Management Level Exam Blueprints 2023 2024 Final For Web
Management Level Exam Blueprints 2023 2024 Final For Web
Management Level Exam Blueprints 2023 2024 Final For Web
examination blueprint
Incorporating Management Case Study
Examination, E2, P2 and F2 Objective Tests
skills needed to pass the examination; aligns understand the future of the profession. We set out Each level imparts knowledge and business acumen
finance professionals with the aptitude and the employers with the capabilities of the candidates; and, on a yearlong research — consulting with finance that’s expected out of a finance professional working at an
attitude that drives businesses forward. And with the above all helps us keep the examinations current, professionals across the world to know what the future entry level, managerial level or at a senior leadership level.
2019 Professional Qualification, we seek to give relevant and up to date with the latest standards. of finance looks like and, more importantly, what
At the end of each level, learners have to take a Case
learners the skill set and the mindset to be resilient businesses need to thrive.
As our most comprehensive statement to date on Study Examination – a business simulation of real-life
and ready for the future.
CGMA Professional Qualification Examinations, one of In a digitally disrupted business environment, it’s even job tasks that someone at that level is expected to
Passing each of the three levels of the CIMA’s CGMA the core purposes of the blueprints is to assist learners more important that finance professionals shift their focus perform. In addition, the purpose of the Case Study
Professional Qualification is the litmus test against in getting into the mindset the examination demands. from foundational and intermediate proficiency level, Examination is to assess the candidate’s proficiency in
which employers evaluate a candidate’s capabilities to to applying a higher-level expertise. The 2019 those specific skills that are less likely to be automated.
drive organisational success. Professional Qualification is a result of these research The Case Study Examination blueprints articulate the
Improving employability – now and findings and has been designed to drive employability business simulation through the core activities and
For the first time, CIMA is releasing blueprints for its
Professional Qualification Examination. The blueprints
in the future and continued growth. assessment outcomes. The Objective Test blueprints
state the job tasks through the representative task
will demystify the examination – giving greater clarity The purpose behind the updated 2019 Professional
statements. As a result, learners are clear about the
on examinable topics; assessment approach, design Qualification is to ensure the relevance of the finance
basis for each type of assessment.
and weightings; and learner expectations. The professional. In a business environment where digitisation
blueprints won’t just aid learners taking the is reshaping and reimagining more and more roles, we
examination, but will also orientate learning partners are looking to build capabilities, enhance competencies,
and employers about the judging parameters and the drive the employability and add to the confidence of a
capabilities of finance professionals for tomorrow. CGMA-qualified finance professional.
For learners at the Management level, the blueprint will
The purpose — setting expectations introduce them to the skills they will need to translate
The examination blueprints give learners the clearest long-term decisions into medium-term plans. Just as
expression of what is expected of them in the CGMA a finance professional working at this level, learners
Professional Qualification Examinations. It tells learners will be shown how to use technology and data to
what to prepare for and how to prepare for the Case manage organisational and individual performance,
Study Examinations and the Objective Tests. Working allocate resources and prepare financial statements to
in tandem with the syllabus document, it aids the show performance among other responsibilities.
learner in anticipating the type of questions to expect
The ‘I Can’ statements, which reflect the competencies
in the examination.
of a learner at the end of a Case Study Examination
and the representative task statements that emerge
from the successful completion of Objective Tests —
correspond directly with what employers are looking
for and businesses need to transform and thrive.
