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SEMESTER II THEORY Version 1: December 2008


Semester 2 Course Code EEC 126 Credit Hours 4 Theoretical 1 Practical 3 Week 1 -
Measurement and measuring Instruments Electrical and Electronic Measurement and
Instrumentation 1.2 Electromechanical Instruments 1.3 Electronic Instruments 1.4
Methods of measurement 1.5 Function of Electrical/Electronics instruments. 1.6
Principal of operating of Electrical instruments Week 2 - Types of Electrical and
Electronic measuring instruments Voltmeter Ammeter Moving iron instrument Moving
coil instruments Electrodynamometer (Dynamometer) instrument Week Voltmeter
Induction voltmeter Cathode Ray oscilloscope Clamp meter instruments 2

3 Week types of Errors in measurement 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Types of Errors Week
Permanent magnet type Week P.M.M.C. Ammeters Week P.M.M.C. Voltmeters Week
Principle of digital instruments 4.1 Digital instruments 4.2 Electronic counter 4.3 Digital
display methods Week Digital Voltmeters 4.5 Principle of operation- 4.6 Characteristic
of the Dvm Week Digital frequency meter Week Operation of bridge circuits 5.1 Bridges
5.2 Wheatstone bridge Week A.C. Bridge 5.4 Common a.c. bridges 3

4 WeekHays bridge Owner bridge Capacitance bridge Week Principles of Ohmmeters

6.1 Ohmmeters 6.2 Circuit operation 6.3 Ohmmeters design 6.4 High voltage
ohmmeter Week Meggers 6.6 Applications of meggers 4

5 This page is Intentionally Left Blank 5

6 1.0 MEASUREMENT AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Week Electrical and Electronic

Measurement and Instrumentation Before the operation of an electrical/electronic
apparatus can be studied, it is necessary to have instruments which will indicate the
electrical quantities present. The instruments used to measure these electrical
quantities (e.g. current, voltage, resistance, power, etc.) are called electrical/electronic
instruments. These instruments are generally named after the electrical quantity to be
measured. Thus the instruments which measure current, voltage, resistance, power are
called ammeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter, and wattmeter respectively. To be satisfactory,
these instruments must be reliable and easily read, as well as having little effect on the
circuit to which they are connected. It is important to appreciate the properties of each
instrument and to know the most suitable instrument for a given measurement or the
likely accuracy of a given instrument when used for a particular measurement.
Measurement is a process in which the property of an object or system under
consideration is compared to an accepted standard unit, a standard defined for that
particular property. Infact, measurement is simply the process by which one can
convert physical parameters to meaningful number. The measurement process
involves the use of an instrument as a physical means of determining the physical
quantities. This measuring instrument exists to provide information about the physical
value of some variable being measured. In general, measuring instruments are those
electromechanical and electronic devices usually employed for measurement of both
electrical and non-electrical quantities like current, voltage, resistance, capacitance,
inductance, temperature, displacement, etc. 1.2 Electromechanical Instruments These
comprises of electrical as well as mechanical system, the electrical system usually
depends upon mechanical meter movements as indicating devices and the mechanical
movement has some inertia, therefore these instruments have a limited time (and
hence, frequency) response e.g. recorders, galvanometers etc. 1.3 Electronic
Instruments These days most of the scientist and industrial measurements require
very fast response. The inability of the mechanical and electrical instruments to cope
with such requirements led to the design of today s electronic instruments and their
associated circuitry. These instruments require the use of semi-conductor devices.
Since in electronic devices, the only movement involved is that of electrons, the
response time is extremely smaller account of very small inertia of electrons. Example
of these instruments is cathode ray oscilloscope, transducers, computers, (as shown in
fig 1.1 and 1.2) microwave, and video etc. 6

7 computer Types.1 Desktop FIG 1.1 A DESK TOP FIG 1.2 A laptop computer (also known
as notebook computer) The most important use of electronic instruments is their
usage in measurement of non-electrical quantities, where the non-electrical quantity is
converted into electrical form through the use of transducers.electronic instruments
have the following advantaged over their electrical counterparts. High sensitizing A
faster response A greater flexibility Lower weight 7

8 They can monitor remote signal Lower power consumption and a higher degree of
reliability than their mechanical or purely electrical counterparts. 1.4 Methods of
Measurement There are a number of ways in which measuring instrument can be
classified. One useful way with electrical and electronic measuring instrument is by the
way in which the measured quantity is displayed as shown in (figure 1.3 a and b) and
these are broadly divided into two Analogue Instrument An analogue instrument is one
in which the magnitude of the measured quantity is indicated by means of a pointer.
Instruments of this category include moving coil instruments, moving noninstruments,
oscilloscope, d.c and a.c bridges, megger etc. Analog instrumentas: An analog device is
one which the output or display is a continuous function of time and bears a constant
relation to its input. Analog instruments find extensive use in present day application
although digital is instrumens are increasing in number and applications. The areas of
application which are common to both analog and digital instruments are fairly limited
at present. Hence, it can safely be predicted that the analog instruments will remain in
extensive use for a number of years and are not likely to be completely replaced by
digital instruments for certain applications. Classification of analog instruemnts.
Broadely the analog instrument (and for that matter digital instruments) may be
classified according to the quantity they measure. For example an instrument meant
for measuring of current is classified as an ammeter while an instrument that measure
voltage is classified as a voltmeter. In addition to above instruments, we have
wattmeter, power factor meters, frequency meters etc. Electrical instruments may also
be classified according to the kind of current that can be measured by them. Electrical
instruments may be classified as instrument for (i) direct current (ii) Alternating current
(a.c) and (iii) both direct and alternating current instruments (d.c/ac), these instruments
(e.g oscilloscope) Analog instruments depend for their operation on one of the many
effects produced by current and voltage and this can be classified according to which of
the effects is used for their working. The various effects used are listed in table 1.1
Analog instruments are also classified as: (a) Indicating (b) recording and (c) Integrating
the analog indicating instruments may be divided into two groups; (i)
electromechanical instruments, (ii) electronic instruments. Electric instrument are
constructed by addition of electronic circuits to electromagnetic indicators in order to
increase the sensitivity and input impedance. The analog instruments may also be
classified on the basis of method used for comparing the unknown quantity
(measured) with the unit of measurement. The two categories of instruments based
upon this classification are: 8

