conditions [sic]’’, de¢ning a short shal- reef ecosystem had been fully re-established.
lowing event directly below the boundary. There Nevertheless, corals played no role in the reefs,
is no record of any within-Famennian faunal ex- as they did in the Frasnian, and stromatoporoids
tinction in forams or microbes, nor any sedimen- were minor or absent.
tologic carbonate platform cessation in South The iron-concentrating cyanobacterium Frutex-
China, e.g. in the crepida CZ, as suggested by ites marks a hypoxic condensation surface, and is
Wang et al. (1994). Wang (1992) discovered glassy found on some reef and reef slope surfaces within
microspherules, below a siderophile anomaly, the Famennian crepida CZ, at a level post-dating
within the crepida CZ from the northern margin the F/F extinction by possibly 0.5^1.5 Myr or
of the South China carbonate platform, and sug- more. This con¢rms that the iridium anomaly is
gested Taihu Lake near Shanghai as the impact not associated with any metazoan reef or faunal
site : neither reefs, nor diversity losses, are re- extinction here, contradicting Wang et al. (1994).
ported in these strata. Muchez et al. (1996) com- No black shales are known from the carbonate

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44 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

platform. Carbonate platform and calcimicrobial interval generally record continuous sedimenta-
reef growth seems to have persisted through the tion, and little biotic disturbance of their benthic
Late Famennian, at which time it stopped (Play- faunas: the zonal stratigraphic scheme is exclu-
ford, 1980; Becker and House, 1997). Becker sively based on this environment. Sorauf and Ped-
(1995) stated that ‘stromatolitic’ (calcimicrobial, der (1986) demonstrated that deep-water solitary
e.g. Rothpletzella, etc.) biostromes and ‘mini-bio- rugose coral faunas persisted in the Famennian,
herms’ were best developed in Famennian trans- and were almost undisturbed. There were virtually
gressive pulses on platform slopes and £ats. no Famennian colonial rugosans, though some
George et al. (1995) interpreted a mid-Famennian returned in the Strunian (Poty, 1999). For the
platform margin collapse during a sealevel high- ostracodes, although shallow-water taxa were
stand of the Canning Basin, marked by dislodged strongly a¡ected by F/F extinctions, deep-water
reef blocks, and this was suggested to be due to ostracodes were ‘almost untouched’ (Lethiers
over-steepening and/or tectonic activity. On the and Casier, 1996, 1999a,b). Famennian deep-
tectonically active eastern margins of Australia water mudmounds appear to have been very
and New Zealand, no post-Emsian reefs are rare to absent, though the glass sponges and ra-
known. diolarians saw a radiation in North American and
European slope to basin sections (McGhee, 1982;
Racki, 1999; Racki and Cordey, 2000). The Mon-
4. Temperate to cool Gondwana (South America, tagne Noire section at Coumiac, with condensed
southern Africa) dark gray to black, carbonate^shale facies was
deposited on a deep submarine rise (several 100^
This region was located within the south polar 1000 m+ deep), continuously across the bound-
cold to cool temperate climate regime, as seen ary. Both sections record planktic and nektic fau-
from the dominance of siliciclastics, total absence nas consisting of ammonoids, conodonts, small
of carbonates, and declining abundance of marine epiplanktic bivalves, palynomorphs, acritarchs,
shelf benthic faunas through the Devonian (Cop- chitinozoans, microforams, and pelagic to benthic
per, 1977). From the Eifelian onwards, brachio- ostracodes and trilobites (a number of the trilo-
pod and mollusc faunas declined (bivalves, gastro- bites are blind : Feist, 1991). Through the upper-
pods), and even the rare Early Devonian favositid most Frasnian linguiformis CZ, about 2 m thick,
corals had vanished. Reefs and microbial mud- and possibly lasting as long as 500 000 yr (Sand-
mounds were completely absent in this realm berg et al., 1988), conodont abundance dropped
throughout the Devonian, the last reefs being re- dramatically from about 10 000 elements per kg of
ported from the Middle Ordovician (Copper, rock to less than 100 per kg, about 1 m below the
1997). Glaciation commenced sometime in the Fa- extinction boundary, thus over ca. 250 000 yr
mennian or even earlier, as seen from striated (Girard in Paris et al., 1998). At the same time,
pebbles, diamictites, dropstones, and other glacio- the tasmanitid £ora jumped in abundance (in con-
marine sediments (Caputo and Crowell, 1985; junction with microforams), suggesting high sur-
Barrett and Isaacson, 1988; Isaacson, 1997; face productivity and nutrient abundance in the
Isaacson and Grader, 1997). The only thin car- Late Frasnian pelagic system, as also seen in east-
bonates and low diversity coral faunas were de- ern North America and Brazil at this time. In
veloped on the northern margin of South Amer- contrast, chitinozoan plankton were relatively
ica, but reefs were absent (Scrutton, 1977). low in abundance in the Late Frasnian, but rose
to 19 000 specimens per g of rock in the Early
Famennian, the highest known abundance of chi-
5. The deep-water, pelagic setting during the F/F tinozoans in the fossil record to date (Paris et al.,
boundary 1998). Since the a⁄nity of chitinozoans is un-
known, it is tempting to suggest that these were
Deep-water settings during the F/F boundary remnants of detritivores (egg cases, resting

