Mental Health and Academic Motivation Among Graduating College Students: A Correlational Study

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Volume: 10
Pages: 902-908
Document ID: 2023PEMJ912
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8158944
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-15-7
Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 902-908, Document ID:2023 PEMJ912, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8158944, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Mental Health and Academic Motivation Among Graduating College Students:

A Correlational Study
Reignell Mariz A. Imperial*, Jonan Jeff S. Ibanga, Josaiah M. David,
Joana Mae G. Macapagal, Jhoselle Tus
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study investigates the significant relationship between mental health and academic motivation
among graduating students. Thus, the study employed a correlational design to determine if there is a
significant relationship between mental health and academic motivation among 150 graduating
college students. Hence, the Mental Health Inventory 38 (MHI-38) and Academic Motivation Scale
(AMS-C28) were employed to measure the study variables. Moreover, statistical analysis reveals that
the r coefficient of 0.35 indicates a low positive correlation between the variables. The p-value of
0.00, which is less than 0.05, leads to the decision to reject the null hypothesis.

Keywords: mental health, academic motivation, graduating college students, correlational

study, Philippines

Introduction having enough communication from teachers and

classmates is one of the greatest difficulties in this
learning setup. (Robinson, 2020). Distance learning
The educational system has undergone a substantial also hinders students' social interaction because it
change recently toward a blended learning strategy limits access to physical contact. And since distance
that mixes in-person and online instruction. Due to its learning depends on contactless education, students
capacity to combine the best elements of traditional miss out on the importance of social and interpersonal
and online learning formats, blended learning, also skills. (Kelvin, 2021). Additionally, a study shows that
known as hybrid education, has been increasing in students in distance learning tend to induce antisocial
popularity (Gagnon et al., 2020). According to the behavior, leading to loneliness and isolation (Teng et
study, traditional classroom learning was preferable to al., 2020).
online learning in terms of student learning outcomes.
It also demonstrates that conventional learning is Furthermore, the hybrid learning strategy was first
associated with high student satisfaction (Hong, 2020). used at several educational levels, including higher
However, fully implementing face-to-face learning education, and it is now even more significant in the
does not guarantee the safety of students, making the post-pandemic era (Park, 2021). Blended learning is
blended type of learning the best option. defined as a legitimate design strategy that mixes the
benefits of in-person and online learning to meet
Despite recognizing the orderly organization and learning objectives (Bansig, 2021). According to a
management of online teaching, teachers and students study of student preferences, blended learning is the
concur that online courses harm the overall quality of way of the future in education (Gridina et al., 2021).
education. Students exhibit a greater propensity to feel However, to use mixed learning effectively, precise
stressed and anxious during the deployment of online planning and design option evaluation is required
learning. (Wang & Zhao, 2020). A prior study asserted (Bruggeman et al., 2022). Despite its challenges,
that distant learning negatively impacted students' blended learning can provide students with a flexible
learning, engagement, and mental health. Students' and effective learning environment (Jiang, 2023).
academic motivation and engagement, personal
scheduling, teacher communication, and elevated The educational environment and financial situation
stress and anxiety are among the most common have become more difficult because of the COVID-19
problems learners encounter (Petillion & McNeil, pandemic (Bayrak., 2020). As a result, many students
2020). Students demonstrated a lower or inferior level must face hardship to seek higher education. The
of academic motivation during the lockdown, and their uncertainty around the economy is having a significant
class participation decreased as remote learning was negative impact on their studies and their health. It was
insufficient for both students' psychological demands suggested that public support should be enhanced to
and academic satisfaction (Zaccoletti et al., 2020). In reduce students' academic challenges and address the
line with the transition, students believe that not health problems brought on by economic stress

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 902-908, Document ID:2023 PEMJ912, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8158944, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

(Tsurugano et al., 2021). The stress of graduating, relationship between mental health and academic
finding a job, and paying off debt can affect a student's motivation among graduating students. Thus, it will
mental health. In addition, many graduating students serve as a basis for crafting a program or interventions
frequently struggle to make ends meet and afford their to support and address mental health concerns and
education, with many of them suffering from low promote student well-being. Specifically, this study
income, low financial literacy, high debt levels, and sought to answer the following question:
compulsive spending tendencies, as well as
experiencing mental health issues. According to the Is there a significant relationship between mental
health and academic motivation among graduating
study, Deng et al. (2021) showed that the prevalence
college students?
of mental health-related problems among graduating
students was significantly higher compared to pre-
pandemic prevalence in similar populations. Literature Review

