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Resistance and Propulsion Characteristics of The VWS Hard Chine Catamaran, Hull Series '89

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Delft University of Technology

Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory

Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
'Phone:; 431 15i 2786873 - Fax: +31 15 2181836

Resistance and Propulsion Characteristics of the VWS

Hard Chine Catamaran, Hull Series '89
Burkhard Mnller-Graf (V)", Dejan Radojeie (M)2, Aleksandar Simie (V)2
'VWS Berlin
2University of Belgrade

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14 t 41/4.

1914 47-71.9. , 'r.; -117.

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rj 1147



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. Hard,chine catamaran with 'length to-b,earn ratio of the ciernihulls of 11.55 at V=51 kt

In 1989 the Berlin Model Basin (VWS) started an R&D program for the development of a
systematic series of' hard chine catamarans. The series was intended to investigate the
hydrodynamics of high-speed passenger and cargo catamarans of 20 to 60+ m length operating at
speeds of 35 to 45 kt. Four length-to-beam ratios of the dernihulls were tested (LFK/Bffloll= 7.55,
9.55, 11.55 and 13.55), with three midship deadrises = 38°, 27° and' 16°,) and' different hull
forms (symmetric, semi-symmetric and asymmetric hard chine forms and round bilge designs),
afterbodies and propulsion configurations (fully wetted controllable and fixed-pitched propellers,
surface piercing propellers and water-jets). An enormous quantity of data was gathered during
443 resistance tests and 132 self-propulsion tests carried out with relatively large models of
between 3.6 and 5.1 m length, at speedy of up to 11 m/s. Tests were performed over a wide speed
range, ranging from hump to planing speeds. Due to space limitations, only grouped results of
the (so called). standard configuration (consisting of 12 models) are presented, although some
non-standard configurations are also discussed. An immense stock of data are represented by the
mathematical models obtained through regression analysis for resistance, trim, hull-propulsor
interaction coefficients .mid delivered power. The tests arid results were valiilqted for trial
conditions and thus are believed to be reliable.
For completeness the development of the VWS planing catamaran Series '89 ir described in
the first half of the paper, which is derived from several papers written by the first author. The
regression models for predicting resistance and powering make up the core of this paper and are
given in the second half The paper covers its subject from a practical rather than theoretical
viewpoint and will be of value to those who make performance predictions. The regression
models are suitable for implementation in software and can. replace "manual- powering
predictions for the' Series '89 planing catamarans.
Ae/Ao Blade-area ratio
A52 Area of zink anodes Catamarans can fulfill most of the requirements for
Av 1m2 Above-water transverse area high-speed passenger transportation, i.e. low power,
projection large deck area, box shaped superstructures, good
Area of two hull openings
Ax m2
transverse stability, good course keeping and
Hull spacing at WL
Maximum breadth of demihull maneuverability. Consequently, in the 1980's a great
Bxmi need arose for this type vessel. However, only a few
Air allowance coefficient
Block coefficient
references concerning high-speed catamarans had been
Structural rough, allowance coeff. published (cf. Michel 1961, Clement 1962, Turner and
Taplin 1968, Moss 1969, Thomas 1970, Fry and Gaul
CM Midship coefficient
Fn Froude number based on length 1972, Yermontayev, et al. 1977). These references did
Fnwi Volumetric Fronde number not give all information necessary for hull design,
of the demihulls resistance and propulsion predictions, and seakeeping
in/s2 Acceleration of gravity (9.81) predictions. Confronted with a demand from shipyards
Thrust coefficient
KT for reliable powering predictions for high-speed
Torque coefficient
catamarans, in 1988 the Berlin Model Basin (VWS)
Length of waterline
Brake power together with the German shipbuilding industry planned
PT, kW
PD kW Delivered power a comprehensive R&D program for high-speed
P/D Propeller pitch-diameter ratio catamarans. At about the same time systematic
S (SWVO) M2 Wetted surface of the bull at rest experiments were initiated in other institutions too, for
without transom area instance at the University of Southampton (Insel and
Tn Sn Draugh without keel Moland 1992, Moland, et al. 1996, Moland and Lee
tx Thrust deduction fraction 1997, Moland, et al. 2001) and MARINTEK
VS rn/s Ship speed (Werenskiold 1990).
Vw m/s Wind speed This paper provides an overview of the VWS
WSC Wetted surface coeff (SKV/2)23)
planing catamaran Series '89 and the results of the tests
wr Wake fraction
Number of propeller blades on the series. The details of the VWS Series '89 are
Displacement mass documented in a number of papers and reports by the
ACT Roughness allowance (0.0003) first author (Milller-Graf 1989, 1993a,b,c, 1994, 1996,
V (DISV) m3 Displacement volume 1999a,b, 2000). In addition Miiller-Graf (1991)
deg Angle of deadrise amidship describes the novel spray rail system used on the
OW deg Angle of transom wedge designs, and Mtiller-Graf (1997) provides an in depth
Es Specific brake power (PB/AgVs) description of the resistance components, and trial and
Resichiary drag-weight ratio (RR/Ag) tank conditions. The other two authors are responsible
Specific total resistance (R-Ts/Ag) for the numerical modeling of the enormous quantity of
Quasi propulsive efficiency (PE/PD) experimental data that were originally available only in
Hull efficiency the graphical form. As a tool, regression analysis was
Gear and shaft losses used throughout the numerical analysis a few related
T1 0
Propeller open-water efficiency papers treating the hydrodynamics of high-speed craft
Relative rotative efficiency
'BR are Radojcic (1991), Radojcic and Matic (1997), and
deg Running trim angle
Radojcic, et al. (1997, 1999, 2001). Zips (1995)
V m2/s Kinematic viscosity presents a regression analysis for evaluation of the
kg/m3 Mass density of air (1.226)
kg/m3 Mass density of water Series '89 residuary resistance; this mathematical model
is simpler and also less accurate than the models
presented in this paper.
Preliminary Series and Results
CAT Catamaran
DR Demihull
To limit the number of form variants, the VWS
DW Deadwood
R&D program started with a small preliminary series to
Ship answer the first questions one confronts when designing
TR Trial condition a high speed catamaran which section shape and
Horizontal section symmetry properties should be chosen for the
Axial (inclined) semi-planing and planing speed ranges.

In 1988 most passenger catamarans were 30-40 in A form having symmetrical sections with the
long and had service speeds of 30-38 kt (corresponding centerplane at F3xEyFT/2,
to length Froude numbers Fn = 0.7-1.2). Hard chine A form with asymmetrical sections having the
te, section shapes were selected for the preliminary series centerplane at the tunnel side of the demihull, and
since for speeds above Fn 0.8 this section shape is A semi-symmetrical form having the centerplane at,
optimal for resistance it facilitates flow and spray Bx0H/4 on the inner or tunnel side of the dernihull.
separation (reducing frictional resistance) and the For the purpose of comparison, a fourth variant a
development of hydrodynamic lift (reducing pressure monohull that was composed of two asymmetrical
and frictional resistance through the emergence of the demihulls with no lateral separation was included in the
hull). series.
Three hard chine catamaran variants were designed All four variants had model lengths of 3:9 m and
and tested (see Figure 1): were tested in calm water at two displacements, 4 to 6
different transom wedge inclinations,, and speeds
corresponding to Fn = 0.25-1.35.
To determine the interference drag for a tunnel
width of 13-rfLwL, = 0.167 (which was found to be the
mean value of 96 actual catamarans having waterline
lengths of 20 to 40 m) the resistance of a single
demihull of each section type was tested at the half
displacement of the catamaran configuration and at the
same inclinations of the transom wedge. Propulsion
tests were also performed for the design displacement
and for the optimum wedge inclination, with fixed-pitch
,,,.. ,,, . /1: and controllable-pitch propellers of various diameters

and pitch ratios. Consequently, on the basis of the
results of 56 resistance tests, 12 propulsion tests and 3
'114.A.No. 253501 61116' :
seakeeping tests, the effect of section symmetry on
N., i
I ,u. 77-55 1 ppr______." resistance, propulsion and seakeeping characteristics
were determined. The results were presented in 80
7 diagrams and are briefly discussed below.

The resistance tests indicated the following trends:


litk Relative to an equivalent monohull (which was

10W. composed of two demihulls with asymmetrical section

1 4675.55141
shapes) the catamaran with symmetrical sections has a,

IT," resistance reduction of 20-25 percent over a speed

mod.no. z,i,110 51

A i
f 1 "
... 1

1 U/3-7 7.55 11
range corresponding to Fn = 0.5-1.0. This is shown in
----- ""aftr I gi--leas I' N. Figure 2,,
* 1
Mo4,nr. 1K4torn4r4n Sc,iffstyp I NonnhuE iKatornornn
41 sernisvmmetric
2514.0 sywnctriacn IR,npfinernt syrnrnekt. cntapt. Le9ande

---- 2535.0 cmyrnrnclriad 111.6 4 11.6 t

2544.0 mi-470161e3r. t 3:7-77 7.554.

0-0 10.167

Bezu5inanpf: 14.1:ckspant-Nonnnull. land.fir.2535.2


-J 09 110 _lit_

1_ ... .......
_ A es

_L_ Li__L___ 0on

Bezugzobcrfkia,e: VIP

Section plan of considered hulls during Figure 2 Resistance test --catamarans compared to the
Figure 1
series development stage monohull
The interference resistance due to the presence of a b) The propulsion tests of the preliminary Series
second hull, has its maximum at Fn = 0.45-0.5, the demonstrated that:
hump speed. The symmetrical form has the 'largest \i The symmetrical form had the lowest delivered
interference drag of the three section types. However, power and highest propulsive, efficiency, while the
compared with an equivalent catamaran having the asymmetrical form had the highest delivered power and
NFL round bilge hull form (Insel and Molaiad 1992), lowest propulsive efficiency.
the symmetric hard chine hull form has remarkably The semi-symmetrical form had delivered power and
smaller interference drag. This is illustrated in Figure 3. propulsive efficiencies similar to those of the
The influence of hull spacing is shown in Figure 4.1, symmetric form.
Catamarans having the standard hull spacing of BT/LwL, '

= 0.167 are compared to a monohull and a catamaran e) The seakeeping tests showed that:
with infinite hull spacing. Below Fn = 0.7 the lowest i The seakeeping qualities of the three catamaran types
residuary resistance-to-weight ratio (eR) was obtained 1 were more affected by the wave length and height, and
by a catamaran with infinite hull spacing; while the the wet-deck clearance (above the undisturbed free
monohull had higher values of ER over' the entire speed I surface) than by the section symmetry.
range. With regard to ride comfort, which is an essential
1.6 - requirement for passenger catamarans, the catamaran
1.0 katern.Mod.Nr. = 1111'.6

H -- 2514.0/.1
cn 1,14 67,9570
with semi-symmetrical sections showed the lowest
vertical accelerations at wave heights that were no

--- 2544.010
serni-synrnelrisch 8t/L. = 0.167
greater than the wet deck clearance.
+it - A, The symmetrical form had vertical accelerations that
pet=g6oisc4i681, SWM
were 5 to 10 percent greater than the accelerations of
'FIMTAT the semi-symmetrical form.
The asymmetrical form had the largest vertical
accelerations and the least speed loss.
0.2 0 0.4 0.5 0.6. 03 0.8 75.0--,11,40-- L. 1.2 1.3 1.4 ,5

0.9 -- -- - - ---4 +
Selection of the Final Section Symmetry

The preliminary tests clearly demonstrated that the

Figure 3 - Interference resistance due to the presence of 'symmetrical form required the lowest propulsive power
the second hull for speeds corresponding to Fn = 0.7-1.2 (the speed
range for which the catamarans are designed). This'
Modeiltyp3 form also showed acceptable seakeeping qualities at
2535.0 Kotomaron 0.467 significant wave heights of up to 2.0 m, which prevail
0.20 2535.1 2 .Denlrhulls in European coastal waters. Consequently, it was
- 2535.2 Monohull 0.0
decided the VWS Hard Chine Catamaran Series '89
'Rum pf form: asyrnrnetrisch)
would consist only of forms with symmetric sections, a
7.55 4
transom wedge, and external spray rails.