9 (I) (II) Direct measuring instruments: These instruments convert the energy of the
measurand directly into energy that actuates the instrument and the value of the
unknwon quantity is measured or displayed or recorded directly. The example of this
class of instruments are ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and energy meters.
Comparison instruments: these instruments measure the unknown quantity by
comparison with a standard. (direct measuring instruments are the most commonly
used in engineering practice because they are the most suitable and inexpensive. Also
their use makes the measurement possible in the shortest time). The examples of
comparison types are d.c and a.c bridge. Comparison type instruments are used in
cases where a higher accuracy of measuement is required. Electrical instruments may
also be classisied according to their accuracy class. The limits of intrinsic error in the
measured quantity for instruments for various classes of accuracy are: Accuracy class
Limit of error (percent) ±2 ±0.5 ±1 ±1.5 ±2.5 ±5 Principles of operation: As mentioed
earlier secondary analog instruments may be classified according to the principle of
operation they utilize. The effects they utilize are: (i) magnetic effect (ii) heating effect
(iii) electrostatic effect, (iv) electromagnetic effect and (v) hall effect. Table 1.1 Effect
Magnetic effect Heating effect Electromagnetic effect Hall effect Instruments Ammeter,
voltmeters, wattmeter, integrating meters Ammeters and voltmeters, wattmeter s
Voltmeter Flux meter, ammeter and poynting vector wattmeter etc Digital Instruments
A digital instrument is one whose display is presented in the form of a series of decimal
values. Examples of such devices are digital AVOMETER, frequency counters,
inductance meter etc. the digital instrument have the advantages of indicating, the
readings directly in decimal numbers and therefore errors on account of human
factors like error due to parallax and approximation encounter in the analogue are
eliminated. Also power requirements of digital instruments are considerably smaller. 9

10 Fig 1.3 (a) Analog Instrument (b) Digital Instrument 1.5 Functions of
Electrical/Electronic Instruments There is another way in which instruments or
measurement systems may be classified. This classification is based upon the functions
they perform. The three main functions employs in electrical and electronic
instruments are explained below: Function of Electrical Instruments Indicating
Instruments These are the instruments which indicate the instantaneous value of
quantity being measured at the time it is being measured. The indication is in the form
of pointer deflection (analogue instrument) or digital readout (digital instrument). In
analogue instruments, a pointer moving over a graduated scale directly gives the value
of the electrical quantity being measured. Ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters are
example of such instruments. For example when an ammeter is connected in the
circuit, the pointer of the meter directly indicates the value of current flowing in the
circuit at that time. In most indicating instruments, three distinct forces are essential
for the satisfactory indicating of the pointer on a dial. These forces are: A deflecting (or
operating) torque A controlling (or restoring) torque A damping torque Deflecting
Torque (TD): - It is the torque which deflects the pointer on a calibrated scale according
to the electrical quantity passing through the instrument. This deflecting torque causes
the moving system, and hence the pointer attached to it, to move from its zero
position, i.e. its position when the instrument is disconnected from the supply. The
deflecting torque can be produced by utilizing any of the effects mentioned earlier.
Thus the deflecting system of an instrument converts the electric current or potential
into a mechanical force called deflecting torque Controlling Torque (TC): - It is the
torque which controls the movement of the pointer on a particular scale according to
the quantity of electricity passing through it. The controlling forces are required to
control the deflection or rotation and bring the pointer to zero position when there is
no 10

11 force, or stop the rotation of the disc when there is no power. Without such a torque,
the pointer would swing over to the maximum deflected position irrespective of the
magnitude of current or voltage being measured. The functions of the controlling
system are; (1) To produce a force equal and opposite to the deflecting torque at the
final steady position of the pointer definite for a particular magnitude of current. In the
absence of a controlling torque, the pointer will shoot (swing) beyond the final steady
position for any magnitude of current and thus the deflection will be indefinite. (2) To
bring the moving system back to zero when the force causing the instrument moving
system to deflect is removed. In the absence of a controlling torque the pointer will not
come back to zero when current is removed. In indicating instruments, the controlling
torque, also called restoring or balancing torque, is obtained by one of the following
two methods: Spring control Gravity control Damping Torque: - It is the torque which
avoids the vibration of the pointer on a particular range of scale, such a damping or
stabilizing force is necessary to bring the pointer to rest quickly, otherwise, due to
inertia of the moving system, the pointer will oscillate about its final deflected position
for quite sometime before coming to rest in the steady position When a deflecting
torque is applied to the moving system, it deflects and it should come to rest at a
position where the deflecting force is balanced by the controlling torque. The deflecting
and controlling forces are produced by systems which have inertia and, therefore the
moving system cannot immediately settle at its final position but overshoots or swings
ahead of it. Consider fig 1.4 suppose 0 is the equilibrium or final steady position.
Because of inertia the moving system moves to position a. Now for any position a
beyond the equilibrium position the controlling torque is more than the deflecting
torque and hence the moving system swings back. Due to inertia it cannot settle at 0
but swings to a position say b behind the equilibrium position. At b, the deflecting
torque is more than the controlling force and hence the moving system again swings
ahead. The pointer thus oscillate about its final steady (equilibrium) position with
decreasing amplitude till its kinetic energy (on account of inertia) is dissipated in
friction and therefore, it will settle down at its final steady position. If extra force are
not provided to damp these oscillations, the moving systen will take a considerable
time to settle to the final position and hence time consumed in taking readings will be
very large. Therefore, damping forces are necessary so that the moving system comes
to its equilibrium position rapidly and smoothly without any oscilations. Fig. 1.4
Oscillations of pointer 11

