Cybersecurity Risk Management - An ERM Approach-Nova Science Publishers (2022)
Cybersecurity Risk Management - An ERM Approach-Nova Science Publishers (2022)
Cybersecurity Risk Management - An ERM Approach-Nova Science Publishers (2022)
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Additional color graphics may be available in the e-book version of this book.
However, we hope that the knowledge and material provided will serve as
a basis for them to expand on in their work or endeavors.
The book comprises ten chapters. Chapter 1 is a general introduction
to the theoretical concepts of risk and constructs of enterprise risk
management. Chapter 2 presents the corporate risk landscape and cyber
risk in terms of the characteristics and challenges of cyber threats vis-à-vis
the emerging risks thereof from the perspective of a business organization.
Chapter 3 presents the idea of enterprise risk management and explains the
structure and functions of enterprise risk management as they relate to
cybersecurity. Chapter 4 provides the cybersecurity risk management
standards, which may be used to build a cybersecurity risk management
framework that is based on best practices. The cyber operational risk
management process begins in Chapter 5 with the introduction of the risk
identification function. Chapter 6 continues with the next step of this
process by presenting the risk assessment procedures for evaluating and
prioritizing cyber risks. Chapter 7 explains the activities in the third step
in the ORM process of risk mitigation and provides examples of the tools
and techniques for addressing risk exposures. Chapter 8 presents a critical
function from an operational perspective for its role in detecting risk and
continual improvement of the organization's cybersecurity processes
through the reporting function. Chapter 9 discusses the crisis management
steps that businesses must take to respond to and recover from a cyber
incident. Chapter 10 emphasizes the essential ERM components that senior
management should be aware of and cultivate to create an effective cyber
risk control framework by focusing on the strategic aspects of
cybersecurity risk management from a business viewpoint. This chapter
proposes a cybersecurity ERM framework based on the content given in
this book.
First and foremost, we want to express our gratitude to our families for
their unwavering support throughout the creation of this book. We'd also
want to express our appreciation and thanks to the numerous people who
have assisted us in learning and practising enterprise cybersecurity risk
management in academia and business over the years.
Additionally, my special thanks to John Sturdy, my colleague and co-
author on my many journal and conference papers, for helping us network
with the numerous organisations that have helped in providing information
and encouragement in the writing of this book. We could not have done
this without your help and passion for networking.
An additional thanks to La Trobe University for the opportunity to
share our knowledge and insights on cybersecurity and enterprise risk
management with academics and students of the School of Business. Also,
special thanks to the many organizations: eGalaxy Solutions Pty. Ltd.,
Texila College Australia, SERVTAC Chartered Accountants, Shanghai
Academy of Social Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, and
Career Dragon Pty. Ltd., where we were able to continue teaching,
training, and most importantly learning about the many elements of
cybersecurity and enterprise risk management.
Without these organizations, large and small, that have allowed us to
explore and test insight-related concepts in classrooms, projects,
xiv Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
workshops, and consulting engagements over the last decade, this book
would not have been possible.
A vision describes the company's desired future position and a mission explains what the
organization’s goals and objectives are, and how it plans to achieve them. A company’s
statement on aims, goals, and values reflects elements of its mission and vision statements.
Cyber Threats and Enterprise Risk 5
The risk reduction and reporting category relates to risk mitigation and
reporting of risks, respectively. Risk reduction involves carrying out risk
control actions to reduce or minimize the frequency or severity of potential
losses. The risk reduction step involves making decisions on whether the
corporation should treat, tolerate, terminate or transfer (4Ts) the risk
exposure. Having made this decision, the enterprise risk strategy
necessitates the company to report to management and the risk team the
status of each risk situation and any necessary adjustments to address
changes in risk conditions (Ho, et al., 2010).
The critical role of the digital economy for firms to gain a competitive
edge and expand their business has raised serious concerns about
information security. Von Solms & Van Niekerk (2013) define
6 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Von Solms and Van Niekerk (2013) distinguish information security as relating to the human
factor in the context of “the role(s) of humans in the security process” and cybersecurity
Cyber Threats and Enterprise Risk 7
The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations Board published in 2004 “Enterprise Risk
Management—Integrated Framework” as a reference to help organizations manage risk.
Information about COSO can be obtained at
COSO is popular among practitioners because it is linked to the Sarbanes-Oxley requirements
for companies listed in the United States.
10 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
ISO 31000, Risk Management – Guidelines, provides principles, a framework, and a process
for managing risk. It can be used by any organization regardless of its size, activity, or
Cyber Threats and Enterprise Risk 13
Figure 1.4. Chinese characters for “risk.”
The first character is the symbol for “danger” while the second is the
symbol for “opportunity.” Therefore, while considering taking a risk, firms
must consider the balance between risk and reward and should not take
risks that do not commensurate with rewards. For example, while
companies benefit from increased levels of efficiency by leveraging the
use of technology in their operations this also exposes them to cyber risk.
To mitigate cyber risk, organizations should invest in safeguards for the
16 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Organizations take risks to drive business growth and the level of risk-
taking must be balanced with the organization's risk profile that includes
its risk tolerance and capability to manage risk exposure within the
accepted tolerance. They need to know what are the risk appetite or risk
tolerance levels (the terms risk appetite or risk tolerance are used
interchangeably) as they act as triggers for action. Risk tolerance refers to
the amount of risk that the management is prepared to accept to achieve
the corporation’s mandates and priorities. It is part of the enterprise risk
management policy that guides managers on the amount of risk the
enterprise is willing to tolerate to achieve its objectives. While some
organizations are conservative and more risk-averse, others are willing or
may need to take greater risk and will have to invest more resources into
risk mitigation.
There is no single risk appetite that applies to all organizations, nor is
there a “right” risk appetite (COSO, 2012). Some managers are risk-averse
while others are risk takers creating different perspectives of corporate risk
tolerance (the same can be said for investors). Therefore, through the
enterprise risk management process, the leadership can set its risk
tolerance level and any unwanted exposure may be mitigated and the
company is left bearing the residual risk it is willing to assume. If a risk
exposure falls within the risk tolerance of the firm, the risk manager doesn't
need to take any action. If the risk is greater than the level tolerated by
corporate policy, the prudent manager would examine strategies to
mitigate the risk faced by the company (Oh, Ho, Pham, Huang & Wang
20 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
processes and people. There are three types of operational risks being
technology risk, fraud risk, and human factor risk (Crouchy, Galai, &
Marck, 2006). All three risks are relevant to cybersecurity as they define
some of the implicit causes of cyber-attacks. Political risk to a firm arises
as a result of political instability or change and environmental risk relates
to the probability and consequence of a natural disaster or environmental
accident. The economic risk or systemic risk is an external risk that is
affected by economic factors such as unemployment, income tax, or gross
domestic production. Political risk and economic risk can affect the firm
through its operations thus creating unwanted risk exposure.
Cybersecurity Risk
Alpha Beta
environment), and market (economics). The supply chain has also become
the main concern as a source of cyber risk emanating from third parties
such as suppliers and service providers (Starr, Newfrock & Delurey, 2003).
