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Global rise in population and general economic growth experienced since the end

of the last global recession has enhanced the purchasing power of people and

consequently brought about an increase in the generation of municipal solid waste

(MSW). The solid waste management (SWM) sector has been identified to be responsible

for the emission of 5% of all greenhouse gas emissions globally. The fact that the SWM

sector is not among the industries with very high carbon footprints does not exonerate it

from utilizing available opportunities to curtail its carbon footprint and become more


To address these issues, many cities in developing countries focus one

establishing an integrated solid waste management system based on the 3Rs and trying to

reduce the amount of waste generation at source rather than later at the end-of-pipe.

However, these efforts are still very limited with a mix of results and relatively few

efforts have been made to regulate organic materials that usually comprise over 50% of

the total waste generation in the cities.(State 2020)

Objective of the study

This study is aimed to design a solid waste management center located at Brgy.

Felisa Bacolod city.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following question:

1. What is the design of solid waste management center (SWMC) in terms


a) Structural

b) Electrical

c) Plumbing plan

2. What are the steps of preparation on developing Solid Waste Management

center according to?

a) Clearing the site

b) Site surveying

c) Site inspection

d) Lay-out

e) Excavation

f) Reinforcement works

g) Form stagging and scaffolding

h) Concrete works

i) Masonry works

j) Painting works

k) Doors and windows

3. How much are the total material cost in developing solid waste

management center?

Theoretical framework

Resource utilization is one of the most effective and ecological ways to manage

the waste and extract the best use of it. Instead of discarded all of waste into landfills, a

large amount of organic and recyclable waste is considered a valuable source of

alternative energy, raw materials, and byproducts. As such, it is essential to manage

waste with appropriate technologies for greater management outcomes and more rigorous

in monitoring and evaluating SWM system.


Comparing people’s perception on waste in past decades to the current situation,

solid waste has increasingly gained more attention on its values rather than being

discarded substances. Waste utilization has widely been implemented in numerous ways

ranging from a small scale at household level to a very large scale as a power plant. In

Asia, waste utilization methods include, for example, composting, recycling, refuse

derived fuel (RDF) or solid recovered fuel (SRF), incineration, pyrolysis, and

gasification. Important factors of the success in waste utilization are appropriateness of

technologies, readiness of facilities and skilled staff together with quality and quantity of

waste. Factors that affect performance of resource recovery process are heterogeneity of

waste, uncertainty of supply, unproven technology, administrative and industrial

constraints, legal restriction, and uncertain market. Techniques that are involved in waste

volume reduction and utilization are generally done by compaction (mechanically

reduces volume of waste), chemical volume reduction (combustion or digestion); and

mechanical size reduction (shredding, grinding, and milling), and component separation

(hand-sorting, air separation, magnetic separation, and screening),

Incineration is a process of burning combustible components materials. Generally,

this method is operated under two systems namely open or closed systems. In the open

system, waste is incinerated in a chamber open to the air, whereas the closed system

contains a special chamber designed with various parts to facilitate incineration.

Incinerators in both systems require a chimney of appropriate height to provide a good

flow of air through the combustion chamber. Sizes of incinerators can be varied

depending on waste volume to be incinerated. Getting a proper site as a location for

incineration can be burdensome. To have a proper management, skilled staff are highly

important for operation and maintenance the system.


Municipal solid waste leachate, a kind of wastewater, can severely damage the

environment and contaminate the groundwater because of its high organic matter and

toxic heavy metal concentrations. Due to its complex composition, this wastewater must

be properly treated prior to being discharged into the environment. In recent decades,

several biological approaches (e.g., bioremediation, phytoremediation, and bioreactors)

and physicochemical processes (e.g., coagulation/flocculation, air stripping, and

advanced oxidation processes) have proven effective at removing the organic load and

the toxicity of this effluent. Physicochemical treatments have been applied as

pretreatment or post-treatment steps for biological processes, but these methods do not

always provide satisfactory results and can cause secondary pollution in some cases. In

addition, owing to the high concentrations of organic matter, ammonia, and trace metals

in landfill leachate, combined approaches to leachate treatment have been reported to be

efficient. This article highlights the advantages and drawbacks of these approaches to the

treatment of leachate by providing an updated overview of the various methods that have

been successfully applied in this field. Further studies should focus on improving landfill

leachate treatment to maximize removal performance.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will concentrate on developing solid waste treatment facility in Brgy.

Felisa Bacolod City. The researcher decides to focus only on the analysis and design of a

proposed solid waste treatment plant in the city of Bacolod in relation to the degree of

implementation of RA 9003 - Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. The program

provided by LGUs places a lot of emphasis on waste collection and waste segregation,

and it would be one of its goals. (a) The knowledge of managing solid waste, (b) and the

practices for managing solid waste. Nevertheless, there are numerous equipment

manufacturers, a variety of chemicals various methods that are used to treat solid waste;

thus, it is beyond the researchers' expertise.

Significance of Study

The study will be beneficial to the following:

Local Government of Bacolod City. The result of the study will help the

officials of Bacolod City in complying with the provisions of RA 9275 (Clean Water

Act), RA 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act) and with the conditions

stipulated in their Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) under PD 1586

(Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System). It will also aid as a guide in the

planning process for the construction of a sanitary landfill in the future. Moreover, it is

beneficial in the formulation of policies for local waste management and health

prevention in their jurisdiction and raising awareness of the inhabitants on waste disposal

and hygiene.