12 There are three types of damping: Air friction damping Fluid friction damping Eddy
current damping Recording Instruments Recording instruments are those instruments
which give a continuous record of variations of the electrical quantity being measured
over a selected period of time. The moving system of the instrument carries an inked
pen which rests tightly on a graph chart e.g. recording voltmeter are used in
substations to record the variation of supply voltage during the day. Also recording
ammeters are employed in supply stations for registering the amount of current taken
from batteries Integrating Instruments These are instruments which measure and
register by a set of dials and pointers, either the total quantity of electricity (in ampere
hours) of the total amount of electrical energy (in watt hours or kilowatt hours)
supplied to a circuit over a period of time e.g. ampere hour meters, watt-hour meters,
energy meters etc Function of Electronic Instruments Functionally, different
instruments may be divided into the following three categories Indicating Instruments
These are the instruments which indicate the instantaneous value of quantity being
measured at the time it is being measured. The indication is in the form of pointer
deflection (analog instruments) or digital readout (digital instruments). Ammeters and
voltmeters are examples of such instruments Recording Instruments Such instruments
provide a graphic record of the variations in the quantity being measured over a
selected period of time. Many of these instruments are electromechanical devices
which use paper charts and mechanical writing instruments such as an inked pen or
stylus. Electronic recording instruments are of two types: Null type which operate on a
comparison basis e.g Bridge circuit, potentiometer (see fig 1.5a) Fig 1.5a

13 Galvanometer type whichh operate on deflection type as shown in fig.1.5 a & b e.g
ammeter, voltmeter Fig. 1.5 (b) VOLTMETER Fig.1.5 (a) AMMETER Controlling
Instruments These are widely used in industrial processes. Their function is to control
the quantity being measured with the help of information fed back to them by
monitoring devices. This employed in science and industry Essentials of an Electronic
Instrument As shown figure 1.6, an electronic instrument is made up of the following
three elements. 1 Transducer It is the first sensing element and is required only when
measuring a non-electrical quantity say, temperature or pressure. Its function is to
convert the non-electrical physical quantity into an electrical signal. Scanner LDR Table
1.1Transducers component Circuit Symbol LDR

14 Thermistor Of course, a transducer is not required if the quantity being measured is

already in the electrical form. 2. Signal Modifier It is the second element and its
function is to make the incoming signal suitable for application to the indicating device.
For example, the signal may need amplification before it can be properly displayed.
Other types of signal modifier are: voltage dividers for reducing the amount of signal
applied to the indicating device or wave shaping circuits such as filters, rectifiers or
choppers etc. Input Transducerr Signal modifier Fig.1.6 Indicating Device 3. Indicating
Device For general purpose instruments like voltmeters, ammeters or ohmmeters, the
indicating device is usually a deflection type meter as shown in figure 1.6. In digital
readout instruments, indicating device is of digital design. 1.6 Principles of Operating of
Electrical Instruments All electrical measuring instruments depend for their actions on
one of the many physical effects of an electrical current or potential and are generally
classified according to which of these effects is utilized in their operation. The effects
generally utilized are: Magnetic Effects: - For ammeters, voltmeters, usually
Electrodynamics Effect: - For ammeters, voltmeters but particularly for wattmeters.
Electromagnetic Effect: - For ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters and watt-hour meters
Thermal Effect: - For ammeters and voltmeters Chemical Effect: - For D.C ampere-hour
meters Electrostatic Effect: - For voltmeters only. Review Questions 1 1. List the
advantages of electronic instruments over electrical and mechanical instruments. 2.
Define the term measuring instruments. 3. Describe the three torques needed for
proper operation of analog indicating instrument. 4 Why is a controlling torque
necessary in an analog indicating instrument? What would happen in the absence of a
controlling torque? 5 List the different methods of damping used in analog indicating
instruments. 6 Differentiate between recording and integrating instruments. Give
Suitable example in each case. 7 List various applications of a cathode ray oscilloscope.
OBJECTIVE TEST QUESTIONS 1 A Fill in the following blanks. 1. The measuring system of
an indicating instrument is subjected to deflectingtorque,controlling torque and
torque. 2. Electrostatic instruments are generally used as 3. Dynamometers type
instruments are most commonly used as

15 B TICK THE APPROPRIATE ANSWER. 1. Which is not essential for the working of an
indicating instrument? (a) Deflecting torque (b) Brake torque (c) Damping torque (d)
Controlling torque 2. The main function of a damping torque in an indicating electrical
instrument is to (a) Bring the pointer to rest quickly (b) Prevent sudden movement of
the pointer (c) Make pointer deflection gradual (d) Provide friction 3. Electrostatic
instruments are most commonly used as (a) Ammeters (b) Voltmeters (c) Wattmeters
(d) All of the above 4 The essential elements of a electronic instrument are (a)
Transducer (b) Signal conditioner (c) Indicating device (d) All of the above 5 The main
difference between the electronic and electrical instruments is that an electronic
instrument contain (a) An electronic device (b) A transducer (c) A digital readout (d)
Electrons 6 The measurement of a quantity (a) is an act of comparison of an unknown
quantity with another quality. (b) is an act of comparison of an unknown quantity with
a predefined acceptable standard which is accurately known (c) is an act of comparison
of an unknown quantity with a known quantity whose accuracy may be known or may
not be known (d) none of the above. 7 Purely mechanical instruments cannot be used
for dynamic measurements because the have: (a) high inertia (b) large time constant (c)
higher response time (d) all of the above 8 The usage of electronic instruments is
becoming more extensive because the have (a) a high sensitivity and reliability (b) a fast
response and compatibility with digital computers (c) the capability to respond to
signals from remote places (d) all of the above 9 A null type of instrument as compared
to a deflection type instrument has (a) a higher accuracy (b) a lower sensitivity (c) a
faster response (d) all of the above. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. What are the difference
effects used in producing deflecting torque in an analog instruments. Cite examples, in
which these effects are used. 2. Define the terms indicating Recording and integrating
instruments. give examples of each cases. 3. Define classifications between direct
measuing instruments and comparison type instruments give suitable examples for
each case. 4. Describe the various operating forces needed for proper operation of an
analog indicating instrument. 5. Why is a controlling torque necessary in an analog
indicating instrument? What would happen in the absence of a controlling torque? 6.
Describe the different methods of producing controlling torque in an analog indicating
instrument. List their advantages and disadvantages. 15