Hence, in recognition of the need for risk management actions and
resilience to cyber-threats in the supply chain, NIST has recently added a
new category that deals with ICT supply chain risk under the 'Identify'
function of its NIST/CSF framework.
The “Global Risk Management Survey 2017” report by Aon
Corporation presents the top 10 risks in 2017 and those projected for 2020
(Table 2.1). The top four risks have underlying technology implications
and as a consequence, they are likely to have inferences to cybersecurity-
related issues. The reported top 10 risks are as follows6:
Aon (2017) reveals new driving factors such as cyber-crimes that have
evolved from stealing personal information and credit cards to hacking and
coordinated attacks on critical infrastructures. This changing situation
requires an array of new strategies, techniques, and tools to counter the
new complexities of risks.
Global Risk Management Survey 2017.
(accessed 15/10/2020).
28 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
The global economy has undergone a significant change in the last two
decades from one which was based on traditional land, labor, and capital
to include information technology as another indispensable factor of
production. The digital world embraces information and data processing
as an inalienable part of the modern business model. The technological
world is rapidly evolving with more connectivity, interdependence, and
speed of business networks. This development is largely driven by
artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, cloud solutions, 5G
Corporate Risk Environment and Cyber Risk 29
5.2. Networks
5.3. Data
RSA algorithm is named after its designers in the 1970’s. Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard
Adleman: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman working for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
came up with the encryption method.
It was designed in 1998 by the Belgian cryptographers, Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen. Its
original name was Rijndael. NIST chose AES as the new encryption standard as it was
declassified and was deemed 'capable of protecting sensitive government information well
into the next century. It is popular for its easy implementation.
Twofish is a successor to Blowfish. Both methods are developed by the same designer, Bruce
Schneier. Blowfish was designed in 1993 as a general-purpose algorithm and the security
of the cipher has been tested and proven in time. Both methods are symmetric meaning they
use the same key is used for enciphering and deciphering. Both encryption methods are not
been patented and are free to use.
Corporate Risk Environment and Cyber Risk 33
The cyber risk landscape has seen a dire change in the methods of
cyber-attacks on organizations. An objective assessment of the
organization's cyber landscape is necessary to identify and mitigate any
cybersecurity gaps and threats. The distinction between internal and
external digital architectures of organizations has become a blur with the
rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), the proliferation of mobile devices, and
third-party cloud services. The extension of the digital borders has made it
harder to protect against hackers as they exploit the expanding attack
surface where there is no clear line of defense. Many organizations believe
the perimeter is the frontline of defense10 but it is only one component of
the overall cybersecurity strategy. Defending a network and its data that
requires many levels of security is known as defense in depth. The cyber
landscape can thus be summarised as follows:
Perimeter defense is one level of protection for an organization's network against cyber-
attacks, and it acts as a firewall against external threats.
Corporate Risk Environment and Cyber Risk 35
The United Kingdom.
One billion accounts held at Yahoo were compromised.
On October 21, 2016, Dyn was targeted in a series of distributed denial of service attacks
(DDoS attacks) targeting systems operated by Domain Name System (DNS) provider Dyn.
36 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
The most common forms of threat actors that have evolved from the
cyber world and pose a risk to an organization's cybersecurity by gaining
unauthorized access to hardware are cybercriminals, business rivals,
insiders, and nation-states. Cybercriminals are motivated by financial
gains and they threaten an organization by stealing data, money, and
information through data theft, ransoming, and extorting activities.
Cybercriminals are professional and organized and they work as
40 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Sina Weibo is one of China’s largest social media platforms. In March 2020 an attacker
obtained part of its database containing 538 million Weibo users and sold the database
on the dark web for $250.
Ali Baba lost 1.1 billion pieces of user data in 2019 to a developer working for an affiliate
A malware attack on Saudi Aramco in 2012, Cybercriminals stole 500 million accounts from
Yahoo in 2014 through the use of a phishing scheme, GitHub’s DDoS attack in 2015, and
a US nuclear facility was breached in a cyberattack in June 2017.
Corporate Risk Environment and Cyber Risk 41
Government/Federal 20%
Government/State 16%
Other 9%
Individual 9%
Education & Research 5%
Financial services 4%
IT 4%
Health 7%
Retail 3%
Professional services 3%
Water 3%
Communications 2%
Transport 2%
Mining & resources 1%
All other sectors 10%
Source: Australian Cyber Security Centre, 2020.
42 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
entity to effectively manage cyber risk. This gives the entity a portfolio
perspective for managing cyber risks for better outcomes.
the aggregate risk of a portfolio should be less than the sum of the
individual risks provided the risks are not 100% correlated.
“The Five Critical Attributes of Effective Cybersecurity Risk Management,” Raj Chaudhary
and Jared Hamilton (2016),, Charting a Course for America’s Banking
Attributes-of-Effective-Cybersecurity-Risk-Management_FS-16003-202A.pdf (accessed
Cybersecurity Enterprise Risk Management 49
The Alliance for Enterprise Security Risk Management 2006, Convergence of Enterprise
Security Organizations, ISACA Information Security Management Conference ISACA
Network Security Conference 18 September 2006 Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Cybersecurity Enterprise Risk Management 51
Both SRM and ORM are important to firms and must be managed as
part of their entire risk management program. At the SRM level,
management is responsible for setting the enterprise risk management
agenda with the purpose to provide companies with a framework that
defines key principles & objectives (Lerbinger, 1997), a common risk
language, budget, clear guiding processes, and direction for managing
enterprise risks (Figure 3.6). The enterprise’s risk integration starts at the
planning stage by analyzing the high-level strategic business objectives to
identify risks that can create uncertainty and drive variability in
performance. It breaks the strategic objectives down into operational
targets and key performance indicators (KPIs). Next, management states
the risk control vision, goals, and objectives for protecting the business
objectives. This approach helps managers to better appreciate the business
proposition underlying each risk control objective and encourages them to
take ownership of the risk process.
At the strategic level, the SRM elements that require attention include
establishing the risk control organizational structure, key risk indicators
(KRIs), and tolerance levels for critical risks. SRM establishes the link
between risk management with business vision, strategy, goals, and
objectives. The strategic level comprises the board of directors whose main
function is to define and approve the enterprise risk management strategic
plan and policies and to ensure that resources are budgeted for their
effective implementation (Quarantelli, 1988). Those managers at the
strategic level must then explicitly communicate these policies to the rest
of the organization (Quarantelli, 1988).
54 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
The ORM process contains four pre-emptive steps and two reactive
steps to a potential cyber-attack, as depicted in Figure 3.7. The pre-emptive
steps are “Identify” (Step 1), “Assess & Quantify” (Step 2), “Mitigate”
(Step 3), and “Monitor and Report” (Step 4). These four steps are critical
success factors for a successful ERM process (Zhao, et al. 2013).