-7 -
4.;.,, it
Basic Requirements
0..10 --4 r

-- _J J
'The series was initially developed for high speed
planing catamarans having waterline lengths of 25 to
35 m and carrying 150 to 200 passengers. However,
0.05 - d
6, .--
121.6 t
13° the scope of the series was extended to take into
Bezugsoberfl'oche SWVO account the following design requirements:
- Fn - IP Hull lengths 20 to 80 m.
Displacement 25 to 1000 t.
0.0 0.4 0.'G 0.5 1.0 2.2
0 5
10 15
20- 25
- 30

35 kn 40 Service speed 35 to 40 kt, top speed 45 kt.

s' The form parameters were selected for best
performance at speeds in the range corresponding to
Figure 4 - Interference of hull spacing 0.8 < Fn < 1.4. '"
Applications were as surveillance craft, passenger rapidly with increasing length-to-beam ratio. The
and car ferries, and lightweight cargo carriers. waterline length of catamarans grows with increasing
The form of the afterbody was to be suitable for length-to-beam ratio if the displacement and the beam-
installation of fully wetted propellers, surface to-draft ratio are held constant. Length-to-beam ratios
piercing propellers, or water jets. of Lwi/Bx,H= 7.55; 9.55; 11.55 and 13.55 were chosen
The variation of the hull form parameters would be for the catamaran series. The four selected length-to-
limited to those values which could be realized by beam ratios represent the main ranges of value for
full-scale craft. length, LArL, = 10-20 m, LwL = 20-30 m, LwL = 40-50 m
The beam-to-draft ratios would be in accordance with and Lwt= 60-70 m, respectively.
the length-to-beam ratios of catamarans suitable for Because the beam-to-draft ratio was kept nearly
full-scale vessels. constant for the series, the waterline length increased
for the fictive hull designs as shown by the following
Parent HUH table:
Lwi/Bxnn 7.55 9.55 11.55 13.55
The parent design of the catamaran series L, (m) 23.5 26.7 31.2 36.2
corresponds to a passenger ferry having the following
main dimensions: Larger length-to-beam ratios than LwL/BxHH =
13.5.5, which are of great interest for low wash
Length overall catamarans, were not included in the series.
LoA 28.00 m
Breadth overall BOA 10.50 m
Beam-to-draft ratio
Length of waterline Lwi, 23.50m
Breadth max. at DWL of dernihull Bxml 3.107 m Although it does not have a significant effect on
Draft with deadwood T 2.310m the performance of catamarans operating near the
Draft without keel planing region, beam-to-draft ratio has a great influence
TH 1.510 m
Draft of transom TTR 0.809 m on several particulars of the proposed catamaran series.
Displacement A 111.6 t
Because only realistic values of Bx-DH/TH were used
(Figure 6), an increase of the length-to-beam ratio
These corresponds to following principal
automatically led to an increase of waterline length. In
parameters: addition, a large change in draft causes a large shift of
the intersection of the chine with the water surface.
This can have a disproportionate effect on the
Length-to-beam ratio LwL/BxDH 7.55
Slenderness ratio Lw1J(V/2)Ir36.20
Beam-to-draft ratio BxoH/TH 2.05 - -- -- -- AN. (hat( angle at entrance) 8 :I 8 a 38 deg.: 0 ., it .. 27 deg,
Transom draft-to-hull draft ratio TTR/TH 0.54 LWLADISV/2)'' 9 : fi e 16 deg.
XAB/LWL MAO = 54.51. 01992.33.03, Hell ..A . Deader.
10-o_ ,--
All hull variations of the series are derived from the
geometry of this parent design.
- 1 I XAB/LWt. I

1 9: 0.4 I-- ._1---

._i_ .._ 1--
MP' -I

Hull Form Particulars _ I I deg

10t./(rotsv/2)./3 I

7 02 L L
...._ L _L i 15 I

Length-displacement ratio I I AN. I


The length-displacement ratio of the dernihull DPI L J 10

I --- '' - I -.
L,/(V/2)1/3 has the greatest effect on the wave I

5 0.0
resistance of catamarans. Length-displacement ratio 5 6 7 9 9 10 ii

increases with the length-to-beam ratio as shown by Figure 5 Length-displacement ratio, waterline
Figure 5. A systematic variation of the slenderness
entrance angle and LCB position
ratio at each length-to-beam ratio was omitted to avoid
unrealistic beam-to-draft ratios. A variation of 4
percent in the slenderness ratio could be obtained by Transom-draft ratio
altering the design displacement by 10 percent. The transom-draft, TTR (index "TR" should not be
confused with "Trial Condition" used in later sections),
Length-to-beam ratio which increases with craft speed and which becomes
The length-to-beam ratio of the demihulls has the equal to the hull draft in the planing region, should be
second greatest effect on resistance and propulsion in suitable for installation of the three propulsor types. In
smooth and rough water. The resistance decreases the case of the fully wetted propellers, the blades should
not reach below the baseline to protect the propellers Form coefficients of deniihulls
against damage by grounding. Consequently, three The form coefficients of the demibuIls - rnidship
transom draughts, each best suited for one propulsor section coefficient Cm and block coefficient, CB - are
type, were chosen: presented in Figure 7.

T0/T= 0.54 This is a standard ratio and is well

suited for fully wetted free running = 38 deg,:, 27 Org.: "ti. 009-
propellers. 51,2454.3t:D5V/2.53.03,3 Had vat6out 17/me6drad

TTR/T,..T= 02,68 This ratio is optimal for free running 4.0T Ice 1 BTR/BX0H / _____/
surface piercing propellers, but also 3_5 09
3.0 0.8
for both propeller types operating in I 2.5 0.7 II ' -I- ------------ - - --' - I - _ _ -0 I

tunnels. /?.. 2.0 0.6

This ratio is optimal for the 5 T I 1 ------- 1 ---- I II 1i

TTR/TH= 0.95 _L_ L _ L _ -_ 1_ _ _ _ i

1.0 0.4
installation of waterjets, 0.5 4 I- I 11

. 4
4 ;_ -7-; 0 10 Ii
- 03. 0+

The deadrise -- its distribution over the length of Figure 6 -- Beam-to-draft rail° and transom-beam ratio'
the hull and the twist or warp of the afterbody bottom--
affect the resistance, the powering performance and the - 5 : ,ft '27' deg. fi 16 ,deg.
seakeeping qualities. Additionally, the magnitude of C.81.1

1518/2-54.3 V: 05V/2=533230 TWO without Dowd...aid

the deacitise in the afterbody depends to a great extent 'OL9 - o-
on the type of propulsor that is to be installed. To I 1
III I i r
determine the effects of deadrise on the resistance and 0.8 -_.1-,-- -=-- -- ,-. I- -..--L- - - ,- 1- - - , -I I

powering performance characteristics of slender _ L _ ,L- ,, L ±_m_

il :I

_t_ _ _ _ _1
planing catamarans, three values of midship deadrise I

were chosen. Each value is well suited for one of the 0.6 _l__....ri-----.1_7--f--t-_-==.±...L.----.J
propulsor types and for one of the transom drafts. In '1
_1_ = _-a--=-:---" L J
each case the deadrise decreases to PTR = 6° at the 0.5
$ ,-i-- -
transom. The chosen midship deadrise angles are: 177-77.

'f3m = 38° This deacirise is used with Trikrrn = 0.54

.; 6 7 a .10 II

T2 ,
- 13 14

and results in the greatest warp of the

bottom. Figure 7- Forrriceoefficients of ,demihulls
.pm = 27° This deadrise is used with TTR/TH -= 0.68
and causes a medium warp. - swvoiptswApoz, Half wit I, deadwood kewWee72 /OSA I :17/880,8/8 w 8.4,83 ea

° 27 dog- - 15 deg,
= 16° This deadrise is combined with TTR/TH = SWTIADISV/2)V' 38 dog"
nal/ erlthaut deadwood =An= 6d7 /65,7 st 81.03 ra7
0.95 and results in small warp (almost
constant deadrise). This type of afterbody
is considered to be optimal for planing -._ I-- ---- 1.- - -r. - 'I'q...,-.-'
_ _ II Ili

L. --- -I- - -...,..-4- -.I

111 1,1

_-.--.1... __- _1
I 11

speeds and for the application of waterjets. I

- L .,_. _ _ L

I 1

_ L , _ Lz-:f_ L - _ _ 1_ _
11 I


Transom-beam rand 1 v=r SWpt5vm75

A transom beam equal to the maximum waterline L L
breadth, shifts the longitudinal center of buoyancy too ' I
far aft (aft of 0.4 Lyn, from the stern), as has been seen
in previous catamaran design studies. For a nearly
optimum LCB position of 0.4 to 0.42 LwL; a transom.
Figure 8 - Wetted surface coefficient of dernihullg
beam ratio of BTR/Bxmi= 0.92 was chosen (Figure 6).
Watedine entrance angle The position of the longitudinal center of buoyancy I

The half waterline entrance angle ANEN depends was kept constant for each value of midship deadrise.
on length-to-beam ratio, length-displacement ratio and As shown by Figure 5, with decreasing deadrise, the
the position of the LCB. This angle decreases with, position of the LCB is shifted aft, from XAB == 0.42 Lwt,
increasing length-to-beam ratio as shown by Figure 5. at Pm= 38° to XAB == 0.4 Lyn_ at pm = 27° and XAB =
It also decreases with decreasing dead' ise 0.38 Lwt at131,4= 16°.
kept constant for the entire series. The reasons are the
To investigate the effect of shifting LCB forward,
designs with an LCB position 15% of Lyn., further
forward (denoted as position 2AB) was developed. The chosen value of BT/LwL = 0.167 is an average
Three hulls of length-to-beam ratio, LWu'BXOH 9.55 value for catamarans with hull lengths up to 40.0 m.
were designed for XABiLwL = 0.445 (the afterbody was An increase of this value for values of LwL/Bxml <
widened a bit and the forebody was refined). However, 10, causes an increase in resistance at speeds
this is not a standard LCB position. corresponding to Fn 0.8-1.2.
In general, increasing the hull separation to reduce
Section shape the interference resistance at Fn < 0.6 was not of
Small catamarans of 20-30 m length and with interest for the planing catamaran series.
service speeds of 35-45 kt are operating just below the
planing region, as indicated by the Froude numbers of Vertical hull clearance ratio
Fri = 1.0-1.2. The larger catamarans of 40-50 m length The vertical hull clearance ratio,
are running at even lower Froude number of Fn = 0.9, represents the height of the wet deck above the water
i.e. in the upper part of the semi-displacement region. surface divided by the waterline length. An average
Consequently, for Froude numbers of Fn = 0.9-1.2 a HCL/Lw-L = 0.06 was chosen for the resistance
and the
hard thine section shape was adopted, since it reduces propulsion tests. For the seakeeping tests a larger value
the resistance by generating hydrodynamic lift and of HCL/Lw-L = 0.09 was used. Additionally, this larger
causes separation of the flow. HCL/Lw-L was employed for the low length-to-beam
The standard models have sections that are slightly ratios, LwL/Bxmi 9.55.
convex with large deadrise and small flare in the
forebody, and waterline entrances that are fine and
straight. The afterbodies have a transom with straight Appendages
To investigate the effect of fully wetted and surface
buttocks lines and straight sections from about 0.7 LWL
The hard chine is piercing propellers on propulsive efficiency and the
aft (measured from the stern).
hull-propulsor interaction coefficients, the following
inclined over the whole length.
appendages were provided at each demihull:
For increased hull lengths of 60 rn and more, the
Froude number can drop to Fn = 0.75 or less. At these
lower Froude numbers, the hull operates in the middle All variants (standard configuration, as depicted in
Figure 9)
of the semi-displacement region. Generally, for this One deadwood to carry the tail shaft and to
condition, round-bilge section shapes have lower
protect the propeller against grounding
resistance than hard chine forms. Therefore, a round-
bilge form was included in the program for hulls having (deadwood area = 18-20 percent L,T).
One spade rudder (rudder area = 1.4-1.7 percent
medium deadrise. As monohulls with round bilge -