Electronic Measuring Instruments (a) Ammeter (b) Moving iron (c) Moving coil (d)
Voltmeter (e) Wattmeter (f) Wheatstone bridge (g) Cathode ray oscilloscope (C.R.O) ][ (h)
Megger (i) Digital voltmeters (j) Frequency counters (k) Clamp ammeter etc VOLTMETER
A voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference between two points of a circuit.
It is thus connected in parallel with the circuit or some part of the circuit as shown in
figure 1.7. The voltmeter must have enough resistance so that it will not be injured by
the current that flows through it, and so that it will not materially affect the current in
the circuit to which it is connected AMMETERS An ammeter is used to measure the flow
of current in a circuit. It is thus connected in series with the circuit under test (as shown
in fig.1.7) so that current to be measured or a fraction of it passes through the
instrument itself. The ammeter must be capable of carrying this current without injury
to itself and without abnormally increasing the resistance of the circuit into which is
inserted. For this reason, an ammeter is designed to have low resistance. Fig. 1.7 The
basic principle of the ammeter and of the voltmeter is the same. Both are current
operated devices i.e. deflecting torque is produced when current flows through their
operating 16

17 coils.In the ammeter, the deflecting torque is produced by the current we wish to
measure, or a certain fraction of that current. In the voltmeter, the deflecting torque is
produced by a current which is proportional to the potential difference to be measured
MOVING IRON INSTRUMENTS Moving Iron instruments depend for their action upon
the magnetic effect of current, and are widely used as indicating instruments. In this
type of instrument, the coil is stationary and the deflection is caused by a soft-iron
piece moving in the field produced by the coil. This type of instrument is principally
used for the measurement of alternating currents and voltages, though it can also be
used for D.C measurements but is then liable to small errors due to remanent
magnetism in the iron; there are two basic forms of moving iron instruments. i.
Attraction type ii. Repulsion type Attraction Type The basic working principle of
attraction type moving iron instruments is illustrated in fig In this system, when current
flows through the coil, a magnetic field is produced at its centre. A soft iron rod fixed to
the spindle becomes magnetized and is pulled inside the coil, the force of attraction
being proportional to the strength of the field inside the coil, which again is
proportional to the strength of the current. Fig Attraction Type Working Principle 17

18 When the current to be measured is passed through the coil, a magnetic field is
produced which attracts the iron rod inwards, thereby deflecting the pointer which
moves over a calibrated scale. Deflecting Torque In the attraction type moving iron
instrument, the deflecting torque is due to the force of attraction between the field of
the coil and the iron disc. The magnetization of the iron disc is proportional to the field
strength H. The force F pulling the disc inwards is proportional to the magnetization M
of disc ans field strength H. Deflecting torque (Td) MH But M H H I : Td I 2 Thus, the
deflecting torque is proportional to the square of the current passing through the coil.
Controlling Torque In the above instrument the controlling torque is achieved by
gravity control, but now spring control is used almost universally. Damping Torque The
damping of the moving system is obtained by air damping, in which a light aluminum
piston moves freely inside the curved cylinder closed at one end. The resistance
offered by air in escaping from the restricted space around the piston effectively
damps out any oscillations Repulsion Type It consists of a fixed coil inside which two
soft iron and are arranged parallel to one another and along the axis of the coil (as
shown in fig. 2.3). One of these rods A, is fixed to the coil frame, while the other rod B is
moving and is mounted on the spindle. The moving rod carries a pointer which moves
over a calibrated scale. In this type of movement, the coil which receives the current to
be measured is stationary.the field set up by the coil magnetizes two iron vanes, which
then becomes temporary magnets. Since the same field magnetizes both vanes, both
vanes have the same magnetizes polarity. Consequently, there is a force of repulsion
between the two vanes. One of the vanes (statotionary vane) is attached to the coil
form. The other vane (the moving vane) is mounted on the pivot shaft to which the
meter pointer is attached. Thus, the magnetic force of repulsion forces the moving
vane away from the stationary vane. Of course, this force is offset by the counter
torgue of the spiral springs attached to the pivot shaft. The greater the current through
the coil in, the strnger the magnetic repelling force; thus, the farther the moving vane
rotates and the more current the pointer indicates. The iron vane meter movement can
operate on either a.c or d.c 18

19 Fig.1.9repulsion type moving iron. Working Principle When the current to be

measured is passed through the fixed coil, it set up its own magnetic field which
magnetizes the two rods with same polarity so that they repel one another, with the
result that the pointer is deflect and causes the pointer to move from zero position.
The force of repulsion is approximately proportional to the square of the current
passing through the coil. Deflecting Torque The deflecting torque results due to the
repulsion between the two similarly magnetized (charged) soft iron rods. Therefore,
Instantaneous torque repulsive force and repulsive force to the product of pole
strengths M 1 and M 2 of two vanes. Pole strengths are magnetizing force H of the coil
and H current passing through the coil Therefore, the instantaneous torque, which is
the deflecting torque, is given as Instantaneous torque I 2 i.e. Td I 2 Hence, deflecting
torque is proportional to the square of the current when used in an A.C circuit; the
instrument reads the r.m.s value of the electrical quantity. Controlling Torque In this
type of instrument, controlling torque is obtained either with a spring or by gravity. In
figure spring has been used for the controlling torque. Damping Torque 19

20 In this type of instrument, pneumatic type damping is used. Eddy current cannot be
employed because the presence of a permanent magnet, required for such a purpose,
would affect the deflection and hence the ready of the instrument Advantage of
Moving Iron Instruments Following are the advantages of moving iron instruments i.
Cheap, robust and give reliable service ii. Usable in both a.c and d.c circuits
Disadvantages and Limitations of Moving Iron Instrument i. Have non-linear scale ii.
Cannot be calibrated with a high degree of precision for d.c on account of he affect of
hysteresis in the iron vanes iii. The instrument will always have to be put in the vertical
position if it uses gravity control Applications The moving iron instruments are
primarily used for a.c measurement such as, alternating currents and voltages Moving
Coil Instruments Accurate measurement of current and (potential difference(voltage) is
needed in all branches of electricity and their applications,for example in television,
radio telecommunications, dynamosand motors. 20