The two reactive actions relate to incident “Response” (Step 5) and
“Recovery” (Step 6) of the operational process (see Figure 3.7) are risk
control actions that fall into the definition of the crisis management
function of the enterprise. The ERM is a predictive risk control method for
identifying, assessing, and mitigating risk, and a crisis management
strategy is critical when a cyber incident occurs, whether or not it was
anticipated, to avoid costly lawsuits and losses. Therefore, the functions of
incident response and recovery are not strictly part of the enterprise risk
management process but they do overlap in the learning, reporting, and
mitigation enhancing activities concerning some of the ERM functions.
Cybersecurity Enterprise Risk Management 55
The first phase of the ORM process is to identify the cyber risk
exposure of the enterprise, which requires an understanding of the firm's
business strategy, objectives, and operations. It is only with this knowledge
that we can understand and able to set the stage with the relevant objectives
and criteria for identifying cyber threats. This could be accomplished by
asking questions (Gregersen, 2018) about the “why, what, who, when, and
where” relating to the role cyber dangers play in generating corporate value
(see Chapter 5). Step Two is about assessing threats through quantification
to estimate the impacts on business performance. The estimated threats or
risks are then ranked according to their severity and probability of
occurrence on a risk map. Those risks that are highly ranked or critical are
the ones the enterprise has to prioritize effort. Step Three is to mitigate risk
exposure and the general approach is to choose from the options available
to the firm including techniques for taking on, transferring, treating, or
terminating a risk. Step Four entails the ‘monitor, detect and report’ task,
where the risk conditions are reported to the relevant parties for appropriate
action. The partial or full cycle of the operational risk control cycle is
repeated to continuously address the risk situation (Oh et al. 2018). The
56 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
5.4. Budgets
1/e ≈ 36. 8%.
The article “Corporate Discipline Underpins Risk Management” highlights the role culture
plays in enhancing the enterprise risk management function.
60 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Cybersecurity Enterprise Risk Management 61
Operational risks are those related to ICT, supply chain, people, and
regulatory considerations. Financial risks include investment, liquidity,
credit, investment, interest rate, exchange rate, and asset market value.
Nowadays, cyber risk pervades the entire organization in activities that are
connected to the company’s digital infrastructure.
The primary objective for defining the risk types covered in a
company's ERM program is to allow management to cohesively manage
the critical risks that can cause harm to the company’s performance and
strategic goals. The ERM program enables managers to have a common
understanding of those critical risks and as a reference to definitive
processes to manage those risks. It is described as a comprehensive,
holistic and cross-divisional risk management approach that addresses the
interdependencies as well as contradictory components of the risk
management process (Borker & Vyatkin, 2012).
To plan and implement an effective cybersecurity enterprise-wide risk
management system program, the Board of directors and senior
management need to understand all cyber threats to their organization. The
pervasive nature of cybersecurity in today’s technology-based business
environment underpins the need for an ERM system where the entire
organization is involved in tackling, tracking, and treating cyber threats.
Corporate assets should be defined according to their category and
ownership to maintain high visibility for cyber threats. Every company
should cultivate a heightened awareness by identifying the vulnerable
business systems, networks, and data to assess, manage and monitor cyber
risks. The Board should empower the CISO to oversee the management of
cyber risks by applying appropriate policies, including standard operating
procedures and cause-effect analyses. It is important that risk monitoring
with the relevant metrics are incorporated into the cybersecurity ERM
process to identify and detect risks to enable a timely and appropriate
Cybersecurity Enterprise Risk Management 63
reports to the CFO or CEO and regularly briefs the committee on security.
The CISO's SRM reporting line is to the CRO and like the CRO may be
called upon by the committee for technical advice. It is quite likely that
organizations would also integrate existing OH&S, compliance, internal
audit, and financial risk management practices with the risk committee to
achieve a holistic approach to ERM. Figure 3.9 highlights the key SRM
activities in the ERM framework from board involvement right up to the
oversight of the ORM implementation.
Operational risk is a term that describes the uncertainties and risks that
an organization faces when doing day-to-day business activities in a
specific function or industry. Cyber threats are a form of operational risk.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has defined operational risk
in the financial services industry as "the risk of loss, resulting from
inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from
external events." Therefore, the operational risk exists in every aspect of a
business. The challenge for any organization is whether it has completely
identified all of the risks in the business. A risk-based approach is an
effective method for detecting cyber risk elements to target in cyber risk
management (McKinsey, 2019). The Risk-Based Approach is a method for
identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks to an organization. It's a
flexible approach that allows businesses to adjust their cybersecurity
strategy to their individual organizational needs and operational
vulnerabilities and weaknesses. While it is not possible to identify and
eliminate 100% of all risks that an organization is exposed to, it is
important to identify the most critical risks.
A firm's standard business procedures must include a cybersecurity
operations management component. The operational level of the ERM has
the functional responsibility in seeing that the SRM cybersecurity
strategies, action plan, and policies & procedures are implemented within
the specific organizational units. Operationalization of the cyber SRM plan
is carried out through the implementation of appropriate ORM processes.
The ISO 31000, which is adopted by many firms in practice, describes
operational risk management process as including the following steps: 1)
Establish the context; 2) Identify the risks; 3) Conduct a risk analysis; 4)
Conduct a risk evaluation, and 5) Treat the risks. These steps work in a
continuous cycle in tandem with monitoring and review, and
communication and consultation.
Cybersecurity refers to the safeguarding of corporate data and
technology against theft, corruption, and unauthorized or unintentional
access. Customer trust in a company is dependent on an efficient corporate
66 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Research commissioned by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
Commission (COSO) highlights the state of play in this area. “COSO Report on ERM
2010,” at
Standards and Regulations 71
risk is an urgent one given that some risks are acquiring global proportions,
and international standards, regulatory response and coordinated action at
the international, regional, national and local levels are the best and
perhaps the only means of treating risks that have potentially worldwide
consequences” (UNECE, 2012). Countries have their corporate
governance structures and national practices in these jurisdictions, and the
primary objective of all countries is to promote greater efficiency and
effectiveness in managing risk (OECD, 2014)22.
Cyber risk poses a major challenge to regulators as it is a relatively
new phenomenon that exists in a technologically complex landscape. Both
technology and cyber risks are evolving rapidly. Companies must comply
with specific risk management standards in a regulated environment, yet
risk management methods are universal and evolving, and rules may not
keep up with more current and innovative approaches. The establishment
of internationally consistent standards will help multinational companies
implement ERM and regulatory CRM practices across different
jurisdictions for effective oversight. This makes CRM an organization-
wide effort and avoids the silo or weakest-link effect when responding to
threats in our highly interconnected digital world.
All firms should have a cyber risk management framework policy that
defines the structure within which they will manage the diversity of risks,
both within and external to their business, in a manner that is consistent
with the accepted industry and firm organization-wide approach to risk
To illustrate the different contexts of regulatory risk systems, the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development’s (OECD, 2014) article, “Risk Management and Corporate
Governance, Corporate Governance” on corporate governance frameworks and practices
relates to corporate risk management in three jurisdictions (Norway, Singapore, and
Switzerland) highlights the different corporate governance structures and national practices
in these jurisdictions.