sections in the forebody and hard chine sections in the LwL-T, NACA 0015 profile).
afterbody are known for their excellent resistance and All variants with a midship deadrise off3m 38°
seakeeping characteristics, this section combination was One inclined shaft with a single arm bracket and
chosen for the medium deadrise of the design with the one spade rudder.
largest length-to-beam ratio. However, the round bilge One free running shaft for surface piercing
forms do not belong to the standard hulls that are propellers behind the transom with a split inflow
treated here in more detail. flap and one rudder.
The variants with LwL/Bx-DFL = 7.55 and 9.55 and a
Section symmetry andship deadrise J3M = 27°
As was indicated by the previous investigation, One tunnel with a height of 20 percent of the fully
forms with symmetrical section guarantee the lowest wetted propeller diameter and one spade rudder.
resistance at Fri = 0.6-1.2, when compared with an One tunnel with a height of 30 percent of the fully
asymmetrical or a semi-symmetrical section form. For wetted propeller diameter and one spade rudder.
this reason, symmetrical sections were chosen for most One tunnel with a height of 20 percent of a
of the VWS catamaran series. Asymmetrical and semi- surface piercing propeller diameter with a split
symmetrical models with LwriBx-ox = 7.55 were inflow flap and a twin spade rudder arrangement.
included in the Series. One tunnel with a height of 30 percent of a
surface piercing propeller diameter and a twin
Gap ratio spade rudder arrangement.
The gap ratio BT/LwL, which is the dimensionless
clearance between the demihulls at the waterline, was

1.0.0side ot ast-de, at :7,0 pp. 0.0 e RI. 1 ,_.--

197,5 from AP "I Um., MO al Ole Cl.



Is PG 71;;-----
SW 38-7.55-0W6 / Asm 21-7.55- 0W6 / SSW 58/26-7.55-DWG Sa, 38-7.55-DW6 / ASK 71-7.55-006 / SSM 50/26-7.55-006

Figure 9 Transom and deadwood Figure 10 Stem contour and tunnel top

Propellers according to the results of extensive investigations by

Several propellers were used for propulsion the first author (Maller-Graf 1991).
experiments. These were:
Fixed-pitch propellers (standard configuration) FINAL SCOPE OF THE CATAMARAN
Dm== 0.19 in, P/D07= 1.4, A5/A0 = 1.10, c18/D = SERIES '89
0.21, Z ==3, cupped trailing edge with modified
NACA 16 profile. Note that with this propeller an The final scope of the planing catamaran bull
exceptionally high t-lo = 0.73 was achieved at Series '89 is presented in Figure 11 (the shaded blocks
speed of V = 41 kt. represent the standard configuration whose resistance
Controllable-pitch propellers (two types) and propulsion characteristics are discussed here).
Dm = 0.16/0.19 in, P/D07 = 1.0-1.5/0.8-1.6, Body plans of the standard demihull forms are shown in
AE/A.3= 0.83/0.77, dB/D== 0.30/0.29, Z = 4. the Figure 12.
Surface-piercing propellers
DM = 0.30 m, P/Do 7 = 1.5, AE/Ao = 0.66, ciB/D =
Transom wedge/flap
Since transom wedges and flaps are the most A model scale ratio, X = 7 was chosen for the entire
effective devices to reduce the resistance of slender series. This scale ratio avoids tank wall and shallow
catamarans, all demihulls were equipped with water effects and guarantees the installation of the
adjustable transom flaps. Each resistance test was model propulsion unit in each demihull, since
carried out with flap deflections of ow = 00, 40, 8°, 12°. < Lwis/ 0.50 BTANK,
Lwts / 1.25 hTANK,
However, propulsion tests were conducted only for RwiN > 4.106 for the hull, RNIA7NT 4-105 for the propeller.
= 8° (optimal stem wedge angle). The length of the
wedges in all cases was 2.8% LwL. The models were made of wood and GRP, and had:
Lw-L,= = 3.66-5.12 in, Am = 274-366 kg and =
Spray rails 0.167.
All demihulls were equipped with a spray rail Turbulent flow at Reynolds numbers Rn 2.106
(Figure 10) on both sides of the forebody. These spray was stimulated by square studs, 2.5 x 2.5 mm, by 3 trim
rails served to: high, spaced 25 mm apart and placed on the hulls 0.1 m
abaft the stem.
Reduce the wetted area and deck wetness,
A total of 443 resistance and 132 propulsion tests
Improve the visibility from the bridge and from the
were carried out in the deep water basin of VWS
superstructure, (dimensions: 240 mx8mx 4.8 in) with model speeds
Prevent spray from climbing up the tunnel sides to
of V = 2-11 rn/s.
the wet deck. Additional propulsion tests were performed to
The spray rails are a combination of an integrated determine the effects of propeller tunnels with a height
and an external one. For a better separation of the spray of 0.6 D and 0.3 D (60 and 30% of the propeller diam-
from the hull, a triangular cross-section was used for eter). The results of these investigations are presented
the external part of the spray rail. The change in spray in Maller-Graf (1995).
rail design parameters over the hull length was chosen
L B=7,55 L/B=9,55 L/8= 11,55 [/8= 13,55 I

gu=38* 151/.35' 1,u=38`

symm.hord chine ymm.hord chine symm.hard chine symm.hord chin

osymm.hard chine symm.hard chine +2AB

semlsymm.horci chine

nni.hord chine symm.hard chine +2A8 symm_round bilge

symm. round b. foreb. I

herd chine eflerbody

15,,.16* 16' gw.16°

1 lit.;i:voilgai,o;ci.orz
symm.hard chine +2A8

Figure 11 Scope of the VWS planing hull catamaran Series '89

(shaded blocks indicate standard configuration)

The models were free to trim and heave and were The torque of each model propeller reached value of
driven (in the standard configuration) by propellers of up to 2.5 kgm (24.5 Nm).
0.19 in diameter. The towing force was applied to each The rate of rotation of the model propellers reached
deinihull at the longitudinal center of gra viti and was values of up to 45 s-' (2700 rpm).
adjusted for running trim and heave to be in line with The towing carriage was run at speeds of up to
the propeller shaft axis. The towing force was 11 m/s.
measured by means of two resistance dynamometers,
one in each hull, as shown in Figure 13.
Because the short measuring times, at model RESULTS OF TESTS
speeds greater than V= 6.5 rn/s do not allow adjustment
the propeller revolutions so that the required friction The comprehensive resistance and propulsion test
deduction or towing force can be obtained exactly, the results were used to develop a set of design charts for
propulsion tests were performed using a modified predicting resistance, propulsive efficiency and hull
"British Method". Under this proceedure, two runs at propulsor interaction coefficients under tank and trial
different thrust-loadings were made for each test speed, conditions. Using these coefficients reliable predictions
and the propeller speeds, forces and torques were of the powering performance of fast catamarans can be
interpolated for the correct values. obtained.
The VWS test procedure is unique since models The original experimental results were presented in
are tested under trial condition at a propeller loading several formats. One of these was residual resistance-
which is equal to that of the full-scale vessel. Thus, to-weight ratio:
none of the obsolete speed independent trial allowances
ER = (RTm-- / PM Vm g = RR/ Pm Vm g
had to be applied at the obtained power. Additionally,
the full-scale power is corrected for Reynolds number Graphically ER is given as ER = f (Lva/BxDH, Env0, 13m,
effects on the model propeller. The measured forces 4), where
and torques were much larger than in other European = 7.55-13.55;
towing tanks:
Fnvn == 4.0/3.5/3.0/2.5/2.0/1.5/1.25/1.00/0.75/0.50;
The model resistance was up to 120 kg (1180 N).
== 38°/27°/16° and
The trust of each model propeller reached values of
8w= 0°/4°/e/12°.
up to 50 kg (490N)
CL psrilric -555E11/IF
Mod.No. 2514.1 Mod.No. 2555.1 Mod.No. 2558.1
SM 38-7.55 DW6 SM 27-7.55-0W6 SM 16-7.55--0W6 Mod.No. 2601.1 Mod.No. 2602.1 Mod.No. 2603.1
SY.4 38-9.55-0W6 SM 27-9.55-0W8 SM 16 9.55 0W8

..SEUtir imaravrt,
Mod.No. 2563.1 Mod.No. 2564.1 Mod.No. 2565.1 $.4od.No. 2570.1 Mod.No. 2571.1 Mod.No. 2572.1
SM 38-11.55-0146 SM 27-11.55-0W8 SM 16 11.55 0W8 SM 38-13.55-0W8 SM 27 13.55 0W8 SM 16-13.55-0W8

Figure 12 Section plan of demihulls

"Midship-deadrise-independent" models for the
Painler ;nstruarnis-- evaluation of dynamic trim, propulsive coefficients
1Mh Pocatfornefers
Rum:, Trim ai fP
and specific power ratio (0, T1D, flo, Tin, tx and WT,
Running Trim ct AS 6eu cho;r.-
Molar 01e5l0r
Cross ME,^Le:
Models for wetted surface coefficient and length-to-
, nesistaMe Dyrarn:ram, \
IE*. displacement ratio (WSC and LwiJ(V/2)u3).
/ M. Shra-am.q.
All three of the regression models are expressed by a
6uidipg single equation of the following form:
Cuid.ng Eve
X= coeffl Env/2'l - 13mbi 8-,v6- (LwL/BxDH)di,
X -- (ER, 1tx, 0,116, 1WT, 110, EBra, WSC, Lwd(V/2)10).
sistarxe 0,mamomm,
Towing Link Strain Gouges
The polynomial terms arid corresponding
Fainter mak." for St .a/t ocanalian
coefficients for each equation are given in Tables 3 to
Figure 13 Towing set-up for catamarans at the VWS 12 of Appendix 1. The terminology used, as for
with two electric resistance dynamometers instance "speed-dependant" (and analogous to that
"midship-deadrise-independent"), as well as the tools
The propulsive efficiency lb, the hull propeller and "tricks" applied in developing the regression
interaction factors, tx and WT, the hull efficiency Tin, models are given in Radojcic (1991), Radojcic and
and the relative rotative efficiency r-1R, are presented in Matic (1997), and Radojcic, et al. (1997, 1999, 2001).
the same functional form as the residuary resistance, The decision not to delve into the development of the
except that only one wedge angle, w = 8° (which is regression models is based on the desire to present
found to be an optimum value) is presented. practical powering prediction formulas for catamaran
For quick evaluation of installed power, the value of Series '89 to concentrate on the catamaran hydro-
specific power relative to the brake power Ewn, is given dynamics only and not to become immersed in the
for the same values of LwL/BxDR, Env, pm and 5w = mathematics. Since the general equation given above,
as above_ Ern-, based on delivered Power, PDTR, along with the polynomial terms and coefficients look
corrected for the mechanical losses, rim, due to gear and daunting, actual examples using the three groups of
propeller shafting, is regression models are given in the Table 1.
An important part of all regression models are the
EBTR = PDTR (TIM g VS) boundaries of applicability that are explicitly given in
The specific power, 613,, and propulsive Table 2. Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that the
coefficients include the effects of the Reynolds number regression models should only be used to predict the
correction on the model propeller. performance of a new hull whose characteristics
(including secondary hull form parameters) are similar
to those of the data underlying its derivation, i.e. to the
MATHEMATICAL MODELS catamaran Series '89.
The accuracy and quality of the regression models
is depicted in graphical form, Figures 14 to 16, and in
Through the application of regression analysis,
three groups of mathematical models, for the reliable statistical form Appendix l's Table 3 (at the bottom)
evaluation of power, have been derived: and Table 13. The graphical presentation of the errors
"Speed-independent" model for the residuary
is important to the naval architect (end user) and the
statistical values provide a good measure of model
resistance-to-weight ratio of (ER).

