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Advertisement For Recruitment of Project Associate I
Advertisement For Recruitment of Project Associate I
1. Essential qualifications Candidates with minimum M. Tech or Equivalent degree in the field of Water Resources Engineering
or Environmental Engineering with B. Tech in Civil Engineering from reputed Institutes/Universities.
2. Desirable Experience Research/project experience in the field of water resources engineering or environmental engineering,
knowledge of water quality, field water sample collection, GIS software, and adsorption.
3. Age limit Preferably below 35 Years.
4. Salary Rs. 31,000/- p.m. for candidates with GATE qualification.
Rs. 25,000/- p.m. for candidates without GATE qualification.
HRA @9% if Institute Accommodation is not provided.
5. Relaxation on
Relaxation as per Govt. of India Rules.
qualification and age
6. Date of Interview, time, Interview date and mode (online/offline) will be notified in due course of time through email.
and venue
7. How to apply Applicants are to submit their filled-up applications along with C.V. to the PI accompanying
photocopies of all relevant documents with self-attestation to the address: Dr. BritiSundarSil,
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar,
Silchar– 788010, Assam, India. Candidate should write “Application for the post of Project Associate-I
under the project CRG/2022/008657”on the top of the envelope. Applicants are also requested to send
the soft copy of the duly filled application along with C.V. & all necessary documents to the PI
through email ([email protected]) with the subject as “Application for the post of JRF under the
project CRG/2022/008657”on or before 30-05-2023.
8. Other conditions No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview and/or joining to the post.
All the terms & conditions for this recruitment will be as per the guidelines of the sponsoring
agency and NIT Silchar.
9. Call for interview Shortlisted candidates will be intimated through e-mail for interview. Candidates are advised to
check their emails regularly.
10. No objection certificate Employed candidate is to submit No Objection Certificate from his/her employer at the time of
11. Institute right The Institute reserves the right to cancel the recruitment without assigning any reason.
The Institute has the discretion to restrict the number of candidates to be short-listed for the interview
on the basis of screening. No candidate may be recruited if suitable candidates are not found.
12. Signing of Agreement Selected candidates shall have to sign an agreement at the time of joining.
Associate Dean(R&C)
NIT Silchar
Paste recent
National Institute of Technology Silchar passport size
Format of Application colored
For Project Associate-I
3. Department:
5. Father’s/Husband’s Name:
8. Postal Address:
9. Permanent Address:
10. Nationality:
16. Any other relevant information that you may like to furnish:
I declare that the above information are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.