Standards and Regulations 73
Operation Basel III COSO/ERM
Finance General
All firms should have an ERM framework policy that defines the
structure with which they will manage the diversity of risks, both within
and external to their business, in a manner that is consistent with the
industry and firm enterprise risk management approach. Strategic ERM is
premised on risk governance that defines the overarching risk standards,
policies, practices, and processes to steer a corporation. The risk
management strategy represents the company's risk governance
requirements by providing an organized and cohesive approach to risk
management. The popular strategic ERM standards as they apply to CRM
are discussed in this section. The standards relevant to the planning and
implementation of the overarching strategic ERM/SRM framework as
shown in Figure 4.2 (adapted from Figure 3.6).
Standards and Regulations 75
In the context of cybersecurity risk management, this involves preparing the Cybersecurity
Strategic Plan (CSP) and Enterprise Information Security Policy (EISP).
78 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
threats and the best available information. The risk management processes
are systematic, organized, and integrated and are capable of identifying
and mitigating the organization’s assets at risk and their vulnerabilities in
a timely and dynamic way. The organization recognizes humans and
culture as important factors in the risk equation that must be considered
and leveraged upon in all ERM initiatives. In addition, the organization's
risk landscape, particularly cybersecurity due to rapidly evolving
technology, is constantly changing so the ERM framework has to be
flexible and adaptive to accommodate new knowledge and information for
continual improvement.
The “Framework” describes the elements of the enterprise risk
management functions that reflect the organization's risk principles. The
framework fosters leadership and commitment to ensure it is capable of
integrating the ERM activities at the SRM and ORM levels of the
organization in risk architecture, strategy, and protocols (IRM, 2018) or
the design and implementation of policies and processes. In design, the
framework must observe legal and regulatory compliance. The framework
articulates the risk management principles and aligns with ERM objectives
of the organization in offering an integrated practical and dynamic
framework inclusive of evaluative and improvement mechanisms.
An organization is ready to develop the “Process” after creating the
risk management Framework. The process is “multi-step and iterative;
aimed to identify and analyze risks in the organizational context,”
according to ISO 31000. The “Process” outlines the steps (SRM & ORM)
to be undertaken in the ERM function. They include studying the “scope,
context and criteria” of managing the enterprise’s risk as well as
conducting risk assessment, risk evaluation, risk treatment and,
documentation and reporting (ISO 31000). The SRM and ORM processes
are iterative for incessant vigilance and informed protection cycle against
threats through communication and interaction among management, CRO
risk manager, risk owners, participants, and stakeholders.
Standards and Regulations 79
Operational Standards
ISO 27000/27001/27002
Basel III
The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s latest version 1.1 of the
Cybersecurity Framework has been around since April 2018.
Standards and Regulations 81
Source: National Institute of Technology & Science, Cybersecurity Framework.
82 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
ISO 27003
ISO 27002 ISO 27004
Code of Practice Measurements
ISO 27000 Overview & Vocabulary
ISO 27006
ISO 27005 ISO 27001
Risk Management Requirements
ISO 27005:2011 is aligned with the risk management standard ISO31000 to enable easier
integration of enterprise risk management approaches with information security risk
management. It provides practical guidance on carrying out the risk assessment required by
ISO27001, together with clear guidance on risk scales. It has good guidance on threats,
vulnerabilities, likelihoods, and impacts.
86 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
ERM IEC/ISO27001:2005
Strategic RM Formulate risk Establish a structure, processes & risk tolerance for
strategy & policy coordinating ISMS through the appropriate policy for
+ managing informational assets.
Evaluate & align
information assets
to business strategy
Operational Identify risk to These processes result in a constant review & updating of
RM critical assets information asset inventory and answer the question,
"what needs to be protected?"
Assess risk Once the critical assets have been identified, the
organization performs risk assessment according to an
agreed methodology (to answer the question ("what are the
threats to the assets?"). This results in a list of risks that are
then ranked according to their level of criticality.
+Crisis Mitigate risk Taking into account the risk acceptance criteria, the
Management organization decides whether to accept each risk, avoid it,
transfer it or mitigate it by implementing the appropriate
Monitor & report The ISMS has a set of improvement processes: all
risk procedures within its scope are subject to regular internal
+ audits and corrective and preventive actions, and the
Crisis response & characteristics of the system and the risks are analyzed
recovery during periodic management reviews.
Source: Adapted from “Risk management in regulatory frameworks: towards a better management of
risks,” UNECE, p.10 &
Yahoo data breaches in 2013 and 2014 (reported in 2016) illustrate how cyberattacks caused
the firm to suffer losses due to reputational damage. Yahoo became a regulatory
enforcement target and incurred costs from an ongoing government investigation.
96 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
On 23 December 2015, the information systems of three Ukrainian energy distribution
companies were compromised by hackers disrupting the electricity supply to consumers. It
is the first known successful cyberattack on a power grid.
On 27 September 2020, a ransomware attack on 400 UHS care sites that caused a three-week
HER downtime resulted in $67 million in lost operating income, labor expenses, and overall
recovery costs.
Cyber Risk Identification 97
The impact or loss to the firm from cybersecurity risk is largely a result
of a compromise on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of a
firm’s critical systems, networks, and data. The usual consequences from
such risks can be categorized as denial of service, information corruption,
and data theft. Proactive and early identification of threats is essential
components of effective risk management. The screening for risk covers
all digital infrastructures and applications of a company where business
SND assets reside. The risk identification methodologies should define,
categorize the vulnerabilities or weaknesses as to how they can pose a
98 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Identify (ID)
Category Sub-category
Asset management Asset inventory (ID:AM1)
(ID:AM) Software inventory (ID:AM2)
Organization ICT map (ID:AM3)
External ICT catalog (ID:AM4)
Resources priority list (ID:AM5)
Cybersecurity roles & responsibilities (ID:AM6)
Business Environment Supply chain role (ID:BE1)
(ID:BE) Organization IT & Industry position (ID:BE2)
Organizational mission, objectives & activities (ID:BE3)
Dependencies & critical functions for service delivery
Resilience requirements for service delivery (ID:BE5)
Governance (ID:GV) Information security policy (ID:GV1)
Information security roles & responsibilities coordination
Legal and regulatory requirements (ID:GV3)
Governance and risk management processes (ID:GV4)
Risk assessment (ID:RA) Critical assets identified & documented (ID:RA1)
Shared information on threats & vulnerabilities (ID:RA2)
Internal and external threats are documented (ID:RA3)
Likelihoods & impacts analysis (ID:RA4)
Threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods, and impacts are used to
determine risk (ID:RA5)
Risk responses identified and prioritized (ID:RA6)
Risk management strategy Risk management processes (ID:RM1)
(ID:RM) Risk tolerance (ID:RM2)
Informed risk tolerance (ID:RM3)
Supply chain (ID:SC) Cyber supply chain RM processes defined and agreed upon
by organization stakeholders (ID:SC1)
Suppliers and third-party partners of information systems,
components, and services are assessed & documented
Supplier and third-party contracts implement measures to
meet the organization’s cybersecurity objectives & plan
Suppliers and third-party partners are routinely assessed to
confirm satisfactory contractual obligations (ID:SC4)
Recovery planning and testing and response are conducted
with both suppliers and third-party providers (ID:SC5)
Cyber Risk Identification 101
The shaded sub-categories in Table 5.x are those that pertain to the
Risk Identification function (Step One) in the ERM/ORM process. The
actions reflected in these sub-categories are also considered to be
consistent with the SRM initiatives of the “risk assessment” phase of the
ERM model (see Figure 3.9: SRM process for cybersecurity ERM in
Chapter 3). The remaining categories/sub-categories are more closely
aligned with other components of the TRMM. The categories business
environment (ID:BE), governance (ID:GV), and risk management strategy
(ID:RM) are activities that are consistent with the SRM process (The
strategic aspects of these categories are discussed in Chapter 10). Whilst
some of the sub-categories (ID:RA4; ID:RA5 & ID:RA6) in the “Risk
Assessment” category would match the Assessment phase activities in the
ORM process.