Table 1 Application examples for three math model groups

-- Residuary drag-weight ratio for Fn,, == 2.50:

-5.538630171 + (-9.917725821) (LN-L/BxDH)'2 +. + (-7.85099E-05) - (Pm)u2 (8,w)` (Lw-L/BxDR)3

-- Quasi propulsive efficiency for Om =

= 16°:
ilu == -1697.527857 + (-208.6648087) (LW1113XDF1)1/4 - + 1.275101545 - (Env/2)2 (Lwi./B)cort)2

- Wetted surface coefficient:

WSC == -963.4005565 + 173.5484274 (LwriBxou)112 + . 6.71128E-l0- (13m)4 (1-w1113x0}1)4
Table 2 Boundaries of applicability for three math model groups

Continuous boundaries Discrete boundaries

Mathematical model
3.00, 3_50, 4.00
1,,,,IBx.DH= (7.55 ,13.55) Envi, = 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50,
ER pM=(16 ° 4- 38°) 6w= 0°, 4°, 8°, 12°

LwdBx-DH= (7.55,13.55) 'Pm = 16°, 27°, 38°

14x, Thi, e, rim 1- WT, -no,
Fnv, = (0.75 , 4_00) aw = 8°

LwdBxDH = (7_55,13.55) iim = 16°, 27°, 38°

WSC, Lwil(DISV/2)15

indispensable in powering performance predictions

validity. Predictions using all of the derived regression
based on conventional resistance predictions.
models are shown in Figure 17. The absence of
instabilities between the points used to derive the
Propulsive efficiency
regression models is shown in Figures 20 and 24, as
At trial conditions the propulsive efficiency (or
well as in Figures 14 to 17. quasi-propulsive efficiency), rip, is defined as
[kW] Effective power at trial
The performance evaluation procedure, adopted by condition
VWS Berlin, is described below. Sum of the hydrodynamic
RTTR. [10\l]
and aerodynamic resistance
Total Resistance components under trial
Total resistance (with appendages) for towing tank Delivered power at trial
PDTR [kw]
conditions is obtained from condition.
Rrric = RR + RF
for volume Froude numbers (based on a demihull) Tin is composed of three main components
Fnvn =V / (g (V/2)u) = 0.5-4.0. Ti0= Tio* Tin Thi
which include four subcomponents
RR= ER Ps Vs g rin=ilo PRN L(1 - tr)/(1 - wr)] (913/11o)

and no* Reynolds number effects corrected open water

efficiency of the model propeller under
RF = 0.5 ps (CF+ACF) 2 S Vs2, conditions (explained in the Powering Predictions,
where Trial Conditions section)
(for inclined
CF(ITTC- 1957) = 0.075 / (log Rn 2)2 and ACF = 03-1 Tin Hull efficiency under trial conditions
S (or SWVO) is wetted surface with deadwood and TIR Relative rotative efficiency under trial
at towing Propeller efficiency behind the hull
rudder. Conscquently, the lotal resistance TIB
'°°ynriId.,onber correction factor for model-scale
tank condition is
to full-scale open water propeller efficiency.
RTTR== ER Ps Vs g + 0.5 Ps (CF + ACF) 2 S Vs' 11(Ni

Propeller efficiency (no)

Hull Propulsor Interaction Coefficients at Tral The open water propeller efficiency is the largest
Conditions component of the propulsive efficiency. In the present
case no, is determined for the trial condition, based on
The hull propulsor interaction coefficients are the open water test results either for a systematic propeller
components of the propulsive efficiency. They are series or an appropriate propeller design. At present, a

IM =38' = 16°
10.12 03.30.08
- ,-1-- . Fu.44-4.0
: ;
0.15 't ..S ! 1.
I . -3,40,-..x

10.40 .-.4,_ !,__ ,.1 ! I I,


;.., _.
--- --i-- - t-- -
i !
:. !,..-:,..... i

... K..
: 0.05

_-. ,.....'-,,.... ! . ..- .we- i. ,11

10.05 - ', - - -4. . ^ -.4
, -
0.04 '8.03
In. 35 0.10
iil i
Fs: oc., 00
i! 1 ,

0 ov --...... i
o.na ...e--.......5,T.....?,...,,.. . t I

"-- ,...... ...... I ...._2_,..1.--

- .... 1
o.07 .. L ..._

.--1....J`.....;,_ 'C.,
K.'. -34.... 0*. I 5 .... ,,... - -'''''*--,47,*:x...:5::,.._,, -IL .K

0.03 -W--if
0.04 .
WI, i
i ,
i eI
0.03 0.04 I

61a 2.00Ii.
. 0.09 -
0.07 !
-... K.. i

--4- -i.. i- -- 1

.... l'" -A.
I .,;._ x .1. ,.. 1
- ....
! i

: ,.L._ !-...... 1 1: i,...

i i :

I CS : ..
0.04 ._...;
.,... I- 1-- 11
--; ....... i
, . ,
1'! 1
0.05 .

f.. 1 t t ,--
! I
.-- I "'AI ,43.u4 -- - .4

. - .. ; 1
1 - .. 1

. i ; i
0.03 .0.03
0.08 0.09
I 1541,-130.
1 1
1 '0.08
-7-"-- - 1 ;,---- -, -7- i


i . ,
;' 0.0.3
I 4,-
0.03 i 1 !

-1 i 0.05
i ,
r : f
:., 4 9
i F :
11.03 0.03
0.010 .0.045
r /5-1.05
-..5 I

HO 010
.... 1
, 1
,10:030 "kw.: .........
. t i. '
' ':"- ILK, i 5
0.,023 .... -......,..
-5... -,..!!
k i
-x..,..4(.... ,
11 II

il !,
! 1 0 030
4,-. ' t i
0.020 .....,
: www.-
e I
f. .l'-w.-
,,,x i-
0.015 II

.04010 i
0.010 0.010
0.008 0..000' 5

/0.006 .... -1- - 0 i


: 11
: :-.3t-53L 1 :
54- / 54.-.__,_ :

0:004 4. 4. -Efr--1E-7.A=. 0.034 i $ I

:01002 0.002 I

:0,000 - i 0.000
155 8.3 9.5 50.5 115 123 7:5a 0.5 9.5 1245 5311,5 02:3, 43:5
LWIJBXDH 1,,r1./874.1SE(

Figure 14- Drag-weight ratio of the residual resistance, eR= f(LwL/BxDR, 8w) given for different values of
Fnv/2 and Irim= = 16° and 38° (dots are original VWS values while lines are calculated values)
8vi 0°, Z,5, = 4°; Ow== 8°, --- Sw ==12° -


Pm =38°' m =1W
r110,2 . i
.._. 30 1 _5 ? 1 i
3.0 r . .
1 1 i i
2-5 2_0 i
2.0 i --j, i I .1
1 3.0 -----p---...x....!...,...

2 ,, .._ 4.0 .. ._, _.1...... .4.. _. 1

-.k '-4... .,,,....t..- 1- L5 4 ;


.0.5 0.75

-0:5 -0.5



,0:70, 0.65


0.55 0

0.750 0.775

0.725 4.0


'0.675 0.075 z

0:625 1.5

;0.625 0:000

0.6010 11.575
0.100 -4 0.100
TI/114, Env,
i 0:075
34..,0, !
0.050 4.0 -- 0.050
3.0 x-x"-
0.025 01015 -- 1.0
2.0 I
i3 414.34 :4-4., m.icill KALSAINO1111

:- -
-0 025 x
-0025 0.75 !` 1

! ! II
-0.050 11.0 0.050 : .:
x ! I
-0.075 -0.075
1.0 I
: :
_ 1

: --
I 0
-0. /00 -0.100

0.200 :
r I
0.057 t.. !

1 1.0 1

P.150 !
i . 1-
F777,7 :. ;

42; 0.000

fp 000

01 3014
1.300 I


°1:009 0 350


;Liam 1.0,
5 7:5 5.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 059 04.5
00 7.5 .3.5 9.5 1075 115 17.57 33.5

Figure 15 -- Trim 0 and propulsive coefficients 'no, i, WT, tx and TN given as a f(LwilBxnii01Fnw2) for

rim = 160 and 38% and Sw=8° (dots are original VWS values, lines are calculated values)
= 38'

" 4.5


E .2


0 Ox
x 5.75
: It 5.75
73. 8.5 9.5 103 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5
7.5 8.5 93 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 113



t 0.2


/.25 1 75 2.2 2.75 3.25 3.7$ 4.25

Figure 16- Specific power ER, = f(LwL/Bx,,H, Fn072) and CBTR = f(Fnc72, LwL/Bxpil) for pm = 16° and 38°,
and 8,7=8° (dots are original VWS values, lines are calculated values)

systematic high speed propeller series that has modern Trial resistance of the model is
blade section profiles with cupecl trailing edges and that
takes into account the effects of oblique inflow RTTK,M RTM [(RA5,5+ RPAR,S ARAW,S) (X P PM
conditions y ==6-120, and the low cavitation numbers
typical of high speed vessels, does not exist. In most RTm Model resistance under tank conditions
cases the designer is dependant on the (old) Gawn- TXTR,M [N] Horizontal thrust component under trial
Burill Propeller Series having circular arc blade profiles condition
and somewhat lower propeller efficiencies (see for TyTRx ftn Axial thrust under trial condition
instance Radojcic 1988). [0] Shaft inclination underway relative to
Thrust which should be achieved by each propeller horizontal -- = ESO + 0
follows from Eso Shaft inclination at rest relative to
TrKv = / (NPR (1 - tx)cosy) horizontal
0 [0] Running trim
so that thrust coefficient is Scale ratio.
= RTTK / [Ps De V' (1 - wi-)2 (1 - tx)cosy NPR]
60 = 0.6-0.4 for Vs == 39-45 kt. RAA,s, RKAR,s, ARAw. s are drag components of the
trial conditions (given in the Powering Predictions,
Trial Conditions section).
Thrust deductiuon factorlta)
The trust deduction factor indicates the change of
hull resistance due to the working propeller. In the Wake fraction (wT)
present case it is based on the horizontal thrust The effective wake fraction of the model is
component under trial conditions: determined on the basis of the open water propeller
characteristics by means of the thrust identity at the trial
tx - 1 - (RTTK,N4 fETxTicm) condition and is given by
respectively WT == 1 - (YAM iSim) = 1 -(J-M nm Dm) / Vm
tx == 1 -(R ,,,,m/ET,T7cm cosy).
032 0.12



1050 200 210, 5.00' 350' 4.00
0.50 3M! 3.50 ZOO 3M! 3.00 3.50 4,00
Fn,,, F0,4





100 3.30 500 050 0.00
735 0.50
010 3.54 200 253 300 4.00


001 -'

030 .00 033 200 250 3.00 3.50 a®
000 300 3.50 ZOO ZOO 3.00 3.30 400



.053 300 750 4,00

3M! 2.00 250
050 300 50 200 3.30 3,50 730 400 250


000 130 3.00 230 300 330 400
150 250 3.00 4.00 En,,,
020 030



.00 ho 200 3.30 300 335 400 1.00


250 010

070 .........