3 Management
Strategic level examination blueprint 4
Effective dates and
Outline examinable standards
This is the examination blueprint for the Management This blueprint sets out the examinable content and The blueprint is based on the 2019 Professional Examination period covered
level of the CGMA Professional Qualification. It will set assessment structure for the Management level Case Qualification Syllabus and will be examined for the first
out in detail what is examinable in the Case Study Study Examination and Objective Tests for: time in November 2019 with the Objective Tests and in Objective tests from January 2023 to January 2024
Examination and the Objective Tests for the period February 2020 with the Case Study Examinations. Case study examinations in May, August,
w E2: Managing Performance
stated on the cover of this document. It also provides November 2023 and February 2024
information about the format, structure and weightings w P2: Advanced Management Accounting
of the assessments. It complements the syllabus This is the fourth release of the examination
w F2: Advanced Financial Accounting blueprint for the 2019 Professional Qualification
document and provides details specifically related to
the different type of assessments and is our most You can find the blueprints for the Operational and Syllabus. Any updates to the blueprint document in
comprehensive statement to date on CIMA’s Management level here. future publications will be detailed here.
examinations. For more information on the operational and
The purpose of the examination blueprint is to: administrative aspects of the examination please
refer here. Version number Date first published Summary of changes
w Explain the key features of the examination.
w Describe how the examination was developed in 1 31 January 2019 N/A
consultation with employers.
1.1 30 August 2019 Page 28 — E2 deleted duplicate section 3. How to
w Document the competencies, skills and knowledge manage relationships.
necessary to pass the Case Study Examination. Page 44 — F2 corrected section 1.c to ‘The
w Assist learners in preparing for the examination. International integrated reporting framework’.
Page 47 — P2 delete bullet point ‘Learning Curve’.
w Apprise educators about the knowledge and skills Other minor weblink updates.
learners will need to pass the examination.
2 30 August 2019 Cover - updated examinable period dates
w Apprise employers of what passing learners can do.
Pg 21, 47, 48 - minor text and web link changes
w Guide the development of examination tasks Appendix - update mapping for IFRS 15, and IAS 38
and questions.
3 31 July 2021 Cover and pg 6 - updated examinable dates
Core Activity Assessment Outcome Weighting Core Activity. Assessment Outcome Weighting
A. Evaluate • I can select appropriate capital investment appraisal techniques and apply 15–25% D. Measure performance • I can select and apply suitable tools and techniques for managing 15–25%
opportunities to them in order to support capital investment decisions, including product/ risk and uncertainty associated with performance related issues.
add value service development, digital transformation projects and acquisitions.
• I can select and apply suitable tools and techniques for managing
• I can identify and use relevant digital data sources to assist in capital risk and uncertainty in business models.
investment decisions.
• I can use the financial statements to assess and report on financial
• I can explain which pricing strategies are appropriate. performance and position, interpreting and reporting on a wide range
of ratios.
• I can select and implement suitable business models that will create
value for stakeholders, including business models in the context of • I can support managers by recommending actions to improve
digital ecosystems. financial performance and position and assessing how suggestions
impact on the wider organisational ecosystem.
• I can analyse the impact of disruptive and digital operating business
models in the context of digital ecosystems. • I can select appropriate accounting treatments and explain their
implications for users of the financial statements.
• I can explain the relevance of weighted average cost of capital.
E. Manage internal and • I can explain the financial reporting implications of additions to the 15–25%
B. Implement senior • I can apply appropriate project management tools and techniques to 15–25%
external stakeholders group.
management decisions effectively manage projects at the appropriate stage in the project life
cycle. • I can explain the behavioural and transfer pricing issues associated
with internal trading.
• I can identify the key project personnel, explain their responsibilities
and set appropriate performance measures. • I can explain the implications of Integrated Reporting for the
reporting entity and its stakeholders.
• I can select and apply suitable tools and techniques for managing
risk and uncertainty in capital projects. • I can advise on the communication process.
• I can select suitable financing sources and explain the characteristics • I can advise on the negotiation process.
of the different types of funding.
• I can advise on conflict management.
• I can recognise the characteristics of high performing teams.
C. Manage performance • I can advise on the measurement, analysis and reporting on the 15–25%
and costs to aid value performance of responsibility centres.
• I can analyse the processes needed to ensure employee engagement,
empowerment and alignment to enhance individual and team
• I can compare leadership styles and identify the most appropriate
style to use.
