Final Report: Preparatory Survey ON The Project For The Improvement OF The Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase-2)

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February 2020






February 2020



Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) decided to conduct the preparatory survey and
entrust to CTI Engineering International Co., LTD.
The survey team held a series of discussions with the officials concerned of the Government
of the Republic of Ghana, and conducted field investigations. As a result of further studies in Japan, the
present report was finalized.
I hope that this report will contribute to the promotion of the project and to the enhancement
of friendly relation between two countries.
Finally, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the officials concerned of the Government
of the Republic of Ghana for their cooperation extended to the survey team.

February 2020

Director General
Infrastructure and Peacebuilding Department
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Location Map
View from Aflao side

View from Motorway-Harbour side


Location Map / Perspective
List of Tables & Figures

1. Background of the Project .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background and Outline of the Project ................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Requested Scope .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Objective of the Survey ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Outline of the Project ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Study on Environmental and Social Considerations ............................................................................ 3
1.5.1 Study on Initial Environment Examination ................................................................................... 3
1.5.2 The System and Administration on Environmental and Social Consideration .............................. 6
1.5.3 Environmental Standard ................................................................................................................ 6
1.5.4 Procedure on Environmental Assessment ..................................................................................... 8
1.5.5 Scoping .......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5.6 Survey Plan on Environmental and Social Considerations ......................................................... 12
1.5.7 The Survey Results of Environmental and Social Considerations .............................................. 13
1.5.8 Environmental Impact Assessment.............................................................................................. 15
1.5.9 Major Mitigation Measures and Cost .......................................................................................... 18
1.5.10 Environmental Monitoring Plan ................................................................................................ 20
1.5.11 Stakeholder Meeting .................................................................................................................. 23
2. Contents of the Project ............................................................................................................................. 24
2.1 Basic Concept of the Project .............................................................................................................. 24
2.2 Outline Design of the Japanese Assistance ........................................................................................ 24
2.2.1 Design Policy .............................................................................................................................. 24
2.2.2 Basic Plan .................................................................................................................................... 27
2.2.3 Outline Design Drawings ............................................................................................................ 70
2.2.4 Implementation Plan ................................................................................................................... 71
2.3 Security Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 84
2.4 Obligations of Recipient Country....................................................................................................... 85
2.5 Project Operation Plan ....................................................................................................................... 86
2.5.1 Organization for Operation and Maintenance ............................................................................. 86
2.5.2 Contents of Operation and Maintenance ..................................................................................... 88

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2.5.3 Points to Consider in Road Operation and Maintenance ............................................................. 89
2.5.4 Gender Equality Approach .......................................................................................................... 89
2.5.5 The Policy on Gender Consideration in Phase-2 ......................................................................... 91
2.6 Project Cost Estimate ......................................................................................................................... 94
2.6.1 Initial Cost Estimation ................................................................................................................. 94
2.6.2 Operation and Maintenance Cost ................................................................................................ 95
3. Project Evaluation .................................................................................................................................... 96
3.1 Preconditions to implement the project .............................................................................................. 96
3.2 Necessary input by Recipient Country ............................................................................................... 96
3.3 Important assumptions ....................................................................................................................... 97
3.4 Evaluation .......................................................................................................................................... 98
3.4.1 Relevance .................................................................................................................................... 98
3.4.2 Effectiveness ............................................................................................................................... 99
3.4.3 Impacts to Green House Gas (GHG) and Future Traffic Volume ................................................ 99


Appendix-1: Member List of Survey Team

Appendix-2: Study Schedule
Appendix-3: List of Parties Concerned in the Recipient Country
Appendix-4: Minutes of Discussion
Appendix-5: 1st Technical Notes
2nd Technical Notes
Appendix-6: Outline Design Drawings
Appendix-7: Pavement Plan from the Final Report of Phase-1

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Table 1.4-1 Outline of the Project .................................................................................................................. 3
Table 1.5-1 Ambient air standard (2016 version) ........................................................................................... 7
Table 1.5-2 National ambient noise level standards ....................................................................................... 8
Table 1.5-3 Scoping Result ............................................................................................................................ 9
Table 1.5-4 Method and Contents of the survey........................................................................................... 12
Table 1.5-5 Measurement Result of ambient air around Tema (December 2015) ........................................ 14
Table 1.5-6 Noise level around Tema roundabout ........................................................................................ 14
Table 1.5-7 Monitoring results on construction phase (February 2019) ...................................................... 14
Table 1.5-8 Assessment results ..................................................................................................................... 15
Table 1.5-9 Major Mitigation Measures and Cost ........................................................................................ 18
Table 1.5-10 Environmental Monitoring Plan .............................................................................................. 21
Table 1.5-11 Summary of stakeholders meeting .......................................................................................... 23
Table 2.2-1 List of Surveys Conducted ........................................................................................................ 25
Table 2.2-2 Level of Service ........................................................................................................................ 27
Table 2.2-3 Traffic Count Survey at Tema Intersection................................................................................ 28
Table 2.2-4 Vehicle Classification (GHA Pavement Design Manual) .......................................................... 29
Table 2.2-5 Results of traffic survey for each section .................................................................................. 31
Table 2.2-6 Results of Traffic Survey by direction ...................................................................................... 31
Table 2.2-7 Comparison of peak traffic volume for each section between Saturday and Tuesday .............. 32
Table 2.2-8 Peak traffic volume for each section ......................................................................................... 33
Table 2.2-9 Comparison of Traffic Volume between Phase-1 and Phase-2 .................................................. 33
Table 2.2-10 Setting of current traffic volume (2019).................................................................................. 35
Table 2.2-11 Population frame around Tema Roundabout ........................................................................... 36
Table 2.2-12 Tema Port Cargo Volume ........................................................................................................ 36
Table 2.2-13 Model Parameters.................................................................................................................... 37
Table 2.2-14 Toll revenue of Accra - Tema Motorway................................................................................. 37
Table 2.2-15 Estimated results ..................................................................................................................... 37
Table 2.2-16 Traffic Volume according to Direction at Peak Hours in 2025(Veh./hr) ................................. 39
Table 2.2-17 Traffic Volume according to Direction at Peak Hours in 2035(Veh./hr) ................................. 39
Table 2.2-18 Investigation Items and Scopes ............................................................................................... 40
Table 2.2-19 Investigation Results ............................................................................................................... 42
Table 2.2-20 Analysis Result ........................................................................................................................ 46
Table 2.2-21 Unit Weight of Materials ......................................................................................................... 48
Table 2.2-22 Values of bending moment at an intermediate support (kNm) ................................................ 51
Table 2.2-23 Comparison Study of Superstructure ...................................................................................... 54
Table 2.2-24 Comparison Study of Deck Slab ............................................................................................. 55
Table 2.2-25 Comparison of Abutment Type ............................................................................................... 57

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Table 2.2-26 Comparison of Foundation Type ............................................................................................. 58
Table 2.2-27 Design Criteria (General and Geometric Condition)............................................................... 59
Table 2.2-28 Cross section Elements and Widths......................................................................................... 61
Table 2.2-29 Reference Point (Axis) ............................................................................................................ 62
Table 2.2-30 Comparison of Retaining Structures ....................................................................................... 63
Table 2.2-31 Pavement Composition of Approach Roads ............................................................................ 64
Table 2.2-32 Study Cases ............................................................................................................................. 66
Table 2.2-33 Study Results........................................................................................................................... 69
Table 2.2-34 Table of Contents .................................................................................................................... 70
Table 2.2-35 Major Engineer/Local Procurement Categories ...................................................................... 73
Table 2.2-36 Responsibility of Each Government ....................................................................................... 74
Table 2.2-37 Quality Management Plan for Flyover (Bridge) Superstructure ............................................. 76
Table 2.2-38 Quality Management Plan of Concrete Works ........................................................................ 77
Table 2.2-39 Quality Management Plan for Earthwork and Pavement Work .............................................. 77
Table 2.2-40 Procurement Area of Major Construction Materials ............................................................... 79
Table 2.2-41 Major Construction Equipment to be Procured ....................................................................... 82
Table 2.2-42 Implementation Schedule of Phase-2 of the Project................................................................ 83
Table 2.5-1 Regionals Heads of Maintenance Department .......................................................................... 87
Table 2.5-2 GHA Road Areas ....................................................................................................................... 88
Table 2.5-3 Road Sector Personnel in GHA ................................................................................................. 88
Table 2.5-4 Woman, Business and the Law index scores (a part of result) .................................................. 90
Table 2.5-5 Working ration of woman in construction industry ................................................................... 90
Table 2.5-6 Gender Consideration Policy .................................................................................................... 91
Table 2.5-7 Client Staffs Involvement in Phase-2 ........................................................................................ 92
Table 2.5-8 Monitoring method on participation of women ........................................................................ 93
Table 2.6-1 Approximate Cost Estimate of Japanese Contribution .............................................................. 94
Table 2.6-2 Approximate Cost Estimation of Ghana Contribution .............................................................. 94
Table 2.6-3 Maintenance Item to be checked and Annual Maintenance Cost .............................................. 95
Table 3.4-1 Quantitative Effect .................................................................................................................... 99
Table 3.4-2 Emission factor of carbon dioxide (CO2) on representative car type ...................................... 100
Table 3.4-3 CO2 emission factor on Greenhouse gas reporting ................................................................. 101
Table 3.4-4 Car category and car type ........................................................................................................ 101
Table 3.4-5 Prediction condition for emission volume of CO2 .................................................................. 102
Table 3.4-6 Estimated traffic volume and prediction of CO2 emission ...................................................... 102

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Figure 1.5-1 Outline diagram of intersection ................................................................................................. 4
Figure 1.5-2 Comparison of ROW on Phase-1 and Phase-2 .......................................................................... 5
Figure 1.5-3 Renewal period of environmental permit .................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.2-1 Survey Locations in and around Tema Intersection ................................................................. 28
Figure 2.2-2 Results of Traffic Volume Survey on Road Sections ............................................................... 29
Figure 2.2-3 Survey Points (Ashaiman Roundabout)................................................................................... 30
Figure 2.2-4 Traffic Count Result (Inflow to Ashaiman Roundabout) ......................................................... 31
Figure 2.2-5 Verification Results of Existing Traffic Characteristics ........................................................... 34
Figure 2.2-6 Review of Phase-1 traffic volume ........................................................................................... 35
Figure 2.2-7 Location of the section number in Table 2.2-16 and Table 2.2-17........................................... 38
Figure 2.2-8 Location of Drilling Points and CBR Test ............................................................................... 41
Figure 2.2-9 Geological Profile .................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 2.2-10 Review of Configuration (Inflow from Aflao Road) ............................................................. 45
Figure 2.2-11 Pictures Showing Flow Condition for LOS A-D ................................................................... 45
Figure 2.2-12 Cross Section of the Flyover.................................................................................................. 47
Figure 2.2-13 Loading curve for UDL of HA loading.................................................................................. 49
Figure 2.2-14 HB Loading of One Unit Vehicle .......................................................................................... 49
Figure 2.2-15 Typical Cross Section of Superstructure ................................................................................ 50
Figure 2.2-16 Live Load Application on Influence Line (Intermediate Support) ........................................ 50
Figure 2.2-17 Bridge Length and Span Length ............................................................................................ 53
Figure 2.2-18 Integrated Steel Pier and Girder ............................................................................................ 56
Figure 2.2-19 Horizontal Alignment ............................................................................................................ 60
Figure 2.2-20 Typical Cross Section (Diagram not included in the hardcopy document)............................ 61
Figure 2.2-21 Design Vehicle ....................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 2.2-22 Akosombo Road – Ashaiman Roundabout ............................................................................ 65
Figure 2.2-23 Improvement Proposed by Third Country Study ................................................................... 65
Figure 2.2-24 Case-1:At-grade Improvement ........................................................................................... 66
Figure 2.2-25 Case-2:At-grade Signalized Intersection ............................................................................ 67
Figure 2.2-26 Case-3:North-South Direction Grade Separation ............................................................... 68
Figure 2.2-27 Proposed Detour .................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 2.2-28 Location of Borrow Pit and Aggregate Plant ......................................................................... 79
Figure 2.5-1 Organizational Framework of MRH ........................................................................................ 86
Figure 2.5-2 Department in Charge of Maintenance in GHA ...................................................................... 86
Figure 2.5-3 Organization of Regional Head ............................................................................................... 87

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AASHTO : American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CBR : Carifornia Bearing Ratio
D/D : Detailed Design
DFR : Department of Feeder Roads
DHV : Design Hourly Volume
DUR : Department of Urban Roads
ECOWAS : Economic Community of West African States
E/N : Exchange of Notes
EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment
EPA : Environmental Protection Agency
GHA : Ghana Highway Authority
GRA : Greater Accra Region
GPHA : Ghana Ports and Harbour Authority
GOG : Government of Ghana
GOJ : Government of Japan
IC/R : Inception Report
IEE : Initial Environmental Examination
IT/R : Interim Report
JICA : Japan International Cooperation Agency
JIS : Japanese Industrial Standard
LOS : Level of Service
MOF : Ministry of Finance
MRH : Ministry of Roads & Highway
NTP : National Transport Policy
O/D : Outline Design
ODA : Official Development Assistance
PPP : Public Private Partnership
R/D : Record of Discussion
ROW : Right of Way
RSDP : Road Sector Development Programme
TDC : Tema Development Corporation
T/R : Technical Review

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1. Background of the Project
1.1 Background and Outline of the Project

The Republic of Ghana (hereinafter “Ghana”) has been making remarkable progress recently in expanding
international trunk roads to facilitate both the international and the domestic transportation. Currently, road
traffic in the country accounts for about 95% of the total transportation volume of roads, railways, water
transportation, and airports. The need for expansion and stretching of the road network to cater for the
increasing trade volume resulting from the recent rapid economic growth of the country is high and growing.
Greater Accra Region, where the capital city Accra and the port city of Tema are is highly concentrated with
traffic as the Region is not only home to over 16.3% of the country’s total population but also has high
percentage of registered vehicles that accounts to 65% of the total vehicles while it occupies only 1.4% of the
country’s total land area.

The Tema Motorway Roundabout connects two international arterial roads, the Lagos-Abidjan Corridor,
which is a part of the Dakar to Lagos Trans African Highway (TAH) No.7 of the Economic Community of
Western African States (ECOWAS), and the Eastern Corridor of Ghana, which links Tema Port to the
landlocked countries of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. Tema Roundabout is a 5-leg roundabout where traffic
inflow to and from Accra and Tema Port converge causing traffic congestions and serving as a bottleneck for
long-distance logistics. Usually during rush hours that is at the peak of morning and evening the roundabout
is heavily congested with vehicles cueing for over a distance of 5 km from the intersection and running in a
retarded speed lower than 10 km/h. The congestion and the decrease in speed at the roundabout is becoming
an impediment to smooth and safe movement of people and traffic. This is compounded by the increase in
traffic to and from Tema Port due to the increase in cargo handling volume at the port. The port has seen an
increase of more than 60% in 10 years, from 2007 to 2016. The Government of Ghana (GOG) has plans to
expand the Tema Port and put a bridge over Lake Volta under the ODA loan project “Eastern Corridor Volta
River Bridge Project”. Materialization of the port expansion and construction of the bridge will further attract
traffic at Tema Roundabout contributing to significant rise of traffic volume in the region and at the
roundabout as well. In order to enhance smooth and safe traffic flow (logistics) both within the country and
the West African Region, urgent improvement of Tema Motorway Roundabout is inevitable.

The GOG formulated the National Transport Policy in 2008 and has been expanding and upgrading
international corridors with an aim to achieve integrated, efficient, and sustainable transport system and
further strengthen the function of the country with an aim to becoming the transport hub of the West African
region. The Ministry of Roads and Highways (MRH) in its “Sector Medium -Term Development Plan: 2014-
17” identifies improvement of Tema Intersection as one of the top priority projects for enhancing safe and
smooth transportation at the intersection thereby contributing to enhancing the economic activities of the
region including the entire country.

Under such circumstance, the GOG made a request to the Government of Japan (GOJ) for a grant aid
assistance to improve the Tema intersection. In response to the request, JICA conducted “the Preparatory
Survey on the Project for the Improvement of the Tema Motorway Roundabout” (hereafter “first Survey”)

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from April 2016 to February 2017, where grade separation of the roundabout was recommended to be
implemented in two phases: Phase-1 recommended development of an underpass in the east-west direction
and Phase-2 recommended putting a flyover/overpass in the north-south direction.

Exchange of Notes (E/N) was signed in April 2017 between the GOG and the GOJ for implementation of the
“Ghanaian International Corridor Improvement Project” (hereinafter “Project under construction”) for Phase-
1 of the project. This was followed by signing of the Grant Agreement (G/A) between JICA and Ministry of
Roads and Highways, Ghana Highway Authority (MRH/GHA). Based on these agreements, the detailed
design, construction and construction supervision of the Phase-1 infrastructure was conducted. As of
February 2020, construction of an underpass in the east-west direction (Motorway-Aflao) and an at-grade
intersection are on-going. Completion of Phase-1 construction is scheduled in June 2020.

This report is prepared for Phase-2 (development of flyover/overpass along north-south direction), which
compiles the results of the outline design drawing carried out reflecting the results of various engineering
surveys undertaken in Ghana and information gathered from discussions and hearings conducted with the
GHA and other relevant agencies of Ghana for assessment by JICA on the feasibility of the Phase-2
component request by GOG.

1.2 Requested Scope

The request made by the GOG for Phase-2 is to construct a flyover bridge over Tema Motorway Roundabout
after completion of Phase-1 project, which is under construction at the same project site, including to develop
the detailed design of the flyover and to carry out its construction supervision.

Phase-2 is the continuity of Phase-1. The requested scope by the GOG for Phase-1 was to construct an
underpass, improve at-grade intersection, conduct the detailed design and supervise the construction. Phase-
1 is at the construction stage, where the underpass (box-culvert) for through traffics in the east-west direction
and an at-grade intersection for other traffics are currently under construction.

1.3 Objective of the Survey

The objectives of the Survey are to:

• Understand the background, purpose, and scope of project under the Grant Aid Assistance Scheme
of Japan,

• Study the feasibility of the project in terms of effectiveness, technical and economic justification,

• Conduct outline design for minimum and optimal scope and scale of the project to achieve the
outcome of the assistance,

• Estimate project cost, and

• Propose the contents, implementation and maintenance plan as well as critical points to be
undertaken by the GOG in order to achieve the outcome and targets set for the project.

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1.4 Outline of the Project

Targets, expected outcome, survey location and project beneficiaries are summarized in Table 1.4-1.

Table 1.4-1 Outline of the Project

Ultimate: Enhancement of transport efficiency and logistics in Greater Accra Region
1. Targets
Immediate: Improve traffic condition of traffics travelling along central Accra region
and Tema Port
2. Expected Outcome Flyover structure at the Tema intersection
3. Location GAR, Tema City
Direct beneficiaries : Users of Tema Roundabout and people in the vicinity
4. Beneficiaries
Indirect beneficiaries : 4 million people of GAR, Eastern International Corridor users

1.5 Study on Environmental and Social Considerations

In general, environmental and social considerations is conducted to evaluate the impacts from a development
project to the environment and social conditions in and around the project area. The potential impacts to
various parameters, such as fauna, flora, ambient air, ambient water and noise/vibration, resettlement, are
studied through screening and scoping and mitigation measures suggested to be monitored and implemented
accordingly before, during and after implementation of the project.

The project area of Phase-2 lies within the existing right-of-way (ROW) - to be precise in the middle of the
existing ROW or within the Phase-1 area. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) was conducted during
Phase-1 which also covered the survey area of Phase-2. According to the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), the responsible agency for environmental and social considerations, the environmental permit issued
for Phase-1 is valid for Phase-2 also. This Survey therefore checked the permissibility of the existing
environmental permit including necessity for conducting the Environmental and Social Considerations
survey additionally and comparison of the impacts between Phase-1 and Phase-2.

1.5.1 Study on Initial Environment Examination Project Components and the Category of Environmental and Social Consideration
The outline of the project components is as given below. The project components are to be implemented in
two phases. Phase-2 project is categorized as class “B” by JICA.
Phase-2 Components
• Flyover (142 m) in the north-south direction (Harbour Road – Akosombo Road) 1.75 km
• Signalled-controlled at-grade intersection
• Ancillaries : (Traffic lights, Street lights, Drainage facilities, Safety facilities (crash barriers, road signs etc.))
Phase-1 Components
2-tier intersection (730 m underpass with 190 m long box-culvert in the east-west direction) (Motorway – Aflao
East-west: 2.1 km, north-south :1.9 km
Ramps: approx. 7 km, Service roads: approx. 3.5 km
Signalled-controlled at-grade intersection
Ancillaries: (Traffic lights, Drainage facilities, 4 Pedestrian bridge , Safety facilities (crash barriers, road signs etc.)

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As aforementioned, Phase-1 components are currently under construction. Figure 1.5-1 shows the major
components of each phase. The blue line highlights the Phase-1 major component (a box-culvert in the east-
west direction), and the red line highlights the Phase-2 major component (a flyover in the north-south
direction over Tema Motorway Roundabout).


Phase-1 key component

Phase-2 key component

Figure 1.5-1 Outline diagram of intersection Baseline of Environmental and Social Considerations

(1) Land use

The survey area is located at Tema in the Greater Accra region and is straddled by the Tema, Kpone
Katamanso and Ashaiman assemblies. Tema is located in the southwest, Kpone Katamanso in the south-east
and Ashaiman in the north of Tema Roundabout. It is a convergence point of the National Roads N1 and
Akosombo and urban road (Harbour Road). The section of National Road N1 is an access-controlled
Motorway. The convergence point used to be a roundabout, which is now being improved under Phase-1 by
a 2-tier intersection. Originally, the target area of the Project used to be a roundabout. This roundabout
underwent temporary improvement (provision of slip roads for providing free flow of vehicles turning right
from each legs of the roundabout) under project carried out by Meridian Port Service. Currently, construction
works to improve the roundabout by converting it to a 2-tier intersection is ongoing. This is being done under
the Phase-1 project. This survey is the continuity of Phase-1 project which is undertaking a study to check
the viability of the project that will put a flyover over the underpass constructed in Phase-1. The target area
of Phase-2 lies within the ROW of Phase-1, to be precise in the middle of the Phase-1 area. Figure 1.5-2 shows
the target area of this survey.

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Phase 1 Objective Area:
Phase 2 Objective Area

Figure 1.5-2 Comparison of ROW on Phase-1 and Phase-2

(2) Natural Environment
Natural environmental survey on Phase-1 conducted includes the weather condition, geography, fauna and
flora etc. As the results of survey, protected natural environment and/or rare species were not found in the
ROW. The impact to natural environment on Phase-2 is more limited due to after Phase-1 condition is basis.

(3) Social Environment

On Phase-1, the area around Tema intersection is within the Tema Development Corporation (TDC)

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Acquisition area managed by long-term lease hold, therefore problems associated with ownership of land are
not anticipated to be high. However, there are some simple business stores within the ROW. The most
prominent ones are facilities such as fast food joints, filling stations, bus terminals, sale of used cars and heavy
machinery for hiring, and mechanic shops for car repairs that are related to transportation. The designated
Tema Heavy Industry Area (about 50 km2) lies southeast of Tema intersection. The open spaces, particularly
between the Tema - Aflao Road and Tema - Akosomobo Road, are full of vendors/small shops.

Basic understanding on Phase-2 does not require re-settlement of stores due to completion of settlement of
all stores during Phase-1.

1.5.2 The System and Administration on Environmental and Social Consideration Laws Relevant to Environmental and Social Consideration

Major law and regulation related environmental and social consideration is below. These systems are the for
Phase-1 survey.

⚫ Environmental Protection Agency Act (Act 490 of 1994).

⚫ Environmental Assessment Regulations LI 1652, 1993, and (Amendment) LI 2206, 2013
⚫ Environmental Assessment in Ghana, a Guide to Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures”
(EPA, 1996) Administrative Divisions Relevant to Environmental Protection

Supervision of environmental administration works is managed by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
under Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology established under Environmental Protection
Agency Act 1994, Act 490 in Ghana. EPA is structured into six divisions namely;

⚫ Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Division

⚫ Inter-Sectoral Network Division
⚫ Chemicals Control Management Centre
⚫ Programs Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Division
⚫ Finance and Administration Division
⚫ Field Operations (13 regional offices: 3 regions and 10 zonal offices)

1.5.3 Environmental Standard

Environmental standards related environment and social consideration in Ghana are shown below, and some
of these standards are considering updating for 2016 version from 2007 version.

⚫ Ambient air standard

⚫ National ambient noise level standards
⚫ National sector specific effluent quality draft standards
⚫ Point Source/Stack Air Emissions Standards

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Table 1.5-1 Ambient air standard (2016 version)
Substance Averaging Time Time Weighed Average (TWA)
Industrial 1 hr
520 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
Residential 1 hr
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 24 hr 150 µg/m3 Adopted for All zones
1 yr 80 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
Industrial 1 hr.
250 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
Nitrogen Oxides Residential 1 hr.
(Measured as NO2) Industrial 24 hr
150 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
Residential 24 hr
Industrial 24 hr
150 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
Residential 24 hr
Total Suspended Particulate
Industrial 1 yr
80 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
Residential 1 yr
24 hr 70 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
1 Yr 70 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
PM2.5 24hr 35 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
Industrial 24 hr
Smoke 100 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
Residential 24 hr
Black Carbon 24hr 35 µg/m3
15 min 100 mg/m3
30 min 60 mg/m3
Carbon Monoxide
1 hr 30 mg/m3
8 hr 10 mg/m3 Adopted
Benzene 1 yr 5 µg/m3 Adopted
Hydrogen Sulphide 24 hr 150 µg/m3 Adopted
Hydrogen Cyanide 24hr 220 µg/m3 Adopted
Hydrogen Chloride 24hr 20 µg/m3
24hr 15 ng/m3 Adopted
Mercury (and its compounds)
1 yr 1 µg/m3 Adopted
Lead 1 µg/m3 for 24 hrs. Adopted
1 yr
Cadmium 1 yr 5 ng/m3 Adopted
Manganese 24 hr 1 µg/m3 Adopted
Dichloromethane (Methylene 24 hr
3 mg/m3 Adopted
1,2-Dichloroethane 24 hr 0.7 mg/m3 Adopted
Trichloroethane 24 hr 0.7 mg/m3 Adopted
Tetra chloroethane 24 hr 5 mg/m3 Adopted
Toluene 24 hr 8 mg/m3
Industrial 24 hr
Arsenic 15 ng/m3 Adopted for all zones
Residential 24 hr
Fluoride 24 hr 10 µg/m3 Adopted
8 hr 100 µg/m3 Adopted for all zones
1 hr 160 µg/m3 Adopted
Nickel 1 yr 20 ng/m3 Adopted
PAH 1 hr 1 ng/m3 Adopted
Xylene 1 yr 700 µg/m3
24hr 0.1 pg TEQ/m3
1 yr 0.6 pg TEQ/m3
24 hr 0.6 pg TEQ/m3
Total PCB
1 yr 0.035 µg/m3

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National ambient noise level standards was updated in the version 2016, but the values of noise did not change
from the version 2007.

