Nectar of Instruction
Nectar of Instruction
Nectar of Instruction
1. What is Lord Caitanya’s mission and how can we help Him in His mission?
2. Explain the purpose of Sri Upadesamrta.
1. Describe the importance of Srila Rupa Gosvami in the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
and explain how the Krishna consciousness movement is conducted under the supervision of
Srila Rupa Gosvami. (Nectar of Instruction Preface)
Text 1
1. Discuss the importance of controlling the 6 urges as described in Sri Upadesamrta Text 1.
What practical steps are you taking to control these 6 urges? Give appropriate reference to
Sri Upadesamrta Text 1, verse and purport, in your response.
Texts 2
1. List the three primary energies of the Lord. /List the three primary potencies of the Lord.
2. Define mahatma and duratma.
3. List the threefold miseries in Sanskrit and English. / List in Sanskrit and English the threefold
material sufferings.
4. What two items does Srila Prabhupada mention as sufficient to live in any part of the world
very peacefully?
5. Explain the analogy of the hundred-dollar bill lying in the street.
1. Explain how each of the six items mentioned in Nectar of Instruction text two can help solve
some of the challenges faced by ISKCON and the society at large. Give reference to Nectar
of Instruction Text 2 verse and purport n your response.
2. Explain the importance of Srila Prabhupada’s phrase “simple living and high thinking”, and
discuss its relevance for your personally and devotees in general.
3. Explain the first step in human civilization, as mentioned in Srila Prabhupada’s purport to
text 2, and discuss how this step helps one avoid atyahara. Give reference to Text 2 purport
in your response.
4. Discuss how the Isopanisad, Invocation and Mantra One, relate to this verse. Give reference
to text 2 verse and purport in your response.
Texts 3
1. Briefly explain the verse “anyablilasita…” (1.1.11 BRS) as Srila Prabhupada mentions it in
the purport to text 3.
2. List the nine processes of devotional service in Sanskrit or English.
3. What analogy is used to explain confidence and patience?
4. What is the meaning of avasya raksibe krsna?
1. List, in English or Sanskrit, the six items favorable to pure devotional service.
2. Explain the analogy given by Srila Prabhupada to illustrate the necessity of patience and
confidence for successful execution of Krishna conscious activities.
1. Discuss the challenges you are facing in developing enthusiasm, confidence and patience in
your practice of devotional service. What steps are you taking to overcome these
challenges? In your response, give appropriate reference to Nectar of Instruction text 3 verse
and purport.
2. How is “maya tatam idam sarvam…” used in the purport? How is the example of a
dictaphone used to illustrate this? How have you practically applied this in your service?
3. What principle is the example of a dictaphone used to illustrate? How have you practically
applied this in your service?
4. Briefly the meaning of tat-tat-karma-pravartanat.
5. Describe the importance of associating with devotees and avoiding the association of
non-devotees in the practice of devotional service, with reference to Sri Upadesamrta Texts
2 and 3, verses and purport.
6. In his anuvrtti, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati focuses on niscayad, being determined in
devotional service. Summarize his comments.
Text 4
1. Discuss ways in which you can improve your practice of the six kinds of loving exchanges
amongst devotees.
2. Discuss the significance of the verse ‘nitya-siddha Krishna prema…’ in relation to the six
loving exchanges and preaching Krishna consciousness.
3. What does the example of Lord Chaitanya chanting the Hare Krishna in the Jarikhanda
forest indicate in regard the power of the Holy Name?
4. What does Caitanya Mahaprabhu explain as the consequences of eating grains cooked by
materialists, (“visayira anna khaile dusta haya mana”)?
5. Explain the instruction to not eat grains cooked by materialists (visayera anna koila…).
Discuss appropriate application of this in different circumstances experienced by yourself
and by ISKCON devotees in general.
6. Srila Prabhupada writes in text 4 purport: “Unless one is very advanced, he is unable to
utilize everyone's contribution to further the Krishna consciousness movement; therefore on
principle one should not accept charity from the Mayavadis or atheists.” Discuss the
relevance of this statement for members of the Krishna consciousness movement.
