EG-Connection-Guidelines-for-IES - Rev3 - SLD SAMPLE
EG-Connection-Guidelines-for-IES - Rev3 - SLD SAMPLE
EG-Connection-Guidelines-for-IES - Rev3 - SLD SAMPLE
ELE GU 0014
12 November 2021
An appropriate citation for this paper is:
Connection Guidelines for Inverter Energy Systems
>10 kVA (single phase) and >30 kVA to 200 kVA (three phase)
Copyright statement
© Jemena Limited. All rights reserved. Copyright in the whole or every part of this document belongs to Jemena
Limited, and cannot be used, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in any
media to any person other than with the prior written consent of Jemena.
Printed or downloaded copies of this document are deemed uncontrolled.
Glossary.................................................................................................................................................................... iv
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................................v
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................... vi
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................7
2. Connection process........................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Connection application fee .....................................................................................................................9
2.2 Connection agreement ...........................................................................................................................9
3. System conditions ........................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1 Operating conditions ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Quality of supply .................................................................................................................................. 11
4. Technical requirements ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.1 Standards and codes ........................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Maximum generation capacity .............................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Network connection and isolation.......................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Earthing ............................................................................................................................................... 14
4.5 Protection ............................................................................................................................................ 15
4.6 Voltage rise.......................................................................................................................................... 20
4.7 Harmonic injection limits ....................................................................................................................... 20
4.8 Export control....................................................................................................................................... 20
4.9 Metering .............................................................................................................................................. 21
5. Commissioning and maintenance ................................................................................................................ 22
5.1 Commissioning requirements ............................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Maintenance requirements ................................................................................................................... 24
5.3 Asset replacement, modifications or upgrades ...................................................................................... 24
6. Information to be submitted by customer .................................................................................................... 25
6.1 Connection enquiry .............................................................................................................................. 25
6.2 Connection application ......................................................................................................................... 25
6.3 Commissioning .................................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix A: Single Line Diagram Requirements.................................................................................................... 27
Appendix B: Requirements for Application Documents ......................................................................................... 31
Connection Point Point at which the Jemena’s service cable or supply main connects to the
customer’s terminals. Also known as Point of Supply or Point of Connection.
Customer Owner / operator of the Inverter Energy System.
Inverter Energy System A system comprising one or more inverters together with one or more energy
sources and controls, where the inverter(s) satisfies the requirements of
AS/NZS 4777.2.
Point of Common Nearest common point in Jemena’s distribution network that connection is
Coupling made between two or more customers’ electrical installations.
Service Protection A protection device usually a fuse or circuit breaker which is the isolation point
Device between Jemena’s distribution network and the customer main switchboard.
Also known as Supply Protection Device.
These guidelines provide an overview of the connection process and technical requirements for customers
wanting to connect greater than 10 kVA (single phase) and greater than 30 kVA to 200 kVA three-phase
Inverter Energy Systems to the JEN distribution network at low voltage (i.e. 400 V) and should be read in
conjunction with the requirements of AS/NZS 4777 “Grid connection of energy systems via inverters”.
In all cases, the more onerous of the requirements between these guidelines, the AS/NZS 4777 and other
applicable standards shall be applicable.
These guidelines provide an overview of the connection process and technical requirements for customers
wanting to connect Inverter Energy Systems (IES) to the JEN distribution network at low voltage (i.e. 400 V).
These guidelines specifically relate to systems that meet the following specifications:
• Energy source may be solar PV, wind turbine, hydro turbine, battery or fuel cell energy storage; Three-
phase low voltage (LV) connection (i.e. 400 V);
• IES will not operate when site is disconnected from the JEN distribution network (i.e. islanded); and
• The inverters used in the IES are AS/NZS 4777 compliant and are on the list of approved inverters
published by the Clean Energy Council1.
• Micro embedded generators (i.e. IES with capacity less than 10 kVA single phase or 30 kVA three phase) -
the connection process for these systems is outlined on the Jemena website2;
• IES with capacity greater than 200 kVA – these guidelines may be used to ascertain the minimum
requirements for connection of these systems but additional network studies may be required to identify
additional connection requirements to ensure that network safety or performance is not compromised;
• Synchronous and asynchronous generators (e.g. co-generation and tri-generation) – connection
requirements for these generators are outlined in “JEN GU 0020 Embedded Generation Guidelines”3;
The connection process is detailed in Jemena’s “Negotiated Connection Process (Embedded Generation)”4 and
summarised Figure 2–1.