• I can use appropriate cost management and cost transformation
techniques to manage costs and improve profitability.
• I can identify and apply appropriate quality management techniques
to enhance value.
• I can identify and apply value management techniques to enhance
• I can apply the techniques that quantify and present risk
to stakeholders.
The examination is three hours long. A 15-minute Examination tasks will not be set that require specific The Case Study Examinations are human marked. There are four examination windows per year. For
tutorial is available before the start of the examination calculations. However, candidates should, wherever details of upcoming Case Study Examination dates,
The Case Study results will contain the
to allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the possible, show how they have used and interpreted visit
following information:
test driver. data from the pre-seen and the new information Pre-seen material will be published on the website
presented during the examination and/or undertook w Grade: Pass or fail
The examination has four sections (tasks), which are ahead of the examination. Candidates must use the
analysis or calculations to support their responses. w Scaled score: 0 to 150 with 80 and above material to prepare for the examination, immersing
each 45 minutes long. All sections are equally
Reference materials being a pass themselves in the simulated scenario and consider the
weighted. Candidates may finish a section early and
move on to the next but cannot return to previous organisation’s current position and future strategy.
Mathematical tables will be included for reference in There is no requirement to obtain a pass or meet a
sections in the time remaining. each Case Study Examination are: minimum threshold for each core activity. The examination will take the form of a ‘day in the life’
There may be more than one sub-task within each of the role being simulated. Candidates will face a
w Present value table Feedback on performance against each core activity
section and an indication of how long to spend on series of tasks that relate to one or more of the core
will be provided so that learners know their areas of
each sub-task will be given, to allow candidates to w Cumulative present value table activities in the blueprint.
weakness for further study.
manage their time. If no weighting is given, then w Normal distribution table During the course of the examination, new information
Grade descriptors for both the overall passing
candidates should assume that the sub-tasks are will be provided at the start of each section (task). In
For more details visit here. standard as well as each core activity will be available
equally weighted. response, candidates will have to consider the new
six months before the first examination and this
More than one core activity will normally be assessed A copy of the full set of pre-seen material will be information that’s been given, as well as their previous
document will be updated with that information.
in each section/task and the order of core activities available for reference in the test driver throughout the analysis of the pre-seen material.
and assessment outcomes in the blueprint does assessment. A calculator is included within the test
Results will be available on your profile about six
not reflect how these might be structured in driver although candidates are permitted to take their
weeks after the examination.
the examination. own calculators as long as it’s a CIMA approved model.
For more information on the operational and
All core activities will be assessed in each form of the A notepad and pad are provided for planning and
administrative aspects of the examination please
examination in line with the weightings. A sample of workings along with an on-screen scratch pad.
refer to our website.
related assessment outcomes will be tested.
Item types
The examination requires constructed, written
responses from candidates in the format of a range
of business communications (for example, emails,
memos, reports, briefing notes).
Word processing capabilities will be provided within
the test driver to allow the formatting and presentation
of responses in a professional manner.
Lead Component Remembering Application Analysis Evaluation Lead Component Remembering Application Analysis Evaluation
outcome outcome and outcome outcome and
understanding Representative task statement understanding Representative task statement
3. New a. Digital Determine the strategies businesses can 1. Different a. Different Understand fundamental and
business business use to survive digital disruption and build types of leadership contemporary concepts in management
models models and
disruptive and resilient business models. leadership and concepts P including the concepts of power, authority,
in digital their related management delegation, and empowerment.
ecosystems operating styles
b. Types of Understand different approaches to
Analyse strategies to build disruptive leadership leadership including personality/traits, style,
business models using the build, buy, P contingency/situational, transactional/
P partner, invest and Incubate/accelerate transformational and distributive.
c. Leadership Understand leadership in different contexts
Analyse strategies to create digital in different P including leadership of virtual teams and
operating models. contexts the ethical implications of leadership.