Table 1.5-2 National ambient noise level standards

Noise level (LAeq): Unit: dB
Night time
Target area Day time (6:00~22:00)
Residential area 55 48
Educational (school) and health (hospital, clinic) facilities ,
55 50
office and courts
Mixed used (Residential areas with some commercial or
60 55
light industrial activities).
Areas with some light industry, places of entertainment or
65 60
public assembly, and places of worship located in this zone
Commercial areas 75 65
Light industrial areas 70 60
Heavy industrial areas 70 70
Noise level standard in Japan (roadside area) (Reference) 70 65
Limit of vehicle noise in noise regulation (Reference) 75 70
Limit of noise level of specific construction area in Japan
85 -
Source:Ghana’s National Implementation Plan (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 2016 EPA

1.5.4 Procedure on Environmental Assessment

According to the Environmental Assessment Regulations 1999, LI 1652 of Ghana, all developmental projects
which will cause significant environmental impacts have to undergo the EIA procedure prior to project

Environmental Permit for implementation of the Project has been acquired in Phase-1. This environmental
permit covers the entire 3-tier grade separation of Tema Motorway Roundabout including construction works/
project of phase-1 and Phase-2. The Survey Team together with GHA had discussed with EPA and confirmed
with EPA that Phase-2 does not require to obtain a separate environmental permit including IEE for Phase-2
for the above reason. However, the permit issues are valid for 18 months and need to be renewed every 18
months until the construction of Phase-2 components is completed. The permit was issued in December 2017.
Therefore, the timings of renewals in every 18 months are as shown in Figure 1.5-3.

Figure 1.5-3 Renewal period of environmental permit

- 8 -
1.5.5 Scoping

Scoping is necessary for evaluating the impact of the project before its commencement ordinarily. Phase-2
follows the results of scoping of Phase-1 by the reasons below.

✓ Target area of Phase-2 is within the ROW or within the construction limits of Phase-1.
✓ The environmental impact will be small compared with Phase-1
✓ No separate environmental permit for Phase 2 is required as the permit issued during Phase 1 is
also valid for Phase 2.
✓ According to results of Phase-1 monitoring data, changing the assessment results for environmental
impact is not necessary

Scoping results at Phase-1 are shown in Table 1.5-3 for reference.

Table 1.5-3 Scoping Result

Pre- Operation

Construction Phase
No. Impact Item Phase Reason / Remarks
1 Air pollution B- B± Construction Phase: Emission of dust and exhaust gas will
increase due to construction equipment operations and traffic
congestion in construction site.
Operation Phase: In the future, the total amount of air pollutant
caused by vehicle exhaust gas will increase. However, because of
improved traffic efficiency, the amount may be reduced compared
to current situation.
2 Water pollution B- D Construction Phase: Turbid water will be generated during rainfall
periods. However, because there are no water resource areas, rivers
and lakes in and around the project site, impact of turbid water
caused by construction works will be very limited.
Operation Phase: Because water quality of drains will not change
significantly, water pollution is unlikely to occur.
3 Waste B- D Construction Phase: Construction waste caused by construction
and demolition works, and general waste from construction office
will be generated.
Operation Phase: Considerable generation of solid waste is

unlikely to occur.
4 Soil pollution D D Because materials that may cause soil pollution such as heavy metal
and toxic organic matter will not be used in the construction and
maintenance works, soil pollution is unlikely to occur.
5 Noise and B- B± Construction Phase: Construction equipment operation will cause
vibration noise and vibration.
Operation Phase: Increased traffic volume and speed will elevate
noise level. However, decrease in horning frequency, the noise level
might be reduced compared to current situation.
6 Ground D D Because the ground is hard and groundwater withdrawal will not be
subsidence included, ground subsidence is unlikely to occur.
7 Offensive odors D D Because materials and equipment that may cause offensive odors
will not be used in construction and maintenance works,
considerable offensive odors are unlikely to occur.
8 Bottom sediment D D Because there are no rivers and lakes near by the project site,
considerable impacts of turbid water caused by construction works
or drainage form roads in operation phase on bottom sediment are
unlikely to occur.

- 9 -
Pre- Operation
Construction Phase
No. Impact Item Phase Reason / Remarks
9 Protected areas D D Sakumo Ramsar Site (1,364 hectares) is located in a lagoon of
approximately 1.5 km southwest from Tema roundabout. However,
because the zone between the lagoon and Tema roundabout
comprise residential and industrial area and drainage from Tema
roundabout does not flow into the lagoon, impact on ecosystem in
Natural Environment

the Ramsar site is unlikely to occur.

10 Ecosystem D D Felling of roadside trees including Neem, Rain Tree and Royal
Poinciana will be required in construction phase. However, Impact
on urban ecosystem created around Tema roundabout will be very
11 Hydrology D D Construction Phase: Considerable impact on ground water of
pilling works is unlikely to occur.
Operation Phase: Drainage system for rain water will not change
12 Geographical D D Existing geographical features will not change considerably.
features Existing quarry site and borrow pit will be used for aggregate.
13 Resettlement/ B- D Pre-Construction Phase: Because there are no living quarters
Land Acquisition around Tema roundabout, number of resettlement of dwellers will
be small. However, 150 simple business stores including kiosk,
container shops, parasol shops and stallkeeper openings around
Tema roundabout will be removed temporarily or relocated.
Moreover, removal of commercial or office buildings and gas
stations may be required.
Operation Phase: Additional resettlement and land acquisition will
not be required.
14 Impoverished/ B± D Construction Phase: Disturbance in daily activities of street
Poor people vendors which include impoverished people is likely to occur.
Construction will create job opportunities to the poor as unskilled
Operation Phase: Considerable impact only on impoverished
people is unlikely to occur.
Social Environment

15 Ethnic D D Because the project is located in developed areas, considerable

minorities and impact on ethnic minorities or indigenous peoples is unlikely to
indigenous occur.
16 Local economies, B± B+ Construction Phase: Business activities of a gas station, several
such as offices, shops and street vendors around Tema roundabout will be
employment, closed or suspended. Construction will create job opportunities to
livelihood, etc. local people as unskilled labor.
Operation Phase: Reduction of travel time by mitigated traffic jam
will contribute to local economies. Adaptation of a new intersection
configuration will change the land use plan.
17 Land use and B- B± Construction Phase: Land acquisition will require change of land
utilization of local use such as from commercial area to road reserve. As a result, local
resources resources will be partially lost.
Operation Phase: Improved transportation will contribute to
effective utilization of local resources. Adaptation of a new
intersection configuration will change the land use plan.
18 Water usage D D Because there are no water resources around Tema Roundabout,
considerable impact on water rights and its usage is unlikely to

- 10 -
Pre- Operation
Construction Phase
No. Impact Item Phase Reason / Remarks
19 Existing social B- B- Pre-Construction Phase: Relocation or protection of utilities
infrastructures and (service lines) such as water and sewer pipes, electric cable,
services telephone line and gas pipe will be required.
Construction Phase: Temporary traffic congestion, shift of bus and
taxi stations, and disturbance of access to roadside facilities will
Operation Phase: Crossing of roads by pedestrians would only be
allowed at designated places (footbridge).
20 Social institutions D D Because the project is located in a developed area, considerable
such as social impact on social institutions is unlikely to occur.
infrastructure and
local decision-
21 Misdistribution of C- C- Because the project lies in a developed area, considerable
benefits and misdistribution of benefit among local people is unlikely to occur.
damages However, misdistribution of benefit between relocated and
remaining business stores may occur.
22 Local conflicts of C- C- Because the project lies in a developed area, considerable impact
interest due to local conflict is unlikely to occur. However, local conflict
between relocated and remaining business stores may occur.
23 Cultural heritage D D There are no cultural heritages around Tema Roundabout.
24 Landscape B- D Construction Phase: Loss of vegetation and construction work will
change the landscape.
Operation Phase: Appearance of footbridges will change the
landscape. However, as Tema roundabout is located in commercial
and industrial areas, particular landscape conservation measures
will not be required.
25 Gender D D Because the project is improvement works of existing roundabout,
considerable impact only on gender is unlikely to occur.
26 Children’s rights D D Because the project is improvement works of existing roundabout,
considerable impact only on children’s rights is unlikely to occur.
27 Infectious diseases D D Increased earning power may encourage workers to have multiple
such as HIV/AIDS sexual partners. This phenomenon may expose workers and the
community to HIV and other STI’s.
28 Working B- D Construction Phase: Impact of waste from construction workers
conditions on sanitary conditions around the construction site is likely to occur.
(including Because construction will include works in heights, various
occupational accidents may occur.
Operation Phase: Road operation will not have impacts on
working conditions.
29 Accidents B- B± Construction Phase: Labor accident, including tumble accident
may involve pedestrians and street vendors
Operation Phase: Decrease of minor accidents in Tema
Roundabout will be expected. On the other hand, traffic accident
may increase in newly constructed intersection at the initial stage.
30 Trans-boundary D D Trans-boundary impacts such as climate change are unlikely to
impacts or climate occur.


A+/-: Significant positive/negative impact is expected.

B+/-: Positive/negative impact is expected to some extent.

C+/-: Extent of positive/negative impact is unknown. (A further examination is needed, and the impact could be clarified as the

- 11 -
study progresses)

D: No impact is expected

* Impact Items refer to “JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations April 2010”

1.5.6 Survey Plan on Environmental and Social Considerations

The result of baseline survey of environment and social considerations of Phase 1 is adopted for Phase-2 as
the scoping items are similar. The survey methodology of Phase-1 is shown in Table 1.5-4.

Table 1.5-4 Method and Contents of the survey


Monitoring item/
No. Impact item Construction Operation parameter
Construction Phase
1 Air pollution B- B± 1. Ambient air quality ・ Exsiting data
2. Environment standard ・ Measurement of NO2 in roadside
3. Affect of construction ・ Confirmation of construction
4. Forecasting traffic contents and the method
condition in future
・ Prediction of pollution load based
on future traffic
2 Water pollution B- D 1. water quality ・ Survey of exsting data
2. Influence by ・ Confirmation of effluent on road
construction side

・ Confirmation of construction
method and components
3 Waste B- D 1. Treatment method of ・ Hearing to staff
waste around ・ Survey of similar countermeasure
construction site
4 Noise and B- B± 1. Noize and vibration ・ Survey of exsting data
Vibration 2. Environmental ・ Measuerment of noise level on road
standard side
3. Hospital and school ・ Predict of nosie level based on
4. Influence by future traffic
・ Confirmation of construction
method and components
1 Resettlement/ B- D 1. Scale of resettlement ・ Survey of related regulations
Land 2. Preparation of ・ Survey of socila economic
Acquisition abbreviated ・ Survey of resttelment cost
resettlement action
・ Hearing of stakeholders
・ Survey of similar countermeasure
2 Impoverished/P B± D 1. Living conditions of ・ Survey of social economic
Social Environment

oor people affected residents ・ Survey of exsting data

・ Survey of similar countermeasure
3 Local B± B+ 1. Living conditions of ・ Survey of social economic
economies, affected residents ・ Survey of exsting data
such as 2. Economic condition ・ Field survey
employment, around target area
・ Survey of similar countermeasure
3. Situation of vehicles
livelihood, etc. and pedestrians
crossing the road
4. Inflence of
improvement of

- 12 -
Category Pre-
Construction Monitoring item/
No. Impact item Operation parameter
Construction Phase
4 Land use and B- B+ 1. Land use of target area ・ Field survey
utilization of 2. Social economic ・ Survey of exsting data
local resources condition ・ Hearing to steakholders
・ Survey of similar countermeasure
5 Existing social B- B- 1. Utilities condition on ・ Field survey
infrastructures road side ・ Survey of exsting data
and services 2. Situation of vehicles ・ Hearing of stakeholders
and pedestrians
・ Survey of similar countermeasure
crossing the road
3. Inflence of
improvement of
6 Misdistribution C- C- 1. Living conditions of ・ Survey of social economic
of benefits and affected residents ・ Survey of exsting data
damages 2. Preparation of ・ Survey of similar countermeasure
resettlement action
7 Local conflicts C- C- 1. Living conditions of ・ Survey of social economic
of interest affected residents ・ Survey of exsting data
2. Preparation of ・ Survey of similar countermeasure
resettlement action
8 Landscape B- D 1. Distribution of tree ・ Field survey
2. Procedure related to ・ Survey of exsting data
tree cutting ・ Hearing of stakeholders
9 Working B- D 1. Labour condition ・ Hearing of stakeholders
conditions ・ Survey of similar countermeasure
10 Accidents B- B± 1. Occupational accident ・ Survey of exsting data
2. Number of traffic ・ Hearing of stakeholders
accidents ・ Survey of similar countermeasure

1.5.7 The Survey Results of Environmental and Social Considerations The Survey Results of Phase-1

The baseline survey for air quality and noise level was conducted in 2015 during Phase-1. According to the
monitoring results by EPA, seasonal change of air pollution is few. Furthermore, concentration of Pb and Mn
is low, and the levels of O3, SO2, NO2, and CO are not noticeable. Because emission of pollution load is not
so much, additionally the pollutants be diffusion by sea wind. In measurement results, of 80% of commercial
area and roadside and 40% of residential area were violated on the environmental standard of PM10 in Ghana.
The pollutant source will be estimated emission from exhaust gases of vehicles. Other pollutant source will
be estimated emission from industries, smoke from the field and Harmattan.

The Survey Team measured the quality of air around Tema in December 2015. PM10 and Total Suspended
Particular matter (TSP) exceeded the threshold of the environmental standard values in Ghana. Currently, the

- 13 -
Ghana’s environmental standard is under the process of updating to version 2016.

Table 1.5-5 Measurement Result of ambient air around Tema (December 2015)
Env. Standard in
Parameter Tema roundabout Ghana WHO Guideline
(Ave. 24hr)
NO2 (µg/m3) 4.1 150 200 (Ave, 1hr)
SO2 (µg/m3) 52.5 150 20
PM10 (µg/m3) 150 70 50
TSP (µg/m3) 230 (2007)
290 -
150 (2016)

Measurement of noise level conducted at 5 points in and around Tema Roundabout under this survey indicates
that the noise levels except for the measurement point at the center of the roundabout exceeded 75dB (as
Aeq), which is the Permissible Noise Level in predominantly commercial areas.

Table 1.5-6 Noise level around Tema roundabout

Date 10:00 m-11:00 am, 10th Dec. 2015 2:00 pm-3:00 pm, 10th Dec, 2015
Place L Aeq (dB) Max (dB) Min (dB) L Aeq (dB) Max (dB) Min (dB)
No. 1 76 87 62 79 89 69
No. 2 78 90 63 76 84 65
No. 3 76 85 68 80 95 67
No. 4 76 86 60 75 84 61
No. 5 61 72 53 69 85 59 Monitoring results on Phase-1

Monitoring results of construction phase in February 2019 are shown in Table 1.5-7. The monitoring results
show no significant impact on construction according to comparison with baseline.

Table 1.5-7 Monitoring results on construction phase (February 2019)

Parameter PM10 PM2.5 NOx SOx Noise Vibration
Monitoring place (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (LMAX) (VdB)

Harbour Road 83.3 55.5 N.D. N.D. 67.7 11.4

Aflao Road 133.0 61.8 N.D. N.D. 68.1 11.1

Akosombo Road 90.2 48.5 N.D. N.D. 79.9 12.4

Motorway 78.9 41.6 N.D. N.D. 79.1 14.7

EPA standard value 70 35 150 as NO2 150 as SO2 70 75 in Japan

- 14 -
1.5.8 Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental impact was assessed based on baseline survey results and monitoring results of Phase-1.

Table 1.5-8 Assessment results

Assessment results Assessment results
in 2015 in 2019
Pre- Pre-
Constru Constru

Impact ction Operati ction Operati

No. Reason / Remarks
Item Phase Phase
on on
Constru Phase Constru Phase
ction ction
Phase Phase
1 Air B- B± B- B± Construction Phase: Emission of dust and exhaust gas will
pollution increase due to construction equipment operations and traffic
congestion in construction site.
Operation Phase: In the future, the total amount of air pollutant
caused by vehicle exhaust gas will increase. However, because
of improved traffic efficiency, the amount may be reduced
compared to current situation.
2 Water B- D B- D Construction Phase: Turbid water will be generated during
pollution rainfall periods. However, because there are no water resource
areas, rivers and lakes in and around the project site, impact of
turbid water caused by construction works will be very limited.
Operation Phase: Because water quality of drains will not
change significantly, water pollution is unlikely to occur.
3 Waste B- D B- D Construction Phase: Construction waste caused by
construction and demolition works, and general waste from
construction office will be generated.
Operation Phase: Considerable generation of solid waste is
unlikely to occur.

4 Soil D D D D Because materials that may cause soil pollution such as heavy
pollution metal and toxic organic matter will not be used in the
construction and maintenance works, soil pollution is unlikely to
5 Noise and A- B± B- B± Construction Phase: Construction equipment operation will
vibration cause noise and vibration, but the impact is not big according to
monitoring results.
Operation Phase: Increased traffic volume and speed will
elevate noise level. However, decrease in horning frequency, the
noise level might be reduced compared to current situation.
6 Ground D D D D Because the ground is hard and groundwater withdrawal will not
subsidence be included, ground subsidence is unlikely to occur.
7 Offensive D D D D Because materials and equipment that may cause offensive odors
odors will not be used in construction and maintenance works,
considerable offensive odors are unlikely to occur.
8 Bottom D D D D Because there are no rivers and lakes near by the project site,
sediment considerable impacts of turbid water caused by construction
works or drainage form roads in operation phase on bottom
sediment are unlikely to occur.
9 Protected D D D D Sakumo Ramsar Site (1,364 hectares) is located in a lagoon of
areas approximately 1.5 km southwest from Tema roundabout.
Natural Environment

However, because the zone between the lagoon and Tema

roundabout comprise residential and industrial area and drainage
from Tema roundabout does not flow into the lagoon, impact on
ecosystem in the Ramsar site is unlikely to occur.
10 Ecosystem D D D D Felling of roadside trees including Neem, Rain Tree and Royal
Poinciana will be required in construction phase. However,
Impact on urban ecosystem created around Tema roundabout
will be very limited.

- 15 -
Assessment results Assessment results
in 2015 in 2019
Pre- Pre-
Constru Constru

Impact ction Operati ction Operati

No. Reason / Remarks
Item Phase Phase
on on
Constru Phase Constru Phase
ction ction
Phase Phase
11 Hydrology D D D D Construction Phase: Considerable impact on ground water of
pilling works is unlikely to occur.
Operation Phase: Drainage system for rain water will not
change significantly.
12 Geographi D D D D Existing geographical features will not change considerably.
cal features Existing quarry site and borrow pit will be used for aggregate.
13 Resettleme B- D B- D Pre-Construction Phase: Because there are no living quarters
nt/ around Tema roundabout, number of resettlement of dwellers
Land will be small. However, 150 simple business stores including
Acquisitio kiosk, container shops, parasol shops and stallkeeper openings
around Tema roundabout will be removed temporarily or
n relocated. Moreover, removal of commercial or office buildings
and gas stations may be required.
Operation Phase: Additional resettlement and land acquisition
will not be required.
14 Impoveris B± D B± D Construction Phase: Disturbance in daily activities of street
hed/Poor vendors which include impoverished people is likely to occur.
people Construction will create job opportunities to the poor as
unskilled labor.
Operation Phase: Considerable impact only on impoverished
people is unlikely to occur.
15 Ethnic D D D D Because the project is located in developed areas, considerable
minorities impact on ethnic minorities or indigenous peoples is unlikely to
and occur.
Social Environment

16 Local B± B+ B± B+ Construction Phase: Business activities of a gas station, several

economies, offices, shops and street vendors around Tema roundabout will
such as be closed or suspended. Construction will create job
employme opportunities to local people as unskilled labor.
Operation Phase: Reduction of travel time by mitigated traffic
jam will contribute to local economies. Adaptation of a new
livelihood, intersection configuration will change the land use plan.
17 Land use B- B± B- B± Construction Phase: Land acquisition will require change of
and land use such as from commercial area to road reserve. As a
utilization result, local resources will be partially lost.
of local Operation Phase: Improved transportation will contribute to
effective utilization of local resources. Adaptation of a new
intersection configuration will change the land use plan.
18 Water D D D D Because there are no water resources around Tema Roundabout,
usage considerable impact on water rights and its usage is unlikely to
19 Existing B- B- B- B± Pre-Construction Phase: Relocation or protection of utilities
social (service lines) such as water and sewer pipes, electric cable,
infrastruct telephone line and gas pipe will be required.
ures and Construction Phase: Temporary traffic congestion, shift of bus
and taxi stations, and disturbance of access to roadside facilities
will occurred.
Operation Phase: Crossing of roads by pedestrians would only
be allowed at designated places (footbridge). The other hand,
the safety of pedestrians will be improved.

- 16 -
Assessment results Assessment results
in 2015 in 2019
Pre- Pre-
Constru Constru

Impact ction Operati ction Operati

No. Reason / Remarks
Item Phase Phase
on on
Constru Phase Constru Phase
ction ction
Phase Phase
20 Social D D D D Because the project is located in a developed area, considerable
institutions impact on social institutions is unlikely to occur.
such as
ure and
21 Misdistrib C- C- C- C- Because the project lies in a developed area, considerable
ution of misdistribution of benefit among local people is unlikely to
benefits occur. However, misdistribution of benefit between relocated
and and remaining business stores may occur.
22 Local C- C- C- C- Because the project lies in a developed area, considerable impact
conflicts of due to local conflict is unlikely to occur. However, local conflict
interest between relocated and remaining business stores may occur.
23 Cultural D D D D There are no cultural heritages around Tema Roundabout.
24 Landscape B- D B- D Construction Phase: Loss of vegetation and construction work
will change the landscape.
Operation Phase: Appearance of footbridges will change the
landscape. However, as Tema roundabout is located in
commercial and industrial areas, particular landscape
conservation measures will not be required.
25 Gender D D B+ D Consideration for gender equality is being for providing proper
working environment and equal opportunity from the beginning
of the project till date.
26 Children’s D D D D Because the project is improvement works of existing
rights roundabout, considerable impact only on children’s rights is
unlikely to occur.
27 Infectious D D D D Because the project site is located in a well developed urban area,
diseases new considerable influx of infected persons as construction
such as worker will not occur.
28 Working B- D B- D Construction Phase: Impact of waste from construction
conditions workers on sanitary conditions around the construction site is
(including likely to occur. Because construction will include works in
occupation heights, various accidents may occur.
Operation Phase: Road operation will not have impacts on
al safety)
working conditions.
29 Accidents B- B± B- B± Construction Phase: Labor accident, including tumble accident
may involve pedestrians and street vendors

Operation Phase: Decrease of minor accidents in Tema

Roundabout will be expected. On the other hand, traffic accident
may increase in newly constructed intersection at the initial

- 17 -
Assessment results Assessment results
in 2015 in 2019
Pre- Pre-
Constru Constru

Impact ction Operati ction Operati

No. Reason / Remarks
Item Phase Phase
on on
Constru Phase Constru Phase
ction ction
Phase Phase
30 Trans- D D D D Trans-boundary impacts such as climate change are unlikely to
boundary occur.
impacts or
A+/-: Significant positive/negative impact is expected.

B+/-: Positive/negative impact is expected to some extent.

C+/-: Extent of positive/negative impact is unknown. (A further examination is needed, and the impact could be clarified as the
study progresses)

D: No impact is expected

* Impact Items refer to “JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations April 2010”

The updated assessment results were show in bold based on monitoring results.

1.5.9 Major Mitigation Measures and Cost

There is no significant change in the assessment results between for Phase-1 and for Phase-2. Therefore, the
mitigation method on Phase-2 will be applied to the same method of Phase-1 as shown in Table 1.5-9. The
issues regarding abbreviated resettlement are not included in Phase-2 as there is no resettlement required in
Phase-2. The resettlement issues of Phase-1 were completely resolved as of August 2019.

Table 1.5-9 Major Mitigation Measures and Cost

Catego Impact Cost

No. Mitigation Measures
ry item (US$)
1 Air Construction Phase: Construction Phase:
pollution ・ Contractor shall conduct countermeasure for dust such as watering. Air monitoring cost
・ Contractor shall put in effort to reduce exhaust gases from 3,600 (6 times)
construction machinery with appropriate maintenance and using to
electric machinery. other cost shall be including to
・ Contractor shall put in effort to reduce dust by maintaining clean road construction contract
and controlling velocity of construction machinery.
・ Contractor shall be explaining the construction plan to residence
living around the site and supervising consultant in advance.

・ Supervising consultant shall be reviewing the construction method

with contractor referring to residence's opinions, if need.
Operation Phase Operation Phase
・ GHA shall conduct air monitoring on all sides. Air monitoring cost
・ EPA shall consider enhancing the regulation of environmental 2,400 (4 times/2 years)
standard on dust and exhaust gases, if need.
2 Water Construction Phase: Construction Phase:
pollution  Construction work near river shall be conducted in the dry season as other cost shall be included in
possible. the construction contract
 Contractor shall maintain proper construction machinery to avoid oil
and fuel leakage.

- 18 -
Catego Impact Cost
No. Mitigation Measures
ry item (US$)
 Contractor shall manage the oil and fuel properly.
 Cleaning machinery in river is prohibited.
 Supervising consultant shall consider proper drainage plan in
 Contractor shall be plant grasses and flowers on road slopes and pit
in order to prevent soil runoff.
 Contractor and supervising consultant shall be monitoring the
occurring condition of dirty water and review the construction
method, if needed.
3 Waste Construction Phase: Construction Phase:
 Contractor shall conduct proper waste management other cost shall be included in
 Contractor shall prepare toilet and waste management space in the construction contract
construction site
 Contractor shall collect separately solid waste materials
 Contractor shall consider reuse and recycle of construction waste
 Contractor and supervising consultant shall be monitoring the waste
treatment method and improve the treatment method, if needed.
4 Noise and Construction Phase: Construction Phase:
Vibration  Contractor shall make construction plan to avoid concentrating many Noise monitoring cost
construction machineries for long near residential area 6,000 (6 times)
 Contractor shall maintain proper condition of the construction Vibration monitoring cost
machineries to avoid abnormal noise 6,000 (6 times)
 Construction work in night is prohibited near residential area
 Contractor shall select the low noise machinery as possible other cost shall be included in
 Contractor and supervising consultant shall explain construction plan the construction contract
to residence around the site in advance
 Contractor and supervising consultant shall be monitoring the noise,
vibration with residence’s opinion and reviewing the construction
method, if needed
Operation Phase
Operation Phase Noise monitoring cost
 GHA shall maintain properly the road 2,000 (2 times/2 years)
 GHA shall monitor the noise and vibration level along road if the Vibration monitoring cost
results violate significantly the environmental standard. GHA must
2,000 (2 times/2 years)
consider countermeasures for mitigation such as planting.
1 Resettlem Pre-Construction Phase the cost estimation in Phase-1
ent/  Abbreviated resettlement action plan shall be prepared and implanted app. 820,000
Land properly (GH₵ 3,112,786)
Acquisiti In Phase-2 does not require
on resettlement
2 Impoveri Construction Phase: other cost shall be including to
shed/Poor  Disclose information on construction plans and off-limits areas, etc. construction contract
people to ensure safety for street vendors that belong to the poverty zone。
Social Environment

3 Local Pre-Construction Phase the cost is including to

economie  Abbreviated resettlement action plan shall be prepared and implanted construction contract and
s, such as properly resettlement budget
employm Construction Phase:
ent,  Contractor shall conduct fair employment when hiring local residents
livelihoo as a simple worker for construction work.
d, etc.  Contractor and supervising consultant shall explain construction plan
to residence around the site in advance
4 Land use Pre-Construction Phase the cost is included in the
and  Abbreviated resettlement action plan shall be prepared and implanted construction contract and
utilization properly resettlement budget
of local Operation Phase
resources  Consultants for detail design shall submit necessary information to
TDC in early stage for up-date on the land use plan such as the final
design of Tema roundabout and prediction results of traffic

- 19 -
Catego Impact Cost
No. Mitigation Measures
ry item (US$)
5 Existing Pre-Construction Phase the cost is included in the
social  Consult with the owners of existing infrastructure facilities such as construction contract or
infrastruc telephone poles, water pipes, and optical cables to implement with miscellaneous expenses
tures and develop relocation and protection plans.
services Construction Phase:
 Consultants for detail design will design a temporary road for detour.
 Contractor shall conduct traffic control to avoid traffic jam
 Consultants for detail design shall consider temporary land use in
construction phase by sharing the construction plan among TDC and
related organizations in early stage
Operation Phase
 In order to ensure the pedestrians traffic, GHA will improve the
sidewalks, if needed
 GHA shall be monitoring a pedestrian’s traffic and shall take
countermeasure, if need.
6 Misdistri Pre-Construction Phase the cost is included in the
bution of  Abbreviated resettlement action plan shall be prepared and implanted resettlement budget
benefits properly In Phase-2 does not require
and Operation Phase the resettlement
damages  GHA and TDC shall be monitoring living condition of affected
people and shall take countermeasure, if needed
7 Local Pre-Construction Phase the cost is included in the
conflicts  Abbreviated resettlement action plan shall be prepared and implanted resettlement budget
of interest properly In Phase-2 does not require
Operation Phase the resettlement
 GHA and TDC shall be monitoring living condition of affected
people and shall take countermeasure, if needed
8 Landscap Construction Phase: other cost shall be included in
e  Supervising consultant and contractor shall consider minimizing the construction contract
cutting of trees under the construction plan.
 Contractor shall plant green grasses along the roadside and slope on
9 Working Construction Phase: other cost shall be included in
condition  Supervising consultant and contractor shall conduct preventive the construction contract
s countermeasures on accident before construction.
(includin  Contractor shall sprinkle water on the grass as a countermeasure for
g dust
occupatio  Contractor shall prepare toilet and dumping site in construction site.
1 Accidents Construction Phase: the cost is included in the
 Supervising consultant and contractor shall conduct preventive construction contract or
countermeasures on accident before construction. miscellaneous expenses
 Contractor shall prepare traffic control and setting of traffic signboard

for prevention accident

Operation Phase
 Traffic signboard shall be understanding easily to driver
 GHA shall be monitoring traffic accident condition, and shall be
make countermeasure, if need.

