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Start-up Instructions

© Siemens, 2008


© Siemens, 2008
All documents may only be used for rendering
services on Siemens Healthcare Products. Any
document in electronic form may be printed
once. Copy and distribution of electronic docu-
ments and hardcopies is prohibited. Offenders
will be liable for damages. All other rights are re-

Print No.: SPR2-330.815.01.05.02 English

Replaces: SPR2-330.815.01.04.02 Doc. Gen. Date: 05.08

2 Copyright / Version / Disclaimer
1Copyright / Version / Disclaimer

“© Siemens, 2008“ refers to the copyright of a Siemens entity such as Siemens Aktienge-
sellschaft - Germany, Siemens Mindit Magnetic Resonance Ltd. - China, Siemens Shang-
hai Medical Equipment Ltd. - China, Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. - USA and/or
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. - USA.

Document Version
Siemens reserves the right to change its products and services at any time.
In addition, manuals are subject to change without notice. The hardcopy documents corre-
spond to the version at the time of system delivery and/or printout. Versions to hardcopy
documentation are not automatically distributed. Please contact your local Siemens office
to order current version or refer to our website http://www.healthcare.siemens.com.

Siemens provides this documentation “as is“ without the assumption of any liability under
any theory of law.
The installation and service of equipment described herein requires superior understand-
ing of our equipment and may only be performed by qualified personnel who are specially
trained for such installation and/or service.

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Table of Contents 3
0Table of Contents

1 _______ General Information______________________________________________ 5

Notes and symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Additionally Required Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Safety information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
General safety information (in existing documents) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
General electrical safety information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Radiation safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Systems equipped with an I.I. laser light localizer or a single tank laser light localizer.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Systems equipped with an integrated I.I. laser light localizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Information on the protective conductor resistance test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
System leakage current measurement information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Tools, aids (partially for IQ test) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Note on the log book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Notes on adapting the power plug to local conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Note on the power connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2 _______ General Startup ________________________________________________ 23

Power Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Measuring the local line voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Adapting the programmed system line voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Function check of the EMERGENCY STOP switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Functional checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Functional test of C-arm lift movement and parking brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3 _______ Specific System Settings ________________________________________ 28

System configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Note regarding Hibernation Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Customer and country-specific configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Service login: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Customer address configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Configuration of the main system up to SW version VC10A, without service pack SP1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Configuration of the main system with SW version VC10A and service pack SP1
installed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Country-specific configuration for Australia or Switzerland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fluoroscopy footswitch configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Country-specific adaptation of the maximum tube current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Configuring the network (optional) and remote service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4 _______ Final Work Steps _______________________________________________ 59

Paper printer (optional). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Sony UP-970 and UP-990 printers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Final Work Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

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4 Table of Contents

IQ test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Completing protocols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Protective conductor resistance test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Leakage current measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
SRS / MNP configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Completing the "ARCADIS Avantic Installation" protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

5 _______ Protocols______________________________________________________ 66

Protective Conductor Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Measuring circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Remarks: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
System leakage current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Measuring circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Remarks: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
C-arm movement and emergency stop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Network checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

6 _______ Changes to Previous Version _____________________________________ 79

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General Information 5
Notes and symbols
1General Information

Emphasized text in this technical documentation has the following meanings:


Bei einer unmittelbar drohenden Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung

zum Tod oder zu einer schweren Körperverletzung führt.

Indicates when there is an immediate danger that leads to death

or serious physical injury.


Bei einer Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung zum Tod oder zu einer
schweren Körperverletzung führen kann.

Indicates a risk of danger that may lead to death or serious phys-

ical injury.


Bei einer Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung zu einer leichten oder

mittleren Körperverletzung und/ oder zu einer Sachbeschädigung
führt oder führen kann.
Indicates a risk of danger that leads to slight or moderate physical
injury and/or damage to property.


Bei einer Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung zu einem unerwünscht-

en Ergebnis oder Zustand führt oder führen kann (nicht Tod,
Körperverletzung oder Sachbeschädigung).
Indicates a risk of danger that if disregarded leads or may lead to
a potential situation which may result in an undesirable result or
state (not death, physical injury or property damage).

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6 General Information

Ist als Tipp zu verstehen. Der Anwender muss diese Anweisung

nicht unbedingt beachten. Er erfährt jedoch Vorteile, wenn er dies
Should be understood as a tip. The user does not absolutely have
to observe these instructions. However, there will be advantages
if he does.

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General Information 7

Additionally Required Documents 1.1

• ARCADIS Avantic Operator Manual

• ARCADIS Avantic Wiring Diagram
• IQ test (quality assurance)
• Local printer (optional) assembly and setting instructions
• Image intensifier laser light localizer (optional) assembly and setting instructions

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8 General Information

Safety information 1.2

General safety information (in existing documents) 0

WARNING Danger of injuries, death or material damage.

Non-compliance can lead to death, injury or material dam-

Please note:
¹ The product-specific safety information in these
¹ The general safety information in TD00-000.860.01...
¹ The safety information in accordance with ARTD Part 2.

General electrical safety information 0

WARNING Electrical safety!

Non-compliance can lead to severe injury or even death, as
well as material damage.
¹ Parts under electrical voltage are accessible when the
covers are open. To avoid danger, disconnect the sys-
tem from the power supply before opening the covers.
Disconnect the power plug.
¹ If an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is installed in
the system, the voltage output of the UPS must also be
deenergized or the voltage output plug must be discon-
¹ If work steps must be performed using electrical
power, the general safety information according to
TD00-000.860.01... must be observed.

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General Information 9

Avantic basic unit

WARNING Danger, high voltage!

Disregarding safety precautions can result in death or seri-
ous bodily injury.
¹ Even after the system has been switched off - and for
an extended period afterward, voltage is still present in
the electrolyte condenser battery and the generator
boards (D20, D21 and D30).
¹ Before work is started on the electrolyte condenser
battery, it must must be discharged.
¹ To do this, switch D21.S2 must be set to the UZ_OFF
position; LEDs D21.X22 and D21.X23 must not con-
tinue to glow.
¹ Then the voltage between points X109.UZ_IST(ACT)
and X109.ANA_GND is measured. The voltage must be
≤ 0.2V (corresponding to Uz < 20V- ).

Radiation safety information 0

WARNING X-ray radiation!

Non-compliance can lead to illness, irreversible damage to
body cells and the genotype, severe injury and even death.

During work on the system in which radiation must be

released, the radiation protection directives and the rules for
radiation protection according to ARTD-002.731.02.. must be
complied with.
Please note:
¹ Use available radiation protection devices.
¹ Wear radiation protection clothing (lead apron).
¹ Stay as far away as possible from the radiation source.
¹ Release radiation only if necessary.
¹ Set the radiation activity as low as possible. (low kV
and mA values, short radiation time)
¹ Release radiation for as short a time as possible.
X ¹ Checks requiring the release of radiation are identified
by the radiation warning symbol shown on the left.

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10 General Information

Systems equipped with an I.I. laser light localizer or a single tank laser light local-
izer 0

CAUTION Laser emissions!

This product contains class 2 lasers. (USA: Laser class 2)
Disregarding safety precautions can lead to bodily injury,
especially to the retina of the eye, resulting in irreversible
damage to vision.
¹ Observe the safety information in ARTD-002.731.03...
When working with the laser light localizer, do not look
directly into the laser beam.

NOTE Laser emissions!

There is no direct hazard to the eye (blinking reflex). Never-
theless do not look directly into the laser beam.

Systems equipped with an integrated I.I. laser light localizer 0

CAUTION Laser emissions!

This product contains lasers of the class 1M.
Disregarding safety precautions can lead to bodily injury,
especially to the retina of the eye, resulting in irreversible
damage to vision.
¹ Observe the safety information in ARTD-002.731.03...
When working with the laser light localizer, do not view
the laser beams directly with optical instruments.