21 Fig Moving coil Instrument The most widely used commercial meter is the moving
coil type. Basically, it consists of (a) A rectangular coil with many turns (b) A powerful
radial magnetic field between curved pole pieces N and S and asoft iron cylinder (c)
Springs to control the angle of rotation of the coil (d) A uniform (linear) scale for
measuring the current. The moving coil instrument operates through the interaction of
two magnetic fields; the permanent magnet field and the field due to the current
flowing through a current carrying conductors The moving coil instrument is commonly
used in voltmeters, ammeters and ohmmeters. It responds only to direct current. It is
used in rectifier- type instruments to measure alternating current and voltage There
are two types of moving coil instruments i. Dynamometer type ii. Permanent magnet
type Electrodynamic (Dynamometer) Instruments These instruments are the modified
form of permanent magnet moving coil instrument in which the operating field is
produced, not by a permanent magnet but by a two air-cored fixed coils placed on
either side of the moving coil as seen in fig Electrodynamometer meter movements use
stationary coil and moving coils to develop interacting magnetic fields (that is the
electrodynamometer uses two electromagnetic fields in its operation. One field is
created by the current flowing through a pair of series-connected 21

22 stationary coils. The other field is caused by current flowing through a movable coil
that is attached to the pivot shaft. If the current in the coils are in the correct directions,
the pointer rotates clockwise. The rotational torque on the movable coil is caused by
the opposing magnetic forces of the three coils.. They respond to alternating current
because the a.c. reverses direction simultaneously in all three coil. and also can
operates on direct current and are used in wattmeter.. Electrodynamometer meters
have low sensitivity and high accuracy Fig.1.11 schematic diagram of dynamometer
instruments Fig Connection diagram of dynanomometer Instruments. 22

23 The operating principle of electrodynamics instruments is the interaction between

the currents in the moving coil, mounted on a shaft, and the fixed coils, that is, the
deflecting torque is produced by the reaction between the magnetic field set up by the
current in the moving coils and the magnetic field set up by current in the fixed coil.
When the two coils are energized, their magnetic fields will interact as a result of
mechanical force exists between the coils and the resulting torque will tend to rotate
the moving coil and cause the pointer attached to it to move over the scale. Since there
is no iron, the field strength is proportional to the current in the fixed coil and
therefore, the deflecting torque is proportional to the product of the currents in the
fixed coils and the moving coil Deflecting Torque The force of attraction or repulsion
between the fixed and moving coils is directly proportional to the product of ampere
turns of fixed coils and the moving coils i.e. Deflecting torque, Td N F I F N M I M Since
N F and N M are constant : Td = I F I M This show that the scale of these instruments is
not uniform, being crowded at the beginning and open at the upper end of the scale as
shown in fig The obvious disadvantage of such a scale is that the divisions near the
start of the scale are small and cannot be read accurately Control System The
controlling torque is produced by two control springs, which also act as leads to the
moving coil Damping System This system provides for air damping Advantages of
Dynamometer Instruments These instruments can be used for both d.c and a.c
measurements. Since the coil is generally air cored, they are free from eddy current
and hysteresis losses. They can be use for power measurements Disadvantages of
Dynamometer Instruments They have low sensitivity Such instruments are more
expensive than the other types Because the deflecting torque varies with the square of
the current, the scale is not uniform. The dynamometer instrument may be applied or
used as an ammeter or as a voltmeter but is generally used as a wattmeter. They are
suitable for d.c as well as a.c work. TICK THE APPROPRIATE ANSWER 23

24 (A) Which of these meter movements is the most sensitive (a) p mmc (b) moving iron
(c) electrodynamometer (B) Which of these meter movements cannot directly measure
a.c (a) p mmc (b) moving iron (c) electrodynamometer (C) Which of these meter
movement is used to measure power (a) moving iron (b) pmmc (c) electrodtnamometer
(D) Which of these meter movement uses a permanent magnet (a) p mmc (b) moving
iron (c) electrodynamometer (E) Which of these meter movement uses a moving coil
and a fixed coil (a) moving iron (b) pmmc (c) electrodtnamometer REVIEW QUESTIONS
1. Explain the torque acting on the moving part of an electrodynamics instrument and
state how these torque are produced in a pmmc instruments. 2. Explain, with the aid of
appropriate diagram and mathematical analysis that the deflection torque of a pmmc
instruments is proportional to the current flowing through it. 24
its name implies, measure electric power given to or develop by an electronic
apparatus or circuit. A wattmeter is hardly over required in a d.c circuit because power
(P = VI) can be easily determined from voltmeter and ammeter readings. However, in
an a.c circuit, such a computation is generally speaking impossible. It is because in an
a.c circuit, power (P = VI Cos θ) depends not only on voltage and current but also on the
phase shift between them. Therefore, a wattmeter is necessary for a.c power
measurement.the wattmeter shows a reading which is proportional to the product of
the current through its current coli, the p.d across its potential or pressure coil and
cosine of the angle between this voltage and current. The wattmeter is an indicating
type instruments, generally used for power measurement of the electrical circuit. A
wattmeter consists of (1) a low resistance current coil which is inserted in series with
the line carrying the current and (ii) a high resistance pressure coil which is connected
across the two points whose potential difference is to be measured. The wattmeter
require polarity markings so that the current in the stationary coils will be in the correct
direction relative to the current in the movable coil Fig photograph of wattmeter There
are two principle types of wattmeter viz: i. Dynamometer Wattmeter for both d.c and
a.c power ii. Induction Wattmeter for a.c power only Wattmeter design Power in an
electric circuit is the product (multiplication) of voltage and current, so any meter
designed to measure power must account for both of these variables. A special meter
movement designed especially for power measurement is called the
dynamometermovement, and is similar to a D'Arsonval in that a lightweight 25

26 coilof wire is attached to the pointer mechanism. However, unlike the D'Arsonval
movement, another (stationary) coil is used instead of a permanent magnet to provide
the magnetic field for the moving coil to react against. The moving coil is generally
energized by the voltage in the circuit, while the stationary coil is generally energized by
the current in the circuit. A dynamometer movement connected in a circuit looks
something like this: Fig 1.14.(a) connection diagram of dynamometrer wattment The
top (horizontal) coil of wire measures load current in fig1.14.(a) as while the bottom
(vertical) coil measures load voltage. Just like the lightweight moving coils of voltmeter
movements, the (moving) voltage coil of a dynamometer is typically connected in series
with a range resistor so that full load voltage is not applied to it. Likewise, the
(stationary) current coil of a dynamometer may have precision shunt resistors to divide
the load current around it. With custom-built dynamometer movements, shunt
resistors are less likely to be needed because the stationary coil can be constructed
with as heavy of wire as needed without impacting meter response, unlike the moving
coil which must be constructed of lightweight wire for minimum inertia. 26

