Protecciones California State U EEE145 Syllabus
Protecciones California State U EEE145 Syllabus
Protecciones California State U EEE145 Syllabus
Course Description
Catalog Description:
EEE 145. Power System Relay Protection. Principles of relay techniques
(classical and solid state), current and potential transformers and their
application in relaying technique, overcurrent, differential, impedance,
frequency, overvoltage and undervoltage relays, relay protection of overhead
and underground power lines, generators, transformers, motors, buses and
computer applications in relay protection. Prerequisite: EEE 130, EEE 141.
Graded: Graded Student. Units: 3.0
Tentative areas will include selected topics from the following list:
Prerequisite by Subject(s);
• Analysis of single phase and three phase AC circuits
• Transformer and Machine modeling and analyses
• Transmission line modeling and analyses
• Basic concepts of Linear Algebra and Vector analysis
Course Structure
In class lectures, Take home assignments (team work is promoted), In
class unscheduled Quizzes, In class and scheduled examinations,
Supplemental assignments.
3 – Pop Quizzes (10% - 20%), very similar to homework and class lectures.
Quizzes will be unannounced to serve as an incentive for attendance and
doing the homework.
5 – Every student’s lowest score for Quizzes and lowest score for Homework
will be dropped out before averaging. This provides an equal chance for
every student to miss one of the collected home-works and be absent for one
of the quizzes. So, students should use their best judgment on how to take
advantage of this rule. No late assignments are accepted.
85% - 100% A- , A
70% - 85% B- , B, B+
55% - 70% C- , C, C+
40% - 55% D- , D, D+
Below 40% F
Important note: For more information about grading at Sac State, visit the
academic policies and grading section of the university catalog.
Build Rapport
If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or
other aspects of the course, make sure you let your instructor know as
early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and effective
relationships are key to becoming an effective professional. Make sure
that you are proactive in informing your instructor when difficulties
arise during the semester so that they can help you find a solution.
Complete Assignments
Assignments must be submitted by the given deadline or special
permission must be requested from instructor before the due date.
Extensions will not be given beyond the next assignment except under
extreme circumstances.
Incomplete Policy
Under emergency/special circumstances, students may petition for an
incomplete grade. An incomplete will only be assigned if agreed by
both the instructor and the department Chair. All incomplete
course assignments must be completed within the terms of agreement.
Commit to Integrity
As a student in this course (and at this university) you are expected to
maintain high degrees of professionalism, commitment to active
learning and participation in this class and also integrity in your
behavior in and out of the classroom.
At Sac State, “cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain
credit for academic work through the use of any dishonest, deceptive,
or fraudulent means.”