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General Information 11

Information on the protective conductor resistance test 0

Observe the instructions in the "Safety Rules for Installation and Repair"
(ARTD-002.731.17 ...).
The protective conductor resistance of 0.2 ohms must not be exceeded.
First measured value
In the case of systems thoroughly tested at the factory prior to delivery, the protective con-
ductor resistance test was already performed and the measured values were recorded in
the system test protocol.
The measurements were performed using the measuring procedures and equipment
recorded in the system test protocol.
The test protocol is included with the accompanying documentation.
If no covers were opened while installing the system and no additional components (e.g.
options) were installed or modified, the values recorded in the test protocol including the
measuring point (e.g. cover of the basic unit or cover of the image intensifier) can be trans-
ferred in the protective conductor resistance protocol as the first measured values.
If the power plug was changed during system installation, covers were removed, or addi-
tional components were installed or modified, the values provided in the test protocol are
The values must be labeled invalid. Cross out the values, enter the comment "invalid value"
and confirm this with name, date, and signature.
The protective conductor test must be performed again after all work has been completed.
In the case of systems with no measured values for the protective conductor test recorded
in the system test protocol, the protective conductor test must be performed after all work
has been completed.

The measurement must be performed in accordance with DIN VDE 0751, Part 1 (refer to
ARTD Part 2). The protective conductor resistance for all touchable conductive parts must
be measured during the normal operating state of the system.

Make sure that control cables or data cables between the components of the system are
not mistaken for protective conductor connections.

During the measurement, the power cable and additional connection cable with the inte-
grated protective conductor (e.g., monitor cable between the basic unit and monitor trolley)
must be moved section by section to detect cable breaks.
The protective conductor resistance must not exceed 0.2 ohms.

The values, including the measuring points, must be recorded as first measured values in
the protective conductor resistance protocol.

The measuring procedure and the measuring device used (designation and serial number)
must also be documented.

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12 General Information

Separate the page with the protocol from these instructions and file it in the "Protocols" reg-
ister in the system binder or log book.

Fig. 1: Measuring circuit for measuring the protective conductor resistance for units that are

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General Information 13
disconnected from power, in compliance with DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C2.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part type B (if available)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

Repeat measurement
In the case of maintenance or repairs, perform the protective conductor resistance mea-
surement again.
Document and evaluate the values determined in the repeat measurement.
The measurement must be performed in accordance with DIN VDE 0751, Part 1 (refer to
ARTD Part 2). The protective conductor resistance for all touchable conductive parts must
be measured during the normal operating state of the system.

Make sure that control cables or data cables between the components of the system are
not mistaken for protective conductor connections.

During the measurement, the power cable and additional connection cables with the inte-
grated protective conductor (e.g. monitor cable between the basic unit and monitor trolley)
must be moved section by section to detect cable breaks.
The protective conductor resistance must not exceed 0.2 ohms.

The values determined in the repeat measurement, including the measuring points, must
be recorded and evaluated in the protective conductor resistance protocol.

The measuring procedure and the measuring device used (designation and serial number)
must also be documented.

NOTE For evaluation purposes, the first measured value and the
values documented during previous maintenance or safety
checks must be compared to the measured values. A sud-
den or unexpected increase in the measured values may indi-
cate a defect in the protective conductor connections
(protective conductor or contacts) - even if the limit value of
0.2 ohms is not exceeded.

System leakage current measurement information 0

Observe the instructions in the "Safety Rules for Installation and Repair"
(ARTD-002.731.17 ...).

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14 General Information

WARNING Electrical voltage!

Non-compliance can lead to severe injury and even death.
¹ The system leakage current measurement may be per-
formed on systems of protection class I only after the
protective conductor test has been passed.

First measured value

In the case of systems thoroughly tested at the factory prior to delivery, the system leakage
current measurement was already performed at the factory and the measured value was
recorded in the system test protocol.
The measurement was performed using the line voltage and line frequency, the measuring
procedure, and the measuring equipment recorded in the system test protocol.
The test protocol is included with the accompanying documentation.
When the line voltage and line frequency match, the value recorded in the test protocol
must be used as the first measured value in the leakage current protocol.
If the local line voltage or line frequency differs from the delivery state of the system or if
no measurement was performed and recorded at the factory, the system leakage current
must be measured.

If the local line voltage or line frequency differs from the delivery state of the system, the
values listed in the test protocol are invalid.
The values must be labeled invalid. The reason for newly determining the first measured
value must be documented and confirmed with date, name, and signature.

Adjust/program the system to the local line voltage/line frequency before the measurement.
In the case of systems without a system leakage current measurement value recorded in
the system test protocol, the system leakage current measurement must be performed
after all work has been completed.
Perform the measurement according to DIN VDE 0751, Part 1 (see ARTD-002.731.17....),
and record the determined value as the first measured value.
Measurement of the system leakage current according to the differential current method
(measurement setup according to (Fig. 2 / p. 15)) must be given preference, since this
method is not dangerous to the person performing the measurement and other persons.
However, please note the minimum resolution of the system leakage current measuring
device and any additional manufacturer information restricting the use of the measuring

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General Information 15

Fig. 2: Measuring circuit for measuring the system leakage current according to the differential
current method in compliance with DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C6 for protection
class I.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part type B (if available)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

If the direct measurement of the leakage current is used (measurement setup according to
(Fig. 3 / p. 15)), the system must be insulated during the measurement and must not be

Fig. 3: Measuring circuit for direct measurement of the system leakage current in compliance with

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16 General Information
DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C5 for protection class I.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part type B (if available)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

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General Information 17

WARNING Electrical voltage!

Non-compliance can lead to severe injury and even death.
¹ No housing parts of the system may be touched during
direct measurement of the leakage current (measure-
ment setup according to (Fig. 3 / p. 15)).
¹ Third-person access to the system must be prevented.

The system must be switched on during measurement. Measuring devices with automated
measuring sequences must therefore be set to manual measurement.

Enter the highest value as the first measured value in the system leakage current protocol.

This value must not exceed the permissible leakage current values according to DIN VDE
0751-1/2001-10, Table F.1, row "system leakage current for units according to remarks 1
and 3" of
2.5 mA.

Measure and record the current line voltage. If the measured line voltage deviates from the
nominal voltage, correct the measured value to the value corresponding to a measurement
at the nominal value of the line voltage. This must also be documented.
Document the measuring procedure (differential measurement or direct measurement)
and the measuring device used (designation and serial number).

Separate the protocol sheet from these instructions and attach it to the protocols already
in the system binder or log book.

Repeat measurement
When maintenance or repair work is performed on the primary power supply circuit (e.g.
repairs to the power-on circuit or replacement of the line filter), the system leakage current
measurement must be repeated.
The same measuring conditions as in the first measurement apply.
Record and evaluate the highest value determined in the repeat measurement in the exist-
ing leakage current protocol.
This value must not exceed the permissible leakage current values according to DIN VDE
0751-1/2001-10, Table F.1, row "system leakage current for units according to remarks 1
and 3" of
2.5 mA.
Measure and record the current line voltage. If the measured line voltage deviates from the
nominal voltage, correct the measured value to the value corresponding to a measurement
at the nominal value of the line voltage. This must also be documented.
Document the measuring procedure (differential measurement or direct measurement)
and the measuring device used (designation and serial number).

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18 General Information

NOTE For evaluation purposes, the first measured value and the
values documented during previous maintenance or safety
checks must be compared to the measured values. A sudden
or unexpected increase in the measured values may indicate
that a fault has occurred in the primary power supply circuit
(insulation damage, damage from moisture, defective inter-
ference suppressor, etc.) - even if the limit value of 2.5 mA is
not exceeded.

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General Information 19

Tools, aids (partially for IQ test) 1.3

• Tool kit 97 02 457 Y1971

• Dynamic test kit 37 90 156 X1963
• Copper filter set 44 06 120 RV090
• Densitometer 97 02 416 Y1996
• Radiation filter set (incl. 25 mm Al) 97 98 596 G5321
• Resolution test 28 71 820 RE999
• Safety tester (leakage current and ground wire testing device) 51 38 727 Y0766
e.g., Unimed 1100

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20 General Information

Note on the log book 1.4

The log book is located in the monitor cart behind the keyboard. It is accessible if the cover
on the back of the monitor cart is removed.

