S4 PIONEER English
S4 PIONEER English
S4 PIONEER English
Technical Data
Analytical performance
The S4 PIONEER combines high analytical performance and space saving and cost efficiency. Its outstanding light
element analysis capacity is based on innovative multilayer analyzer crystals, appropiate collimators and the optimized
close sample/X-ray tube coupling. Besides this, the S4 PIONEER is optimized by the 75 µm ultra thin X-ray tube window, SPECTROMETRY SOLUTIONS
the 150 mA excitation and the high transmission thin detector window technology.
Analysis range Beryllium to Uranium S4 PIONEER
Concentration range concentrations from sub ppm to 100%
Sample form powder, solid, liquid, paste, coating, slurry, film, filter deposit, etc.
Sample size loose powder and liquids: up to 50 ml
solid, film, paper: to 51 mm (2‘‘) ø, 47 mm (1.8‘‘) height
Room planning made easy
Mains 208 V, 230 V (50/60 Hz)
(Generator stability ± 0.0005% of the set value at main voltage fluctuations of ± 1%)
External cooling water 3-8 bar, the water consumption is automatically minimized and The
reduced to a third of normal X-ray spectrometer systems. Short term
water flow interruptions are compensated. Leading
Detector gas P10 (90% Argon, 10% Methane) required with flow counter operation 4K
Vacuum pump vacuum pump integrated in spectrometer
Gas for analysis of
liquids or loose powders Helium or Nitrogen, at reduced or normal atmospheric pressure
(Sample and spectrometer chamber are separated by a programmable air lock (vacuum seal) minimizing the helium
consumption and pump-down times, increasing detector stability and analytical reproducibility)
Dimensions 131cm x 84cm x 99cm; 450 kg
51.6” x 33.1” x 39.0”
(height x width x depth, weight)
Quality & Safety DIN ISO 9001 / EN 29001
CE Certified
Fully Radiation Protected System (e.g. DIN 54113)
All configurations and specifications are subject to change without notice. Order No. B80-E00002 2001 BRUKER AXS Printed in Germany.
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2 5
height: 131 cm
depth: 99 cm
width: 84 cm
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3 4
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S 4 P IO NEER brin worlds. For
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advantag you have the superi ave-
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p e rs iv e X -ray spectr d the best
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such as th y and sensitivity, in ed
c ib ilit – co binm
reprodu e nt analysis ce saving and
h t e le m
for lig of spa
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cost efficie e used in
S 4 P IO N EER can b in the clean
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environme the production site. ct from
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des you ometer.
ving spectr
a space sa meets the
P IO N E ER not only also
The S4 saving, bu
e m a n d s for space and economical
d t
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brings you h power excitation al
hig rn
solution to onnecting to an exte water
sim p ly c e x te rn a l
with e m . The
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cooling w e from your city or
n b
supply ca ater chiller system.
water, or a matically
su m p tion is auto ower
Water c o n
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based of
minimized -third that
n d is ty p ically one st ems.
setting, a ometer sy
-ray spectr w and
standard X riations in water flo for.
va ted
Short term tions are compensa S4 PIONEER
in te rru p
flow little in
measuring time
installation requirements
effort for setup and calibration
gigantic in
sample throughput
measuring speed
integrated intelligence
analytical flexibility
analytical sensitivity
00696 S4 PIONEER/E MON 28.08.2001 9:36 Uhr Seite 9
8 13
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sp o n ne d r e xa m p em .
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inn len
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create X-ra of the element.
stic ) uses this
Light ele
ment characteri ence analysis (XRF ve and
sc tati
Ejected X-ray fluore radiation for quali
electron cte rist ic s.
chara analysi 00°/min
e element ed up to 2
quantitativ inner shell
– scan ning sp e
s between y chemical ow flow
ristic The tr a n sitio n
rbed b to 60 kV n sm is sio n thin wind
Characte on re not distu ntage of itation, up – high tra ents
iati of atoms a refore another adva sam- – unique 4
kW e xc r light elem
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he uid
binding. T is that solid and liq reas or 150 mA 75 µm n c y scintillatio
XRF a n a ly sis
ed dir e c tly , w he
X -ra y tube with – high e ffic ie
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ples can b ds require evapora – close co -ray tube window for heavy for optima
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n of u u m operation y
material. sa fe operatio – stable va c
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se a l fo r and repro
ce radiatio (or energy) loose pow
ders sensitivity ased
From fl u o re sc e n liq u id s a n d
um p ing times b of
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– minimiz al vacuum control
lement t c h a ra cteristic wa by energy-disper- collimators u
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parated e
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electron can be se r by reflec rsive rystals lo
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n encoder co Theta ra tu re sta
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– high p re cis io
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nalysis). r with dec
WD-XRF a dvantage goniomete
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00696 S4 PIONEER/E MON 28.08.2001 9:36 Uhr Seite 13
11 12
ith a mini-
rd le ss a nalysis w brations further
Standa ecific cali sample data
o f u se r input or sp r lowest detection
mu m cy o
hest accura nd SPECTRA
fo r the hig a
PIONEER litative,
limits – S4 ss integration of qua nd quan-
le )a
offer seam (”semiquantitative”
a rd le ss
titative me Intelli-
tegrate d Analytical ars of
The fully In on more than 40 ye
gence is b nalysis.
e in XRF a
experienc XRF results
spread sheet
SPC applications
precalibrated for all types process control)
of materials
intelligent measuring strategies
applying the best parameters graphical
evaluations and
totally flexible interactive data presentations
evaluation AXS -051066