Paper SG en India
Paper SG en India
Paper SG en India
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Technological advancements in the energy industry have expedited the growth of the smart grid, necessitating
Smart grid multidisciplinary study in power systems and management. India, the world’s third-largest producer and con-
Sustainability sumer of electricity, has various power-related issues, including significant transmission and distribution losses,
Fuzzy cognitive mapping
electricity theft, and environmental concerns. As a result of these issues, the energy industry is exploring new
Soft system methodology
technologies to improve the grid’s efficiency, sustainability, and security. This study tries to uncover elements
that might be facilitators for India’s smart grid development. To analyse the various components of the smart
grid, questionnaire surveys, interviews, and workshops were conducted with eminent academicians, researchers,
and industry experts working in the power sector. An integrated approach of soft system methodology (SSM),
thematic analysis and fuzzy cognitive mapping have been used in this study to better comprehend the intricate
interactions between stakeholders. This research findings reveal that technical development along with consumer
acceptance is a crucial factor for the efficacious implementation of smart grid.
Abbreviations: AMI, Advanced Metering Infrastructure; AT&C, Aggregate technical and commercial losses; BESS, Battery energy storage system; DA, Distribution
Automation; DER, Distributed energy resources; DoS, Denial of service; DST, Department of Science and Technology; DSM, Demand-side management; DTMS,
Distribution Transformer Management System; DTR, Dynamic thermal rating; DTMU, Distribution Transformer Monitoring Unit; ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning;
EVCI, Electric vehicle charging infrastructure; FCM, fuzzy cognitive method; GIS, Geographical Information System; ICT, Information and communication technology;
MG/DG, Microgrid/Distributed generation; NSGM, National Smart Grid Mission; OMS, Outage Management System; PLM, Peak load management; PMUs, Phase
measurement units; PQ, Power Quality; PQM, Power Quality Management; PV, Rooftop photovoltaic; SA, Substation Automation; SCADA, Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition; SMPS, Switch-mode power supplies; SSM, Soft system methodology; RTU, Remote terminal unit.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Received 5 March 2022; Received in revised form 8 June 2022; Accepted 13 June 2022
Available online 18 June 2022
2772-7831/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 1
The Traditional Electric Grid versus the Smart Grid.
Mechanization Digitization
One-way communication Bi-directional communication
Power generation is centralized Distributed power generation
Radial network Dispersed network
Fewer data involved The large volume of data involved
Small numbers of sensors Many sensors and monitors
Less or no automatic monitoring Great automatic monitoring
Manual control and recovery Automatic control and recovery
Less security and privacy concerns Prone to security and privacy issues
Manual attention to system disruptions Adaptive protection
Simultaneous production and consumption of energy/electricity Use of storage system
Limited control Extensive control system
Slow responses to emergencies Fast responses to emergencies
ernment bodies must direct public and private actors to achieve societal Table 2
goals by formulating appropriate policies. It is critical to understand Components in the transmission system.
the status and constraints faced by many stakeholders while convert- Components Description
ing the electric grid to a smart grid capable of increased productivity,
SCADA system SCADA is a term that refers to a system that gathers data
scalability, and security. This study is driven by the need to provide a
from numerous sensors located across a power plant, any
knowledge basis for evaluating the decision-making necessary for the system, or other distant places. It transmits it to a central
successful deployment of smart grid technology in India. computer that administers and controls the system. SCADA
systems can monitor a whole system in real-time and can
operate with minimal human interaction.
Energy management The Energy Management System consists of
1.1. Research goal
system computer-assisted tools that electric grid managers use to
monitor, regulate, and enhance the operation of generating
The smart grid is a complex system comprised of several stakehold- and/or transmission networks. It provides real-time
ers. Understanding the requirements and perspectives of diverse stake- network analysis and regulates the real-time generation
holders is critical when deploying new technologies and creating new and automated generation control and assists dispatchers
in determining economic base points for a given set of
regulations. Additionally, the smart grid is a consumer-driven technol- units, among other things.
ogy; human needs and behaviours determine technical growth. As a re- Wide area Latency requirements for real-time wide-area monitoring
sult, it is essential to consider the public’s understanding of smart grid monitoring system applications vary from 100 milliseconds to 5 seconds. A
technologies and the accompanying issues. The following are the pri- high-speed communication system is required to handle
the massive volumes of data generated by PMUs. Smart
mary aims of the present research project:
grid apps are built to make use of these high-speed
real-time observations. Fast and reliable readings from grid
i To analyse the various components of smart grid technology and its equipment are feasible with the deployment of phasor
development prospects. measuring units.
ii To recognize the issues confronting various stakeholders in the
power industry due to the introduction of smart grid technology.
iii To propose a framework for smart grid development in India. 1.2.1. Components of smart grid
Various components and technologies of the smart grid have been
The rest of the paper is arranged as follows: The first part dis- presented below.
cusses the smart grid. Sections 2 and 3 discuss the literature review
and methodology, and Section 4 presents the use of the technique. Smart grid components in the transmission system. Table 2 gives
Section 5 contains the conclusion and recommendations for further an overview of various components present in the transmission system.
study. Smart grid technologies at the distribution level. The distribution
grid comprises medium voltage and low voltage networks that have his-
1.2. Smart grid technology at a glance torically lacked automation. The distribution grids of big utilities span
hundreds of thousands of kilometres, making it prohibitively costly to
A smart grid is a modern electric grid which is integrated with infor- construct a reliable communication system between all end points and
mation and communication technology Kolhe (2012). The conventional the control centre. As a result, there is no insight into the low voltage
grid can only transmit or distribute the electric energy from generation network’s power flows. Additionally, faults are not recognised automati-
to end-users. But smart grid can transmit energy and information in both cally. Only when consumers report an outage is a staff assigned to iden-
ways (Vineetha and Babu, 2014). In this way, the smart grid upgrades tify and fix the issue. As a result, the primary objective of smart grid
the existing grid to function more securely, efficiently, and responsively efforts is to modernise the distribution grid with the addition of sophis-
(Shariatzadeh et al., 2015). The comparison of the features of the two ticated automation and control capabilities. The primary technologies
grids is presented in Table 1. in this sector are presented in Table 3.
The Strategic Deployment Document for Europe’s Electricity Net-
works of the Future has defined a smart grid in the following words: Communication infrastructure. Communication is critical in the
“A Smart Grid is an electricity network that can intelligently integrate the smart grid since one of the primary distinctions between regular grids
actions of all users connected to it – generators, consumers and those that and smart grids is the presence of two-way communication. Smart
do both to efficiently deliver sustainable, economical and secure electricity grids allow two-way communication between utilities and customers,
supplies (Jenkins et al., 2015).” while conventional electric grids do one-way communication only
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 3
Smart grid technologies at the distribution level.
Supervisory Control and Data SCADA utilises Intelligent Electronic Devices to automate the monitoring, protection, and control of diverse
Acquisition (SCADA) and Distribution equipment in distribution systems (or RTUs). It restores power to the system in the event of a malfunction and
Management Systems maintains the appropriate operating conditions.
The Distribution Management System is a set of software tools used to effectively and reliably monitor and operate the
whole distribution network. It serves as a network visualisation tool.
Distribution Automation (DA) DA refers to a variety of automated control systems that maximise the performance of power distribution networks by
enabling individual devices to detect the grid’s operating conditions and make modifications to improve overall power
flow and performance.