Analyse the steps to build a digital 2. Individual a. Employee Understand performance management
workforce including attract and retain and team performance P and associated frameworks.
talent, become an employer of choice, performance objective setting
create a workforce with digital skills, bring
P leadership into the digital age, foster a Determine how behavioural aspects of control
digital culture, create environments where impact target setting and management by
humans and robots can work together,
P objectives and impacts employee alignment,
integrate on-demand workforce. empowerment and engagement.
d. Managing Understand the sources and causes of Determine the contribution of project
conflicts conflict in organisations and strategies P management software to the overall
P for managing conflict to ensure working success of a project.
relationships are productive and effective.
3. The a. Project Understand project structures, including
concepts structure matrix structure and their impact on
of project P project achievement.
Lead Component Remembering Application Analysis Evaluation Lead Component Remembering Application Analysis Evaluation
outcome outcome and outcome outcome and
understanding Representative task statement understanding Representative task statement
3. Value a. Target Calculate target costs and target prices and 1. Data a. Relevant Determine relevant cash flows and their
management costing identify methods to reduce any cost gaps. required for cash flows timings for the entire project lifecycle
techniques to decision- P including consideration of tax, inflation and
manage costs P making working capital.
and improve
value creation Calculate relevant cash flows taking
account of tax, inflation, and working
b. Value chain Determine how research and development, P capital, and the use of perpetuities to
analysis product design, process environment, derive final project value.
P production, distribution, marketing and
customer service together to improve Determine non-financial factors in
products and services for customers.
P medium-term decision making.
c. Life cycle Analyse the value chain and management b. Non- Determine the benefits, costs, and common
costing P of contribution/profit generated throughout financial P problems with collecting, analysing and
the chain. information presenting high-quality data.
Understand life cycle costing and its Determine the role of business intelligence
P implications for marketing strategies P systems in identifying new business
opportunities and reducing costs.
Use life cycle costing and budgeting in
P costing decisions. 2. The steps a. Investment Understand the process of investment
and pertinent decision- decision-making, including origination of
issues in the making proposals, creation of capital budgets, go/
decision- process P no-go decisions on individual projects
making (where judgements on qualitative issues
process interact with financial analysis).
Determine how the different methods of b. Managing Use the TARA framework — transfer, avoid,
calculating transfer prices affect manager risk P reduce, and accept.
P autonomy, motivation, goal congruence and
unit performance. Determine business risks and the ethical
P implications and risk to the public interest.
Analyse the effects of transfer pricing on
P divisional and group profitability. Determine the costs and benefits associated
P with investing in information systems and
big data.
Analysing and communicating insights about the Lead Component Remembering Application Analysis Evaluation
performance of the organisation. outcome outcome and
understanding Representative task statement
Content weighting:
1. Types and a-b. Long-term Understand the characteristics of types of
sources of debt and equity shares and long-term debt (e.g., ordinary and
Content area Weighting long-term finance P preference shares, bank loans and bonds).
A. Financing Capital Projects 15% c. Markets for Understand the markets and methods
long-term funds of raising long-term financing including
B. Financial Reporting Standards 25% P the operation of the stock and bond
markets, share and bond issues, and role
of advisers.
C. Group Accounts 25%
2. Cost of a. Cost of equity Calculate the cost of equity using the
D. Integrated Reporting 10% long-term P dividend valuation model, with and
funds without growth in dividends.
E. Working with Financial Statements 25% b. Cost of debt Calculate the post-tax cost of debt for an
P incorporated entity.
100% Calculate the yield to maturity of bonds
P and post-tax cost of bonds.