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P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65 45

stages?), feeding on the enriched planktic detritus oids declined markedly in the latest Frasnian, in
derived from the ¢nal collapse at the F/F bound- the rhenana CZ, below the F/F boundary (Stearn,
ary (possibly a disaster biota). Paris et al. (1998) 1975), and survived the F/F extinction, only to
suggest basal Famennian chitinozoan abundance perish at the end of the Famennian, with the cos-
was due to a ‘‘temporary lowering of ocean tem- mopolitan Frasnian genera surviving preferen-
peratureT and very low activity of the usual pred- tially (Stearn, 1987; Cockbain, 1989).
ators’’. Girard and Albarede (1996), who looked (7) Exclusively tropical orders of brachiopods,
at conodont phosphorus, suggested that the ex- such as pentamerids and atrypids, were com-
tinction in the Montagne Noire was due to trans- pletely eliminated, but the high-latitude and deep-
gression and anoxia. er water brachiopods survived (Copper, 1977).
(8) Bryozoans had few losses, though reef
dwellers su¡ered more than others (Bigey, 1988).
6. Why did the Mid-Palaeozoic reef ecosystem (9) Tropical peri-reefal ammonoids showed dra-
collapse ? matic declines or total extinction, and the only
surviving family was that present in the cool-
The global nature of the ‘catastrophic’ F/F ex- water malvinoka¡ric province (House, 1985;
tinction was ¢rst suggested by Copper (1966), and Becker, 1993a,b; Becker and House, 1994).
expanded by McLaren (1970), who proposed an (10) Tropical planktic and benthic foraminifer-
extra-terrestrial impact, associated with giant tsu- ans showed dramatic declines and change-overs,
namis. Most of the theories regarding the F/F but a resurgence in the Famennian (Kalvoda,
extinction have been succinctly surveyed by 1986).
McGhee (1996), but no papers have focused on (11) Reef calcimicrobes showed no decline to-
what happened globally to carbonate platforms wards the F/F boundary, and thrived in the post-
and reefs at the time. To determine the causes F/F events, dominating reefs (Copper, 1997).
of catastrophic reef losses during the Late Fras- (12) Terrestrial fresh-water and estuarine ¢sh
nian, the following must be taken into account : faunas showed dramatic losses towards the close
(1) Reefs disappeared prior or close to the of the Frasnian (Long, 1995).
boundary, within or prior to the last one or two (13) Terrestrial £oras show major overturns at
CZs, almost on a worldwide basis. the F/F boundary (Streel and Loboziak, 1995).
(2) Reef losses were not simultaneous world- (14) Dramatic decline of platform CaCO3 pro-
wide, but show progressive stepdown declines, duction from the Frasnian into the Famennian.
with smallest and fewest reefs towards the F/F A number of causes for the mass extinction of
boundary, matching diversity declines (Copper, reef biota and loss of metazoan reefs towards the
1984, 1986). F/F boundary have been proposed (Copper,
(3) The terminal Frasnian extinction events 1998; Racki, 1998a for brachiopod losses). Some
were marked by regressions in virtually all plat- suggested global warming for reef decline
form carbonate successions that can be dated, and (Thompson and Newton, 1988; Brand, 1989).
the overlying Famennian is initially also usually Nutrient (phosphorus) poisoning was a theme in
regressive, with the break usually marked by dis- other explanations (Schlager, 1981; Hallock and
conformities, erosional boundaries and sharp Schlager, 1986; Wood, 1993; Eliuk, 1998). Theo-
changes in lithology. ries for direct causes presently seem to revolve
(4) The Frasnian^Famennian was marked by mainly around two schools of thought: (1) one
rapidly oscillating sealevel lowstands and high- or two cycles of worldwide oceanic anoxia asso-
stands. ciated with the lower and upper Kellwasser lime-
(5) Deep-water rugose coral faunas, mostly soli- stones (Walliser, 1984, 1996) and supported by
tary forms, were relatively una¡ected (Sorauf and others (e.g. Joachimski and Buggisch, 1993;
Pedder, 1986; Oliver and Pedder, 1994). May, 1995; Murphy et al., 2000), or (2) global
(6) Deeper and shallower water stromatopor- climatic cooling and sealevel drawdown, a¡ecting

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46 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