Community. The project could provide community members with knowledge or

understanding of the significance of a solid waste treatment facility's effluent discharge to

waterways, streams, or any body of water that might have an impact on the ecosystem or

the living community in the stream, such as the flora and animals.

School Admin. The proposed study serves the School, personnel as their

references or guide in creating their program concerned with Waste Segregation.

Teacher. It's possible to archive this research and use it as a source or reference in

the future. by an academic organization's prospective member who is looking for a topic

the person should do research before doing something.


Student. Providers of waste management services can assist you in correctly

separating waste, recycling it after collection, and streamlining the entire system to

reduce waste output.

Researcher. This research will help current researchers because it can improve

their critical thinking, knowledge, and understanding of why the research is needed and

what this research means.

Future researchers. Future researchers may use the study's baseline data to

construct a comprehensive solid waste treatment plant, landfill, or waste disposal site.

Conceptual Model

Fig. 1 Input, Process, and Output

Input Output
Lack of:
Treatment facilities Solid Waste
Plans, Design, and
for solid waste and Management
waste water Center

The researcher conceptualized the system based on the fact that waste is generated

from different sources and this waste is of different types depending on where it is being

generated. The different sources of waste are the residential areas, industries, commercial

areas, institutions, farms and construction companies etc. These sources generate

different types of waste which can be categorized into domestic waste, industrial waste,

toxic waste, biodegradable waste etc. Waste types can be handled, stored and transferred

differently. Each waste type can be separated at the source if the waste receptacle is


This proposal which is the Solid Waste Management Center (SWMC) has 3

facilities including Material Recovery Facility, Leachate treatment plan, and incineration

plant. This proposal design of Solid Waste Management Center (SWMC) is a sustainable

project it will sustain useable water by cleaning waste water and electricity by burning

waste to convert into energy this has a negative environmental impact thus this issue

overcome by putting air pollution control system.

Definition of terms

Conceptual and operational

Solid Waste Management Center. Conceptually, solid-waste management, the

collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded because it has served
its purpose or is no longer useful. (Jerry A. Nathanson, 2023)

Solid Waste Management Center. Operationally, the complete process of

collecting, treating and disposing of solid wastes.

Sanitary landfill. Conceptually, the sanitary landfill is a method of disposing

waste on land without disturbing the environment and public health by efficiently
utilizing engineering skills to confine them in the smallest practical area possible, before
reducing the volume by covering with a layer of earth to ensure the least exposure to the
air. (Waste Management, 2011)

Sanitary landfill. Operationally, sites where waste is isolated from the

environment until it is safe.

The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. Conceptually, Act No. 9003 of
2000. An Act providing for an Ecological Solid Waste Management Program, creating

the necessary Institutional Mechanisms and Incentives, declaring certain Acts prohibited
and providing Penalties, appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes.
(Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000. 2001-12-20)

The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. Operationally, refers to the

systematic administration of activities which provide for segregation at source,
segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid

Leachate Pond. Conceptually, A Leachate Pond is a pond in which leachate

(water containing dissolved contaminants) is collected and contained. Leachate ponds are
often associated with municipal landfills. (Wayne Eddy, 2016)

Leachate Pond. Operationally, formed when rain water filters through wastes
placed in a landfill.

Aerobic. Conceptually, Aerobic Decomposition. When organic materials

decompose in the presence of oxygen, the process is called “aerobic.” The aerobic
process is most common in nature. For example, it takes place on ground surfaces such as
the forest floor, where droppings from trees and animals are converted into a relatively
stable humus. (Texas A&M University System, 2009)

Aerobic. Operationally, controls the amount of oxygen that can make it to the

Anaerobic decomposition. Conceptually, anaerobic decomposition is a process

by which a complex mixture of symbiotic microorganisms transforms organic materials
under oxygen-free conditions into biogas, nutrients and additional cell matter, leaving
salts and refractory organic matter. (thaca, NY, 2005)

Anaerobic decomposition. Operationally, a process through which bacteria break

down organic matter.

Sustainable development. Conceptually, sustainable development is

development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs. (Development commission, 2011)

Sustainable development. Operationally, meets the needs of the present, without

compromising the ability of future generations

Rapid population growth. Conceptually, Rapid population growth refers to the

aggressive increase of population brought about by increased birth rates and decreased
death rates. It is also caused by industrialization and the availability of food, water,
energy, and reliable medical care. (Loree Montelli, 2022)

Rapid population growth. Operationally, aggressive increase of population

brought about by increased birth rates and decreased death rates.

Clean Water Act. Conceptually, The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
(Republic Act No. 9275) aims to protect the country's water bodies from pollution from
land-based sources (industries and commercial establishments, agriculture and
community/household activities). (CDAsia, 2004)

Clean Water Act. Operationally, establishes the basic structure for regulating
discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality
standards for surface waters.

