Jim+®nez-Reyes 2015
Jim+®nez-Reyes 2015
Jim+®nez-Reyes 2015
© 2015 Human Kinetics, Inc. ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION
Purpose: To examine the relationship between the relative load in full squats and the height achieved in jump-squat (JS) exer-
cises and to determine the load that maximizes the power output of high-level athletes. Method: Fifty-one male high-level
track-and-field athletes (age 25.2 ± 4.4 y, weight 77. ± 6.2 kg, height 179.9 ± 5.6 cm) who competed in sprinting and jumping
events took part in the study. Full-squat 1-repetition-maximum (1-RM) and JS height (JH) with loads from 17 to 97 kg were
measured in 2 sessions separated by 48 h. Results: Individual regression analyses showed that JH (R2 = .992 ± .005) and the
jump decrease (JD) that each load produced with respect to the unloaded countermovement jump (CMJ) (R2 = .992 ± 0.007) are
highly correlated with the full-squat %1-RM, which means that training intensities can be prescribed using JH and JD values.
The authors also found that the load that maximizes JS’s power output was 0%RM (ie, unloaded CMJ). Conclusions: These
results highlight the close relationship between JS performance and relative training intensity in terms of %1-RM. The authors
also observed that the load that maximizes power output was 0%1-RM. Monitoring jump height during JS training could help
coaches and athletes determine and optimize their training loads.
One of the main problems facing strength and conditioning Furthermore, the vertical jump has been proposed as a test well
coaches is the issue of how to objectively quantify and schedule suited to the assessment of muscle power because of its validity
the resistance-training intensities undertaken by athletes to optimize and reliability and because its measurement causes practically no
exercise programming and, consequently, maximize performance.1,2 fatigue in the athlete.9,10
Of all the variables used for programming training sessions, exercise Therefore, one of the most frequently used resistance exer-
intensity is generally acknowledged as the most important factor in cises to increase lower-limb muscle performance is the jump
terms of improving strength levels.2 The most widespread method squat (JS).11,12 The JS consists of a loaded vertical jump and is
for determining resistance-training intensities is the calculation of considered a ballistic exercise specifically focused on improving
the 1-repetition-maximum (1-RM).2,3 However, measurement of explosive strength and power. In fact, several studies have found
the 1-RM requires that the athlete apply a maximum physical and significant and relevant increases in subjects’ strength capabilities
psychological effort, which could lead to underestimated values, after a resistance-training program involving the JS.13,14 Typically,
especially in non-strength-specialized subjects,4 and it could even JS intensities are determined using the squat 1-RM as a reference,
increase the risk of injuries.5 Thus, several methodologies have with many authors having studied the load for this exercise, which
been used to indirectly estimate the 1-RM from different resistance maximizes muscle power in an attempt to optimize the athlete’s
exercises, including the number of repetitions up to failure,5 rating of strength training.12,15,16 However, while research into optimal loads
perceived exertion,6 and, more recently, movement velocity.1,7 More- for JS training has increased over the past few years, there is still no
over, sport-specific activities such as vertical jumping and sprinting consensus about the intensity that elicits maximum power output
have been used to predict lower-limb muscle strength, since it is from high-level athletes, since it highly depends on the calculation
well known that both vertical jumps and short sprints are highly method used.11,17–19 It is well known that power is the product of
correlated with the 1-RM.8 For example, it has been demonstrated force and velocity, but the way these variables are measured (ie,
that both loaded and unloaded squat and countermovement jumps using forward vs inverse dynamics, peak vs average values, consid-
(CMJs) are significantly correlated to squat 1-RM (r = .77–.94).3 ering system mass vs just external load, etc) influences the resultant
power value.17,18,20 Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, there
are no studies in the literature that analyze JS performance in high-
level athletes and its relationship with relative intensity in terms of
Jiménez-Reyes is with the Dept of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, the percentage of the 1-RM. This information could help predict
St Anthony Catholic University, Murcia, Spain. Pareja-Blanco, Ortega- squat 1-RM and, therefore, be used to program training intensities.
Becerra, and González-Badillo are with the Faculty of Sport, Pablo de Thus, the purpose of this investigation was to analyze the rela-
Olavide University, Seville, Spain. Balsalobre-Fernández is with the Dept tionship between the height reached in the JS exercise with different
of Physical Education, Sports and Human Movement, Autonomous Uni- loads and the percentage of the 1-RM that these loads represent
versity of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Cuadrado-Peñafiel is with the Faculty and to provide descriptive information for a high-level population
of Education, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Address about the optimum load in the JS exercise that maximizes athletes’
author correspondence to Pedro Jiménez-Reyes at [email protected]. peak power output.
Jump-Squat Performance in Elite Athletes 1037
Methods (body mass + external load) was considered for the calculations.
