Credit Risk
Credit Risk
Credit Risk
4th Structure the Deal ❖ Credit Rating is an estimate of the ability
- Understanding profitability and of a person or organization to fulfill their
cash flow, liquidity, and leverage
financial commitments, based on previous
are key to structuring the facility.
❖ A Credit Rating or score is assigned to
5th Price the Deal any entity that wants to borrow money- an
- Complex factors determine the
final rate individual, a corporation, a state or
- Your financial institution’s provincial authority, or a sovereign
finance and lending divisions, in government.
conjunction with the ALCO, will
❖ A Credit Rating is a measurement of
set loan pricing and service fee
business entity’s ability to repay a
-Assigning letter grades to companies and ● CIS submit positive and negative credit
countries and the debt the issue on a scale of
information to CIC and CIC provides
AAA to D, indicating their degree of
credit reports to the borrowers.
investment risk.
● (CISA) or Credit Information System
Act or the Republic Act no. 9510 is the
-Moody’s long-term ratings are opinions of
the relative credit risk of financial act of forming the Credit Information
obligations with
an original maturity of one year or more.
-In Moody’s Investors Services ratings
● CISA recognizes the need to establish a
system, securities are assigned a rating from
Aaa to C, comprehensive and centralized credit
with Aaa being the highest and C the lowest information.
THE CIS AND CISA IN THE interest rates based on current long
PHILIPPINES term interest rates.
● Expectation theory holds that the
CIS long-term interest rate is a weighted
● (CIS) or credit Information System is average of present and expected future
designed to directly address the short-term interest rates
requirement for borrowers' credit
information that is reliable. Liquidity Premium Theory
● The liquidity premium is a type of
AE18-ACT8:Managing Credit Risk in Money Market
● It is the possibility that a company will of all companies, not just one. These
fail to meet its obligations. Poor cash sources of risk include changes in
AE18-ACT8:Managing Credit Risk in Money Market