1.5.10 Environmental Monitoring Plan

Conducting monitoring activities is to obtain basic information for assessment of Environmental Impact and
it is a requirement of Environmental Permission in Ghana. The monitoring results were submitted to EPA for
renewal of the environmental permission in June 2019. Therefore, the monitoring activities in Phase-2 are

- 20 -
desirable and shall be conducted the same activities of Phase-1.

The current environmental monitoring activity plan is shown in Table 1.5-10.

Table 1.5-10 Environmental Monitoring Plan


Environmental Monitoring Item/
Person and Location Method Frequency
Item Parameter

Air pollution Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Visual observation Visual observation: Daily
・ Dust Consultant/ and interview of Interview:
Contractor pedestrians Monthly or as needed
・ PM10 、 PM2.5 、 Instrumental analysis:
NOx、SOx Instrumental Pre-Construction Phase
analysis 1 time
Construction Phase
5 times
Total 6 times
Operation Phase: GHA Around Tema Instrumental 1 time in dry season and 1
・ PM10 、 PM2.5 、 intersection. analysis time in rainy season per
NOx、SOx year for 2 years after
Total 4 times
Water pollution Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Visual observation During rainfall
 Turbid water and Consultant/

drainage conditions Contractor

Waste Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Visual observation Visual observation: Daily
 Disposal methods Consultant/ and disposal site and meeting with Meeting:
of construction and Contractor contractor Monthly or as needed
general waste
Noise and Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Interview to local Interview:
vibration  Noise level Consultant/ residents and Monthly or as needed
 Vibration level Contractor pedestrians Instrumental
Instrumental Pre-Construction Phase
measurement 1 time
Construction Phase
5 times
Total 6 times
Operation Phase: GHA In and around Instrumental 1 time per year for 2 years
 Noise level Tema measurement after completion
 Vibration level intersection Total 2 times
Resettlement/ Pre-Construction GHA Around Tema Site survey and Monthly or as needed
Land Phase: intersection and meeting with PAPs
Acquisition  Progress of relocation sites
resettlement action
Social Environment

Poor people Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Visual observation Daily
 Activity conditions Consultant/
of street venders Contractor
Local Pre-Construction GHA Around Tema Site survey and Monthly or as needed
economies, such Phase: intersection and meeting with PAPs
as employment,  Progress of relocation sites
livelihood, etc. resettlement action

- 21 -
Category Environmental Monitoring Item/
Person and Location Method Frequency
Item Parameter

Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Site survey and Monthly or as needed
 Business activity Consultant/ interview of local
around construction Contractor people and
site unskilled labors
 Employment
situation of
unskilled labor
Land use and Pre-Construction GHA Around Tema Site survey and Monthly or as needed
utilization of Phase: intersection and meeting with PAP
local resources  Progress of relocation sites
resettlement action
Operation Phase: GHA In and around Site survey and Monthly or as needed for 2
 Condition of land TDC Tema interview of local years after completion
use intersection people
 Condition of
business activity
Existing social Pre-Construction GHA In and around Site survey and Monthly or as needed
infrastructures Phase: Tema meeting with
and services  Relocation status of intersection facility owners
Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Visual observation Daily
 Condition of traffic Consultant/
congestion around Contractor
construction site
Operation Phase: GHA In and around Site survey and Monthly or as needed for 2
 Crossing Tema interview of local years after completion
conditions of intersection people
Misdistribution Pre-Construction GHA Around Tema Site survey and Monthly or as needed
of benefits and Phase: intersection and meeting with PAPs
damages  Progress of relocation sites
resettlement action
Operation Phase: GHA Around Tema Site survey and Monthly or as needed for 2
 Living situations of intersection and meeting with PAPs years after relocation
Project Affected relocation sites
Persons (PAPs)
Local conflicts Pre-Construction GHA Around Tema Site survey and Monthly or as needed
of interest Phase: intersection and meeting with PAPs
 Progress of relocation sites
resettlement action
Operation Phase: GHA Around Tema Site survey and Monthly or as needed for 2
 Living situations of intersection and meeting with PAPs years after relocation
Project Affected relocation sites
Persons (PAPs)
Landscape Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Visual observation Daily
 Status of tree felling Consultant/ and meeting with
 Status of Planting Contractor contractor

- 22 -
Category Environmental Monitoring Item/
Person and Location Method Frequency
Item Parameter

Working Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Visual observation Daily

conditions  Workplace Consultant/ and meeting with
(including situations Contractor contractor
occupational  Implementation
safety) status of accident
Accidents Construction Phase: Supervising Construction site Visual observation Daily
 Implementation Consultant/ and meeting with
status of accident Contractor contractor

Operation Phase: GHA In and around Site survey and Monthly or as needed for 2
 Number of traffic Tema traffic accident years after completion
accident intersection data

1.5.11 Stakeholder Meeting

The stakeholder meeting was held on 31st of May, 2019 for explanation of the construction schedule and
outline of the project. The result of meeting is compiled in Table 1.5-11. This stakeholder meeting was held
during the construction period of Phase-1, hence opinions includes the current construction condition. As a
general opinion, it can be judged that the project itself has been positively evaluated although there were some
requests/opinions with regards to the current construction works in Phase-1.

Table 1.5-11 Summary of stakeholders meeting

Date 31st of May 2019 (Friday) AM 10:30-12:30
Venue Chicken Licking
Agenda 1. Project background
2. Summary of Project
3. Discussion
Language Local language/ English
Participant Total 153participants (Man: 105, Women: 48)

Category Man Woman Total

Government sector 19 5 24
Consultant ABP 2 2 4
JICA team 6 1 7
Private sector 11 1 12
Residential people 67 39 106

Major  Project timeline and schedule must be provided and should be clearly made visible.
discussion/  Emergency health units should be built at/or close to the site.
Recommend  The temporary fences provided to cordon the construction area of Phase 1 make the Aflao bus
ation station difficult to be seen easily.

- 23 -
2. Contents of the Project
2.1 Basic Concept of the Project

In July 2013, the Government of Ghana (GOG) requested the Government of Japan (GOJ) to provide grant aid for
improvement of the Tema intersection into phases. In response, JICA conducted the 1st preparatory survey in 2015.
Based on the survey result, the construction of the underpass in the east-west direction (Motorway-Aflao) and
ground intersection for right-left turn has started from February 2018 as first phase of this project, and will be
expected completion on June 2020. The second phase of the project will basically follow the plan prepared during
the 1st preparatory survey, and build a flyover in north-south direction (Akosombo-Habour) including approach

2.2 Outline Design of the Japanese Assistance

2.2.1 Design Policy Policy against Requested Japanese Assistance

This Survey is conducted to prepare documents for assessment by JICA on the feasibility of the Phase-2
project requested by the GOG. The GOG's request for Phase-2 is to provide a flyover in the north-south
direction over the underpass after it has been constructed in Phase-1. As the components of Phase-2 are
integral parts of Phase-1, planning and design policies of Phase-1 mostly applies to Phase-2. The timeframe
policy of this survey against the request made by GOG for Japanese Assistance are as follows;

• January 2019 to February 2019: Inception Report (IC/R) explanation and first site survey (work in

• March 2019 to June 2019: Determination of project Scopes; Outline Design; and Project cost
estimate (work in Japan)

• May 2019 to June 2019: Technical design review by GHA; Agreement with GHA on the project
scopes; and Second site survey (work in Ghana)

• July 2019 to October 2019: Outline Design and Review of the Outline Design Drawings; and Project
cost estimate review by JICA (work in Japan)

• November 2019: Draft Final Report (DF/R) Explanation and Agreement with GHA on the contents
of the Outline Design (work in Ghana) Consistency with Phase-1

As explained in the previous sections, improvement of Tema Motorway Roundabout was requested and
planned to be implemented in two phases. The scope of this survey only covers the components of Phase-2.
However, since both phases are integral parts of the same improvement, both phases need to maintain
consistency. Particularly, as Phase-1 is currently under construction, consistency with the components of
Phase-1 is inevitable for the planning of Phase-2 components. More precisely, the scope of Phase-2 is to
provide a flyover in the north-south direction for through traffics. The location of the flyover should be such

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that it meets the vertical clearance requirement and has minimal impact to the ramps and service roads that
merges with the Phase-2 road and are currently under construction. Policy on Engineering Surveys

Various engineering surveys were conducted at and around Tema Intersection to ensure accuracy in planning,
design, construction planning and estimation for construction of the flyover and its approaches in the north-
south direction of the Tema intersection.

The project objective road is located at a nodal point between high standard highways (national roads). The
construction is required to be done where the diversion road is adjacent to the construction premises. In
addition, since the impact to road users and alongside residents are significant as the volume of existing traffic
is high and the road sides are occupied by residents and vendors, it is important that safety and construction
efficiency are given proper consideration.

Engineering surveys were conducted to ensure all relevant and necessary data and information are obtained
for planning and design while taking the above issues into consideration. The surveyed items, survey purpose,
survey location, scale and survey method are summarized in Table 2.2-1.

Table 2.2-1 List of Surveys Conducted

Survey Purpose Location Scope Methodology
1. Climate/Hydrology To understand as In and around Tema ・ Temperature, precipitation, Collection of available data
well as to collect the Motorway water level of gullies, and site observation
data for conducting Roundabout natural disaster, etc.
suitable construction

2. Geo-Technical For collecting data to Areas along ・ Site investigation Subcontracting

Investigation understand the soil objective road and ・ Drilling, SPT Test
properties and its borrow pit ・ Fill material
distribution ・ Base course material
condition for
conducting design of
pavement and the
facilities of the
objective road

3. Traffic Survey To collect Traffic On all the roads ・ Counting peak hour traffics Subcontracting
data for future traffic connecting to Tema
demand forecast Roundabout

To understand Existing Ashaiman ・ Counting peak hour traffics Counting traffic volume by
traffic behavior at the Roundabout vehicle type and direction by
intersection AI analysis of videos taken
Roundabout by drone

4. Existing Drainage To comprehend the Areas along ・ Study direction of flow Collection of available data
Survey existing condition of objective road ・ Grasp the existing provision and site observation
road incidental of drainage facilities
facilities so that it ・ Check on outlets
could be reflected in
the design work

- 25 -
Survey Purpose Location Scope Methodology
5. Other Surveys To comprehend the In and around the ・ Current traffic operation Collection of available data
existing condition of objective ・ Pedestrian volume and site observation
road ancillary intersection ・ Pavement surface condition
facilities for design ・ Land use
work ・ Gender and Population
・ Economic & industrial
survey Policy on Outline design

(1) Target year of the Project
The target year of the project is set to 2035, which is the same target year applied during Phase-1. A period
of 20 years was considered during the preparatory survey of Phase-1 in 2015.

The future traffic volume which is the basis for determining the scale of the project was estimated in the
preparatory survey in Phase-1. This Survey reviewed the future traffic volume taking into account the changes
of the site condition beyond the preparatory survey of Phase-1.

(2) Scope of the Project

The scope of Phase-2 project is to improve Tema Intersection (prior to implementation of Phase-1 it was
Tema Motorway Roundabout) by providing a flyover and its approach road over the east-west road planned
and currently under construction. Other improvements relevant to the project and having synergy effect on
the outcome of this project will be suggested to the GOG for undertaking its implementation by the GOG.

(3) Consistency with Existing Plans

From the time of Phase-1 preparatory survey, the Survey Team had collected information on development
plans that are expected to have impacts of the Tema Motorway Roundabout. None of these plans had been
materialized till the commencement of this Survey. The Team again clarified on the progress and prospective
of these plans. Improvement/widening of the Tema Port access road (Hospital Road linking Tema Port with
Ashaiman Interchange on the Motorway) planned by Ghana Ports and Harbour Authority (GPHA) and to be
implemented by the Department of Urban Roads (DUR) is in limbo as of May, 2019 for reasons unknown.
Expansion of the Motorway from 4-lane to 6-lane under Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) is also stagnant
due to delay in selection of procurement expert. Therefore, the approach roads have been planned to meet
with the existing roads within the construction limits of Phase-1.

(4) Level of Service

The basic technical conditions of this project as indicated in the Technical Notes (Technical Memorandum)
dated May 20, 2015 and December 18, 2015 were agreed with GHA during Phase-1 preparatory survey.

The condition agreed upon with regards to the Level of Service (LOS) of each major leg of the intersection
was to attain a level of ‘C’ or higher. Since traffic concentrates during the morning and evening peak time,
the LOS generally becomes low. Securing a high LOS at the peak time is therefore considered to be an
excessive design. Therefore, the LOS of ‘D’ is planned to be attained for these roads.

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On the other hand, the future traffic volume that is the basis for the intersection improvement plan is estimated
on the assumption that there will be no development of the road network near the Tema intersection until
2035. This means that there is no change in traffic flow pattern (improvement of LOS by traffic change).

LOS is defined in accordance with traffic conditions such as travel speed, travel time, traffic obstruction, and
comfort. LOS with respect to the general operating conditions is as shown in Table 2.2-2.

Table 2.2-2 Level of Service

Level of Service General Operating Conditions
A Free flow
B Reasonable free flow
C Stable flow
D Approaching unstable flow
E Unstable flow
F Forced or breakdown flow
Source: Highway Capacity Manual

2.2.2 Basic Plan Engineering Surveys

(1) Traffic Survey

1) Basic Policy

The configuration and structures of Phase-2 were planned based on the results of traffic demand forecast from
the results of the traffic count survey carried out during Phase-1. Therefore, basic principal with regards to
traffic forecast for Phase-2 follows the results of Phase-1. However, supplementary traffic count survey is
carried out for verification of the traffic volume forecasted in Phase-1. Possible detours are included in the
target locations of the survey to capture the vehicles that would use these detours to avoid the impacts of the
ongoing Phase-1 construction area. The results would be compared and should significant difference be
admitted, the demand forecast of Phase-1 will be re-analyzed.

With regards to the Ashaiman Roundabout, a traffic survey is conducted to understand the traffic behavior
and issues. The Team study the possible remedial measures to mitigate the traffic congestion in and around
the roundabout and share it with GHA for its reference.

2) Traffic Count at Tema Intersection

[Outline of the Survey]

The traffic count survey was conducted from January 26 to February 22, 2019. Survey locations, which
included objective and the detours are as shown in Figure 2.2-1. Seven items as shown in Table 2.2-3 were

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Figure 2.2-1 Survey Locations in and around Tema Intersection

Table 2.2-3 Traffic Count Survey at Tema Intersection

Survey Items Survey Date Location Contents

Basic 1. Traffic count Saturday, 26 January No.1-4 Peak 3 hours

2. Traffic count Tuesday, 29 January No.1-4 Peak 3 hours

3. Traffic count (detour) Friday, 8 February No.5,6 Evening peak 1 hour

4. Traffic (Toll booth) Friday, 15 February No.7 Morning peak 1 hour

5. OD Survey (simple) Friday, 15 February No.8 Evening peak 1 hour
6. Traffic count Thursday, 21 February No.9 Same as above

7. Traffic count Friday, 22 February No.10 Same as above

The classification of vehicles in the survey was done in accordance with the GHA pavement design manual.
In this survey, the vehicle types were classified into eight (8) types, as shown in Table 2.2-4.

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Table 2.2-4 Vehicle Classification (GHA Pavement Design Manual)
Classification of vehicles in the survey GHA classification of vehicles
1. Motor Cycle Motor bike
2. Passenger Car Taxi
Pick-up/Van/4WD vehicle
3. Minibus Small bus
Medium bus/Mammy wagon
4. Bus
Large bus
5. Light Truck Light truck
Medium truck
6. Heavy Truck
Heavy truck
Semi-trailer (Light, Heavy)
7. Trailer
8. Others Extra-large truck & others

[Results of Traffic Survey on Road Sections (Tema Roundabout)]

Figure 2.2-2 shows the actual measured values at the time of Phase-1 (2015), the estimated values for 2019,
and the results of this traffic survey. Comparison and analysis with the measured and estimated values
during Phase-1 is described in Section 4) “Phase-1 Traffic Analysis and Verification” hereunder.

2019 (Surveyed in 2019)

2019 (Estimated in 2015)
2015 (Surveyed in 2015)
Ashaiman RA
Akosombo Road

1077 Tema Intersection
To Accra 1220 Aflao Road

Accra-Tema Motorway 926

Steel Work Road

Ashaiman IC 305


Hospital Road
Habour Road
Ashaiman Road


Unit: vehicle/hr.

Source:JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2-2 Results of Traffic Volume Survey on Road Sections

- 29 -
3) Results of Traffic Survey on Road Sections (Ashaiman Roundabout)

[Survey Overview]

Traffic survey by direction was conducted during peak hours on weekdays. The target route and survey points
are shown in Figure 2.2-3. The number in the figure refers to each section number (Akosombo Road is defined
as No. 2 at the Tema Roundabout, so the branch number of No. 2 is adopted).



2-4 Ashaiman Roundabout

Source:JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2-3 Survey Points (Ashaiman Roundabout)

A 15-minute traffic distribution pattern was recorded using a drone. Classification of the vehicles and the
traffic volume for each direction was analyzed through an automatic analysis by counting the vehicles using
artificial intelligence (AI). The 7 am peak hour traffic volume was then calculated/estimated by correlating
the results from the AI and the Phase-1 survey.

[Results of Traffic Survey]

Figure 2.2-4 gives the traffic volume entering the Ashaiman Roundabout. Apparently, the volumes in the
north-south direction is greater than those ply in the east-west direction, but the difference is not significant.

- 30 -
To Akosombo

To Tema

Source:JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2-4 Traffic Count Result (Inflow to Ashaiman Roundabout)

Volumes given in Table 2.2-5 are those passing the survey points (cross-sectional volume), while volumes
provided in Table 2.2-6 are the number of traffics on each direction. The highest hourly traffic volume was at
point 2-2 on the north leg, which was 2,547 vehicles per hour, followed by point 2-1 on the west leg with
2,472 per hour. Hourly volumes at point 2-4 on the south leg and point 2-3 on the east leg were 2,041 and
1,238 respectively.

The share of large-size vehicles is almost 2%, which is much lower than that of the Tema Roundabout.

Table 2.2-5 Results of traffic survey for each section

2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4
Volume % Volume % Volume % Volume %
Motorcycle 735 30% 748 29% 382 31% 577 28%
Car 1,313 53% 1,416 56% 707 57% 1,120 55%
Bus 6 0% 0 0% 0 0% 6 0%
Medium Vehicle 378 15% 328 13% 120 10% 288 14%
Heavy Vehicle 40 2% 55 2% 29 2% 50 2%
Total(All type of Veh.) 2,472 100% 2,547 100% 1,238 100% 2,041 100%
Share of Large size Veh. 46 2% 55 2% 29 2% 56 3%
Share of Large size truck 40 2% 55 2% 29 2% 50 2%
Total PCU 2,570 - 2,612 - 1,226 - 2,148 -

Source:JICA Survey Team

Table 2.2-6 Results of Traffic Survey by direction

All Veh. 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 total
2-1 50 487 435 236 1,208
2-2 599 3 91 868 1,561
2-3 372 65 6 165 608
2-4 243 431 98 0 772
total 1,264 986 630 1,269 4,149
Source:JICA Survey Team

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4) Analysis and Verification of Phase-1 Traffic Volumes

Table 2.2-7 shows the results of the traffic count survey for each leg of the roundabout conducted on Saturday
and Tuesday. The ratio of total number of traffic volumes of weekday to weekend (Tuesday / Saturday) 1.3,
meaning the traffic volume on Tuesday is 1.3 times than that of Saturday. Phase-1 defines 7:00am of a
weekday as the peak hour. Therefore, peak hour in Phase-2 was also defined on Tuesday and the survey
results observed on the morning of this day is applied in the analysis.

Table 2.2-7 Comparison of peak traffic volume for each section between Saturday and Tuesday
No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4
Classification Accra-Tema MotorWay Tema-Akosombo Road Tema-Aflao Road Tema Harbor Road
Volume Volume Volume Volume
Motorcycle 68 158 287 161
Car & Taxi 1,870 604 1,420 1,198
Minibus 409 545 526 727
Bus 46 13 131 82
Light Truck 101 34 80 41
Heavy Truck 88 26 55 51
Trailer 38 22 23 44
Others 2 7 36 20
Total(All type of Veh.) 2,622 1,409 2,558 2,324

No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4
Classification Accra-Tema MotorWay Tema-Akosombo Road Tema-Aflao Road Tema Harbor Road
Volume Volume Volume Volume
Motorcycle 109 329 237 231
Car & Taxi 2,142 749 1,947 1,588
Minibus 612 348 650 1,011
Bus 145 71 47 56
Light Truck 80 94 54 60
Heavy Truck 72 43 52 61
Trailer 41 60 36 55
Others 0 0 8 4
Total(All type of Veh.) 3,201 1,694 3,031 3,066

No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4
Classification Accra-Tema MotorWay Tema-Akosombo Road Tema-Aflao Road Tema Harbor Road
Volume Volume Volume Volume
Motorcycle 1.6 2.1 0.8 1.4
Car & Taxi 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.3
Minibus 1.5 0.6 1.2 1.4
Bus 3.2 5.5 0.4 0.7
Light Truck 0.8 2.8 0.7 1.5
Heavy Truck 0.8 1.7 0.9 1.2
Trailer 1.1 2.7 1.6 1.3
Others 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2
Total(All type of Veh.) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3

Source:JICA Survey Team

Table 2.2-8 shows the results of the road section traffic survey for each leg of the roundabout at peak time
from 7:00am to 8:00am. The highest traffic volume was on point No. 1 on the Accra-Tema Motorway with
3,201 vehicles per hour, followed by point No.4 on the Tema Horbour Road with 3,066 vehicles per hour.
Traffic volume on point No.3 on the Tema-Aflao Road and point No.2 on Tema-Akosombo Road was 3,031
and 1,694 vehicles per hour respectively.

Looking at the composition of vehicle types, the highest proportion of large size vehicle was on Tema-

- 32 -
Akosombo Road at 10%. Proportion on other points were less than 10%.

Table 2.2-8 Peak traffic volume for each section

No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4
Classification Accra-Tema MotorWay Tema-Akosombo Road Tema-Aflao Road Tema Harbor Road
Volume % Volume % Volume % Volume %
Motorcycle 109 3% 329 19% 237 8% 231 8%
Car & Taxi 2,142 67% 749 44% 1,947 64% 1,588 52%
Minibus 612 19% 348 21% 650 21% 1,011 33%
Bus 145 5% 71 4% 47 2% 56 2%
Light Truck 80 2% 94 6% 54 2% 60 2%
Heavy Truck 72 2% 43 3% 52 2% 61 2%
Trailer 41 1% 60 4% 36 1% 55 2%
Others 0 0% 0 0% 8 0% 4 0%
Total(All type of Veh.) 3,201 100% 1,694 100% 3,031 100% 3,066 100%
Share of Large size Veh. 258 8% 174 10% 143 5% 176 6%
Share of Large size truck 113 4% 103 6% 96 3% 120 4%
Total PCU 3,447 - 1,765 - 3,101 - 3,187 -

Source:JICA Survey Team

Table 2.2-9 shows the comparison of Phase-1 and Phase-2 traffic volume. Traffic volumes of Phase-1 are the
forecasted figures for 2019, while traffic volumes of Phase-2 are actual traffic volume counted in this Survey.
As shown in the table, the total traffic volume counted during Phase-2 is higher at point No. 1 on the
Motorway, while it is smaller at point No.2 on Akosombo Road. The volumes at point No. 3 on Aflao Road
and point No.4 on Harbour Road are almost similar to the volumes forecasted for 2019. In terms of total
volume, traffic volume counted in Phase-2 is approx. 20% less than the volume estimated for 2019 in Phase-
1. This is assumed to be the effect of the vehicles that use the detours without passing through the intersection
anticipating congestion at the intersection due to ongoing construction activities.

Table 2.2-9 Comparison of Traffic Volume between Phase-1 and Phase-2

Peak time(7:00~8:00)
Phase1 Phase2
Tuesday, Tuesday,
Survey 2019 Phase1(2019estimation)
Road Name 14/April/ 29/January/
Station estimation
2015 2019

Entry Exit Total Entry Exit Total Entry Exit Total Entry Exit Total

No.1 Accra-Tema MotorWay 926 894 1,820 1,524 1,245 2,769 1,354 1,847 3,201 0.9 1.5 1.2
No.2 Tema-Akosombo Road 1,330 738 2,068 1,891 1,211 3,102 929 765 1,694 0.5 0.6 0.5
No.3 Tema-Aflao Road 1,220 1,091 2,311 1,864 1,714 3,578 1,514 1,517 3,031 0.8 0.9 0.8
No.4 Tema Harbor Road 918 1,663 2,581 1,237 2,361 3,598 862 2,204 3,066 0.7 0.9 0.9
No.5 Tema-Hospital Road 469 404 873 607 592 1,199 - - - - - -
Total 4,863 4,790 9,653 7,123 7,123 14,246 4,659 6,333 10,992 0.7 0.9 0.8

Source:JICA Survey Team

- 33 -
⚫ The following four roads are detours at the Tema

(1)Ashaiman Klagon Road

(2)Hospital Road
(3)Steel Work Road
(4)Ashaiman Road
⚫ About 17% of the inflow traffic from Aflao Road to
Tema Roundabout converts to Steel Work Road.

⚫ OD survey results indicates about 90% or more of

the traffic on the above Steel Work Road is heading
toward Harbor Road (Not internal traffic) . Steel Works Road

⚫ Steel Work Road is currently under construction, and

some have already been paved. According to the
administrator's of DUR, it will be completed in 2019
and may operate in the future as well.

