Biochem Lec1 Ass

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EVKARYOTIC nucleolus ‘endoplasmio reticulum: smooth & rough) plasma membrane, eiworens > tne reyouitory of gente mtormahin and a the cer cont center, e@iwSOR > Wes bmok dooy ware POOLS ON Moves MAA Cryid He Cl, RBOEMMIES— Ke SH Of Prin LYNHNEDK 1 Hhe COL (Cimon Yep. call, namiaiy WOT Shape ond ‘mitral ornomeatvon MiroctomOFONy Sonica ws oe, Chemedl ene Nude fy youd! He Cel bindiemied Keachont sPrmomsmne® 7 Sequinttr ANUE oxidahie Neacwons ond Way Vinyortant mh m MeAbElist. pceeRIDP 7 fovtory m Omch nine reuLEd fom EX ov HoesRd Jor Jrayportahsh - isos —7 tne digustve sysem of fre call ‘a puncantemiietine > powds osector foro Smoureieee—> Synihesiaes lgds prosphahpvds os wm plano membranes ard enidi RodGenRO—7 DoH’ SYKHWSK Wh rede pad Hahubinal modifeahens, fading and sorhag. lucuwotay 7 FaUtales busts preg unacic PROKARYOTIC Plasmid Ribosomes Cell Wall (peptidoglycan) Slime Capsule (glycocalyx) Nudleoid (contains genophore) Cell Membrane RIPDSMES—> onsale mesenger RNA to proidin wnse aid of RNA Reece —F enables fwement and chemotauis - UE —> baheONCE fo surtaus hunfaciitales mn aon ACHUPLASM—> House, ond maintain pial envitonmen for colar organelles Glameneresive F eps greKaryrits chy -P each other and (putt sae oan fem cay « NOVELEOIDFD Rogulatts +. Groth. reproduction ard function of prokayehe all GeveWaneRAn—> Conrals wha Unie ard leaves re wl. Cowqwive > Noite the wl schape ond prevents tH¥ Call fom burried PORSITO” > Corry sey OuMbU Of fen- event al gens jnside He coll- PRowapyorte CELL Vs. tkaryorit. CELL PRARVUC CELL > tm maey Undeveloped EverRVohC CELL > The mldeus i well deretoped > Membrane band orgarestes Ate absent > On Me Chromosome Present PF Sine ranges fom 05-5 wan > Mow than one chrom Bene are present > Moenbrne ound oryarates ON present SF Siae reinges fro 5 - jin One _komple of nis —> Bacteria ond biue green algae —> MM otter organisms are Lamy of dnt

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