RPH Minggu 18
RPH Minggu 18
RPH Minggu 18
单元:(二)小型运动会 跨元素:
课题:4.投掷纸箱 创意与革新
体育 内容标准:操纵用具 1.4 能够正确的操纵用具。2.3 认识操纵用具的概念与基本原则
一年级 管理与安全 5.1 遵守和实践安全与管理的元素。 教具:球和呼拉圈
个人的责任 5.2 有自信和负责任地进行肢体活动。
0715-0745 学习标准:1.4.5 在固定的位置踢滚过来的球。 教学评价:随堂问
1.4.6 踢静止的球后,再向前跑。 答,观察
2.3.5 当进行踢球的动作时,确定脚的位置。
5.2.2 在游戏中,接受挑战、胜利和失败。
a) 在固定的位置踢滚过来的球。
b) 踢静止的球后,再向前跑。
c) 当进行踢球的动作时,确定脚的位置。
d) 在游戏中,接受挑战、胜利和失败。
1. 热身运动和伸展运动。
2. 学生分成三人一组,在设定的范围内轮流滚球,踢球进龙门和拾球。学生用脚内侧或脚背踢球。
3. 学生分成人数相等的几组,踢定位球后继续向前跑,绕过标记回到队伍后排队。队员依次完成活动,成功踢进最多球的为优胜队
4. 松弛活动。
World of stories World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Unit 6 : The old house Module 5: MY NEW HOUSE
YEAR 2- Focus skills:
Language Art (lesson44) Speaking ( lesson 76)
YEAR 3 Language/ Recycled vocabulary Present tense There is/are: Singular & plural; possessive pronouns
0745-0845 Grammar
Main skill Complementary Skill Main skill Complementary Skill
Standard: 5.1 Enjoy and 1.2 Understand 2.1 Communicate 2.2 Use appropriate
appreciate meaning in a Simple information Communication
rhymes, poems variety of familiar intelligibly strategies
and songs contexts
standard: 5.1.1 1.2.3 Understand 2.1.5 Describe 2.2.2 Ask for attention
Demonstrate with support very people and objects or help from a teacher
appreciation simple short using suitable or classmate by using
through non- narratives words and phrases suitable questions
verbal responses
to i) simple
chants and raps ii)
simple rhymes iii)
simple action
songs iv) simple
Learning Most of the pupils should be able Most of the pupils should be able
Objectives: 1. talk about Geography in English.
1. asking and answering 3 out of 5 questions
21st Century
Activities Think-Pair-Share
Textbook Flashcards/ wordcards Flashcards/ wordcards Textbook
Bubble Map Bubble Map
Creativity and Innovation Language
Assessment: Observation, worksheet
Questions Observation
Activities: Pre Lesson: Pre Lesson:
1. Teacher review and say what ppls can find in a particular habitat, using 1. Teacher plays a word game that will review and introduce furniture
examples from the previous lesson. Pupils guess/say the habitat. vocabulary.
Lesson Delivery: Lesson Delivery:
1. Teacher reads the activity instruction with the class and make sure they 1. Teacher directs pupils attention to Sue and Lucy and guess what they are doing.
know what to do. 2Play CD Track 76 and have pupils chorally repeat the sentence.
2.Brainstorm more animals for the different habitats and write them on 3. Pupils sits into pairs and describe their living room to their partner and draw.
the board as word maps. 4. Put pupils in large groups (6–8 pupils). They collect the drawings and put them
3.Ppls choose a habitat and make a 3-D picture of it in groups of three. in a pile in the middle of the group. In turns, pupils take a picture.
Teacher encourages ppls to use a range of materials and colours. 5. Without showing it, they should describe it. Other pupils in the group should
4. In groups, ppls tell the rest of the class about their habitat guess whose picture it is – It’s hers/his/mine/yours.
Post Lesson: Post Lesson:
1. Teacher takes ppls outside into the 1.Teacher teach the whole class two or three of the words had given them
playground or to a nearby park or grassy area. individually as extra in this lesson.
2.In pairs, ppls draw or write down all the things they find there.
3 In the classroom, create a class poster of that
habitat, using ppls’ information.