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General Information 21

Notes on adapting the power plug to local conditions. 1.5

The customer can have the power plug on the supplied power cable replaced with an
appropriate local plug by an electrician, provided that:
• The power plug used can conduct the power required for the operation of the ARCADIS
Avantic (refer to current and voltage values stated on the line voltage label, back of
monitor cart).
• The required line internal resistance is reached (refer to ARCADIS Avantic Planning
• The selectivity of the fuse protection is assured - according to the relevant national
It must also be ensured by the customer that connection to an unsuitable power supply is
prevented (e.g., by identification or design measures).
As concluding measures, perform and document protective conductor measurements (in
Germany, e.g., in the medical device book).

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22 General Information

Note on the power connection 1.6

The system delivery state is provided by the power connection values on the the line volt-
age label (back of the monitor cart).
Necessary adjustments to local conditions are to be performed as required according to
the adjustment instructions of the ARCADIS Avantic system.
The system leakage current measurement guidelines must be observed.

WARNING Electrical voltage!

Non-compliance can lead to severe bodily injury and even
¹ The internal uninterruptible power supply of the sys-
tem (UPS) provides several components with line volt-
age - even when the system is switched off or the
system power plug is disconnected.
¹ Before the system is programmed to the local line volt-
age/line frequency, it must be disconnected from the
power supply (the power plug must be disconnected)
and the voltage output plug of the UPS must be discon-
nected as well.

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05.08 CS PS SP
General Startup 23
Power Connection
2General Startup

Measuring the local line voltage 0

• Measure the voltage and frequency at the intended outlet for the ARCADIS Avantic sys-
• Compare the measured line voltage with the line voltage label on the back of the moni-
tor cart.
¹ The measured voltage (+/- tolerance) has to correspond to the voltage read from
the label.

Adapting the programmed system line voltage 0

NOTE Perform this procedure only if the on-site line voltage does
not correspond to the programmed line voltage of the system

NOTE After the line voltage is adapted, the leakage current values
recorded in the system test protocol are no longer valid.
After closing all covers and successfully performing a pro-
tective conductor test, repeat and document the device leak-
age current measurement.
Observe the leakage current measurement instructions in
the "General Information" chapter of these instructions.

WARNING Danger high voltage!

Disregarding safety precautions can result in death or seri-
ous bodily injury.
¹ Before the line voltage is adapted, the power plug on
the UPS in the monitor cart must be pulled out, since
the monitor cart is not free of voltage after the power
plug is pulled out.

• Remove the back and bottom covers (Fig. 4 / p. 24) from the monitor cart.
• Pull the power plug out of the UPS in the monitor cart.
• Adapt the voltage by changing the connections to transformers T1 and T2. Refer to the
ARCADIS Avantic wiring diagram.

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05.08 CS PS SP
24 General Startup

Fig. 4: Monitor cart line voltage

Pos. 1 Power plug
Pos. 2 T1 and T2

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05.08 CS PS SP
General Startup 25

Function check of the EMERGENCY STOP switches 2.1

• Connect the system to the voltage and boot it.

• Click "Emergency" for the patient registration.
• Activate the EMERGENCY STOP switch on the C-arm.
• The safety switch moves audibly and the following message appears on the lower left
monitor edge: "The emergency stop has been pressed"
• Disengage the EMERGENCY STOP switch.
• The safety switch moves audibly and the following message appears on the lower left
monitor edge: "The emergency stop switch has been released."
• Document the function of the EMERGENCY STOP switch in the "Test protocol, C-arm
movement and emergency stop" (C-arm movement and emergency stop / p. 74).

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05.08 CS PS SP
26 General Startup

Functional checks 2.2

Operating the ARCADIS Avantic, refer to the Operator Manual

• Stand and C-arm system movements
X • Semi-transparent slot and iris diaphragm in fluoroscopy procedure.

X • Collimation of the semi-transparent slot and iris diaphragm using fluoroscopy proce-
• Mechanical functions of the monitor cart

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05.08 CS PS SP
General Startup 27

Functional test of C-arm lift movement and parking brakes 2.3

Fig. 5: Function test

• Switch on the main system (C-arm).
• To move the C-arm downward, press the downward button.
• The lifting column moves to position 1 (1/Fig. 5 / p. 27) and remains there automati-
cally. A stop signal (3 beeps) sounds simultaneously.
• To lower the lifting column further, press the downward button once again.
• The lifting column can then be moved by a further 7cm to the lowest point, position 2
(2/Fig. 5 / p. 27). In this area a signal (3 beeps) sounds for safety reasons each time the
downward button is pressed.
• To move the C-arm upward, press the upward button. No signal sounds in this case.
• When both switches are pressed, the lifting motor moves in the initially selected direc-
• Loosen the different parking brakes and apply them again. Secure blocking of the rele-
vant movement must be assured.
• Document the function of the C-arm movements, brakes and warning signals in the test
protocol, "C-arm movement and emergency stop" .

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05.08 CS PS SP
28 Specific System Settings
System configuration
3Specific System Settings

Note regarding Hibernation Mode 0

NOTE Hibernation Mode

With the introduction of the Hibernation Mode, system con-
figuration changes are not applied if the system is switched
off and then switched on again using the power buttons on
the monitor cart.
To correctly apply the modified data, perform a system shut-
Open the <Options> - <End Session> menu and click the
“Shutdown system” button. Immediately thereafter, press
the Power off button on the monitor cart.
The system shuts down and switches off automatically.

Customer and country-specific configurations 0

• Please clarify in advance with the customer whether the following system configura-
tions are required.

Service login: 0

Fig. 6: Service login

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 29

• Select <Options> <Customer service> <Local service>.

Fig. 7: Authentication_
• Enter the 6-character password and click OK (see system folder for password).

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05.08 CS PS SP
30 Specific System Settings

Customer address configuration 0

Fig. 8: Configuration_
• Select <Configuration>.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 31

Fig. 9: Configuration
• Click <Next>.

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32 Specific System Settings

Fig. 10: Local Host

• Click <Site Info>.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 33

Fig. 11: Site info

• The marked customer-specific data may be adapted. Do not change "Serial No.".
• Click <Save>.
• Click <Home>.

Configuration of the main system up to SW version VC10A, without service pack

SP1 0

NOTE This section applies for systems with software version

VC10A without service pack SP1 installed.

• Start the service program and log in as described under "Service Login".

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05.08 CS PS SP
34 Specific System Settings

Fig. 12: Main_system

• Click <Main system>.

Fig. 13: Mainsys start

• Select ARCADIS Avantic - I.I. type and click <Next>.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 35

Fig. 14: Main System_Configuration_Buzzer

• Under Configuration click <Buzzer>.

Make changes according to the following description:

• Block time settings
- Warning time limit: The buzzer sound starts when the entered radiation time has
- Block time limit: After the entered radiation time has elapsed - without reset of the
"warning time limit" - the radiation is blocked the next time it is selected. Every reset
of "Warning Time Limit" also resets the "Block Time Limit" to "0".
• Buzzer mode (direct, cassette)
- After exposure:Buzzer sound after the exposure.
- During Exposure:Buzzer sound during the exposure.
• Buzzer mode (indirect, I.I.)
- Buzzer off:Buzzer sound off. Exceptions: Push mode and "Warning Time Limit" has
- Buzzer on: Buzzer sound always during radiation.
The country-specific regulations must be observed for the max. fluoroscopy time and radi-
ation blockage.
Factory setting:

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05.08 CS PS SP
36 Specific System Settings

"Warning time limit" "Blocking time limit"

5 min. 0 min.
Service mask
50 0
input in 1/10 min.
5 min. 10 min. (5 min. + 5 min.)
Service mask
50 50
input in 1/10 min.

• Make country-specific changes and click <Save>.

• Click <Home>.
• Perform a system shutdown.
• Switch on the system and wait for it to boot up.

NOTE With the introduction of the Hibernation Mode, system con-

figuration changes are not applied if the system is switched
off and then switched on again using the power buttons on
the monitor trolley.
To correctly apply the modified data, perform a system shut-
Open the <Options> - <End Session> menu and click the
“Shutdown system” button. Immediately thereafter, press
the Power off button on the monitor trolley.
The system shuts down and switches off automatically.

• If a change is made to "Block time settings", check this function.

