Physics For Electronics Engineering
Physics For Electronics Engineering
Physics For Electronics Engineering
Unit I: Crystallography
1. Introduction of Crystallography
2. Crystalline Materials - Definition, Types, Examples
3. Amorphous Materials - Definition, Types, Examples
4. Space Lattice (crystal Lattice) - Crystallography
5. Basis of Crystal structure
6. Unit Cell - Definition, Figure | Crystallography
7. Lattice Parameters of the Unit Cell - Crystallography
8. Crystal Systems - 7 types with Example
9. Bravais Lattice - Crystallography
10. Simple Cubic (SC) Structure
11. Body - Centred Cubic (BCC) Structure
12. Face-Centred Cubic (FCC) Structure
13. Diamond Cubic (DC) Structure
14. Sodium Chloride Structure - Crystallography
15. Zinc Sulphide (ZnS) Structure - Crystallography
16. Linear Density and Planar Density - with Solved Example Problems |
17. Directions in Crystal
18. Planes in Crystals and Miller Indices - Crystallography
19. Distance Between Successive Planes - Interplanar Distances - d Spacing in Cubic
Lattice [Derivation] | Crystallography
20. Example Use of Milliner Indices - Crystallography
21. Pattern Alignment - Definition, Example | Crystallography
22. Imperfections or Defects in Crystals - Definition, Classification
23. Anna University Solved Problems - Crystallography | Physics for Electronics
24. Important Two Marks & 16 Marks Question and Answers - Crystallography |
Physics for Electronics Engineering