3 Food Chains Questions (Printout Version)

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Food Chains Questions

1. What is the function of each of the following types of organisms in a food chain?
a. Producer

b. Consumer

c. Decomposer

2. Put each of the organisms below in the correct column in the table
Apple tree, hawk, mushroom, carrot, dragonfly, worm, bamboo, tiger,
bacteria, daffodil, pigeon, snake, fish, sea weed, slug, grass
Producer Consumer Decomposer

3. Explain the difference between a primary consumer and a secondary consumer.

4. The food chain below shows a feeding relationship in an Australian ecosystem.

Label each organism according to its place in the food chain.
Grass → Kangaroo → Dingo
5. In a food chain, what do the arrows represent?

6. Rearrange the organisms to create a food chain. Label the position of each
a. Mouse, seeds, owl

b. Flower, bird, caterpillar, cat

c. Shark, sea weed, large fish, small fish

7. Draw food chains for the following feeding relationships and label the position of
each organism
a. The hawk circled overhead before swooping down on the snake. Earlier that
day, the snake had eaten a desert rat that was feeding on the grass.

b. A fat green caterpillar was munching on a leaf. It did not know that a
butcher bird was perched on the branch above, ready to pick up the
caterpillar in its hooked beak.
c. Killer whales swim through the ocean in search of seals, which are their
favourite food. In turn, seals search for large fish that have grown fat on
their meals of smaller fish. Floating in the water are millions of plankton.
These are microscopic producer organisms that provide food for small fish
and other herbivorous animals in the ocean.

8. Draw three of your own food chains that have

a. A producer and two consumers

b. A producer and four consumers

c. A producer and three consumers

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