Configuration of the main system with SW version VC10A and service pack SP1
installed 0

NOTE This section applies for systems with software version

VC10A and service pack SP1 installed.

• Start the service program and log in as described under "Service Login".

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 37

Fig. 15: Main_system

• Click <Main system>.

Fig. 16: Mainsys start

• Select ARCADIS Avantic - I.I. type and click <Next>.

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05.08 CS PS SP
38 Specific System Settings

Fig. 17: Main System_Configuration_Buzzer

• Under Configuration click <Buzzer>.

Buzzer Settings

<Buzzer mode during x-ray> parameter

NOTE The configuration of the <Buzzer Mode during x-ray> param-

eter has no effect on the timers for <Warning Time Limits>
and <Buzzer Time Limits>

[BUZZER OFF]: The audible radiation warning signal is not sounded during "radiation
[BUZZER ON]: An audible, pulsed radiation warning signal is sounded during "radiation

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 39

Block Time Settings

<Warning Time Limit> parameter

Valid rage of values: 20 to 50 [min/10]
Release of the <Warning Time Limit> is triggered by the "radiation release time (cumula-
The radiation warning signal only sounds during "radiation release"*1.
After exceeding a longer "radiation release time (cumulative)"*1 than configured, and
depending on the configured value for <Blocking Time Limit>, the audible "radiation warn-
ing signal"*1 sounds for only 2 seconds, or continuously until the "reset button for the audi-
ble radiation warning signal"*1 on the control console is pressed.

<Blocking Time Limit> parameter

Valid rage of values: 0 to 50
Release of the <Blocking Time Limit> is triggered by the "radiation release time (uninter-
Each time the "radiation release"*1 ends and restarts, the timer for <Blocking Time Limit>
is reset and restarted.
Depending on the value programmed for <Blocking Time Limit>, radiation is not blocked,
or it is blocked after 5 or 10 minutes of "radiation release time (uninterrupted)"*1.

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05.08 CS PS SP
40 Specific System Settings
Tab. 6

Pro- Pro- Time until Audible radiation warn- Audible radiation warning
grammed grammed radiation is ing signal sounds signal stops
value parameter blocked
<Blocking <Buzzer
Time Limit> mode dur-
ing x-ray>
0 BUZZER Radiation not - Only during "radiation - Automatically after 2 sec-
OFF blocked release"*1, after the con- onds of additional "radiation
figured <Warning Time release time (cumula-
Limit> time is exceeded, a tive)"*1.
continuous audible radia-
tion warning signal is
0 BUZZER Radiation not - Only during "radiation - If the audible radiation
ON blocked release"*1, an audible, warning signal was acti-
pulsed radiation warning vated by reaching the
signal is sounded . <Warning Time Limit>, the
- Only during "radiation audible continuous radia-
release"*1 and after the tion warning signal auto-
configured <Warning matically stops after 2
Time Limit> time is seconds of additional "radi-
exceeded, an audible ation release time (cumula-
continuous radiation tive)"*1.
warning signal is
1 to 10 BUZZER - Block after 5 - Only during "radiation - If the audible radiation
OFF min. "radiation release"*1 and after the warning signal was acti-
release time configured <Warning vated by reaching the
(uninter- Time Limit> time is <Warning Time Limit>, the
rupted)"*1 exceeded, an audible audible continuous radia-
continuous radiation tion warning signal auto-
warning signal is matically stops after 2
sounded. seconds of additional "radi-
- Only during "radiation ation release time (cumula-
release"*1 and after 4 tive)"*1.
min. 30 sec. "radiation - If the audible radiation
release time (uninter- warning signal was
rupted)"*1 (= 30 seconds released by reaching the
before reaching the con- <Blocking Time Limit>, it
figured <Blocking Time can only be stopped by
Limit>), an audible con- deactivating the radiation
tinuous radiation warning release.
signal is sounded.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 41

Pro- Pro- Time until Audible radiation warn- Audible radiation warning
grammed grammed radiation is ing signal sounds signal stops
value parameter blocked
<Blocking <Buzzer
Time Limit> mode dur-
ing x-ray>
1 to 10 BUZZER - Block after 5 - Only during "radiation - If the audible radiation
ON min. "radiation release"*1, an audible, warning signal was acti-
release time pulsed radiation warning vated by reaching the
(uninter- signal is sounded . <Warning Time Limit>, the
rupted)"*1 - Only during "radiation audible continuous radia-
release"*1 and after the tion warning signal auto-
configured <Warning matically stops after 2
Time Limit> time is seconds of additional "radi-
exceeded, an audible ation release time (cumula-
continuous radiation tive)"*1.
warning signal is - If the audible radiation
sounded. warning signal was
- Only during "radiation released by reaching the
release"*1 and after 4 <Blocking Time Limit>, it
min. 30 sec. "radiation can only be stopped by
release time (uninter- deactivating the radiation
rupted)"*1 (= 30 seconds release.
before reaching the con-
figured <Blocking Time
Limit>), an audible con-
tinuous radiation warning
signal is sounded.

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42 Specific System Settings

Pro- Pro- Time until Audible radiation warn- Audible radiation warning
grammed grammed radiation is ing signal sounds signal stops
value parameter blocked
<Blocking <Buzzer
Time Limit> mode dur-
ing x-ray>
11 to 20 BUZZER - Block after 5 - Only during "radiation - If the audible radiation
OFF min. "radiation release"*1 and after the warning signal was
release time configured <Warning released by reaching the
(uninter- Time Limit> time is <Warning Time Limit>, it
rupted)"*1 exceeded, an audible can only be deactivated by
continuous radiation pressing the "audible radia-
warning signal is tion warning signal reset
sounded. The 7-segment button"*1. This also stops
radiation time display at the 7-segment radiation
the control console time display from flashing.
begins to flash. - If the audible radiation
- Only during "radiation warning signal was
release"*1 and after 4 released by reaching the
min. 30 sec. "radiation <Blocking Time Limit>, it
release time (uninter- can only be stopped by
rupted)"*1 (= 30 seconds deactivating the radiation
before reaching the con- release. The 7-segment
figured <Blocking Time radiation time display con-
Limit>), an audible con- tinues to flash. If necessary,
tinuous radiation warning the flashing can be stopped
signal is sounded. The with the "audible radiation
7-segment radiation time warning signal reset but-
display at the control con- ton"*1.
sole begins to flash.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 43

Pro- Pro- Time until Audible radiation warn- Audible radiation warning
grammed grammed radiation is ing signal sounds signal stops
value parameter blocked
<Blocking <Buzzer
Time Limit> mode dur-
ing x-ray>
11 to 20 BUZZER - Block after 5 - Only during "radiation - If the audible radiation
ON min. "radiation release"*1, an audible, warning signal was
release time pulsed radiation warning released by reaching the
(uninter- signal is sounded . <Warning Time Limit>, it
rupted)"*1 - Only during "radiation can only be deactivated by
release"*1 and after the pressing the "audible radia-
configured <Warning tion warning signal reset
Time Limit> time is button"*1. This also stops
exceeded, an audible the 7-segment radiation
continuous radiation time display from flashing.
warning signal is - If the audible radiation
sounded. The 7-segment warning signal was
radiation time display at released by reaching the
the control console <Blocking Time Limit>, it
begins to flash. can only be stopped by
- Only during "radiation deactivating the radiation
release"*1 and after 4 release. The 7-segment
min. 30 sec. "radiation radiation time display con-
release time (uninter- tinues to flash. If necessary,
rupted)"*1 (= 30 seconds the flashing can be stopped
before reaching the con- with the "audible radiation
figured <Blocking Time warning signal reset but-
Limit>), an audible con- ton"*1.
tinuous radiation warning
signal is sounded. The
7-segment radiation time
display at the control con-
sole begins to flash.