Lead Component Remembering Application Analysis Evaluation Lead Component Remembering Application Analysis Evaluation
outcome outcome and outcome outcome and
understanding Representative task statement understanding Representative task statement
1. Relevant a. Revenue Apply the basic principles of the five-step 2. Relevant a. Relevant IFRS Understand that equity, profit for the year, and
financial approach to revenue recognition and the financial for each total comprehensive income must be allocated
reporting criteria for satisfaction of performance reporting between the owners of the parent and the
standards at point in time and over time. (Including standards for P non-controlling interest.
for revenue, sale with right of return, warranties, and group
leases, P principal vs. agent) (Excluding costs of accounts
financial obtaining and fulfilling a contract).
instruments, Understand the three possible methods for
intangible measuring the investment in a subsidiary,
assets and
P associate, or joint venture in the separate
provisions financial statements of the parent.
b. Leases Apply the basic recognition, initial Determine if an entity has significant
measurement, and subsequent
P influence or joint control over another entity.
P measurement principles in the financial
Understand how to calculate and present
statements of the lessor (excluding sale and
leaseback and manufacturer-dealer lessors). P goodwill (including negative goodwill)
including fair value adjustments.
c. Provisions Apply the recognition and measurement
principles for provisions and determine Understand that non-controlling interest at
P the need for and the nature of disclosures P acquisition may be measured at fair value
of contingent assets and liabilities. or at the proportionate share of net assets.
d. Financial Apply the basic recognition and Determine whether an entity is a subsidiary by
P applying the three-part definition of control.
instruments measurement principles of financial
instruments (excluding derecognition,
Understand the difference between a joint
P embedded derivatives, impairment of
P operation and a joint venture and their
financial assets, hedge accounting and
respective accounting treatment.
calculations for investments in debt held
at fair value through OCI).
Lead Component Remembering Application Analysis Evaluation Lead Component Remembering Application Analysis Evaluation
outcome outcome and outcome outcome and
understanding Representative task statement understanding Representative task statement
1. Group a-d. Statement Prepare group accounts based on IFRS 1. The a. The role of Understand the role of the international
accounts of financial including the consolidated statement integrated the international integrated reporting council (IIRC).
based on IFRS position, of financial position, consolidated reporting integrated P
statement of statement of profit or loss and other framework reporting
profit or loss comprehensive income, consolidated council (IIRC)
and other statement of changes in equity, and
comprehensive P consolidated statement of cash flows. b. Integrated Define integrated thinking.
income, thinking P
statement of
changes in c. The Understand the objective of the international
equity, and integrated integrated reporting framework.
statement of reporting P
cash flows conceptual
Subsidiaries Consolidate subsidiaries including
calculation of goodwill (including fair value Understand the benefits and limitations of
adjustments), non-controlling interests, P the international integrated reporting
P and consolidated reserves. Eliminate framework.
intra-group transactions, balances and
2. The six The Define the six capitals.
unrealized profit on transfer of inventory.
capitals of measurement
Associates and Apply equity accounting to associates integrated and disclosure
reporting issues of
joint ventures P and joint ventures in the group financial
financial capital,
Foreign Translate and consolidate foreign capital, P
subsidiaries P subsidiaries. intellectual
capital, human
Consolidated Prepare extracts from the consolidated capital, social
statement of P statement of cash flows under the and relational
cash flows indirect method. capital, and
natural capital
2. Additional a. Transaction Determine the need for and the nature
disclosure between related of disclosure of transactions between Understand the principles of disclosure of
issues related parties P related parties. P the capitals in the international integrated
to the group reporting framework.
Examples of how the tables and formulae will be presented A whiteboard is available for planning and workings along
are available from with an on-screen scratch pad.
A calculator is included within the test driver although
candidates are permitted to use their own calculators
if it’s approved by CIMA.
Blueprint A test blueprint is a document that gives clear guidance to all stakeholders (candidates,
tuition providers, examination item writers) on what is examinable for a particular test.
It will also normally include details about the test such as information on the weightings
for/importance of specific elements of the test or mapping the different cognitive levels
of the test content.
Task statement A task statement is a plain English description of what someone should be able to know and do.
