Scope For Refractory Application
Scope For Refractory Application
Scope For Refractory Application
Details of items to be erected in terms of tonnages/kgs of bricks, mortar, ramming mass, castables, Insulation materials,anchor welding and others
to be lined in Pre Calciner, all Cyclones, Cooler and Kiln as per drawings, manuals and BOQ submitted.
2 Quantites of refractory material mentioned are the estimated Nos./tonnages/kgs from various drawings and part list given by equipment suppliers.
These quantities may deviate by +/- 20 %
3 Mobilization shall be done within 3 to 5 days after confirmation by site
4 Refractory material to be stacked in orderly manner for ease identification at site
6 Refractory work in Kiln shall be done by Brick Laying Machine, Machince shall be provided by DCBL
Castable mixer machine & Gunning castable machine, Bobcat machine, Brokk Machine, Winch for material shifting, Breakers, Welding
7 machine,brick conveyor machine and all tools and tackles etc will be contractor scope.
Forklift,hydra & tractor in DCBL Scope
Welding of all the equipment arrangements, holding blocks, brick retainers in proper position as per the relevant drawings and also doing suitable
12 modifications. Welding electrodes required for fixing of anchors and retainer plates shall be provided by DCBL
Laying bricks in rings keeping suitable clearance as mentioned in various drawings and adjusting key bricks for proper arching actions as per site
Preparation of mortar, castable mixing with mixture machine for specified time as per direction and proper vibrator to be provided for proper
14 flowability
15 Laying of scoffolding inside the cyclones, precalciner and cooler as per DCBL safety standard with vendor material. All scaffolding pipe should be
Class C Category and dummy has to be errected with 125mm beam with 3mm sheet at working place for work crew safety by vendor scope.
16 Breaking and Cleaning of old refractory material (bricks, castable, hysil etc) inside the all Cyclones, PC, Kiln inlet, TAD, Kiln & Cooler and all debris to
be shifted to scrap yard without plastics bags.
17 Debris should not affect the working space, need to emptied from work location in regular basis
18 Safety steward/electrician to depute 24/7 to ensure PPE usage, MCB connected welding machine, vibration machine, brick cutting/plywood/Hysil
machine, focus light, breaker etc
19 Insurance against claims from third parties - WBS policy in contractor scope
20 Services of workmen - skilled and unskilled as also supervisory personnel in adequate (Every Job location) numbers as required for carrying out the
work at site as per the agreed schedule.
21 It will be the responsibility of the contractor to follow safety norms as per the prevaillaing factory act and practice in company.
All safety appliances (PPE) for people engaged (Safety Helmets, Nose mask, Hand gloves, safety belts, Goggles, safety jacket, etc.)by contractor
22 scope.
Dalmia shall provide land for the material unloading site and godown. However, construction of godown and development of land shall be in
contractor's scope.
24 Loadging, boarding & transportation in contractors scope
S.No List of Manpower, Tools & Tackles Qty M/s ----
1 No. of Brokk Machine 1
2 No. of Castable mixer machine 4
3 No. of Castable gunning machine 0
4 No. of brick cutting machine 3
5 No. of welding machine 10
6 No. of Hilti Breaker with chiesel for breaking old castables 10
7 Bobcat for kiln cleaning 1
8 Winch for shifting materails in Preheater building 2
9 Scoffolding material qty available incl. pipes, clamps etc. (in m3) 12,000
10 Scoffolding Erection & Dismantling Yes
11 Anchor Wleding Yes
12 Retainer plate & Beam welding Yes
13 Castable shifting materials Yes
14 Debris cleaning & Disposal Yes
15 Wastage allowable
Castable 5%
Bricks 1.00%
Anchors 0%
S.No List of Manpower, Tools & Tackles M/s ---
No. of manpower deputation
1 Mason 60
2 Carpenter 24
3 Welder 12
4 Rigger/Scoffolder 80
5 Electrician 0
6 Helpers 100
7 Helper for shifting 100
8 Brick cutter 10
10 Engineer 2
11 Supervisor/Foremen 16
12 Safety steward 2
13 Store Keeper
14 Winch Operator