DA may play a crucial role in preventing outages. The sensors and communications linked with DA can give early
identification of equipment that may be malfunctioning,
Substation Automation (SA) SA allows an electric company to remotely monitor, manage, and coordinate the distribution components placed in a
substation. The primary component of SA is remote-operable digital relays and accompanying communication
systems. SA addresses the difficulties associated with prolonged service disruptions caused by various factors and
power disturbances, and substation outages.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure AMI encompasses various components that communicate bidirectionally over a communication network. At the core
(AMI) or Smart Metering of AMI is the Smart Meter, an electronic device that records electric energy use at hourly or smaller intervals and
transmits that data to the utility for monitoring and invoicing at least daily.
Geographical Information System A GIS map (digital map) with all electrical assets plotted and all customers indexed is a crucial tool for a utility’s asset
(GIS) planning and management. The GIS map may be combined with the utility’s other automation and information
technology systems, assisting asset efficiency, outage detection, and speedier restoration.
Peak Load Management Peak load control is accomplished by using a variety of policies and procedures. Demand response is a system through
which a utility may remotely reduce the load on a customer’s premises or disconnect specific customer equipment
from the utility’s control centre. Customers are enticed to participate in the DR programme via rewards and sanctions.
Customer interaction is critical to the effectiveness of demand response initiatives. The utility is responsible for
moving the load of the particular equipment the customer owns from peak to off-peak hours. The advantages of DR
include the avoidance of the most costly power plants during peak hours, the avoidance of extra generation,
transmission, and distribution capacity, and the avoidance of brownouts and blackouts.
Power Quality Management Voltage variations that exceed specified limits and interruptions are significant power quality concerns that customers
experience. With the introduction of renewable resources such as solar photovoltaic and wind turbines that operate
intermittently, maintaining supply quality is increasingly difficult. The utility will be able to measure specific
parameters such as power factors and voltages in near real-time with the addition of smart metres to the network. This
enables the utility to take appropriate actions to improve power quality.
Outage Management System Voltage variations exceeding specified limits and interruptions are significant power quality concerns consumers
experience. With the expansion of dispersed and variable generating resources such as solar photovoltaic and wind
turbines that run sporadically, maintaining supply quality is becoming more challenging. On the other hand,
contemporary loads equipped with switch-mode power supplies (SMPS) introduce harmonic distortion into the power
system. Voltage and current are in sinusoidal waveforms, but the loads in the preceding category that include power
electronics are in square waveforms, resulting in the creation of harmonics. The utility will be able to measure precise
parameters such as power factors and voltages in near real-time with the addition of smart metres to the network. This
enables the utility to make necessary changes to improve the quality of electricity.
Distribution Transformer Monitoring Each summer, hundreds of distribution transformers (DTs) burn in India’s majority distribution utilities due to
System overloading or phase imbalances in the DTs. Remote monitoring of DTs helps avoid overloading, phase imbalance,
and DT burnout. This translates into significant cost savings when considering the large technical losses that occur in
the system due to phase imbalances - one phase is overloaded while the other two are underloaded. Loads may be
shifted to eliminate such transformer imbalances with monitoring systems in place. With DT monitoring systems, it is
possible to identify and replace overloaded DTs when the load in the area grows.
Energy Storage Energy Storage Systems (ESS) will be critical in fulfilling energy demands by enhancing the grid’s operational
capacities and reducing infrastructure expenditures. ESS can handle transmission and distribution concerns while
simultaneously managing the quality and reliability of electricity provided by conventional and variable energy
sources. Additionally, ESS may aid in disaster preparation. Modernizing the system will need a significant increase in
energy storage installations.
Electric Vehicles Electric Vehicles (EVs) are driven by an electric motor recharged by an external power source, sometimes referred to
as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). Electric utilities’ primary issue is regulating when EV load is connected
to their system. When customers get home from work, many will charge their EVs automatically; the lack of load
control would almost certainly destabilise the grid. Utilities must be prepared for numerous consumers charging their
EVs concurrently on the same transformer. Smart Grid technology will allow intelligent scheduling of EV charging.
Additionally, it enables the storage capacity of EV batteries to be utilised as a backup source of power during times of
peak demand; a part of the energy stored in those batteries might be supplied back into the grid during peak hours
and the battery refilled during off-peak hours. VGI is a critical component of upcoming smart grid technology.
Distributed Energy Resources and Distributed energy resources (DER) are tiny, modular energy generating and storage equipment such as rooftop
Renewable Energy Integration photovoltaic (PV) systems, mini wind turbines, and energy storage batteries such as those used in UPS inverters and
electric vehicles (EVs), and so on. DER systems may be linked to the local power grid or operated independently of it
in stand-alone applications. Renewable Energy Integration is concerned with integrating renewable energy, distributed
production, energy storage, and demand response into the transmission and distribution networks of electricity. The
integration development and demonstrations are being conducted using a systems approach to solve technological,
economic, regulatory, and institutional impediments to utilising renewable and distributed energy systems.
Customer Engagement Global experience indicates that consumer involvement and active participation are critical to installing and operating
smart grid initiatives. Customers must be reassured from the start by informing them of the advantages of the new
systems and teaching them how to take advantage of the new time of use pricing regime, demand response
programmes, and so on, to efficiently control their energy use and monitor their bills. Utilities may employ specialised
firms to conduct a comprehensive communication campaign to engage consumers beginning with the project’s design
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Fig. 1. (a) Smart grid pilot projects in India, and (b) Smart grid projects in India.
(Muench et al., 2014). This permits the employment of distributed intel- solar energy or during windy conditions, and these circumstances can-
ligent sensors, distributed production of electricity, real-time data and not be regulated. With such volatile energy sources supplying the grid,
metering infrastructure, and monitoring systems (Rai et al., 2021). The it is critical to have a highly adaptable grid (Zafar et al., 2018). Thus,
smart grid’s ability to offer dependable electricity production and dis- the prospects for developing smart grids in India are enormous, both at
tribution is dependent on information communication. These solutions the distribution and transmission levels, since a dependable power sup-
need rapid communication since the development, distribution, and con- ply is a critical component of overall growth. India’s Smart Grid Vision
sumption occur concurrently. With the advent of distributed energy re- aims to "Transform the Indian power industry into a safe, adaptable,
sources and energy storage systems, the criticality of rapid and reliable sustainable, and digitally connected ecosystem that offers dependable
communication grows. End-user expectations shift, with real-time in- and quality electricity to everyone with active stakeholder engagement"
formation on power costs, consumers feeding the grid, and electric cars (MoP India, 2013). Numerous obstacles exist in the installation of Smart
functioning as grid batteries. Grid technologies. The primary issues facing policymakers are high cap-
ital costs and benefit limits within the regulator-defined cost to the cus- Cyber security. Protecting a nation’s critical infrastructure is tomer. Due to the need for a dependable communications network, cap-
a primary objective, with the power sector taking precedence. With ital and hardware costs are significantly increased (Yan et al., 2012).
the confluence of electrical, information, and operational technologies India’s accessible communication technology is comparable to several
in a smart grid, industrial control system security has become critical industrialised countries worldwide. However, there are concerns about
(Archana, 2022c, 2022a). The dependability of the power system infras- device and system compatibility in smart grid adoption in a utility set-
tructure is intimately related to the security of the information infras- ting. Even if technical advancements are in sync, integrating the com-
tructure. Security in a smart grid has many primary purposes, includ- plete physical system to handle large amounts of data is always a chal-
ing assuring availability, confidentiality, integrity, and accountability. lenge. Complex data models are required to handle the many data forms
These goals are accomplished by preventing denial of service (DoS) at- that enter the system. The Government of India’s Department of Science
tacks, fake data injection, spoofing, and privilege escalation (Delgado- and Technology (DST) has committed around US$ 46.5 million to the
Gomes et al., 2015). Before the emergence of smart grids, industrial research and development of smart grids. Academic institutions in India
control system security was primarily concerned with preventing inter- including the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), the Indian Institute
net assaults. However, today’s reality necessitates the security of impor- of Science (IISc), and private industry, have been doing research and
tant cyber assets, which include (but are not limited to) energy utilities’ development on smart grids (Reddy et al., 2017).
