DGCA Mail For Deregistration & Deprogramming

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From: "Archana S. Jadoo" <archana.dgca@gov.

Date: 6 February 2023 at 3:23:02 PM IST
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], Info <[email protected]>,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Cc: Dg Office <[email protected]>, Mr D Sharma <[email protected]>, Search and Rescue Board
Dte Operation ICG <[email protected]>, Ravinder Singh Jamwal <[email protected]>,
SLVSANTHOSH DAVID <[email protected]>
Subject: One time check of 406 MHz Beacon

Dear All

Reference is made to the following, attached herewith:

1) Para 5 of the CAR Section 9 Series D PART IV
2) AAC No. 1 of 2015
3) 'Handbook of Beacon Regulations' published by COSPAS SARSAT

Kindly draw your attention to the following issues:

1) It was found after analysis of 406 MHz COSPAS SARSAT Beacon exercises data, as
reported by INMCCC/ ISRO, that during the period Nov. 2021 to Oct. 2022, about 20-
30% alerts received, were from unregistered beacons. Non – adherence to laid down
procedures during de-registration of beacons have also been reported.

2) Few beacons of Indian users registered with INMCC are still with ‘foreign country
code. Such registration with ‘non – India’ code may delay intimation of distress to Indian
SAR agencies and INMCC in case distress incident occurs in foreign Search and Rescue
Regions as the RCC receiving distress alert from such beacon will relay the distress
message to the respective country of the beacon coded.

To address the aforementioned issues, all the operators are directed for the following

a) One time check of all 406 Mhz COSPAS – SARSAT beacons for registration with the
INMCC website. All non-registered beacons to be registered with INMCC website at the
b) Registration with ‘India’ coding (Country Code – India) of all beacons in the inventory.
c) De – registration of the Beacons when not in use. In case of de- registration, de-
programming is also to be ensured to avoid false/ inadvertent alerts.

Kindly render the feedback directly to NMSAR board on mail

id [email protected].
भवदीया/ Regards,
अर्चना जाद ू / Archana Jadoo
सहायक निदे शक (प्रचालि) / Assistant Director of Operations
एएस एवं एएिएसएस निदे शालय / AS & ANSS Directorate
िागर नवमािि महानिदे शालय / Directorate General of Civil Aviation
भारत सरकार / Govt. of India
िई नदल्ली / New Delhi: 110003
संपकक / Contact: +91-11-24622495-Ext.126

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