Rupee ICICIdirect 200911
Rupee ICICIdirect 200911
Rupee ICICIdirect 200911
Currency daily
September 20, 2011 RBI reference rate
Close 19/09/11 USD/INR EURO/INR GBP/INR YEN/INR 47.79 65.35 75.06 62.18 16/09/11 47.47 65.79 74.96 61.81
(Source: Reuters)
Change +0.68% -0.66% +0.13% +0.6%
(Source: Reuters)
Bond yields ended down on Monday as mounting worries over the Euro zone debt crisis pushed up demand for safe haven debt with the market watching for more monetary easing by the Fed The total trading volume on the RBIs gilt trading platform stood at | 6325 crore on September 19, 2011 compared to | 13306 crore on September 16, 2011 The yield on the 10-year benchmark bond closed at 8.32%, up by 4 bps from its previous close. During trade, the yield reached a high and low of 8.35% and 8.20%, respectively The US treasury yield of the 10-year benchmark was at 1.96%, down by 10 bps at the local markets close Equity: Nifty range seen at 5010-5080
(Source: Reuters)
The Nifty opened negative and traded in a narrow range of 5020-5060 throughout the session. It finally closed about 1% lower. FIIs created shorts in stock futures to the tune of | 254 crore. They were also sellers in the cash segment to the tune of | 166 crore The Nifty is likely to open flat on mixed global cues. It is likely to trade in the range of 5010-5080. The trading strategy would be to create short positions if the Nifty resists at around 5072 levels for targets of 5040 and 5017. On the other hand, one can also create long positions if the Nifty takes support at around 5010 levels Forex (US$/INR): INR depreciates
10 yr
(Source: Reuters)
US 10-yr yield
The Indian rupee fell more than 1% on Monday on robust dollar buying by investors unconvinced about Europes ability to solve its debt crisis and stave off a debt default by Greece, with losses in world equities also weighing The INR ended at 47.82/83 per dollar, weakening by 1.17% over the previous days closing of 47.26/27 per dollar The dollar index against six major currencies was up by 1.16% to 77.43 at the time of the local markets close On September 19, 2011, FIIs bought (net) Indian shares worth US$83.12 million. For the current month to date, FIIs bought US$485.40 million while for the year FIIs bought US$529.70 million Derivatives strategy: Buy September contract contract on the NSE closed at 47.87. The US$/INR September open interest was up by 9.7% The October contract witnessed an increase in open interest by 17.2% We expect the US dollar to attract some buying on declines against the INR. Utilise the lows in the US$/INR September contract to buy Intra-day strategy
USD/ INR Sept futures contract (NSE) Buy USDINR above 47.72 Target: 47.89/47.96 Support S1/ S2: 47.70/ 47.57 View: Bullish on USD Market Lot: USD1000 Stop Loss: 47.63 Resistance R1/R2: 47.99/ 48.12
226554 17.2
Aishwariya KPL Dipesh Dagha Pabitro Mukherjee
Tick Size Trading Period Contract Months Final Settlement date/ Value date Last Trading Day Settlement Final Settlement Price
Source: NSE, Research
Contract USD/INR Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept
View Bullish Bearish Bearish Bullish Bullish Bullish Bullish Bullish Bullish Bullish Bullish Bearish Bearish Bullish
SL 45.93 46.46 46.30 46.00 45.88 45.88 45.97 46.06 46.51 47.10 47.11 48.01 47.92 47.28
Comment Closed at 46.06 Opened at target Opened at target Not initiated Closed at 46.06 Not initiated Both tgt achieved Not initiated Not initiated Stop loss hit Not initiated Both tgt achieved Opened at target Opened at target
26-Aug-11 29-Aug-11 30-Aug-11 2-Sep-11 5-Sep-11 6-Sep-11 7-Sep-11 8-Sep-11 12-Sep-11 13-Sep-11 14-Sep-11 15-Sep-11 16-Sep-11 19-Sep-11
Long Fut 46.02 46.18/46.24 Short Fut 46.37 46.19/46.12 Short Fut 46.22 46.06/46 Long Fut 46.09 46.26/46.34 Long Fut 45.96 46.12/46.20 Long Fut 45.97 46.12/46.20 Long Fut 46.05 46.21/46.28 Long Fut 46.14 46.30/46.37 Long Fut 46.60 46.78/46.84 Long Fut 47.18 47.33/47.39 Long Fut 47.20 47.37/47.45 Short Fut 47.92 47.74/47.66 Short Fut 47.83 47.64/47.55 Long Fut 47.37 47.55/47.63
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MOST IMP: The follow-up and performance review table of the strategies indicates the profit opportunity that was available in the strategies. Individual profits may vary, depending upon the entry and exit price and stop losses
Pankaj Pandey
Head Research Research Desk, ICICI Securities Limited, 1st Floor, Akruti Trade Centre, Road No 7, MIDC Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 093
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