Effective Doses, Organ Doses, and Fetal Doses From Medical Imaging Procedures
Effective Doses, Organ Doses, and Fetal Doses From Medical Imaging Procedures
Effective Doses, Organ Doses, and Fetal Doses From Medical Imaging Procedures
Source: Mettler FA, et al.: Effective doses in radiology and diagnostic nuclear medicine: a catalog. Radiology
Source: Mettler FA, et al.: Effective doses in radiology and diagnostic nuclear medicine: a catalog. Radiology
Source: Mettler FA, et al.: Effective doses in radiology and diagnostic nuclear medicine: a catalog. Radiology
CT Abdomena
neonate 13.1 1,540
1y 11.1 1,310
5y 8.4 990
10 y 8.9 1,050
15 y 5.9 690
Data from Thomas KE, Wang B. Age specific effective doses for pediatric MSCT examinations at a
large children’s hospital using DLP conversion coefficients: a simple estimation method. Pediatr Radiol
Appendix E • Organ Dose and Fetal Dose for Medical Imaging Procedures 959
Head CT Standard 0
Chest CT
Routine Standard 0.2
Pulmonary embolus Standard 0.2
CT angiography of coronary arteries Standard 0.1
Abdomen, routine Standard 4
Abdomen/pelvis, routine Standard 25
CT angiography of aorta (chest Standard 34
through pelvis)
Abdomen/pelvis, stone protocola Reduced 10
Anatomic coverage is the same as for routine abdominopelvic CT, but the tube current is decreased and the
pitch is increased because standard image quality is not necessary for detection of high-contrast stones.
Cervical spine (AP, lat) <0.001
Extremities <0.001
Chest (PA, lat) 0.002
Thoracic spine (AP, lat) 0.003
Abdomen (AP)
21-cm patient thickness 1
33-cm patient thickness 3
Lumbar spine (AP, lat) 1
Limited IVPa 6
Small-bowel study b
Double-contrast barium enema studyc 7