27 Fig1.14.(b) schematic diagram of dynamometer wattmeter REVIEW: Wattmeters are

often designed around dynamometer meter movements, which employ both voltage
and current coils to move a needle. The dynamometer wattmeter is most commonly
used to measure power in a.c circuits. It works on the dynamometer principle i.e.
mechanical force exists between two current carrying conductors or coils. The
wattmeter use an electrodynamometer movement because the meter reads true
power regardless of the value of angle θ.. Figure 3.3(b) shows the circuit diagram of the
electrodynamometer wattmeter Fig1.15a Schematic diagram fig. 1.15b connection
circuit 27

28 Operation When the wattmeter is connected in the circuit to measure power (see
figure 1.15.b), the current (stationary coil) which is wound with a larger-diameter wire
carries the load current and potential (moving coil) coil carries current proportional to
the load voltage. Due to currents in the coils, mechanical force exists between them.
The result is that movable coil moves the pointer over the scale. The pointer comes to
rest at a position when deflecting torque is equal to the controlling torque. The moving
coil is used to detect the magnitude of the circuit voltage. The stationary coils are
referred to as the current coils. The circuit current is detected by the current coils,
which are connected in series with the load. The stationary current is wound with
larger diameter. This keeps the resistance that is in series with the load as low as
possible. The moving coil is wound with thin wire to keep it as high as possible. Since
the movable coil responds to voltage, it has a multiplier (a high non-inductive
resistance) connected in series with the moving coil to limit the current flowing through
the moving coil to a small value, usually up to 100mA. Such instruments can be used
for the measurement of d.c as well as a.c power Deflection torque We shall now prove
that deflecting torque is proportional to load power. Consider that the wattmeter is
connected in a d.c circuit to measure power as shown in (fig 1.15b). The power taken by
the load is VI 1. Deflecting torque, Td I 1 I 2 Since I 2 is directly proportional to V :
Deflecting torque, Td VI load power And if the system is spring controlled then θ power
The above statements refers to average power, but in the case of a.c Td VI CosΦ Where
Φ is the phase difference between the current and voltage Example i. A dynamometer
type voltmeter with its voltage coil connected across the load side reads 192w. the load
voltage is 208V and the resistance of the potential coil circuit is 3825Ω calculate (i) time
load power ii. Percentage error to voltmeter connection Solution 28

29 Wattmeter reading = 192w as shown in (fig below) Power taken by potential circuit=
V 2 R = (208) 3825 =11. 3W i. The load power = = 198.7w ii. loage error = x = 6.25%
Fig.1.16 ii. A dynamometer voltmeter with its voltage coil connected across the load
side of the instrument reads 250w. if the load voltage is 200V, what power is being
taken by load? The voltage coil branch has a resistance of 2,000Ω Solution Power
consumed by voltage coils V 2 R =2002 = 20W 2000 Power being taken by load = = 230
W Fig Two ways of connecting wattmeters 29
30 There are two alternative methods of connecting a wattmeter in a circuit. These are
shown in fig below. Due to these connections, errors are introduced in the
measurement among to power loss in the current coil and the pressure coil. Fig 1.18
Wattmeter connnections In the connection of fig1.18. (a), the pressure coil is connected
on the supply side (i.e cc on the load side) and therefore the voltage applied to the
pressure coil is the voltage across the load plus the voltage drop across the current coil.
Thus the wattmeter measures the power loss in its current coil in addition to the power
consumed by load. Power indicated by wattmeter = power consumed by load + power
loss in current coil (I 2 Rc) = P L + P C In connection (b) the current coil is on supply side
and, therefore it carries the pressure coil current plus the load current. Hence the
wattmeter reads the power consumed by the load plus the power loss in pressure coil.
Power indicated by wattmeter = power consumed by load + power loss in pressure coil
(V 2 /Rp) If the load current is small, the voltage drop in the current coil is small, so that
connection of fig. (a) introduces a very small as compared with the load current and
hence power loss in pressure coil will be very small as compared with the load power
and, therefore, connection of fig (b) is preferable. Note The connection in fig1.18 (a) is
use for small current high voltage load and (b) high current low voltage loads. Example
The resistance of the two coils of a wattmeter are 0.0Ω1 and 1000Ω respectively and
both are non inductive. The load is taking a current of 20A at 200V and 0.8 p.f 30

31 lagging. Show the two ways in which the voltage coil can be connected and find the
error in the reading of the meter in each case. Solution Load power = VICOSφ =200 x 20
x 0.8 = 3200W i. Consider the connection shown in fig below Power loss in current coil =
I 2 RC = (20) = 4 Wattmeter reading = = 3204W Loage error = 4 x 100 = 0.125% 3200 (i)
(ii) (Fig1.19. I & ii) shows the two possible ways of connecting the voltage coil of the
wattmeter Advantages Of Dynamometer Wattmeters i. Such instruments can be made
to give a very high degree of accuracy. Hence, they are used as a standard for
calibrated purposes. ii. They are equally accurate on d.c as well as a.c measurements.
iii. It can be used on both a.c and d.c supply, for any waveform of voltage and current,
and is not restricted to sinusoidal waveforms Disadvantages Of Dynamometer
Wattmeter At low power factor, the inductance of the voltage coil causes serious error
unless special precautions are taken to reduce this effect Induction Wattmeter This
induction type wattmeter can be used to measure a.c power only in contrast to
dynamometer wattmeter which can be used to measure d.c as well as a.c power.
However, it differs from induction instrument in so far that two separate coils are used
to produce the rotating magnetic field in place of one coil with phase split
arrangement. Figure shows the arrangement of the various part of an induction
wattmeter. 31

32 Fig
Induction Wattmeter Operations When the wattmeter is connected in the circuit
to measure a.c power, the shunt magnet carries current proportional to the supply
voltage and the series magnet carries the load current. The two fluxes produced by the
magnets induce eddy currents in the aluminum disc. The interaction between the
fluxes and eddy currents produces the deflecting torques on the disc, causing the
pointer connected to the moving system to move over the scale. The pointer comes to
rest at a position where deflecting torque is equal to the controlling torque. Let V =
supply voltage IV = current carried by shunt magnet IC = current carried by series
magnet Cos Φ = lagging power factor of the loads The phase diagram is shown fig The
current I V in the shunt magnet lags the supply voltage by 90 0 and so does the flux Φ V
produced by it. This current I C in the series magnet is the load current and hence lags
behind the supply voltage V by Φ. The flux, Φ C produced by this current (i.e. I C) is in
phase with it. V IC Φ 90 - Φ Φ V Fig1.21 I V 32