260 -. '3_


3.40 350
.... 30 000 3.30
3 50 4.00
234 300 300 3.00 3.30 300 150 000 F,,,5

Figure 17 - - 0, w1, tx, Tin, Tb, TIn = f(Fnv, LWL/BxSJH) for IM = 160 and 380, and 6=8°

LWL/BXDH: 7.55 --- 9.55 11.55 13.55 ----

propeller at where RAA,s = CA, 0.5 P, (VS + VW)2 AV
VAM [m/s] Advance speed of the model
the axial inflow condition determined
from the thrust identity PArt 1.226.10 ft/m3] Mass density of air
Advance ratio at axial inflow condition = 0.65 Air allowance coefficient
determined from thrust identity under trial [rn/s] Ship speed
lYiZj 3.34 [m/s] Wind speed for Bn=2
condition [m2] Projected above-water trans-
[s-`1 Rate of rotation of the model propeller Ck,';)= 98.5
verse area
Dm [111]
Diameter of model propeller.
RpAR,s = 0-5 Ps Vs' [Cm, (Arz Ax)]
Hull efficiency (Th.1)_
defined by the ratio
is CDp = 0.15
The hull efficiency AFZ = 0.075-0.05.16 = 0.06 m2
area of zink anodes
(1-tx)/(1-wT). However, here, nil takes into account two hull openings
Ax = 0.20-0.245-2 = 0.098 m2
shaft inclination T. Consequently
CDp (A-FZ Ax) = 0.0237 m2
1114- TIFIT = (1 1-)/(1 WT)

tx. If needed, t.r may be obtained from A.RAw.s= 0.02 RTTK, (2% of RT-TK for wind of Bn=2).
above-mentioned relationship. Consequently, the total resistance under trial conditions
Relative rotative efficiency eilla RTTR= RITK. [k-N]
The relative rotative efficiency is caused by the + R+ RPAR + RAW
inhornogeneous and oblique inflow conditions at the Full-scale trial power and RPM determined by this
propeller and by the effects of the rudder on the procedure do not need any other empirical allowances
propeller characteristics. nR is defined as the ratio of or corrections, except that of the Reynolds number
the propeller efficiency in the "behind condition" to that corection for viscous scale effects on the model
"in open water" and is given by nr=n8/-1-10. Propeller propeller. The Reynolds numbers of
the full scale
efficiency behind the hull is propellers are larger by at least a factor 10 than those of
T,TR,s VA! (2TC n QTR) the model propellers, thus the required torque becomes
This effect increases the
comparatively smaller.
Delivered power under trial conditions propeller efficiency and decreases the required power.
Q-riK [Nm]
Propeller torque under trial conditions The Reynolds correction for power and rate of rotation
is determined by the method of "equivalent profiles"
Relative rotative efficiency, nR, has an almost constant and dependes on propeller diameter, rate of rotation and
value. So nR= 0.96 was adopted throughout. blade area ratio. For Series '89 the increase of the
propeller efficiency amounts to FRN = 1.03-1.07
corresponding to D = 1.0-1.4 m. Typically,

Trial Conditions where

Reynolds number effects corrected open water
The powering performance and the propulsive efficiency of the model propeller
coefficients were determined for the trial condition. At no open water efficiency of the model propeller.
the trial condition, the model propeller works at the
same thrust loading as the full-scale Powering Predicton Methods
Therefore, the following drag components of the trial
condition (which cannot be simulated at the model As is indicated in Figure 18, powering predictions
tests) were taken into account: may be performed for an actual propeller or for any
other new (installed) propeller. If an actual propeller is
Air and wind resistance of the full-scale a
RAA.5 [kN] considered, two approaches are available:
vessel conventional method and a short method. Other than
RPAR,S [kNi Parasitic drag due to the zink-anodes the method depicted in Figure 18, powering predictions
and the inlet and outlet openings at the
bottom of the hull for cooling and for any installed propeller may he performed by
increasing the power obtained with an actual propeller
sanitary water
by a quantity corresponding to the difference between
ARAw,s [kN] The added resistance in waves at the open water efficiency no, ACTUAL and no. INSTALLED.
trials due to rippling seas,
Power prediction
actual propeller installed propeller

Kt, Kcit
AelAo -- 1.102 1 Tables I. 5, 8 Ini T

short method conventional method

. -
T140 na
t Table. 10 ) ( Table 7

1 Table 3 )

ir Pnra

Figure 18 - Algorithm showing the evaluation of power prediction

(shaded blocks indicate values which are calculated by math model)

Conventional Method
The conventional method follows from everything catamaran configuration, as functions of speed and hull
written up till now, i.e. form parameters, are described in the following
PETR = Vs and [kW] statements:
Ptrra = PETR
The effect of the length-to-beam ratio on the
Pl3TR = PDTR /TIM [kW] interference resistance is largest for the smallest
where length-to-beam ratio, LwL/BxDri = 7.55 and smallest
Tlm = 1G llsx= 0.94
for the largest, LwilBxna = 13.55, see Fig. 21.
= 0.96 - gear losses and risri = 0.98 - shaft losses. The midship deadrise does not have a significant
influence on the interference resistance. The smallest
Short Evaluation Method dezdrise, f3m = 16° causes the least interference
The short method for brake power evaluation is resistance, see Fig. 22.
based on the specific brake power for trial conditions The transom wedge in combination with an external
EB-rx spray rail was shown to be very effective in reducing
PBTR=CBI.RASgVS [kw] both the wave resistance and the frictional resistance.
The lift from the wedge decreases the running trim
As mentioned earlier, Elm, includes the effects the
Reynolds number correction of the model propeller.
and by this the wave resistance. The spray rail
reduces the frictional resistance. For the optimal
All regression models presented are independently
wedge inclination, Sw = 8°, the catamaran with the
derived. So, a good check of the model quality is to
compare independently derived Pim, by using the smallest length-to-beam ratio has the largest
reduction in resistance (and vice versa), see Fig. 23.
conventional and short evaluation methods. Detailed
algorithms for both procedures is given in Figure 19. Thrust deduction factor, tx reaches its maximum
Figure 20 shows the final results obtained by each values (tx > 0.1) in the hump speed region and
method. decreases and holds steady at tx < 0.05 for Fnvn >
1.5-2.0. With an increase in LIB, tx decreases
slightly over the whole speed range, see the 3-D
MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE diagram showing tx in Fig. 24.
RESISTANCE AND PROPULSIVE The speed dependence of wake fraction, w-r is exactly
COEFFICIENTS opposite to that of tx. Above the hump region it
increases with speed and holds steady at around 0.05
The main characteristics of the resistance and hull-
above Fnva = 2.5 (depending on LIB ratio, lower L/B
propulsor interaction coefficients of the standard

/ mg V., 1 I Ail, 1 t0 .*..8 ACT: 7 03 RCI:' 8-4,4 s," r"'

0 'A,

LW II .1.3XD14 . 6, Fm

MO, 3 ('Rabic 7

-swv6 =


5.7x-to I L '11P.= 0,514 c.,(Y5'2V olAn

T-- Q15 :Ps AZIL

CI Ca.& R.n

. _
). 2. $700; 7:2j + F.,
Conventional method
-ps + 1.3 5 K. 7 1Pe-rft =11:74,:.;"4,''' 4.erk . V, .e.'t

Figure 19 Algorithm showing evaluation procedure for obtaining PBTR

(shaded blocks indicate values which are calculated by math model)

=38°' p. =16'
12000 az000
10000 40000

1000 8000
6000 6000
4°. C. 3.0
4000 4000

-2000, 1.5 2000' 00
7.5 9.5 203, 11.5 12.5 155 :r6.5 75 Si 9.5 101 11.5 13.5 L3,1 14.1
LWL/BXD11 3.V110XD10)

Figure 20' PR= f(Lwo3x,H, Fnv,z), for 01,4 38° and 160, and = 8°, calculated by conventional'
.) and short ( ) method (A= 111.6 t, z = 3, Ae/Ao = 1.1 and P/D = 1.4)

ratios correspond to slightly lower w-r), see the 3-D efficiencies increase gradually from Fnw2== 1.3 to
diagram showing w1 in Fig. 24. their highest values of Tio = 0.73 and riB, = 0.70 for
Because it is a function of tx and w-r, the hull speeds of around 40 kt (Fnw2 == 3.5-4.0).
efficiency rift oscillates at lower speeds. Above Friv2 Propulsive efficiency rit) depends on the thrust
= 2.0-2.5 it holds steady in the range r 1.02-1.03, loading and tracks the propeller efficiency_ The
depending on the L/B ratio and Pm. loWest values arise in the hump speed region where
The relative rotative efficiency rtTt shows small' 'no == 0.45-0.65 (higher values correspond to higher
oscillations around hump speed (depending weakly L/B ratios). Propulsive efficiency increases gradually
on L/B ratio) and holds steady at 0.96-0.98 above to an exceptionally high Tip== 0.72-0.73 for Fnvr2 ==
Fnw2 = 1.0-1.5. 3.5-4.0 (40 kt), see the 3-D diagram showing r1D, in
9' Propeller efficiencies (rio and riB) reflect the effect of Fig. 24.
thrust loading, particularly at,the hump speed. Both


It should be noted, however, that the main resistance and hull-propeller interaction coefficients
characteristics of resistance (actually ER), dynamic trim, versus speed are given_ for a large speed range - from
and propulsive coefficients are also given in Fig. 17. the hump speed to planing speeds (up to Fnvf2 4,
FnE, 1.5).
Moreover, since the propulsive coefficients are
NON-STANDARD CONDITIONS AND more influenced by length-to-beam ratio. than by
CONFIGURATIONS section shape, these regression models may be used
relatively successfully for other catamaran forms
The standard conditions and the configurations that (series). So, powering predictions for round bilge hull
are treated by the regression models are given in the forms is possible. if accurate resistance characteristics
Mathematical Models section and are explained in the are available..
Powering Prediction and Layout of the Series, and Final
Cotornoron type: LWL/DXDH
Scope of the Series '89 Catamarans sections, - 5.430- 7.55-006 7.55
respectively. Nevertheless, the influence of non- - - - - 51438- 9.55-006 9.55

standard conditions and configurations on the final - S/436-1 55-0,16 11.55

result -- Delivered Power --

- - 5038-13.55-008 13.55
is briefly depicted,
graphically in Appendix 2.
The influence of Reynolds number corrections and
trial condition allowances are illustrated in Figures 25
and 26 respectively. The influence of section shape is
shown in Figures 27 and 28, while the effect of change
of longitudinal center of buoyancy LCB ("Symm. Hard -
Chine + 2AB" as denoted in Figure 11) is shown in
Figure 29. The impact of varying propulsor types and
appendage configurations are depicted in Figures 30-
Figure 21 - The effect of length to beam ratio oft the