In addition, many graduating students might not have

the necessary skills to handle the job market pressure, It may be difficult for students to concentrate, focus, or
especially if they have little or no professional recall what they have learned if they show symptoms
of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety,
experience. Employers might favor applicants with
or stress, due to feeling overworked or unmotivated by
experience, making it challenging for recent graduates
their academic commitments. As a result, a growing
to get employment. Due to their inexperience, they
body of research has explored the relationship between
may find competing with individuals with more
mental health and academic motivation.
experience challenging, which could prolong their
quest for employment. Furthermore, Okoro et al.
Mahdavi et al. (2023) conducted a study to examine
(2023) high demands, pressure, and the competitive
any connections between mental health, achievement
and evaluative nature of graduate school place great
motivation, and academic achievement. According to
stress on graduate students, which may exacerbate
the study, a significant relationship exists between
stress and susceptibility. In line with this, Graduate
mental health, achievement motivation, and academic
students frequently balance additional obligations like
achievement. This suggests that students with a
supervision, teaching, or research support. Thus, healthy mental health status are more likely to be
academic and coursework challenges, financial academically motivated. According to Khairudin and
demands, worry, and a lack of work–life balance are Mahmud (2022), a student's mental health directly
all stressors generated by the combined effort of affects their academic performance since it impacts
various professions, leading to burnout, exhaustion, their motivation, primary focus, and social
despair, and physical health difficulties. interactions.
According to research by Bmn (2022), a strong In line with this, Bmn (2022) found that mental illness
correlation exists between mental health and academic can affect students' motivation, focus, and social
motivation. A student's general well-being or mental connections, which are crucial components of their
health can influence their motivation, concentration academic achievement. Mental self-care education
capacity, and social relationships. Van (2023) also improves students' mental health and academic
discovered a connection between students' mental motivation. (Zarimoghadam et al., 2021). According to
health problems and their motivation for their learning Florescu (2023), the amount of academic motivation is
pursuits. A further study by Hussein (2021) positively correlated with the state of physical health
investigates mental health as a mediator of the and inversely correlated with the intensity of negative
relationship between emotional intelligence and dysfunctional emotions. Van (2023) suggests that
academic motivation, and it turns out that mental mental health issues positively affect learning
health was related to both variables. However, motivation. As a result, schools, lecturers, and other
Anderson (2021) shows conflict as the study found stakeholders should help students address their mental
that mental health and extrinsic and intrinsic health issues to improve their learning motivation.
motivation types have no significance. Similar to
Karabulut et al. (2021) that states mental health cannot According to a Malaysian study, mental health among
affect academic motivation but instead, it can university students was significantly associated with
somehow serve as students' motivation or inspiration positive psychological variables such as academic
to succeed in their individual academic goals. engagement, motivation, self-compassion, and well-
being (Kotera & Ting, 2021). Examining the impact of
Moreover, this study investigates the significant COVID-19 on the mental health and motivation of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 902-908, Document ID:2023 PEMJ912, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8158944, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

university students, it was discovered that there is a Results and Discussion

connection between mental health problems and
academic motivation. This study showed that while
depression and anxiety are low among university This study investigates the relationship between
students during the pandemic, motivation levels are mental health and academic motivation among
high (Anjum et al., 2021). Furthermore, Fives, Lone, graduating college students. Specifically, it sought to
and Nolan (2022) revealed that intrinsic motivation test the following claim:
and deep learning approaches were positively
associated with mental well-being. Ho: There is no significant relationship between
mental health and academic motivation among
However, a study by Anderson (2021) stated that graduating college students.
mental health is not significantly correlated with
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation types. In addition, The relationship between the mental health and
according to the findings, a direct inverse relationship academic motivation of the study’s respondents is
between regulated motivation and psychological well- shown in Table 1. The r coefficient of 0.35 indicates a
being was found in Ozer and Schwartz's study (2020). low positive correlation between the variables. The p-
Karabulut et al. (2021) also stated that some mental value of 0.00, which is less than 0.05, leads to the
health issues, such as high levels of stress, somehow decision to reject the null hypothesis. Hence, a
serve as students' motivation or inspiration to succeed significant relationship exists between mental health
in their individual academic goals. and academic motivation among graduating college
students. Moreso, these findings were supported by the
study of Mahdavi et al. (2023) that there is a
Methodology relationship between mental health and academic
This study employed a correlational design to
Table 1. Test of Significant Relationship of Mental
determine if there is a significant relationship between
Health and Academic Motivation Among Graduating
mental health and the academic motivation of
graduating students. Thus, the respondents were 150 College Students
graduating college students and should satisfy the
following requirements for inclusion: (1) be enrolled
in college during the academic year 2022–2023, and
(2) be expected to graduate this academic year.
Additionally, the respondents will be determined by
using a purposive sampling approach.

Furthermore, the Mental Health Inventory 38

(MHI-38) and Academic Motivation Scale (AMS- Conclusion
C28) will be employed to measure the respondents'
mental health and academic motivation. Google Forms
and Facebook will be used to distribute the questions This study examines the relationship between mental
to collect and serve a larger pool of respondents. The health and academic motivation among graduating
permission request from the researcher is included in college students. The statistical analysis reveals a
the survey questionnaire, along with brief and significant relationship between the respondents'
understandable instructions on how respondents may mental health and academic motivation. Thus, this
respond to the following questions. Respondents will suggests that having good mental health among
be given adequate time to complete the questionnaire students might help them be well-motivated.
for accurate responses. Following this procedure, the
researcher will collect all questionnaires for further References
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