Water aquifers. Conceptually, an aquifer is a body of porous rock or sediment

saturated with groundwater. Groundwater enters an aquifer as precipitation seeps through
the soil. It can move through the aquifer and resurface through springs and wells.
(Encyclopedic Entry, 2023)

Water aquifers. Operationally, the casing protects aquifers which may contain

Review of related literature


Artificial intelligence applications in solid waste management: A systematic

research review

The waste management processes typically involve numerous technical,

climatic, environmental, demographic, socio-economic, and legislative parameters. Such


complex nonlinear processes are challenging to model, predict and optimize using

conventional methods.(Abdallah et al. 2020)

Research challenges in municipal solid waste logistics management

During the last two decades, EU legislation has put increasing pressure on

member countries to achieve specified recycling targets for municipal household waste.

These targets can be obtained in various ways choosing collection methods, separation

methods, decentral or central logistic systems.(Bing et al. 2016)

Global knowledge base for municipal solid waste management: Framework

development and application in waste generation prediction

Increasing municipal solid waste (MSW) generation has become not only a major

sustainability challenge and a considerable financial burden for municipalities across the

globe, but also an opportunity to promote a circular economy, provided adequate

information is made available.(He et al. 2022)

Solid waste issue: Sources, composition, disposal, recycling, and valorization

Disposal of solid wastes is a stinging and widespread problem in both urban and

rural areas in many developed and developing countries. Municipal solid waste (MSW)

collection and disposal is one of the major problems of urban environment in most

countries worldwide today.(Abdel-Shafy and Mansour 2018)

Solid Waste Management Awareness, Attitude, and Practices in a Philippine

Catholic Higher Education Institution

The paper assesses the solid waste management awareness, attitude, and practices

of the employees and students of a Catholic higher education institution in the


Philippines. Using a descriptive research design, the data were collected using a self-

administered survey questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential

statistics.(Madrigal and Oracion 2017)

Solid Waste Management in Small Village: A Case Study

Managing solid waste is one of the most significant challenges of the rural areas

of all sizes, from the small towns and complete area villages, which are home to the mass

of humanity. It is close to always in the top five of the most challenging problems for

village officers. It is somewhat strange that it accepts so little recognition compared to

other rural management problems.(Samuel 2020)

Solid waste, treatment technologies, and environmental sustainability: Solid wastes

and their sustainable management practices

Waste has a long history of association with humans and other organisms. It is

inevitable and has different sources right from crop residues (agriculture), food

production and its movement through food chain, industries and their processes.(Farooqi

et al. 2021)

Project specifics for the construction of a municipal solid waste treatment plant

Significant role in this field takes a construction of plants for the processing of

municipal solid waste, contributing to the neutralization of the harmful effects by

different waste.(Grakhov et al. 2021)

Designing of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) treatment plant in Onggomertan

Village, Yogyakarta

The objectives of this research were to calculate solid waste generation and

composition in Onggomertan and design the undeveloped area as MSW treatment plant.

(Widiarti and Sugiarto 2018)


Ecological Solid Waste Management Act and Factors Influencing Solid Waste

Management in Barangay Pansol of Quezon City, the Philippines

With rapid increase in population and economic growth, the Republic of the

Philippines is facing a major challenge for effective management of its growing

municipal waste. The government has enacted the Republic Act 9003, which is also

called the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, to overcome the challenges

of waste management.(Maskey, Maharjan, and Singh 2016)

Solid Waste Management Awareness, Attitude, and Practices in a Philippine

Catholic Higher Education Institution

Using a self-administered questionnaire, the findings showed that high school

students were more aware of the importance of waste management compared to higher

secondary students; the researcher also pointed out the need for waste management

awareness to improve the practice of waste management and parents should also be given

environmental education during parent teaching meetings or in community-based

programs but awareness may not easily be translated into practices.(Madrigal and

Oracion 2018)

A study of policy implementation and community participation in the municipal

solid waste management in the Philippines


Municipal solid waste (MSW) management has become one of the most pressing

environmental concerns of the Philippines at present. Several measures have been

implemented to circumvent this issue, including waste management policies stipulated in

the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2001.(Camarillo and Bellotindos 2021)

A Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach for Solid Waste Management Under

Multiple Uncertainties

Abstract In this study a fuzzy chance constrained programming approach is

developed for municipal solid waste management to minimize the net system cost and

maximize the revenue generated from different treatment facilities. Most of the

parameters involved with this model are imprecisely defined and probabilistically

uncertain.(Biswas and De 2016)

A Review on Prediction of Municipal Solid Waste Generation Models

Development of a Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) plan is a

complex process. As a foundation and prerequisite for efficient MSWM plan,

quantification and prediction of Solid Waste (SW) generation is very much essentials.

(Kolekar, Hazra, and Chakrabarty 2016)

For Waste to Energy, Assessment of Fluff Type Solid Refuse Fuel by Thermal

Characteristics Analyses

Waste to energy could be one of the greatest sources of renewable energy in

Korea, especially municipal solid waste as it has high heat recovery rate and high energy

density. Various types of waste to energy technology exist, including refining of waste

oil, plastic pyrolysis, recovery of waste heat and SRF (Solid Refuse Fuel).(Park et al.