4. Discuss how habitats can be very small as well as very big areas.
Superminds 1p 79
Reflection: ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
exercise(s). ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial
World of stories World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Unit 6 : The old house Module 5: MY NEW HOUSE
Focus skills:
Listening (lesson 46) Reading (lesson 77)
Language/ Recycled vocabulary Present tense There is/are: Singular & plural; Prepositions of place;
1205-1235 Grammar Adjectives
Main skill Complementary Skill Main skill Complementary Skill
1.2 Understand meaning in a
variety of familiar contexts
2.1 Communicate 3.2 Understand a 3.2 Understand a
simple information variety of linear variety of linear and
intelligibly and non-linear non-linear print and
print and digital digital texts by using
texts by using appropriate reading
appropriate reading strategies
1.2.2 Understand with support
specific information and
2.1.5 Describe objects using
suitable words and phrases
3.2.2 Understand 3.2.1 Understand the
details of simple sentences specific information main idea of short
and details of short simple texts
simple texts
Learning Most of the pupils should be able Most of the pupils should be able
Objectives: 1. Talk about the information given and response to the text
1. read and understand phrases and
sentences from linear and non-linear
texts with guidance
2. revise and consolidate vocabulary and structures learnt in previous
21st Century
Think-pair-square Think-Pair-Share Communication
Textbook Flashcards/ word cards worksheets Textbook
Bubble Map Bubble Map
Thinking skills
Assessment: Observation, worksheet
Questions Observation
Activities: Pre Lesson: Pre Lesson:
1. Make circles of ten ppls and make a ball out of paper for each 1. Teacher elicits and use flashcards. Review previous lessons.
group. Lesson Delivery:
2. Hand a ball to a pupil and say a word from a set, e.g. dog. 1. Teacher refers the pictures of the house .Use some of the words from
He/She says another animal and throws the ball to a pupil the pre-lesson activity left on the board.
who says another animal and so on. 2. Pupils read silently about Sue’s house and tell teacher what they think of
Lesson Delivery: Sue’s house using an adjective.
1.Teacher elicits previous lesson. 3. Pupilsread again and find some differences between Sue’s house and
2. Make four teams. Ppls stand one behind the other in four lines, other house. Ask questions related to the Sue’s house.
facing the board. 4. Pupils write the sentences in their exercise book. (Teacher’s book pg 82)
3 Whisper a different room to the student at the backof each line. Post Lesson:
4.Ppls whisper it to the front and the ppl at the front writes it on a 1. Teacher distributes picture and asks pupils to colourthe picture.
piece of paper on teacher’s desk. 2. class discussion.
5.Check papers for correct spelling and rooms and tellthe class
which group(s) is/are the winner(s).
Post Lesson:
1. Teacher briefly review the vocabulary on the flashcards.
2. Distributes flashcards to each ppls.
3.Ppls takes turn to say the word.
Superminds 1p 75-78
Reflection: ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment
exercise(s). exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
BAHASA Class Year 2 Year 3
World of Stories World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Unit 6 : The old house Module 5: MY NEW HOUSE
Focus skills:
Reading and Writing (lesson 47) Writing ( lesson 78)
Language/ Recycled vocabulary Present tense There is/are: Singular & plural; Prepositions of place;
0715-0745 Grammar Focus Adjectives
Main skill Complementary Skill Main skill Complementary Skill
Content Standard:
1.2 Understand 2.1 4.3 Communicate 2.3 Communicate
meaning in a Communicate with appropriate appropriately to a
variety of familiar simple language form and small or large
contexts information style for a range of group
intelligibly purposes in print and
digital media
Learning standard: 1.2.2 Understand with support
specific information and details of
2.1.5 Describe 4.3.3 Plan, draft and 2.3.1 Narrate very
simple sentences objects using write an increased short basic stories
suitable words range of simple and events
and phrases sentences
Learning Most of the pupils should be able Most of the pupils should be able
Objectives: 1. Talk about the information given and describe object using
suitable words and phrases.
1. write 4 out of 7 sentences in neat legible
print with correct spelling:
21st Century
Gallery Walk Communication
Textbook Flashcards/ wordcards Coloring pages Textbook
Bubble Map Bubble Map
Creativity and Innovation
Assessment: Observation, worksheet
Questions Observation
Activities: Pre Lesson: Pre Lesson:
1. Play a guessing game. Say, e.g. I’m thinking of an animal. It’s 1. Teacher plays a spelling game (e.g. a letter jumble) to review some of
green. the common words.
2. Pupils guess. Include animals and classroom objects Lesson Delivery:
Lesson Delivery: 1.Teacherplays the CD to review the text on Student’s Book, p.51. Review
1.Teacher elicits previous lesson and distributes worksheet. the differences between Sue’s house and pupils’ own homes.
2.Demonstrate the activity and check pupils know whatto do. Pupil 2.Have pupils label the picture on a worksheet.
A read and pupil B colour the picture. 3.Pupils identify the things in the bedroom. Fill in the blanks correctly.