both sea and land, ¢rst proposed by Copper dated £ood basalt events in NW Siberia, the larg-
(1975, 1977). A corollary of these two e¡ects est basalt traps of the Phanerozoic, and possible
might be rapidly alternating T/R cycles and cli- sources for atmospheric CO2 or H2 S enrichment:
mate change, and a coupling e¡ect involving nu- no such large scale end Devonian £ood basalts
trient cycling, between the two end-points of T/R are known at present. Vogt (1989) suggested in
cycles (Buggisch, 1991). The database for F/F a general model that volcanism drove anoxia
reefs is far from complete, and new discoveries and reef death, but there is limited evidence for
are bound to change the picture. Reefs fortu- this on the huge passive margin of Laurentia,
nately do not su¡er from the ‘Signor-Lipps e¡ect’ though bentonites are common on the eastern
at extinction boundaries, i.e. the absence of speci- side (Tucker et al., 1998). Kellwasser events
mens or species, especially planktic and nektic were related to transgressions by Walliser (1984)
taxa in key sections or drill-core, leading to a and Joachimski et al. (2001). Black shales and
postulated gradual or stepdown interpretation, limestones have traditionally been viewed as
when, in fact, all organisms may have died at markers for high rates of carbon burial (hence
the same time. Unlike single samples, whose dis- the development of suitable petroleum source
tribution and abundance varies from site to site, rocks), and strongly thermally layered, relatively
reefs represent the rock record of an entire eco- stagnant oceans with stable water column strati¢-
system which is di⁄cult to miss in outcrop or cation, e.g. a deep CCD. Black shales thus have
boreholes. They also represent an entire commun- been regarded as proxies for transgressive sealevel
ity raised above the sea£oor, usually preserved as highstands and global warming. Nevertheless, this
massive, or thickly bedded stratigraphic units, is contradicted by new models for organic-rich
highly unlikely to erode completely in outcrop, black shales, which include those of the Black
even if diagenetically altered. Thus the reef record Sea, the western coast of Peru and Ecuador in
is as close to complete for any ecosystem, and South America, the Gulf of California, the Nor-
much more complete than the geologic record wegian coast, and the west coast of Africa. Mod-
for terrestrial rainforests. ern counterparts for black muds occur mostly in
temperate areas, and on the cool western shelves
6.1. Anoxia of continents, marked by upwelling and mixing,
and high nutrient spill-over on the shallower shelf
How would anoxia, explained by water column or embayments. This led Pedersen and Calvert
strati¢cation during transgressive pulses, force (1990), Calvert and Pedersen (1992) and Calvert
reef demise and the loss of marine biotas on the et al. (1992) to suggest that organic-rich shales in
tropical, shallow shelves ? Brongersma-Sanders shallow and deep areas could best be explained by
(1966) suggested that anoxia could be created by high planktic productivity, stimulated by shelf
upwelling, of nutrient-rich and O2 -depleted waters and slope upwelling, and cooling. Murphy et al.
via strong winds, but considered this a local, not (2000) suggested, to the contrary, that marine C,
global model. The main dilemma is how giant N and P biogeochemical cycles were decoupled
‘burps’ of deep water from below the carbonate from mass extinction : they preferred an anoxic
compensation depth (CCD) could kill o¡ reefs on eutrophication model, tied to global cooling, for
a worldwide basis, and what would trigger such the mass extinction.
burps? And do black shale events have the same How would reefs be a¡ected by global anoxia,
timing as reef demise ? Wignall and Hallam (1992) and is worldwide, simultaneous anoxia of the
and Wignall and Twitchett (1996) favored the tropical shallow shelf feasible? A major problem
idea of anoxia as the prime killer for the end with the anoxia hypothesis is that it is di⁄cult to
Permian extinctions, though Hallam and Wignall imagine how ‘giant megaburps’ of CO2 (and
(1997) also added regression as a factor, perhaps SO2 )-enriched waters, brought up from below
even over-riding anoxia as the main cause. The the CCD, could simultaneously spill over all the
end Permian mass extinctions coincide with well- world’s tropical shelf areas, where reefs were

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growing. No mechanism is known for this via nian, Famennian and Early Carboniferous, and
warming or transgression. At best, rapid oceanic best tie in to widespread climatic cooling, and
overturn seems possible only during major diver- vigorous oceanic overturn (Caplan and Bustin,
sions in ocean currents and deep sea water 1999).
masses, accompanied by cooling and loss of shelf Reefs are generally not highly nutrient tolerant,
areas by regressions, as it did in the modern ice- having long term adaptations to tropical, oligo-
house during the Pleistocene. Most reefs today trophic waters, since phosphorus is a major inhib-
appear to be reasonably well adapted to living itor of carbonate skeletal precipitation, and since
on the margins of ecosystems which face the high nutrient input may stimulate the growth of
problem of being ‘shot in the back’ by a stagnant, soft algal carpets, smothering reef metazoans.
eutrophic lagoon or back-reef zone (Neumann Hallock and Schlager (1986) proposed a nutrient
and Macintyre, 1985). Throughout the Middle kill model for reef demise, including the Late
and Late Devonian, black shales and limestones Devonian. Quinn and Johnson (1996), and others,
were widespread in inter-reef basins, and in back- however, have noted relatively strong tolerance
reef zones. Many patch reefs and their associated for some modern reefs in marginal settings to sea-
corals such as thamnoporids, and the delicate, sonal high nutrient loading. What was the side
stick-like amphiporid and stachyodid sponges, e¡ect of upwelling nutrients and cold waters,
and speci¢c brachiopods (leiorhynchids, atrypids, which normally stimulate P, S and N production,
productids, etc.) were adapted to oxygen-starved and consequent SiO2 precipitation by plankton?
settings. Indeed, they form a distinctive Eifelian For example, in cool upwelling areas of the trop-
through Frasnian black, organic-rich marker fa- ical western Indian Ocean today, reefs have low
cies easily recognizable in drill-cores and reef out- diversity and low growth (Quinn and Johnson,
crops throughout the world. The reef £at and out- 1996; Coles, 1997). Is there evidence for phos-
er reefs fringed the margins of such shallow, phorites or silica-producing biotas at the F/F
hypoxic Devonian systems for over 20 Myr. An- boundary, and how do these relate to the reefs?
oxic and hypoxic substrates were commonly rec- McGhee (1996) noted the coincidence of the ex-
ognized in successions in North America, espe- pansion of siliceous demosponges during the Fa-
cially in the Frasnian and Famennian. In other mennian in North America, Australia and Po-
areas, there is no evidence for anoxia and black land. Racki (1999) and Racki and Cordey (2000)
shales or limestones at the F/F boundary, e.g. in summarized the nature of the rise of siliceous
the Canning reef complex, yet the metazoan reefs sponges and radiolarians during extinction events,
still died out (Becker and House, 1997). In South postulating a ‘hyper-siliceous’ connection, but re-
China, black shales are also missing at the F/F lated this primarily to volcanism in NW Europe.
boundary, yet metazoan reefs gave way to calci- However, widespread volcanism is not a feature
microbial reefs (Yu and Shen, 1998). In Nevada, elsewhere in the Devonian, particularly on passive
black shale events pre-date the F/F boundary, and margin, stable carbonate platforms, nor in the
are not tied to extinctions, nor carbonate plat- giant epicontinental seas of the Late Devonian.
form changes (Bratton et al., 1999). In arctic Can-
ada, Frasnian reefs died out due to sealevel low- 6.2. Impacts
stands and burial by deltaic siliciclastics (Embry
and Klovan, 1971; Embry, 1991). There is no The impact origin for the F/F mass extinctions
evident, direct relationship between black shale was initially promulgated by McLaren (1970),
horizons and reef disappearances in any sections, who favored instant mass killing and destruction
as the timing of these do not coincide. There may of ecosystems at the boundary by giant tsunamis.
be no direct link between black shales and bottom No evidence has yet been found for the tsunami
anoxia, except as indicators of high surface pro- concept. The impact theory has been stressed by a
ductivity in an icehouse climate setting. Black number of other workers, but the geochemical
shale horizons are widespread in the Late Fras- anomalies (Geldsetzer et al., 1987; Goodfellow