)1( 0.toenorantyp 6.
.CONCLUDING REMARKS. - 51438- 7.55-1),96. 38'
- - - - 5027- 7.55-006 27.
5016- 7.55-DW6 1-.6
A novel and reliable Method for predicting the
propulsive power of high-speed catamarans is
presented. The residual resistance, as well as the
components of the propulsive efficiency that are needed 0.167
for reliable- evaluation of -delivered power, may be.
determined from the regression models. The regression
models are based on multiple linear regression analysis 0.4 0.6 4.6
of the large number of propulsion data from the VWS
hard chine catamaran Series '89. IN

The powering prediction method is reliable Figure 22 -- The effect of midship deadrise on the
because the propulsive coefficients for Series '89 were
interference resistance
obtained from self-propulsion tests under trial
conditions. Under these test conditions the model
kolornorontyp : 1./8
propellers are working at a loading which is equal to 54127- 755-09/6 7.55

that of the full-scale propellers. Therefore, none of the - -- -- -- S027- 9.55-DW8 9.55
obsolete (speed independent) trial allowances for power -ts
-- 51427-13.55-014 13.55
and RPM have to be applied to the power obtained by Few, -
these regression models. .o
7,5,. 2.0 3.0 4.01
This powering prediction method replaces a large $

stock of data, concerning resistance, running trim and '

propulsive coefficients. The method allows optimi- o = 111.6
zation of the hull-form parameters and prediction of = 27.
powering in early design stage for catamarans having -
length-to-beam ratios of LwilBxDTT= = 7.55 to 13.55 and 0.8

midship deadtise values of M = 16° to 38° with an 'Figure 23 -- The influence of transom wedge on
optimal wedge inclination of Sw. = 8°. Residuary resistance

= 38° =16°


- 0.06

------- -------------
--------------- ; -- ------ - -----

4.0 3_5 3.0 4.0 33 3'0 0320





2.0 13
23 3.0

Figure 24 3D diagrams showing characteristics of rip, WI and tx as a f(Fnva, LwiBxnn)

for N=16° and 38°, and 6=8'

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Table 3 - Polynomial terms, regression coefficients and important statistics for ER

Eft Fnw2
b c d 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1_50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00
I .0 0 0 -0.173909006 -112 2651783 -509 5614157 -31.32927612 -6.483827938 -213.9264914 -5.538630171 580.110804 54.27603261 A84.697891
ci 0 113 0.098273967 2942994508 1408.766278 19.44025823 539.9987966 -1605.0253311 -66.19286297 914.8184421
i 6 0. 4/2 -199.8506111 -994.5100187 -370.4512659 -9_917725821 1114.673987 -699.4893401,
' 0 0/ 1 11_28655 68.12267465 1_787214421 25.31768871 7.541644475 -66.93925993 14.77337705 32.8382929.
0 0' 2 -0.000929905 -0.650371987 -0.15071261 -0.157478409 -0.375627222 -0.5459.22051 0.078326823 -0_780955509 1.63232576
, 0 0 3 4.79565E-05 -0.002683374 0.003227611 0005329248 0.0044 6069,1 0-006446521 0.01,6109245 0.014394597 0.018708262 -0,06706687*
' 0 113 0 1.40197501 -0.111023232 28.89895758' 5.0316972 8.206185864 -34.4320174'
0 4/3 1 -0.373589592 -0.044838426 -0A24619179 -0.753512558 -1:275464296 6.932429098 3.54204 e
' 01 1/3 2 0.020557836 -0.001122606 0_004875129. 0.031895407 0.013447629 0.046551082 0.158227557 -0.0506956.
3 -0.000773178 0.000110826 0.000289405 -0.000640324 0.000773728 -0.00041311' 0.007031444 '0.01060750
1 0 1/3
0 1/2 0 -29.85438839 0.770268435 0.077603426 -3.532728525 3.855052774 0.1485776
' 0 1/2 1 0.111640079 0.236867941 0.480056793 -1.079438402 -0.602500625 -1.053511336 5.9193700
0 1/2 2 0.012565673 -0,004349477 -0.004101338 -0.018451146 -0.011978316 -0.027533194 0.098886531 -0.01126624 -0.8148030
0 1/2 3 -0.000272806 -0.000259073 0.000356916 -0.000684932 -0.003000144 -0-003750377 -0.004510684 0.018031341
I 0 1' 0 -0.052890922 -0.11416155 3.482000005 -0.15451443 -0.03429308 -0.00236895 1.06464733 -1.13373771
: 0 2 2 -7.32486E-05 1/06422E-05 0.000135917 0.000333708 0,000199097 6.05472E-05 0.001351622 0.00129706 0.00240111
I 0' 3 0 I -0.003437854 0.011 /57241 -0:003847711 0.061737442 0.060719114 -0.0639583

3 1/3 5.54611E-06 0600022107 -0.009114445 0.006701751 -0.030.525933 -0.002236196 0.003141962 -0.170204772 -0.18277075 0.01975909
0 3 1/2 0_007117478 -0.003990541 0.021737137 0.003218849 0,11997211 0.128987686 0.02702024'
1 0 3 1 4.01738E-05 0.000162902 -0.001584395 -0.000631249 .0.000333281 -0.008100977 -0.008262745 -0.00756673
-316942E-05 -0.000632067
1/3 0 0 32.94677916 -273.8736375 23.91614886 16.37966409
96.43339632 169.5730735 -50.03192156 1065.91096'
1/3 0 1/3 , ' 0-0090253,49 -248.0043541 -454.6815211 -1999056577 782_3842726 64.55774071 -3400_21661
1/3 0 1/2'' 166.1281198 311.7049875 -557.5559477 -17.87113665 .26.14833521 2480.012934
1/3 0 1 0.003117269 -8.698809939 -18.03232553
38.40772215 3.459033128 -4.847018415 -15.05328 -15.21465888 -463_0347301
1/3 0 2 -0.000367979 -0.035862798 0.154 586141 -0.337995278 0.469421912 0 941812585 0.836166796
, 1/3 0 3 0.0031364-42 10.004637667 -0.005429348 0.001123062 -0.001945232 -0.014796664 -0.02617229 -0020484234 0-04876119
1 1/3 1/3 0 -1.800692237 -11054333112 -0.953287538 -9.988112947 -1426699542 -21_43073246 -47.7306843
1/3 1/3 1/2 1.067690131 01.315020592 0_754873832 7.050646806 2.813607718 -155_630311*
113 1/3 2 !, 0.002477064 10.0011710681 '.0,004374674 -10.006515007 -0.010719862 -0.070689132 -0.026902607 0.39269148,1
1/3 1/3 3 , , 0.000592035 9_70116E-06 1.05017E-05 4.35928E-05 0.003126801 -0,001061452 -0.02798543
0.000243565 0.002221158
1/3 1/2 0 -1.8872876-19 2.02892835 0.923845326 -06511101585 0.83544657 5.054527124 -5.710893352
6.75952300.3 -9.537350769
1/3 1/2 1/3 ' -0_29069583 -0.015614588 1.032769296 5.760080214 193.9616
1/3 1/2 2 -0.018807273 -0:000134816 6.001996301/ -0.049218579 -0.025723379 0.014243209 0.430347911
1/3 1 3 8.11248E-05 6.929E-106 1.66aE-06, 01000193775 0.000125952 0.000151197 -0.00171366
1/3 2 0 0.007377176 -0.002691251 0.72536327-
1/3 2 1/3 0.018872648 -0.007514197 0.008648184 0.000561973 -0.007775974 -0.054719271 -0:024054204 -3.06526396'
1/3 3 0 0.002719157 -2.99538E-05 0.00276436 -0.000406371 -2.37297E-05 01006042155 0.06908706:
1/3 3. 1/3 10605103748 -0.00106922 -0.003154042 0.00063966 0.002504611
1/3 3, 1/2 0.001985174 0.000225926 0.00088977 0.001295074 0.00174897 0.000861132 -0.001671212 0.06419381
1/2 0 0 0.072769398 -5.604150947 -12.91833009 180.1694818 70.96269449 79.04905394 35.01637327 195.0958416 -409.915441
112 0 1/3 -0.064880292 .6.381763374 -8.078625842 7.6291102 -510.0190665 -226.4090839 -245.3440866 -102.6309635 -520.0213187 1309.60038
1/2 0' 4/2 11.02867858 363.6322784 169.3310362 177.4981092 64.86303216 354.4516232 -955.630510
, 1/2 0 1 0-006109663 :1.373949176 -2.662200029 -25.57633917 -13.31164085 -17.52650546 -19.99299914 62.8784954"
I ' 1/2 0' 2 0-075233486 0.124254964 -0.06031789 .0.264623868 0.155452352 -0.28140209
I 112 Cr 3 -0.001941525 -0.00327813 0.002114272 -0.001965884 -0,001102358 0.003470766 0,009054415 0.004301751 0.018832291
1/2 1/3 0 -0.157843141 0.801036942 .0.109010834 -3.742590843 -0.04034625 20.90150556 -4_464375693 -19.13790367
1/2 113 '2. -0.014155953 0.003653487 -0.31968207"

, 112 1/3 i 0.000215954 7.109E-06 '0.000229064 -0:000164645 -0.000727262 -0:000892853 0.000801927 .00166999
1.305224198 -9201836071 -38_99368765 -14.33114167 28.9351143
1 112 1/2 0 1.38760275 -9.468603218 3.461746364
1 1/2 1/2 1/3 -0.857139387 24.22346633 -0.006271063 0.381620313 37_96795411 72.07499564 59.07406792 -62.7181285
1/2 1/2 1/2 -17.27538509 -0,572817096 -29.99605577 -5682947363 -43.62868441 42.0628194
1/2 1/2 1 0.068063834 1.253394711 -0.009874787 -0.038459823 0.054841699 2.401100421 4.416686893 3.175312549 1.85372759*
1/2 1/2 2 0.015791792 -0.016039311 -5.92686E-05 -0.01476285 -0029411169 -0.037819984 -0,03870272-
1/2 1/2 3 -0.0003327 0.000161663 -0.00019544 0.000146368 -3.58478E-05 0.000425268 0.00060616 -0.00525603
112 1' 0 -0.096847187 -0.534546754 0.705755958,
112 1 1/3 0.03130043 0.023652758 -0352931053 0.017122595 0.189678093 1.579376224 0.43120527
1/2 1 1' -0.01943599 0-002942045 0.005742715 0.025398792 0.012981352 0.001442397 -01094369396 -0,014264536 -0.6628644
1 1/2 1' 3 -1.71375E-05, 1.6624-4E-05 -1.31558E-05 -7.65099E-05 -7.35919E-05 -2.83782E-05 0.0009923671
1 1/2 2 0 -0_015355228. 0.000833844 0:004159775 -0.025219485 0.016518287 -0.072182961' -0.53095662
I 1/2 2 1/3 0.012297817 0.02209567 -0000780421 -0.0031847 -0,034490417 0.031491026 03569162311
I 4/2 2 1 -0.000717806 -0.000196319 -0.000422623 -0.004488523 -3.05483E-05 -0.000992014 0.001824472 -0.01674764
No. of cases 264 264. 264 264 264 264 264 264 264 2