substations and control centres (Generation, Transmission, and Distri-
bution), as well as load dispatch centres. Thus, the term ’cyber-physical Smart grid pilot projects in India. The location of these pilot
security’ encapsulates the urgent necessity of the hour.
projects and projects are shown in Fig. 1, and details are given in Table 4
1.2.2. Development of smart grid in India and Table 5, respectively. Also, more than 4.4 million smart meters have
The Indian electrical industry has a lot of untapped potentials. Gov- been deployed (NSGM website, 03.06.2022).
ernment authorities and leaders from the energy sector have stressed
the importance of Smart Grid and Micro-grid for the nation, resulting 2. Literature review
in a lucrative commercial prospect. India’s principal objective is to elec-
trify all houses, supply enough electricity for agriculture, and provide This section summarises the literature review on smart grids and re-
24 × 7 power access to every resident by 2019. A limitation of renewable lated topics. The concept of the smart grid evolved from prior attempts
energy is its intermittent nature, which means that energy can be har- to monitor and regulate electrical systems via the use of different elec-
vested only during certain times of the day, such as during the day for tronic controllers, metering, and observation. Around 1990, as a result
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 4
Details of the smart grid pilot projects in India.
Sr. No. Smart grid pilot projects Number of consumers Functionalities Status
Table 5
Details of the smart grid projects in India.
1. CED, Chandigarh (Sub Div-5) 29,433 AMI, DTMU, SCADA 24,149 smart meters installed
2. JVVNL, Rajasthan (6 Urban Towns) 0.15 Million AMI 0.115 million smart meters installed
3. CED, Chandigarh (Complete City Excl. SD -5) 0.184 Million AMI, DTMU, SCADA, ERP Approval under process
4. JBVNL, Jharkhand (Ranchi) 0.36 Million AMI, DTMU JBVNL to submit a report on the proposed implementation
of the continued scientific and technological study, electricity metres de- "rich picture" is used to describe it. The rich picture encompasses all
veloped into sophisticated metering infrastructure. They could keep data stakeholders and their interrelationships in order to offer a comprehen-
on how power was utilised throughout the day (Federal Energy Regula- sive perspective of the issue, with the goal of diagnosing the current
tory Commission, 2006). Khoi, Begovic, and Damir used the term "smart situation, identifying the players, and defining the nature of the issue.
grid" in 1997 to describe a grid that used information technology to in- In step 3, several viewpoints on the system are produced from the devel-
crease grid dependability and capability (Vu et al., 1997). Gustavsson oped rich picture analysis. The acronym CATWOE (Customers, Actors,
noted in his 1999 research how the usage of communication technology Transformation process, Weltanschauung (world view), Owner, and En-
would serve as the foundation for future value-added services. vironmental constraints) is derived, and each perspective is given a root
Additionally, the author stated that energy market liberalisation description. Table 7 contains the elements and definitions of CATWOE.
and communication technology integration would result in the birth The root definition is derived using the PQR formula, which defines in-
of a new business model. Gustavsson (1999). In 2000, Italy’s Telege- tentional action as a change. P stands for what, Q for how, and R for why,
store Project became the first to connect many households (27 million) or, as Checkland and Poulter put it, "do P through Q to assist in achieving
with smart metres connected via low-bandwidth power line connection. R." (Checkland and Poulter, 2006). In step 4, as described in stage 3, the
(NETL, 2007). Table 6 presents the list of articles addressing smart grid SSM methodology frames a simple conceptual model to achieve the req-
development across the globe. uisite transformation. This conceptual model consists of a set of different
From the literature, it seems that researchers have discussed vari- activities as conceived through the transformation process and linked
ous aspects of smart grid and related challenges and opportunities sep- with logical dependencies. In step 5, the developed model is compared
arately. However, due to the multi-facet nature of smart gid and the with the real-world situation. The comparison is made by incorporating
involvement of numerous stakeholders, it is important to discuss their stakeholders’ opinions to understand the actual situation. Changes are
interests, intentions and issues as their goal is to evaluate and design found in step 6 and executed in step 7 after reviewing the comparison
policies that promote public acceptance, efficiency, and long-term sus- made in step 5.
tainability. In this respect, this work attempt to fill this void by iden-
tifying the perspectives of different stakeholders related to the smart
grid by conducting semi-structured interviews, workshops, and ques-
tionnaire surveys. In this approach, this study heightened awareness of 4. Application of Soft system methodology
the smart grid’s interconnectedness among stakeholders and the impor-
tance of finding a shared solution along with their specific objectives. 4.1. Step 1: Problem Situation
3. Soft system methodology (SSM) This study began with a thorough literature analysis to have a better
understanding of the many features of smart grid technology. In addi-
The soft system approach was developed by Peter Checkland as tion, several stakeholders in the smart grid were interviewed in unstruc-
a qualitative research technique. By considering several perspectives, tured, semi-structured, face-to-face interviews to better understand the
SSM is capable of resolving an ill-structured real-world problem. unstructured issue condition. The purpose of the scenario description is
(Tajino et al., 2005). It is a qualitative research approach founded on to diagnose the current state, identify the players, and determine the
the principles of action research and systems thinking. (Jackson, 2003; nature of the issue. Organizing interviews to understand soft problems
Salner, 1999). It is an established and widely used approach that is based such as "communication," "leadership," "overall efficiency," "trust," and
on resilient principles and has been applied in a range of situations, "goals" is used to analyse the tangled and complicated problematic sce-
disciplines, and nations. (Checkland and Poulter, 2006; Jackson, 2003). nario. The interviews provided a forum for stakeholders to share their
SSM methodology mainly consists of seven steps. The first stage is to find opinions and concerns about the soft problems that remain in the smart
a real-world circumstance that a few stakeholders regard to be harmful. grid area (trust, objectives, leadership, general efficiency, and commu-
In the second phase, a graphical depiction of the problem known as a nication).
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 6
List of articles addressing the smart grid development across the globe.
1. (Sheng and Zhou, 2010). The paper discusses an ultra-low-power wireless monitoring platform applied to the tower. This platform is used to improve the
management and operation of transmission lines.
2. (Imam et al., 2020) This article outlines alternative methods for transferring big bulk electricity produced in offshore wind farms across Germany at
around 600 kilometres (380 miles). It includes and examines the investigation’s findings for all significant features classified as
general, mechanical, electrical, and ecological.
3. (Metwaly & Teh, 2020) This article provides a multi-objective framework for optimising the line’s real-time thermal rating and battery storage capacity in
wind curtailment, network ageing, and dependability. The results indicate that although the conductor’s maximum permitted
temperature affects all three optimization factors, battery efficiency has an effect on just the wind curtailment level.
4. (Davidrajuh, 2010) This article suggests a smart grid system to meet Sri Lanka’s north and east (NE-SL). The article proposes a solution consisting of a
network of smaller, more environmentally friendly electrical plants geographically scattered over the NE-SL area.
5. (Järventausta et al., This article examines smart grids in general and concentrates on specific distribution-level smart grid characteristics.
6. (Ali et al., 2022) The day ahead scheduling challenge in the smart grid is addressed in this study by using a DSM method that considers the different
sorts of users. The objective is to decrease operating costs and environmental emissions, as well as load curtailment costs, by taking
curtailable loads into account and coordinating shiftable loads with wind turbine output power.
7. (Albarakati & This work aims to identify the most destructive malicious assaults in a smart grid based on the sequential removal of buses.