Serviced section Under construction

Source:JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2-5 Verification Results of Existing Traffic Characteristics

5) Verification Results and Review of Phase-1 Traffic Volume

Based on the above analysis and verification results, Phase-1 traffic volume in Aflao Road was reviewed in
Phase-2, and used for input for demand forecast. The review outline and result are shown in Figure 2.2-6.

⚫ Compared to the values of 2019 estimated during Phase-1, the current cross-sectional traffic volume was
confirmed to be decreasing. This is thought due to traffic detours to avoid construction congestion.

⚫ However, when the surrounding traffic and the traffic on the detour is viewed from a wide perspective, the
traffic volumes counted are almost the same as the ones estimated in Phase-1 for 2019. Therefore, the
estimated value in Phase-1 can be considered to be appropriate.

- 34 -
⚫ As of February 2019, about 17% of traffic volume has diverted from Aflao Road to Steel Work Road, which
is currently under construction.

⚫ Steel Work Road is expected to function as a bypass Akosombo Road

of Aflao Road and Harbor Road even after the
1771 (95% of 1864)
completion of this project, but since the Tema Accra-Tema Motorway
Intersection may receive traffics on these detours
1524 Aflao Road
after completion of the project, the current traffic

volume at the Tema Intersection is sets as follows. Harbour
➢ 5% of the traffic from the estimated traffic volume
during Phase-1 is expected to divert to the Steel Work Road and only 95% will ply along the Aflao Road
and the intersection.

➢ Traffic volume on all other legs of the intersections will be similar to the volume estimated during Phase-

Source:JICA Survey Team

Figure 2.2-6 Review of Phase-1 traffic volume

Consequently, the traffic volumes to be applied for the demand forecast is as given in Table 2.2-10.

Table 2.2-10 Setting of current traffic volume (2019)

Peak time (7:00-8:00)
Survey Phase-1 Survey Phase-2 Survey
Road Name
Section 2019 Estimation 2019 Setting
Entry Exit Total Entry Exit Total
No.1 Accra-Tema motorway 1,524 1,245 2,769 1,524 1,224 2,748
No.2 Tema-Akosombo Road 1,891 1,211 3,102 1,891 1,204 3,095
No.3 Tema-Aflao Road 1,864 1,714 3,578 1,771 1,713 3,484
No.4 Tema Harbor Road 1,237 2,361 3,598 1,844 2,889 4,733
No.5 Tema Hospital Road 607 592 1,199 - - -
Total 7,123 7,123 14,246 7,030 7,030 14,060

(2) Traffic Demand Forecast

1) Basic consideration

In Phase-1, the future traffic demand forecast was calculated as the product of the current traffic volume and
the rate of future traffic growth. The demand forecast model that defines the Accra Motorway’s toll revenue
as the explanatory variable was applied to calculate the rate of traffic growth. The population growth rate of
Tema Metropolitan, the growth rate of freights handled at Tema Port were taken as the explanatory variable
and the growth rate of the toll revenue was calculated using the demand forecast model. This value was
applied for the traffic growth rate

Since new findings regarding the populations and cargo handling volume of Tema Port were not available,

- 35 -
the demand forecast model of Phase-1 was applied.

2) Socio-economic Framework

In calculating the future traffic demand, first, the socioeconomic framework was set based on the available
data. The set framework included the local population, and the volume of cargo handled at Tema Port. The
concept of calculation of each indicator is as follows.


The population framework was set using the population of the Greater Accra Region, excluding the Ga West
District. This judgement came from the traffic volume at the Tema Roundabout with a high correlation with
this region. The values for the framework are shown in Table 2.2-11.

Table 2.2-11 Population frame around Tema Roundabout

Accra Dangme Dangme
Year Tema Total
Metropolitan West East
2000 1,658,937 506,400 96,809 93,112 2,355,258
2010 2,076,546 671,824 122,836 130,795 3,002,001
2011 2,142,129 693,042 126,716 134,926 3,096,813
2012 2,209,784 714,930 130,718 139,187 3,194,619
2013 2,279,575 737,510 134,846 143,583 3,295,514
2014 2,351,571 760,803 139,105 148,118 3,399,597
2015 2,425,841 784,831 143,498 152,796 3,506,966
2020 2,728,839 902,985 210,846 204,475 4,047,145
2025 3,011,449 1,024,140 309,802 273,634 4,619,025
2030 3,262,379 1,148,298 455,200 366,184 5,232,061
2035 3,447,302 1,272,783 668,839 490,037 5,878,961

Source:JICA Survey Team based on population sensus in Ghana

[Cargo Volume at Tema Port] Table 2.2-12 Tema Port Cargo Volume
Year Volume Handled (×1000 tonne)
The central predicted values from the Ghana Master Ports 2010 8,460
Development Plan -Cargo Forecast- were adopted for the 2011 10,578
volumes of cargo that would handle at Tema Port in the 2012 11,419
2013 12,129
future. Marine transshipment volume, which does not
2014 15,370
affect the land traffic, was excluded. On the other hand, 2015 18,610
dry bulk cargos, general cargos, container cargos, and 2020 26,350
liquid cargos were included. Table 2.2-12 shows the cargo 2025 35,480
2030 44,800
volume handled in the future at the Tema Port.
2035 55,130

Source:Static data and Forecast by GPHA

- 36 -
3) Formulation of Demand Forecast Model

In calculating the growth rate in the traffic volume, first, a demand forecast model was built for two types of
vehicles using the toll revenue of the Accra - Tema Motorway as an explained variable. The explanatory
variables were the population of the Tema region, and the volume of cargos handled at Tema Port. From the
demand prediction model, the percentage increase in the toll revenue was calculated, and this applied to the
growth rate in the traffic volume. There were two types of prediction models, a passenger car model and a
freight vehicle model. The model equation was a linear regression equation. The model parameters and the
toll revenue of the Accra - Tema Motorway are shown in Table 2.2-13 and Table 2.2-14. Either model was
high in a coefficient of determination, so the applicability was good.

Table 2.2-13 Model Parameters

Passenger car Coefficient (population) Constant term (x1000) Determination Coefficient
model 14.60 -35581 0.99
Goods vehicle Coefficient (population) Constant term (x1000) Determination Coefficient
model 1.10 -1365 0.90
Source:JICA Survey Team

Table 2.2-14 Toll revenue of Accra - Tema Motorway

Year Revenue of Toll Gate (1000 Cedi)
2010 8,300
2011 9,600
2012 11,000
2013 12,600
2014 14,400
Source:Ghana Road Fund

4) Estimated Traffic Growth Rate

The future toll revenue was estimated based on the model prepared in the previous section. The average
annual percentage increase for every five years obtained from the estimated results are shown in Table 2.2-15.
The light truck values are average values of passenger cars and heavy trucks because light trucks have
characteristics of intermediate of the two.

Table 2.2-15 Estimated results

Period of growth rate Passengers cars Light trucks Heavy trucks
2019-2020 8.52% 8.08% 7.65%
2020-2025 6.27% 6.33% 6.40%
2025-2030 5.08% 5.00% 4.93%
2030-2035 4.25% 4.30% 4.35%
Source:JICA Survey Team

5) Results of Traffic Demand Forecast

Future traffic demand was calculated by multiplying the 2019 traffic volume reviewed in Section by

- 37 -
the rate of future traffic growth. The estimated traffic volume by peak direction in each year is shown in Table
2.2-16 and Table 2.2-17. The numbers in 1st row and 1st column in each table indicate the section numbers
shown in Figure 2.2-7.

1: Accra-Tema Motorway
2-1:Ashaiman Roundabout WEST 2-2
2-2:Ashaiman Roundabout NORTH 2-3
2-3:Ashaiman Roundabout EAST
3:Tema-Aflao Road Ashaiman
4:Tema Harbor Road Roundabout

Tema Roundabout

1 3

Figure 2.2-7 Location of the section number in Table 2.2-16 and Table 2.2-17

- 38 -
Table 2.2-16 Traffic Volume according to Table 2.2-17 Traffic Volume according to
Direction at Peak Hours in 2025(Veh./hr) Direction at Peak Hours in 2035(Veh./hr)

2025 Veh./hr 2035 Veh./hr

MOTOR 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total MOTOR 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total
1 4 4 16 4 46 94 168 1 4 4 26 4 74 149 261
2-1 32 22 211 262 4 44 575 2-1 52 32 332 412 4 69 901
2-2 90 236 3 35 18 126 508 2-2 143 373 3 55 28 198 800
2-3 7 131 40 3 1 14 196 2-3 7 206 60 3 1 24 301
3 20 3 14 3 13 50 103 3 30 3 24 3 23 80 163
4 37 18 56 18 77 3 209 4 57 28 87 28 122 3 325
Total 190 414 340 325 159 331 1,759 Total 293 646 532 505 252 523 2,751
CAR 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total CAR 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total
1 17 68 166 26 597 363 1,237 1 27 107 261 38 940 570 1,943
2-1 64 38 327 324 36 154 943 2-1 101 58 515 510 56 244 1,484
2-2 310 537 0 70 170 749 1,836 2-2 489 847 0 111 270 1,181 2,898
2-3 74 361 40 3 40 177 695 2-3 117 567 60 3 60 278 1,085
3 286 40 100 17 17 1,305 1,765 3 452 60 157 27 27 2,059 2,782
4 134 126 309 50 806 128 1,553 4 212 198 488 80 1,272 202 2,452
Total 885 1,170 942 490 1,666 2,876 8,029 Total 1,398 1,837 1,481 769 2,625 4,534 12,644
MINIBUS 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total MINIBUS 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total
1 0 49 121 19 137 215 541 1 0 78 190 29 215 339 851
2-1 26 1 5 0 7 20 59 2-1 38 1 5 0 7 30 81
2-2 128 2 0 2 44 103 279 2-2 202 2 0 2 69 162 437
2-3 32 1 7 0 13 22 75 2-3 52 1 7 0 23 32 115
3 136 5 19 2 1 306 469 3 214 5 29 2 1 483 734
4 109 84 204 35 235 30 697 4 172 132 322 55 372 50 1,103
Total 431 142 356 58 437 696 2,120 Total 678 219 553 88 687 1,096 3,321
LARGEBUS 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total LARGEBUS 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total
1 0 3 0 0 1 3 7 1 0 3 0 0 1 3 7
2-1 7 4 0 0 7 13 31 2-1 7 4 0 0 7 23 41
2-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0 0 7 8 3 1 0 0 0 0 7 8
4 3 13 0 0 2 0 18 4 3 23 0 0 2 0 28
Total 11 20 0 0 10 23 64 Total 11 30 0 0 10 33 84
LIGHTTRUCK 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total LIGHTTRUCK 1 2-1 43,863 2-3 3 4 Total
1 14 5 2 1 49 32 103 1 24 5 2 1 78 52 162
2-1 13 0 0 0 1 3 17 2-1 23 0 0 0 1 3 27
2-2 28 0 0 0 2 13 43 2-2 46 0 0 0 2 23 71
2-3 5 0 0 0 1 2 8 2-3 5 0 0 0 1 2 8
3 53 2 1 0 0 37 93 3 83 2 1 0 0 57 143
4 34 14 4 1 40 3 96 4 54 24 4 1 60 3 146
Total 147 21 7 2 93 90 360 Total 235 31 7 2 142 140 557
TRUCK 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total TRUCK 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total
1 1 14 3 2 32 19 71 1 1 24 3 2 52 29 111
2-1 3 14 165 32 3 13 230 2-1 3 24 260 52 3 23 365
2-2 16 101 0 30 14 32 193 2-2 26 159 0 49 24 52 310
2-3 2 43 15 0 2 5 67 2-3 2 67 25 0 2 5 101
3 35 1 0 0 1 24 61 3 55 1 0 0 1 34 91
4 17 4 1 1 35 14 72 4 27 4 1 1 55 24 112
Total 74 177 184 65 87 107 694 Total 114 279 289 104 137 167 1,090
TRAILER 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total TRAILER 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total
1 0 0 3 1 4 5 13 1 0 0 3 1 4 5 13
2-1 1 0 14 22 0 1 38 2-1 1 0 24 32 0 1 58
2-2 4 5 0 0 0 3 12 2-2 4 5 0 0 0 3 12
2-3 0 14 0 0 0 0 14 2-3 0 24 0 0 0 0 24
3 30 0 13 1 0 19 63 3 49 0 23 1 0 29 102
4 5 0 6 1 21 0 33 4 5 0 6 1 31 0 43
Total 40 19 36 25 25 28 173 Total 59 29 56 35 35 38 252
OTHERS 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total OTHERS 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total
1 0 0 0 0 26 63 89 1 0 0 0 0 37 99 136
2-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2-2 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 2-2 0 0 0 0 1 2 3
2-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 16 0 0 0 0 23 39 3 26 0 0 0 0 33 59
4 0 0 16 2 13 1 32 4 0 0 26 2 23 1 52
Total 16 0 16 2 40 89 163 Total 26 0 26 2 61 135 250
All veh. 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total All veh. 1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3 4 Total
1 36 143 311 53 892 794 2,229 1 56 221 485 75 1,401 1,246 3,484
2-1 146 79 722 640 58 248 1,893 2-1 225 119 1,136 1,006 78 393 2,957
2-2 576 881 3 137 249 1,028 2,874 2-2 910 1,386 3 217 394 1,621 4,531
2-3 120 550 102 6 57 220 1,055 2-3 183 865 152 6 87 341 1,634
3 577 51 147 23 32 1,771 2,601 3 910 71 234 33 52 2,782 4,082
4 339 259 596 108 1,229 179 2,710 4 530 409 934 168 1,937 283 4,261
Total 1,794 1,963 1,881 967 2,517 4,240 13,362 Total 2,814 3,071 2,944 1,505 3,949 6,666 20,949

Source:JICA Survey Team

- 39 -
(3) Geo-technical Investigation
1) Objectives

The objectives of the investigations were;

⚫ To provide specific site information to confirm and amplify the geotechnical and geomorphologic
findings of the desk study;

⚫ To obtain detailed knowledge of the soils to be encountered at the site and their likely behavior on
substructures ;

⚫ To foresee and provide against difficulties and delays that may arise during construction due to
groundwater and other local conditions;

⚫ To establish design parameters and present basis for the design of substructures.

2) Scope of Investigation

The investigation consists of field work and laboratory work. The scopes of each work are shown in Table

Table 2.2-18 Investigation Items and Scopes

Items Scopes (works performed)

1. Geotechnical 1. Exploratory borings with standard penetration tests, sampling and

confirmation of natural ground water level,
2. Laboratory soil tests on samples collected from boreholes,
3. CBR tests at the existing road and the planed road, and
4. Dynamic Cone Penetration test
2. Material 1. Laboratory tests on soil samples, and
2. Laboratory tests on aggregate samples

3) Investigation Period

The investigation works were carried out from end of January 2019 till end of March 2019.

4) Investigation Results

[Geo-technical Investigation]

The approach adopted for the geotechnical investigation consisted of:

⚫ Desk study and field reconnaissance (geological and geotechnical information on the project area)

⚫ Drilling and sample extraction

⚫ Laboratory testings

- 40 -
The ground investigation was undertaken in accordance with the ASTM D220. For drilling and sample
extraction, five (5) boreholes were drilled at the site. The location of the boreholes is presented in Figure 2.2-8.
In-situ Standard Penetration Test (SPT) was carried out at every 1 m interval up until refusal was recorded.

Location of Drilling Point (Phase 1)

Location of Drilling Point (Phase 2)

Akosombo Rd.

To Accra
Aflao Rd.
BH-4 BH-4 BH-3



Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
was carried out at every 1m
interval up to till refusal was
recorded. To Tema Port

Figure 2.2-8 Location of Drilling Points and CBR Test

[Laboratory Testing]

The disturbed and SPT samples recovered from the boreholes have been tested at the laboratory for the
following items;

・ Moisture/water content(ASTM D2216)

・ Unit weight (ASTM C29)

・ Specific gravity (ASTM D854)

・ Grading/Sieve analysis (sieving + Hydrometer test, ASTM D422)

・ Liquid and plastic limits (ASTM D431)

[Results and Observations]

The composition of the ground, soil distribution layer and its N-value and soil properties for all five (5)
locations where drilling was conducted are summarized in Table 2.2-19. Based on the results of drilling at
five locations, the geological profile of the target flyover location is assumed as shown inTable 2.2-19 and
Figure 2.2-9. The presence of weathered rocks with an N value of more than 50 was confirmed at G.L.-2 m
to -5 m.

- 41 -
Table 2.2-19 Investigation Results
Depth N-value
No. Thickness Soil Properties Remarks
(m) (Nos.)
Stiff, dry, greyish sandy CLAY with medium
2.0 2.0 10
sized sandstone particles
Medium density, hard and slightly damp
5.0 3.0 SANDY SOIL with a mixture of light brownish 18-25
Very hard and slightly moist, light brown
6.0 1.0 19
7.0 and below >5 m Rock >50 Refusal
Medium density, hard and slightly damp
2.0 2.0 CLAYISH GRAVEL mixed with light 29-50
brownish clay
6.0 and below >4 m Rock >50 Refusal
Medium density, hard and slightly damp
3.0 3.0 SANDY SOIL with a mixture of light brownish 18-25
4.0 and below >5 m Rock >50 Refusal
Medium density, hard and slightly damp
1.0 1.0 SANDY SOIL with a mixture of light brownish 24
Very hard and slightly moist, light brown
2.0 1.0 43
3.0 and below >5.0 Rock >50 Refusal
Hard and slightly damp brown sand and gravel
5.0 5.0 mixed CLAY 9-39

6.0 and below >4 m Rock >50 Refusal

- 42 -
- 43 -

Estimated bearing layer line

※1: Phae-1 drilling results also referred

Figure 2.2-9 Geological Profile

(4) Material Investigation

Materials such as soil for fill and aggregates for concrete and asphalt are available locally and from the same
sites of Phase-1. As these materials have already been tested during Phase-1, the results of Phase-1 are referred.

(5) Utility Survey

The Phase-1 construction has identified various utilities in the project area. Electrical poles and cables
belonging to Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), water pipes belonging to Ghana Water Company Limited
(GWCL), telecommunication cables belonging to MTN, TIGO, AIRTEL, VODAFONE, GLO etc. Basically,
all the utilities within the Phase-1 construction premises have been identified and relocated outside of Phase-
1 construction limits. The area of Phase-2 construction lies within the premises of Phase-1, in the middle of
Phase-1 area to be precise. As such, existence of utilities that would affect the construction of Phase-2 are not
anticipated. Review of Intersection Configuration

(1) Basic Policy

Phase-1 construction is already underway, and it is fundamentally important to ensure that the basic structures
of phase-2 are in harmony with Phase-1. However, taking the decrease of traffic volume plying to Aflao-
Tema direction, the demand foreast conducted during Phase-1 was reviewed. The capacity analysis of the
intersection was re-done and as the construction of the intersection was yet to be undertaken as of May, 2019,
the alteration of the configuration, if justifiable was agreed to be undertaken through design change in the
Phase-1 construction.

(2) Target Road

The subject of examination is the number of lanes at the inflow of the intersection of Aflao Road. In Phase-
1, 3 lanes were planned as exclusive left-turning lanes. However, taking the decrease of the traffic volume
into consideration, capacity analysis of the intersection was re-checked.

(3) Condition

Following conditions are taken into consideration.

・ As in Phase-1, the traffic volume by direction of peak hours as of 2035 is used as input.
・ Analysis based on HCM2010
・ LOS to be secured will be level ‘D’ or higher

(4) Analysis Results

Analysis result is shown in Table 2.2-20. It is evident from the result that LOS ‘D’ can still be secured even in
case the number of inflow lanes (left-turn lanes) is reduced to 2-lanes (Figure 2.2-10).

- 44 -
Akosombo Road Akosombo Road




Af l ao Road

Af l ao Road
Mot or way

Mot or way





Har bour Road Har bour Road

Configuration proposed in Phase-1 Configuration after Review

Figure 2.2-10 Review of Configuration (Inflow from Aflao Road)

The LOS derived from the analysis is the evaluation result for the traffic volume of 1 hour morning peak time
of the day. In other words, the LOS is for the worst scenario and should it be calculated for the traffic situation
for other hours, the LOS would certainly be higher than ‘D’.

In a technical design review by GHA in May 2019, the change in the number of lanes was explained to GHA
The consent was obtained and it was approved in September 2019 for design change to be reflected in Phase-
1 construction.

Source: Highway Capacity Manual, 2010

Figure 2.2-11 Pictures Showing Flow Condition for LOS A-D

- 45 -
Table 2.2-20 Analysis Result Flyover Plan

(1) Basic Policy

1) Flyover Location

The location and alignment of the flyover was planned in Phase-1 and the underpass including ramps and an
at-grade intersections of Phase-1 were designed based on the outline design of the flyover. Review of the

- 46 -
bridge plan conducted in Phase-1 concludes that the plan is appropriate from traffic safety and economic
point of view. For this reason and as changing the plan would incur impact on the road already constructed
in Phase-1, the alignment and location of the bridge determined in Phase-1 is applied.

2) Technical Specifications

The following standards and codes will be applied.

・Guide for Bridge Design, Ghana, 1991

・BS 5400
・Specifications for Highway Bridges, Japan Road Association (JRA), March 2012
The bridge shall be designed in accordance with the Specification for Highway Bridges (JRA). However,
design conditions such as carriageway width and design load shall be defined and examined, referring to
Guide for Bridge Design and BS 5400 and discussions with GHA.

(2) Design Criteria

1) Pre-requisites

a. Ensure the vertical limit (H = 5.5 m) at the ramp

b. Design a curved bridge with R = 520 m
c. Vertical alignment of viaduct is 4.0% or less
2) Location of Substructure

The flyover abutments are positioned at locations that would have no impact to the ramps (left-turn). The
bridge is planned to span over the box culvert and the at-grade intersection of Phase-1. Locating substructures
within the at-grade intersection is also difficult as there is no suitable space for such provision.

3) Width of Carriageway

The Ghanaian Guide for Bridge Design requires provision of two-lane carriageway having a width of 8.5 m.
The width of the flyover applied is as shown in Figure 2.2-12. This is determined with reference to the
requirements and results of discussion with GHA.


Figure 2.2-12 Cross Section of the Flyover

- 47 -
4) Loads

[Dead Load]

Dead load is calculated using the unit weight given in the Specifications for Highway Bridges (JRA) shown
in Table 2.2-21.

Table 2.2-21 Unit Weight of Materials

Unit weight Unit weight
Material Material
(kN/m3) (kN/m3)
Steel/ cast steel/ forged steel 77.0 Concrete 23.0

Cast iron 71.0 Cement mortar 21.0

Aluminum 27.5 Wood 8.0

Reinforced concrete 24.5 Pitch (for waterproofing) 11.0

Prestressed concrete 24.5 Asphalt pavement 22.5

Source: Specifications for Highway Bridges (JRA)

[Live Load]

GHA has requested that the design live load be defined according to BS5400, which is the basis of Ghana for
Bridge Design. The BS5400 adopts the limit state design method, but the Specifications for Highway Bridges
(JRA) use the allowable stress method, so it is unable to apply the design live load of BS 5400 straight to the
allowable stress method. For this reason, the HA + 45HB vehicle load, the design live load of BS 5400 needs
to be examined and compared with the B live load of the Specifications for Highway Bridges (JRA). Among
them, the live load strength and conditions that have the most adverse effect will be employed.

HA Loading

HA loading consists of a uniformly distributed load (UDL) and a knife edge load (KEL) combined, including
a dynamic effect of vehicle loading. The UDL is distributed on the linear meter of notional lane which
determines the values of the load given in the loading curve illustrated in Figure 2.2-13. The KEL per notional
lane is taken as 120 kN. The UDL and KEL are taken to occupy one notional lane, uniformly distributed over
the full width of the lane.

- 48 -
Figure 2.2-13 Loading curve for UDL of HA loading

HB Loading

Figure 2.2-14 shows the plan and axle arrangement for one unit of nominal HB loading. One unit is taken as
equal to 10 kN per axle. The HB loading includes a dynamic effect.

Figure 2.2-14 HB Loading of One Unit Vehicle

The overall length of the HB load is taken as 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 m and the load application length are determined
for the such that the member is subject to the most severe condition. The load of one vehicle is 40 kN. For
example, HB45 has a vehicle load of 45 units of 45 × 40 kN = 1800 kN.

To examine the live load effect, for 3-span continuous steel I-shaped girder bridge, as shown in Figure 2.2-15
with the length of 142 m (45 + 54 + 43 m), the values of bending moments at an intermediate support are
calculated and compared. The result is summarized in Table 2.2-22.

- 49 -
Figure 2.2-15 Typical Cross Section of Superstructure

B live load


Figure 2.2-16 Live Load Application on Influence Line (Intermediate Support)

- 50 -
Table 2.2-22 Values of bending moment at an intermediate support (kNm)

B live load (Japan) HA+45HB (BS5400) (HA+45HB)/B live load

10,849 11,669 1.075

From the table above, the bending moment derived by applying HA + 45HB is about 7.5% larger than that
by applying the B live load. From this result, for the safety level in yielding, the values of the B live load and
the impact coefficient incorporate the 7.5% increment of load effect, and then the design is performed in
accordance with the Specifications for Highway Bridges (JRA).


Application of live load will take into account the impact or the dynamic effect. Impact coefficient is
calculated in accordance with the Specifications for Highway Bridges (JRA). The impact due to the live load
is not considered in calculating the reaction forces which are used in the design of substructures.

[Wind Load]

Wind loads acting on piers and girders vary greatly depending on the location of the bridge, topography and
surface conditions, bridge structural characteristics, and cross-sectional shape. In Ghana's bridge design data
(2014), the average hourly wind speed within 160 km inland from the coast is V=21 m/s (100-year return
period). According to the Specifications for Highway Bridges (JRA), the basic wind speed, V=40 m/s, is
described. For the bridge design, the design wind speed, V=40 m/s, is adopted.

[Temperature Impact]

The design temperature in the vicinity of the bridge location varies from 8 degree Celsius to 51 degree Celsius
(± 21.5 degree Celsius according to Ghana's bridge design data (2014). On the steel structure: -10 degree
Celsius to 50 degree Celsius (± 30 degree Celsius). The one with the larger amount of temperature change
is applied to the calculation of the amount of the movement on the support and the expansion joint.

[Seismic Design]

The seismic impact is taken into account in accordance with the Specifications for Highway Bridges (JRA),
but the seismic ground motion varies depending on the regional nature. According to Ghana's bridge design
data (2014), it defines that the amount of seismic load is set as 8% of the dead load. In Ghana's Building Code,
a = 0.35 is adopted as the acceleration coefficient, so the design horizontal seismic coefficient Kh = 0.35 is
considered in the static seismic design.

[Vehicle Collision Force]

Since the flyover (substructure) may be at the risk of vehicle collision, the flyover should be designed to be
sufficiently stable against the collision impact. To consider this impact, the design impact force is defined in

- 51 -
accordance with the Specifications for Highway Bridges (JRA).

(3) Comparative Study of Superstructure and Substructure

1) Bridge Length and Span Length

The flyover to be constructed in the Phase-2 has a bridge length of 400 m in total (125 m length of 5-span
PC-I girder + 200 m length of 3-span steel box girder + 75 m of 3-span PC-I girder) considered in the Phase-
1 survey. Based on the bridge length of the Phase-1, the intersection shape and ramp road alignment are
planned and designed. Since the reduction of the bridge section greatly contributes to the reduction of the
project cost, the bridge length was re-examined in the Phase-2 study.

