7 - Hand

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- The Hand

Dr. mohamed dief allah

Lecturer of anatomy & embryology
Kasr alainy, Cairo university

Palm of the hand

Dorsum of the hand
Deep fascia of palm of the hand
1. Palmar aponeurosis
2. Flexor retinaculum
3. Fibrous flexor sheath of the fingers
Palmar Aponeurosis

This is thick and strong fibrous sheet that covers the middle part of the palm

Netter atlas of Anatomy

Shape and attachments:

- It is triangle
The apex:
- directed proximal and receives the insertion of
Palmaris longus tendon
- directed distal and is divided at the roots of the
medial 4 fingers into 4 slips.
Flexor Retinaculum of Wrist
It is a thickened band of deep fascia in front of the carpus
and converts its anterior concavity into the carpal tunnel.

❑ Function : prevents displacement of long

flexor tendons during contraction

Netter atlas of Anatomy

Structures passing SUPERFICIAL (arranged from medial to lateral)

❑ Tendon of Palmaris Longus

❑ Ulnar nerve.
❑ Ulnar vessels.
❑ Palmar cutaneous br. of
✓ ulnar nerve.
✓ median nerve.
Structures passing DEEP (in the carpal tunnel)

❑ Median nerve
❑ Tendons of
➢ fl. digit. superficialis.
➢ fl. digit. profundus.
➢ flexor pollicis longus
➢ flexor carpi radialis
❑ Common synovial
sheath of tendons
---What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Fibrous flexor sheaths

These are dense plates of fibrous tissue which arch across the flexor tendons in the fingers.
Synovial Sheaths of Flexor Tendons

❑ Definition:
These are tubular sacs which surround the terminal
parts of the tendons before its insertion

❑ Function:
to provide a sort of lubrication for it.

Clinical anatomy by region (Snell)

1- Ulnar bursa:
This is a common synovial sheath for 2- Radial bursa:
the 8 tendons of flexor digitorum it surrounds tendon of Flexor
superficialis & profundus. pollicis longus

Netter atlas of Anatomy

Clinical Anatomy:
Dupuytren contracture of the hand
is a deformity in the hand in which the medial part of the palmar aponeurosis undergoes fibrosis
producing progressive shortening and flexion of the little and ring fingers.
Pulp space:
- It is the space which lies over the palmar surface of the terminal (distal) phalanx, It is
divided into separate loculi that contain subcutaneous fat.
- Its infection is very painful due to accumulation of pus in narrow spaces under tension

Netter atlas of Anatomy

Fascial Compartments of Palm
Each margin of the palmar aponeurosis sends a septa into the depth of the palm
divided It into facial compartments.

Lateral compartment:
Medial compartment:
contains the thenar muscles
contains hypothenar muscles


Clinical anatomy by region (Snell)

Intermediate compartment:
deep to the palmar aponeurosis
Muscles of the hand
▪Intrinsic muscles of the hand are 20 small muscles arranged in 3 groups:

I.Lateral group short muscles of thumb III. Intermediate II.Medial group short muscles
4 compartment of little finger
12 4
➢ 3 Thenar muscles
➢ 4 Lumbricals ➢ 3 Hypothenar muscles
➢ Adductor pollicis deep to them ➢ 4 Palmar interossei ➢ Palmaris brevis superficial
➢ 4 Dorsal interossei. to them.
I. Lateral group [short muscles of thumb]

3 Thenar muscles 1 Adductor pollicis

(form the thenar eminence) deep to them.
1.Abductor pollicis brevis.
2.Flexor pollicis brevis.
3.Opponens pollicis.

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Atlas of Anatomy, 1st Edition

❑ Nerve supply:
3 thenar Muscles → lateral terminal branch of Median Nerve.
Adductor pollicis →deep terminal branch of Ulnar Nerve.

❑ Action:
.Abductor pollicis brevis  Abducts the thumb.
.Flexor pollicis brevis  Flexes the thumb.
.Opponens pollicis  Opposition of thumb
.Adductor pollicis  Adducts the thumb.
II. Medial group [short muscles of little finger

3 Hypothenar muscles : 1 Palmaris brevis

superficial to them.
1.Abductor digiti minimi.
2.Flexor digiti minimi.
3.Opponens digiti minimi.

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Atlas of Anatomy, 1st Edition

Palmaris brevis
superficial to hypothenar Ms.

From palmar aponeurosis & flexor retinaculum.
Skin of the medial border of the hand.
Deepen the hollow of the palm to improve grip of the palm
during holding a rounded object.
II. Medial group [short muscles of little finger

▪Nerve supply:
3 hypothenar muscles → ulnar nerve.
Palmaris brevis → ulnar nerve.
.Abductor digiti minimi  Abducts the little finger.
.Flexor digiti minimi  Flexes the little finger.
.Opponens digiti minimi  Pulls the 5th metacarpal bone forwards & rotates it laterally to
deepen the hollow of the palm during gripping.

Clinical anatomy by region (Snell)

Intermediate group
Action: Putting the hand in writing position (Flexion of the M/P joints & Extensions of the
I/P joints of the medial 4 fingers).
Action of intermediate compartment
palmar interossei= adduction dorsal interosseii= abduction
Nerve supply of the

Motor supply Sensory supply

Motor supply of the hand

Median nerve
• 3 thenar
• 1st & 2nd lumbricals
Ulnar nerve supply
i) The superficial branch: supplies palmaris brevis
ii) The deep terminal branch: supplies 14 muscles
• 4 Interossei (palmar & dorsal)
• 3 Hypothenar
• Abductor digiti minimi.
• Flexor digiti minimi.
• Opponens digiti minimi.
• 2 Lumbricals: 3rd & 4th.
• 1 Adductor pollicis.
Sensory supply of the hand
Arteries of palm of the hand

Superficial palmar arch Deep palmar arch

It is the termination of the ulnar artery and is It is the termination of the radial artery and is
completed by the superficial palmar branch of the completed by the deep branch of the ulnar artery
radial artery
Thank you

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