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05.08 CS PS SP
44 Specific System Settings

Pro- Pro- Time until Audible radiation warn- Audible radiation warning
grammed grammed radiation is ing signal sounds signal stops
value parameter blocked
<Blocking <Buzzer
Time Limit> mode dur-
ing x-ray>
21 to 30 BUZZER - Block after - Only during "radiation - If the audible radiation
OFF 10 min. "radia- release"*1 and after the warning signal was acti-
tion release configured <Warning vated by reaching the
time (uninter- Time Limit> time is <Warning Time Limit>, the
rupted)"*1 exceeded, an audible audible continuous radia-
continuous radiation tion warning signal auto-
warning signal is matically stops after 2
sounded. seconds of additional "radi-
- Only during "radiation ation release time (cumula-
release"*1 and after 9 tive)"*1.
min. 30 sec. "radiation - If the audible radiation
release time (uninter- warning signal was
rupted)"*1 (= 30 seconds released by reaching the
before reaching the con- <Blocking Time Limit>, it
figured <Blocking Time can only be stopped by
Limit>), an audible contin- deactivating the radiation
uous radiation warning release.
signal is sounded.
21 to 30 BUZZER - Block after - Only during "radiation
ON 10 min. "radia- release"*1, an audible, - If the audible radiation
tion release pulsed radiation warning warning signal was acti-
time (uninter- signal is sounded . vated by reaching the
rupted)"*1 - Only during "radiation <Warning Time Limit>, the
release"*1 and after the audible continuous radia-
configured <Warning tion warning signal auto-
Time Limit> time is matically stops after 2
exceeded, an audible seconds of additional "radi-
continuous radiation ation release time (cumula-
warning signal is tive)"*1.
sounded. - If the audible radiation
- Only during "radiation warning signal was
release"*1 and after 9 released by reaching the
min. 30 sec. "radiation <Blocking Time Limit>, it
release time (uninter- can only be stopped by
rupted)"*1 (= 30 seconds deactivating the radiation
before reaching the con- release.
figured <Blocking Time
Limit>), an audible contin-
uous radiation warning
signal is sounded.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 45

Pro- Pro- Time until Audible radiation warn- Audible radiation warning
grammed grammed radiation is ing signal sounds signal stops
value parameter blocked
<Blocking <Buzzer
Time Limit> mode dur-
ing x-ray>
31 to 50 BUZZER - Block after - Only during "radiation - If the audible radiation
OFF 10 min. "radia- release"*1 and after the warning signal was
tion release configured <Warning released by reaching the
time (uninter- Time Limit> time is <Warning Time Limit>, it
rupted)"*1 exceeded, an audible can only be deactivated by
continuous radiation pressing the "audible radia-
warning signal is tion warning signal reset
sounded. The 7-segment button"*1. This also stops
radiation time display at the 7-segment radiation
the control console time display from flashing.
begins to flash. - If the audible radiation
- Only during "radiation warning signal was
release"*1 and after 9 released by reaching the
min. 30 sec. "radiation <Blocking Time Limit>, it
release time (uninter- can only be stopped by
rupted)"*1 (= 30 seconds deactivating the radiation
before reaching the con- release. The 7-segment
figured <Blocking Time radiation time display con-
Limit>), an audible contin- tinues to flash. If necessary,
uous radiation warning the flashing can be stopped
signal is sounded. The with the "audible radiation
7-segment radiation time warning signal reset but-
display at the control con- ton"*1.
sole begins to flash.

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05.08 CS PS SP
46 Specific System Settings

Pro- Pro- Time until Audible radiation warn- Audible radiation warning
grammed grammed radiation is ing signal sounds signal stops
value parameter blocked
<Blocking <Buzzer
Time Limit> mode dur-
ing x-ray>
31 to 50 BUZZER - Block after - Only during "radiation - If the audible radiation
ON 10 min. "radia- release"*1, an audible, warning signal was
tion release pulsed radiation warning released by reaching the
time (uninter- signal is sounded . <Warning Time Limit>, it
rupted)"*1 - Only during "radiation can only be deactivated by
release"*1 and after the pressing the "audible radia-
configured <Warning tion warning signal reset
Time Limit> time is button"*1. This also stops
exceeded, an audible the 7-segment radiation
continuous radiation time display from flashing.
warning signal is - If the audible radiation
sounded. The 7-segment warning signal was
radiation time display at released by reaching the
the control console <Blocking Time Limit>, it
begins to flash. can only be stopped by
- Only during "radiation deactivating the radiation
release"*1 and after 9 release. The 7-segment
min. 30 sec. "radiation radiation time display con-
release time (uninter- tinues to flash. If necessary,
rupted)"*1 (= 30 seconds the flashing can be stopped
before reaching the con- with the "audible radiation
figured <Blocking Time warning signal reset but-
Limit>), an audible contin- ton"*1.
uous radiation warning
signal is sounded. The
7-segment radiation time
display at the control con-
sole begins to flash.

Terms used *1
• Radiation release
¹ The hand or foot switch for radiation release is activated (pressed) by the user.
Radiation is active.
• Radiation release switch
¹ Hand or foot switch to release radiation
• Radiation release time (uninterrupted)
¹ The timer for the radiation release time (uninterrupted) starts with the radiation
¹ The timer for the radiation release time (uninterrupted) stops with the deactiva-
tion of radiation release.
¹ In this case, the timer for the radiation release time (uninterrupted) is reset to 0.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 47

• Radiation release time (cumulative)

¹ When newly registering a patient, the timer for the radiation release time (cumula-
tive) is set to 0.
¹ The timer for the radiation release time (cumulative) starts with the radiation
¹ The timer for the radiation release time (cumulative) stops with the deactivation of
radiation release. The time that has elapsed for the radiation release time (cumu-
lative) is temporarily stored.
¹ Each time the radiation release is activated, the timer for the radiation release
time (cumulative) runs. The additional radiation time is added to the saved time
value. This is repeated for each radiation release as long as the patient is regis-
tered. When the patient is closed and a new patient registered, the time and the
radiation release time (cumulative) are reset to 0.
• Audible radiation warning signal reset button: Button with the line though the bell

Fig. 18: Audible warning signal reset button

Saving the configuration

• Make country-specific changes and click <Save>.
• Click <Home>.
• Perform a system shutdown.
• Switch on the system and wait for the system to boot.

NOTE With the introduction of the Hibernation Mode, system con-

figuration changes are not applied if the system is switched
off and then switched on again using the power buttons on
the monitor cart.
To correctly apply the modified data, perform a system shut-
Open the <Options> - <End Session> menu and click the
“Shutdown system” button. Immediately thereafter, press
the Power off button on the monitor cart.
The system shuts down and switches off automatically.

• If a change was made to "Block time settings", check this function.

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05.08 CS PS SP
48 Specific System Settings

Country-specific configuration for Australia or Switzerland 0

NOTE Only perform in areas subject Australian regulations and

Prerequisite: SW version VC10A with service pack SP1
The following adaptations are activated:
In CFC Mode, the Push Mode (LED in button 1 illuminates) is
automatically deselected after approx. 5 minutes without
radiation. The LED goes dark.
In DCM Mode, the Push Mode (LED in button 1 illuminates) is
automatically deselected after approx. 5 minutes without
radiation. The LED goes dark.
In DR Mode, the Push Mode LED in button 1 no longer illumi-
nates (DR Mode is not a Push Mode according to Australian
DCM has a time limit of 20 seconds.
In Push Mode (LED in button 1 illuminates), kV Stop (button
7) cannot be selected.
If kV Stop was selected prior to the selection of Push Mode
(LED in button 7 illuminates), with the selection of Push Mode
(LED in button 1 illuminates) kV Stop is automatically dese-
lected (LED in button 7 goes dark).

NOTE Only perform in areas subject Swiss regulations and stan-

Prerequisite: SW version VC10A with service pack SP1
The following adaptations are activated:
DCM has a time limit of 20 seconds.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 49

Fig. 19: ARCADIS Avantic control console

Pos. 1 Push button
Pos. 2 -kV button
Pos. 3 7-segment display "Cal"
Pos. 4 7-segment display "Code value"
Pos. 5 LUT button monitor A - Increase code value
Pos. 6 LUT button monitor B- Decrease code value
Pos. 7 kV stop button

Programming the country-specific configuration for Australia or Switzerland

NOTE Programming of the country-specific configuration for Aus-

tralia or Switzerland is not saved through a backup of the
main system data, nor is it copied to the system with a
restore of the main system data.
If Host board D1 is replaced, the Australia or Switzerland
country-specific configuration has to be programmed manu-
ally again.