Figure 2–1: Simplified connection process for IES (30 kVA – 200 kVA)
The customer is required to pay a connection application fee prior to a connection application being assessed.
This fee varies and is dependent on the complexity of the connection. It includes:
On acceptance of the offer and any final negotiation, Jemena will prepare a Connection Offer and Connection
Agreement that will include all technical material, commercial provisions and terms and conditions. These
documents will contain any ongoing fees to be paid by the embedded generator or any ongoing payments to be
made by Jemena to the customer for services provided. The Connection Agreement must be executed prior to
the final commissioning of the IES.
If the customer decides to augment or significantly modify their generating plant after the Connection Agreement
is executed, the customer must make an application to modify their plant using the same process described
above for the Connection Enquiry and Connection Application stages.
Table 3–1 lists the system conditions at the connection point under which the works must operate satisfactorily.
Minimum continuous operating voltage 216 Vrms (phase to earth) / 376 Vrms (phase to phase)
Maximum continuous operating voltage 253 Vrms (phase to earth) / 440 Vrms (phase to phase)
Nominal frequency 50 Hz
Normal operating frequency band 49.85 Hz to 50.15 Hz
Short duration (60 sec) power frequency withstand level 275 Vrms (phase-ground)
Under the Electricity Distribution Code (EDC), Jemena is required to use best endeavours to maintain the
voltage variation, flicker and harmonic voltage distortion levels across JEN within the limits defined in Table 3–2,
Table 3–3 and Table 3–4.
Jemena is also required to maintain the negative sequence voltage at the point of common coupling for three
phase installations within the limits described by Schedule 5.1a, clause S5.1a.7 of the NER outlined in Table 3–
AS 61000.3.100*
< 1.0 6 kV peak
Phase to earth +50% -100%
+13%, -10% +13%, -10%
Phase to phase +20% -100%
1-6.6 60 kV peak
±6% Phase to earth +80% -100%
11 ±10% 95 kV peak
(±10% Rural Areas) Phase to phase +20% -100%
22 150 kV peak
Phase to earth +50% -100%
66 ±10% ±15% 325 kV peak
Phase to phase +20% -100%
*The voltage range for time periods less than 1 minute and 10 seconds do not apply to AS 61000.3.100
Source: Electricity Distribution Code (EDC) Section 4.8, NER Section S5.1a.5, AS/NZS 61000.3.7:2012 Table 1
Source: Electricity Distribution Code (EDC) Section 4.4, NER Section S5.1a.6, AS/NZS 61000.3.6:2012 Table 1
Voltage 1 Min average
30 Min Average 10 Min Average
(once per hour)
≤ 10 kV 2.0 % 2.5 % 3.0 %
Source: Electricity Distribution Code (EDC) Section 4.6, NER Section S5.1a.7
All plant and equipment shall be designed, manufactured, installed and tested in accordance with the
requirements of all relevant Statutory Authorities and Acts and the latest revision of all relevant Australian / IEC
Standards and Codes of Practices including (but not limited to) those listed in Table 4–1.
Publisher Title
Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) National Electricity Rules (NER)
The maximum allowable capacity of the Inverter Energy System (IES) will be limited by either the size of the
customer’s electrical installation (wiring) or the capacity of the JEN distribution network infrastructure (e.g.
distribution substation transformer or LV circuit). The general guideline Jemena applies for the assessment of
multiple IES generators connected to a shared LV distribution network is 30% of network asset capacity i.e.
when the total inverter capacity exceeds 30% of the network asset capacity, a detailed evaluation is required to
confirm that additional IES connections will not adversely impact the network or other customers.
Every distribution network LV connection (load or generator) must have a service protection device installed in
accordance with the SIR. For low voltage connections, the service protection device shall be installed between
the point of supply and the meter. The service protection device can be either fuse or circuit breaker. The
distributor must be provided with access to operate or work on the service protection devices at all times and
must be able to lock the device in the open position. The customer can only authorise a person to operate a
circuit breaker used as a service protection device if it is not sealed or locked off by the distributor.