In the Phase-1 survey, the pier of the main bridge over the intersection was planned to be a three-column steel
frame pier. Due to the installation position of the middle steel column and the road vertical alignment, the
flyover was planned to be a three-span continuous steel box girder bridge with rigid-connecting of
superstructure and substructure. There is no restrictions on abutment position since the side span length 60 m
of the main bridge planned in the Phase-1 was determined in consideration of the stress balance of the main

Therefore, the Phase-2 study examined the possibility of shortening the center span length. As a result, when
the pier with more high-strength steel material is placed as close as possible to the box culvert of the Phase-
1, the number of column of the steel frame pier can be changed to two from three for the original plan. With
this change, the length of the center span and the bridge were reduced to 54 m and 142 m, respectively. In
addition, the PC-I girder section planned in the Phase-1 is changed to the mechanically stabilized earth wall
method. This is expected to lead to further reduction of the project cost. The bridge length and span
arrangement are as shown in Figure 2.2-17.

- 52 -


A=8 0



A=65 A MP


R=553.65 A=65


R=550 MP


Harbour Akosombo




A-RAMP 80.0m 60.0m


11190 11190
445 10300 4000 10300 445

5.7% 5.7%


2150 6890 7410 6890 2150











43000 45000
% .7
A= 54000 TA

A-S 65
44950 A=






5 A=65 R=1 BH-4

0 A.

R=550 R=6


R=550 R=180
STA.9 R=6

R= 0 R=165

R= R= ST
54. A.6
75 85 95

R= R= 0.0


BH-1 R= BH-3



BH-5 5





















STA.6 +10.0

455 1250 7300 5002000500 7800 750 455
500 3650 3650 3650 3650 500

▽46.002 ▽46.002




2500 2500
▽34.317 ▽34.317


▽26.817 ▽26.817

5 000 ƒÓ
5 000

Figure 2.2-17 Bridge Length and Span Length

- 53 -
2) Comparison Study of Superstructure

Constraints in selecting the superstructure type are the vertical gradient, vertical and horizontal limits, and the
range where piers can be installed. From the above-mentioned bridge length, the allowable height of the
superstructure of this flyover (height from the road surface to the bottom of the girder) is about 3.0 m. It is
physically not possible to apply a concrete bridge as simply estimating from the ratio of span to the girder
height, for the given span the girder height will exceed the allowable height mentioned above. Therefore
application of steel bridge was considered. For the given span, the applicable girders are the plate girder type
and the box girder type. A comparative study between the 2 types, as shown in Table 2.2-23 were performed.
The results conclude that Option-1, the plate girder is superior to the box girder.

Table 2.2-23 Comparison Study of Superstructure

Option-1 Plate Girder Option-2 Box Girder

1250 3650 3650 500 1250 3650 3650 500

Cross Section 4.7% 4.7%


It is inferior to Option-2 in terms of torsional Suitable for curved bridges as this has high
Structure rigidity, but is applicable as this type can be torsional rigidity
found in many bridges in Japan
The weight of the components is light Installation requires heavy crane as the girder is
Construction compared to Option-2 and can be installed with heavier than plate girders
a small crane.
Estimated girder weight:approx 750 ton Estimated girder weight:approx 1,000 ton
Superior to the second plan in terms of The box girder is hollow and the unit price per
transportation also weight is high in terms of transportation
Visual inspection from outside possible. Don’t The inside of the box girder gets hot and humid
need special equipment or apparatus area and needs to be inspected regularly. Special
equipment such as a blower is required for
inspection inside the box girder.
Evaluation Superior (Recommended) Inferior

3) Comparison Study of Deck Slab

Table 2.2-24 shows the comparison of deck slab types. Although the initial cost is expensive, a steel-concrete
composite slab is adopted as it is superior in terms of construction safety, maintenance efficiency and
durability (contributes to long-term economic efficiency).

- 54 -
Table 2.2-24 Comparison Study of Deck Slab
Option-1 Option-2
Reinforced Concrete Slab Steel Concrete Composite Slab

Image Bridge axis

※ An example of a composite deck slab (Steel Bridge

Technology Research Group web page)
General reinforced concrete deck slab
Base plate that also serves as a formwork and serves as a
slab stress member using a composite structure of steel
and concrete.

Thickness 280 mm 200 mm

Deck slab weight is 6.86 kN / m2 Deck slab weight is 5.50 kN / m2

The impact on the main girder is larger than The impact on the main girder is smaller than
Option-2 Option-1
Initial cost is low (deck slab unit price: approx Initial cost is high (deck slab unit price: approx
30,000 Japanese Yen/m3) at it can be procured 50,000 yen / m3 + transportation cost) since it
locally. need to be procured from Japan.
Cost Efficiency
Superstructure cost is about 45 million Japanese Superstructure cost is about 45 million Japanese
Yen greater than Option-2 Yen less than Option-1

Requires scaffolding and support Scaffolding and support are not required
Efficiency Construction schedule of the deck is longer than Construction period of the deck is shorter than
Option-2 Option-1

Since detour road is right below, careful attention No impact to detour below.
Safety is required for the installation and operation of
support structures and scaffolds.

Compared to the second plan, it is less durable High durability, no need to replace floor slabs
Maintenance* and requires multiple slab replacements during during service period
the service period

Evaluation Inferior Superior (Recommended)

*Return period for design of major bridges in Ghana Bridge Design Data 2014 is 100 years

- 55 -
4) Pier Type

For the reasons mentioned below, a rigid frame that supports the superstructure is applied for the substructure

a) Minimum vertical clearance of 5.5 m is needed to be secured

b) The pier is required to be located outside the ramp at the at-grade intersection

From the above requirements, the flyover is not applicable to a steel girder mounted on a general concrete
pier. Therefore, the type to be applied will be a gate type (gantry type) structure as shown Figure 2.2-18 in
supported by the out riggers that are extended in the direction perpendicular to the bridge axis to the edge of
the road.

If the outrigger is supported by a simple beam structure with hinges at both ends, the amount of vertical
deflection at the center of the beam is large, and it is difficult to ensure sufficient rigidity at an allowable
girder height. Therefore, a steel pier with a rigid frame structure that is rigidly connected at both ends and
integrated with the main girder is adopted. The cross-sectional area of the steel pier will be minimized in
accordance with the planned location and scale of the deep foundation pile to minimize the impact to the box
culvert and the ramps of the intersection constructed in Phase-1.


Outer side Inner side


Figure 2.2-18 Integrated Steel Pier and Girder

5) Comparison Study of Abutment

The abutments of the flyover are about 10 m tall, which is generally higher than the normal abutments. In
such case, commonly used inverted T type abutment is expected to have a wall thickness of about 2 m to
withstand the large earth pressure that is exerted at the back side of the abutment. Therefore, a comparison
was made with a reinforced earth wall-combined abutment that can support the earth pressure on the back
and reduce the amount of concrete in the abutment. The examination results are shown in Table 2.2-25.
Considering economic efficiency and workability, the reinforced earth wall combined abutment was adopted.

- 56 -
Table 2.2-25 Comparison of Abutment Type
Option-1 Option-2
(Reversed T Abutment) (Earth Retention Wall Combined Abutment)

Drawing Excavation
area Excavation

Standard type. Footing is provided by excavating The earth pressure is retained by the reinforced
upto load bearing layer. The wall thickness earth wall and a pier-type abutment is provided
increases with respect to the height of abutment to in front of wall. Since the wall retains the earth
resist earth pressure exerted on the back of the pressure on the back side contributing to reduction
abutment. of concrete volume of the abutment even though
the height of the abutment is high.

Earth volume to be excavated is big (approx. 2,800 Application of deep foundation pile minimizes
m3) and so is the frequency of soil transport excavation of soil volume (about 150 m3) thereby
reducing the frequency of soil transport

Cost Concrete volume:approx. 700 m3 Concrete volume:approx. 300 m3


Footing construction requires large amount of soil Minimizes excavation area and the ramps
Impact to
volume to be excavated. Ramps constructed in constructed in Phase-1 is unlike to be affected.
Phase-1 might be affected.

Inferior Superior (Recommended)

6) Comparison Study of Foundation Type

According to the results of the drilling survey at the bridge position, the load bearing layer was found at G.L.-
2 m to -5 m, which is the range where spread foundation application is possible. However, it is assumed that
the scale of the direct foundation will be about 10 m x10 m (assumed from the construction of the railway
bridge adjacent to the first phase construction), which is very likely to affect the approach slabs of the box
culvert constructed in Phase-1. Therefore, minimization of impact on infrastructures constructed during
Phase-1 is given due consideration along with construction and cost efficiency, and adverse impact to
environment. The comparison is provided in Table 2.2-26. Cast-in-situ pile method, which is commonly used
for foundations has been excluded from the comparison in view with the results of the geo-technical
investigation (drilling) which indicates the load bearing layer in a rather shallow depth. The result of the
comparison recommends use of Option-1, deep foundation pile.

- 57 -
Table 2.2-26 Comparison of Foundation Type
Option-1 Option-2
Deep Foundation Pile Spread Footing
Excavation Approach Excavation Approach
area slab area slab


Although construction is close to existing The maximum depth is about 5 m, and the opening
Impact to
structures (attention range 2), impact is minimal as at the surface is about 17 x 17 m. Very likely to
excavation is possible without producing affect the box culvert constructed in Phase-1. Also,
vibrations needs removal of approach slabs

Large diameter requires heavy machinery, but Requires excavation by heavy machines and
small ones can be excavated manually utmost consideration is required to avoid from
Excavated soil volume is small and transport cost possible impacts to existing structures
to the dumping site is also low Excavated soil volume is huge and transport cost
to the dumping site is high

Impact to Soil volume to be excavated is approx. Soil volume to be excavated is approx.

Environment 110 m3/pile 1000 m3/foundation

Assessment Superior (Recommended) Inferior Approach Road Plan

(1) Design Criteria

The section that connects the existing road and the flyover is defined as an approach road. The design of approach
roads is carried out in accordance with the Road Design Guidelines of Ghana. Approach roads consists of two
different classes of roads. The northern approach road is a part of Akosombo Road, which is classified as a national
road. The southern approach road is a part of Harbor road and is an urban road. However, after improvement of
the intersection, based on the discussion with GHA, the jurisdiction for approach road in the south, which connects
with the urban road (harbor Road) and is originally belonged to the jurisdiction of DUR will be transferred to GHA.

Approach roads to be planned and designed under Phase-2 will include through traffics in the north-south direction.
The lanes that cater for turning purpose have been designed and are under construction being carried out under
Phase-1. Table 2.2-27 shows general and geometric conditions used for the design of both roads.

- 58 -
Table 2.2-27 Design Criteria (General and Geometric Condition)

National Urban
(Akosombo Approach) (Harbour Approach)
Flat Terrain (inside bracket for urban area) 100 (80) 80 (60)
Min. Design
Speed (km/hr) Rolling Terrain (inside bracket for urban area) 80 (60) 60 (40)
Mountenous (inside bracket for urban area) 60 (40) 50 (30)
Level of Service C D
ROW Width (m) Urban 90 -
Rural 10 4
Min. Median (m)
Urban 2- 4 2- 4
Median Shoulder 0.3 - 0.5 0.3 - 0.5
Road Cross
Flat/Rolling 3.65-3.25
Section Width Vehicle Lane 3.65-3.25
Mountenous 3.5-3.25
Ramp width (m) -
Flat/Rolling 2.50 2.0 - 3.0
Right Shoulder (m)
Mountenous 3.00 -
Carriageway 5.5 5.5
Minimum Vertical Clearance (m)
Sidewalk 2.5 2.5
Design Traffic Volume (ADT) >10,000 <150
Structure Live Loading (Minimum)

Surface Type
Crossfall (%) 1.5 - 2.5 1.5 - 2.5

100 40
Min. Horizontal Curvature
Desirable (5% SE) m 700 100
Minimum (9%SE) m 370 50
Maximum Superelevation %
Min. Curvature Length m 170 70
Min. Transition Curve Length m 56 22
Radius not requiring Transition Curve m 910 150
6% 694 174
Values of Superelevation with respect 5% 849 212
4% 1091 273
to Radius of Curvature
3% 1348 347
Reverse (2%) 2560 525
Min. Radius not requiring Superelevation m 5000 800
Superelevation Run-off 1/175 1/100
Standard % 3 7
Gradient with % (m)
4% (700m) 8% (400m)
Max. Gradient
% (m)
5% (500m) 9% (300m)
% (m)
6% (400m) 10% (200m)
Sight Distance
Stopping m 160 40
Passing m 620 210
K-Value 64 4
Min. Radius Crest Curve
Radius m 6400 400
K-Value 28 5
Min. Radius Sag Curve
Radius m 3000 500
Min. Vertical Curve Length m 85 35
Note: Those not provided in GRDG is referred from AASHTO's Standard as shown by the italic figures

(2) Applicable Standards

The improvement plan of the intersection fundamentally follows the prevailing standards and guidelines of

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Ghana. Other international standards and guidelines as listed below are referred to items not covered in the
Ghanaian standards. The above policy regarding standards and guidelines has been agreed with GHA.

1) Road/Intersection Planning and Design

• Road Design Guide (GHA, March 1991)
• A Policy on Design of Highways and Streets (American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials: AASHTO, 2001)
• Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board, 2010)
• Japan Road Structure Ordinance June, 2015

2) Planning and Design of Structures (Retaining Walls, Culverts etc.)

• Design Guideline for Retaining Wall (Japan Road Association, 2010)
• Design Guideline for Culvert (Japan Road Association, 2010)

3) Pavement Design
• Guide for Design of Pavement Structure (American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials: AASHTO, 1993)

4) Drainage Design
• Road Design Guide (GHA, March 1991)
• Guidelines for Drainage Design (Japan Road Association, 2006)

5) Street Lighting Design

• Road Lightning Installation Guidelines and Explanation (Japan Road Association, 2007)

(3) Horizontal Alignment

Horizontal alignment of Phase-2 Akosombo Road

(alignment of flyover and approach as

highlighted in blue in Figure 2.2-19) was

planned and agreed upon with GHA during


Aflao Road

Phase-2: Flyover & approach


preparatory survey of Phase-1. The

alignment was reviewed and the results D-
confirmed that the proposed alignment AM
needs no alternation as it meets the design
criteria as required by the GHA guidelines Motorway


shown in Table 2.2-27, the control points


Phase-1: underpass, ramps,

identified during delineation of the service roads
alignment remains unchanged, new Harbour Road

potential control points were not affirmed

and the on/off ramps of the target road is Figure 2.2-19 Horizontal Alignment

already being constructed under Phase-1.

- 60 -
(4) Vertical Alignment

Vertical alignment was also planned and agreed during the preparatory survey of Phase-1. The alignment satisfies
vertical clearance (5.5 m from road surface to the bottom of flyover girder) and other geometric requirements given
in Table 2.2-27. The maximum grade was limited to 4.0% taking smooth and safe flow of high volume of large
and heavy vehicles that use the Tema Port.

(5) Cross section

The cross section elements of the approach section include the median, strips (inner shoulders), carriageways, outer
shoulders, and railings. The width of each element is as shown in Table 2.2-28. The standard cross slope is 2.5%
and the steepest superelevation is 4.7%. The typical cross section of the approach section is shown in Figure 2.2-20.

Table 2.2-28 Cross section Elements and Widths

Railings Shoulder (outer) Carriageway Shoulder (inner) Median

0.5 m 1.25 m 7.3 m (3.65 x 2) 0.5 m 2.0 m

Figure 2.2-20 Typical Cross Section (Diagram not included in the hardcopy document)

(6) Reference Point (Axis)

There are two methods in determining the reference points (axis) of a road for the design of vertical alignment and
cross section on divided highways. These methods are described in Table 2.2-29. As the objective roads are wide
(4-10 m median strip with dual or triple lane double carriageway) and has a superelevated section of about 800 m,
the effect on the abutting houses/residences or facilities as well as to the sectional area of the box culvert at the
underpass is less if the reference point is taken in the middle of the carriageways. Therefore, Type A is applied for
the alignments in this project.

- 61 -
Table 2.2-29 Reference Point (Axis)

Items Type A : Middle of Carriageway Type B : Edge of Median

Image RP

Applicable to superelevated sections. Elevation difference Since RP is close to center of the road, it is simple to
between right and left edge of the road can be smaller design according to design standard.
Condition Having median and being large in width Particularly None

Applied ○ -

(7) Design Vehicle

WB-20 classified by AAHTO and agreed with GHA during Phase-1 will apply for Phase-2 design vehicle. The
basic dimension of the vehicle is illustrated in Figure 2.2-21.

Figure 2.2-21 Design Vehicle

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(8) Retaining Structures

The approach roads are elevated making it higher than the ramps/existing ground. The ramps were planned in
Phase-1 under the precondition that the elevated section of the approach road will be retained by structures. During
Phase-2, the optimum method for retaining structures was studied. Reinforced earth wall method was selected
from among the methods shown in Table 2.2-30. This method has minimal adverse impact on the ramps
(infrastructures) of which was already constructed and is superior to other methods in terms of cost-efficiency,
construction ability and aesthetics. In addition, this method is getting popular in Ghana recently.

Table 2.2-30 Comparison of Retaining Structures

Mechanical Stabilization Earth (MSE) Wall
Method Reinforced Concrete Wall
Concrete Face Type Type Vegetation Face Type


Steel Strip Type Anchor Bar Type

Reinforced Concrete Wall is the most This method is one of MSE method This method is one of MSE method with
general retaining wall method, which with concrete wall face, that produces vegetation wall face, that produces the
resists as a cantilever against the the earth retaining effect by pulling earth retaining effect by pulling
Structural backside earth pressure. resistance due to the frictional force resistance due to the frictional force
between the steel strip plate (or anchor between the geogrid and the
bar) and the embankment material embankment material arranged in layers
arranged in layers in the embankment. in the embankment.
H≦8 m 3≦H≦18 m 3≦H≦18 m
Applicable Height
Evaluation: Not Applicable Evaluation: Applicable Evaluation: Applicable
Concrete Wall cannot be constructed This MSE method has been This MSE method can be applicable in
at the site because it exceeds the experienced in Ghana, and there are no terms of the height. But because the site
applicable height. particular problems with its adoption. is in urban area, it is not preferable in
terms of maintenance work such as
Evaluation: Not Applicable Evaluation: Applicable Evaluation: Fair
Total Evaluation Not Applicable Superior (Recommended) Inferior

(9) Pavement Plan

Future traffic volume in Phase-1 was calculated based on the results of traffic survey and analyzed during the
preparatory survey. The results were applied in determining the pavement structure (composition) of the then target
roads. As shown in the analysis results described in Section, there is no significant difference between
the traffic volume forecasted for 2019 in Phase-1 and the traffic volume actually measured under this survey. On
the other hand, the CBR of the subgrade has not been subjected to significant change. Therefore, both approach
roads will have the same pavement structure as Phase-1. Table 2.2-31 shows the pavement composition of each
approach road. A description of the pavement plan in the Phase 1 report, “3-2-3-4 Pavement Plan,” is attached in

- 63 -
Table 2.2-31 Pavement Composition of Approach Roads
Harbour Road AkosomboRoad
Approach Road
(Start point - Flyover) (Flyover - end point)
Wearing/Surface Course 5 cm 5 cm
Binder Course 10 cm 8 cm
Base Course 20 cm 15 cm
Sub-base Course 20 cm 20 cm

Goose asphalt, generally used in the steel slab will be used for pavement on top of the flyover (bridge). The
pavement thickness commonly applied is 6-8 cm, but considering the traffic characteristics of the road of the
project area, where there are many large trucks, it is set to 8 cm. Modified asphalt with improved fluidity and
enhanced wearing durability by mixing polymer or runner with straight asphalt as in Phase-1 is planned to be
provided for on the wearing/surface course of the access road including the bridge.

(10) Traffic Safety Facility and Ancillary Plan

In Phase-1, road lighting is planned to be installed in the east-west direction and north-south ramps. In this phase,
road lighting will be installed in the straight lane section in the north-south direction. The median strips will be
installed in the approach road section, and the handrails will be installed in outside of the bridge section. In addition,
safety facilities such as road signs, fall prevention fences, road markings etc. are planned. The design standard was
in accordance with the Japanese stadard "Road Lighting Facility Installation Standards and Explanations, Japan
Road Association, October 2007". Study on Ashaiman Roundabout Improvement

(1) Outline

The location and general features of Ashaiman Roundabout is presented in Figure 2.2-22. Ashaiman Intersection
is a 4-leg roundabout with an inscribed circle diameter of about 50 m and is located about 1.5 km north of Tema
Intersection. 3 out of 4 legs are single lane --only Ashaiman Road, the west leg is a dual carriageway-- and the
circulatory road has 2 lanes. The roundabout has been experiencing traffic congestion throughout the day time
even before the commencement of Phase-1 preparatory survey. The congestion is severe during peak hours.

The improvement of Ashaiman Roundabout is not included in the scope of this survey. However, improvement of
the roundabout is indispensable to eliminate the congestion that occasionally affects the flow at Tema Intersection.
A brief study on causes of the congestion is conducted and suggestion for remedial measures is forwarded.

- 64 -
Accra N To Akosombo Ashaiman
Aprox. 1.5km Roundabout
Tema RA
Ashaiman RA

Chronic congestion 50m

To Tema

To Aflao To Tema RA

Figure 2.2-22 Akosombo Road – Ashaiman Roundabout

(2) Current Situation

As aforementioned, Ashaiman Roundabout is almost always severely

congested. Some reasons for the congestion among others are;

• The roundabout is non-symmetric (not standard type)

• Lacks distinct/channelized slip roads
• Number of lanes uneven (Ashaiman 2- lane, others 1- lane)
• Shorter weave lengths (close entry & exits)
• Partially functioning drainage
Figure 2.2-23 Improvement
• Imbalanced traffic volume on the legs
Proposed by Third Country Study
• Crowded by vendors, kiosks, street vendors jay walkers
• Siltation of roads causing pollution thereby causing speed retardation
• No footpaths, lane markings causing disorderly crossings at the roundabout
In 2013, a third country consultant conducted a feasibility study on the improvement. The improvement proposed
by the study is indicated in Figure 2.2-23. It proposes grade separated lanes for through traffics and an at-grade
roundabout to cater for turning vehicles.

(3) Policy for Improvement under this Survey

Comprehensive improvement is ideal. However, the survey considers improvement in phases, temporal
improvement and then permanent improvement. First improvement will apply slip roads to provide exclusive lanes
for right-turning vehicles on all legs.The fact that slip roads contribute to a certain limit in alleviating traffic
congestion has been substantiated by the MPS project at the then Tema Roundabout. The next step is to convert to
signalized interchange or to grade separated intersection, similar to Tema Intersection.

(4) Study Contents

1) Methodology and Output

As shown in Table 2.2-32, a three-stage development plan that will improve traffic capacity was considered as the
study case. Analysis based on HCM2010 (static) and continuous traffic micro simulation (dynamic) for the
configuration of each case was done. The year when the capacity of the improvement method reaches the limit
was taken as the output of the analysis.

- 65 -
Table 2.2-32 Study Cases
Case No. Study Cases (Improvement Method)
Case-0 Existing (No improvement)
At-grade improvement
Case-1 (4-lane upgrading of south-leg (Ashaiman Roundabout– Tema Intersection stretch),
provision of slip roads on all legs, and expansion of circulatory lanes of the roundabout
Case-2 Signalized at-grade intersection (provision of left-turn exclusive lanes)
Case-3 Grade separation of north-south direction (Prioritizing the East Corridor)

2) Outline of Study

[Case-1:At-grade Improvement]

Improvements to be applied are as follows, which is illustrated in Figure 2.2-24.

i) Widening of Akosombo Road on the south side to 4-lane (4-lane is recommended to maintain
consistency with the improvement of Tema Intersection)

ii) Provision of slip roads (single lane) at all legs and connect lanes to roundabout to allow free flow to
vehicles turning to the right.

iii) Dualization of roundabout circulatory roads (currently the circulatory road of the roundabout seems
to have 10 m width but is not sufficient to cater smooth and safe flow to heavy vehicles)

ii) connect lanes to roundabout

iii)Dualization (3.65 m x 2) of
roundabout circulatory roads

ii) Provision of slip roads

(single lane) at all legs

i) Widening of Akosombo Road on the

south side to 4-lanes. Lanes width of
3.65 m on 2-lane roads

Figure 2.2-24 Case-1:At-grade Improvement

- 66 -
[Case-2:Signalized at-grade Intersection]

Improvements to be applied are as follows, which is illustrated in Figure 2.2-25.

i) Signalized Intersection (provision of exclusive left lanes )

* The roundabout will be converted to an at-grade intersection controlled by traffic signals. All traffics
going straight and turning left will meet at the intersection. Slip roads provided in Case-1 is used

Signalized Intersection

Figure 2.2-25 Case-2:At-grade Signalized Intersection

至 テマ交差点
[Case-3:Grade Separation of North South Direction]

Improvements to be applied are as follows, which is illustrated in Figure 2.2-26.

i) Grade separation of north-south direction (dualization of carriageway on both direction)

ii) Left-Turing vehicles on north-south direction to be connected with the roundabout by off-ramps

iii)Connecting east-west direction to the roundabout provided in Case-1

* Slip roads provided in Case-1 is used continuously.

* Roundabout having dual-lane circulatory road improved in Case-1 is used continuously.

- 67 -
i) north-south grade separation

ii) north-south directionleft- turning

vehicles connected to roundabout
through off-ramps

iii) Connecting east-west direction to

the roundabout provided in Case-1

Figure 2.2-26 Case-3:North-South Direction Grade Separation

3) Study Results

Study results are compiled in Table 2.2-33. Case-0, the existing condition (do nothing scenario) shows that
the capacity of the roundabout already exceeded causing severe traffic congestion throughout the day.

Case-1 improvements will ease the current congestion. However, the roundabout will exceed its capacity
in 2022 and will be in similar condition like in the present.

Similarly, Case-2 improvements will improve the situation until 2025. In this case, all direction except for
the east leg will exceed the capacity and see significant traffic congestion.

Finally, Case-3 improvements will be a solution for further easing of the traffic congestion. And this will
show positive results until 2028.

Note that the simulation has been conducted in a worst scenario meaning although it reflects the current
improvements being applied at Tema Intersection, including improvement to be applied in Phase-2, it does
not reflect other potential developments/improvements in and around Ashaiman Roundabout. The results
may differ, possible in a positive manner, should improvement works pertaining to road network is carried
out in near future.

A 3-tier intersection would be the optimum solution and could be applied anytime but the scope of the
improvement will be big.

- 68 -
Table 2.2-33 Study Results
Case No. Limit Year Result of Traffic Simulation for the Limit Year

Case-0 Traffic volumes

(Existing) capacity

Case-1 2022

Case-2 2025

- 69 -
Case No. Limit Year Result of Traffic Simulation for the Limit Year

Case-3 2028

2.2.3 Outline Design Drawings

Outline Design Drawing is attached in Appendix-6 and its table of contents is Table 2.2-34.

Table 2.2-34 Table of Contents

- 70 -
2.2.4 Implementation Plan Implementation Policy

The basic policies for implementation of the project are as follows:

 The project will be implemented under the Grant Aid Scheme of the Government of Japan (GOJ) in
accordance with the Grant Agreement (G/A) and the Exchange of Notes (E/N) between the Republic of
Ghana and the GOJ.

 The executing agency for the implementation of the project is Ghana Highway Authority (GHA) of the
Republic of Ghana.

 The consulting services including detailed design, tender-related works and construction supervision
services will be provided by a Japanese consulting firm(s) in accordance with the consultancy contract
that shall be signed with the Republic of Ghana.