Valid code values

¹ Value = 0 = the country-specific configuration has not been selected.
¹ Value = 1 = the Australia country-specific configuration has been selected.
¹ Value = 2 = the Switzerland country-specific configuration has been selected.
The system is operational. If necessary shut down the system, switch it back on, and wait
for it to boot.

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50 Specific System Settings

• At the control console, simultaneously press and hold the <Push>

button(1/Fig. 19 / p. 49) and the<-KV> button(2/Fig. 19 / p. 49) .
- To increase the code value for the country-specific configuration, also press the
(5/Fig. 19 / p. 49) button.
- To decrease the code value for the country-specific configuration, also press the
(6/Fig. 19 / p. 49) button.
¹ "Cal" is displayed in the (3/Fig. 19 / p. 49) 7-segment display of the control con-
¹ The programmed code value is displayed in the (4/Fig. 19 / p. 49) 7-segment dis-
play of the control console.
• Release all buttons.

NOTE Using the combination of buttons specified, the code value

can be increased or reduced one level. To change the code
value again, release all pressed buttons and then press the
buttons in combination as described.

• If necessary, press the combination of buttons to increase or decrease the code value
until the correct code value is displayed at the 7-segment display of the control console.
(4/Fig. 19 / p. 49).
¹ Australia: select code value 1.
¹ Switzerland: select code value 2.
¹ Other countries: do not start the country-specific configuration or select code
value 0.
¹ This value is saved automatically once selected.
• Wait a few seconds, then pull plug X10 from the base unit.
¹ The base unit is off.
• Reconnect plug X10 at the base unit and wait for it to boot.
¹ The configuration is valid once the reset of the base unit is complete.

Testing the programming

NOTE The programming can only be checked by creating a new

main system report.

• Open local service for the readout.

• In the main menu, select <Main system> and <Next>.
• In the next menu under <Configuration> click <Main system>.
• In the upper horizontal menu bar, select <Reports>.
• In the next window under <Main system> menu item, click <Configuration OnLine>.
¹ A new main system report is created.
• Wait until the new report is created (approx. 1 minute).
• Scroll down in the report window and look for the "Current Limitation" header.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 51

• Look for the "Limitation active" parameter.

¹ The displayed value has to correspond to the previously programmed value.
¹ Limitation active = 0: A country-specific configuration has not been programmed.
¹ Limitation active = 1: the Australia country-specific configuration has been pro-
¹ Limitation active = 2: the Switzerland country-specific configuration has been pro-

Fluoroscopy footswitch configuration. 0

NOTE The footswitch is set at the factory so that fluoroscopy is per-

formed with the left pedal and the freely-selectable operating
modes such as digital radiography, SUB, etc., are performed
with the right pedal. The setting can be changed to meet cus-
tomer requirements.

Program the footswitch as follows.

• Start service program and log in as described under "Service Login".
Select Main System / Configuration / Main System / Footswitch CFC / right.
• Save the changes with <Save>.
• Click on <Home> button.
• Perform a system shutdown.
• Switch on the system and wait for the system to boot.

NOTE With the introduction of the Hibernation Mode, system con-

figuration changes are not applied if the system is switched
off and then switched on again using the power buttons on
the monitor cart.
To correctly apply the modified data, perform a system shut-
Open the <Options> - <End Session> menu and click the
“Shutdown system” button. Immediately thereafter, press
the Power off button on the monitor cart.
The system shuts down and switches off automatically.

NOTE Once the configuration has been changed, the label affixed
to the footswitch has to be removed and replaced by the new
label included in the delivery volume. In the case of an
"enhanced" footswitch, there are two labels on the pedals
that have to be replaced.

• Remove the label affixed to the footswitch. In the case of an "enhanced" footswitch,
remove both labels from the pedals.

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52 Specific System Settings

• If necessary, remove any remaining adhesive where the labels were removed.
• Affix the new label to the footswitch. In the case of an "enhanced" footswitch, affix both
labels to the pedals.
• If the footswitch configuration was changed, check the footswitch pedal function.
¹ The footswitch pedal functions have to correspond to the functions indicated on
the newly affixed label(s).

Country-specific adaptation of the maximum tube current 0

NOTE A maximum tube current limit is required - as far as known -

only in Denmark.

• Start service program and log in as described under "Service Login".

Fig. 20: Main_system

• Click <Main system>.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 53

Fig. 21: Mainsys start

• Select ARCADIS Avantic - I.I. type and click <Next>.

Fig. 22: Current limitation

• Click <Current limitation>.
• Make country-specific changes (only Denmark) and click <Save>.
• Click <Home>.
• Perform a system shutdown.
• Switch on the system and wait for the system to boot.

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05.08 CS PS SP
54 Specific System Settings

NOTE With the introduction of the Hibernation Mode, system con-

figuration changes are not applied if the system is switched
off and then switched on again using the power buttons on
the monitor cart.
To correctly apply the modified data, perform a system shut-
Open the <Options> - <End Session> menu and click the
“Shutdown system” button. Immediately thereafter, press
the Power off button on the monitor cart.
The system shuts down and switches off automatically.

Configuring the network (optional) and remote service 0

• Configure the network according to the Configuration Guide,

SPR2-310.843.01.01.xx.xx and the remote connection according to Installation, Sie-
mens Remote Service, SP00-000.816.02.01.xx.xx.

NOTE With the introduction of the Hibernation Mode, system con-

figuration changes are not applied if the system is switched
off and then switched on again using the power buttons on
the monitor cart.
To correctly apply the modified data, perform a system shut-
Open the <Options> - <End Session> menu and click the
“Shutdown system” button. Immediately thereafter, press
the Power off button on the monitor cart.
The system shuts down and switches off automatically.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 55

Backup 3.1

NOTE A backup must be created following software installation,

every software update, and every system adjustment.

NOTE After a backup group has been successfully burned to CD,

the following message is displayed: "Please insert medium
in CD-RW in order to continue."
Confirm this message with "OK".
This does not require a new CD.

• Select "Backup & Restore" in the Service Software Home Menu.

• Place the backup CD (located in the monitor cart service compartment) in the CD-ROM

Fig. 23: Backup & Restore_Command

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05.08 CS PS SP
56 Specific System Settings

• Select the <Backup> command.

Fig. 24: Backup & Restore_Command_Backup

• Select the respective drive under Drives.
- Save to CD-ROM (standard save).

Fig. 25: Backup

SW - Settings02
• Select "SW-Settings02" under Packages.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Specific System Settings 57

• Click <Go> and wait until the message “Ready” appears in the footer.

Fig. 26: Backup & Restore_Command_Backup_SW-Settings02

ASPIA settings
• Select "ASPIA settings" under Packages.
• Click <Go>
- Wait until "Ready” is displayed in the footer.
Exam set
• Select "ExamSet" under Packages.
• Click <Go>
- Wait until "Ready” is displayed in the footer.
Security settings
For systems with HIPAA configuration
• Select "Security-Settings" under Packages.
• Click <Go>
- Wait until "Ready” is displayed in the footer.
Main system
• Select "MainSystem" under Packages.
- Wait until "Ready” is displayed in the footer.
Exiting backup
• Close the window via <Home>.
• Remove the backup CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive.

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58 Specific System Settings

• Store the CD-ROM with the other system documentation.

NOTE It is not possible to perform a backup of the database (patient

Store the patient images in an archive.
Saving to CD-ROM as a long-term archive is prohibited.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Final Work Steps 59
Paper printer (optional)
4Final Work Steps

NOTE If the printer was ordered together with the system, then the
printer cables have already been routed, and all mechanical
work steps and programming for the ARCADIS system have
already been performed at the factory.
Paper printers delivered after the system was delivered must
be installed and started up in accordance with the "Installa-
tion and Setting Instructions" SPR2-310.814.03...

Sony UP-970 and UP-990 printers 0

Perform the following steps according to the user manual for the printer (CD-ROM):
• Unpack the printer.
• Set the switch on the back of the Sony printer as follows:
¹ Analog/Digital --> Digital
• Load the paper roll or film roll into the printer (follow instructions in user manual).
• Plug the power and USB cables into the printer.
• Switch on printer. After the self-test, print out a test page.
• If problems occur, use the printer's user manual for troubleshooting.