All IES must have a pad-lockable isolating device owned and operated by the customer. While the isolating
device should only be operated by the customer, Jemena may insert their own padlock or similar locking device
to lock the isolator in the open position when undertaking works on the distribution network or at the customer
connection point. This device may isolate just the IES (single or multiple IES) or may isolate the whole
installation (i.e. main switch). Where practicable, the connection of multiple IES (new and existing) should be
made at the main switchboard and controlled using one single main switch. Where there are multiple IES
intended to be directly connected to an individual switchboard, there shall only be one single main switch.
The customer is required to ensure that their IES has an effective earthing system to limit step and touch earth
potential rise to safe values and ensure compliance with the requirements of Australian Standards.
Electrical protection shall be provided to ensure the safety, integrity and power quality of the electricity
distribution network is not in any way compromised by the connection and operation of the IES.
All electrical faults within the IES installation shall be automatically detected and rapidly isolated from the
electricity distribution network. All plausible electrical faults on the electricity distribution network (external to the
generator installation) shall also be automatically detected and the generator contribution is to be rapidly
interrupted. The IES shall incorporate primary protection (i.e. inverter integrated) and backup protection (i.e.
central protection relay). These protection devices shall be configured to trip either the connection point main
circuit breaker and/or the generator circuit breaker(s).
Whenever network supply is lost, the IES must disconnect as quickly as possible to avoid islanding and shall not
reclose (i.e. a generator shall not attempt to reconnect to the distribution network if the network is not within the
normal operating range under any circumstances). The IES can only reconnect to the network once the
network connection is restored to normal operating conditions (as defined in Table 3–1) for at least 60 seconds.
This allows time for multiple feeder recloses and ensures that the reclose was successful and has stabilised
before attempting to reconnect the IES.
The IES designer must consider the impact of failure of any protection component would have on the operation
of the protection system. The designer shall incorporate fail-safe features that disconnect the entire IES from the
distribution system in the event that the central protection relay has an internal fault or power supply failure or is
not in service for any other reason.
Any short circuit fault within a customer’s installation must be detected and disconnected from the distribution
network as quickly as possible. This includes three phase, phase to phase and phase to ground faults. It is
important that the protection used to detect and clear short circuit faults within the customer’s installation grades
with the protection on the distribution network so that the customer’s protection clears the fault before the
distribution network protection acts. This limits the impact of the fault on other network users. It is
recommended that the IES designer undertake an overcurrent protection grading study to ensure that the IES
protection grades with all upstream network protection.
During commissioning of an AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 compliant inverter, the correct region setting is required to be
selected and configured. The required region setting and corresponding inverter protection functionality and
settings are summarised in Table 4–2. These settings align with those recommended in AS/NZS 4777.2:2020.
Region: Australia A
Protection function Protective Function Limit Trip delay time Maximum disconnection time
The maximum output fault current shall be provided for the IES5.
The IES shall maintain continuous operation for frequency variations within the limits specified in Table 4–3 and
Table 4–4.
AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Table 7.2
Region: Australia A
Decrease in frequency Lower limit of continuous Upper limit of continuous Increase in frequency
response lower limit operation range (fLLCO) operation range (fULCO) response upper limit
[Hz] [Hz] [Hz] [Hz]
47 49.75 50.25 52
Source: AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Section 4.5.3 “Sustained operation for frequency variation”.
Region: Australia A
Frequency where power Frequency where Frequency where
Frequency where power
output level is maximum charging power level is discharging power level is
level is minimum (fPmin)
(fPmax) zero (fstop-ch)NOTE 1 zero (ftransition)NOTE 1
[Hz] [Hz] [Hz]
48 49 50.75 52
Source: AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Section “Response to a decrease in frequency” & Section “Response to an increase in frequency”.
Where a frequency variation results in frequency to be outside the continuous operation range, the inverter shall
respond according to the default characteristics outlined in AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 and shall respond within the
specified times of Table 4–5.