Bikdash, 2022) Additionally, this article discusses vulnerability curves and scalability assessments. While the suggested framework was developed
to address bus failures, it may also be used for other components such as transmission lines.
8. (Satish et al., 2022) This article presented novel power flow algorithms to account for fundamental and harmonic effects in a smart distribution
network with renewable energy-based distributed generation and non-linear demands. The suggested technique fully uses the
radial property of distribution networks to construct the matrix of bus and branch numbers.
9. (Laayati et al., 2022) The purpose of this article is to provide an educational test bench for smart grids and renewable energy systems that incorporate a
variety of features and approaches found in a microgrid. The developed test bench is intended for use by students, laboratory
engineers, and researchers. It allows the study and testing of electrical microgrid systems and new, sophisticated control algorithms
for optimising energy efficiency.
10. (Torres et al., 2016) This article examines the application of smart grid switching devices in distribution networks and the characteristics of various
intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). The paper’s proposed approach demonstrates how existing IEDs can interact with
conventional devices. Additionally, special functionalities may be implemented to notify the control centre of an operational fault,
boosting the network’s observability. The proposed approach converts IEDs into intelligent agents. Practical examples based on
real-world distribution systems are provided and explored to demonstrate the suggested methodology’s usefulness.
11. (Vitiello et al., 2022) This article addresses the cost-benefit evaluations for the roll-out of smart metres, which was scheduled to be finished by 2020, and
presents the current situation. Additionally, it provides valuable data for monitoring smart metering roll-outs, taking current
developments in smart metering applications into consideration.
12. (Vasiljevska & The authors discuss their experience choosing Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) under the TEN-E Regulation in the thematic area
Efthimiadis, 2022) of smart grid deployment. It also provides an overview of the smart grid projects included in the PCI lists in order to shed light on
the types of projects and their contributions to expediting the development of European cross-border energy infrastructure projects
in order to satisfy EU energy and climate goals. The article goes on to discuss recent regulatory activities and how they could affect
the options available.
13. (Hassan et al., 2022) This research establishes a metaheuristic-based HEM system that merges the Earth Worm and Harmony Search Algorithms (HSA).
The simulation established the ideal energy consumption pattern that would result in the lowest possible electricity costs. These
metaheuristic algorithms were successful in reducing demand and shifting it from peak to off-peak hours, resulting in cost
14. (Khan et al., 2021) This article offers an ETD model using three distinct machine learning (ML) techniques as the basic learning model. Additionally, a
deep learning technique known as a temporal convolutional network (TCN) is employed to combine the outputs of the machine
learning algorithms. Experimental findings demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms existing well-established
machine and deep learning models in terms of classification accuracy and robustness and hence may be used to identify energy
theft in industrial applications.
15. (Cui et al., 2021) This article provides a unique approach for identifying cyber-attacks by leveraging the multifractal features of DS data.
Experiments using a real-world DS are done to validate the suggested technique in this research work.
16. (Balachandran et al., This article proposes a model for studying the dependability of a cyber power component. It takes interdependence and
2020) common-cause failure into account while minimising computing complexity. A sensitivity study is performed to determine the
effect of cyber failures and cyberattacks on the smart component’s dependability. To validate the suggested approach, model
reduction methodologies, reliability assessment processes, and an example case study are presented.
17. (Kaviani & The paper discusses a real-time non-probabilistic technique for detecting load-redistribution (LR) assaults in smart grids that seek
Hedman, 2020) to generate an overload. As a result, this paper proposes a detection mechanism and applies it to the 2383-bus Polish test system to
illustrate the suggested algorithm’s scalability and efficiency.
18. (Wankhede et al., 2020) This study thoroughly examines the different problems involved with greater DER penetration. Systematic categorization of
numerous technological obstacles and their mitigation techniques, as well as the system’s functional capabilities, have been
critically assessed.
19. (Sagiroglu & For the first time, this report investigated, classified, and assessed vulnerabilities and threats to smart grids across six components
Canbay, 2019) of smart grid systems. Additionally, cyber security concerns with smart grids were analysed and addressed, and lastly, some
practical solutions for mitigating presently accessible vulnerabilities and threats were offered.
20. (Lavrova, 2019) The author offers a method for forecasting the state of smart grid components based on combining Kalman filter and machine
learning approaches. As a consequence of this technique, cyberattacks against a smart grid will be detectable at an early stage.
21. (Eissa, 2018) The current primary components of the WAMS architecture are presented in this paper, as well as an innovation in WAPAC
research development employing phasor measuring units (PMUs).
22. (Park et al., 2017) This article aims to investigate customer adoption of home energy management systems in Korea. The expanded Technology
Acceptance Model presented in this study incorporates four new factors—economic advantage, social contribution, environmental
responsibility, and innovativeness—that may impact consumer awareness. The poll gathered data from 287 respondents.
Consequently, the suggested model was shown to be effective in explaining the intention to use, with an explanatory power of 70.3
per cent. Economic gain (0.231) and innovativeness (0.259) are discovered to affect the usability of the Home Energy Management
System. Additionally, usefulness (0.551) has a greater influence on intention to use than ease of use (0.338).
(continued on next page)
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 6 (continued)
23. (Ferrari et al., 2017) This article discusses ways to enable prosumers to manage their production and loads optimally to reduce their energy bills while
also supporting the distribution grid’s stability by reacting flexibly to its active load management needs. In this research, an
industrial prosumer was evaluated who was provided with solar and wind generating, and a cogeneration unit fitted with an
absorption chiller and heat/cold storage. The results compare several CHP control tactics and demonstrate the economic benefits
enabled by the optimization algorithm, which looks to be a viable tool for preparing consumers for the future smart grid.
24. (Jiashen Teh et al., 2018) The examination starts with a comparison of the two primary DTR system specifications. Then, the DTR system’s monitoring
technologies are examined. The article reviews notable studies on the dependability consequences of the DTR technology on
electrical networks. Additionally, interactions with wind energy and other smart grid technologies are investigated, as is the idea of
power system resilience.
25. (Lai & Teh, 2022a) This paper reviews 176 journal papers related to the DTR system. Articles in this review work have been collected from major
databases, which are IEEE, Elsevier, and Wiley. This research work has been classified based on the area of emphasis like
transmission networks, distribution networks, transformers etc. They were further classified into sub-groups based on research
themes. This technique gives future DTR system researchers a comprehensive overview of all prior investigations.
26. (Jiashen Teh & The dependability of an electrical network with DTR and a wind farm is investigated in this article. ARMA stands for the
Cotton, 2015) auto-regressive and moving-average model. Furthermore, correlations between line rating and wind power were investigated for a
realistic modelling method. The DTR technology has improved network resilience and allowed for greater wind energy penetration.
27. (Jiashen Teh et al., 2017) This article discusses a transmission line failure model incorporating a dynamic thermal rating (DTR) system. The suggested model
is compared to a normal distribution model that incorporates just the transmission line’s end-of-life failure effect. Additionally, this
article examines the uncertainty impacts of the line failure model parameters, the effects of DTR system reliability, and weather
data correlation on the power system’s reliability performance. The recommended methodology and case studies were
implemented on the IEEE-reliability test network.
28 (Jiashen Teh, 2018) The article proposes a method for estimating the aleatory and epistemic uncertainty associated with the transmission line
end-of-life failure scenario. Additionally, the transmission lines under study are fitted with a dynamic thermal rating system. The
results of this research reveal that combining both forms of uncertainty is more beneficial since it produces a range of
dependability index values rather than a single crisp number, as is the case with the pure probabilistic method.