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60 Final Work Steps

Final Work Steps 4.1

IQ test 0

Perform IQ test according to instructions SPR2-330.820.01.xx.xx.

¹ Remove the supplied IQ test protocols from the monitor cart service compart-

Completing protocols 0

After completing all adjustment work steps and check measurements, the responsible
technician must sign and date the test protocols and country-specific protocols to confirm
that all values have been correctly determined and recorded.

Protective conductor resistance test 0

Transferring the values from the test protocol to the "protective conductor" protocol

NOTE If no covers were opened while installing the system and no

additional components (e.g. options) were installed or modi-
fied, the values recorded in the test protocol 1 can be trans-
ferred as the first measured value.
The protective conductor test need not be performed.
Perform the protective conductor resistance test if the condi-
tions specified above do not apply.
Refer to the section "Protective conductor resistance test
during start-up (if necessary)".

• Complete the "Protective Conductor Resistance" protocol found in the "Protocol" sec-
tion of this manual.
• If the system test protocol only contains the confirmation of the protective conductor
resistance threshold, enter this value in the "Protective conductor resistance" table, row
"Measurement point 1", column "First measured value" (< 0.18 Ohm). Enter "n.a." in
rows "measurement point 2" through "measurement point 22" of column "First mea-
sured value."
• If the system test protocol specifies the measured protective conductor resistance val-
ues and their measurement points, transfer the values to rows "Measurement point 1"
through "Measurement point 22" of column "First measured value". Mark empty fields
with "n.a." as "not applicable".
• In row "(1) Meas. circuit", column "First measured value", enter the text "VDE0751-1
Image C2".

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05.08 CS PS SP
Final Work Steps 61

• If specified in the system test protocol, read off the measuring equipment used at the
factory for the protective conductor test.
¹ Enter this measuring equipment in the "Protective conductor resistance" proto-
col, in the "Measuring device, type:" row.
• If specified in the system test protocol, read off the identification of the measuring
equipment specified in the test protocol.
¹ Enter the ID of the measuring equipment in the "Protective conductor resistance"
protocol, in the "Measuring device, Ser. No.:" row.
• Mark the following rows in the "Protective conductor resistance" protocol with "n.a." as
"not applicable":
¹ Row "Meas. inst. calibrated up to:"
¹ Row "Evaluation:"
• Complete the following rows in the "Protective conductor resistance" protocol:
¹ In the row "Date:" enter the current date.
¹ In the "Name" row, enter your name in block letters.
¹ Sign the protocol in the "Signature" row.
• If you want to complete the protocol with additional remarks, enter them in the
"Remarks" table in the protocol addendum.

Protective conductor resistance test during start-up (if necessary)

NOTE If covers were opened while installing the system and/or

additional components (e.g. options) were installed or modi-
fied, the protective conductor resistance value recorded in
system test protocol 1 is invalid.
The protective conductor resistance test has to be performed
after closing all covers.

NOTE Observe the instructions for the protective conductor resis-

tance test in the "General Information" chapter of these

• Perform the protective conductor resistance test.

¹ The protective conductor resistance must not exceed 0.2 ohms at any measure-
ment point.
• Complete the "First measured value" column of the "Protective conductor resistance"
• If you want to complete the protocol with additional remarks, enter them in the
"Remarks" table in the protocol addendum.

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05.08 CS PS SP
62 Final Work Steps
Tab. 7 Measurement points for the protective conductor resistance measurement

Measurement points
Measurement from the protective conductor connection of the power plug to the:
Base unit, handle attachment screw for I.I. cover
Base unit, one attachment screw at I.I. grid
Base unit, one attachment screw at I.I. flange
Base unit, one attachment screw at I.I. cap
Base unit, one attachment screw at POWERPHOS
Base unit, one screw at cover of horizontal carriage
Base unit, one lateral screw at brake pedal (left or right)
Base unit, back cover (electronics box)
Base unit, equipotential bonding connection
Base unit, near footswitch cable outlet (electronics box)
Base unit, one lifting column screw at the base plate of the electronics box
Base unit, base plate of electronics box (at unpainted location)
Base unit, one screw at the back of each monitor
Monitor cart, one screw at monitor support
Monitor cart, one screw at the small, top back cover
Monitor cart, one screw at the large, lower back cover
Monitor cart, one screw at back cover of switch-on assembly
Monitor cart, one screw at the front cover
Monitor cart, one screw at the right side cover
Monitor cart, one screw at the left side cover
Monitor cart, one screw at the right handle
Monitor cart, one screw at the left handle

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05.08 CS PS SP
Final Work Steps 63

Leakage current measurement 0

Transferring the values from the test protocol to the "device leakage current" proto-

NOTE If the programmed line voltage has not been changed from its
status at delivery, and there have been no changes of parts
in the system's primary circuit, the device leakage current
value specified in the test protocol delivered with the system
is valid.
The device leakage current test need not be performed.
The value recorded in the test protocol must be used as the
"first measured value" in the "Device Leakage Current" pro-
Perform the device leakage current measurement if the con-
ditions specified above do not apply.
Refer to the section "Device leakage current measurement
during start-up (if necessary)".

• Complete the "Device leakage current" protocol found in the "Protocol" section of this
• Enter the system serial number on the "Serial Number" row of the "Device leakage cur-
rent" protocol.
• If applicable, enter the customer-specific system ID number in the "Customer-specific
ID Number" row of the "Device leakage current" protocol.
• In test protocol 1, table "Alternative leakage current measurement (DIN VDE 0751)" or
"Device leakage current measurement (DIN VDE 0751-1), read off the higher recorded
value between rows "Leakage current under normal operation and with nominal volt-
age" and "Leakage current with power reversion of polarity and nominal voltage."
¹ Enter the higher value from test protocol 1 in the "Device leakage current" proto-
col, row "Device leakage current (highest measured value) [mA]" and in row
"Device leakage current corrected value [mA]", column "First measured value".
• Read off the line voltage in test protocol 1 under "Revision Level".
¹ Enter the value from test protocol 1 in the "Device leakage current" protocol, row
"Line voltage during measurement [V~]", column "First measured value".
• Read off the production resources entered in test protocol 1, table "Production
resources used".
¹ Enter the production resources from test protocol 1 in the "Device leakage cur-
rent" protocol, row "Measuring device: type", column "First measured value".
• Read off the measuring device ID entered in test protocol 1, table "Production
resources used".
¹ Enter the measuring device ID from test protocol 1 in the "Device leakage cur-
rent" protocol, row "Measuring device, ser. no.", column "First measured value".
• In "Device leakage current" protocol, row "(1) Meas. circuit", column "First measured
value", enter the text "VDE0751-1 Image C5".

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64 Final Work Steps

• Mark the following rows in the "Device leakage current" protocol, column "First mea-
sured value", with "n.a." as "not applicable":
¹ Row "Meas. inst. calibrated up to:"
¹ Row "Evaluation:"
• Complete the following rows in the "Device leakage current" protocol, column "First
measured value":
¹ In the row "Date:" enter the current date.
¹ In the "Name" row, enter your name in block letters.
¹ Sign the protocol in the "Signature" row.
• If you want to complete the protocol with additional remarks, enter them in the
"Remarks" table in the protocol addendum.

Device leakage current measurement during start-up (if necessary)

NOTE If the programmed line voltage has been changed from its
status at delivery, and/or there have been changes of parts in
the system's primary circuit, the device leakage current value
specified in test protocol 1 delivered with the system is no
longer valid.
The device leakage current measurement has to be per-

NOTE Observe the leakage current measurement instructions in

the "General Information" chapter of these instructions.

WARNING Electrical voltage!

Non-compliance can lead to severe injury and even death.
¹ The system leakage current measurement may be per-
formed on systems of protection class I only after the
protective conductor test has been passed.

• Perform the device leakage current measurement after successfully completing the
protective conductor test.
• Complete the "First measured value" column of the "Device leakage current" protocol.
• If you want to complete the protocol with additional remarks, enter them in the
"Remarks" table in the protocol addendum.