Strategy to improve the solid waste management of Barangay Matictic, Norzagaray,

Bulacan Strategy to improve the solid waste management of Barangay

This study shows that improvements in Solid Waste Management can be

accomplished by allocating sufficient funds and efforts into changing the behaviour of

households. It is recommended further that funding for the usual solid waste management

interventions such as landfill and recycling must be implemented only if waste generation

is avoided via proper resource planning and if waste segregation is strictly implemented

through incentive programs or awareness initiatives.

Resource Recovery through RDF: Current Trends in Solid Waste Management in

the Philippines

Solid waste management has always been about collection and disposal of garbage. We

have currently moved on to a more efficient collection and disposal by using Engineered

Sanitary Landfills in the Philippines. However, with the increase in population and the

consequent increase in solid waste generation, we are now running out of spaces to

establish solid waste disposal facilities.(Sapuay 2016)

Inter-Municipal Cooperation on Solid Waste Management in ASEAN:The Case of

the Philippines

The solid waste disposal system or environmental management system is one of

the devolved functions to the local government units (LGUs) in the Philippines as cited in

the Republic Act 7160 (RA 7160), also known as the Local Government Code of 1991.

This mandate has posed a huge challenge to the LGUs considering their capacity both in

terms of the technical and financial aspects(Atienza 2019)

Synthesis of the literature


Increasing municipal solid waste (MSW) generation has become not only a major

sustainability challenge and a considerable financial burden for municipalities across the

globe, but also an opportunity to promote a circular economy, provided adequate

information is made available. (He et al., 2022) Multiple factors like population density

with high degree of commercialization and rapid urbanization has resulted in problems of

solid waste disposal which produce 120,000 tons of solid waste per day in India (2014)

and its detrimental consequences. (De & Debnath, 2016) Waste has a long history of

association with humans and other organisms. It is inevitable and has different sources

right from crop residues (agriculture), food production and its movement through food

chain, industries and their processes.(Farooqi et al. 2021) According to the National Solid

Waste Management Commission (NSWMC), in 2016, 40,000 tons of waste was

produced daily in Philippines, of which 12,000 remained uncollected, and the country is

considered the largest contributor of plastic in the ocean. The World Bank estimated that

the production of waste would increase by 165%, doubling in 2025.(Zortea 2019) Waste

management is one of the solutions that tends to provide programs and to create

mechanisms, encouragements and funds that hold responsibilities in implementing

ordinances and laws of local government units.(Rodelas et al., 2020) The waste

management processes typically involve numerous technical, climatic, environmental,

demographic, socio-economic, and legislative parameters. Such complex nonlinear

processes are challenging to model, predict and optimize using conventional methods.

(Abdallah et al., 2020) During the last two decades, EU legislation has put increasing

pressure on member countries to achieve specified recycling targets for municipal

household waste. These targets can be obtained in various ways choosing collection

methods, separation methods, decentral or central logistic systems. (Bing et al., 2016)



This chapter includes Parameters Considered in Planning, Design, program of

works, estimates and operation of Solid Waste Management Center. It also contains the

proposed projects flow of works. This section of the study will be beneficial to the future

researcher in determining whether or not their proposed project is feasible.

Material Recovery Facility

The Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) building is comprised of different

functioning areas, some of which may overlap. At the receiving end of the facility, areas

include the vehicle unloading bays, material storage space, and processing system in-

feed. Received material, rejected materials, and commodity storage space areas should

also be considered in the facility design, because the storage requirements may be

significant at some facilities. Typically, MRF facilities have a flat floor, where the

maneuvering, unloading, and material storage all occur on the same floor level. The

processing equipment may have an elevated or in-ground in-feed conveyor or shredder.

Designing an MRF facility, the waste stream composition must be analyzed to

determine what materials will be targeted and the anticipated material quantities or

volumes of the individual materials that will be received at the facility.

Floor plan of Material recovery facility


This solid waste treatment facility has a lot of 1138 sqm and the slab of elevation

in the natural grade line (NGL) into the finish floor line (FFL) is 91 cm. and has a

thickness of 15 cm. It features 5 (6m x 6.3m) rooms for the recovered waste each room

and has opening of 3m wide to easily load the recovered waste into loading trucks, and

(12m x 17m) consist of Office, Operators room, Dining hall, and toilets.

Leachate treatment Facility

A leachate is any liquid that, in the course of passing through matter, extracts

soluble or suspended solids, or any other component of the material through which it has

passed. In order to adjust the quality and amount of leachate, the regulating tank is a

necessary unit for leachate treatment. The regulating pool is designed for 3 to 6 months of

leachate volume.

As a quality regulating unit, the regulating pool should ensure a thorough mix of

all types of leachates. It will also work as an anaerobic bioreactor and settling tank so that

air should be isolated and sludge should be discharged as soon as possible.

Plan of Leachate Treatment Facility

Leachate Treatment Facility has 2 (3.5m diameter) regulating tank serve as

Anaerobic Bioreactor to isolate air and discharge large amount of sludge, a regulating

pool has (15m x15m) divided into 6 chamber effective depth of chamber is 3 ~ 7 m, and

2 (3.5m diameter) tank for final water treatment process

Construction flow

Engineers need a properly prepared site to start a project. This is the procedure

must be considered before any project could start with civil engineering projects starts

from the site preparation of leveling. It could be site clearing, site surveying, soil testing,

site plan design, site investigation, environmental concerns, coordinating and how

everything in the in the project should achieve. Preparing your site properly could help

your project must safer, secure, and more productive to the environment



Design of Solid waste management Center

A. Structural plan

The proposed material recovery facility is composed of 28 Column Footing (CF).