The threat identification question of estimating the “probability and
distribution of risk outcomes” to estimate the impact on firm value (Table
5.3) corresponds with sub-category items “likelihoods and impacts
analysis” (ID:RA4), “utilizing threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods &
impacts to determine risk” (ID:RA5) and “risk responses identified and
prioritized” (ID:RA6), which are also activities conducted in the
“assessment” phase (Step 2) in the ERM/ORM process. These activities
are discussed in detail on risk assessment in Chapter 6.
In Table 5.3 above, the sub-categories that are highlighted in asset
management (ID:AM) and risk assessment (ID:RA) categories (and supply
chain (ID:SC)) of the NIST/CSF’s Identify function are actions (see Figure
5.2 below) that are aligned with the Identify stage of the ERM/ORM. The
following section discusses these sub-categories vis-à-vis the Risk
Identification phase.
Asset inventory (ID:AM1) pertains to the identification and
documentation of all critical SND or digital assets, including “software
platforms and applications,” (ID:AM2) that are required to facilitate the
company in fulfilling its business strategies and business objectives. A
network diagram is prepared to shows how the company’s information
network works (ID:AM3). It depicts the various components that make up
a network, including external systems (ID:AM4), as well as how they
102 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
interact, such as routers, devices, hubs, firewalls, and the Internet to help
identify threats and vulnerabilities. The critical information assets are then
documented (ID:RA1), including that of suppliers and third-party partners
(ID:SC1), for analysis to protect against cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity
threat information is shared with different sources (ID:RA2) to
communicate and heighten awareness of internal and external threats
5.1. Confidentiality
5.2. Integrity
5.3. Availability
Causes Consequences
From the causes and consequences identified, the threats are examined
and quantified in the assessment step to help design the risk management
strategy for mitigating the vulnerabilities (causes) and/or consequences
(risks) by changing the likelihood of the event or circumstance, or
changing its consequences, respectively. For example, antivirus software
may protect a system from a malware attack or prevent a cause from
happening while network segmentation may prevent an attack from
spreading to other parts of a network by limiting the consequences. The
bow-tie method is also useful for reviewing risk mitigation controls or
measures to monitor and gauge their effectiveness as part of the operational
risk management cycle.
chart method is very much process-driven and does not reflect frequency
or severity, but merely for determining systems with the potential for
threats and substantial losses.
The operational ERM process is a four-step model that starts with risk
identification. The risk assessment function discussed in this chapter is the
second step in this process (Figure 6.1). During the risk assessment stage,
the potential cyber threats identified in the preceding step are quantified
and ranked according to criticality against other threat scenarios or
potential disruptions based on the threat's frequency probability and the
possible adverse impact on business operations. Therefore, risk
quantification constitutes an important basis of risk assessment, which is
an essential capability for companies to form risk mitigation strategies.
Risk quantification allows management to prioritize investment
decisions within the broader ERM framework to achieve the goal of
managing identified risks according to the company’s risk strategy and to
help it achieve its business objectives. After the potential risks are
quantified, the board and management rank the risks according to their
likelihood of occurrence and potential impact. Ranking ensures that only
the most critical risks are addressed and resources are prioritized to
addressing these risks. It is only with a definitive assessment of the relative
scales and likelihoods involved; can the risk manager be in a position to
Obama Administration, Cyberspace Policy Review – Assuring a Trusted and Resilient
Information and Communications Infrastructure, May 2009.
118 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Table 6.1, highlights the relevant risk assessment categories and sub-
categories (i.e., activities & outcomes) of the NIST/CSF “Identify”
function. The outcome categories Asset Management (ID:AM), Risk
Assessment (ID:RA), and Supply Chain (ID:SC) all contain activities that
apply to actions in the risk assessment phase of the ERM/ORM process.
The following section discuss these sub-categories vis-à-vis the
ERM/ORM Risk Assessment task.
120 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Low High
Each risk is assessed using a risk scale based on a likelihood score and
an impact score such as high = 10, medium = 5, or low = 1. Risks that fall
within the range of 1 to 5 are classified as low and those in the range
between 5 and 10 are classified as high. Hence, a risk with a likelihood
score of 3 and an impact score of 4 would fall in quadrant I and be
considered low risk. Table 6.x shows the classification of risks according
to their severity based on their scores.
Serious Critical
Low Moderate
Likelihood Likelihood
Classifying a risk event as low severity with low impact and low
likelihood of occurrence necessitates immediate actions by the company
such as a new contingency plan as well as corrective activities. A moderate
risk level denotes that the risk has a low to a medium negative impact but
a relatively high likelihood of occurrence, thus requiring the organization
to implement effective actions within a particular time frame. A risk
classified as serious suggests that it has a significant negative impact on
the business but a relatively low likelihood of occurrence necessitates the
quick deployment of risk-mitigation measures within a short time frame.
When the risk event's likelihood and/or impact are extreme and/or high,
the risk impact is extremely important. Expected to have a significant
negative influence on the company's reputation. When risks are classified
as critical the risk level is exceedingly high, necessitating the deployment
of risk-mitigation controls almost quickly. When both the likelihood and
the impact of a risk occurrence are great, the risk could cause significant
damage and disrupt the organization's operations.
Cyber Risk Assessment 125
mitigation; and the value at risk (VaR)31 of the firm from the identified
Quantitative cyber risk assessments are sometimes challenging because
of insufficient data available to perform the assessment. Quantifying cyber
risk is very similar in degree of difficulty to valuing technology. An attempt
to value information risk faces the same challenges as in technology
valuation in terms of rapid evolution, lack of historical data, and
intangibility (Burch et al., 1979; Oh & Ho, 2010). Rapid evolution because
the cyber threat landscape is fast-changing as we embrace a digital world
with heightened risk from ever-increasing Internet of Things connectivity
with mobile applications and devices, all of which is driven by rapid
technological advancement. The intangibility of cyber threats that lurk in
the virtual world of systems, networks, and servers lacks visibility making
it difficult to predict and estimate the scope and scale of potential losses.