Jump height was calculated through flight time using an infrared
Subjects platform (Microgate, Italy). In addition, jump-height decrease (JD)
was calculated for each jump with respect to the unloaded CMJ (in
Fifty-one high-level male athletes who compete in sprinting and %). The force platform had a sample rate of 1000 Hz.
jumping events participated in the study (age 25.2 ± 4.4 i, weight Participants stood on the Smith machine and rested the bar on
77. ± 6.2 kg, height 179.9 ± 5.6 cm, body-fat percentage 9.9% ± their shoulders. Then, they initiated the JS from a standing position
2.3%, CMJ height 50.5 ± 5.1 cm, full-squat 1-RM 136.3 ± 22.0 and performed a crouching action to 90° of knees flexion, followed
kg). No physical limitations or musculoskeletal injuries that could immediately by a jump to maximum height. Hands remained holding
affect testing were reported. Each athlete participated in national and the bar throughout the entire movement to maintain contact between
international events during this period and had completed resistance- the bar and shoulders. The test began with a load of 17 kg, with
training programs in the past. Consequently, all of the athletes were the weight being increased up to 97 kg in 10-kg increments. Two
highly trained and familiar with the testing exercises. All were jumps separated by 1 minute of passive rest were performed with
informed in detail about the content of the study, its objectives, and each load, and 3 minutes of passive rest were given between each
potential risks and benefits, and they all signed informed-consent load increase to minimize the likelihood of fatigue. The average
forms before participation. The study was approved by the research value of the 2 jumps was used for the subsequent statistical analysis.
ethics committee of the Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain.
Full-Squat 1-RM. 48 hours after the JS test, full-squat 1-RM
Downloaded by Australian Catholic University on 09/26/16, Volume 10, Article Number 8
(ie, 17–97 kg), significant correlations were observed between the The Load That Maximizes Peak Power Output
height reached in centimeters, with each load and the %1-RM they
represented (R2 = .992 ± .005, CV = 0.6% [95% CI = 0.52–0.92], P Finally, we analyzed the peak power output of the JS exercise. The
< .001). Similarly, significant correlations were noted between the load that maximized the power output (the maximum power load
percentage JD that each load produced with respect to the unloaded [MPL]) was calculated to be 0% of 1-RM. The 1-way ANOVA
CMJ and the %1-RM it represented (R2 = .992 ± .007, CV = 0.7% showed statistically significant differences between the power
[95% CI = 0.53–0.91], P < .001). Mean values and standard devia- output produced with the MPL and any other load analyzed (P <
tions for the jump height and JD associated with the most-common .001). See Figure 2.
JS-training intensities (ie, %1-RM) were obtained using average data
from individual second-order polynomial regressions. See Table 1. Discussion
We also analyzed the raw data derived from the incremental
tests performed in the JS and full-squat exercises by the whole group. The results of our study showed a close relationship (R2 = .82–.89)
After plotting the variables and fitting a second-order polynomial between absolute and relative JS height and the relative load in the
line to all data points, close relationships were found between the full-squat exercise in terms of percentage of the 1-RM. Thus, with
jump heights and the %1-RMs with which those heights were data for the absolute jump height (in cm) or JD with respect to the
reached (R2 = .89) and between the JD and the %1-RM that produced unloaded CMJ (%) that a specific load produces, we can accurately
those decrements (R2 = .82). See Figure 1. estimate the %1-RM that the load represents (and, by extension,
Downloaded by Australian Catholic University on 09/26/16, Volume 10, Article Number 8
Figure 1 — Relationships between full-squat relative intensity (% of 1-repetition-maximum [1-RM]) and (A) jump-squat height (JH, in cm) and (B)
jump decrease (JD, in %) with respect to the unloaded countermovement-jump height. Solid lines represent the second-order polynomial lines fitted to
the data, while the dotted lines indicate the limits within which 95% of predictions will fall.
Practical Applications
The height reached in the JS exercise can be used as an indicator of
training load in terms of percentage of 1-RM without conducting
an actual 1-RM test. These findings could have important practical
implications for the programming and monitoring of resistance-
training loads for coaches and athletes. First, using the jump-height
Figure 2 — Peak power output with 95% CI error bars for the different data, or the decrease in the jump height produced with a specific
loads analyzed. *Significant differences between the maximal power load absolute load (in kg) with respect to the unloaded CMJ height,
and each other load (P < .001) **No statistically significant differences means that both the relative training intensity and full-squat 1-RM
between loads within that range. can be estimated. Second, the fact that peak power output was
reached with a load corresponding to 0%1-RM seems to minimize
the importance of the determination of the maximal power load for
JS-training prescription.
the MPL to schedule athletes’ power training.11,12,15,29 However,
measurement of the MPL is problematic, and, in fact, there is no
consensus about the %1-RM that corresponds to the MPL, since Conclusions
peak power-output values are highly dependent on the methodol-
ogy used. It seems that the use of kinetic equipment (ie, force Monitoring jump heights attained in the jump-squat exercise can
platforms) is the gold standard for peak-power measurement.15,17 help in scheduling training intensities on a daily basis without
Studies using this methodology have found that the MPL in the JS conducting actual 1-repetition-maximum or maximum-power-load
exercise corresponds to 0% of 1-RM (unloaded CMJ).11,17,18,29,30 Our tests.
Acknowledgments 15. Dugan EL, Doyle TLA, Humphries B, Hasson CJ, Newton RU.
The authors thank all the athletes who participated as subjects in this study. Determining the optimal load for jump squats: a review of methods
No sources of funding were used in the preparation of this article. and calculations. J Strength Cond Res. 2004;18:668–674. PubMed
16. Nibali ML, Chapman DW, Robergs RA, Drinkwater EJ. A rationale
for assessing the lower-body power profile in team sport athletes.
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