 The construction will be executed by a Japanese construction firm(s) that shall be selected through pre-
qualification and bidding, in accordance with the construction work contract that shall be signed between
the said construction firm(s) and the Republic of Ghana.

 The basic policies for the construction/procurement of this project are as follows:

➢ The construction will give high consideration to minimize adverse impact to the infrastructures
constructed in Phase-1.

➢ The equipment, materials and labor for construction will be, to the possible extent, procured locally.
Where local procurement is impractical, third country procurement or procurement from Japan will
be considered given the required quality and supply quantity are secured.

➢ Construction methods and the construction processes shall be consistent with the local climate,
topography, geology and natural conditions.

➢ Construction methods that are common and easy and will not require special or sophisticated
equipment or technology will be applied.

➢ The contractor’s site organization shall be planned to satisfy the established construction
specifications and construction management standards set for this project. Likewise, the
consultant’s organization shall be based on such specified project management standards.

➢ To ensure safety during construction, an appropriate traffic management plan including

deployment of traffic personnel at vantage positions shall be considered.

➢ In order to reduce the influence of construction works on the environment of project site,
appropriate preservation methods of the environment, such as the selection of temporary garbage

- 71 -
dumping sites which were specified from the Republic of Ghana shall be adopted. Implementation Conditions

(1) Labors

Following points were identified from the field survey carried out with regards to local labors in Ghana.

⚫ There are less than 10 contractors with track records of flyover and road improvement.

⚫ Civil engineers, bridge engineers, bridge skilled labors, skilled workers, scaffold workers, welder,
form builder, and machine operators can be procured from the site and from Accra.

From above, workers for construction of superstructures who have high skill and experiences are planned to
be procured from Japan.

(2) Labor Regulations

Ghana labor laws defined labor conditions are as follows;

1) General Working Hours

Daytime work is limited to 8 hours per day and 48 hours per week. Dayshift is between 6:00 am and 8:00
pm, and night shift is between 8:00 pm to 6:00 am

2) Overtime

Overtime and working on holidays require allowances equal to the basic salary

3) Protective Measures for Workers’ Salary

According to the law, payment of workers takes precedence over other debts. Workers' salaries are not
affected by bidding, bankruptcy or succession and must be paid immediately.

4) Bonus(13th month Salary)

After one year (12 months) of continuous work, the workers have the right to receive a one-month (13th
month) additional salary. In addition, if the work period is between a month and a year, the workers have
the right to receive additional salary as stipulated in the employment contract for the corresponding period.

5) Dismissal

Employers are obliged to pay a worker a month's salary if they are dismissed after working continuously for
one year. Table 2.2-35 shows major engineer/labor procurement categories.

- 72 -
Table 2.2-35 Major Engineer/Local Procurement Categories

Item Category Procurement from

Work Specification Ghana Japan Third and conditions
General Caretaker country
✔ Accra

In charge of Bridge
Bridge construction ✔ Japan

Bridge Skilled Worker Bridge construction ✔ Japan

Painter (Bridge) Bridge construction ✔ Japan
Crane Operator Bridge construction ✔ Japan
Truck crane 60t, 160t
Workers (general, skilled) ✔ Accra
Drivers (Crane) ✔ Accra
Scaffold Worker, Welder ✔ Accra
Iron. stone worker ✔ Accra
Traffic Controller ✔ Nearby site area
Form builder ✔ Accra
Electrician ✔ Japan

(3) Policy on Labor Procurement

Being a grant aid of Japan, the contract is awarded to a Japanese firm. However, labors such as construction
supervisor, skilled workers, and skilled drivers, if required, for the construction of this project can be procured
from the local contractors. Execution of works other than steel bridge installation can be carried out through
sub-contracting to these firms

(4) Procurement Policy on Major Construction Material

Major construction materials other than those pertaining to the steel bridge can be procured locally.

(5) Procurement Policy on Construction Machines/Equipment

Local contractors in Accra can procure and provide most of the construction machines required for the
construction. Also, common machines with high versatility such as backhoes and bulldozers are easy to
procure as these are available for lease. Cranes up to 300 ton is also procurable locally.

(6) Points to be Considered during Construction and Procurement

1) Securing smooth Traffic Flow during Construction

Serving as a nodal point between national roads, Tema Intersection is a strategically very important
intersection. The intersection receives more than 32,000 vehicles per day. A biggest issue during construction
is to secure safe and smooth detours for the existing traffics. Therefore, construction methods that does not
hinder existing traffic operations is inevitable. To secure sufficient construction space of the intersection, an
elliptical-shaped roundabout with semi-major axis in the north-south direction will be provided. Vehicles
using the route that need to turn are only those going to the left direction. Therefore, this is deemed to have

- 73 -
minimal impact on other traffics thereby minimizing congestion.

2) Detour Plan during Construction

Basic policies with regard to detour during construction are set as below;

⚫ A detour that minimizes the impact on general traffic will be considered

⚫ Make optimum use of the existing roads and minimize the number of detour
⚫ The north and south roundabout ends should be as wide as possible to ensure smooth traffic
⚫ Change signalized intersection and roundabout necessarily
The proposed detour is illustrated in Figure 2.2-27.

South Detour
North Detour


Figure 2.2-27 Proposed Detour Scope of Works

The responsibilities to be borne by Japan and the Republic of Ghana are summarized in Table 2.2-36.

Table 2.2-36 Responsibility of Each Government

Responsible Country
Items Contents/Requirements Items
Japan Ghana
Street lights and Power supply

Procurement and transport of Specific material will be procured
Materials material
✔ from Japan
Customs clearance ✔ ✔
Securing of land required for Project Office, Accommodation
Preparation Works construction
✔ Construction Yard
Others ✔
Water pipe, electric cable,
of utilities
Relocation of Obstruction ✔ communication cable, sign
Steel bridge, Sub-structure,
Road, bridge works, retaining walls, pavement, drainage structures,
Main Construction
✔ street lights, traffic signals, safety

- 74 - Consultant Supervision/Procurement

Basically, the Japanese Consultant will enter into an agreement with the Republic of Ghana to request their
support for the bidding activities and the construction supervision.

(1) Detailed Design

The major works to be carried out by the detailed design consultant are as follows:

 Undertake consultations with concerned authorities of Ghana and carry out field surveys,
 Detailed design and drawings preparation
 Project cost estimate
The duration to carry out the detailed design work is about 2.5 months.

(2) Bidding Assistance

The major tasks to be undertaken between the time of inviting contractors to bid and the time for signing of
contract for construction includes:

 Preparation of bid documents (in parallel with the detailed design).

 Bid announcement
 Pre-qualification of bidders
 Bidding
 Evaluation of bid documents
 Preparation of Contract Agreement
The duration of the bid-related activities is about 5 months.

(3) Construction Supervision

The Consultant will supervise the Contractor’s planning and implementation of the construction contract. The
major tasks under this stage include:

 Verification/Approval of related surveys and quantities

 Review/Approval construction plans
 Quality Control
 Process Control
 Work Output Control
 Safety Management
 Taking-over Inspection and Acceptance
The duration of construction supervision is approximately 29 months. The construction supervision team
shall consist of: 1-Resident/Chief Engineer (Japanese), 1-Site Inspectors (Local), 1-Clerk of Works
(Local).and 1-Utility Personnel (Local). A bridge engineer would be dispatched at the time of bridge erection.
A safety control officer is necessary to supervise, talk and cooperate with a construction contractor's safety
manager so that occurrence of an accident may be prevented.

- 75 - Quality Control Plan

The tasks to be carried out for quality control during the construction period are as follows:
 Bridge Erection Works
 Concrete Works
 Reinforcing Bars and Formworks
 Earthwork
 Pavement Works
Based on the above, the quality control of main items for Steel works and concrete works are presented in
Table 2.2-37 and Table 2.2-38 and for earthwork and pavement as provided in Table 2.2-39.

Table 2.2-37 Quality Management Plan for Flyover (Bridge) Superstructure

Item Test Items Test Method Inspection Contents and Timing
Mill sheet and JIS G 3101, JIS G 3106, Confirmation of specification of steel and collate with
Structural Steel JIS G 3140
inspection reports the product before delivery(shipping)
Painting JIS K 5551, JIS K 5552, Confirmation of specification of steel and collate with
Paint JIS K 5553, JIS K 5659 the product before delivery (shipping)
C-5 paint
Coating/ Film thickness
(Anti-corrosion of Steel During every coating
Bridge Handbook)
Fabrication of Welding test, penetrant JISG3106 or equivalent Material test (tensile, bending, impact tests), groove
Steel flaw detection, X-rays welding test, Fillet welding test, Rigidity test
Temporary assembly Joint inspection and approval by consultant
Field Erection Specifications for
Confirmation of camber, splices, bearings and
Erection Inspection Highway Bridges to
temporary assembly under the presence of a consultant
be followed
Confirmation of specification of steel and collate with
High tensile bolt
the product before delivery (shipping)
Confirmation of camber, alignment, bearing after
Erection completion
erection and removal of supports etc. under the
presence of a consultant.
Field painting Material adjustment
Acceptance inspection JIS K 6251 or equivalent Prior to delivery (shipping)

JIS K 5551, JIS K 5552, Confirmation of specification of steel and collate with
Paint JIS K 5553, JIS K 5659 the product before delivery (shipping)
Coating/ Film thickness Confirmation of management record and sampling
Inspection inspection
Finishing Confirmation of color, appearance
Bearing Confirmation of quantity before shipping, confirmation
Product, installation, of installation after completion, After casting of
completion concrete, checking condition/finishing of bolts and
filling of non-shrink mortar
Expansion joint Acceptance inspection JIS B2352 or equivalent Similar to bearing

Drainage product Prior to delivery (Shipping)

- 76 -
Table 2.2-38 Quality Management Plan of Concrete Works
Item Test Items Test Method Test Frequency
Cement Cement Property/Physical Once before trial mix and once every 500 m3 batch; or
Test once during production of cement (Mill sheet)
AASHTO M6 Once before trial mix and once every 500 m3 batch; and
Property/Physical Test all changes of quarry source/location (check supplier
AASHTO M80 Once before trial mix and once every 500 m batch of
Property/Physical Test concrete; and every change of source/quarry location
Aggregate (check supplier data)
Sieve Analysis AASHTO T27 Once a month
Alkali-silica Reactive ASTM C1260 Once before trial mix and every change of source/quarry
Test(Mortar Bar Method) location (check supplier data)
ASTM C295 Once before trial mix and every change of source/quarry
Mineral Composition Test
location (check supplier data)
Water Water Quality Test AASHTO T26 Once before trial mix and when necessary

Admixture Quality Test ASTM C494 Once before trial mix and when necessary (Mill Sheet)
Concrete Slump Test AASHTO T119 Once every 75 m3 or per batch
Air Content Test AASHTO T121 Once every 75 m3 or per batch
AASHTO T22 6 Samples per batch or 6 samples for every 75 m3 of
Compressive Strength Test concrete (3 samples each for 7-day strength and 28-day
Temperature ASTM C1064 Once every 75 m3 or per batch

Table 2.2-39 Quality Management Plan for Earthwork and Pavement Work
Item Test Items Test Method Test Frequency
Embankment Density Test
AASHTO T191 Every 500 m2
Material Test Once before placing and once every 1,500 m3 or change
(Sieve Analysis) in source/quarry location.
Material Test Once before placing and once every 1,500 m3 or change
Base course (CBR Test) in source/quarry location.
Dry Density Test Once before placing and twice every 1,500 m3 or change
(Compaction) in source/quarry location.
Field Density Test
AASHTO T191 Every 500 m2
Material Test AASHTO
(Sieve Analysis) M43,M80 Once before placing and once every 1,500 m3 or change
Asphalt paving Material testing (density and in source/quarry location.
percentage of absorption).
Density-in-situ examination. AASHTO T209 Every 200m
Temperature survey Every track
Modified asphalt Marshall stability test ASTM D 1559-89 Design stage:5 samples per mix, 3 pieces = 15 times
paving Trial mix stage::3 samples per mix, 3 pieces= 9 times
Paving stage: Once before placing
Dynamic Stability Test Measurement of At Trial Mix: Once per 1 mix
plastic deformation At Construction : Once per paving asphalt of 1,000 ton
by Wheel
Tracking Machine
Other test JIS as may be necessary

- 77 - Procurement Plan

The major construction materials and equipment to be procured, based on field research for procurement, are
mentioned below.

(1) Procurement of Major Construction Materials

1) Procurement of Materials related to Steel Bridge

Since steel materials used for bridge members are special steel materials using Japanese technology, it is
difficult to procure them in Ghana. Therefore, the steel materials will be procured from Japan.

2) Procurement of Ready-mixed Concrete

Ready-mixed Concrete for the retaining wall and substructure of the bridge shall be procured from the local
concrete plants located around the project site. A photo of concrete plant near the project site is Photo 2.2-1.

3) Procurement of Asphalt Concrete

There are several asphalt plants within the distance that can be procured.

4) Procurement of Base and Subbase Materials

Base and subbase materials shall be procured from quarrying plant located at Shai Hill on Akosombo road.
Photo 2.2-2 shows the plant in production, and Figure 2.2-28 shows the location of borrow pit and aggregate

Photo 2.2-1 Concrete Plant in Production Photo 2.2-2 Quarry Plant in Production

- 78 -
Figure 2.2-28 Location of Borrow Pit and Aggregate Plant
5) Procurement Area of Major Construction Materials

Procurement area of major construction materials are summarized into Table 2.2-40.

Table 2.2-40 Procurement Area of Major Construction Materials

Items Procurement Area
Procurement Procurement Routes
Item Name Description Local Japan Third Reason Local
Materials for
✔ Special Steel Marine transport from JP
Steel Bridge
Rebar D13-D32 ✔ Near construction site

Concrete 20-40N/mm2 ✔ Near construction site

Graded crushed
Base Course ✔ Aggregate Plant (L=20 km)
Sub-base Course Crushed stone ✔ Aggregate Plant (L=20 km)
Fill Material Sand ✔ Borrow Pit in Shai Hill

Asphalt ✔ Near construction site

MSE Wall ✔ Cost effective South Africa

φ=2.5 m, 5.0
Liner Plate ✔ Marine transport from JP
Painting Material ✔ Not available Marine transport from JP
(N/A) in Ghana
Steel bearing ✔ Marine transport from JP
Expansion Joint ✔ Marine transport from JP
Fuel ✔ Near construction site

Wooden form ✔ Accra

Plywood ✔ Accra

- 79 -
Items Procurement Area
Procurement Procurement Routes
Item Name Description Local Japan Third Reason Local
Steel for temporary
H-steel ✔ N/A in Ghana. Marine transport from JP
Support Supported frame ✔ Accra
Rubber bearing ✔ Marine transport from JP
Ensure quality
Sealing and assurance and
✔ Marine transport from JP
Bonding on-schedule
Sealing strip delivery
✔ Marine transport from JP
(water stoppage)
Difficulty in local
Traffic Signal ✔ Marine transport from JP

6) Procurement of Special Materials

Special materials which can not be procured in Ghana include rubber bearing and joint material for approach
cushion slab, sealing and bonding materials, waterproofing materials, and traffic signals. These materials
shall be procured in Japan.

 Procurement of Materials related Steel Bridge

Steel materials related steel bridge is special materials using Japanese technology, hence the materials
will be procured from Japan.

 Rubber Bearing and Igus

The rubber bearing is an apparatus that transmits the load from the approach slab to the abutment. Igus
is a device that connects the abutment and the approach slab, and serves as a buffer against shaking and
dislocation of approach slabs. Both the bearing and the Igus are important materials for prolonging
durability. In Ghana, these are imported from foreign countries, but it is judged that procurement from
Japan is appropriate for ensuring quality and timely and soundly delivery.

 Water-stopping (preventing) Materials

A sealing strip or water stoppage (waterproof sheet) will be installed because water seepage and leakage
from the bottom plate of the L-type retaining wall and the joints on the side walls are assumed. The
general items in Ghana can be procured, but there are concerns about quality and delivery time. In Japan,
stock is sufficient and reliable procurement including delivery deadlines are ensured.

 Cushion Drum

This is not locally available and will be procured from Japan.

(2) Procurement of Major Construction Equipment

Photo 2.2-3 shows major construction equipment which can be procured from local contractors and leasing

- 80 -
Concrete pump vehicle Concrete mixer vehicle

Bulldozer Backhoe & road roller

Backhoe and Bulldozer

Photo 2.2-3 Major Construction Equipment to be Procured

- 81 -
Construction equipment to be procured is summarized in Table 2.2-41.

Table 2.2-41 Major Construction Equipment to be Procured

Item Procurement
Purchase/ Procurement
Local Third Reason
Item Name Description Rent Japan Routes
(Ghana) Country
Backhoe 0.45 m3 Rent ✔ Accra
Backhoe 0.8 m3 Rent ✔ Accra
Backhoe 1.4 m3 Rent ✔ Accra
Dump Track 10 t Rent ✔ Accra
Dump Track 4t Rent ✔ Accra
Bulldozer 21 t Rent ✔ Accra
Bulldozer 15 t Rent ✔ Accra
Tire Roller 8-20 t Rent ✔ Accra
Road Roller 10-12 t Rent ✔ Accra
Motor Grader W=3.1 m Rent ✔ Accra
Truck Crane 16-25 t Rent ✔ Accra
Truck Crane 45-300 t Rent ✔ Accra
Concrete Breaker 600-800 kg Rent ✔ Accra
Vibrator Roller Riding Type 3-4 t Rent ✔ Accra
Water Pomp φ100 mm, 15 kw Rent ✔ Accra
Diesel Generator 22 KVA Rent ✔ Accra
Truck Rent ✔ Accra
Bulldozer Rent ✔ Accra
Rough Terrain Crane Rent ✔ Accra
Concrete Pump Rent ✔ Accra
Paver Rent ✔ Accra
Line Marker Rent ✔ Accra Implementation Schedule

Table 2.2-42 presents the implementation schedule of detail design and construction period.

- 82 -
Table 2.2-42 Implementation Schedule of Phase-2 of the Project

- 83 -
2.3 Security Plan

The safety plan is prepared in accordance with the ODA Construction Safety Management Guidance
(September 2014). The detailed design and supervision consultant together with GHA will check the safety
plan prepared by the contractor and provide comments and instructions for any improvement required. The
safety plan will consist of, but not limited to;

1. Safety policies

2. Safety management system

3. Promotion of plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle

4. Monitoring

5. Education and trainings on safety

6. Voluntary safety management activities

7. Disclosure and sharing of information

8. Response plan in case of emergency and occurrence of unanticipated events

- 84 -
2.4 Obligations of Recipient Country

The undertakings required from the GOG for the smooth execution of this project are as follows:

• To provide documents, data and information necessary for the execution of this project;
• To acquire land for construction yard;
• To secure land for construction yard, stock yard, disposal area for construction debris, site office yard, and
detour routes;
• To secure borrow pits, spoil-banks, and industrial waste disposal areas;
• To obtain all necessary permits, to coordinate and share necessary information with concerned
organizations regarding the method of road occupancy of the Motorway, procedure for allowing public
vehicles, traffic restrictions, and day-time, night time works;
• To get the public informed and take necessary steps before hand regarding blockage of road for public
vehicles during relocation of overhead facilities such as traffic signs;
• To coordinate with concerned organizations and agencies in charge of underground utilities pertaining to
its protection, reinforcement / repair and to pre inform all road users and local inhabitants in case
disruption of water and electricity are anticipated;
• To coordinate with concerned organizations and agencies in charge of street lights and electronic traffic
signs regarding its protection and/or its relocation and to take necessary steps to inform road users
beforehand in case disruption of electricity is anticipated;
• To obtain necessary permits that would allow the personnels engaged in the construction work such as the
supervision engineer, construction workers etc. to access ROW;
• To obtain necessary permits to allow the construction vehicles/ equipment enter and exit the ROW;
• To bear the cost of bank charges such as the Advising Commission and Payment Commission to the
Japanese bank where an account related to the project is opened;
• To bear the value-added-tax related to the project;
• To bear all expenses required for 15% of VAT (Value Added Tax);
• To bear all expenses required for 2.5% of NHI (National Health Insurance);
• To assist in the process for exemption of materials imported for the construction work from taxation and
Customs clearance in order to ensure smooth inland transportation;
• To assist in the process for exemption of Japanese nationals engaged in the construction work from
Customs duties and other fiscal levies on products and services necessary for the execution of the project;
• To assist in the process for exemption of Japanese nationals from all legislation measures necessary for
entering and staying in the Republic of Ghana;
• To ensure proper use and maintenance of the road after its construction;
• To cooperate in solving potential troubles with the local people or any third party in connection with the
execution of the project;
• To bear all expenses required for the execution of the project, other than those borne by the Grant-Aid of

- 85 -
2.5 Project Operation Plan

2.5.1 Organization for Operation and Maintenance Organizational Framework

Roads in Ghana are administered by the Ministry of Roads and Transport (MRT) through three agencies
namely Ghana Highway Authority (GHA), Department of Feeder Roads (DFR) and the Department of Urban
Roads (DUR).

Dot line shows

departments for
road maintenance

Figure 2.5-1 Organizational Framework of MRH

As shown in Figure 2.5-2, Maintenance Department which has 10 regional heads nationwide (Table 2.5-1) is
responsible for road maintenance.

Dotted line shows the department for roads

Figure 2.5-2 Department in Charge of Maintenance in GHA

- 86 -
Table 2.5-1 Regionals Heads of Maintenance Department
Upper East Region
Upper West Region
Northern Sector Northern Region
Brong Ahofo Region
Ashanti Region
Eastern Region
Central Region
Southern Sector Western Region
Great Accra Region
Volta Region

Regional Heads are operated as shown in Figure 2.5-3.

Dot line shows a

department for road

Figure 2.5-3 Organization of Regional Head

For purposes of maintenance in the regions, each region is divided into GHA Road Areas, the number and
size of each depending on the number and geographical spread of projects in the region.

Road Areas shall have the three primary responsibilities of;

⚫ Collecting road data,
⚫ Inspecting roads, and
⚫ Supervising road maintenance

- 87 -
Table 2.5-2 GHA Road Areas
Region No. of Areas Covered Areas
Ashanti Region 3 Kumasi, Mampong, Bekwai
Eastern Region 4 Koforidua, Oda, Nsawam, Nkawkaw
Volta Region 3 Ho, Hohoe, Keta
Central Region 3 Cape Coast, Dunkwa, Winneba
Western Region 3 Takoradi, Tarkwa, Wiawso
Greater Accra Region 1 Accra
Brong-Ahafo Region 4 Sunyani, Goaso, Kintampo, Atebubu
Northern Region 4 Tamale, Yendi, Gambaga, Saula
Upper East Region 1 Bolgatanga
Upper West Region 2 Wa, Tumu
Total No. of Road Areas 28

Each Region has a Special Team made up of personnel with specialization in materials, topographic surveying,
traffic and quantity surveying. Greater Accra Region is responsible for the road maintenance for the project Road Sector Personnel in GHA

Table 2.5-3 shows road sector personnel in GHA by Staff Category as of 2015.

Table 2.5-3 Road Sector Personnel in GHA

Staff Category Male Female Under 30 30-40 40-50 50-60 Total
Directors 30 2 - - 7 25 - 32
Engineers 139 16 41 37 30 47 - 155
Quantity Surveyors 22 2 1 8 6 9 - 24
Economists 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 2
Technicians 155 11 18 48 17 83 - 166
Planners (Valuers) 4 - - 2 - 2 - 4
Accountants 115 35 2 15 15 118 - 150
Administrators 28 69 7 10 11 69 - 97
Drivers 206 0 5 48 42 111 - 206
Others 801 215 173 182 128 533 - 1,016
Total by Age 1,501 351 247 351 256 998 - 1,852

2.5.2 Contents of Operation and Maintenance

Road maintenance work conducted by GHA is shown below. Most of the works are done by subcontracting.

 Pavement repair
 Road structure repair
 Cleaning on pavement surface and drainage

- 88 -
 Planting
 Traffic signal and street lighting
 Bridge inspection and repair

2.5.3 Points to Consider in Road Operation and Maintenance

To realize full benefits of the project and its facilities, and to sustain its operation and keep it in good driving
condition, it is important to improve its durability. In addition, the objective road is as the full access controlled
motorway hence it is of great significance to secure the highway characteristics which matter most to the
driver which includes speed of travel, safety, comfort, and convenience, and also implementing facility
maintenance related to road functional management, traffic management and safety management. The
following needs should be noted:

• Inspect the facility regularly to abreast with its condition at all times
• Regular cleaning of road and incidental road facilities – especially drainage system
• Implementing regular facility inspection, cleaning and maintenance related to road functional
management, traffic management and safety management
• Secure budget necessary for maintenance

With that in mind, it is important to allocate budget for operation and maintenance.

2.5.4 Gender Equality Approach

Gender equality is an idea to eliminate gender-based discrimination. In the employment environment, it will
be promoting equal opportunities, equal working conditions and soundness of working environment through
consideration for women who are vulnerable to social disadvantages. This section focuses on the promotion
of women's active participation at construction sites. Labour law in Ghana

Laboure Act, 2003 in Ghana shows the regulation for pregnant woman in section 55-57 of Part VI
“Employment of Woman”.

55. Night work or overtime by pregnant women

56. Protection of assignment of pregnant women
57. Maternity, annual and sick leave Assessment on International Agency

World Bank has published the report of “WOMEN, BUSINESS AND THE LAW 2019: A DECADE OF
REFORM” in 2019, it was comparing the equal opportunities, equal working conditions for woman on each
country. In Table 2.5-4 show a part of the comparison results. Ghana is positioned in middle class in the world,
and high class in African countries.

- 89 -
Table 2.5-4 Woman, Business and the Law index scores (a part of result)
Rank Economy WBL2019 Score Rank Economy WBL2019 Score
1 Belgium 100 65 America 83.75
1 Denmark 100 83 Japan 79.38
1 France 100 100 China 76.25
1 Latvia 100 103 Cambodia 75
1 Luxembourg 100 103 Ghana 75
1 Sweden 100 103 Honduras 75
37 Taiwan 91.25 103 Thailand 75 Japanese Case Study regarding Equal Opportunities, Equal Working Conditions for Woman

In Japan, “Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace” was established
in August 2015, efforts by various actors have been carried out in order to promote women's participation in
the construction industry and construction sites.

(1) Promotion by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)

MLIT have shown four (4) promotion packages regarding “construction industry active of woman” below.

1) “construction industry where active of woman” promotion on local and co-work

2) Development of next-generation female leaders on construction industry
3) Model construction site where more active of woman
4) Multi-industry cross-platform supporting women
These promotions aim equal opportunities at construction industries and establishing of proper work
environment and work life balance. Also, MLIT has studied the woman ratio in this industry, which is as
shown in Table 2.5-5.

Table 2.5-5 Working ration of woman in construction industry

Items Ratio (%)

Working ration of woman 13.0%
Engineer 4.5%
Expert 4.2%
Manager 3.5%

(2) Japan Federation of Construction Contractors

1. Preparation of compatible working environment for women

2. Practice of compatible working environment for women (management)
3. Preparation of supporting facilities for Childbirth and childcare
4. Practice of supporting facilities for Childbirth and childcare (management)
Especially, part 1 is useful to show many concrete ideas for proper working environment.

(3) JICA’s Initiation

JICA has in its proposal evaluation system started giving account to the efforts of firms that has been
aggressive in employment of females and participation of females in JICA projects.

- 90 -
2.5.5 The Policy on Gender Consideration in Phase-2 Involvement of Female Engineers in Main Contractor’s Firm

The project is implemented under the grant aid scheme of Japan. General procedure of selection of contractors
covers pre-qualification, confirmation of technical and financial bid. Pre-qualification is not used to judge
superiority, but to assess whether the companies are qualified or not. On the other hand, bidding is just
evaluation of the bidding price, and is not assessment of the qualification of a company. Considering these
circumstances, consideration for gender is proposed as shown in Table 2.5-6.