29 (Jiashen Teh & This paper presents a paradigm for risk-based transmission line management using a dynamic thermal rating system. In this
Lai, 2019b) architecture, the auto-regressive moving-average model forecasts future wind speeds, which is required for determining conductor
temperature. The findings suggest that reducing the conductor temperature or the conductor’s applied time might reduce the
threat. Furthermore, a better estimation of wind speed values means fewer hazards and vice versa. The sensitivity analyses show
that the considerations made during the framework’s construction are rational and have little impact on the numerical results,
proving that the proposed framework is robust to diverse operating conditions for the parameters evaluated.
30 (Lai & Teh, 2022b) This article proposes a methodology for assessing the synergistic impacts of all three strategies on wind integration and network
dependability by combining them into a single model. Case studies conducted on a modified IEEE 24-bus reliability test system
demonstrate that the suggested method combination significantly decreases system dispatch, load curtailment, and wind
curtailment costs compared to other method combinations or when each approach is used in isolation.
31 (Jiashen Teh & This paper examines the dependability modelling of two technologies using actual weather conditions and power system operation
Lai, 2019a) scenarios. The results indicate that both BESS and DTR systems can help reduce demand losses and enhance the amount of wind
energy provided.
32 (Metwaly & Teh, 2020) This article suggests a probabilistic evaluation method for assessing the reliability of transmission networks using various
combinations of BESS power ratings and energy capacities. Additionally, it examines the effects of deploying BESS in conjunction
with DR and DTR. Results presented in this paper indicate that the security of power supply increases by up to 37.2% as BESS
capacity increases. Also, its reliability increases proportionately as capability increases. The article’s findings conclude that DTR
and DR significantly minimise the need for BESS size without impairing network dependability.
33 (Mohamad et al., 2021) This article presents a technique for optimally deploying BESSs and determining their capacity in a two-part framework that
considers network topology and power flow restrictions to reduce solar energy curtailment. The results indicate that the suggested
technique is more efficient than the usual deployment strategy for excess solar energy storage.
34 (Jimada-Ojuolape & The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of ICT integration on power network reliability via empirical validation of
Teh, 2020a) common reliability indicators. The study’s findings are divided into four categories: cyber power interdependence repercussions,
ICT infrastructure failures, cyber-attacks, and environmental factors. The findings, as expected, show that ICT network failures and
maloperations have a negative impact on system dependability and that cautious efforts must be made to prevent these faults.
35 (Jimada-Ojuolape & This article provides an in-depth examination of several smart grid technologies and applications. Additionally, it analyses many
Teh, 2020b) case studies illustrating the impact of ICT deployments in conjunction with various smart grid technologies. Finally, some
noteworthy observations and recommendations are made to supplement the existing body of knowledge.
36. (Amin, 2001) The author covers the Complex Interactive Networks/Systems Initiative, a collaborative effort of the Electric Power Research
Institute and the United States Department of Defense, in this paper. Its goal was to create a self-healing infrastructure that could
react to threats, material failures, and other destabilising factors.
37. (Gerwen et al., 2006) This study discussed the advantages and disadvantages of smart metering. They concluded that the development of smart metering
would be greatly influenced by the policy and decisiveness of the governmental authorities concerned. The belief in smart metering
as a mechanism to achieve these aims, as well as energy savings and greater supply security, will be key motivations.
38. (Hauttekeete et al., This article looks at issues including the impact of individualised feedback on energy use and research that has been done on the
2010) possibility of smart metres and smart appliances being implemented in the future. On the level of energy monitoring and user
interrogation, it also describes an innovative blend of several methodological techniques. This methodological setup will allow
researchers to acquire a clear understanding of consumers’ readiness to accept various types of measures in their daily lives when it
comes to smart metering and smart appliances, allowing for more efficient user adoption in the future.
39. (Verschueren et al., This article describes a common service architecture for connecting households with renewable energy generation and smart
2010) appliances to a distributed energy management system that is connected to the public power grid. The proposed architecture
allows end-users to minimise nett energy usage, power grid providers to better balance supply and demand, and new players to
join with new services. Using a novel simulator that allows for both power grid and data communication assessments, the outcome
indicated a 22 per cent reduction in peak load by installing a central coordinator within an end-home user’s gateway.
40. (Stragier et al., 2010) This article presents a survey to understand users’ perceptions of smart appliances. It takes a user-centred approach. A quantitative
study of 500 households was undertaken in Flanders, Belgium. To measure the user’s perception, the Technology Acceptance
Model was employed as the theoretical foundation.
(continued on next page)
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 6 (continued)
41. (Rihan et al., 2011) This article examines the development and current state of the Indian electrical grid, as well as the attempts taken to make the grid
smarter. Blackouts, a large imbalance between demand and supply, exceptionally high line losses, a lack of automation, and ICT
usage in the grid are among the issues covered in this study. The advancements in smart grid technology present an opportunity to
address these concerns. The conversation demonstrates that the Indian government recognises the importance of implementing
these innovations to make power infrastructure more resilient, self-healing, adaptable, interactive, and cost-effective.
42. (Ugale et al., 2011) In this paper, the authors have concentrated on a distributed verification protocol to ensure the security of data storage in cloud
computing. This article also discusses the advantages of cloud computing in terms of cost reduction for users. It offers a safe and
dependable data storage facility. Intelligent control solutions increase energy efficiency and security while cutting pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions. Authors had also suggested an internet connectivity device paradigm for cloud computing instead of
C.P.U. and DVDs.
43. (Kulkarni & This study focuses on the issues that rural populations experience in avoiding electrical connections, as well as how Blockchain
Kulkarni, 2020) technology might help solve these issues. Blockchain has the ability to reduce costly third-party service fees, produce additional
revenue through peer-to-peer trade, plan power usage according to budget through smart metering, and keep energy transactions
transparent and accurate. However, there are numerous obstacles to overcome on the way to implementation, which has been
described in this work.
44. (Rai et al., 2021) This article examines the smart grid and the IEC 61850 communication standard. The barriers to implementing IEC 61850 on a
smart grid are then highlighted. Following that, a case study of the actions followed by an Indian state to implement a smart grid is
discussed. Following that, challenges encountered in the creation of smart grids are discussed, along with recommendations and
future R&D opportunities. The study finishes with a summary of the advantages and problems of applying IEC61850 on smart grids.
45. (Chakraborty et al., This research used a case study to illustrate the effects of governmental initiatives aimed at reducing aggregate technical and
2021) commercial losses. To examine the actual benefits, the review was conducted utilising real-world operational data. The difference
between the actual benefits received and the advantages predicted during policy development is also evaluated. The findings of
this study will undoubtedly aid policymakers and researchers in better visualising the effects of policy initiatives on aggregate
technical and commercial loss reduction than conventional simulation test results.
46. (Soni & This paper presents a survey of different communication technologies, their benefits and challenges for the smart grid
Subhashini, 2021)
47. (Archana, 2022c) The goal of this study is to identify and create a hierarchical model of characteristics that might be regarded as impediments to
smart grid technology adoption in India. The outcome emphasises the importance of consumer knowledge and the numerous
aspects that influence customer engagement in the effective implementation of smart grid technologies.
48. (Archana, 2022b) In this paper, a fuzzy cognitive map technique is used to investigate the difficulties surroundings the development and deployment
of smart grid technologies. A hybrid technique was employed to find the ideas for FCM modelling, in which information was taken
from expert’s viewpoints and questionnaire surveys were used to generate different scenarios to analyse the influence of driving
concepts on receiver concepts.
49. (Sharma et al., 2020) Unused energy is injected into the distribution system and used by neighbouring consumers who are linked to the same
distribution network under the net metering policy. It allows small-scale renewable energy power producers to store or bank their
excess electricity before sending it back to the grid. This paper examines the many net metering models that have been proposed in
the literature. The poll looks into policy and regulatory impediments in every state across the country. An overview of net metering
policies in all Indian states is offered.