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48 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

et al., 1988; McLaren and Goodfellow, 1990; indication that Devonian reef accretion rates
Nicoll and Playford, 1993; Wang et al., 1991, were high. What is the relation between high car-
1994, 1996), and spherules (Wang, 1992) occur bonate production, via reefs, the demise of reefs,
in the Famennian, well above the F/F boundary, and the atmospheric CO2 budget? Berger (1982),
and mostly within the crepida CZ, or below the Broecker and Peng (1987) and Opdyke and
F/F boundary in the rhenana CZ. Geochemical Walker (1992) suggested that reefs were net ex-
anomalies within the two Frasnian Kellwasser ho- porters of CO2 to the atmosphere, because of
rizons also suggest an internal oceanic source for the CaCO3 equation, which dictates that CO2 is
anomalous values of N13 C (Joachimski, 1997). A released, as CaCO3 is precipitated : this should
mid-Famennian spherule horizon comes from theoretically enhance atmospheric CO2 and global
black shales of eastern Germany (Marini et al., warming. This would not take into account a po-
1997). Belgian examples of ‘spherules’ at or below tential net surplus of O2 generated via reef-build-
the F/F boundary were contaminated by road ing symbionts such as dino£agellates, which had a
marker glass beads (Claeys et al., 1992, 1996). fossil record already in the Neoproterozoic. Ware
Re-examination of the boundary stratotype in et al. (1992) concluded that modern reefs were net
the Montagne Noire for Pt/Ir has failed to con- sources of CO2 to the atmosphere, not sinks, even
¢rm earlier anomalies suggested by Geldsetzer with symbionts. But this is certainly not clear for
(Girard et al., 1997). The only postulated Late the Mid-Palaeozoic calcite greenhouse system
Devonian impact structure, the ‘Alamo Breccia’ (Copper, 1997). The demise of metazoan reefs at
(Warme and Sandberg, 1996), has been dated as the F/F boundary coincides with a rapid rise of
Early Frasnian, probably 3^4 Myr prior to the F/ O2 in the atmosphere, but it seems unlikely that
F, and this had no known e¡ect on the carbonate Late Devonian reefs ‘shot themselves in the back’
platform on which it landed in Nevada, nor on (with net CO2 output), and caused their own col-
global or regional diversity (J.E. Sorauf, personal lapse, because the rise of O2 matches the appear-
communication, regards these as slope-toe plat- ance of the ¢rst rain forests. In parallel, Kleypas
form breccias, as they occur along strike for et al. (1999) proposed that rapid increase in mod-
more than 150 km). Claeys and Casier (1994) ern CO2 was a major threat to reefs because of
and Claeys et al. (1996) have suggested the 55- increased solubility of aragonite in more acid
km diameter Siljans crater in Sweden as a Late oceans, leading to a drop in CaCO3 production.
Devonian impact site, but the crater has not been However, they noted also that such CO2 increases
reliably dated (McGhee, 1996), and no proximal^ would favor calcite-secretors, or the growth of
distal e¡ects are identi¢ed. The Flynn crater of non-skeletal organisms. The largest reefs of the
eastern Laurentia is too small ( 6 5 km) to have Phanerozoic occurred at a time of maximal Pha-
been e¡ective in extinction or reef demise. Wang nerozoic CO2 levels and calcite-dominated oceans,
(1992) suggested Lake Taihu in China, near suggesting that at this time reefs, dominated by
Shanghai, as a possible Late Devonian impact coral calcite precipitators (rugosans and tabu-
site, but the crater age is not con¢rmed. Thus lates), were capable of tolerating high CO2 , and
several possible impacts are known from the 26 that globally warm shelf seas over-rode the factor
Myr long Late Devonian, none of which had an of oceanic CO2 concentrations. The three most
e¡ect on reefs, not even regional extinctions. important factors favoring the growth of modern
coral reefs, in order of importance, are temper-
6.3. The ‘reef hypothesis’ and atmospheric CO2 ature, light and carbonate saturation (Buddemeier
budgets and Fautin, 1996). The fact the Siluro-Devonian
metazoan reefs showed high-temperature equato-
Modern reefs use ‘keep-up’ and ‘catch-up’ rial and high-latitude distribution, high growth
modes to match sealevel rise, as coral and reef rates similar to those seen in modern reef biotas
carbonate accretion is high in healthy reefs (Neu- (Gao and Copper, 1997), and shallow-water pref-
mann and Macintyre, 1985), and there is every erence, indicates that the same three factors were