It has 4 column sizes (0.5m x 0.5m), (0.4m x 0.4m), (0.5m x 0.4m) and the Footing

Dimension is (120cm x 120cm). The concrete mixture for column and footing is class A.

For waste to energy facility has 8 column footing (CF). Column size (0.4m x

0.4m) and the footing dimension is (100cmx100cm). the concrete mixture for column and

footing is class A.

The concrete flooring has a thickness of 30cm. with the elevation of 60cm from

Natural Grade Line (NGL).

For beam as per general thumb rule, for 9m span size of steel beam or universal

beam should be ISMB 400 or UB 400×140 used for industrial building or projects or

construction in which depth of section of beam is 400mm (16″) and width of flange or

width of beam is 140mm.

B. Electrical plan

Material recovery facility electrical plan


The proposed Material recovery facility has 9 circuits. 5 circuits for lighting

outlets, 2 circuits for Convenience Outlet, 1 circuit for fire alarm system 1 circuit for

Conveyor Machine, 1 circuit for Bailing machine and 5 circuit for spare.

C. Plumbing plan

Material recovery facility

The proposed Material recovery facility has 4 water closet, 3 cubicle, 2 lavatory,

10 fire sprinkler, 1 faucet, 2 emergency fire hose.

Waste to energy facility

The Proposed Waste to energy facility has 4 fire sprinkler, 1 emergency fire hose.

Step of site preparation

A. Clearing the site

1. All trees, grasses other plants, roots and big stones should be removed

in the particular area.

2. Use such machine in cutting all trees and grabbing their roots.

3. The particular area should be clear before the construction starts

B. Site surveying

A site surveyor the site and line out exactly where the structure road

project is to be built. The surveying process is not an option it is a requirement of

most zoning and permitting process.

C. Site inspection

Geotechnical site investigation performed in order to characterized soil,

rock, and ground water condition of the proposed site. A geotechnical site

investigation is the process of collecting information and evaluating the condition

of the site for the purpose of designing and construction the foundation for a

structure such as a building.

D. Lay-out

Lay out is important in constructing a house of building. This is the first

step, cement and gravel before laying a contrite hallow block. It is based on what

the floor plan design is.

E. Excavation

1. The depth of a column and footing to be excavated should be followed on

the plans.

2. The size of a hole should be exactly the same as to the plans.

3. Use specific tools in excavation

4. Remove the debris inside the hole.

F. Reinforcement works.

1. Use 16mm diameter deformed steels bars for matt bars in column footing

2. Use 16mm diameter deformed steels bars for vertical bar in column

3. Use 16mm diameter deformed steel bars for main reinforcement bent up

for beam.

4. Use 16mm diameter deformed steel bars for main reinforcement, bent up

for slab.

5. Use 12mm diameter deformed steel bars for lateral ties for column, for

stirrups for beam and for matt bars for slab.


6. Use 12 mm diameter deformed steel bars for longitudinal, ties vertical bars

for CHB walls, horizontal bars

G. Form staging and scaffolding

1. G.I tube 1 ½ inches by 6 meters

2. Use ¼ x 4 x 8 ordinary plywood for beam and column forms

3. Ensure that all forms are properly supported

H. Concrete works

1. Use river sand ¾ crushed rock and port land cement in maxing concrete.

2. The concrete mixture should be class A

3. The water for concrete should be so percent of sand volumes.

4. The water should be free from oil acid and other toxic material.

I. Masonry works.

1. 15 X 20 X 40cm concrete hollow block (CHB) for concrete walls

2. Use class “b” ratio for plastering

3. CHB wall should be plastered 25mm thickness both side

4. Use washed sand in mixing masonry for plastering

5. Use class B ratio for filling.

6. Use 10mm diameter Horizontal Bars should be spaced in every 3 layers of


7. Use 10mm Diameter Vertical Bars should be @0.80 m on center

J. Painting works

1. USE Flat latex white paint as should mixture for finished skim coat in

skim coating and it can also serve as first coating in painting.

2. 10mm thickness for finished skim coat.


3. Use #100 sand paper for softening the wall with applied skim coat

4. Painting should be applied 2 coatings.

K. Doors and Windows

1. Install all doors and windows if concrete, masonry and painting words are


Computation of loads

Material recovery facility

C-1 50 feet Conveyor machine

P= 5hp / 3728.5watts


I=3728.5watts / 220 volts

I=16.24 Amperes

Wire size: Use 2 pcs. #12 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 13mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 20 Ampere circuit breaker

C-2 Fire Alarm

P = 220W


I= 220 watts/ 220 volts

I= 61.01 Amperes

C-3 120 TONS capacity Bailing machine

P= 15 + 3 HP 1440 RPM 3 PHASE 50 HZ / 13422.6 watts


I=13422.6 watts / 220 volts

I= 61.01 Amperes

Wire size: Use 3 pcs. #6 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 25mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 70 Ampere circuit breaker

C-4 9 lighting outlets

P= 45w Led tubes x 7 outlets, and 45 w led bulb x 2 outlets

P= 405watts


I=405watts / 220volts

I= 1.8 Amperes

Wire size: use 2 pcs. # 19AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 13mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 20 Ampere circuit breaker