(objective tests)
For objective tests, task statements will form the basis of the blueprint.
Core activities Business-related tasks which are common to the role being simulated and valued by employers
(Case Study) which, if performed satisfactorily, enables the demonstration of the assessment outcomes.
Assessment outcome A clear assertion of what a CGMA-qualified professional can do when the examination
(Case Study) has been completed and what the assessment will be designed to measure. Case Study
assessment outcomes will be synoptic.
IFRS 10 Consolidated For an entity that controls one or more IAS 27, From F2
financial other entities, sets out the principles for the IAS 28,
statements presentation and preparation of the IFRS 3,
International financial reporting standards (IFRS) consolidated financial statements. IFRS 11
IFRS 11 Joint arrangements Sets out the financial reporting principles IAS 27, From F2
Number Name Application/relevant articles Useful to be studied in Examinable subjects for entities that have an interest in jointly IAS 28,
conjunction with: controlled arrangements. IFRS 3,
IFRS First-time Not examinable
adoption of
financial IFRS 12 Disclosure of interests in Describes the disclosure requirements for an From F2
standards other entities entity that has interests in other entities to
enable the users to evaluate the nature and
IFRS 2 Share-based Not examinable risks of the relationships, in addition to the
payment effects on the group financial statements.
IFRS 3 Business For the acquirer of a target entity, it explains how IAS 27, From F2
combinations to recognise and measure: IAS 28,
IFRS 10, IFRS 13 Fair value Defines fair value and describes how it is From F2
w assets and liabilities of the acquiree; measurement measured as well as the disclosure
w any non-controlling interest in the acquire; and requirements about such measurements.
w goodwill or a gain on a bargain purchase.
IFRS 14 Regulatory deferral Not examinable
Also explains the disclosure requirements to accounts
enable users to determine the nature and financial
impact of the business combination.
IFRS 5 Non-current Defines a non-current asset held for sale IAS 16, From F1 IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts Prescribes the accounting treatment for BA3 and F2
assets held for and explains how such an asset is IAS 36 with customers revenue.
sale and measured and presented in the financial
discontinued statements.
IFRS 16 Leases Describes the accounting treatment of From F1
The standards also defines what is meant
leases in both the lessee’s financial
by a discontinued activity and explains the
statements (F1) and the lessor’s financial
presentation and disclosure of such
statements (F2).
activities in the financial statements.
However, this element of the standard
Note: accounting for sale and leaseback
is not examinable.
transactions is not examinable.
IFRS 6 Exploration for Not examinable IFRS 17 Insurance contracts Not examinable
and Evaluation of
mineral assets
IAS 24 Related party disclosure Explains the disclosure requirements that draw From F2
attention to the possibility that the statements
of financial position and profit or loss may
be affected by transactions and outstanding
balances with parties related to the entity.
IAS 27 Separate financial Outlines the accounting and disclosure IFRS 3, From F2
statements requirements for investments in subsidiaries, IFRS 10,
joint ventures and associates when an entity IFRS 11,
prepares separate financial statements. IAS 28
53 54
Whilst CIMA allows the syllabus and examination blueprints to be used to promote the CIMA Professional Qualification, no responsibility for loss occasioned to any person
acting or refraining from action as a result of this document, can be accepted by CIMA. CIMA recognises and aims to protect both economic and moral rights in this work and
object to any distortions of the work, particularly those which are prejudicial to its reputation, or which provide false attribution of authorship, passing off or defamation. CIMA
reserves the right to make changes to the qualification structure, syllabus and examination blueprintss, as it deems necessary. Copyright © 2022 Pearson Education, Inc. or its
affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
© 2022 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. All rights reserved. AICPA and CIMA are trademarks of the American Institute of CPAs and The
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, respectively, and are registered in the US, the EU, the UK and other countries. The Globe Design is a trademark of the
Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. 2211-694729