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P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65 49

important in the Palaeozoic. There is little evi- temperatures were present at much higher lati-
dence that Mid-Palaeozoic reefs su¡ered during tudes than in the Cenozoic. The Mid-Palaeozoic
greenhouse conditions with much higher SSTs coral^sponge reef ecosystem evolved from the
than today, as seen in low diversity Panamian Late Ordovician into the Late Devonian, for
reefs on the west coast of the Americas (Glynn, over 100 Myr, and became strongly adapted to
1988; Glynn and D’Croz, 1990). Carbonate plat- the global greenhouse. Reefs survived short-lived
form development and reefs in the Coral Sea, the glaciation events ( 6 1 Myr) in the ¢nal stage of
northern extent of the Great Barrier reef, shrank the Ordovician, and repeated sealevel changes in
by 50% when Late Miocene SSTs dropped to the Late Silurian and Early Devonian, but the
averages of 18^20‡C (Isern et al., 1996), showing metazoan reef ecosystem could not be sustained
that for modern reefs temperature is also the in the 21 Myr long cool Famennian, the prelude
prime control. A parallel decline is seen in the to the Late Palaeozoic icehouse. Reef corals dis-
Late Miocene tropical Porites^Tarbellastraea reefs appeared ¢rst, but even the aragonite stromatop-
of the semi-enclosed Mediterranean (Esteban, oroids did not survive the Late Famennian, de-
1996). spite a Late stromatoporoid scordatura in the
¢nal CZ.
The Mid-Palaeozoic reef database con¢rms the
7. Conclusions basic global pattern that most metazoan reefs in
tropical low latitudes disappeared within or below
The Mid-Palaeozoic calcite-dominated coral the rhenana CZ, one CZ below the F/F boundary.
reef ecosystem was adapted to tropical, carbonate Reefs ceased not in a single event, but during
platform SSTs well above the Holocene intergla- protracted stepdown episodes probably lasting
cial icehouse norm. Calcite secretors are bu¡ered more than 1.0^1.5 Myr, with regional response
against excessively hot tropical shallow waters, in being variable. Relatively few reefs are known in
contrast to those which secrete aragonite, and can the latest Frasnian linguiformis CZ. There is no
thus survive the ‘paradox’ of large reefs in a glob- catastrophic reef ‘kill horizon’ at the F/F bound-
al greenhouse (Kleypas et al., 1999). The alterna- ary known anywhere in the world, with reefs
tive to excessively high, or low tropical SSTs, is to overlain by anomalous organic-rich facies carry-
retreat to small tropical oases (refugia), devolve a ing Pt/Ir signatures, or impactites (Grieve et al.,
skeleton, or to become extinct, leaving a gap in 1995). The Late Devonian mass extinctions and
the fossil record, as seen in the Famennian. High reef decline rank second only behind the Permian
equatorial temperatures leave the solution of ex- for their severity. The highly diverse Mid-Palaeo-
panding to higher latitudes (the Emsian^Give- zoic benthic reef consortium with its more than
tian); excessively low temperatures lead to vanish- 200 calcitic tabulate and rugose coral genera and
ing habitats or extinction (the Famennian). The some 60 genera of aragonitic stromatoporoids
main driving mechanism today for the production was eliminated, never to return in a signi¢cant
of coral reefs and thick carbonate platforms at the way. The 21 Myr long Famennian saw no basic
equator, and up to 30‡N and S, is warm, tropical recovery of the metazoan coral^sponge reef eco-
temperatures (Buddemeier and Fautin, 1996). The system, except for rare and minor stromatoporoid
distribution pattern of tropical SSTs and coral or lithistid patch reefs: many carbonate sequences
reefs, as plotted by satellite data, and concomitant are condensed, and Famennian carbonate produc-
carbonate saturation, is identical. The second fac- tion was only a fraction of that in the Frasnian.
tor is light, therefore the requirement of shallow Stromatoporoids became completely extinct dur-
waters for reef-dwelling symbionts that assisted in ing the praesulcata CZ at the close of the Famen-
high rates of CaCO3 precipitation : Mid-Palaeozo- nian, also marked by a regressive phase, as is the
ic reefs favored shallow carbonate platforms. The F/F boundary. Calcimicrobes, usually the same
distribution of Palaeozoic reefs matched and ex- groups that had been prominent from the Early
ceeded these two main requirements, as tropical Cambrian onwards, were the dominant reef for-