C-5 4 lighting outlets

P=100w led bulb x 4 outlets


P= 400watts


I= 400watts / 220volts

I= 1.82 Amperes

Wire size: Use 2 pcs. #24 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 13mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 20 Ampere circuit breaker

C-6 8 lighting outlets

P= 100w led bulb x 8 outlets

P= 800 watts


I= 800 watts / 220 volts

I= 3.64 Amperes

Wire size: Use 2 pcs. #12 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 13mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 20 Ampere circuit breaker

C-7 5 lighting outlets

P= 100watts x 5 outlets

P= 500 watts


I= 500 watts / 220 volts

I= 2.27 Amperes

Wire size: Use 2 pcs. #12 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 13mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 20 Ampere circuit breaker

C-8 4 Convenience Outlet @ 3 gang

P= (4*3) x 180 watts

P= 2184 watts


I= 2184 watts / 220 volts

I= 9.93 Amperes

Wire size: Use 2 pcs. #12 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 13mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 20 Ampere circuit breaker

C-9 6 Convenience Outlet @ 3 gang

P= (6*3) x 180 watts

P= 3240 watts


I= 3240 watts / 220 volts

I= 14.73 Amperes

Wire size: Use 2 pcs. #12 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 13mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 20 Ampere circuit breaker

Service Entrance:

Power= Total power rating

P= 26239.1 watts

Current= 118.68 Amperes

Apply the Demand Factor as permitted by NEC

118.68 Amperes x 1.25 = 148.35. A

Wire size: Use 2 pcs. #2/0 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 50mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 220 Ampere circuit breaker

Leachate treatment facility

The proposed leachate treatment facility has 5 circuit. 1 circuit for Lighting

Outlet, 1 circuit for convenience outlet, and 3 for spare.

Computation of loads

C-1 1 lighting outlets


P= 45watts x 1 outlets

P= 45 watts


I= 45 watts / 220 volts

I= 0.20 Amperes

C-2 2 convenience outlets @ 3 gang

P= (2*3) x 180watts

P= 1080 watts


I= 1080 watts / 220 volts

I= 4.91 Amperes

Service Entrance:

Power= Total power rating

P= 1125watts

Current= 5.11 Amperes

Apply the Demand Factor as permitted by NEC

5.11 Amperes x 1.25 = 6.39 A

Wire size: Use 2 pcs. #2/0 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 50mm Diameter conduit pipe


Over current protective device: Use 20 Ampere circuit breaker

Waste to energy facility

The proposed waste to energy facility has 5 circuit 2 circuit lighting outlet, 2

circuit convenience outlet, 2 circuit fire alarm, and 3 spares.

Computation of loads

C-1 9 lighting outlet

P= 100watts x 9 outlets

P= 900 watts


I= 900 watts / 220 volts

I= 4.09 Amperes

C-2 4 lighting outlet

P= 100watts x 4 outlets

P= 400 watts


I= 400 watts / 220 volts

I= 1.82 Amperes

C-3 2 convenience outlet @ 3 gang

P= (2*3) x 180watts

P= 1080 watts


I= 1080 watts / 220 volts

I= 4.91 Amperes

C-4 2 convenience outlet @ 3 gang

P= (2*3) x 180watts

P= 1080 watts


I= 1080 watts / 220 volts

I= 4.91 Amperes

Service Entrance:

Power= Total power rating

P= 3460watts

Current= 15.73 Amperes

Apply the Demand Factor as permitted by NEC

15.73 Amperes x 1.25 = 19.66 A

Wire size: Use 2 pcs. #2/0 AWG, TW

Conduit size: Use 50mm Diameter conduit pipe

Over current protective device: Use 50 Ampere circuit breaker


Bill of estimates
Table 1.
Earth works Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total
Layout 1120.3 sq.m. ₱650.00 ₱728,195
Excavation 28.65 cu.m. ₱200.00 ₱5,720
Filling Materials 309.14 cu.m. ₱500.00 ₱154,570
Back filling 28.65 cu.m. ₱500.00 ₱14,300
SUB TOTAL ₱902,785

Table 2.
Concrete Works Quantity Unit Unit cost Total
Cement 36 Bags ₱250 ₱9,000
Sand 2 cu.m. ₱1200 ₱2,400
Gravel 3/4 4 cu.m. ₱1400 ₱5,600
Wall footing
Cement 57 Bags ₱250 ₱14,250
Sand 3.2 cu.m. ₱1200 ₱3,840
Gravel 3/4 6.4 cu.m. ₱1400 ₱8,960
Floor slab
Cement 480 Bags ₱250 ₱120,000
Sand 56 cu.m. ₱1200 ₱67,200
Gravel 3/4 122 cu.m. ₱1400 ₱170,800
Cement 139 Bags ₱250 ₱34,750
Sand 7.7 cu.m. ₱1200 ₱9,240
Gravel 3/4 15.4 cu.m. ₱1400 ₱21,560
SUB TOTAL ₱463,760