Region: Australia A
Response commencement time Response completion time fhyst
1s 10 s 0.1 Hz
Source: AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Table 4.6 and Table 4.7 Section 4.5.3 Sustained operation for “frequency variations”.
The IES should have the following power quality response modes enabled as default:
The volt-watt and volt-var response modes shall be able to operate concurrently when active.
The volt-watt response mode varies the maximum active power output level of the inverter in response to the
voltage at its grid-interactive port. The required settings are defined in Table 4–6.
Region: Australia A
Inverter maximum active power
Reference Voltage (V)
output level (P) % of Srated
V1 253 V 100 %
V2 260 V 20 %
Source: AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Table 3.6 Section “Volt-watt response mode”.
The volt-var response mode varies the reactive power absorbed or supplied by the inverter in response to the
voltage at its grid-interactive port. The required settings are defined in Table 4–7.
Region: Australia A
Inverter reactive power level (Q) %
Reference Voltage (V)
of Srated
V1 207 V 44 % supplying (export VAr)
V2 220 V 0%
V3 240 V 0%
Source: AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Table 3.7 Section “Volt-var response mode”.
The volt-watt response mode for charging of energy storage varies the maximum active power input of the
inverter from the grid in response to the voltage at its grid-interactive port. An inverter with energy storage that
can be charged shall have this volt-watt response mode. This volt-watt response mode is only active when
energy storage charges and the required settings are defined in Table 4–8.
Table 4–8: Volt-watt response default set-point values for IES with energy storage when charging
Region: Australia A
Reference Voltage (V) Pcharge/Prated-ch %
V1 207 V 20 %
V2 215 V 100 %
Source: AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Table 3.8 Section 3.4.3 “Volt-watt response mode for inverters with energy storage when charging”.
The central protection relay shall be installed as close to the main switch of the customer’s electrical installation
as practicable. There should be a single central protection relay (master) which controls a slave contactor to trip
multiple IES (new and existing) simultaneously. The voltage reference of the master central protection relay
shall be as close to the main switch of the customer’s electrical installation as practicable to create a common
reference point for multiple IES (new and existing).
The protection functions provided by this relay, as detailed in Table 4–9, are in addition to and separate from the
inverter protection. The central protection shall respond to the parameter settings in Table 4–9 by disconnecting
all IES (new and existing IES) from the installation by automatic operation of a disconnect device.
1. Inverter can only be reconnected to grid when voltage and frequency have been maintained within specified limits for at
least 60 seconds.
2. Current unbalance protection only required if this is not inverter integrated.
Source: AS/NZS 4777.2:2015 Table 1 “requirements for inverter integrated protection and central protection functions” and Table 2 “Passive Central
voltage and frequency protection set points”.
AS/NZS 4777.1: 2016 Grid connection of energy systems via inverters - Installation requirements, Section Central voltage and
frequency protection requirements
The overall voltage rise from the connection point to the inverter a.c. terminals shall not exceed 2% of the
nominal voltage at the point of supply (i.e. 8 V). The value of the current used for the calculation of voltage rise
shall be the rated current of the IES.
All cabling should be sized so that the maximum voltage rise from the Main Switch (inverter supply) to the
inverter a.c. terminals does not exceed a 1% maximum voltage rise.
Jemena will review and assess the voltage rise impacts of the IES on its network. In certain cases this may limit
how the generator operates or how much it can export (refer Section 4.8 for more details).
In addition to the inverter harmonic current limits specified in AS4777.2:20207, the customer must keep
harmonic currents at the Point of Common Coupling below the limits defined in the EDC, as reproduced in Table
4–10. The limits for even harmonics are limited to 25% of those for the odd harmonics and the limits vary
according to the ratio of the short current level (ISC) and the load current (IL).
In most cases, the generator will be allowed to operate at unity power factor and maximum output. However,
there are some operating scenarios where the output of the generator may need to be constrained because:
• The thermal rating of the local JEN distribution network infrastructure (e.g. distribution substation
transformer or LV circuit) is not sufficient to accommodate the maximum level of generation export;
• Power export into the JEN distribution network is likely to compromise quality of supply for other customers
i.e. operate outside of limits defined in Section 3.
AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Clause 2.7.