PALAEO 2824 31-5-02

50 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

mers in the Famennian, persisting and expanding ciation’’. This de¢nes the closure of the isthmus of
from the Frasnian without a break, often forming Panama, kicking in the Gulf Stream. This
stromatolite-like mounds. True stromatolites ap- matches the pattern seen in the Late Frasnian
pear to be no more common in the immediate and Famennian with the ¢nal closure of the Rheic
post-extinction phase than before. ocean and formation of Pangea, except that gla-
Cooling climates and lowered sealevels, a¡ect- ciation was only in the southern hemispheric
ing both marine and terrestrial environments, Gondwana continent (Copper, 1984).
oceans and atmospheres (Veevers and Powell, The most reasonable explanation for the demise
1987; Handford and Loucks, 1993; Isaacson, of the Mid-Palaeozoic coral^sponge reef ecosys-
1997; Grader and Isaacson, 1997; Caplan and tem appears to be the double blow of cooling
Bustin, 1999), accompanied by rapid overturning climates and major sealevel lowstands during
of ocean water masses in the Late Devonian, now cooling and glacial episodes that dominated the
appear to be favored by the bulk of the evidence Famennian, punctuated by interglacial high-
as the causes for the F/F reef demise and Famen- stands. Mid-Devonian and Frasnian calcite reefs
nian changes. They can best explain the 14 fea- and reef corals appear to have been relatively tol-
tures cited above for reef decline, and faunal^£o- erant to high temperatures, as noted for some
ral turnovers. Strong supporting evidence comes Persian Gulf corals today (Kinsman, 1968). The
from Late Devonian temperature declines based highest modern coral biodiversity today is in the
on Ca/Mg ratios (Yasamanov, 1981), Late Devo- Sulu sea near Sulawesi, which also has the highest
nian glaciation in South America (Caputo, 1985; average seasurface temperatures of the modern
Martinez and Isaacson, 1996), sealevel curves ocean (Linsley, 1996). High Frasnian coral toler-
(Johnson and Klapper, 1992), and rising NO18 sta- ance to raised SSTs may have made them more
ble isotope ratios (Berner, 1999a). Are there com- susceptible to cooling events. Since many areas
parable climate and reef signatures in the Ceno- lack any evidence for F/F anoxic events, and
zoic? The Cenozoic shifted Earth into a broad Frasnian back and o¡-reef biotas were well
‘icehouse’ climate mode in the latest Cretaceous adapted to hypoxia through their Devonian his-
and Early Palaeocene, following the Mesozoic tory, multiple global hypoxic or anoxic ‘burps’
greenhouse (Berner, 1999a). With a warming in- seem unlikely causes for reef losses in shallow
terruption during the Early Eocene, progressive marine, carbonate platform settings: in addition
decline, and then sharp cooling into the Early anoxia cannot account for terrestrial change-overs
Oligocene, warming in the Early and Middle Mio- in biota at the F/F boundary.
cene, and then renewed cooling from the Late
Miocene (Tortonian) into Plio-Pleistocene, equa-
torial climates were strongly a¡ected (Diester- Acknowledgements
Haas and Zahn, 1996). Early and mid-Miocene
average SST temperatures and reef abundance ex- This reef database is based on my own reef
ceeded those of the Oligocene and Holocene, and compilations over the past two decades, with
reefs declined in the Late Miocene (Isern et al., additions from the Canadian Reef Inventory
1996), accompanied by losses in coral diversity. (CSPG 1998), the Russian reef databases (e.g.
Late Miocene reefs of the Mediterranean shifted Sokolov, 1986; Belenitskaya and Zadoroshnaya,
into low diversity Porites, rhodalgal and stroma- 1990), and the PaleoReefs database of Erik Flu«gel
tolite phases, as climates cooled (Esteban, 1996). at Erlangen University (vide Kiessling et al., 1999).
Budd (2000) has shown that origination and ex- The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
tinction rates of Cenozoic coral genera and spe- Council of Canada are thanked for long term
cies match these climate trends, and ‘‘the most support of field, museum, and library work
intense peak in generic extinction occurred during worldwide, and the many colleagues who have
the Plio-Pleistocene, as climates deteriorated in kindly provided tips and clues into the buried
response to the onset of northern hemisphere gla- paleo-reef literature are also thanked. Jim Sorauf

PALAEO 2824 31-5-02

P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65 51

and Wolfgang Kiessling are thanked for thorough Southern and central Europe (terranes, tectonic
reviews that improved the manuscript. plates)

Czech Republic: reef growth limited ? or absent

Appendix 1. Appendix of Frasnian reef localities (Chlupac, 1988, 1998).
Slovakia: general reef decline to Late Frasnian,
For a more complete discussion of these reefs with reefs terminating earlier to north (Zukalova
and their distribution and signi¢cance, consult and Skocek, 1979; Dvorak, 1980; Zukalova and
Copper (2002). Chlupac, 1982; Dvorak, 1986; Hladil, 1986;
Galle et al., 1995). Some Late Frasnian reefs
capped by stromatolites.
Northwestern Europe (western Baltica plate) Sardinia: no Givetian^Frasnian reefs known
(Gnoli et al., 1981).
UK: Devon, only Early Frasnian reef mud- Spain and French Pyrenees : reduced small
mounds (Scrutton, 1977). Frasnian patch reefs into linguiformis zone (Reij-
Belgium : limited Early Frasnian reefs, maximal ers, 1980; Van Loevezijn, 1987, 1989; Mendez-
mid-Frasnian, absent latest Frasnian, mostly Badia and Soto, 1984; Van Loevezijn and Raven,
mudmounds 30^150 m thick (Lecompte, 1936, 1984; Joseph et al., 1980; Fernandez et al., 1996).
1970; Tsien, 1976; Monty et al., 1982; Dreesen Carnic Alps: reefs ended in rhenana (gigas) CZ,
et al., 1985a,b, 1986; Monty et al., 1988; Boul- F/F boundary phosphatic (Scho«nlaub, 1979,
vain et al., 1988; De Jonghe and Mamet, 1988; 1998; Vai, 1963, 1967, 1998; Bandel, 1972).
Boulvain, 1993, 2001; Casier, 1987, 1992; Casier
and Lethiers, 1997; Hilali et al., 1998). Reefs cov-
ered by Late Frasnian Matagne shales. Morocco^Algeria (northern Gondwana plate)
France: Boulonnais, Massif Armoricain, Mon-
tagne Noire, reefs and mudmounds absent (Elloy, Reefs ceased by Late Givetian, but one possible
1972; Mistiaen and Poncet, 1989; Bourrouilh and Frasnian patch reef site in Atlas Mts (Hollard,
Bourque, 1995). 1967; Gendrot, 1973; Wendt, 1985, 1988; Corne¤e
Germany: patch reefs, mudmounds, atolls (Jux, et al., 1990; Becker, 1993b).
1960, Krebs, 1967, 1971, 1974; Franke, 1973;
Palme, 1977; Eder and Franke, 1982, 1983; Kasig
and Wilder, 1983; May, 1987, 1995; Ziegler, Russia (eastern part of Baltica plate, Russian
1988; Weller, 1989; Wilder, 1989; Fuchs, 1990; Platform)
Gischler et al., 1991; Gischler, 1992, 1995; Schind-
ler, 1993). Reefs ceased rhenana CZ, karsted, con- Pechora: thick reefs said to end at F/F bound-
densed cap. ary (Menner et al., 1996).
Poland: microbial mounds prominent, also Novaya Zemlya: deep-water carbonates, but no
patch reefs, reef banks, mostly Early to mid-Fras- reef facies (Andreeva et al., 1979).
nian (Szulczewski, 1971; Szulczewski and Racki, Vaigach : small patch reefs (Shuiskii, 1980).
1981; Racki et al., 1985, 1993; Racki, 1988, 1992, Beloruss^Donets graben: coral^stromatoporoid
1998b; Narkiewicz, 1988; Narkiewicz and Ho¡- patch reefs (Makhnach et al., 1986), Late Fras-
man, 1989; Racki and Balin‹ski, 1998; Racki and nian only bryozoans and calcimicrobes.
Sobon‹-Podgo¤rska, 1992; Sandberg et al., 1992; SW Russian Platform : small, 6 2 m thick cor-
Szulczewski et al., 1996). Reefs generally ceased al^stromatoporoid, ‘algal’ patch reefs (Sorokin,
in lower rhenana zone, karsted, condensed cap, 1978), emergent late Frasnian.
hiatus. W. slope Urals^Volga : mid- and Late Frasnian
patch, some barrier and atoll reefs, many micro-
bial; some areas only patch reefs (Ulmishek,