Table 3.
Reinforcement works Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total
Reinforcement bar@16mm 37.33 lhs ₱350 ₱13,065.5
#16 tie wire 6 kg ₱95 ₱570
Wall footing
Reinforcement bar@16mm 69 lhs ₱350 ₱24,150
#16 tie wire 6 kg ₱95 ₱570
Vertical bar @16mm 128 lhs ₱350 ₱44,800
Stirrups @12mm 252 lhs ₱275 ₱69,300
#16 tie wire 14.9 kg ₱95 ₱1,415.5
Ground slab
Reinforcement bar@16mm
1032 lhs ₱350 ₱361,200

#16 tie wire 1508 kg ₱95 ₱143,260

Wall panel
115 pcs ₱515 ₱59,225
Tekscrew 1 1/2 500pcs/box 20 box ₱900 ₱18,000
Roof Framing
342 pcs ₱585 ₱200,070
Vertical bar @12mmx6m 74 lhs ₱275 ₱20,350
Horizontal bar @12mmx6m 90 lhs ₱275 ₱24,750
#16 tie wire 11.7 kg ₱95 ₱1,111.5
SUB TOTAL ₱365,367.26

Table 4.
Masonry works Quantity Unit Unit cost Total
CHB 6" 3351 pcs ₱15 ₱50,256
Cement 259 Bags ₱250 ₱64,750
Screened sand 21.7 cu.m. ₱1200 ₱26,040
Plaster two face
Cement 102 Bags ₱250 ₱25,500
Fine sand 8.2 cu.m. ₱1500 ₱9,840
SUB TOTAL ₱176,386
Table 5.
Roofing and wall panel Quantity Unit Unit cost Total
Precoated HI RIB long span
70 sheet ₱4548 ₱318,360
@13.65m x 1m x 0.60mm
Precoated HI RIB long span
28 sheet ₱3299 ₱92,372
@9.90m x 1m x0.06mm
Tekscrew 1 1/2 30 Box ₱900 ₱27,000
Wall panel
Precoated HI RIB special cut
43 sheet ₱813 ₱34,959
2.44m x 1m x 6mm
Precoated HI RIB special cut
43 sheet ₱823 ₱35,389
2.74m x 1m x 6mm
Tekscrew 1 1/2 500pcs/box 20 box ₱900 ₱18,000
SUB TOTAL ₱526,080

Table 6.
Doors and windows Quantity Unit Unit cost Total
Double door glass 2 pcs ₱10000 ₱20,000
Single door glass 2 pcs ₱5000 ₱10,000
PVC flush door 2.10x0.8m 2 pcs ₱2000 ₱4,000
Crystal windows
1 pcs ₱2500 ₱2500
Crystal windows
1 pcs ₱4000 ₱4,000
Mesh wire 4x8 44 pcs ₱2500 ₱110,000

Table 7.
Septic Tank Quantity Unit Unit cost Total
12mmx6m steel bar 38 pcs ₱275 ₱10,450
CHB 6" 207 pcs ₱15 ₱3,105
Cement 17 bags ₱250 ₱4,250
Sand 1.7 cu.m. ₱1200 ₱2,040
Gravel 3/4 0.6 cu.m. ₱1400 ₱840
#16 tie wire 1.8 cu.m. ₱95 ₱171
SUB TOTAL ₱20,901

Table 7.
Plumbing works Quantity Unit Unit cost Total
Watercloset U.S. w/ tank
fitting. Tank supply/ angle 12 set ₱3660 ₱43,920
valve 1/2"
Plumbing works 26 set ₱1210 ₱31,460
Stainless floor drain 4"x4" 12 pcs ₱50 ₱600
Teflon tape 52 pcs ₱37 ₱1,924
PVC Pipe with hub 2"x10"
40 lhs ₱728 ₱29,120
UPVC pipe with hub 1"x10" 60 lhs ₱123.75 ₱7,425
PVC 90 Elbow 4" 15 pcs ₱40 ₱600
PVC wye 4" 50 pcs ₱148 ₱7,400
PVC reducer 25 pcs ₱199.8 ₱4,995
Clean out / covers 25 pcs ₱70 ₱1,750
PVC solvent cement 110 can ₱335 ₱36,850
UPVC pipe reducer
3 pcs ₱22 ₱66
SUB TOTAL ₱134,681.46

Table 8.
Tile works Quantity Unit Unit cost Total
16"x16" ceramic tile (white) 878 pcs ₱120 ₱105,360
16"x16" ceramic tile (gray) 878 pcs ₱120 ₱105,360
cement 12 bags ₱250 ₱3,000
Sand 4 cu.m. ₱1200 ₱4,800
ABC tile adhesive 15 bags ₱399 ₱5,985
Tile grout 10 bags ₱183 ₱1,830
SUB TOTAL ₱226,335