• The supply distribution substation or LV circuit already has a high level of solar PV penetration (typically
greater than 30%);
• The connection is located in a weak part of the network e.g. at the end of a long, weak LV high impedance
circuit; and
• The voltage rise from the substation to the Point of Common Coupling exceeds 2%.
The requirement for constrained generation will be identified at the assessment stage of a connection
application and a solution will be negotiated with the customer. Possible solutions include:
• Enabling inverter power factor / reactive power mode8 – inverter operates at a fixed leading / lagging power
factor or reactive power output in order to increase / decrease the voltage at the point of connection.
Where an export limit is applied, the implementation of how the export is limited shall be described.
The metering standards that apply for load connections to the Jemena network also apply for generator
connections. However active power can be bi-directional and this requires metering that can accurately
measure energy flow in both directions. The energy that flows in each direction must be stored in separate
In both cases it is necessary to obtain the approval from Jemena to avoid the need to install bi-directional
energy metering. If changes are required to existing metering arrangements, this should be co-ordinated with
the customer’s retailer and meter provider.
AS4777.2 Clause 3.3.3
Generators are required to undertake suitable testing to confirm compliance with the connection agreement
including the intended design of all safety, protection, control, metering, monitoring systems associated with the
IES, together with the electrical integrity of all primary circuit equipment.
A testing and commissioning program shall be submitted to Jemena for review as part of the connection
application. The program should include the final protection settings as agreed with Jemena and should be of
sufficient detail to allow Jemena to understand what is being tested and the pass/fail criteria for each test. The
testing and commissioning program shall detail testing methodology and test equipment which will be used.
Jemena will identify any additional requirements or request any adjustment on proposals from the generator.
The customer shall provide an opportunity for Jemena to witness any tests and to request any tests to be
repeated if the test results do not demonstrate compliance with the agreed access standard. The tests shall be
performed by suitably competent testing personnel with appropriately calibrated test equipment. Upon
completion of all tests, a copy of all test results in the form of a test report shall be submitted to Jemena.
Jemena may require a power quality survey to be undertaken both prior to and following connection of the IES,
particularly in cases where the connection to the JEN distribution network is in an area which already has:
The requirement for a power quality survey will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be undertaken
by Jemena’s power quality team. The fee for this service will be advised during the connection application
assessment and the customer will be notified of the requirement at this stage.
In cases where a power quality survey has been deemed necessary, Jemena will require at least one month
notice prior to commencement of testing and commissioning. The power quality team will co-ordinate site
access with the customer as required.
Jemena does not require additional testing of AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 compliant inverters. However where the
inverter settings have changed and do not align with AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Australia A settings, evidence should
be provided to confirm settings have been set as agreed with Jemena during the technical assessment (an
attached configuration file or screen shots are acceptable).
Secondary injection testing of the central (or back up) protection relay is required to confirm that all required set
points and trip timing are as agreed with Jemena. Protection functions to be tested include:
In addition to the testing of protection functions, the fail-safe operation of the protective device shall be tested.
The testing shall demonstrate evidence that the disconnection device shall operate to isolate the generators
from the Jemena grid when there is:
Note that bench testing of central protection relay is acceptable providing end-to-end functionality is confirmed
on site with a loss of mains (anti-islanding) test. The following IES anti-islanding and reconnection tests shall be
performed and recorded:
• Operate the main switch (inverter supply) and verify that the connection time is greater than 60 s; and
• Isolate the main switch (mains supply) and verify that the disconnection time is less than 2 s9.
The testing of the relay should as a minimum include tests either side of the set point (operation/no operation
tests) with a sufficiently small step size to prove the set point operation with required accuracy. Event logging
should be enabled within the relay so that Jemena can access event records if required. The test results should
be shown for each of the three phases (under / over voltage etc.) where applicable.
AS/NZS 4777.1:2016 Grid connection of energy systems via inverters, Part 1: Installation requirements, Section 7.6 “Commissio ning”
The inverter firmware version shall be reported in design documents and testing. The inverter firmware version
identifier shall be accessible for inspection. Inverter firmware version information may be displayed via a
panel/screen, external device or software interface. Inverter firmware changes and updates shall conform to the
requirements of the AS/NZS 4777.2:2020.
