Nonconventional OBC TVT2001
Nonconventional OBC TVT2001
Nonconventional OBC TVT2001
1, JANUARY 2001
Abstract—Electric vehicles (EVs) are needed in densely pop- solving some of these problems. In fact, on-board chargers
ulated urban areas to reduce air pollution. Battery chargers are can use any household outlet and extend the range of EVs
needed to supply dc voltage to charge the high-energy battery significantly. Hence, the arrangement of a battery charger
packs used in EVs. This paper deals with an on-board battery
charger arrangement that is fully based on the use of the power on-board a lightweight EV is a desired feature. It should be
components of the EV motor drive. Desired features for EV bat- noted that the quite small size of the propulsion system makes
tery chargers such as minimum volume, low cost, high efficiency, the power requirement for a possible fast charge system not
and high reliability are fully matched by means of the proposed critical for the power converter design [2].
solution. The proposed on-board charger arrangement has been Fig. 2 shows the proposed on-board battery charger configu-
installed on an electric scooter prototype being developed for the
Far East markets. Design analysis and experimental results of the ration. This is based on suitably reusing the power components
on-board charger prototype are presented. of the EV propulsion drive. Thus, desired features for EV battery
Index Terms—Electric vehicle (EV) propulsion system, low-cost chargers such as minimum volume, low cost, high efficiency,
high-efficiency prototype, on-board battery charger. and high reliability are fully matched by means of the proposed
solution. A minimum number of additional power components
to the motor drive arrangement are required. However, the ad-
I. INTRODUCTION ditional power rectifier and the LC filter can be easily placed
close to the propulsion drive.
E LECTRIC vehicles (EVs) are expected to drive reduction
of air pollution in densely populated metropolitan areas.
The increasing use of EVs will inevitably prompt the use of a
EV motor-drive power devices turn out to be oversized with
respect to the technical specifications of the charger design, re-
large number of battery chargers to supply the dc voltage re- sulting in high efficiency of the battery charge system. High ef-
quired to charge battery packs. ficiency is one of the most important requirements for modern
To date, battery chargers often are designed to be used as off- chargers, as it strongly affects the entire energy efficiency of
board arrangements because of the large size and high weight re- EVs [3].
sulting from the required inductors, capacitors, cooling system, The proposed arrangement of the on-board charger has been
and eventual isolating transformer. On the other hand, the use installed onboard an electric scooter prototype [4] being devel-
of battery chargers with an on-board arrangement would allow oped for Far East markets. The motor-drive propulsion system
battery charging at any time this is needed, given the availability is accomplished by means of a lead-acid battery rated 180 V, 12
of the supply grid. Ah, whereas single-phase voltage supply is provided by the grid
Fig. 1 shows the general architecture of an EV motor drive at 110 V, 60 Hz.
arrangement with an off-board battery charging system. Such As an additional feature of the proposed EV arrangement,
an architecture requires the use of two power converters (one during operation of the motor drive a small size dc–dc power
for the vehicle propulsion and the other for charging the vehicle electronic converter is used to provide the maintenance charge
battery) and thereby results in an additional cost for the propul- of a 12-V auxiliary battery from the 180-V battery array. Such
sion system. an auxiliary battery charger is arranged by means of the cascade
The use of on-board chargers would increase acceptance of of a buck converter with a full-bridge converter.
EVs, particularly in the case of lightweight EVs devoted to
urban mobility. In fact, in scooters and three-wheel vehicles,
reduced room is available for housing the propulsion battery II. ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED SOLUTION
pack, and thereby autonomy no greater than 40–60 km can be
achieved with the conventional lead-acid battery arrangements A. Battery Charging Law
[1]. As a result, the use of such lightweight vehicles would In EV applications, the propulsion battery is required to un-
require the availability of a large number of “battery recharging dergo a continuous sequence of deep discharges followed by
stations” spread out in an urban environment, which to date recharge to maximum capacity. The prime requirement is there-
is not the case. Charging technology plays the key role for fore a system that provides a rapid and efficient charge, using as
simple equipment as possible and avoiding damage to the bat-
Manuscript received July 2, 2000; revised September 29, 2000 and October tery.
26, 2000. The constant current charge method requires simple and inex-
The author is with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
University of Roma Tre, Rome 00146 Italy. pensive control equipment. However, if high currents are used,
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9545(01)01930-2. problems are encountered with batteries, which have porous
0018–9545/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE
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Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI. Downloaded on February 25,2023 at 11:14:31 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 8. IGBT’s duty cycle (trace 3) and converter input current (trace 4, 5
A/div) at MCC charge.
Fig. 7. IGBT’s duty cycle (trace 3) and converter input current (trace 4, 5
A/div) at SCC charge.