50. (Kale & Chatterjee, 2020) The basic concepts, construction, and categorisation of supercapacitors and batteries are discussed in this article. It also
highlighted India’s recent advancements in these devices, notably those developed by the Centre for Materials for Electronics
Technology, a scientific organisation under the ministry of electronics and information technology. The present global market
environment, as well as the Indian market, are also evaluated in-depth in order to determine the most appropriate energy solutions
for a developing country like India.
51. (Ciarreta et al., 2017) The hypothesis that market behaviour became more competitive with the introduction of renewable resources was investigated in
this study. The authors looked at how Combined Cycle bidding methods changed in the Spanish pool from 2002 to 2013. The
enormous entry of renewable resources made other generators’ behaviour more competitive in the short run, but the effect was not
long-lasting, according to analysis.
52. (Bhongade et al., 2021) This work uses the Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to assess demand-side management (DSM). The issue is formally
described as a DSM optimization problem with restrictions and a peak to average ratio and cost reduction target. The simulation
results demonstrate a clear reduction in peak load demand as well as the total cost incurred. Industrial load DSM yielded a higher
profit than commercial and residential load DSM.
Table 7
Elements and definition of CATWOE.
4.1.1. Information gathering confidential. Twelve surveys were found to be finished, which were
As the smart grid is a complex system with several stakeholders, further used for analysis. After that, five experts were interviewed in
the study sought to elicit perspectives from all conceivable stakehold- semi-structured interviews to have a deeper insight into the smart grid
ers. So, information was gathered using a questionnaire survey, semi- domain (Appendix C Table C1). Additionally, 10 experts attended the
structured interview, and stakeholders’ workshop. Fig. 2 presents the session, including three academics, two government officials from the
data collection process. Initially, a questionnaire survey was distributed power sector, three business sector executives, and two research schol-
to sixteen individuals to ascertain their level of understanding of smart ars. The appendix’s Table A1 contains biographies of the experts and
grid technologies. They were assured that their responses would be kept their responses to questions. Attempts were made to ensure that partic-
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 8
Themes and code words identified through the analysis of interview transcripts.
1. Smart grid development needs infrastructure development High capital investment, Infrastructure development, Data security, data privacy,
2. Smart grid development requires skilled workforce Skilled labour, trained team
3. Smart grid development requires active participation of consumers Demand response, dynamic pricing
4. Smart grid development needs proper regulatory framework Government policies, power purchase obligation
ipants came from a variety of different backgrounds and different parts Table 9
of the country. The experts were selected based on their work and re- Mapping of conflict areas to identify root causes.
search experience in the energy sector, ensuring that they were familiar Sr. No. Root cause Problems
with the current status of the deployment of smart grids in India. A week
1. Lack of open standards Utilities facing financial burden.
in advance, the programme agenda was provided. Each participant gave
Lack of interoperability standards.
a three- to five-minute presentation, followed by a brief question-and- Resistance to work on the new business
answer period. All comments, questions, and ideas made throughout the model.
conversation were transcribed and incorporated into a workshop report. 2. Lack of consumers Fear of increase in costs of smart devices.
awareness for smart Fear of increase in electricity bill.
Participants were requested to provide their perspectives on smart grid
technology Lack of motivation for sustainable
development and the problems they have encountered. The researcher practices
conducted the interviews and transcribed them. Additionally, six office Lack of funds and research institutes.
reports were compiled, including yearly reports and weekly newsletters. 3. Lack of infrastructure Lack of awareness and technical expertise.
development Lack of skilled human resources in the
electricity sector. Data analysis. Thematic analysis was used to decipher the nu-
Poor infrastructure.
merous themes contained in the interview transcripts. Following an ex- High electricity theft.
amination of each transcript, code words were created, and themes were
built from these code words. Four themes and 10 code words were iden-
tified, as shown in Table 8. eration, transmission, and distribution. The government and regulators
Based on the outcome of the discussion, the following problem situ- oversee this industry. Smart grid solutions are provided by ICT and smart
ation is formulated: grid technology providers to the electrical sector. As demonstrated in
What are the various components of smart grid technology? What are the Fig. 3, each stakeholder has their own goals and concerns. Consumers
development prospects and factors for the development of smart grid technol- are concerned about the cost of smart appliances, the reduction in elec-
ogy in India? tricity costs, and data privacy problems as a result of the smart grid’s
implementation. The power sector is concerned about infrastructure
4.2. Step 2: Rich picture growth, transmission and distribution loss reduction, energy manage-
ment, as well as the smart grid’s performance. The government is con-
"Rich picture" is the term used to describe the second stage of the cerned about the financial burden, consumer illiteracy, policy imple-
SSM issue condition. A second session was held with ten stakeholders to mentation, and strategy development. Their goals are contradictory as
help them create a complete picture of their experience. The opinions well. Consumers want low-cost smart appliances and reduced electric-
and facts provided by each participant was analysed and a symptoms ity bills, while utilities want to boost the price to cover their losses and
map was developed. Further, rich picture was derived from the symp- earn a profit. They also need cash for infrastructural development. A lack
toms map in the workshop. Stakeholders conceded that it was critical to of consumer understanding and knowledge cannot be compensated for
balance the supply side and demand side, which needs the development new and advanced technology. Customer involvement is limited by the
of infrastructure. lack of efficacy of energy management programmes. Because of high
As the smart grid is a multifarious system consisting of numerous investment costs, a lack of adequate infrastructure, and long payback
hardware and software, it was not possible to include them in the rich periods, the power industry has been reticent to adopt a smart grid.
picture. Along with generation, transmission and distribution, two com- Academics may use the detailed picture to better comprehend the op-
ponents which are consumers and government, were taken as they affect posing interests, values, and points of view of stakeholders in a given
the development of the smart grid. The author generated a rich picture situation. This representation is tough to create using other qualitative
for the smart grid depicted in Fig. 3 after studying the rich picture from research approaches.
the workshop. The inclusion of a Rich picture facilitated the identifica- The following actors have been recognized from the created rich pic-
tion of numerous components associated with smart grid technology. In ture:
the workshop, key issues of other stakeholders were also discussed to
understand the development prospects of the smart grid in India. Con- • The end-users of the power distribution service are consumers. Res-
flicting areas have been mapped to determine the main reasons by ex- idential, industrial, and commercial customers are among the end-
amining the rich picture, as shown in Table 9. users. By employing renewable energy resources and feeding excess
The rich picture depicts the complicated subject. Consumers are the power back to the grid, some customers may become stakeholders
end-users of energy. The electrical sector is in charge of electricity gen- in the energy industry.
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
• The government, at different administrative levels, is in charge of tariff and the amount of energy utilised. A distributor might pay for
energy policy and is engaged in the power sector’s long-term plan- network services to other service facilitators to ensure the best man-
ning. ner to manage and meet the end user’s demand.
• The regulator acts as a go-between for all stakeholders in the power • In the smart grid, information and communication service providers
industry. It establishes the regulations that apply to energy produc- play a critical role. These might include collectors who utilise end-
ers, distributors, and retailers. user usage patterns for energy management purposes.
• Electric energy generators are engaged in the production of electric- • Smart grids may help to foster new businesses for smart device and
ity. The transmission network operator is responsible for the system’s technology vendors, who supply services to end-user appliances,
overall operation in accordance with service quality requirements. equipment makers, and energy distribution actors. It has the poten-
• A distributor provides energy to customers and charges them accord- tial to open up new business options for energy corporations as well
ing to the service’s availability, which is determined by the power as value-added service providers.