A paucity of data, particularly historical data, makes quantitative
modeling of cyber exposure difficult. Many traditional quantitative risk
models such as EMV, decision tree, regression analysis, factor analysis,
and value at risk are difficult to apply due to a lack of data. The challenge
to risk assessment is on how to assign a monetary value to the rapidly
evolving cyber risks with access to limited data. Not all relevant data will be
available and it will be necessary to use a combination of historical data as
well as proxy data to represent data that are difficult to access for predicting
a cyber event. Even if exact information were available, it would quickly
become obsolete owing to rapid technological advancements and variables
such as advances in the tools accessible to would-be attackers (Miller,
Wagner, Aickelin & Garibaldi, 2016). Data collection should be from both
internal and externals sources based on which companies should be able to
forecast the impact of a cyber event over the short- to medium-term.
The relevant information that is usually needed in cyber breach
modeling includes that of customer behavior due to a cyber event, network
externalities, stock market reaction to a cyberattack on company shares,
likelihood of an attack, costs of damage loss or disruption, and
Value at Risk (VaR) is a statistic that quantifies the maximum financial losses within a firm
over a specific time frame.
128 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
P = Probability (the measurement of the likelihood of the occurrence
of the risk or event)
I = Impact (the amount to be spent or loss sustained if the risk occurs)
EMV = Expected Monetary Value
2. Assign a monetary value for the impact of the risk when it occurs.
3. Multiply Step 1 and Step 2 and the value obtained in performing
this step is the Expected Monetary Value. This value is positive
for opportunities (positive risks) and negative for threats (negative
4. Risk management requires that a firm addresses both positive and
negative risks.
Probability High
In summary:
130 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
For each uncertain variable (i.e., attempts) the method simulates the
random process governing its value. The model is based on the assumption
of possible outcomes within a probability distribution and the type of
distribution selected is based on the historical patterns of the variable. By
repeating these simulations, the simulated distribution of the values is
expected to come close to the “real” distribution of the variable. The Monte
Carlo approach can be used on virtually any type of portfolio, non-linear
positions, and complex derivatives. The complexity of this approach
makes it less user-friendly (Oh, et al., 2018).
132 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree in which each
branch node represents a choice between several alternatives, and each leaf
node represents a classification or decision. A decision tree helps to
analyze many alternatives at one single point in time. The decision tree
approach takes into account future events or implications from making the
decision today. It is used to calculate Expected Monetary Value in complex
situations and it also accounts for mutual exclusivity.
The criterion of measurability is a central feature of proactive risk
management as the effective management of risk is only possible if it is
economically quantifiable. For instance, a risk manager has to quantify the
risk exposure of a transaction to determine the amount to hedge as a buffer
against unexpected losses. On the same token, the clearinghouse of an
exchange sets margin requirements for investors trading on the exchange.
The economic concept of risk is usually presented as the “basic risk
paradigm” (Rescher 1983, Ansell & Wharton, 1992), a variant of which is
presented in Figure 6.6.
Source: Oh, et al., 2018.
made between at least two different options, A and B, and each has a
distinct outcome, either X, X1, and X2. The outcomes are described as
possible benefits and possible losses with some that are unpredictable and
have correlated probabilities. The fundamental structure of the problem is
one of economic optimization, regarding certain value scales which
minimize loss and maximize utility. The risk behavior of the firm's choice
is represented by one of the branches in the decision tree in Figure 6.6.
Open framing using decision trees allows values and probabilities to
be assigned, providing alternate scenarios. This process enables each phase
of the process to be broken down into a series of decisions and the size and
characteristics of the process can change at each decision point, depending
on the decision taken. The advantage of this technique is the ability to
scope out available options at each decision point (Oh, et al., 2018).
5.4. VaR
Dennis Weatherstone was at one time the Chairman of J. P. Morgan.
J. P. Morgan’s product RiskMetricsTM calculates VaR (Website:
134 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
given period. The VaR method is traditionally used to quantify the risks
that originate from assets like bond portfolios, stock portfolios, or raw
material resources. Lately, there has been a lot of interest in discussing the
adoption of VaR to frame enterprise cyber risk exposure. Similar to a
financial VaR, a cyber VaR model can be used to calculate the potential
losses of an organization from a cyber incident over a given period. Using
the same example given above, we can reframe the hypothesis in a
cybersecurity context to state that with a VaR of $10 million with a 95%
level of confidence, the potential loss from a successful cyberattack will
exceed $10 million with a 5% probability over the given period.
Monte Carlo simulation is the quantitative risk analysis technique that
allows a firm to model the future value of a variable by simulating its
behavior over time. The Monte Carlo simulation method estimates the VaR
using a randomly generated set of values for uncertain variables to simulate
the risk factors. The World Economic Forum34 suggested specific
properties or variables "that industries and individual companies should
incorporate into their models" for estimating cyber risk (Reagan, Raghavan
& Thomas, 2015). According to Regan et al. (2015), the VaR component
variables are categorized into three groups, namely, “vulnerability, assets,
and profile of attackers” (see Table 6.4 below). It is similar to running a
series of "what-if" scenarios on the model. Cyber risk factors that affect
the entire organization can be measured for their impact on the
organization using scenario analysis in the context of “extreme scenarios”
(Dowd, 1998) in the VaR model. For example, Monte Carlo simulation can
be used to estimate cyber risk based on the risk variables, and the VaR
measure is scaled as the percentile relevant to the desired confidence level
(Jorion 1997; Duffie and Pan 1997) to assess enterprise risk.
There is still no consensus as to the most appropriate VaR estimation
procedure. The current research on VaR estimation is mainly focused on
testing the various parametric and simulation procedures over alternative
data sets, confidence levels, portfolios, and holding periods. Due to the
diversity, the complexity of risks, and information needs, it is always
World Economic Forum, “Partnering for cyber resilience: Towards the quantification of cyber
threats,” January 2015.
Cyber Risk Assessment 135
difficult to develop VaR estimates that capture all the demands and risks
faced by corporate risk managers.
mitigating actions and assign risk owners. It can be used as the primary
risk management process for firms who are conducting the first pass at risk
assessment without a full ERM system in place or as the initial threat
identification technique in an SRM process.
The first step to an integrated risk control process is by mapping the
full spectrum of risks a firm faces to understand the opportunities and
manage these risks. This involves the firm identifying and quantifying the
impact of the various risks it faces, or essentially the first two stages of the
ERM process. Once a list of exposures is compiled, a theoretical value is
placed on each exposure, i.e., a severity value and a frequency value. Using
those values, the exposures should then be placed on the risk map. Risk
mapping is a helpful tool for companies to visualize the key exposures
according to their severity. It also enables management to be better aware
of all the risks the firm faces in the light of the demands of shareholders,
stakeholders, regulatory and market scrutiny. The heat map in Section 4.1
and risk map in Section 5.1 are examples of risk mapping employed in
qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, respectively.
and analyses the factors that influence risk, as well as how they interact.