7. Explain the distinction between civilized and uncivilized society, as described by Srila
Prabhupada in relation the quoted verse, “sa vai pumsam…”
8. Summarize Prabhupada’s explanation of the “dadati” principle and discuss its significance
for dealings amongst devotees and non-devotees.
9. The devotee who is neither a neophyte nor a maha-bhagavata is expected to recognize four
classes of living entities. List, and define them.
10. Discuss the importance for all devotees, of Srila Rupa Goswami applying the dadati
principle in relation to spending at least fifty percent of one’s income in the service of the
Lord and His devotees.
11. Discuss the significance, for ISKCON devotees, of how Srila Rupa Goswami divided his
wealth, amongst different groups.
1. Explain the importance of practicing the six…amongst ISKCON devotees. Give reference to
Srila Prabhupada’s purport in your response.
2. Discuss the benefits and risks of application of guyham ackhyati principle with devotees and
people in general. Give reference to Srila Prabhupada’s purport in your response.
3. Which analogy Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati in Anuvrtti give warning us about
disclosing our minds to mayavadis and karmis.
Texts 5
1. How should one deal with the devotee (kanistha-adhikari) who chants the holy name?
2. List the four characteristics of a madhyama-adhikari as mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam in
the verse isvara tad adhinesu.
3. What bad habits does Srila Prabhupada mention in describing the prakṛta-sahajiyas?
4. Explain how the program given to us by Srila Prabhupada, in his purport to text 5, helps
elevate neophyte candidates.
5. What was the response of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when asked how a Vaisnava could be
recognized, by the great devotee Srila Satyaraja Khan?
6. Explain sraddha, as quoted from Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Madhya 22.62).
7. List three symptoms of an uttama-adhikari.
1. What does Srila Prabhupada describe, in the purport to Text 5, as the connection between
Texts Four and Five?
1. Discuss appropriate application of the six loving exchanges with the three categories of
devotees. Give reference to Nectar of Instruction text 4 & text 5, verses and purports, in
your response.
2. In verse 5 text and purport, Srila Prabhupada tells us how to deal with three types (levels) of
devotees. Give the specific Sanskrit and English names and explain the characteristics of
each type including their status in terms of ISKCON initiations. Give reference to Text 5
verse and purport in your response.
3. Explain the distinction between kanistha and madhyama vaisnava as mentioned in the
purport of Nectar of Instruction text 5. Give reference to Nectar of Instruction Text 5, verse
and purport, in your response.
4. Explain the symptoms of the 3 categories of devotees and the respective ways of associating
with them, with reference to verse and purport of text 5.
5. Describe how, in Nectar of Instruction Text 5, Srila Prabhupada defines an uttama adhikari,
‘whose association should always be sought’. Discuss the significance of Srila Prabhupada’s
statement ‘a disciple should be careful to accept an uttama-adhikari as a spiritual master’.
Give reference to Nectar of Instruction text 4 & text 5, verses and purports, in your
Texts 6
1. Explain the term ‘empowered Vaisnava’ and describe the appropriate attitude toward dealing
with an ‘empowered Vaisnava’. (Nectar of Instruction text 6)
1. A sadhaka explains to you, whilst quoting verse 6 in the upadesamrta that we should bathe
in the Ganges without considering the condition of the water. In science class, however, we
learn that bathing in dirty water will give us all kinds of dangerous diseases. Discuss this
dilemma with reference to the verse and purport of text 6.
2. Srila Prabhupada starts the purport with “Suddha-bhakti, the activity of the soul proper – in
other words, engagement in the transcendental loving service of the Lord – is performed in a
liberated condition.” Explain, with reference to Text 6 verse and purport, and other relevant
Bhaktisastri verses.
3. Explain the relationship between Text 6 and Bhagavad Gita 14.26, with reference to Text 6
and Bhagavad Gita 14.26, verse and purports.
4. Srila Prabhubada writes in the purport to text 6 “In actuality there cannot be a family
of Gosvamis based on material considerations, caste or heredity.” Discuss the significance of
this statement in relation to the perpetuation of ISKCON, with reference to the verse and
purport of text 6.