SRS / MNP configuration 0

On the ARCADIS systems, SRS should be configured. In addition to SRS, MNP should be
installed so that RUH can be enabled.

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05.08 CS PS SP
Final Work Steps 65

NOTE All ARCADIS systems should be accessible via remote, and

MNP (SW version VC10A and higher) should be activated:
- Set up a remote connection, and then install MNP (for
instructions, see SPR2-310.843.30...).

Remote connection
SRS configured Yes No
MNP installed Yes No

Completing the "ARCADIS Avantic Installation" protocol. 0

The manufacturer of this product requires information and the legislator demands proofs
that a product delivered free of defects from the factory continues to possess the required
and certified quality properties on installation and start-up.
It is therefore absolutely necessary that the installation report with the installation and
start-up data is sent without delay after completion of the work to the address stated on the
installation report.
You will find the report in the system folder.

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05.08 CS PS SP
66 Protocols
Protective Conductor Resistance

System: ARCADIS Avantic

Material no.:
Serial number: .........................................................................
Customer-specific ID number .........................................................................

Tab. 8

Protective Conductor Resistance

First measured value Repeat measurement values
Meas. point 1:
Meas. point 2:
Meas. point 3:
Meas. point 4:
Meas. point 5:
Meas. point 6:
Meas. point 7:
Meas. point 8:
Meas. point 9:
Meas. point 10:
Meas. point 11:
Meas. point 12:

ARCADIS Avantic SPR2-330.815.01.05.02 Page 66 of 80 © Siemens, 2008

05.08 CS PS SP
Protocols 67

Protective Conductor Resistance

First measured value Repeat measurement values
Meas. point 13:
Meas. point 14:
Meas. point 15:
Meas. point 16:
Meas. point 17:
Meas. point 18:
Meas. point 19:
Meas. point 20:
Meas. point 21:
Meas. point 22:
(*1) Meas. circuit:
Measuring device, type:
Meas. device ser. no.:
Meas. inst. calibrated up to:
Evaluation: n.a.

(*1) Meas. circuit. See (Fig. 27 / p. 68)

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68 Protocols

Measuring circuit 0

Fig. 27: Measuring circuit for measuring the protective conductor resistance for units that are
disconnected from power, in compliance with DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C2.
Pos. 1 Measurement setup (measuring device)
Pos. 2 System
Pos. 3 Application part (if applicable)

Remarks: 0

Tab. 9

Date Comments Name Signature

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05.08 CS PS SP
Protocols 69

Date Comments Name Signature

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05.08 CS PS SP
70 Protocols

System leakage current 5.1

System: ARCADIS Avantic

Material no.:
Serial number: .........................................................................
Customer-specific ID number .........................................................................

Tab. 10

System leakage current

First measured value Repeat measurement values
System leakage current
(Highest measured value)
Line voltage during the mea-
System leakage current
Corrected value [mA]
(*1) Meas. circuit:
Measuring device, type:
Meas. device ser. no.:
Measuring device,
calibrated to:

(*1) Meas. circuit: See (Fig. 28 / p. 71) through (Fig. 31 / p. 72),

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05.08 CS PS SP
Protocols 71

Measuring circuit 0

Direct measurement

Fig. 28: Measuring circuit for direct measurement of the system leakage current in compliance with
DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C5 for protection class I.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part type B (if available)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

Fig. 29: Measuring circuit for direct measurement of the system leakage current in compliance with
DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C5 for protection class II.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part (if applicable)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

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72 Protocols

Differential measurement

Fig. 30: Measuring circuit for measuring the system leakage current according to the differential
current method in compliance with DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C6 for protection
class I.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part type B (if available)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

Fig. 31: Measuring circuit for measuring the system leakage current according to the differential
current method in compliance with DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C6 for protection
class II.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part (if applicable)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

ARCADIS Avantic SPR2-330.815.01.05.02 Page 72 of 80 © Siemens, 2008

05.08 CS PS SP
Protocols 73

Remarks: 0

Tab. 11

Date Comments Name Signature

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05.08 CS PS SP
74 Protocols

C-arm movement and emergency stop 5.2

System: ARCADIS Avantic

Material no.:
Serial number: .........................................................................
Customer-specific ID number .........................................................................

Tab. 12 C-arm movement and emergency stop protocol

Movement OK Name Date Initials

Releasing/locking the brakes
Downward movement, position
Downward movement, position
The warning signals sound as

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Protocols 75

Network checklist 5.3

System: ARCADIS Avantic

Material no.:
Serial number: .........................................................................
Customer-specific ID number .........................................................................

Network checklist (1+) For SAP order no.:_______________________

Will the system have a network connection (HIS/RIS, Camera, Yes No


Mandatory for image system with network connection!

To ensure that the system is preconfigured at the factory and thus optimize installation at the customer site, we
request that you complete and return this list if a network connection is available (and used).
Person responsible for network configuration at customer site


System network data

Tab. 13 System network data

Not networked
Computer name * Configuration/Local Host/TCP IP address
IP address:
TCP/IP address * Configuration/local host/TCP IP address

Subnet mask * Configuration/local host/TCP IP address

Gateways * Configuration/local host/TCP IP address

General: Local AE title for:

HIS/RIS * Configuration/DICOM/General
Study transfer * Configuration/DICOM/general

Print * Configuration/DICOM/general

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76 Protocols


Network data for HIS/RIS network partner (only with HIS/RIS option)
Tab. 14 Network data for HIS/RIS

Not available
Device: Version: Manufacturer:
Host properties:
Host name * Configuration/DICOM/HIS RIS nodes

TCP/IP address * Configuration/DICOM/HIS RIS nodes

General Node Properties

Logical name * Configuration/DICOM/HIS RIS nodes

Application entity
AE title * Configuration/DICOM/HIS RIS nodes

Port number * Configuration/DICOM/HIS RIS nodes


Network checklist (2+)

Network data for diagnostic console/archive system (only with DICOM Basic option)
Tab. 15 Network data for reporting console/archiving system

Information on each: Reporting console/ Not available

Archive system
Product: Version: Manufacturer:
Host properties:
Host name * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

TCP/IP address * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

General node properties:

Logical name * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Application entity:
AE title * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Port number * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Supported Dicom Services

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Protocols 77

Storage yes no * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Storage commitment yes no * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Node name: * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Query yes no * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Retrieve yes no * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes


Network data for diagnostic console/archive system (only with DICOM Basic option)
Tab. 16 Network data for reporting console/archiving system

Information on each: Reporting console/ Not available

Archive system
Product: Version: Manufacturer:
Host properties:
Host name * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

TCP/IP address * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

General node properties:

Logical name * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Application entity:
AE title * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Port number * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Supported Dicom Services

Storage yes no * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Storage commitment yes no * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Node name: * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Query yes no * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes

Retrieve yes no * Configuration/DICOM/network nodes


Network checklist (3-)

Network data for a DICOM camera in the network (only with the DICOM Print option)

© Siemens, 2008 SPR2-330.815.01.05.02 Page 77 of 80 ARCADIS Avantic

05.08 CS PS SP
78 Protocols
Tab. 17 Network data for DICOM camera in the network

Information for Any camera No camera available

Device: Version: Manufacturer:
Default camera yes no
Host properties:
Host name * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices

TCP/IP address * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices

General node properties:

Logical name * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices

Application entity:
AE title * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices

Port number * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices


Network data for a DICOM camera in the network (only with the DICOM Print option)
Tab. 18 Network data for DICOM camera in the network

Information for Any camera No camera available

Device: Version: Manufacturer:
Default camera yes no
Host properties:
Host name * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices

TCP/IP address * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices

General node properties:

Logical name * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices

Application entity:
AE title * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices

Port number * Configuration/DICOM/Print devices


ARCADIS Avantic SPR2-330.815.01.05.02 Page 78 of 80 © Siemens, 2008

05.08 CS PS SP
Changes to Previous Version 79
6Changes to Previous Version 6-

Chapter 3 Change
Main system configuration Completely revised and additions regarding SW SP1
Country-specific configura- incorporated.
tions Country-specific configurations for Australia and Switzer-
land added.

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80 Changes to Previous Version

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