Table 9.
Electrical works Quantity Unit Unit cost Total
Utility box 4 pcs ₱25.50 ₱102
Junction box 4"x4" 30 pcs ₱20 ₱600
junction box cover 4"x4" 30 pcs ₱17 ₱510
1 gang switch (flush type) 3 pcs ₱90 ₱270
2 gang switch (flush type) 4 pcs ₱165 ₱660
3 gang switch (flush type) 2 pcs ₱195 ₱390
fire alarm (panasonic alarm)
6 pcs ₱780 ₱4,680
2 gang convinience outlet 2 pcs ₱128 ₱256
3 gang convinience outlet 4 pcs ₱170 ₱680
100w Led bulb 10 pcs ₱3560 ₱35,600
45w Led tubes 4 pcs ₱4650 ₱18,600
16w led bulb 4 pcs ₱250 ₱1000
13mm conduit pipe 7 pcs ₱300 ₱2,100
25mm conduit pipe 1 pcs ₱320 ₱320
50mm conduit pipe 1 pcs ₱450 ₱450
Service cap 2" 1 rolls ₱290 ₱290
G.I pipe 2"Ø 1 set ₱300 ₱300
Electrical tape 80 rolls ₱45 ₱3,600
Panel board w/21 branches 1 set ₱13000 ₱13,000
20 Ampere circuit breaker 7 pcs ₱350 ₱2,450
70 Ampere circuit breaker 1 pcs ₱989 ₱989
220 Ampere circuit breaker 1 pcs ₱2590 ₱2,590
#12 AWG, TW stranded wires 20 m ₱3000 ₱60,000
#6 AWG, TW stranded wires 10 m ₱6000 ₱30,000
# 19AWG, TW 15 m ₱2700 ₱40,500
#24 AWG, TW 12 m ₱2400 ₱48,000
#2/000 THW wires 20 m ₱358 ₱7,160
Solvent cement 100cc 10 can ₱400 ₱4,000
SUB TOTAL 279,097



Summary of findings

On problem 1 the design of solid waste management center in term of structural plan,
electrical plan, and plumbing.

The proposed material recovery facility is composed of 28 column footing, 4

column sizes (0.5m x 0.5), (0.4m x 0.4m), (0.5m x 0.4m) and the footing dimension is
(120cm x 120cm) and concrete mixture for column and footing is class A.

For waste to energy facility has 8 column footing sizes (0.4m x 0.4m) and the
footing dimension is (100cm x 100cm) concrete mixture for column and footing is class
A. flooring has thickness of 30cm with the elevation of 60cm for natural grade line.

For beam 9m span size of steel beam or universal beam should be IBMB 400 x
140 used for industrial building projects or construction in which depth of section of
beam is 400 (16”) and width flange width of beams 140mm.

On problem 2 the materials of solid waste management center in terms of step of site

Engineers need a properly prepared site to start a project. This is the procedure
must be

considered before any project could start with civil engineering projects starts from the

site preparation of leveling. It could be site clearing, site surveying, soil testing, site plan

design, site investigation, environmental concerns, coordinating and how everything in

the in the project should achieve. Preparing your site properly could help your project

must safer, secure, and more productive to the environment.

On problem 3 the cost of solid waste management center in terms of bills of estimates.

The cost of Solid Waste Management Center in terms of bill of estimate is


P2,945,078. The budget of electrical is P279,097. For the plumbing is P226,335 and the
total cost is P3,450,510.


It concluded that the solid waste management center design is ready to be

presented to the local gov.

It concluded that the site preparation is well clear and organized and the steps is
ready to be presented.

The total cost of solid waste management is P3,450,510 is all summed up and set
to presented.


Local Government of Bacolod City. Improve the way of solid waste

management by raising awareness.

Community. Encourage people to throw their garbage properly.

School Admin. Learn more about solid waste management.

Teacher. Teach what are the correct way of separating, recycling, and collecting

of garbage.

Student. Do the proper way of recycling and collecting.

Researcher. They should continue this project to achieve the desired goals.

Future researchers. Acquire a knowledge of data in solid waste management




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Abing, Fernando E. Jr
Brgy. Sta. Rosa Murcia Negros Occidental


Birthday: July 15, 1998

Birth Place: Manila
Age: 24
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Fernando Abing Sr
Mother’s Name: Rosalie Abing

Primary: Manuel Regalado Elementary School
Secondary: Lopez Jaena National High School
Tertiary: Bacolod City college
Bachelor of science Industrial Technology
Major in Civil

Abrasaldo, July N.
Hacienda Edmar, Brgy Felisa Bacolod City


Birthday: July 17, 1998

Birth Place: Cauayan Negros Occidental
Age: 24
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Bonifacio Abrasaldo
Mother’s Name: Rubelyn Abrasaldo

Primary: Basak Elementary School
Secondary: Isio Private Academy
Tertiary: Bacolod City College
Bachelor of science Industrial Technology
Major in Civil

Canoy, Primo Ernesto M.

Brgy. Tangub, Bacolod City Negros Occidental




Birthday: April 21, 1999

Birth Place: Bacolod City
Age: 23
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Ernie M Canoy
Mother’s Name: Edna E Canoy

Primary: Rodolfo A Medel sr. Elem Shcool
Secondary: Luisa Medel national Highschool
Tertiary: Bacolod City college
Bachelor of science Industrial Technology
Major in Civil

Dingcong, Christian M.

Paglaum Village Brgy. Mansilingan

Bacolod City Negros Occidental




Birthday: January 7, 2000

Birth Place: Bacolod City
Age: 23
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Christian Ian P. Dingcong
Mother’s Name: Vivian A. Maquiling

Primary: Paglaum Village elementary School
Secondary: Paglaum Village National High School
Tertiary: Bacolod City college
Bachelor of science Industrial Technology
Major in Civil

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