33 Itis clear that phase angle θ between the two fluxes is 90 Φ i.e. θ = 90 Φ : Td Φ V Φ C
sinθ VI (sin 90 Φ) VI (-sin Φ) VI Cos Φ a.c power Since the instrument is spring controlled
TC θ For steady deflected position, Td = Tc θ = a.c power Hence such instruments have
uniform scale Advantage Of Induction Wattmeter i. They have a uniform scale ii. They
are free from the effects of stray fields iii. They provide very good damping
Disadvantages Of Induction Wattmeter i. They can be used to measure a.c power only
ii. They cause series error due to temperature variation iii. They have high power
consumption Induction wattmeters have their chief application as panel instruments
where the variations in frequency are not too much Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O) It
is generally referred to as oscilloscope or scope and is the basic tool of an electronic
engineer and technician as voltmeter; ammeter and wattmeter are those of an
electrical engineer or electrician. The CRO provides a two-dimensional visual of the
signal wave shape on a screen thereby allowing an electronic engineer to see the signal
in various parts of the circuit. 33

34 Fig Photogragh Of an Oscilloscope An oscilloscope can display and also measure

many electrical quantities like ac/dc voltage, time, phase relationships, frequency and a
wide range of waveform characteristic like rise-time, fall-time and overshoot etc. Non-
electrical quantities like pressure, strain, temperature and acceleration etc. can also be
measured by using different transducers to first convert them into an equivalent
voltage. As seen from the block diagram of an oscilloscope in fig It consists of the
following major sub-system: 1. Cathode Ray tube (CRT): - It displays quantity being
measured. 2. Vertical amplifier: - It amplifies the signal waveform to be viewed. 3.
Horizontal amplifier: - It is fed with a saw tooth voltage which is then applied to the x-
plates. 4. Sweep generator: - Produces saw tooth voltage waveform used for horizontal
deflection of the electron beam. 5. Trigger Circuit: - Produces trigger pulses to start
horizontal sweep. 6. High and low: - Voltage power supply Input signal Vertical
Amplifier HT Supply LT Supply To CRT To all circuits CRT Trigger Circuit Sweep
Generator Horizontal Amplifier Fig Block Diagram of CRO 34
35 Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) It is the heart of an oscilloscope and is very similar to the
picture tube in a television set are seen in fig a. and consists of essentially three basic
components and works as discussed below: Fig. 1.24a. i. The electron gun: which
produces, a sharply focused beam of electrons, and accelerates it at a very high
velocity. Electron Gun ii The deflecting system: which deflects the electrons beam in
both (x) horizontal and (y) vertical deflection planes in accordance with the waveform
to the displayed. iii The fluorescent screen: upon which the beam of electrons impinges
to produce spot of visible light. A simplified diagram of the cathode ray tube (CRT) is
shown in 1.24.b. Fig.1.24.b. Cathode Ray Tube Clamp Ammeter Clamp meters are a
very convenient testing instrument that permits current measurements on a live
conductor without circuit interruption. A clamp meter (clamp on meter) is a type of
ammeter that measures electrical current without the need to disconnect the wiring
through which the current is flowing. A clamp-on ammeter can have either a digital or
an analog readout. Many clamp meters also measure other quantities (voltage,
resistance, and so on) by using test leads rather than the clamp-on mechanism. 35

0.124µF. derive balance conditions and calculate the effective impedance of the
specimen under test conditions Solution: Let R1 and L1 be the effective resistance and
inductance of the specimen respectively At balance (R 1 + jwl1) - j = R 3 ( R 2 J ) Wc 4 wc
2 L 1 = R 2 R 3 C 4 = 834 x 100 x 0.1 x 10-6 = 8.34mH & R 1 = R 4 C 4 = 100 x 0.1 = 80.7 Ω
C 2 0.124 Reactance of specimen at 2KHz X1 = 2π x 2 x 1000 x 8.34 x 10-3 = 104.5 =
2πFL Impedance of specimen Z 1 = R 2 + X 2 = 80.72 + 104.5 2 = 132 Ω Exercise 1. The
four arms of a bridge network are made up as follows ab, a resistor of 50 Ω in parallel
with an inductor of 0.1 IH, bc, a resistor of 100 Ω; cd, and unknown resistor R in parallel
with an unknown capacitor C; da, a resistor of 1000 Ω. A 50Hz voltage supply is applied
across ac. Find R and C when a vibration galvanometer connected across bd is
undeflected 2. A bridge consists of the following: Arm ab is a clock coil having a
resistance R 1 & inductance L 1, arm bc a non inductive resistance R 3. Arm cd a mica
condenser C 4 in series with a non-inductive resistance R 4 ; Arm da a non-inductive
resistance R2. when this bridge is fed from a source of 500Hz, balance is obtained
under following conditions R 2 =2410 Ω; R 3 = 750 Ω, C 4 = 0.35µf; R 4 = 64.5Ω Calculate
the resistance and inductance detective is between b & d Draw the sketch of this bridge
name it and derive conditions for balance. 109

resistor of infinite resistance is connected across the terminals and the crank (or
handle) is being operated, the generated voltage so produced is applied across the coil
B and current flows through it, but no current flows through current coil A. Therefore,
the torque is produced due to the potential coil B only, which rotates the moving
element (pointer) of the megger until the scale points to infinity, thus indicating that
the resistance of the external circuit is too large for the instrument to measure. When
the testing terminals XY are closed through a low resistance or are short circuited, a
large current (limited only R ) passes through the current coil A or deflecting coil A. The
deflecting torque is produced by the current coil which overcomes the small torque at
potential coil B and rotates the pointer until the needle points to zero, thus showing
that the external resistance is too small for the instruments to measure. Although the
megger can measure all resistances lying between zero and infinity, essentially it is a
high resistance measuring device. Usually, zero is the first mark and 10k Ω is the
second mark on its scale, so one can appreciate that it is impossible to accurately
measure small resistance with the help of a megger. The instrument described above is
simple to operate, portable, very robust and independent of the external supplies. 6.6.
Applications of Megger Meggers are used in industries for observing the following
tests:- Open circuit tests Short circuit tests Continuity tests Ground tests Earth
resistance tests 123