Table 2.5-6 Gender Consideration Policy

Category Item Expecting outcome Concerning
PQ Requiring to preferential ・ It can confirm gender ・ Uncertain the participation to actual
condition system of women such as consideration as company construction site
“Kurumin”, “Eruboshi”. ・ Concerns about the adequacy of applying the
Tender Requiring of women’s ・ Assure the ratio of ・ Difficult to appropriate indicator for ratio of
document ratio in Personnel participation of woman in woman’s engineer
dispatch schedule construction site ・ In the case of set to women's ratio in major
engineering assignment, it may limit business
Obligation to setup ・ Indirectly encourage female ・ It cannot separate during engineer and non-
female’s toilet and employment engineer
dressing room ・ Actual participation of women engineers in not
assure even there is facilities.
Educational duties for ・ Consideration for the ・ Nothing
staff regarding gender working environment for
considerations women by reforming
awareness on the male side
Tender price When the ratio of women ・ It will be a motivation to ・ Influencing to bidding amount, it will be
engineer in the promote active participation difficult as considering E/N price.
construction site is more of women by contractor
than a certain number,
evaluate the bidding
amount by adding a
certain devaluation

As the results of above consideration, three policies regarding gender consideration policy are proposed.

Gender consideration policy: 1) Obligating to setting the female’s toilet and dressing room
2) Requiring to 5% women’s ratio of engineer in tender document
3) Educational duties for staff regarding gender considerations in tender
document Involvement of Female Engineers in Sub-contracting Firms

It is assumed that many subcontractors will be engaged in the construction during Phase 2. Subcontractors
include suppliers of equipment and companies that undertake the subcontract for delivery of materials and
equipment. The degree of involvement for each job is also different. For this reason, it is not reasonable to
give the sub-contractor a uniform ratio of female participation.

In Phase-1, number of females engaged in construction work is virtually null (zero) although there were few

- 91 -
women undertaking field works under the sub-contractors. The construction companies say it has not set
employment conditions that are favorable to males and has rather been open for female participation also, but
application from women seem to be negligible.

Sub-contractors are managed by contracts with bidders (contractors). Interventions that affect the selection
of sub-contractors are far from the actual construction industry in Ghana and prevent appropriate competition.
Judgment should be avoided as it may interfere fair and square competitive grounds.

For this reason, with regard to sub-contractor or on-site female work, a policy limiting to promotion of
voluntary based understanding and realizing the actual situation is set. Involvement of Female in the Project

The consultant who supervises the Project is involved in the detailed design (DD) and construction
supervision (SV) of the project.

(1) The Policy on Detail Design Stage

Many members of the preparatory survey will continue to be involved in the detail design. Currently, 11
members of the Phase 2 Preparatory Survey are dominated by male members, and only local employment
secretaries are women. Many members of the preparatory survey stage are assigned to the detail design stage.
There is only one female working during the preparatory survey stage but as a project coordinator.

However, during the detailed design, as most of the work is done in Japan, a policy is set that asks for active
involvement of females. It is thus proposed that the target for involvement of women during the detailed
design is set to 10% of the total man-month.

(2) The Policy during Construction Supervision Stage

Construction supervision is normally carried out by a few persons. The resident engineer of Phase-1 is a male
engineer and it is very likely that the same person will work as the resident engineer for Phase-2. However,
0.5 man-month involvement of a female engineer for spot supervision should be set as a striving target.

(3) Involvement of Women from GHA

Table 2.5-7 is the list of organizations related to the project including personnel that were met for meetings or
hearings with regards to Phase-2 survey. Females in the list account to more than 10% , which is relatively
higher compared to the ratio of females employed by the consultants, the contractors and the sub-contractors.

Table 2.5-7 Client Staffs Involvement in Phase-2

# Organization Designation Name
1 Ghana Highway Authority Chief Executive Mr. Ernest Arthur
2 Deputy Chief Executive Mr. Amin Baba Kassim Nuhu
3 Director of Planning Mr. S. D. Addo
4 Director of Contracts Mr. David A. Hammond
5 Director of Survey & Design Mr. E.A. Mills
6 Director of Quantity Surveying Mr. Hayford Buabeng Kyeremah

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# Organization Designation Name
7 Ag. Director of Bridges Mr. Yaqub Koray
8 Strategic Planning, M&E Manager Mr. Shelter Y. Lotsu
9 Project Coordinator Mrs. Mercy Akyaa Payne
10 EMU Manager Mrs. Rita Ohene Sarfoh
11 Senior Environmental Officer Mrs. Hilda Annan
12 Highway Design engineer Mr. Bernard Owusu
13 Engineer Mr. Divine Kehodu

In Ghana, the person in charge of the relevant position plays an active role regardless of gender in meeting
with the parties concerned or solving problems when proceeding with the project. The degree of involvement
in actual projects is also unevenly distributed by position. In light of these circumstances, instead of setting a
threshold of ratio with regards to female involvement, it is rather suggested that measures to encourage active
participation and put forward frank remarks are recommended.

More specifically, 1) provide opportunities for women staffs to participate in the meetings 2) encourage such
participants for putting forward opinions,etc. In case of the Client side, these two points are as targets to
promote female involvement and promotion of female status. Promotion on participation of women staff in JICA

Percentage of women’s staff in JICA is around 30%, and working staff in overseas is around 25%. In light of
these circumstances, JICA aims to involve more than 30% of women staffs in this project. The monitoring of gender consideration

Basically, the monitoring results will be reported in each half year by consultants as shown in Table 2.5-8.

Table 2.5-8 Monitoring method on participation of women

Duration Organization Target Goal Summary
Detail design JICA Main staff in Head office more than 30% women’s  Consultant will report to JICA in
and regional office staff based on assigned each half year
schedule in this project
Consultant Engineer assigned in this more than 10% women’s same of above
project engineer based on MM
Client Participant ratio in main Existence or nor of same of above
meeting comment
Supervising JICA Main staff in Head office more than 30% women’s  Consultant will report to JICA in
construction and regional office staff based on assigned each half year
schedule in this project
Consultant Engineer for spot more than 5% women’s same of above
management engineer based on MM
Client Participant ratio in main Existence or nor of same of above
meeting comment
Contractor Engineering staff in Ghana more than 5% women’s  Contractor share the assignment
engineer based on MM schedule with consultants in each
half year
 Consultant share it with JICA and
Sub-contractor Worker in site No goal, but monitor the  Contractor report to consultant
participation of women  Consultant share it with JICA and

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2.6 Project Cost Estimate

2.6.1 Initial Cost Estimation

The total estimated cost for implementation of this project amounts to XXXXXXX Japanese Yen. This
amount is provisional and is the amount of the Grant. This amount is subject to examination further by the
Government of Japan for approval of the Grant.

The estimated project cost is the total of contributions to be made by both governments of Japan and Ghana
and consists of items explained in next sections. These costs have been calculated based on the cost estimate
conditions mentioned in Section Japan’s Contribution

The approximate amount estimated for contribution from Japan is as shown in Table 2.6-1.

Table 2.6-1 Approximate Cost Estimate of Japanese Contribution

Item Amount Ghana’s Contribution

The approximate amount estimated for contribution from Japan is Table 2.6-2 Ghana Cedis.

Table 2.6-2 Approximate Cost Estimation of Ghana Contribution

Item Amount (GH₵)
Bank Charge 300,000 Cost Estimation Condition

Project cost is estimated in below condition.

Cost Estimation Date February 2019

Foreign Exchange Rate GH₵1.00=23.04 JPY
US$1.00=112.67 JPY
Construction Period Schedule of construction supervision is shown in the implementation schedule
Others The project is carried out based on the Japanese Government’s Grant Aid Scheme.

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2.6.2 Operation and Maintenance Cost

Table 2.6-3 represents operation and maintenance cost for the major works. Since operation and maintenance
works are conducted by subcontracting, there are no technical problems on maintenance work.

Table 2.6-3 Maintenance Item to be checked and Annual Maintenance Cost

Items to be
Category Facility Name Frequency Personnel Equipment Total Number (1,000
Pavement Crack etc. Scoop/Hammer/ 40 persons/year 2.66
Drainage Sediment Sickle/Barricade
cle 4 times/year
Periodic 2 persons
Box Culvert / Damage/Deforma 5 days/time
Retaining Wall tion/Peeling etc.
Traffic Safety Reflector, Crash Pickup 20 12.58
Facility Barrier, etc. vehicles/year
Subtotal 15.24
Pavement Cleaning Scoop/Barricade 200 24.09
Drainage Removal of persons/year
Routine Obstacle or 4 times/year
10 persons
Maintenan Sediment 5 days/time
ce Bridge/ Cleaning Small Truck 20 12.58
Footbridge vehicles/year
Subtotal 36.68
Pavement Crack etc. Worker 84 persons/year 3.44
Drainage Damaged part etc. Plate Compactor 14 10.15
Box Culvert / Damaged part etc. Small Truck 14 9.45
Retaining Wall vehicles/year
Traffic Safety Damaged part etc. 50.0 m3/ year 3.7
Roadbed Material
Median Crack etc. Asphalt 10.0 t/ year 7.52
Reflector Crack etc. 2 times/year Cement 130 bags/ year 4.72
Repair 6 persons
Street Lighting Exchange of 7 days/time 0.23
Cobbled Stone 3.0 m3/ year
Bridge/ Damaged part etc. 0.35
Lane Marking 50 m/ year
Traffic Signal Exchange of Lamp for Traffic 31.92
2 lamps/ year
Lamp Signal
Traffic Safety Damaged part etc. Lamp for Street 4 lamps/ year 50.29
Facility Lighting in BOX
Subtotal 121.78
Total 173.70
1.The maintenance items and the annual maintenance cost covers all the infrastructure including those constructed
during Phase-1.
2. Maintenance of bridge (steel girders) are not considered due to application of high-durable paints

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3. Project Evaluation
3.1 Preconditions to implement the project

The Project preconditions related to the required undertaking from the Republic of Ghana are as follows:

i) Banking Arrangement (B/A) with a Bank in Japan shall be concluded within one (1) month after
the signing date of Grant Agreement (G/A).
ii) The payments will be made when payment requests are presented by the Bank under an
Authorization to Pay (A/P). This A/P shall be issued to the Bank that concluded B/A within one
(1) month after Consulting Service Agreement is made.
iii) Utility relocation issues are very unlike in Phase-2 as the construction area is strictly in the middle
of the Phase-1 premises. Should such utilities nevertheless be identified before the date of formal
invitation to Pre-Qualification, such public utilities, like power poles, electric lines/cables, and
communication network lines/pipes that will affect the Project works shall be all relocated to the
locations where no hindrance and inconvenience shall occur.
iv) Any necessary actions for tax exemption shall be taken keeping to the regulations of E/N and G/A.
v) Quick and smooth customs declaration and import tax formalities shall be completed when the
imported materials or goods arrive from Japan and any other third countries.
vi) Should renewal of environment permit is permissible, GHA shall ensure renewal procedures are
taken in a timely manner. Throughout the construction period, monitoring Report shall be prepared
and submitted to JICA. This Report shall describe monitoring data about such potential natural
environmental items as air quality, water pollution, etc. which are more likely to give impacts on
the works during construction phase and even after it is completed.
vii) During construction period, eminent assistance shall be given to traffic handling and management
plus safety control management.
viii) The power pipes/lines and water supply pipes/lines necessary for the construction work at site shall
be routed and installed.
ix) As a means of dispute resolution while the works proceed, discussion and assistance in good earnest
shall be made to reach agreement on disputes with people in the vicinity or any other third party

3.2 Necessary input by Recipient Country

To derive benefit from the entire Project and to make it sustainable, the necessary input by recipient country
is shown as follows.

a) Management and Maintenance

To secure the service life(durability) of pavement, approach road, structure, and other related
appurtenant facilities, periodic maintenance inspection or patrol shall be firmly carried out under
annual approximate maintenance cost of Ghana Cedis GH₵ 173,700 as shown in Table 2.6-3.

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Necessary arrangements shall be done to secure the required budget every year. It is necessary as well
to get it repaired appropriately and instantly soon after the damage is discovered. Routine maintenance
operations such as cleaning, removal of sediment, debris and obstacles on the road pavement surface
or at the drainage facilities shall be done.

This action will bring about further and bigger improvement of road services and more safer transport
measures for the road users.

Bearing in mind that regular maintenance, inspection and safety patrol to check the road lights and
traffic signals are an absolute must. In terms of sustainable safety performance, daily maintenance
inspection shall be performed surely and steadily. It is highly suggested to take consideration into
building up the traffic management system to deal with traffic control of left-turn vehicles on the road
by way of directing traffic flow by the policeman in case of sudden black-out.

b) Pedestrian Off-Limits at the Intersection

The improvement will be effective if the pedestrians are kept-off from haphazardly crossing the ramps,
main carriageways. GOG should raise awareness of the public and take measures to encourage use of
footbridges. This action shall require full collaboration with the Police authority.

c) Regulating Illegally Overloaded Vehicles

In Ghana, overloading is controlled on the main national road. From the aspect of ensuring the
durability of the bridge and road pavement, stringent regulation of overloaded vehicles is inevitable.

3.3 Important assumptions

The important assumptions of the Project outcome are as described below:

a) Consideration of Building New Bus Terminal

The bus terminal that was confirmed in the northeast of the intersection at the time of the Phase-1
survey was moved to the southeast of the intersection. But this location is temporary. Since there are
many users including long-distance buses, it is necessary to install a new bus terminal in cooperation
with related organizations in consideration of the convenience of residents in the vicinity.

b) Increase of Traffic Lanes at Accra-Tema Motorway

Eastern and Western Highways passing through Tema Motorway roundabout is regarded to be a part
of Accra-Tema Motorway. The Government of Ghana is planning to expand both directions (inbound
and outbound) on Accra-Tema Motorway to 6-lanes (3 lanes each side) most probably under PPP
Scheme. Feasibility Study on its development is going on. This Motorway is taking up the position
of a component of total development plan of ECOWAS, namely, Abidjan-Lagos Highway
Development (Trans-Coastal Highway, ECOWAS Highway).

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In the top-level governmental conference among the leaders from each concerned country, the idea that
design of inbound and outbound 3-lane carriageways all through the distance in Abidjan-Lagos
Highway is accepted.

In view of the above circumstances, the adopted structural design requirement for Eastern and Western
Highways are to cope with the works for this 3-lane carriageway expansion. Earliest widening to 3-
lanes both for inbound lane and for outbound lane on the Eastern and Western Highways is highly
expected such that it would contribute in enhancing the project outcome.

c) Improvement of Ashaiman Roundabout

Southern and Northern Highways are linked to Ashaiman Roundabout with 52-meter diameter, located
in the distance of approximately 1.5 km north of Tema Motorway Roundabout.

Traffic congestion at Tema Motorway Roundabout comes partly from the current severe congestion at
Ashaiman Roundabout. Early commencement of the Project is of importance since the Government of
Ghana well understand this Ashaiman Roundabout improvement will turn out to be a good solution to
inconvenient traffic flow at Tema Motorway Roundabout. The primary objective of improving heavy
congestion at Ashaiman Roundabout is to moderate and ease traffic congestion at Tema Motorway

3.4 Evaluation

3.4.1 Relevance

・ 353,000 residents of Tema Metropolitan (estimated in 2000 by Ghana Statistical Service) are direct
beneficiaries of the Project. On the other hand, an approximate 86.6 million people is assumed (2015
survey) as users of Tema Motorway Roundabout.
・ This Project will contribute to mitigating traffic congestion and securing smooth and safe mobility of
pedestrians and freight as well. It is highly expected that this will eventually lead to a comprehensive
transport network development for logistics throughout the nation and entire West African Regions.
・ Expansion and development of major national integrated arterials covering international transit road as
a part of it will be brought about. This Project will be immediately and strongly needed to secure stability
of people’s lives, development of their livelihood, and securing the BHN (Basic Human Needs).
・ Excessively advanced technique is not necessary for this Project. The Government of Republic of Ghana
can manage to run, operate and maintain the improved road, related structures, and facilities by using
own fund, own local manpower and locally available technical skills.
・ National integrated trunk road network system including international transit road as a part will be
equally consistent with the policy and target described in the Government National Development Master
Plan. This Project can help in achieving enhancement of national trunk road network improvement.
・ There is little negative impact upon environmental and social conditions.

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・ Performing the Project will justify the incentive as well as necessity to utilize Japanese most advanced
and cutting-edge construction technology including knowledge with regards to schedule management,
safety control, and quality control of a construction project. The project is expected to be implemented
under Japan’s Grant Aid Scheme without having to face any outstanding issues.

3.4.2 Effectiveness

(1) Quantitative Effect

The expected quantitative effect by the Project is shown in Table 3.4-1. The values of base year (2015) was
calculated based on the result of Phase-1 survey. The value of the target year, 2026 which is three year after
the completion of the Project, was recalculated in Phase-2 survey.

Table 3.4-1 Quantitative Effect

Basic Value Target Value in 2026
(Actual Record of 2015 year) (3 years after Completion)
Passenger Volume 86.6(Million)/year 185.7 (Million)/year
Freight (Cargo) Volume 44.3(Million)/year 91.5 (Million)/year
Travel Time (AM peak hour)
From Accra to Aflao in 2.0 km 8.2 minutes 2.0 minutes
From Akosombo to Harbour in 2.0 km 15.6 minutes 2.0 minutes

(2) Qualitative Effect

The project is expected to bring about qualitative effects as follows;

・ Mitigation of traffic congestion and provision of uninterrupted traffic flow

・ Stabilization of transportation time from Tema Port
・ Improvement of traffic safety of pedestrians and vehicles around the intersection
・ Reduction of greenhouse gases emitted from transportation
・ Enhancement of connecting links between Coastal Highways (Coastal Corridor) and East Highways (East

3.4.3 Impacts to Green House Gas (GHG) and Future Traffic Volume

(1) Current Traffic Volume and Future Traffic Volume

The current traffic volume was calculated using the peak hour traffic count survey conducted in 2019 (Phase-
2) and converting it to volume per day by taking the traffic count volume surveyed in 2015 and the growth
rates used in the then analysis. The analysis was conducted to examine the traffic capacity during peak hours.
For this reason, in order to study the impact on the greenhouse gases, the daily traffic volume is necessary,
which requires taking traffic volumes and congestion condition for both the peak hour and off-peak hours
into consideration. Baseline is set on the traffic volume of 2015, which will be compared with that of 2035.

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(2) Reduction of GHG

1) Prediction Method of GHG Emission Volume

The “Grounds for Calculation of Vehicle Emission factors applied for Evaluation of Environmental Impact
Assessment of Road Projects, 2012”, which is the Technical Note of National Institute for Land and
Infrastructures Management, is referred for prediction of the GHG emission volume. The unit of vehicle
emission factor is given for passenger car as per car per 1 km travel, while for other vehicle types it is given
by per ton per 1 km travel. For Tema intersection, CO2 emissions by vehicle type were estimated with an
average distance of 1 km. Table 3.4-2 gives the emission factor of CO2 for a different types of vehicles. The
Estimation on Emission amount of greenhouse gas is calculated the 1 km distance around the Tema junction.

Table 3.4-2 Emission factor of carbon dioxide (CO2) on representative car type
Gasoline car Deasel car
Average Freight vehicle Freight vehicle
Passenger car Passenger car
velocity Lightweight Mediumweight Heavyweight Lightweight Mediumweight Heavyweight
(g-CO2/km) (g-CO2/km・t) (g-CO2/km・t) (g-CO2/km・t) (g-CO2/km) (g-CO2/km・t) (g-CO2/km・t) (g-CO2/km・t)
5 318.1 295.9 288.7 288.7 461.0 275.5 252.9 128.9
10 235.3 228.9 223.4 223.4 357.1 213.4 195.9 107.6
15 165.5 171.8 167.7 167.0 269.7 161.2 147.9 86.3
20 145.4 153.0 149.3 149.3 242.1 144.7 132.8 79.7
20 159.7 153.0 149.3 149.3 242.1 144.7 132.8 79.7
25 140.7 138.4 136.4 136.4 216.2 128.8 119.8 72.6
30 127.6 127.7 126.9 126.9 195.8 117.2 110.1 66.6
35 118.1 119.6 119.7 119.7 179.2 108.2 102.7 61.7
40 111.1 113.3 114.2 114.2 165.5 101.0 97.0 57.7
45 106.0 108.5 110.0 110.0 154.4 95.4 92.7 54.5
50 102.4 105.0 106.9 106.9 145.5 91.0 89.7 52.1
55 100.0 102.5 104.7 104.7 138.6 87.6 87.8 50.4
60 98.6 100.9 103.5 103.5 133.7 85.1 86.9 49.6
65 98.2 100.3 103.2 103.2 130.6 83.5 87.0 49.4
70 98.6 100.6 103.6 103.6 129.3 82.8 88.1 50.1
75 99.9 101.7 104.8 104.8 129.7 82.8 90.1 51.4
80 101.9 103.5 106.7 106.7 131.9 83.5 93.0 53.5
85 104.7 106.2 109.4 109.4 135.7 8.5 96.8 56.3
90 108.2 109.6 112.8 112.8 141.2 87.2 101.5 59.9
95 112.3 113.7 116.9 116.9 148.3 90.0 107.0 64.2
100 117.1 118.6 121.7 121.7 157.1 93.5 113.4 69.2
105 122.6 124.2 127.2 127.2 167.5 97.8 120.7 74.9
110 128.7 130.5 133.4 133.4 179.6 102.6 128.8 81.3

Emission volume of CO2 can be calculated using the formula below.

𝑄𝑖 = ∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑊𝑖 × 𝐸𝑖 )

Qi: Quantity of CO2 per 1 km (g-CO2/km)
Ei: Emission unit of CO2 on car type (g-CO2/km, g-CO2/km・t)
Wi: Weight of car (t)

- 100 -
The greenhouse gas emission factor on Motor Cycle is referred to “Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion
factors 2019”, in UK, but the emission factor is not set on each speed. Therefore, emission factor on Motor
Cycle apply to 60% value on factor of small car (Light weight car) based on the ratio of emission factor of
Small car and Motor Cycle.

Table 3.4-3 CO2 emission factor on Greenhouse gas reporting

Car category CO2 emission factor (kg CO2/km) Ratio by Small car
Motor Cycle(Small ; less than 125 cc) 0.08241 0.538
Motor Cycle(Medium ; 125-500 cc) 0.10004 0.653
Small car (Light weight car) 0.15301 1.000

2) Car Type and Weight

The vehicle classification in the traffic survey was consistent with the vehicle classification in the GHA
pavement design manual. This study was conducted based on the classification of eight types of vehicles
under the idea that the purpose is to understand traffic conditions. On the other hand, in setting the carbon
dioxide emission coefficient, the vehicle weight given in the Technical Note of National Institute for Land
and Infrastructure was referred and the carbon dioxide emission coefficient setting model was set as shown
in Table 3.4-4.

Table 3.4-4 Car category and car type

Car category Weight (t) Car type Car category on GHA
1. Motor Cycle 0.4 Gasoline lightweight car Motor bike
Gasoline passenger car Car
2. Passenger Car (--) Taxi
Pick-up/Van/4WD vehicle
3. Minibus Gasoline Mediumweight Small bus
Medium bus/Mammy wagon
4. Bus 11.84 Diesel Heavyweight car
Large bus
5. Light Truck 2.60 Diesel Mediumweight car Light truck
Diesel Heavyweight car Medium truck
6. Heavy Truck
Heavy truck
11.84 Semi-trailer (Light, Heavy)
7. Trailer
8. Others Extra-large truck & others

3) Estimation of Traffic Volume for Prediction of GHG

Regarding the traffic condition to predict the GHG emission volume under this project is set in a manner that
the traffic volume change includes both the changes of Phase-1 and Phase-2. The calculation conditions are
shown in Table 3.4-5.

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Table 3.4-5 Prediction condition for emission volume of CO2
Without Without (2025/2035) Project (2025/2035)
Intersection shape Roundabout Roundabout Three-layer intersection
Peak time Hour 3 hour 3 hour 3 hour
Traffic each Car type each Car type each Car type, each direction
volume lane
Velocity 10 km/h 5 km/h each direction lane
Non-peak time Hour 21 hour 21 hour 21 hour
Traffic each Car type each Car type each Car type, each direction
volume lane
Velocity 20 km/h 10 km/h each direction lane
Note: JICA team

4) Prediction of emission volume of CO2

Emission volume of CO2 are calculated based on the emission factor using car type, car weight, average
velocity at Tema intersection.

Table 3.4-6 Estimated traffic volume and prediction of CO2 emission

2015 2025 2035
Traffic volume per day 29,000 56,280 88,070
Without 12,378 t-CO2/ year 19,187 t-CO2/year
3,113 t-CO2/ year
(Roundabout) (Compare to 2015: 403%) (Compare to 2015:628%)
Project 3,559 t-CO2/ year 7,806 t-CO2/ year
(3-layer intersection) (With/Without:29%) (With/Without:41%)

Traffic volume will increase 3 times from 29,000 per day in 2015 to 88,000 per day in 2035.

As the results of the prediction of CO2, if the intersection uses continually on roundabout, the emission
volume of CO2 will increase to 6 times by considering the increment of traffic volume and traffic jam until
2035. On the other hand, CO2 emission volume on 3-layer intersection are 3,559 t-CO2/ year (29% /without)
in 2025, 7,806 t-CO2/ year (40%/ without) in 2035. Therefore, the Project can obtain reduction impact on
CO2 of 8,819 t-CO2/ year in 2025 and 11,381 t-CO2/ year in 2035.

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【Appendix-1】 Member List of Survey Team

【Appendix-2】 Survey Schedule

【Appendix-3】 List of Parties Concerned in the Recipient Country

【Appendix-4】 Minutes of Discussion

 18 January, 2019

 28 November, 2019

【Appendix-5】 Technical Notes

 1 st : 19 February, 2019

 2 nd : 11 June, 2019

【Appendix-6】 Outline Design Drawings

【Appendix-7】 Pavement Plan from the Final Report of Phase-1


Member List of Survey Team

Survey Team Member List

*JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency

CTII: CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.

