2023 Mitacs Student Code of Conduct and Ethics
2023 Mitacs Student Code of Conduct and Ethics
2023 Mitacs Student Code of Conduct and Ethics
By accepting an internship with the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship program, it is important to remember
that you will be representing Mitacs, as well as your home country and institution, while you are at your host
academic institution in Canada.
In this document, “Globalink Research Intern” refers to you — the individual who was accepted to participate
in the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship program.
The “Host Institution” refers to the academic institution in which you — the Globalink Research Intern — are
doing your research internship. Mitacs Globalink will be referred to as the “Program”.
The Mitacs Globalink Code of Conduct and Ethics applies to the entire duration of your internship. This includes
conduct that occurs during your time on campus at your Host Institution, at Mitacs-sponsored events, as well
as at virtual, off‐campus and recreational events that have the potential to adversely affect Mitacs, Mitacs’s
reputation, and/or the pursuit of Mitacs’s objectives.
At no time does this Code of Conduct and Ethics supersede or cancel out any code of conduct and ethics, in
part or in full, authorized and required by your Host Institution. Wherever this agreement overlaps with the
code of conduct and ethics of a Host Institution, the code of conduct and ethics of the Host Institution shall
Below is Mitacs’s Code of Conduct and Ethics, a set of rules and regulations each Globalink Research Intern is
required to understand and agree to prior to conducting their research internship.
1. You are expected to comply with the research schedule set out by your host professor. The typical
schedule includes a 40-hour work week, five days a week (Monday to Friday).
a. The only reason for excusing yourself from a scheduled research day is if you are ill. You may
not miss a research day without advising your host professor/research team. Keep in mind
Mitacs may invite you to attend Training courses or industry events during work hours. While
we try our best to schedule these outside work hours, sometimes this is not possible. You must
ask your host professor for permission to attend such events if they occur during regular
working hours. Host professors are notified that this is a component of the Program.
b. Any dishonesty towards your professor or fellow research team members as to why you are
missing research days will not be tolerated.
2. As you have been selected for your assigned research project in a competitive process, you are expected
to work to the best of your ability and to put forth your best effort. The Globalink Team will check in
with your host professor regularly to ensure he/she is satisfied with your efforts.
3. You are expected to complete any and all assignments given to you by your host professor before
finishing your internship and returning to your home country.
4. You are expected to follow the rules, safety procedures, and regulations of your Host Institution.
5. You are to treat your host professor, research team, Mitacs staff and contractors, industry liaisons, and
Host Institution staff with professionalism, cooperation and respect.
6. We strongly encourage you to participate in all events that the Mitacs Globalink program makes
available to you. This includes, and is not limited to, the Mitacs Training courses and webinars on
professional development topics, social events, and other industry- and government-related tours
and/or information sessions. However, please ask your host professor for permission if these events
occur during your regular work hours. Any dishonesty regarding attending Mitacs-sponsored events
and missing research work will not be tolerated. Host professors must agree to Globalink Research
Interns missing work to participate in such events.
7. You are expected to report any concerns regarding your internship to Mitacs immediately.
You must comply with all applicable Canadian federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal laws, including,
without limitation, statutes, regulations, by-laws, rules, ordinances, and decrees.
Failure to follow these rules may result in consequences such as Mitacs contacting a Globalink Research
Intern’s home institution and/or referring professors, and the possibility of the Globalink Research Intern
being expelled from the Program and being asked to return to the country of departure at the Globalink
Research Intern’s expense, at any point during the internship.
General misconduct
1. Any Globalink Research Intern found to have committed, or to have attempted to commit, the following
types of misconduct is subject to the disciplinary actions outlined in this and all other Mitacs policies.
Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to:
a. Providing false information to any Mitacs employee, or the employees, faculty members, and
officials of the host institution
b. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any document, record, or instrument of identification
c. Misrepresentation or falsification of identity
2. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings or other Mitacs
activities, including functions on and off the campus of the host institution.
3. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct which
threatens or endangers the health, security, or safety of any other person.
4. Attempted or actual theft and/or damage to property of Mitacs and/or the property of the Host
Institution or affiliated organization(s), including but not limited to accommodations, research space,
public space and communal areas.
5. Attempted or actual theft and/or damage to property belonging to another Mitacs-sponsored Globalink
Research Intern and/or a student of the Host Institution.
6. Violation of any federal, provincial, or municipal laws or statutes.
7. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any premise belonging to Mitacs or the host
8. Use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of all drugs including but not limited to marijuana, heroin
or other controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law.
9. Use or possession of open alcoholic beverages, manufacturing or distribution of alcoholic beverages, or
public intoxication. Alcoholic beverages may not, in any circumstances, be used by, possessed by, or
distributed to any person who has not reached the legal age for such activity in the province of your
Host Institution.
10. Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals.
11. Participation in a disorderly on‐campus or off‐campus demonstration, or riot.
12. Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; conduct that violates the privacy of other persons; breach
of the peace; or aiding, abetting or procuring another person to breach the peace.
13. At no time may any Globalink Research Intern participating in the Program leave the country of Canada
without first contacting and receiving the approval of Mitacs.
Violation of this Code of Conduct and Ethics may result in the following disciplinary proceedings or any deemed
appropriate by Mitacs or your Host Institution:
1. Investigation into the alleged violation
2. Removal from Mitacs premises and/or the premises of the Host Institution
3. Exclusion from Mitacs events
4. Upon charges of theft or damage to the assets of Mitacs, the Host Institution and/or any affiliated
organization, the withholding of funds as necessary to replace or restore the asset to the state known
prior to the violation
5. Immediate expulsion from the Program and subsequent return to the country of departure, at the
Globalink Research Intern’s expense
6. Criminal charges as set out in the Criminal Code of Canada
When a Globalink Research Intern is charged with conduct that potentially violates any of the following:
1. The Criminal Code of Canada
2. Mitacs Inc.’s Code of Conduct
3. The Host Institution’s code of conduct and ethics
Mitacs Inc.’s disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against the Globalink Research Intern without regard to
the timing or outcome of civil or criminal litigation in court, criminal arrest, and prosecution.
At all times, participants in the Mitacs Globalink program are subject to any and all safety standards and
procedures adopted by their Host Institution.
Globalink Research Interns are responsible for their own safety, and for the safety of others who may be affected
by their behaviour. Disciplinary actions may proceed against a Globalink Research Intern charged with violating
safety codes, or with other unsafe conduct that could harm or potentially harm the Globalink Research Intern,
other persons, or the facilities and equipment of the Host Institution.
I have also read the Terms and Conditions of the Globalink Research Internship program here:
I hereby swear that I have read the above Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by the
rules, regulations, and policies as set out in this document and acknowledge that I am subject to all disciplinary
procedures as noted above and as set out in the Criminal Code of Canada.
By reading this agreement and clicking the “Yes” and “Confirm Decision” buttons, I acknowledge and agree to all
of the terms and conditions set out in the above agreement with Mitacs Inc.