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 10 Table 11
Various perspectives identified for smart grid development. a). CATWOE analysis for the perspective “Infrastructure development.”, b). CAT-
WOE analysis for the perspective “consumers attitude.“, c). CATWOE analysis
Sr. no. Perspectives
for the perspective of “renewable energy integration.”
P1 Infrastructure development
Clients Government, electricity service provider, Consumers
P2 Supportive policy
Actors Government electricity service providers, manufacturers,
P3 Renewable energy integration with grid
the ICT sector
P4 Understanding consumers attitude
Transformation Infrastructure development promotes the installation of
P5 Development of new business models
new technology
P6 Customer service
Weltanschauung Smart grids provide an opportunity for technical
P7 There is a need for skilled persons
P8 Understanding environmental problem
Owner Industrialists, Financial system, Government
Environmental The regulatory framework, Capital cost, Technological
constraints maturity, qualified human resource
• This system also interacts with research organisations, which pro- Clients Consumer, prosumer
vide the information and qualified human resources required for the Actors Government, Regulator
system’s effective operation, including innovation and decision sup- Transformation As a consequence of the adoption of various demand
response programmes and renewable resources at their
houses, consumers become active participants and
stakeholders in the electrical grid.
The rich picture is analysed to obtain several perspectives (some-
Weltanschauung An innovative energy management strategy makes the
times referred to as ’holons’) on the same problem. Eight perspectives consumers active players.
have been selected and examined, as detailed in Table 10, based on the Owner End-users, prosumers, Government
workshop report on rich picture analysis. Environmental Knowledge and awareness
The participants were given the opportunity to score each of the eight constraints
viewpoints out of one hundred. Three key perspectives were identified Clients Utilities, Government,
by the participants: Actors Government, Utilities, Regulator
Transformation The smart grid is a sustainable system since it incorporates
i Infrastructure development renewable resources.
Weltanschauung Smart grids enable technical advancements that increase
ii Renewable energy integration the value of renewable resources and promote electric
iii Consumer’s attitude mobility.
Owner Management, Regulator
Environmental Global contracts, Present potential, technical
4.3. Step 3: Root definition
constraints advancements
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 12
Factors identified in FCM workshop.
in Figs. 4 (a) and 4 (b) (Mental Modeler software has been used to de- demand matching (Gao et al., 2018; Sbordone et al., 2016). SA con-
veloped FCM model which is shown in appendix Fig. A). trols power system devices using data from intelligent devices within
From the root definition and developed fuzzy cognitive map, the fol- the substation and control instructions from distant users (Rai et al.,
lowing activities have been identified as necessary for the transforma- 2021). SA aids in the improvement of electrical protection, fault detec-
tion: tion, and the presentation of real-time substation information, among
other things. The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer-
1 Determine the factors which make the smart grid attractive for the
based tool that displays relevant information as labelled digital maps.
energy sector.
Though GIS is already in use by electric utilities, recent research and
2 List the actions which can be taken to affect those factors by execu-
developments in supporting technologies have made it more ideal for
tives and officials.
use in the smart grid (Javid, 2019). It is important to monitor the neg-
3 Implement those actions
ative impact of technology due to the integration of smart appliances
4 Monitor and measure the impact of deployment of smart grid.
and sensors so as to avoid any risk. Similarly, customer participation
5 Report the benefits of smart grid technology.
is important for the success of demand-response programmes. Further,
First, an initial conceptual model is drawn to show the basic fac- it is important to monitor the progress of smart grid development by
tors and actions which can be taken by the executives and officials. The analysing its different components like the installation of smart meters,
initial conceptual model is shown in Fig. 4 (a). renewable energy integration, development of different energy storage
In the stakeholder workshop, participants discussed and tried to un- systems and infrastructure development etc. Analysing various compo-
derstand what the strategy for successful deployment of smart grid tech- nents helps in understanding the benefit due to deployment of smart
nology in the energy sector should be. Various activities which were grid technology.
proposed by participants are:
1 Various training programs for staff and consumers. 4.5. Step 5: Comparison with real world
2 Technology and infrastructure development.
3 Monitor technology risk and consumer participation It is critical to examine how similar a conceptual model is to the
4 Monitor deployment of the smart grid by monitoring various compo- actual world once developed. It aids in the gathering of information and
nents like deployment of smart meter, renewable energy integration, suggestions for improvement. It may be done via unstructured talks or
energy storage system, infrastructure development by asking questions about each model component, such as: ’Does it exist
5 Record the effect of the integration of smart technology in the actual world?’, ’How can its performance be identified?’, and so
6 Assess the impact on. A third workshop was held to further understand how the real-world
7 Report benefits of integration of smart technology in the electricity scenario varies from the ideal model and how it may be improved. Other
sector qualitative research methodologies make it difficult to extract imagery.
8 Monitor efficiency, security and scalability of the electric grid. Going through the various elements of the conceptual model, par-
ticipants discussed various challenges faced in implementing smart grid
Based on the listed activities, a final conceptual model has been de- pilot projects in India. Many challenges were faced by the implement-
veloped, which is shown in Fig. 4 (b). Participants also suggested that ing agencies during the execution of these pilot projects (NSGM, 2019).
for a developing country like India, it is necessary to focus on tech- A few challenges which were faced during the implementation of pilot
nology and infrastructure development. New and advanced technolo- projects are the following:
gies like Dynamic Thermal Rating (DTR), battery energy storage system
(BESS), substation automation (SA), geographical information system, • Few projects were cancelled, and some were delayed due to a lack
consumer indexing etc. The DTR system helps in improving the rating of of clarity on the funding sources.
existing lines (J Teh and Cotton, 2015 Teh and Cotton, 2015). This in- • Regulatory approval challenges,
creases the power adequacy level and reduces demand energy loss. The • Consumers faced differences in billing,
DTR system is cost-effective and costs only a fraction of other equiva- • Lack of a uniform standard for a smart meter,
lent rating methods. A battery energy storage system (BESS) is another • Lack of interoperability,
major innovation that can improve the pentation of renewable energies • Unskilled workforce and lack of service providers,
and time-shift renewable energy usage and be utilized to facilitate peak • Problems in real-time data collection and monitoring,
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Fig. 4. (a): Initial Conceptual model, (b): Developed final Conceptual model for smart grid technology.
• Smart meter installation needs to be done properly to avoid electric- However, as consumers’ participation in these pilot projects was lim-
ity theft, ited in number, it does not represent society’s actual behaviour. Table 13
• The larger size of the box of smart meters made the replacement presents the comparison of the conceptual world with the real world.
difficult Participants concluded from their examination of the conceptual
• Lack of training and familiarity with smart devices of staff, model that developed countries already have a stable infrastructure,
• Local resistance was also observed at a few places, so they are focusing their efforts on smart metres, renewable energy,
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table 13
Comparison of the conceptual world with real world.
Regulatory structure - Social Create ways to educate the public about various smart gadgets and Many awareness programs have been launched by the
awareness emerging technology. Government of India, but still, many consumers seem to be
Educating consumers about smart devices and their applications, unaware of smart technologies.
taking regular feedback to understand their problems
Regulatory structure - Consumers Develop strategies to educate consumers More work needs to be done to educate consumers about
smart grid benefits. However, a short film has been
developed by the government of India to make the
consumer educated about smart grid technology.
Regulatory structure - Develop approaches to tackle environmental issues like usage of The majority of people are aware of environmental issues,
Environmental issues green technologies, imposing green taxes etc. but very few take them seriously.
There is a lack of use of green technologies.