42 46 42 43 41 44 40 48 46 5
II 0.9974 0.9942 0.9992 0.9999 0,9997 0.9996 0.9994 6.9992 0.9979 '0.99692364
F -- test 2014 811 6718 39912 18292 12573 9690 5825 2316

I Standard error ' _ 0.00006_ , 0.09016 _ 0.00018 0.0002 0.00025 0.00027 0.00036 0.00045, 0.00057 000077
Tab. 4 Polynomial terms and reg. Tab. 5 Polynomial terms and reg. Tab. 6 Polynomial terms and reg. Tab. 7 Polynomial terms and reg.
coeff. for 1-tx coeff. for coeff. for 0 coeff. for TID

-tx ,15 0 110

a d pm =16* 13m = 27° pu = 38° d pm =

16° pm = 27° pm = 38° a d 13m
16° = 13m = 27° pm = 38°
a d r3 = 16° fam = 27° p = 380 a
0 -448.919705 .6.868901638 -74.00031245 0 -634.6364094 18463.00301 1839.125226 0 -1697.527857 -3012.583635 -12558.53639
0 0 582.9743125 3530.92917 -2952.250041
0 1/3 -838.4031467 -555.74E18296 2915.266617 0 1/2 390.397 10 -11497.74607 114 -208.6648087 -3054.761894
1 -85.7596 -35.9982441 1 -29.06759571 1/3 5731.260446
0 2/3 -651.8363445 0
0 I 339.8417169 0 3/2 -7.590026496 413 604.6621485 1/2 -2102.151272
0 4/3 -79.55660778 0 3 0.051240292 7/3 -65.01351659 -0.073450332 5/4 3295.227999 -120.5308326
7/3 1.017677851 0 9/2 -2.54393E-05 000040135 3 -11.54115526 3/2 4583.078591 172.7186711
1/2 0 910.1355384 137.8197734 104.4439708 1/3 0 -50269.1766 714 2302.038967 -93.84143003
0 8/3 -0.401288534 .8.778659381
0.253753953 1/2 1/2 -874.1077809 .5,412922148 1/3 1/3 1060.793067 42073.7678 2 061,0569613 37.58570491
0 3
-15589.25018 0691.700501 12 1 207.3036743 .. 289.9352487 1/3 2/3 -9402.757876 14 0 4500.543705 39616.96581 133642.4443
1/3 0
0.000912759 0.722602252 1/3 1 8983.26982 14 5/4
1/3 1/3 1449.326105 32866.94837 1 2 6/2
1/3 2/3 198.4283211 -40696.84803 12 0 -0.127501356 1/3 4/3 -2162.533542 -2788.014903 14 7/4
1 23438.65409 1/2 4 -0.008513543 1/3 513 4.383497838 14 2 238.8224427 .219.1974048
-7022.837312 1 2 9/2 4.14494E-06 1/3 2 110.025186 13 0 -53801.22937 -169070.9407
1/3 4/3 -168.066824
1/3 513 -3.878573982 946.5143988 0 -563.8221973 -438.653638 -39.57092486 1/3 7/3 259.2957698 13 3/4 2037.346532
1/3 7/3 2.815640455 1 10 609.4217601 .19.22645858 1/3 3 57.26172282 /3 5/4 10423.73127 -71.302054
1/3 8/3 30.0641125 1 .169.6183198 -528.8288202 2/3 0 -460.20542 13 2 272.7511588
0.098489155 2 -1.54945618 2/3 1/3 -46581.76531 12 0 18485.76499 47840.95943
1/3 3
2/3 0 29154.37403 -3226.456924 1 3 0.107077275 2/3 4/3 2487.412038 12 1/2 -11771.39585 -8233.130491
2/3 1/3 3163.820203 9/2 0.001241681 2/3 2 -2.172519882 1 2 3/4 8039.352139
0 540.8504967 2/3 7/3 .377.0172583 12 1
2/3 2/3 70.48878096 32
2/3 4/3 45.53842415 -62.53581857 32 1/2 58.27922847 2/3 3 -121.0950009 12 7/4 114.5430105
32 1 308.8733906 1 0 127172.7946 12 2 .109.1135012 0.58209572.5
2/3 5/3 112.8178962
-75.6709209 3 2 3/2 10.05251429 1 4/3 .1265.835277 3 113 11729 76897
2/3 8/3 .1.141304574
2/3 3 -0.058671275 0.6087716 3/2 5/2 -0.295290847 1 2 180.7786529 34 1/2 10338.64064
0.017719729 1 7/3 162.61378 -0.186971675 3 4 3/2 -286.0566599
1 0 18,02983154 -27517.47395 32 3
-4183.896989 -971.0872708 3 2 912 -0.000462956 1 3 0.888384857 133.420572 34 2 -2.457312631 17.12690239
1 2 -31.07238749 2 0 .253.0026209 4/3 0 -153939.4243 11241.24289 1 0 -2287.002321
1 7/3 0.159722586 2 112 -32.22046574 -117.4065953 4/3 1/3 32269.22872 1/4 1409.688498
8/3 88.74811477 2 1 325.9841841 4/3 2 -0.098061479 1 1/3 3116.363331
1 3 -0001893841 2 3/2 2.09991534 4/3 3 -80.33049354 1 5/4 351.9875623
4/3 0 14305.11034 508.4011427 2 2 -0.394290073 5/3 0 61414.01976 -13293.77781 54 0 .8532.553145
4/3 1/3 -81.98165886 5376.565056 2 5/2 -0.167056815 5/3 1/3 48.74603199 -17162.13935 5 1/4 -21171.56317
62.3800766 2 3 0.011639937 5/3 2 .187.8661802 5 1/2 -1543.092524
4/3 2/3
4/3 8/3 2.403544674 -56.68667611 5/2 0 3.457922799 5/3 7/3 0.644877162 54 3/2 78.50071312
0 -4268.871359 5/2 1/2 80.28435191 5/3 3 22.73054976 54 2 -5.640828598 0.025605865
5/3 113 -2473.698695 5/2 1
-694.4983496 2 5/3 228.0192776 32 0 10811.93813
5/3 2/3 41.15628117 -29.48358228 5/2 2 0.681567816 2 7/1 7.954483913 32 1/4 4334.196885 1012.501108 17622.34797
5/2 7/2 0.000446629 713 0 7639.734977 32 1/2 .177.6292385
5/3 713 6.159156761
5/3 8/3 -2.963818778 17.06406637 3 0 24.67086115 7/3 4/3 -10.98788879 32 3/4 455.7213029
7/3 -0.295338037 32 1 -211.195996
979.8949915 3 1 535.9963016 7/3 . 1
2 0
2 1/3 -42.77319845 2 3/2 -0./38223976-l.511624376 7/3 8/3 0.027083457 32 3/2 .16.75099908
18.58967116 3 9/2 1.88987E-07 7/3 3 .1.0496035E9 -1.493165472 74 0 -3129.261281 -32.75621964
2 2/3
2 5/3 -4.564213563 7/2 0 -10.9378 40.33427999 8/3 0 -4192.139521 -4391.407319 74 1/4 1682.420119 -302.914761 -8141.698763
2 3 0.248764782 7/2 1/2 -26.35622515 8/3 1/3 1460.905499 74 7/4 -0.048595877
7/3 0 10.14775785 -226.8268865 7/2 1 1.90388232 -221.3579359 813 5/3 -58.62118585 74 2 -0.031617283
7/3 1/3 -12.8881988 335.6204244 7/2 3/2 0.085793454 8/3 7/3 3.858210486 2 0 -28.96904765 5.602032506 -11.98810005
713 1 2.543686791 7/2 4 4.09031E-05 8/3 8/3 -0.01271968 2 1/4 852.5390077
7/3 5/3 -0.104261691 7/2 9/2 -649539E06 8/3 3 0.65207857 0.242860882 2 5/4 2.516913432
713 8/3 0.002045042 -1.039991459 4 0 1.13999888 -23.00596965 3 0 1250.279699 778,622157 2 3/2 0.200206915
4 1/2 11.0279156 3 1/3 -447.3178958 2 7/4 -2.96099444
7/3 3 -0.217205516
1/3 -78.13967182 4 1 0.130195846 48.52956223 3 5/3 14.9056878 2 2 1.275101545
8/3 1

8/3 1 1.916823884 4 3/2 -0.044670575 3 2 0.07440728

4 7/2 -5.14165E-05 3 8/3 -0.774905725
8/3 8/3 -0.05608642
8/3 3 0.129735341 9/2 0 4.140266787
3 0 13.15790177 9/2 1/2 -1.803444086 -0.034293017
-0.131867724 9/2 1 -4.442852827
3 5/3 1