5. Explain how the title of Gosvami is beyond considerations of material birth with reference
to the verse and purport of text 6. Discuss the relevance of this principle for the development
of the Krishna consciousness movement.
6. Explain the title Goswami with reference to American Goswamis, in relation to the mission
of Srila Prabhupada. Give reference to Text 6 verse and purport and other relevant
bhaktisastras, in your response.
7. Discuss the importance of appropriately viewing external aspects of devotees in ISKCON.
Explain, with reference to Text 6 verse and purport.
Texts 7
Texts 8
1. According to a Text 8, what three points constitute the essence of all advice?
2. Put in the correct order, as described in purport to Text 8, the following five items of
progressive Krishna-smaraṇa: smaraṇavastha, anusmṛti, sravaṇa-dasa, samadhi, varaṇa-dasa.
3. What is anusmṛti?
4. List three examples each of perfect devotees in santa-rasa, dasya-rasa, and sakhya-rasa, as
mentioned in purport to Text 8.
Closed Book Essays
1. Discuss how the statement “The Krishna consciousness movement is especially meant for
training the mind to be always engaged in Krishna’s business” reflects Srila Prabhupada’s
mood and mission. (Nectar of Instruction text 8)
Texts 9
Texts 10
1. Number the following types of people from one to eight from the highest to the lowest.
a. Jnani vimukta
b. Karmi
c. Vikarmi
d. Radharani
e. Sadhana Bhakta
f. Vrajavasis (Pasu-pala-pankaja-drsa)
g. Jnani
h. Prema-bhakta
2. Define ‘asta-kaliya-lila’. Text 10
3. At the present moment almost everyone in this world is:
a. Jnanis
b. Yogis
c. Karmis
d. Vikarmis
e. None of the above.
4. Define the two types of fruitive workers described by Srila Prabhupada in his purport to
Text 10.
5. Describe the difference between vikarmis and karmis.
6. Does Krishna hate the karmis or His neutral to them or are they dear to Him?
7. Explain why some karmis are dear to Krishna as mentioned in the purport to Text 10.
8. Describe Krishna’s attitude towards the karmis, as mentioned in Text 10, verse and purport.
9. Define vipralambha-seva and give an example of it from Text 10 purport.
10. What is the relation of Lord Caitanya’s avatara and Srimati Radharani? Text 10 purport
1. Explain why a jnani is considered superior to a karmi and how a jnani progresses to the
stage of bhakti with reference to verse and purport of Text 10. Why does Srila Prabhupada
refer to Bhagavad Gita 7.19 in this connection?
1. Why the gopis are considered the most exalted of all the devotees and why Srimati
Radharani is most dear to the Lord. (Nectar of Instruction text 10 & Purport )
Texts 11
1. Explain the final instructions in relation to Radha Kunda and how they could be misapplied
with reference to Nectar of Instruction 9 to 11 verses and purports.
1. Explain any two important points from Nectar of Instruction which can help solve current
social issues that the world is facing. Give reference to at least 3 texts from Nectar of
Instruction in your response.
2. Draw any 3 principles from Nectar of Instruction and explain how they are presented in the
other Bhaktisastri texts.
3. Choose verses from this Nectar of Instruction which describe appropriate Gaudiya Vaisnava
etiquette and principles of Vaisnava sanga. Explain how applying these principles has
enhanced your own Krishna consciousness.
4. Identify some Vaisnava qualities found in the Nectar of Instruction that you consider
particularly important for ISKCON preachers and leaders. Discuss why. Give appropriate
reference to the Nectar of Instruction in your response.
5. Choose at least 3 verses from this Nectar of Instruction which you feel reflects Gaudiya
Vaisnava culture. Explain the relevance of this for ISKCON, present & future.
6. Choose a verse that relates to a difference of practice between members of ISKCON and
those belonging to its broader tradition (e.g. Hinduism in general, other Vaisnava traditions
or Gaudiya Vaisnava traditions). Explain how those practices differ and explore reasons for
the differences.