Critical Journa Review
Critical Journa Review
Critical Journa Review
Written by :
NIM : 212108007
Class/semester : A/3
Course : Sociolinguistic
Credit :2
Thank you to God Almighty who has made it easy for me to complete this critical
journal review task on time. On this occasion I would also like to thank the lecturer in charge
of this course Sociolinguistic, Madam Dra. Nursayani Maruao, M.Pd. who has guided and
directed me in completing this task.
Thus the author realizes that the task of making CJR is not perfect, so constructive
criticism or suggestions are highly expected to be able to complete the next task better.
PREFACE ..................................................................................................i
A. Background ....................................................................................1
B. Identity Of The Journal ................................................................1
Attempts to change languages, in terms of either their form or their function, are
usually described as instances of Language Planning. Because the ‘plans’ involved in
changing languages often (although by no means always) involve policy decisions, work on
language planning is often intertwined with work on language policy, and this body of
literature is frequently referred to as LPP (Language Policy and Planning)