It's a methodical approach to identifying, assessing, and quantifying cyber
risk and operational risk in monetary terms through accurately estimating
probability for the frequency and impact of loss events.
Chapter 7
terminating a firm’s critical risks, which is also known as the 4Ts of risk
management. Effective mitigation for cybersecurity requires technical
capabilities in ERM, information infrastructure, risk assessment, and risk
protection tools and techniques.
The areas covered in this chapter include describing and explaining the
basic concept of risk mitigation in the ERM framework, the use of
insurance, 4-Ts, hedging and, the cyber and physical tool-kits for risk
The risk transfer method does not reduce total risk, but it does shift
risk ownership to another party. The strategy of transferring cyber risk is
predominantly predicated on the use of insurance as a risk mitigation
instrument (Gordon, Loeb & Sohail, 2003). Transferring risk to another
party can be achieved through the use of insurance or payment to third
parties who are prepared to assume the risk on behalf of the organization.
While purchasing insurance for traditional risks is very simple, doing so
for cyber risk might be difficult owing to its novelty and dynamics.
However, insurance remains a popular risk transfer instrument for
cybersecurity risk (Falco et al., 2019a). Transferring risk requires a
quantitative risk assessment. For a counter-party to assume risks, it is
necessary to quantify risks to assess that there is an adequate reward in the
exchange for assuming risks, i.e., the risk-return relationship
consideration. The ability to determine a fair and equitable return/price to
be paid by the firm to the "risk-taker" provides both parties with an idea of
the risk-return balance to bear the risks associated with specific
Risk transfer strategy may be applied to business partners (such as
contractors or suppliers), derivatives, or insurance firms primarily to limit
the financial effect on the organizations’ critical infrastructure or the
responsibility for deploying mitigation mechanisms. The counter-party
that assuming the risk is willing to do so because it has the experience,
knowledge, long positions, skills, or other attributes to optimize or reduce
the risk. This is a win-win arrangement as each party believes itself to be
better off by the risk transfer. An example of transferring cyber risk to a
third party is to engage cloud computing for data storage. By outsourcing
a firm's data management, the risk of a data breach is transferred to the
144 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Treating risk refers to taking on a risk by the business but at the same
time taking measures to mitigate or control the risk to reduce the
probability of the risk occurring or minimize its impact before its
occurrence. An example of risk treatment is to hedge a financial risk by
purchasing an investment (a financial derivative or security) to reduce the
risk of adverse price movements in an asset. In project risk management
the establishment of a reserve or buffer is an example of risk hedging for
mitigating the effects of project risks. A contingency is one example of a
buffer where a large allocated contingency will reduce the risk of the
project running out of money before a project’s completion. Other than
cash reserves, buffering can also include the allocation of additional
resources (inventory, machines, labor, or time) to allow for uncertainties
in future requirements. Firewalls, antivirus, intrusion detection and
prevention systems, policies, and incident response management are all
common cybersecurity measures.
After treating the unacceptable risk there is likely to be some residual
risk leftover unless there is a perfect hedge. It is impossible to eliminate all
risks connected with a given risk exposure; residual risk refers to any risk
that persists after controls have been implemented. The residual risk is
what the organizations have to tolerate as long as it is within its risk
tolerance level.
Cyber Risk Mitigation 145
all areas of the business. This strategy can be effective for risks that would
result in catastrophic failure if they were to occur and that none of the other
strategies can adequately handle.
Core Function: Protect
Risk Mitigation Category: All
(Step 3) Sub-category: All those in “Protect” +
Risk responses identified and prioritized
During the risk assessment task, all identified risks are quantified and
ranked and, the risk responses are identified and resources are prioritized
(ID:AM5) for treating the most critical risks first. The ERM/ORM risk
mitigation phase is equivalent to the Protect function in the NIST/CSF
framework, which is concerned with the implementation of mitigating
measures to protect the organization’s critical assets from cyber-attacks.
The categories and sub-categories with their respective key protective
measures are summarized below.
Cyber Risk Mitigation 147
Protect (PR)
Category Sub-category
Access Control (PR:AC) Identities and credentials are managed for authorized
devices and users (PR:AC1)
Physical access to assets is managed and protected
Remote access is managed (PR:AC3)
Access permissions are managed, incorporating the
principles of least privilege and separation of duties
Network integrity is protected, incorporating network
segregation where appropriate (PR:AC5)
Awareness and Training All users are informed and trained (PR:AT1)
(PR.AT) Privileged users understand roles & responsibilities
Third-party stakeholders (e.g., suppliers, customers,
partners) understand roles & responsibilities (PR:AT3)
Senior executives understand roles & responsibilities
Physical and information security personnel understand
roles & responsibilities (PR:AT5)
Data Security (PR.DS) Data-at-rest is protected (PR:DS1)
Data-in-transit is protected (PR:DS2)
Assets are formally managed throughout removal,
transfers, and disposition (PR:DS3)
Adequate capacity to ensure availability is maintained
Protections against data leaks are implemented (PR:DS5)
Integrity checking mechanisms are used to verify software,
firmware, and information integrity (PR:DS6)
The development and testing environment(s) are separate
from the production environment (PR:DS7)
Information Protection A baseline configuration of information
Processes and Procedures technology/industrial control systems is created and
(PR.IP) maintained (PR:IP1)
A System Development Life Cycle to manage systems is
implemented (PR:IP2)
Configuration change control processes are in place
Backups of information are conducted, maintained, and
tested periodically (PR:IP4)
Policy and regulations regarding the physical operating
environment for organizational assets are met (PR:IP5)
148 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Protect (PR)
Category Sub-category
Data is destroyed according to policy (PR:IP6)
Protection processes are continuously improved (PR:IP7)
Effectiveness of protection technologies is shared with
appropriate parties (PR:IP8)
Response plans (Incident Response and Business
Continuity) and recovery plans (Incident Recovery and
Disaster Recovery) are in place and managed (PR:IP9)
Response and recovery plans are tested (PR:IP10)
Cybersecurity is included in human resources practices
[e.g., de-provisioning, personnel screening] (PR:IP11)
A vulnerability management plan is developed and
implemented (PR:IP12)
Maintenance (PR.MA) Maintenance and repair of organizational assets is
performed and logged promptly, with approved and
controlled tools (PR:MA1)
Remote maintenance of organizational assets is approved,
logged, and performed in a manner that prevents
unauthorized access (PR:MA2)
Protective Technology Audit/log records are determined, documented,
(PR.PT) implemented, and reviewed following policy (PR:PT1)
Removable media is protected and its use restricted
according to policy (PR:PT2)
Access to systems and assets is controlled, incorporating
the principle of least functionality (PR:PT3)
Communications and control networks are protected
Insurable risks are those pure risks that cannot be predicted or avoided.
They are those which insurance companies will cover and they should
generally meet the conditions that losses must be quantifiable, there are a
significant number of similar risk cases, the risk is unlikely to affect all
insured simultaneously and the risk is beyond the control of the insured.