3.They take turns to ask and answer in pairs. Post Lesson:
4. Go around the class to listen and check. 1. Teacher displays picture of a bedroom.
Post Lesson: 2. Encourage the class to ask questions about the picture and give
1. Teacher displays pupils’ work. opinion.
2. ppls work in pairs and write a short descriptionof the
3. Go around the class to check their work before they
4. write a final version.
Reflection: ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment
exercise(s). exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial
exercise(s). exercise(s).
World of Stories World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Unit 6 : The old house NON-TEXTBOOK BASED LESSON
Focus skills:
Writing (lesson 48) Speaking ( lesson 80)
Language/ basic conjunctions, such as and, but and so,because Present simple questions (various)
0845 Grammar
-0945 Focus
Main skill Complementary Skill Main skill Complementary Skill
1.2 Understand 2.1 Communicate 2.1 Communicate 4.3 Communicate
meaning in a variety simple information Simple information with appropriate
of familiar contexts intelligibly intelligibly language form and
style for a range of
purposes in print and
digital media
1.2.2 Understand 2.1.5 Describe 2.1.5 Describe people 4.3.1 Use capital
with support objects using and objects using letters, full stops and
specific information suitable words and suitable words and question marks
and details of phrases phrases appropriately in
simple sentences guided writing at
sentence level
Learning Most of the pupils should be able Most of the pupils should be able
Objectives: 1. Write complete sentences using basic conjunction.
1. asking and answering questions with
2. speak with friends using correct
Textbook Flashcards/ wordcards Flashcards/ wordcards Textbook
21st Century
Activities &
Think-pair-share Think-pair-shareCommunication
Bubble Map Bubble Map
Language Contextual Learning
Assessment: Observation, worksheet
Questions Observation
Activities: Pre Lesson: Pre Lesson:
Teacher displays word cards and asks pupils to rearrange correctly and 1. Teacher displays flashcards and elicits the pupils.
introduce conjunction. Lesson Delivery:
Lesson Delivery: 1.Teacherasks pupils to close their eyes and imagine their own house. Ask
11Ask for two volunteers. Give each volunteer a separate sentence (eg some hands-up questions that relate to the questions on the question cards.
'The cat sat on the mat' and 'He was tired'). 2.Teacherputs pupils in groups of four. Hand out the cards and put them in
2.Explain ,teacher would like to put the two sentences together to make the middle, face down. Pupils pick a card, in turn, and answer the question
one long sentence but to do this you need to add a word that will join on the card.
the sentences together. 3.Feed back on this activity, but leave the cards with the pupils.
3.Show the ppls the following conjunctions - and, so, because. Ask them 4.pupils create a survey about the class houses. First each group should
to pick the conjunction that best fits the sentence so that it still makes write four questions (one per pupil) in their notebooks.
sense. 5. Pupils should now ask others their questions – one question each.Write the
4.After the ppl have chosen the conjunction, show them how to rewrite answer in note book.
the new sentence with the correct conjunction and punctuation (eg 'The Post Lesson:
cat sat on the mat because he was tired.'). 1.Pupils return to their groups and put their findings together.
Post Lesson: 2. Where possible, groups use the computer to create a table or chart to
1. Teacher briefly review the lesson. present their findings.
2Ask the pupils to share their longer sentences with the class, indicating 3.Class discussion. Pupils displays their work in group.
the conjunction they chose.
3.Ask the pupils if they can think of another word that would make
sense in each sentence.
Reflection: ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment
exercise(s). exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial ____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
道德教育 道德价值 :(七)仁爱 跨课程元素
六年级 单元 :(七)月亮一样圆 :
内容标准:7.0 爱国 创造与革新元
学习标准:7.1 列出爱国的例子 素
7.2 讲述培养爱国的方法
7.3 简述忽视爱国所带来的影响 教具 :课本、
7.4 表达爱国的感受 视频
7.5 实践爱国的行为
学习目标 :学习后,学生能够: 评估 :随堂观
a. 道德思维:列出爱国的例子并简述忽视爱国所带来的影响 察、问答
b. 道德意识:表达爱国的感受
c. 道德行为:实践爱国的行为
教学活动 :
1 引起动机:复习前课重点。
2 每个学生带一样国货产品的包装或模型到学校。
3 学生分成 2 人一组。各组抽签决定负责推销的产品。
4 学生分组讨论推销相关产品,然后各组派出一个代表推销产品。
5 最后,每人一票,选出最佳“爱国销售员”。教师向学生灌输购买国货是爱国和支持国家政策的行为。教师让学生介
6 教师让学生说出不支持国货可能带来的影响。
7 教师以 Spin and Roll 的方式总结。