Computer Networks Question Bank
Computer Networks Question Bank
Computer Networks Question Bank
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Define computer networks. Distinguish between network and distributed systems Mention the advantages of computer networks. What are the two types of transmission technologies? Define broadcasting. What is multicasting? Suggest an approach to implement it. How point-to-point networks differ from broadcast based networks? Write about unicasting. List any four classifications of computer networks based on scale. Mention any two topologies generally preferred for LANs. Why an arbitration mechanism is needed in a broadcasting based network? Differentiate a centralized arbitration from decentralized mechanism. What is Ethernet and state how conflicts are resolved in it ? In what way, dynamic allocation of channels is better than static based allocation. Mention the difference between centralized and decentralized dynamic channel allocation. What is a subnet? What is its role? What are the two components of a subnet? Draw the diagram of a communication subnet. Define store-and-forward approach. How packets are transmitted in a packet switched subnet? What are cells? Write about the benefits of Bluetooth. What are the requirements of a computer in a wireless LAN?. Mention the IEEE standard widely followed for that. State any two desired properties of a home network. What is an internetwork? List out the advantages of a layered approach of a network software design. What is layer n protocol? Define protocol. What are peers? Give an example. Differentiate physical communication from virtual communication. State the role of an interface in a layered model. What are clean interfaces? Mention its advantages. Define network architecture What is called as a protocol stack?
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What do you think is the reason that headers and trailers are added into messages? List down the design issues for hardware layers. Differentiate simplex and duplex communication. Write the meaning and purpose of error control. Define multiplexing. How transmission takes place in a connection oriented service? How connection less service differs from connection-oriented service? Mention the advantages of connection-oriented service. Identify the drawbacks of connectionless service. Define reliable service. What are the drawbacks in using acknowledgements? Distinguish reliable connection oriented service and unreliable connection oriented service. Give an example each for connection oriented service and connection less service. What is datagram service? Write about request-reply service. Justify the selection of unreliable service over reliable service. Mention the primitives for implementing a connection oriented service. State the difference between blocking operation and non-blocking operation. Draw a diagram depicting the relationship between a service and a protocol. What do you think is the rationale behind the development of reference models? Write down the names of the seven layers of the OSI model. Mention the role of the physical layer Which layer of OSI takes care of flow control? What are the issues to be tackled by the data link layer? What is congestion? Which OSI layer is responsible for resolving congestion? List out the design issues of a network layer. Define Frames. Differentiate it from a packet. When packets reach the destination in wrong order, how they may be rearranged properly? Which OSI layer takes care of this issue? State the functions of a transport layer. Write the difference between data link layer and network layer. Justify that transport layer is a true end-to-end layer. What is a session? Mention a few services offered by a session. How presentation layer is different from other OSI layers? State the role of presentation layer. What is the use of HTTP protocol in Internet?
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Give the names of the layers of the TCP/IP reference model. Which layers of OSI are missing in TCP/IP? What is the role of IP in the internet layer of TCP/IP? Identify the differences between TCP and UDP. Expand the following i. UDP ii. SMTP iii. DNS iv. HTTP Mention the job of DNS Mention any two differences between OSI and TCP/IP models. Which concepts are central to the OSI model? Justify that protocol in OSI model can be replaced relatively easily than the TCP/IP model. What are IMPs in ARPANET? Which were the initial applications of internet? What is an ISP? Mention its role. Draw the architecture of internet. Define private peering. What are the steps involved in delivering a packet through ISP? Distinguish internet and intranet. Give any two reasons foe why telephone companies prefer connectionoriented service. Share any four important details regarding X.25. Identify the essential features of frame relay. What is a virtual circuit? How permanent virtual circuit are different from virtual circuits? Draw the model of a virtual circuit in ATM Write the meaning and characteristics of cells with respect to cells. How fixed sized cells are advantageous over variable length IP packets? List the advantages of ATM networks. Write the names of layers of an ATM reference model. State the difference between the use plane and control plane in ATM model. How tokens are used to avoid collisions in Ethernet? What are the two models in which a WiFi may work? What is multipath fading problem? What is an negotiation in a connection oriented service ? Give few possible parameters involved in it. Which of the OSI layers handle each of the following a. Dividing the transmitted bit streams into frames. b. Determining which route the subnet to use. How can we model the behavior of signals transmitted on wires in order to analyze them? Define bandwidth. What restricts an ordinary telephone line in transmitting data rates higher than 38.4 Kbps?
105. Quote Nyquists theorem for maximum data rate. 106. What is signal-to-noise ratio? 107. What is the maximum data rate of a noisy channel, whose bandwidth is HHz and signal-to-noise ration is S/N according, to Shannon? 108. Define switching. 109. Write the difference between packet and message switching. 110. Which are the different possibilities for transmission under guided media? 111. Identify the plus points of using magnetic media for data transmission. 112. What is twisted pair made of ? 113. Mention the two varieties of twisted pairs. 114. State the advantages of coaxial cable over twisted pairs. 115. Identify the components of a coaxial cable. 116. What are the three components of an optical transmission system? 117. How a fiber optic cable works? 118. Which principle prevents the leakage of light in a fiber optic? 119. What is called as a multimode fiber? How it is different from single mode fiber? 120. State the formula for finding the attenuation that takes place in fiber optic. 121. What are solitons? 122. Which are the two kinds of light sources used for signaling in fiber cable? 123. What is payload ? 124. What are gateways? 125. Write the difference between flow control and congestion control. PART B QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is a computer networks ? Discuss the various uses of computer networks. Explain the two types of transmission technologies and their merits and demerits with suitable examples. How networks are classified based on their size? Explain each one of them. Narrate in detail the various topologies of computer networks. Provide appropriate diagram for each. Write short notes on i. Ethernet ii. Subnet iii. Store-and-forward iv. IEEE 802.11 Describe the seven layers of OSI reference model along with the specific responsibilities of each layer. Draw a neat diagram depicting the OSI model. Assume that a message M needs to be forwarded from Host A to Host B, which are part of a WAN. If both the Hosts are connected through OSI based network architecture, illustrate the various steps followed by each layer for the transmission and receipt of the message. Sketch a suitable diagram delineating your explanation.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
List out the common design issues of a network reference model architecture design process. Compare the two types of network services that a lower layer may offer to an upper layer. List out the differences between connection oriented and connection less services. When will you suggest one type of service over other? i. Explain service primitives with an example. ii. How services are difference from protocols? Explain TCP/IP reference model along with a neat diagram of the model. Compare OSI model with TCP/IP model. Explain any three networks that are present. With detailed description, explain all the guided transmission medias. Which are the different options under wireless transmission? Write about each one. Write about PSTN. Define multiplexing. Explain the different techniques of multiplexing. Explain three types of switching techniques. Narrate the three generations of mobile telephone systems.