3 7/3 0.040025677 9/2 3/2 -0.00012659

3 8/3 0.057518745 9/2 9/2 2.52155E-08 6.35951E-07
3 3 -0.024540346
Tab. 8 Polynomial terms and reg. Tab. 9 Polynomial terms and reg. Tab. 10 Polynomial terms and reg. Tab. 11 Polynomial terms and reg.
coeff. for 1-vv coeff. for o coeff. for 6B1-R coeff. for WSC
1 - WT rio gen vvsr,
a d pm = 16° dm =27° p, = 38° a d Pm = 16° 13,,, = 27°
= 38° f3m a d pm = 16° bb dd coeff.
N = 27° 138 = 38°
0 0 -116.1918809 191.5348352 1351.4812 0 0 -539.9646094 -323.7314017 -981.9975875 0 0 -75.11557898 165.5334799 -96.61876908 0 0 -963.4005565
0 1/2 40.67382787 -1128 195122 0 112 234.2081809 17.24569041 112.8867187 0 1/2 180.6528927 -32.08809452 57.60677895 0 1/2 173.5484274
1 -0.217881315 812.3062999 0 11 -53.35882643 11.11428039 0 11 1/4 44
-59.3416869 3.39351E-05
3/2 -238.9348394 0 3/2 5.841191206 . 0 3/2 7.129496756 -0.07020208 1(4 1/4 1870.596868
0 2 4.174948152 28.17577708 0 2 0.075115522 0 2 -0.366894267 1/4 10-1419 106142
0 3 -0.330798043 0 4 1.86686E-05 1/2 0 20
-791.0198737 787.1852118 44 9.9005E-06
0 7/2 -0.000543264 1/2 0 1948.958149 1691.837213 4677.669316 1/3
1/2 1/2 -456.8424096 158.2762657 -408.64497 1 1 -16.12995062
4 0.004183984 9.72812E-05 -0.019268611 1/2 1/2 -488.9153323 -45.54566534 -244.3071136 1/2 11 1 2/3
125.148006 1 5.942104476
1/2 0 -1023.839208 -3925640889 1/2 1 1' 69.83654546 -103.90154 1/2 -7.49963E-07
3/2 -7.735620595 0.197660404 33 33
112 1/2 174.2014292 -593.5982772 112 312 -9.520959406 -0.389623973 1/2 3 0.003509819 4 00 2.58292E-05
1/2 3/2 -64.37140405 0.354994523 11 0 -3234.571716 -3794.580963 -9801.093132 1 1 0 523.2676054 1509.767793 -2427.530358 4 4 6.71128E-10
1/2 512 4.530073464 11 112 272.310587 23.50016946 143.3682255 1 1/2 342.6528228 -308.5285358 1203.907875
1/2 4 0.002493759 11 1 55.11461414 244.2701654 11 11 -75.99088211
1/2 912 0.01187141 3/2 0 3310.487284 4787.039638 11657.77711 1 1 3/2 -0.179780824
1 0 2353.822124 10910.51458 3/2 11 -120.2009263 23.61695962 -243.2524091
Tab. 12 Polynomial terms and reg.
11 9/2 1.72793E-07
1 1/2 5.836882114 823.4872364 3/2 3/2 5.642199369 3/2 0 -873.113987 -1458.647011 3768.579813 coeff. for LwAV/2)113
1 1 216.9905239 -2.835718617 3/2 2 -0.271115211 3/2 1/2 301.4487727 -1923.468882
1 3/2 302.3030098 0,01278952 3/2 7/2 -0,000126516 3/2 3/2 0.057200221
1 2 55.46325021 2 0 -2201.263462 -3626.708217 -8398.299289 2 0 525 4931424 730.9175464 -3136.854141
1 5/2 1.045376396 2 1 53.70003012 -46.62E186027 109.9143262
2 1/2 -59.91777426 -151.539806 1819.309177
1 912 -0.021605961 2 b d coeff.
3/2 -1.596561157 2 3/2 0.000186355
3/2 0 -3043.630328 -15843.93045 2 5/2 0.005521356 2 2 1.721986359 0 00 29.96173317
3/2 1/2 -117.5244542 -457.9694395 2 7/2 -0.00017944 5/2 0 -122.023611 -158.1428026 1240.467831 () 1/4 -22.23455773
3/2 312 188.0468083 5t2 0 .883.1813597 1614.474737 3560.79854 5/2 1/2 22.00522137 32.66818281 -1035.771938 0 1 2.07593765
312 2 45.57921322 5/2 1/2 -11.39852858 5/2 2 0.102483347 0 22 -0.053750199
3/2 5/2 -0.001519587 5/2 1 -7.714356531 40.21291005 -26.84909772 5/2 5/2 -0.390363802 0 44 0.00028278
3/2 9/2 0.020584912 5/2 3/2 2.943272484 3 1/2 -2.345849016 1/4 4
337.6549472 -0.000125747
2 0 204.3949549 2418.832398 12957.0325 5/2 5/2 0 043263618 3 3/2 -0.000947648 11 22 0.001814593
2 1 221.122765 1.197713944 5/2 9/2 7.23797E-06 3 3 0.034894497 2 0 0.000212214
2 2 -12.06524797 3 0 -188.2890989 -357.1686594 -749.0783394 3 7/2 0.001194094 2 3/4 -0.001845546
2 9/2 -0.010841703 3 1 -19 33755989 0
7/2 -196.5926231 3 1/4 0.000169785
5/2 0 -217.6285779 -1224.646193 -5717623437 3 2 -0.380231591 7/2 1/2 -51.55778092 4 0 -3.321645-06
5/2 1/2 99.9562774 3 712 -0.000457294 7/2 7/2 -0.001909626
5/2 1 .113.1188212 7/2 0 15.82467515 7/2 9/2 -1.88073E-05
5/2 3/2 27.1242057 7/2 1/2 1.094808976 4 0 2.015783256 2.67191652 69 75198786
5/2 2 0.001708786 7/2 1 0.335715856 4 1/2 -0.526815762
5/2 912 0.002996035 7/2 3 -0.000717967 4 1 -0.015124225
3 0 85.75458413 393.8209279 929.2639667 712 7/2 0.00020496 9.29276E-05 4 9/2 1.07596E-05
3 1/2 20.11076638 -2.960285905 -30.20825658 4 0 16.96658503 31.10439614 9/2 0 -0.380457604 -0.529539213 -8.03394756
3 1 5.04475576 -0.382117113 4 1/2 0.734772168 0.187102275 9/2 1/2 0.101831902 0.671969006
3 3/2 -2.940023171 4 1 -0.935593781 en 3 4443816-05
3 3 0.002537542 4 3/2 0.044879284
3 912 -0.000339686 4 2 0.06082328
7/2 0 -16.27160518 -75.26366791 238.783506 9/2 0 -2.743963291 -4.399465274
7/2 1/2 2.370759179 9/2 1/2 -0.135893757 0.237815415
712 1 0.595567253 0.09044661 9/2 2 -0.012714277
4 0 6.629323052 -122.882507 912 4 -1.69973E-06
4 1/2 -0.487424751 912 9/2 -6.91935E-08
4 1 -0.001618597
9/2 0 14.59114828
9/2 1/2 0.28419112

Table 13 - Important statistics for 1-tx, flH, 0, i, 1 - WT,

- flo, TR, WSC and LwL/ V/2 1/3
1-t, nH 0 no 1-wT no te, WSC L/(V12)1'
Pm 16° 27° 38° 16° 27° 38° 16° 27° 38° 16° 27° 38° 16° 27° 38° 16° 27° 16°
38° 27° 38°
cif 26 26 28 23 20 28 23 20 21 26 24 22 28 22 28 27 25 28 29 20 19 10 10
fR2 0.988 0.988 0.9916 0.9944 0.9945 0.9903 0.9987
0.9889 0.9847
0.9936 0.9907
0.982 0.9978 0.9857 0.9886 0.9977 0.999 0.9999 0.9983 0.9988 0.9986 0.9996 0.9999
5 - test 628 629 826 1447 1558718 975 818 657 6007 3730 1429 746 635 605 3152 8360 50128 5618 11678 10794 17751 30780
Standard error 0.00355 0.00235 0,00215 0.00436 0.00317 0.00457 0.08623 0.09223 0.11658 0.0028 0.00305 0.00503 0.00324 0.00356 0.00358 0.00216 0.00124 0.00043 0.00492 0.00399 0.00459 0.01502 0.00517
No, of cases 225 225 225 225 225 225 275 275 275 225 225 226 225 225 225 225 225 225 300 300 300 76 75
Triol condition, with Rn - correction Ref orente condition: Tonle condition
w 1 1 1.6 t; 6 8 deg. Compared condition: Trio; condition
Trial condition Hull type:
= 111,8 t; 6 8 deg.; ASH 2 1 - 7.55-DWE
Propoller type; P/0 = 1.40
Reference concept! without Rn -correction .335m; 4c/itio = 1.100. 0= 3
of the propeller open water
Compared concept; with Po-correction characteristics
ci 30 -
0 1
I-.:Q,...-I. _I 1:1 I I

Frty/ ,- TO
13.5 0 1

10.5 I 1 o 1. I .o - Ion I g ---__-- 1 I

; - I
1 Fn, - 1

L J. _ i I

II i 10.5 i 1,0 1.5 i 2.0 2.5 3.0 I 4.0 j

1 t . , . I b . . . , , d , , . .. , , ,, , , ,
I 6PDTR_ _ _ J K
o..1 .1
20 Vs - 30
r ... i ..3.5
40 kn 50
Prog.type D P/D Pe/0 ,1/4/40

Mull type:
CP 1,008 1.05 1.20 0,83 4 - - 08 27- 1 1.55-0W8
9.A 27-7.55-01Y8:
-- Cr 1.008 1.50 1.40 013 4 - ----- SM 27-9.55-0158; SM 27-I 3.55-0W8
OP 1.241 1.41 1.322 0.772 4

CC 1.235 1.40 - 1.107 5

Figure 26 -- Relative increase of propulsive power due to the trial

Figure 25 -- Relative reduction of propulsive power due to the
condition at 13,,, = 27°
Rn -- correction of the prop. characteristics

Trialcondition, with Sc - -correction

Trial condition, with Rn - correction Hull type:
= 111.0 1; ow =8 669.
A = 111.6 t; 6w = 8 deg. LWVBX0H = 7.55
Propeller type: R/0 w 1.40
Propeller type: P/Cl i= 1.40 w 1.330m; Ay/As = 1.102; 8= 3
0 = 1.235m; Ail Aa = 1,32; z

0 I
_1 I-- - I
L FoiTt L
ii Fne/2 -
___J I I
0,5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.. 3.0 3.5 4.0
L. _I.
0 1 2.0
L vs - - PDTR
L. 1
Reference hull symmetric hard chine boll. 0627-13.55-055
Reference hull symmetric, 5638-7.55-0W6 Compared hull - symmetric round bilge hull, 55923-13.55-0We
Comp oreei troll asymmetric, 401.421-7.55-086 Compared SoIl -- flambee, round bilge. anybody: herd chi, PCSM27-13.56-0W8
Compered hull - - semi-symmetric, 55858/26-7.55-W5

Figure 27 - Relative change of delivered power due to section Figure 28- Relative change of propulsive power due to section
symmetry at LviL/Bxnii= 7.55 form at Lva/Bnit = 13.55
Trial condItion. with Rn - cerreellon Hull type:
6 Coy. LWL/8606 9.55 Triol condition, with Rn - correction Hull type:
A 111.6 8,
Propeller type; P/0 1.40 A 111.6 t; 8. 15 deg A.51.1 21-7.55-DW6
Polltioo el LOS before the Iron...,
1.330rn; h/ha 1.102; / 3
,38 doe.: 0,424 OWL rate 0.444 LWL
0,27 deg. 1 0.400 LWL rem 0.422 LWL
0 20
8,16 dog.: 0,3E10 LWL resp 0.402 LWL
11 I I
0 20 I4PDTR
- 1 1 to
2 ' t_ --A- _J _1
,-1 1 FrIvi2 -
_j ., OTR _.1 1 1 1
.1-7' ,0_ L. _ _L -270- 2.. 3.0 I 3.5 4,0
0.5 / .0 1.5
I 1
LI _1_ ._. An
R 4.0 1 .0._ ) 3p v, - 47
i 0.5 7 =.7-.4r5- -,-.4,0, nif? 21'3
L _1 1_
1 Prop .typo
_I --'' _.1 P P/0 Pe/0
Ref ersno hull 51138-1.55-0.5 Rd erenea hull 5618-11.55- OW8
FP 1.235 1.40 1.102 3
RIeroneo propeller: -
Compared hull - 61438-2,56-08.642A0 Compered hull - - - - 51.116-8.55-1.1347,1B
Com,. er1 propaller: OP 1.241 1,1 1.322 0.772 44
Reference hull 51427 -1.55-OWS
Compared otopellar: OP 1.008 1.50 1.40 0.83 4
Compered hull - 51427-6.55 -0W84.24.8 0.83 .4
CoMpored propeller: CP 1.008 1.05 1.20 4

Figure 30- Relative change of propulsive power due to the effect of the
Figure 29 - Relative change of delivered power due to a 2%
propeller parameter
shift of the longitudinal centre of buoyancy

Tank condition, with Rn - correction

Reference propeller concept: propeller behind a deadwood = 111.6 1, 6. 8 deg,
Propeller type: P/0 1.40
Compared propeller concept: propeller at oblique shaft
- 1,330, k/1.0 1.102; 5= 3

5- cc 20"
(.0 I
11 12 13 14 0.5 1.5, ,20, 2 Fn1/2 3.5
7 5 " 10 ,10, 1_1 1_1.-1, __2.4_
I_I 7 Fnv/z vs

II kn
II ----------.1Z3P0 .

_1- ._-_:_-_,-___.1____J -- 1.4 15.0 08.-
X- 1
L_L _J
I I F--------- I 2.0 24.0
41.5 <1 w06 de,odwood, 314 16-11.55-DW8
J -- Reference hull :

II Compared hull l - with oblique shone with 6 deg inclination, 541 16-11.55-LS6
II - - -1.------
Cornpored hull -.- with woterjel-propulsor ./o deadwood, 511
Figure 32- Relative change of propulsive power due to inclined
Figure 31 - Relative change of propulsive power due to
shafts and waterjets
inclined shafts at N= 16°

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