Increase social awareness through policies and form
strategies for implementing these policies to tackle
environmental issues
Regulatory structure - Economy Introduce approaches to increase economic benefit due to the Utility profit may go low in the short term
implementation of smart technologies in the power sector Economic factors may become constraints for government
and utilities
The high initial costs may slow the pace of development
Regulatory structure - Smart grid Developing strategies from the implementation of smart grid The smart grid is in the implementation phase. Pilot
technology technology projects have been completed and have given useful
insights into the development of policies for their further
NSGM has been established to plan and monitor various
policies and programmes related to Smart Grid activities
in India.
Smart grid technology - Economy Smart grid technology will aid in the reduction of T&D losses, Pilot projects have shown a reduction in transmission and
increased dependability, and the promotion of new business distribution losses and increased efficiency.
Smart grid technology is essential for the growth of a smart
economy and provides numerous benefits for the economic
upliftment of utilities
The use of intelligent technology reduces manual involvement and
improves efficiency and accuracy.
Consumers - Smart grid Consumers have an active role to play in smart grid technology by Less participation of consumers in the pilot project does not
technology participating in various demand response programme reflect society’s actual behaviour toward smart technology.
By engaging in various demand response programmes, smart grid Due to a lack of a skilled workforce, utilities faced
technologies can assist customers in decreasing their power bills. problems in data collection and monitoring.
Local resistance was also observed at a few places
Renewable energy integration - Renewable energy is a clean source and helps in the reduction of Many renewable resources have been integrated, and many
Environmental issues greenhouse gases resources are in the planning phase.
Integration of renewable resources helps in transforming the
centralized system into the distributed system
With the exhaustion of fossil fuels, renewable resources have
emerged as viable energy and economical alternative.
and forecasting tools. However, emerging nations with inadequate in- cause smart grid infrastructure development requires a large initial in-
frastructures, such as India, must simultaneously enhance their energy vestment, energy businesses need favourable government regulations
networks and create new layers of ICT to make the grid smarter. An- and incentives. More testing and certification facilities are also required
other significant difficulty for India is supplying energy to rural homes by manufacturing businesses. There should also be clear interoperabil-
and decreasing transmission and distribution losses and power theft. An- ity rules. Another crucial area to concentrate on was support for renew-
other important finding is that consumers must play a substantial role in able energy integration. With the depletion of fossil fuels, renewable
the effective adoption of smart grid technologies. Consumers must be in- resources have emerged as a viable alternative source of energy, as well
formed of the smart grid’s advantages. For energy management, their ac- as a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Potential actions to
tive engagement in different demand responses is desirable. The govern- improve the situation were identified as a result of the in-depth conver-
ment’s participation in devising methods to raise community awareness sations. These activities included creating smart grid implementation
of different smart gadgets and new technology was crucial. The partici- plans, encouraging an integrated research environment, increasing cus-
pants made an intriguing observation: although consumers’ adoption of tomer service, and informing consumers about innovative technology
smart gadgets is not challenging, understanding their ideas about them and smart devices.
is. People embrace these gadgets, yet they are concerned about data pri-
vacy and the harmful consequences of electromagnetic field radiation
4.6. Step 6: Making interventions
on their health. As a result, participants proposed that the government
concentrate on consumer education, which could be delivered through
By comparing the physical world with the conceptual world, major
social media or print media. Consumer input may also be used to better
issues like real-time data collection and monitoring, the larger size of the
understand their difficulties.
smart meter box, consumer unawareness, unskilled workforce etc., be-
Smart grid technology, according to participants, may assist min-
come apparent. Additionally, it allows for potential intervention. Mak-
imise transmission and distribution losses, improving reliability, and
ing interventions is a critical phase in the learning process since it aids in
supporting the new business model. Smart technologies reduce the need
the comprehension of the ideas and constructions underlying problem-
for human intervention while increasing efficiency and accuracy. Be-
atic circumstances. Interventions might include re-running the model
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
or doing further system evaluations (Checkland and Scholes, 1999). Ad- debate about how to improve it. Numerous positive comments made
ditionally, the solution must be built with common problems in mind throughout the workshops aided in identifying the activities necessary to
(concern regarding the development and implementation of smart grid effect change. Additionally, participants discussed the responsibilities,
technology). A remedy may be designed to relieve some of the difficul- norms, and values of various stakeholders, as well as their engagement
ties based on the results of the comparison between the actual world and constraints. The research demonstrated the critical role of all stake-
and the conceptual model . holders, particularly government officials and executives, in developing
improvement and management plans. This study demonstrated the need
4.7. Stage 7: action to improve the situation to concentrate on soft problems as a result of human perceptions, envi-
ronmental limits, and technological advances. From a methodological
It is the last phase of SSM, in which all stakeholders agree on the standpoint, this research is notable in that it is capable of identifying
necessary changes to improve the problem. Fig. 5 shows the smart grid and reporting on problems impacting a variety of stakeholders who may
technology framework, which has been established based on the analy- not have had the chance to collaborate on common concerns about the
sis and insights gained throughout the steps. This model provides man- smart grid in the past. Additionally, this initiative used a comprehensive
agers, government officials, and policymakers with a road map for how approach, assessed the problematic issue, and addressed all stakehold-
the organisation should go in developing the smart grid. This model is ers equally. Additionally, this study increased awareness of the inter-
composed of three viewpoints generated from the root concept, each connectedness of stakeholders in the smart grid and the need to find
of which explains one of its components. These three views might be a shared solution that meets their individual interests. Addressing such
thought of as the social, economic, and environmental pillars of sus- concerns is very difficult for a specific stakeholder owing to the overlap-
tainability. Consumers are actively involved in smart grid technologies. ping nature of the complicated and troublesome scenario. Stakeholders
As a result, it is critical to concentrate on customer awareness and might distinguish between the actual situation and the ideal scenario.
education regarding the smart grid. Demand response is a technique Additionally, this approach facilitated the development of a collabora-
for enhancing the smart grid’s performance. Essentially, it aids in the tive connection between researchers and participants.
control of peak load. The following suggestions have been made in light
of the findings of this analysis:
5.1. Limitations of the present study
i. Government agencies and business sector organisations charged
with deploying the smart grid should be mindful of consumer un- 1 The study employed a soft system technique, which is predicated on
derstanding of the technology. concepts such as confidence, trust, and human behaviour. Because
ii. Consumers who lack information may function as impediments and soft thinking is so dissimilar to hard thinking, it is difficult to com-
may fail to reap the benefits of smart grid growth; hence, it is critical prehend for those who have worked with hard systems.
to establish measures to educate and motivate them. 2 The soft system approach is a qualitative research strategy that
iii. Smart grid development is dependent on government policies and utilises workshops, interviews, and questionnaire surveys to elicit in-
initiatives. As a result, government policies that are both practical sights. Frequently, a person is swayed by other participants and hes-
and beneficial must be developed. It will undoubtedly assist in build- itant to engage in genuinely candid dialogues, resulting in a skewed
ing customer confidence. perspective. Additionally, since the sample size is limited, the find-
iv. With the rise in pollution and the exhaustion of fossil fuels, the in- ings of this study should not be generalised.
tegration of renewable resources into the power sector has become
Conflict of Interest
v. Because smart grid technology is a new technology with a lot of
potential for study and development, it’s critical to encourage re-
search organisations and give enough resources to support relevant
vi. Because smart grids are made up of a variety of software, hardware, Appendix A
sensors, and smart devices, their growth necessitates collaboration
across many industries. Questionnaire
Table A1
Profile of experts who participated in semi-structure interviews.
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
Table A2
Profile of experts who participated in stakeholder workshop.
Appendix B
Table C1
Table C1
Question framed for semi-structured interview.
Appendix C
Fig. A
Archana, R. Shankar and S. Singh Cleaner Energy Systems 2 (2022) 100011
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