Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
This study is anchored to Brain Plasticity Theory, a recent theory about the
origins of sleep that was elaborated by Dr. Robert Stickgold (2007). According to the
brain plasticity theory, sleep is essential for the growth and remodeling of the brain's
structure and function.
A lifetime of brain changes are referred to as brain plasticity. Certain types of
activity may move to another area of the brain. In brain plasticity, synapses can
strengthen or weaken, and individual neurons may change in response to experiences
or age. The 0brain may learn and complete cognitive tasks while sleeping, which may
aid in brain reorganization and restructuration. The strength and speed of synapses
between neurons are both impacted by sleep, according to certain research. By
enhancing long-term memory and other critical cognitive functions, sleep may also aid in
the learning process for organisms. Without enough sleep, cognitive deficiencies quickly
develop in the brain. The effect of sleep on brain plasticity can be demonstrated by sleep
deprivation: reduced performance on memory tests, irritability, reduced ability in problem
solving, and reduce executive functions.
• brain plasticity
• beneficial effects
• sleep
Figure 1 depicts the schematized relationship between sleep and brain plasticity,
which appears to be very strong. With positive impacts on learning processes, sleep
appears to restore synaptic plasticity.
Insufficient sleep
Mental Health Disorders
Figure 2 shows the paradigm that explains how getting insufficient sleep might
hinder the benefits of brain plasticity. Stress brought on by a lack of sleep has the
potential to lower serotonin levels in the body. It will have an effect on how the brain
develops and lead to adverse mental dysfunction that will result to behavioral problems.
Thus, the role of sleep in brain plasticity is indeed crucial for it help in proper regulation
of brain development, and insufficient sleep can be dangerous in our brain.