Name Position/In Charge Organization

TANAKA Kenshiro Team Leader JICA

NITO Takeshi Planning Coordinator JICA
TSUCHIDA Takayuki Chief Consultant/ Road and Bridge Planning 1 CTII
WATANABE Masatoshi Deputy Chief Consultant/ Road and Bridge Planning 2 CTII
SHRESTHA Robinson Bridge Design CTII
OGAWA Jyunichiro Road Design/ Road Safety Assessment CTII
SUZUKI Yusuke Traffic Survey/ Traffic Demand Forecast CTII
OGATA Hiromitsu Procurement/ Construction Planning/ Cost Estimate CTII
BAIK Biehn Natural Condition Survey CTII
ONUMA Takashi Environmental and Social Consideration CTII
NOMURA Mitsugu Design R eview CTII
SUZUKI Yasuyuki BIM/CIM A dvisor CTII
OCHI Masaki BIM/CIM M anager CTII
TOYOKAWA Yuki Coordinator/ Assistant for Road and Bridge Design CTII


Survey Schedule
 First Field Survey (13 Jan 2019-21 Feb 2019)
Contents of Survey
Mr.Tanaka Dr.Tsuchida Mr.Watanabe Mr.Shrestha Mr.Ogawa
No Date Day
Chief Deputy Chief
Team Leader Consultant/Road and Consultant/Road and Bridge Design Road Design
Bridge Planning 1 Bridge Planning 2
1 13-Jan Sun Dep. Tokyo Dep. Tokyo
2 14-Jan Mon Dep. Tokyo Arr. Accra Arr. Accra
3 15-Jan Tue Arr. Accra Courtesy call to JICA Site Survey
4 16-Jan Wed Preparation Work for
Meeting with GHA
5 17-Jan Thu Site Visit Site Visit with JICA 1st Site Survey
Explanation/discussio Explanation/discussio
Explanation/discussion on the Inception
6 18-Jan Fri n regarding to the n on the Inception
Survey Report
7 19-Jan Sat Dep. Accra Site Survey Site Survey
8 20-Jan Sun Documentation Documentation
9 21-Jan Mon Site Survey
10 22-Jan Tue Meeting with GHA Meeting with GHA
Meeting with GHA
11 23-Jan Wed
12 24-Jan Thu Engaged for
Documentation Other Work (CS of Work in GHA office
13 25-Jan Fri Phase-1)
14 26-Jan Sat Internal Meeting Internal Meeting
15 27-Jan Sun Documentation Documentation

16 28-Jan Mon Dep. Tokyo Study on Road Design

Meeting with GHA
17 29-Jan Tue Arr. Accra Dep. Accra
18 30-Jan Wed 1st Technical Meeting Via. Istanbul
19 31-Jan Thu Internal Meeting Arr. Tokyo
20 1-Feb Fri Dep. Accra Site Survey
21 2-Feb Sat Via. Istanbul Site Survey
22 3-Feb Sun Arr. Tokyo Documentation
Visit to Borrow Pit and
23 4-Feb Mon
Quarry Site
Traffic Survey at
24 5-Feb Tue Ashaiman
Meeting with a person
25 6-Feb Wed inchage of Bridge
Design in GHA
26 7-Feb Thu Meeting with MOF
27 8-Feb Fri Meeting with EPA
28 9-Feb Sat Work for Bridge Planning
29 10-Feb Sun Documentation
30 11-Feb Mon Work for Bridge Study on Bridge
31 12-Feb Tue Planning Design
32 13-Feb Wed Project Explanation to DUR
33 14-Feb Thu Project Explanation to TDC
34 15-Feb Fri Project Explanation to TMA
35 16-Feb Sat Preparation for
36 17-Feb Sun Technical Note
37 18-Feb Mon 2nd Technical Meeting
Signing to T/N
38 19-Feb Tue Report to JICA
Dep. Accra
39 20-Feb Wed Via. Istanbul Dep. Accra
40 21-Feb Thu Arr. Tokyo Arr. Tokyo
* GHA: Ghana Highway Authority
DUR: Department Urban Road
TDC: Tema Development Corporation
TMA: Tema Metropolitan Assembly
JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency

Contents of Survey
Mr.Suzuki Mr.Ogata Dr.Baik Mr.Onuma Mr.T oyokawa
No Date Day Construction
T raffic Survey / Natural Condition Social Environment Assistant of Road and
Analysis Survey Consideration Bridge Design
1 13-Jan Sun Dep. T okyo
2 14-Jan Mon Arr. Accra
3 15-Jan T ue Site Survey
4 16-Jan Wed Preparation for Re-
5 17-Jan T hu commissioned Survey
6 18-Jan Fri on the Inception
7 19-Jan Sat Site Survey
8 20-Jan Sun Dep. T okyo Dep. T okyo Documentation
9 21-Jan Mon Arr. Accra Arr. Accra Data Analysis
10 22-Jan T ue Site Survey
Site Survey Evaluation/Contract Meeting with GHA
11 23-Jan Wed
to Local Company
12 24-Jan T hu Data Analysis
Data Analysis for Soil
13 25-Jan Fri Data Collection Site Survey
14 26-Jan Sat Internal Meeting Internal Meeting Internal Meeting
15 27-Jan Sun Documentation Documentation Documentation
Site Inspection for Site Inspection for Soil
16 28-Jan Mon Data Analysis Dep. T okyo
Soil Investigation Investigation
17 29-Jan T ue Meeting with GHA Arr. Accra Meeting with GHA Meeting with GHA
18 30-Jan Wed 1st T echnical Meeting 1st T echnical Meeting
19 31-Jan T hu Internal Meeting Internal Meeting
20 1-Feb Fri Dep. Accra Site Survey Dep. Accra Engaged for
21 2-Feb Sat Via. Paris Site Survey Via. Paris Other Work (CS of
22 3-Feb Sun Arr. T okyo Documentation Arr. T okyo Dep. T okyo Phase-1)
Visit to Borrow Pit
23 4-Feb Mon Arr. Accra
and Quarry Site
Visit to Local
24 5-Feb T ue Construction Site Survey
Survey and Hearing Meeting with
25 6-Feb Wed with the Contractor of Environmental
Phase-1 Section in GHA

26 7-Feb T hu Meeting with MOF Site Survey

27 8-Feb Fri Meeting with GHA Meeting with EPA
28 9-Feb Sat Site Survey Site Survey
29 10-Feb Sun Documentation Documentation
30 11-Feb Mon Study on Construction Meeting with Local
31 12-Feb T ue Planning Consultant and GHA
32 13-Feb Wed Visit to Rebar Supplier Documentation
33 14-Feb T hu Site Survey and Data Data Collection
34 15-Feb Fri Analysis Dep. Accra
35 16-Feb Sat Via. Paris
36 17-Feb Sun Arr. T okyo
37 18-Feb Mon 2nd T echnical Meeting

38 19-Feb T ue Dep. Accra

39 20-Feb Wed Via. Istanbul

40 21-Feb T hu Arr. T okyo
* GHA: Ghana Highway Authority
DUR: Department Urban Road
TDC: Tema Development Corporation
TM A: Tema M etropolitan Assembly
JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency

 Second Field Survey and 1st Design Review by GHA (23 May 2019-14 June
Contents of Survey
Dr.T suchida Mr.Watanabe Mr.Shrestha Mr.Ogawa Dr.Suzuki Mr.Fujita Mr.Ochi
No Date Day Chief Deputy Chief
Consultant/Road and Consultant/Road and Bridge Design Road Design
Adviser Expert Manager
Bridge Planning 1 Bridge Planning 2
1 23-May T hu Dep. T okyo Dep. T okyo
2 24-May Fri Arr. Accra Arr. Accra Dep. T okyo
3 25-May Sat Site Survey Site Survey Arr. Accra
4 26-May Sun Internal Meeting Dep. T okyo Internal Meeting
5 27-May Mon Documentation Arr. Accra Documentation
6 28-May T ue Meeting with GHA Site Survey and Discussion with the Contractor of Phase-1
7 29-May Wed T echnical Meeting T echnical Meeting
8 30-May T hu Meeting with GHA Dep. T okyo Meeting with GHA Preparation of SM
9 31-May Fri Stakeholder Meeting Arr. Accra Stakeholder Meeting
10 1-Jun Sat Dep. Accra Dep. Accra Documentation,
Documentation, Internal Meeting
11 2-Jun Sun Via. Istanbul Via. Istanbul Internal Meeting
12 3-Jun Mon Discussion with GHA Arr. T okyo Arr. T okyo
Report to JICA,
13 4-Jun T ue Report to JICA Internal Meeting
Dep. Accra
14 5-Jun Wed Via. Paris Dep. Accra Making Minutes Site Survey
Photogrammetry by
15 6-Jun T hu Arr. T okyo Via. Paris Discussion with Dep. Accra
16 7-Jun Fri Arr. T okyo GHA Via. Paris
17 8-Jun Sat Arr. T okyo
18 9-Jun Sun
19 10-Jun Mon Discussion with GHA
20 11-Jun T ue Report to JICA Dep. Accra
21 12-Jun Wed Dep. Accra Via. Istanubul
22 13-Jun T hu Via. Paris Arr. T okyo
22 14-Jun Fri Arr. T okyo
* GHA: Ghana Highway Authority
JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency

 Third Field Survey (23 Nov 2019-1 Dec 2019)
Contents of Survey
Mr.T anaka Mr.Nito Dr.T suchida Mr.Watanabe Mr.Shrestha Dr.Suzuki
No Date Day
Chief Deputy Chief
Planning BIM/CIM
T eam Leader Consultant/Road and Consultant/Road and Bridge Design
Coordinator Adviser
Bridge Planning 1 Bridge Planning 2
1 23-Nov Sat Dep. T okyo Dep. T okyo Arr.Accra
2 24-Nov Sun Dep. T okyo (Next morning Arr. Accra) Arr. Accra Dep. T okyo Arr. Accra Documentation
3 25-Nov Mon Meeting with JICA Ghana
4 26-Nov T ue AM: Courtesy call to MRH, MOF and GHA, PM: Site Visit
5 27-Nov Wed Meeting with GHA
6 28-Nov T hu Signature on Minutes of Discussions
7 29-Nov Fri AM: Meeting with EOJ, PM: Dep. Accra Meeting with EOJ Documentation Dep. Accra
8 30-Nov Sat Arr. T okyo Dep. Accra
9 1-Dec Sun Arr. T okyo
* GHA: Ghana Highway Authority
M RH: M inistry of Roads and Highways
M OF: M inistry of Finance
JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency
EOJ: Embassy of Japan in Ghana


List of Parties Concerned in the

Recipient Country
JICA Ghana Representative Office
Maki OZAWA Senior Representative
Masashi YAMAMOTO Representative
Ayumi GOSHO Project Formulation Advisor (Infrastructure)
Syoko NAKANO Project Formulation Advisor (Infrastructure)
MABE Biliwi Joshua Programme Officer

Ministry of Roads and highways

Mr. Edmund Offei-Annor Chief Director
Ing. Ohene Sarfoah Director of Policy and Planning

Ministry of Finance
Mr. Emmanuel Edumadze Principal Budget Analyst
Ms. Vivian Darah N/A

Ghana Highway Authority

Ing. Ernest Kingsley Arthur Chief Executive
Ing. Amin Baba Kassim Nuhu Deputy Chief Executive (Devʼt)
Surveyor Joseph Tengey Manager of Quantity Surveying
Ing. Pual Duah Highway Design Manager
Ing. Collins Donkor Director of Contracts
Ing. Yaqub Koray Ag. Director of Bridges
Ing. Victor Nyantakyi-Baah Bridge Design Manager
Ing. Mercy Payne Strategic Monitoring and Implementation Manager
Ms. Hilda Annan Senior Environmental Officer
Ms Janice Omari Frimpong Road Safety Unit Manager

Department of Urban Roads, Tema

Mr. Stephen Attipoe Metropolitan Roads Engineer

Tema Development Corporation

Mr. Emmanuel Kwasi Darkey Head of Development
Mr. Sam O. Asante General Manager, Operations

Ghana Metropolitan Authority

Mr. Hon. Felix Mensah Nii Mayor of Tema

SHIMIZU-DAI NIPPON JV (Contractor of Phase-1)
Mr. UEMURA Yujin Project Manager
Mr. NARITA Susumu Deputy Project Manager
Mr. OKABE Masayoshi Construction Manager


Minutes of Discussion
18 January, 2019

28 November, 2019


Technical Notes

1st : 19 February, 2019

2nd : 11 June, 2019

JICA Survey Team
jlcl,j CTI Engineering International Co., LTd.CTi
Tachibana Annex Building
2-25-14 Kameido Phone: +81 -3-3638-2561
Koto-ku, Tokyo 136~0071, Japan Fax: +81 -3-3638-2560






The Preparatory Survey Team commissioned to undertake the Outline Design

(hereinafter referred to as "The Team") under Japan International Cooperation Agency

(JICA) conducted field surveys and review of existing documents and held several
discussions on the scope and basic policies with the Ghana Highway Authority (GHA),
the executing agency and others concerned on the technical and other relevant aspects
of "The Project for Improvement of Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2), in the
Republic of Ghana".

This note is signed between The Team, Ministry of Roads and Highways (MRH) and
Ghana Highway Authority GHA) to sh\are mutual understandings and agreement on the
matters mentioned in Appendix-1.

Accra,19 February 2019

Mr. Ernest Arthur

Chief Executive
or r. Takayuki Tsuchida
Chief Consultant

Ghana Highway Authority (GHA) JICA Preparatory Survey Team

Ministry of Roads and Highways

Mr. Edmund Offei-Annor

Chief Director
Ministry of Roads and Highways

The Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improvement of
Tlema Motorvay Roundabout (Phase 2)
in the Republic of Ghana

1. Project Bacl(ground

The construction for the Proj.ect for Improvement of Ghanaian International Corridors (Grade
Separation of Tema Intersection in Tema), hereinafter referred to as "Phase 1'', commenced in
February 2018 and the construction works are currently under progress. The completion is
scheduled in June 2020. Major scopes of the Phase 1 covers widening and improvement of Accra -
Tema Motorway and Aflao Road in the East-West direction (underpass), construction/widening of
at-grade carriageway in the North-South direction, connecting ramps (slip roads) for right turning
vehicles at all directions, at-grade traffic signal controlled intersection, and provision of pedestrian


According to the study conducted during Phase 1 outline design stage, the outcome of phase 1
improvement is effective until year 2023. Beyond 2023, the capacity of the intersection will start to
decrease as it becomes saturated due to the increase of traffic volume and the intersection will
start getting congested. In order that the intersection continues to enjoy safe and smooth flow,
implementation of Phase 2, which plans to provide a fly-over in the north-south direction for the
through traffics, needs to be completed before the intersection becomes saturated.

To ensure the intersection functions efficiently beyond 2023, the Government of Ghana (GOG)
made a request to the Government of Japan (GOJ) for a Grant Aid Assistance to implement Phase 2.
The GOJ decided to conduct the preliminary survey and examine the viability of the project and
entrusted the Survey to Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

2. Generalltems

2.1 Inception Report

The Team distributed and explained the contents of the Inception Report of the Project during the
meetings held on January 15 and 16. MRH and GHA basically agree on its contents as also indicated
in sub-clause 9-1 of the Minutes of Discussions signed between Ghana side and Japan side on
January 18, 2019.

2.2 Project Scopes, Survey Objectives and Objective Section

I) Project scopes

The requests made by the GOG are to construct a flyover at the Tema Motorway Roundabout and
carry out the detailed design and construction supervision.

2) Survey objective

The objective of the survey work is to:

• Understand the background, purpose, and scope of proj.ect under the Grand Aid

Assistance Scheme of Japan,

• Study the feasibility of the project in terms of effectiveness, technical and economic



The Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improvement of
Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)
in the Republic of Ghana

for achieving the outcome of the assistance,

• Estimateprojectcost,and

• Propose the contents, implementation and maintenance plan as well as critical points to be

undertaken by the GOG in order to achieve the outcome and targets set for the project

3. Technical Items Discussed and Agreed

3.1 Standards and Guidelines to be applied

Standards/guidelines applied during phase 1 and mentioned hereunder shall apply.

i) Highway Design: Ghana Road Design Guideline, Survey & Design Division,1991

(Items not covered in the guideline will be referred from and in the order of " A Policy on
Design of Highways and Streets, 2004" (AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and

Transportation Officials) or Japan Road Structure Ordinance (Japan Road Association)

ii) Pavement Design: AASHTO Guide for Design of pavement structure,1993

iii) Bridge/Structural Design: Specifications for Highway Bridges (Japan Road Association) or

equivalent (wind speed/load will be based on Ghana standard, for live load refer to 3.5)

iv) Retaining walls: Japanese standard or equivalent

3.2 Road Geometric Design Condition

ln order to secure consistency with Phase 1, the same design condition which was agreed during
Phase 1 applies. The major conditions are given in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Road Geometric Design Condition


` g!*`w , ( ihi .`qDesignSpeed

(¢t¥ffi nil x` ^1( ;..
[t8:;: Rm/h (transiti`on f;:;in Nrl to Urban Roads)

Design Vehic e Type WB-20

clearance Limit Vertical 5.5 in (4.8 acceptable during construction)
Horizontal 0.45m
TransverseSectionDimension Carriageway Width 3.65 in
Road Shoulder Width Inner (0.5 in), Outer (2.5 in)
Median Width 4.0 in (2.Om along flyover section)
No. of Lanes 2 lanes on each direction
Horizontal Alignment Minimum Curve Radius : R=520 in
Transition Curve Parameter: A=190
Minimum Curve Length 170 in (Minimum Transition Curve Length = 56 in)
Maximum Grade of Vertical Curve Max 4.0 %
Radius of Ve rtical Curve K-value on Crest Curve (64), K-value on Sag Curve (28)
Crossfall 2.5 % (Maximum Superelevation: 6.0 %)

3.3 Alignments

Construction of Phase 1 is based on the horizontal and the vertical alignments designed for the
ultimate stage of improvement (3-tier intersection) during phase 1. Therefore, the alignments of
Phase 2 are fixed and shall not be subject to significant change.

A.-2 %„

The Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improvement Of
Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)
in the Republic of Ghana

3.4 Number of Lanes

Number of lanes proposed during Phase 1 will be maintained, except at the at-grade intersection in
the Aflao-Tema direction where it will be reduced to 2 lanes, given that the reduction can still be

justified in terms of traffic capacity of the intersection.

3.S Bridge/Structure Type of Elevated Section

• The elevated section on the north-south direction will consist of bridges and retaining walls.

• Cross section of the bridge (one direction) will be asshown in the figure below.

1250 3650 3650 500

Figure 3-1 Cross section of Bridge ( One direction)

• Bridge type and the layout of the fly-over are derived from the result of the comparative

study. The Team explained on the configuration of the flyover that applies 3-column pier and

2-column pier. GHA and the Team agreed on the latter as it reduces the bridge spans and

contributes to the cost.

• The Team also pointed out that the constraints (box culvert location, required vertical

clearance, allowable vertical grades, minimization of impact to roads constructed in Phase 1

etc.) confines to application of steel type girders for superstructure and steel outer-rigger

(gantry/gate) frame with concrete pier and caisson foundation. GHA has no objection with
regards to application of such structures.

• TheTeam explained thatthe design calculation will be based onJapanese standards as the

steel plate girder or steel box girder is planned to be fabricated and procured from Japan.

• GHA understands and agreesto usingtheJapanese standards forthe bridge design, butGHA

and The Team will agree on a safety factor that will not make the results of Japanese
Standards inferior to the results of BS 5400 Code.

3.6 Pavement Design

• Asphalt concrete pavement will be planned both on standard section and on the elevated

section including the bridges.


The Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improvement of
Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)
in the Republic of Ghana

• Performance periodforphase 2 willtie intothatofphase 1(2035).

• Performance period of the roundabout (final configuration of phase 1) will be 2020.

4. Environmental and social consideration

• The EIA/lEE permit covers the overall improvement ofTema Motorway Roundabout (3~tier

intersection) and not just the scopes of Phase 1 improvement works. Ghana`s prevailing

environmental related laws do not require a separate EIA/IEE for projects implemented in

phases, given that there is no drastic change in the existing conditions of the project site
and/or in the plans/design in the phases.
• The existing permit`svalidity is till June 4, 2019. GHAwill take all necessary initiativesforthe

renewal of the permit until the completion of implementation of Phase 2.

• GHA will provide to the Team a carbon copy of letter(s) submitted for the renewal and the

renewed permit immediately after obtaining the renewed permit.

• GHAwill conductstakeholders meeting in accordancewithJICAGuidelineson environmental

and social consideration.

5. Construction planning and procurement

• Vertical clearance of4.8m is acceptable during construction period.

• A roundabout is one of the possible detours during construction that is deemed to minimize

the impact to the roads constructed under Phase 1. The area within the roundabout can also

be exclusively used for Construction of the flyover.

• lfthe roundabout isto be applied forthe detour, it will have sufficient orequal capacityas

that of the signal-controlled intersection to control traffic until the commencement of Phase

2 construction. Should a roundabout is to be applied, GHA agrees on its application.

• Candidate locations for borrow pit and quarry sites are shown in Figure 7-1.

• Construction debris will be disposed at the disposal area designated by GHA. GHA is

requested to provide information of the disposal area by the end of February, 2019.

6. Designchange

• Should a roundabout is to be applied for detour, GHA understands that change of final

configuration of Phase 1 at-grade signal-controlled intersection into a roundabout needs a

design change. In such case, GHA will submit the request for review of the modification


7. Others

• GHA will furnish TheTeam with available data and information requested bythe Team in the

attachment (revised and submitted to GHA on February 13, 2019) of the Inception Report

by its earliest possible convenience, but not later than March 31, 2019.


The Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improvement of
Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)
in the Republic of Ghana

Quany site

Figure 7-1 Candidate Location of Borrow Pit and Quarry Sites



sl IJICA Survey Teom
CTI Engineering Inlernqlionol Co., Ltd.
Tochibono Annex Building
2-25-14 Komeido Phone: +81-3-3538-2561
Koto-ku, Tokyo 13,5-0071, Jopon Fox: +81 -3-3638-2560



The Preparatory Survey Team commissioned to

undertake the Outline Design
(hereinafter referred to as "The Team") under Japan lnternational Cooperation Agency
(hereinafter referred to as "JlCA") submitted outline design output and made
presentations and held discussions with the Ghana Highway Authority (hereinafter
referred to as "GHA"), the executing agency and others concerned as a part of the Design
Review of the Ministry of Roads and Highways (hereinafter referred to as "MRH")/GHA
on the technical and other relevant aspects of "The Project for lmprovement of Tema
Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2), in the Republic of Ghana" (hereinafter referred to as
"The Project").

This note is signed between The Team, MRH and GHA on items discussed and agreed on
the matters mentioned in Appendix-1.
Accra, June l-1, 2019

Mr. Amin Baba Kassim Nuhu or. Takayuki Tsuchida

Ag. Chief Executive Chief Consultant
Ghana Highway AuthoritY (GHA) JICA Preparatory SurveY Team

Ministry of Roads and HighwaYs


Mr. Edmund Offei-Annor
Chief Director
Ministry of Roads and HighwaYs

The Preporatory Survey on the Project for lmprovement of
Temo Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)
in the Republic of Ghana

1. Project Background

The construction for the project for lmprovement of Ghanaian lnternational Corridors (Grade Separation
of Tema lntersection in Tema), hereinafter referred to as "Phase 1", commenced in February 2018 and
the construction works are currently under progress. The completion is scheduled in June 2020. Major
scopes of the Phase 1 cover widening and improvement of sections of Accra-Tema Motorway and Aflao
Road in the East-West direction (underpass), construction/widening of at-grade carriageway in the
North-South direction, connecting ramps (slip roads) for right turning vehicles at all directions, at-grade
traffic signal controlled intersection, and provision of pedestrian bridges.

According to the study conducted during Phase 1 outline design stage, the outcome of phase 1 is
effective until year 2023. Beyond2023, the capacity of the intersection will become saturated due to the
increase of traffic volume and the intersection will start getting congested. ln order that the intersection
continues to enjoy safe and smooth flow, implementation of Phase 2, which plans to provide a fly-over
in the North-South direction for the through traffics, needs to be completed before the intersection
becomes saturated.

To ensure the intersection functions efficiently beyond 2023, the Government of Ghana (GOG) made a
request to the Government of Japan (GOJ) for a Grant Aid Assistance to implement Phase 2. The GOJ

through JICA decided to conduct the preliminary survey and examine the viability of the Project.

JICA dispatched a mission to Ghana in January 2019 (first field survey) to conduct a preliminary survey
of Phase 2. During the course, JICA Survey Team (the Team) carried out surveys and meetings with GHA
and mutually agreed on the design conditions for the outline design of the road and bridge design in the
Technical Notes signed on February L9,20L9.

2. Generalltems

2.1 Design Review

The Team made presentations explaining the purpose of visit to Ghana, which was followed by an

explanation on the output of the draft outline design, construction planning, traffic safety measures
applied, importance of Building and Construction lnformation Modelling/Management (BlM/ClM) and a
virtual simulation of the entire project.

2.2 Projeascopes, Survey Obiectives and Objective Section

1) Proiect Scopes

The requests made by the GOG are to construct a flyover at the Tema Motorway Roundabout and carry
out the detailed design and construction supervision.

2) Survey Obiective

The objective of the survey work is to:

. Understand the background, purpose, and scope of project under the Grand Aid Assistance
Scheme of Japan,
. Study the feasibility of the Project in terms of effectiveness, technical and economic

A- 1
'R.5 C,b^tl-
The Preporatory Survey on the Project for lmprovement of
Temo Motorwoy Roundabout (Phose 2)
in the Republic of Ghano


Conduct outline design for minimum but optimal scope and scale of the project required for
achieving the outcome of the assistance,
a Estimate project cost, and
a Propose the contents, implementation and maintenance plan as well as critical points to be
undertaken by the GOG in order to achieve the outcome and targets set for the Project

3. Technical ltems

3.1 l't Technical Note

All items agreed in the 1't Technical Note signed on 19 February 2O!9, except for those covered in this
technical note, still applies.

3.2 Response to Comments from GHA on Outline Design and Traffic Safety

GHA basically agreed on the contents of the output of the outline design and traffic safety plans
presented by the Team during the technical meeting held on May 29, 2019, except for some concerns,
which were compiled in the form of comments and provided to the Team on June 6, 2019. The response
to the comments were furnished by the Team on June 7, 2019.

3.3 Design Change of Phase 1 lntersection Configuration

GHA has no objection on the changes proposed by the Team with regards to the configuration of the at-
grade intersection of Phase-1 as illustrated in Figure-l below.



Original Plan Modified Plan

Figure -1 Configuration Change of At-grade lntersection

The Preporotory Survey on the Project for lmprovement of
Tema Motorwoy Roundabout (Phase 2)
in the Republic of Ghana

3.4 Bridge Design Condition (Shoulder Width at Bridge Section)

GHA expressed concerns regarding L.25m width for outer

shoulders proposed by the Team at bridge section and
demanded to increase to a minimum of 2.0m citing safety
reasons, E.g. breakdown of vehicles.

The Team explained 'J,.25m is the minimum width

recommended in the Japanese Standard across longer
bridges over 50m while AASHTO recommends 1.2m
across bridges longer than 60m. This 1.25m width in
combination with the proposed carriageway widths can Figure-2 Cross section of Bridge Section
secure enough space (2-lanes) to cater traffic smoothly (Excerpt from Technical Note)
and safely without being obstructed by a broken-down
vehicle. This justification for application of 1.25m from safety and economic aspects was already
provided and mutually agreed in the Technical Notes signed on February 79,2019.

Subsequently, GHA agreed application of a 1.25m wide outer shoulder as proposed by the Team.

3.5 Bridge Design Condition (Live load)

GHA recommended to select the loading option that provided the worse effect as the loading selected
by the Consultant gives a lesser load effect. The loading condition of live load, GHA recommends requires
adding one lane with UDLfully loaded gives the load effect to approximately 8% higher than the Japanese
B-Live Load. Previously the value was 6%.The Team will modify the value to be considered from 6% to

3.6 Bridge Material

GHA suggested the Team use concrete bridge pier instead of steel because of its durability and for easy
maintenance. The Team explained that the steel girder and pier provided will be durable and its
maintenance will not be a problem as a special type of steel (CORSPACE STEEL) will be used for

construction that will require maintenance (painting) only in every 40 years. GHA agreed on the Material
Choice for construction.

3.7 Seismic Design

GHA requested seismic design against large scale earthquake as required by the Building Code of Ghana
in addition to the seismic coefficient 0.1. The Team will check on the necessity of the design and consult
with JICA.

3.8 Others
. GHA requested the Team to provide a guideline for the maintenance of the proposed bridge.
Preparation of a guideline is not under the present scope of this preparatory survey. The topic will
be discussed with JICA.
. GHA assured the Team to provide land area sufficient for fabrication of steel girder for the
construction of Phase 2. tT<'S
A- 3 END drV

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