The generator proponent is to prepare and keep active a 5 year forward maintenance program. Jemena may
request access to the maintenance program and maintenance and test reports for the purpose of review and to
establish generator compliance with the program. Maintenance records should be maintained for at least 3
No modification that might reasonably be considered to impact the compliance of the IES with the technical
requirements outlined in Section 4, may be undertaken without prior approval from Jemena. Jemena may
require the customer to conduct a test to demonstrate that the unit has been modified in accordance with the
proposal and remains compliant with the technical requirements.
No changes are permitted to tested protection, control, metering and monitoring systems without consultation
with Jemena. Consultation will determine whether retesting is a requirement in the event of change.
• Like for like replacement of the inverter (i.e. same model, capacity, manufacturer and protection settings);
• Like for like replacement of solar panels (i.e. no increase in rating);
At the connection enquiry stage, the customer must provide the following:
At the connection application stage, the customer must provide the following:
• Detailed Single Line Diagram (SLD) including inverters, central protection relay and connection to Jemena
network. The SLD should clearly label the pad-lockable generator isolating device. (Refer to Appendix A for
example SLD and required information);
• Protection Schematic (Refer to Appendix B for requirements);
• Site layout diagram highlighting location of panels, inverters and pad-lockable generator isolating device
(Refer to Appendix B for requirements);
• Design report including:
• Voltage rise / drop calculations between inverters, main switchboard, and point of supply; and
• Commissioning program.
Following commissioning of the IES, the customer must submit the following:
A Single Line Diagram (SLD) shall be submitted as part of the connection application and is required for all
Negotiated Embedded Generation Connections.
The agreed SLD will be included in the Connection Agreement and Offer Schedule.
SLD Requirements
– Drawing name
– Unique drawing number
– Version number
– Designer and authoriser including CEC accreditation number (if available)
– Date
– NMI and Address
• SLD shall represent the full system (existing plus new system);
• SLD shall be in electronic CAD format (not hand drawn sketch);
• Preferably use symbols which comply with AS/NZS 3000 Appendix J Figure J1;
• Ensure all application details match up with the SLD (Total system size, no. panels, no. inverters, no.
batteries, model numbers etc.);
• Show current and fault rating of all devices from the point of supply;
• Show cable length and cable type for all sections of cable from the point of supply to the inverter;
• Include the wiring from the panels to the connection point or supply meter;
• Show symbol of point of supply/boundary to Jemena network and supply meter;
• Identify and name each switchboard / distribution board (MSB, DB, PVDB, etc.);
• Identify phases involved in the proposed system and total phases at each switchboard (single phase,
three phase);
• Show the full connection and implementation of the system within the site, including all CT/VT
connections, contactors, circuit breakers, isolators, sub boards, communication links, energy
management system connections, and export limit control measurement and connections, etc;
• Include monitoring and communication links to link the export of the system (if applicable);
• Show the manufacturer and model of each inverter, panels, relay, generator etc;
Cable type
81O ……. kA (Isc)
Battery Inverter Details Current unbalance (2) 21.7 A 2s
CT Input
Manufacturer: NOTE 1 Inverter can only be reconnected to grid when voltage and frequency have Load Circuits 78
VT Input
Model Name: been maintained within specified limits for at least 60 seconds. Trip Output B C D
Model Number: NOTE 2 Not applicable when using ONLY AS4777 approved three phase inverters DB1 ……. A (rating) DB2 ……. A (rating) DB3 ……. A (rating)
Rating (kVA): Inverter Protection Settings: Region Australia A
Total Number of Inverters: ……. A (rating) ……. A (rating)
Protection Trip Max ……. A (rating)
Export capability: yes/no Protection Function Function Delay Disconnection
……. kA (Isc)
……. kA (Isc) ……. kA (Isc)
Limit time Time
Model Name/Number: Voltage phase angle PV Inverter Details PV Inverter Details PV Inverter Details PV Inverter Details Battery Inverter Details Battery Inverter Details
Protection Schematic
• Show protection schematic of master central protection relay and all slave contactors (if applicable);
– Show communication cable between them and label its type (if applicable)
– Show any communication devices (if applicable) which are used in protection and control schemes
• Show NMI and site address;
Site Layout