PALAEO 2824 31-5-02

52 P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65

1988; Bogoyavlenskaya and Lobanov, 1995; An- and small ? patch reefs from the jamieae Zone,
toshkina, 1997, 1998). ending in rhenana Zone near Isfahan, were re-
Ural foredeeps : Semiluki coral^stromatoporoid placed by bryozoan and stromatolite communities
patch reefs (Ulmishek, 1988). (Huckriede et al., 1972; Dastanpour, 1996;
S. Urals: Bashkir and Skhapova platforms with Wendt et al., 1997; Mistiaen et al., 2000).
thick patch, atoll and barrier reefs (Ulmishek,
1988; Chuvashov and Shuiiski, 1990; Rusetskaya
and Yaroshenko, 1990; Dronov, 1993). Laurentia

W. Canada sedimentary basin: 1500 km long

Siberia giant barrier, fringing and patch reef complexes,
primarily in mid-Frasnian, with major declines in
W. active margin Siberia: no Frasnian reefs, Late Frasnian (Davies, 1975; Burrowes and
only Givetian and older (Stepanov, 1990; Bo- Krause, 1987; Norris et al., 1982; Moore, 1988;
goyavlenskaya and Lobanov, 1995). Reinson et al., 1993; Weissenberger, 1994; Ed-
Kuznetsk Basin: Early Frasnian rugose coral wards and Brown, 1999).
patch reef, barrier reef complex, 80 and 150 km N. Alberta, BC: deeper slope reefs (MacKenzie,
long (Belskaya, 1960; Ivanova, 1983; Krasnov et 1967; Mountjoy and Riding, 1981; Pratt and
al., 1986). Weissenberger, 1989; Hemphill et al., 1970).
NE Russia with patch reef belts (Ioganson, N. Alberta, BC subsurface, Rockies : reef-
1990a,b,c; Ioganson and Bazanov, 1990; Belya- rimmed platforms towards Peace river arch
eva and Ioganson, 1990; Ganelinand Ioganson, (McLaren, 1963; Andrichuk, 1958; Belyea,
1990; Khaiznikova, 1989). 1960; Belyea and McLaren, 1962; McLaren and
Mountjoy, 1962; Mountjoy, 1965, 1980; McCa-
mis and Gri⁄th, 1967; Langton and Chin, 1968;
Kazakhstan Mackenzie, 1969; Mountjoy and MacKenzie,
1973; Coppold, 1976; Anderson and Machel,
SS Balkhash^Dzungar: reefs from Frasnian to 1989; Mountjoy, 1989; Fischbuch, 1968; Green-
Tournaisian?, Early Frasnian patch reefs in vol- lee and Lehmann, 1993; McLean and Mountjoy,
canic setting (Berg et al., 1980; Zadoroshnaya et 1993; Ville¤ger, 1996; McLean and Klapper, 1998;
al., 1990a). Whalen et al., 2000); Hay River area mid-Fras-
Caspian Basin: 400 km2 Tengiz Frasnian reef nian patch reefs (Jamieson, 1971).
atoll, extending into Visean (Pavlov et al., 1988). Yukon-Mackenzie: during Frasnian deeper
S. Tyan-Shan : mid-Frasnian stromatoporoid water black limestones/shales (Morrow, 1999).
patch reefs (Kim and Erina, 1984). NWT-NE British Columbia : mid- to Late Fras-
nian coral patch and platform reefs extending
south to Alberta, some with restricted micro-
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran bial^stromatoporoid community (Belyea and
McLaren, 1962; Wendte et al., 1992; Norris,
Afghanistian : Early and mid-Frasnian fringing 1985; Hedinger and Workum, 1989; McLean
and platform coral^stromatoporoid reef tract, and Klapper, 1998).
coral patch reefs 40^50 m thick; Late Frasnian Mexico, southern USA : Early, mid-Frasnian
bryozoan and ‘algal’ reefs (Brice, 1977; Mistiaen, coral patch reefs, serpulid reefs, Arizona (Stoya-
1985). now, 1936; Huddle and Dobrovolny, 1952; Tei-
Pakistan: Givetian, but no Frasnian reefs (Gae- chert, 1965; Beus, 1980a,b), mid-Frasnian patch
tani, 1968). reefs Idaho (Isaacson and Dorobek, 1988; Isaac-
Iran: patch reefs and biostromes in Givetian son et al., 1989).
and Frasnian (Wendt et al., 1997); biostromes Nevada, California: carbonate platform but no

