EEE 2019 Lecture 4
EEE 2019 Lecture 4
EEE 2019 Lecture 4
Electronic Engineering
June 9, 2022
University of Zambia
School of Engineering,
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Our main reference text books in this course are:
[1] William H. Roadstrum and Dan H. Wolaver, Electrical Engineering for All Engineers,
(2008), John Wiley and Sons, ISBN :10:0471271780
[2] Jimmie Cathey and Sayed Nasar, Basic Electrical Engineering, Schaum’s Outline
Series, (1996), McGraw Hill 2nd edition, ISBN -10: 0070113556
[3] Charles I. Hubert , DC/AC Electric Circuits, (1982), McGraw Hill, ISBN-10:
0070308454; ISBN-13: 978-0070308459
[4] Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 5th
Ed., 2012, McGraw-Hill, ISBN-13: 978-0077753603
[5] Theraja B.L., Theraja A.K., Tarnekar S.G., Electrical Technology-Basic Electrical
Engineering, vol. I, 1st Multicolor Ed., 2005, S. Chand, ISBN 81-219-24405.
However, feel free to use some additional text which you might find relevant to our
By the homogeneity property, if the current is increased by a constant k , then the
voltage increases correspondingly by k ; that is,
R(ki ) = kv (4.2)
By the additivity property, the response to a sum of inputs is the sum of the
responses to each input applied separately, that is, if
v1 = Ri1 and v2 = Ri2 (4.3)
A linear circuit is one whose output is linearly related (or directly proportional) to
its input.
In this course the scope shall be limited to only linear circuits.
Note that since p = Ri 2 = v 2 R (making it a quadratic function rather than a
linear one), the relationship between power and voltage (or current) is nonlinear.
Therefore, the theorems which shall be covered in this course are not applicable to
[Solution] 4 4
6 i1 i2
Applying KVL to the two loops, we
obtain, vs 3vx
The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an
element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or current
through) that element due to each independent source acting alone.
Two things ought to be kept in mind when applying the superposition principle,
We consider one independent source at a time while all other independent sources
are turned off. Replace every voltage source by 0 V (or short circuit), and every
current source by 0A (or an open circuit).
Dependent sources are left intact because they are controlled by circuit variables.
[Step 1] Turn off all independent sources except one source. Find the output
(voltage or current) due to that active source using techniques covered in Lectures 2
and 3.
[Step 2] Repeat step 1 for each of the other independent sources.
[Step 3] Find the total contribution by adding algebraically all the contributions due
to the independent sources.
6V 4 v 3A
Figure 3: Figure 4:
8 i2
[Solution] 4 v 3A
Since there are two sources, let
v = v1 + v2 ;
Where v1 and v2 are the contributions due to
the 6V voltage source and the 3A current
source, respectively.
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Zambia 11
[Example 4.3] [Solution] Cont’d
To obtain v1 , we set the current source to zero, as shown in Fig. 3(a)
Applying KVL to the loop in Fig. 3(a) yields,
2i1 − 6 = 0; i.e., i1 = 0.5A;
v1 = 4i1 = 2 V;
[Solution] 3
The circuit in Fig. 5 involves a 1
dependent source, which must be 4A
left intact.
5 4
We let,
i0 = i0 + i0 ; (4.4.1)
Where i0 and i0 are due to the 20V
Figure 5:
4A current source and the 20V
voltage source, respectively.
To obtain i0 , we turn off the
20V source to give the circuit
of the form of Fig. 6(a).
3 i2
5i0 3 i4
1 5i0
4A i1 1
5 i3 4 i5
i1 i0 i3 5 4
0 (a)
Figure 6: (b)
Applying mesh analysis, For loop 1,
i1 = 4 A ; (4.4.2) For loop 3,
For loop 2, −5i1 − i2 + 10i3 + 5i0 = 0 ; (4.4.4)
i2 + 5i0 = 20 ; (4.4.7)
Solving the simultaneous equations yields,
i0 = A; (4.4.8)
To obtain i0 , we turn off the 4A current source to give the circuit of the form of
Fig. 6(b). For loop 4, KVL gives
6i4 − i5 − 5i0 = 0 ; (4.4.9)
For loop 5, −i4 + 10i5 − 20 + 5i0 = 0 ; (4.4.10)
[Solution] (a)
In this case, we have three sources. Let Figure 8:
i = i1 + i2 + i3 ;
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Zambia 18
[Example 4.5] [Solution] Cont’d
8 8
4 4
4 v1 4
i2 v2
ib 3
3 3A
Figure 8: (c)
Performing the following reduction,
(12)(4) Applying mesh analysis to Fig. 8(b)
Req = (4 + 8) 4 = = 3 ;
16 yields,
Thus, 16ia − 4ib + 24 = 0 ; i.e.,
12 (4.5.1)
i1 = = 2A ; 4ia − ib = −6
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Zambia 19
[Example 4.5] [Solution] Cont’d
And that,
7ia − 4ib = 0 ; i.e., ia = ib ; (4.5.2)
Substituting Eq. (4.5.2) into Eq. (4.5.1) gives
i2 = ib = −1A ;
Using nodal analysis in Fig. 8(c) yields,
v2 v2 − v1
3= + ; i.e., 24 = 3v2 − 2v1 ; (4.5.3)
8 4
v2 − v1 v1 v1 10
= + ; i.e., v2 = v1 ; (4.5.4)
4 4 3 3
Substituting Eq. (4.5.4) into Eq. (4.5.3) yields,
v1 = 3 V ; i.e., i3 = = 1A ;
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Zambia 20
[Example 4.5] [Solution] Cont’d
i = i1 + i2 + i3 = 2 − 1 + 1 = 2A ;
vs is R
Figure 9: b b
Vividly, the two circuits in Fig. 9 are equivalent provided they have the same
voltage-current relation at terminals a -b .
Proof is easy!
If the sources are turned off, the equivalent resistance at terminals a -b in both
circuits is R.
Also, when terminals a -b are short-circuited, the short-circuit current flowing from
a to b is isc = vs R in the circuit on the left-hand side and isc = is in the circuit
on the right-hand side.
Thus, vs R = is in order for the two circuits to be equivalent.
It follows that source transformations dictates that,
a a
vs is R
b b
Figure 10:
[Solution] 4 2
2A 6 8 v0 3 4A i
8 v0 2 2A
Figure 14: 1 4
−3 + 5i + vx + 18 = 0 ; (4.7.1)
3V vx i 18V
Applying KVL to the loop
containing only the
voltage source, the 1 (b)
resistor, and vx yields, Alternatively,
−3 + i + vx = 0 ; i.e., −vx + 4i + vx + 18 = 0 ; i.e., i = −4.5A
vx = 3 − i ; (4.7.2) vx = 3 − i = 7.5 V ;