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Fig. 11. IGBT’s duty cycle (trace 3) and converter input current (trace 4, 5
A/div) at SCC charge with auxiliary inductor of 1 mH. Fig. 13. Switch drain-source voltage (trace 2, 50 V/div) and output current
(trace 4, 500 mA/div) of buck converter.
Fig. 12. IGBT’s duty cycle (trace 3) and converter output current (trace 4, 2
A/div) at SCC charge with auxiliary inductor of 1 mH.
Fig. 14. Voltage (trace 2, 50 V/div) and current (trace 4, 1 A/div) of high
frequency transformer primary winding.
peak value, whereas the battery charge current is continuous and
suitably follows the control law. Experimental results concerning the auxiliary battery charger
Figs. 11 and 12 show, respectively, the waveforms of the con- were achieved by assuming three different operating conditions:
verter input and output current (traces 4) with a 1-mH auxiliary 1) propulsion battery fully charged (220 V) and high load
inductor being used instead of the motor phase windings. current (3 A);
The use of an external inductor results in continuous con- 2) propulsion battery fully charged (220 V) and low load
duction mode of operation but causes low-frequency undamped current (0.8 A);
oscillations of the battery current. In this case, the control cir- 3) propulsion battery at minimum charge (150 V) and low
cuit was not able to regulate the output current, being the duty load current (0.8 A).
cycle hunting between 0 and 1 with the frequency imposed by Voltage and current waveforms sensed in operating condition
the LC power circuit. The achieved experimental results are in 1) are shown in Figs. 13 and 14.
good agreement with the theoretical analysis briefly discussed At turning off, the drain-source voltage of the buck converter
above. switch (Fig. 13) exhibits some overvoltages (about 25 V), but
this is not dangerous for the used MOSFET. The output cur-
B. DC–DC Converter for Auxiliary Battery rent waveform has 200 mA current ripple. The measured switch
The buck converter, full-bridge converter, and control and conduction and switching losses were 71 mW and confirmed the
drive circuits forming the auxiliary battery charger were all as- prediction that heatsink is not needed for this particular appli-
sembled on the same circuit board. Thus, the resulting outline cation. Transformer primary winding voltage and current wave-
dimensions (100 160 40 mm) were suitable for the use of forms (Fig. 14) were achieved by using a 10- F capacitor con-
the dc–dc converter on small-size EVs. nected in series with the winding. The series capacitor avoids
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the flowing of the current continuous component, due to the im- REFERENCES
perfect symmetry of the primary winding voltage, assuring the [1] O. Honorati, F. Caricchi, F. Crescimbini, and L. Solero, “Lightweight,
linear mode of operation of the transformer magnetic core. compact, three-wheel electric vehicle for urban mobility,” in Proc. 1998
Int. Conf. Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial
Growth, Perth, Australia, 1998.
V. CONCLUSION [2] J. Burba and C. Ochocinski, “Issues with fast charging electric vehicle
batteries,” in Proc. 1997 Int. Electric Vehicle Symp., Orlando, FL, Dec.
Concerning the EV application, battery chargers having an 1997.
onboard topology are highly desirable, as they allow battery [3] F. Schope, A. Nagel, and U. Esser, “High efficiency on-board charger
charging everywhere given the availability of the supply grid. with sinusoidal line current and fast switching resonant converters,” in
Proc. 1996 Int. Electric Vehicle Symp., Osaka, Japan, Oct. 1996.
In consideration of that, this paper has discussed a novel on- [4] F. Caricchi, F. Crescimbini, G. Noia, and E. Santini, “Prototype of an
board battery charger configuration. The peculiar arrangement innovative electrical scooter for application in zero-emission urban mo-
of the proposed battery charger is achieved by means of the same bility,” in Proc. 1994 Int. Electric Vehicle Symp., Anaheim, CA, 1994.
[5] R. Crompton, Battery Reference Book: SAE, 1996.
power devices used in the EV propulsion drive. Battery charger [6] Handbook of Batteries, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995.
regulation law is achieved by implementing a reliable and not
expensive current control along the whole charging operation.
This includes starting constant current charge until the battery
array voltage reaches the trickle level and then maintenance con- Luca Solero (M’98) received the electrical engineering degree from the Uni-
stant current charge. versity of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, in 1994.
A small-size dc–dc power electronic converter is also used to Since 1996, he has been with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, where he currently is an As-
provide the charge maintenance of a 12-V auxiliary battery from sistant Professor. His research interests include permanent magnet motor drive,
the propulsion battery array during both motoring and charging power converter topologies, and control systems design for unconventional ap-
mode of operation of the motor drive. The experimental results plications such as electric and hybrid vehicle and renewable energy systems.
Dr. Solero is a member of the IEEE Power Electronics Society, IEEE Industry
achieved from a prototypal system confirm the validity of the Applications Society, IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society, and IEEE
proposed solution. Vehicular Technology Society.
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