PALAEO 2824 31-5-02

P. Copper / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 181 (2002) 27^65 53

reefs (Warme and Sandberg, 1996), but possible Laos, Cambodia: no Frasnian reefs, but back-
patch reefs near Alamo Breccia (J.E. Sorauf, per- reef stromatoporoid facies present (Thanh et al.,
sonal communication; Johnson et al., 1991). 1988).
W. Arctic, Banks Island: three early-mid-Fras- Vietnam: Famennian stromatoporoid patch
nian reef levels, total ca. 150 m thick, 100 km long reefs in Vietnam (Nguyen and Mistiaen, 1998).
barrier, patch and back-reef tract, corals^stroma- North China: no reefs (potential reefs in NW
toporoids (Thorsteinsson and Tozer, 1962; Embry China, Dzungar Basin and Tyan-Shan ranges as
and Klovan, 1971, 1976; Miall, 1976; Embry, extensions of Russian reef provinces) (Suetenko et
1991); covered by siliciclastics Late Frasnian. al., 1977; Su, 1988).
Central and eastern arctic: no Frasnian reefs, Thailand : Middle Devonian reefs, NE Thai-
carbonate platform smothered by giant siliciclas- land, none in Frasnian (Fontaine and Suteethorn,
tic delta complex from Greenland Caledonides 1994).
(McLaren, 1963; Kerr, 1967; Trettin 1978,
1991; Embry, 1991; De Freitas and Mayr, 1998).
Central and E. North America: Hudson Bay, References
Michigan through Missouri, no Frasnian reefs
(Stumm, 1969). Algeo, T.J., Berner, R.A., Maynard, J.B., Scheckler, S.E.,
1995. Late Devonian oceanic anoxic events and biotic crises:
‘rooted’ in the evolution of vascular plants? Geol. Soc. Am.
Today 5, 63^66.
Anderson, J.H., Machel, H.G., 1989. The Upper Devonian
Nisku reef trend in central Alberta. Mem. Can. Soc. Petrol.
Lennard Shelf^Canning Basin: passive margin, Geol. 13, 391^398.
prograded Frasnian coral^stromatoporoid^calci- Andreeva, I.A., Bondarev, V.I., Ershov, Yu, P., Krasikov,
microbial reef tract in cyclical stages, especially E.M., Patrunov, D.K., Shekolin, P.A., 1979. Paleozoic of
the Schmidt peninsula, Russian harbour region, Novaya
mid-Frasnian (Playford, 1980; Begg, 1987; Play-
Zemlya (in Russian). In: Bondarev, V.I. (Ed.), Geologiya i
ford and Cockbain, 1989; Playford et al., 1989; Stratigra¢ya Novoi Zemli. Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov,
Southgate et al., 1993; Brownlow et al., 1996; Leningrad, pp. 18^52.
Wood, 1998, 1999, 2000a); top of Frasnian Andrichuk, J.M., 1958. Stratigraphy and facies analysis of
marked by karst (Holmes and Christie-Blick, Upper Devonian reefs in Leduc, Stettler and Redwater
1993). areas, Alberta. Bull. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 42, 1^93.
Antoshkina, A.I., 1997. Rify v Paleozoe Pechorskogo Urala.
Carnarvon Basin: patch reefs (Cockbain and Nauka, Sankt Petersburg.
Playford, 1988). Antoshkina, A.I., 1998. Organic buildups and reefs of the Pa-
E. Australia: no post-Emsian reefs preserved laeozoic carbonate platform margin, Pechora Urals, Russia.
on active margin (Conaghan et al., 1976). Sediment. Geol. 118, 187^211.
Bai, S.L., Bai, Z.Q., Ma, X.P., Wang, D.R., Sun, Y.L., 1994.
Devonian Events and Biostratigraphy of South China. Bei-
jing University Press, Beijing.
SE Asia: China, Vietnam, Thailand Bandel, K., 1972. Palo«kologie und Pala«ogeographie im Devon
und Unterkarbon der zentralkarnischen Alpen. Palaeontogr.
Guizhou, Guangxi : coral^stromatoporoid^cal- A 141, 1^117.
Barrett, S.F., Isaacson, P.E., 1988. Devonian paleogeography
cimicrobial patch reefs to atoll, reef-rimmed
of South America. Mem. Can. Soc. Petrol. Geol. 14, 655^
banks, lagoonal facies with receptaculitid mounds 667.
(Yu and Wu, 1988; Bai et al., 1994; Yu and Shen, Becker, T., 1993a. Anoxia, eustatic changes, and Upper De-
1998; Yu et al., 1999). Rhenana CZ marked by vonian to lowermost Carboniferous global ammonoid diver-
sealevel lowstand, linguiformis CZ sealevel high- sity. Syst. Assoc. 47, 115^163.
stand (Muchez et al., 1996). Becker, T., 1993. Kellwasser events (Upper Frasnian, Upper
Devonian) in the Middle Atlas (Morocco): implications for
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