124 Fig.6.11 Typical moving coil as megger The numbered, rectangular blocks in the
above illustration are cross-sectional representations of wire coils. These three coils all
move with the needle mechanism. There is no spring mechanism to return the needle
to a set position. When the movement is unpowered, the needle will randomly float..
The coils are electrically connected like this see (fig. 6.12.) Fig 6.12 With infinite
resistance between the test leads (open circuit), there will be no current through coil 1,
only through coils 2 and 3. When energized, these coils try to center themselves in the
gap between the two magnet poles, driving the needle fully to the right of the scale
where it points to.infinity.. 124

125 Fig.6.13 Any current through coil 1 (through a measured resistance connected

between the test leads) tends to drive the needle to the left of scale, back to zero. The
internal resistor values of the meter movement are calibrated so that when the test
leads are shorted together, the needle deflects exactly to the 0 - position (as shown in
fig. 6.13.). Because any variations in battery voltage will affect the torque generated by
both sets of coils (coils 2 and 3, which drive the needle to the right, and coil 1, which
drives the needle to the left), those variations will have no effect of the calibration of
the movement. In other words, the accuracy of this ohmmeter movement is unaffected
by battery voltage: a given amount of measured resistance will produce a certain
needle deflection, no matter how much or little battery voltage is present. The only
effect that a variation in voltage will have on meter indication is the degree to which the
measured resistance changes with applied voltage. So, if we were to use a megger to
measure the resistance of a gas-discharge lamp, it would read very high resistance
(needle to the far right of the scale) for low voltages and low resistance (needle moves
to the left of the scale) for high voltages. This is precisely what we expect from a good
high-voltage ohmmeter: to provide accurate indication of subject resistance under
different circumstances. For maximum safety, most meggers are equipped with hand-
crank generators for producing the high DC voltage (up to 1000 volts). If the operator of
the meter receives a shock from the high voltage, the condition will be self-correcting,
as he or she will naturally stop cranking the generator! Sometimes a.slip clutch. is used
to stabilize generator speed under different cranking conditions, so as to provide a
fairly stable voltage whether it is cranked fast or slow. Multiple voltage output levels
from the generator are available by the setting of a selectorswitch. 125

126 A simple hand-crank megger is shown in this photograph: Fig. 6.14 Photograph of a
simple Some meggers are battery-powered to provide greater precision in output
voltage. For safety reasons these meggers are activated by a momentary-contact
pushbutton switch, so the switch cannot be left in the.on. position and pose a
significant shock hazard to the meter operator. Real meggers are equipped with three
connection terminals, labeled Line, Earth, and Guard. The schematic is quite similar to
the simplified version shown earlier: Fig. 6.15 circuit connection of figure 6.14.
Resistance is measured between the Line and Earth terminals, where current will travel
through coil 1 (as shown in fig. 6.15). The.Guard. terminal is provided for special testing
situations where one resistance must be isolated from another. Take for instance this
scenario where the insulation resistance is to be tested in a two-wire cable: 126

127 Fig,6.16 To measure insulation resistance from a conductor to the outside of the

cable,(see fig. 6.16.) we need to connect the.line. lead of the megger to one of the
conductors and connect the.earth. lead of the megger to a wire wrapped around the
sheath of the cable: Fig. 6. 17 In this (fig. 6.17.) configuration, the megger should read
the resistance between one conductor and the outside sheath. Or will it? If we draw a
schematic diagram showing all insulation resistances as resistor symbols, what we
have looks like this (see fig. 6.18.) 127

128 Fig.6.18. Rather than just measure the resistance of the second conductor to the
sheath (Rc2 s), what we'll actually measure Rather than just measure the resistance of
the second conductor to the sheath (Rc2 s), what we'll actually measure is that
resistance in parallel with the series combination of conductorto- conductor resistance
(Rc1 c2) and the _rst conductor to the sheath (Rc1 s). If we don't care about this fact, we
can proceed with the test as con_gured. If we desire to measure only is that resistance
in parallel with the series combination of conductortoconductor resistance (Rc1 c2) and
the first conductor to the sheath (Rc1 s). If we don't care about this fact, we can
proceed with the test as configured. If we desire to measure only the resistance
between the second conductor and the sheath (Rc2-s), then we need to use the Fig.
6.19 128

129 Fig.6.20. Connecting the Guard terminal to the first conductor places the two
conductors at almost equal potential. With little or no voltage between them, the
insulation resistance is nearly infinite, and thus there will be no current between the
two conductors. Consequently, the megger's resistance indication will be based
exclusively on the current through the second conductor's insulation, through the cable
sheath, and to the wire wrapped around, not the current leaking through the first
conductor's insulation. Meggers are field instruments: that is, they are designed to be
portable and operated by a technician on the job site with as much ease as a regular
ohmmeter. They are very useful for checking high-resistance.short. failures between
wires caused by wet or degraded insulation. Because they utilize such high voltages,
they are not as affected by stray voltages (voltages less than 1 volt produced by
electrochemical reactions between conductors, or.induced. by neighboring magnetic
_elds) as ordinary ohmmeters. For a more thorough test of wire insulation, another
high-voltage ohmmeter commonly called a hi-pot tester is used. These specialized
instruments produce voltages in excess of 1 kv, and may be used for testing the
insulating effectiveness of oil, ceramic insulators, and even the integrity of other high-
voltage instruments. Because they are capable of producing such high voltages, they
must be operated with the utmost care, and only by trained personnel. It should be
noted that hi-pot testers and even meggers (in certain conditions) are capable of
damaging wire insulation if incorrectly used. Once an insulating material has been
subjected to breakdown by the application of an excessive voltage, its ability to
electrically insulate will be compromised. Again, these instruments are to be used only
by trained personnel. QUESTIONS 8. With the aid of diragrm, explain the operation of a
hand operated megger. 129

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