For instance, the causal factors affecting cyber risk may change or evolve
rapidly to render an insurance policy obsolete within the cover period,
making it challenging for both the insurer and the insured parties (Falco et
al., 2019a). Losses involving reputational damage or intellectual property
theft are rarely covered by cyber insurance policies (OECD, 2017).
To ensure that sufficient revenue is generated from the premiums
charged, an insurance company needs to predict the probable amount of
claims it has to pay in a given period. However, the cyber-insurance sector
faces an issue of information asymmetry between buyers and sellers, as
well as a paucity of historical data that insurers may use to calculate risk,
leading to underestimation of future losses from cyber risks (Gordon et al.,
2003; Pandey & Snekkenes, 2014; Biener, Eling & Wirfs, 2015). This
situation poses a major challenge to insurance companies as to succeed as
a business they must cover their costs that include sales, administration,
and general expenses (SGAs), payments to meet the claims of
policyholders, and dividends. The amount of premium for a specific type
of risk is estimated based on the probability of loss eventuating from that
risk. Thus, the insurance premium places a cost on firms’ cyber risk
exposure ahead of potential losses and would be considered an effective
and convenient mitigating tool in an uncertain and challenging cyber risk
environment. The coverage limits for cyber insurance are typically
substantially smaller than those available for conventional risks and
therefore come at a much higher price (OECD, 2017). AGCS (2015)
forecasts that cyber insurance premiums will grow globally at a compound
annual growth rate of over 20% over the next decade.
152 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
While cyber insurance will not abrogate the need for robust
cybersecurity measures, “insurance can contribute to improving the
management of cyber risk and should be considered an essential
component of countries' strategies for addressing digital security risks”
(OECD, 2017) by creating a second line of defense to mitigate the financial
loss from a cyber-attack. The increase in cyber threat awareness and cyber
incidents as well as regulatory changes in many countries and industries is
driving the rapid growth of cyber insurance (AGCS, 2015). A recent
survey of 3,000 companies in the United States, Germany, and the United
Kingdom found that 55%, 30%, and 36% of those surveyed, respectively,
have taken up cyber insurance (Hiscox, 2017).
There are limitations and challenges to using insurance as an
instrument for cyber risk management. The rapidly changing cyber threat
landscape is not only the issue that cyber insurance underwriters must deal
with but also the lack of reported cybersecurity incidents making it more
difficult to accurately estimate the cost of such occurrences. Therefore,
cyber threat is not a well-defined risk in insurance and the lack of data for
pricing (Gordon, Loeb & Soghail, 2003), therefore insurance pricing and
products are still evolving (Mukhopadhyay, 2013) as the commercial, legal
and technical ramifications of cybersecurity become clearer. The lack of
data on cyber incidents makes it challenging for insurers to assess and
cover cyber exposures (OECD, 2107). In addition, there are challenges
relating to adverse selection and moral hazard (Gordon, et al., 2003) in
using insurance to manage cyber risk. The types of incidents and their
losses related to the cyber risk that are insurable are categorized as data
confidentiality, system malfunction or issue, data integrity and availability,
and malicious activity (OECD 2017)35.
This categorization approach is developed by the CRO Forum by the OECD based on
questionnaire responses received from the re/insurance companies and brokers active in
this market globally and the ministries of finance and insurance regulators responsible for
overseeing that market.
Cyber Risk Mitigation 153
Hedging is a risk control method used for treating risks. The concept
of hedging is to take an equal and opposite position to the risk exposure to
offset any loss from the exposure by an equal profit from the hedge. A
hedge position consists of a party taking an offsetting position in related
security or asset, such as an option, futures contract, or commodity. The
primary goal of hedging is to allow corporations to proactively manage
their risk to achieve the optimal risk profile taking into consideration the
risk-return relationship of each corporation. Invariably, the process will
involve analyzing the benefits of protection against the costs of hedging as
well as the level of risk tolerance that a firm may possess. Therefore, an
effective hedging position is commensurate with the degree of corporate
risk aversion given a certain state of risk exposure. As such hedging is not
necessarily an attempt to eliminate all risks but rather to transform
unacceptable risks into more manageable or controllable risks.
One of the key challenges for the corporate risk manager is to ascertain
the behavior and impact of cyber risk to determine the types and magnitude
of risk the company is willing to bear and the ones it can transform by
hedging. The degree of controllability will depend very much on the
availability of risk management instruments and the market phenomenon
of basis risk. A perfect hedge does not result in any residual risk and can
eliminate all risk in a position or portfolio.
The basic idea of setting up a hedge is to first identify and measure the
exposure the organization faces and then construct another position with
154 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
the opposite exposure. The literature suggests four basic steps to hedging
and they are shown in Table 7.2.
The first step of identifying the source of the risk exposure is to locate
and document the vulnerabilities and weaknesses for assessing the likely
economic impact from the exposure. The source could be business
systems, networks or data, or any combination of them. Once the source
and nature of the exposure have been established a quantitative assessment
of the financial significance of the risk exposure needs to be conducted.
This requires an appreciation of the characteristics of the source of risk by
conducting impact and frequency studies and forecasts. When all this is
done then the risk manager can decide on the appropriate hedge that needs
to be put in place. Some common digital security procedures such as data
backup or making a mirror of a website may be considered as a risk
treatment or hedging technique.
Steps Functions
Identifying the source of risk Identify business systems and networks & data for
exposure vulnerabilities or weaknesses
Quantifying the exposure Estimate financial impacts or losses from disruption to
Assessing the impact of exposure Analyze risks and rank them by criticality
Selecting the appropriate hedge Allocate resources to mitigate and manage critical risks
The overall impact of a risk can be evaluated by studying the costs and
benefits to the company and its shareholders of a particular hedging
strategy. The prospect of losses that a company may be inflicted with can
cause disruptions to the execution of the company’s business strategy.
Therefore, one of the benefits that emerge from risk management is that it
allows managers to focus directly on shareholder value as an objective in
decision making. The next step is to determine the type of risk management
product (derivatives) to use in the hedge. Derivatives are financial
instruments whose value is based on the value of the underlying assets.
Generally, there are two types of derivatives being exchange-traded and
over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives. Exchange-traded derivatives (ETDs)
are standardized instruments exchanged on a licensed exchange, with the
clearinghouse acting as a middleman on each contract. Over-the-counter
derivatives are custom-made contracts that are traded directly between two
counter-parties without an intermediary. While derivatives are one of the
most traded financial instruments on the market the same cannot be said
about cyber-financial instruments. At the moment only cyber-insurance
products are the only viable option available to companies to hedge their
information security risks and there is a need to establish a cyber-financial
derivatives trading market offering a broader set of novel risk-mitigating
financial instruments (Pandey & Snekkenes, 2014).
8.2. Firewalls
Host-based IDPSs (HIDSs) are those that protect servers and host data
assets. HIDSs are software programs that reside on a single computer or
device and monitor it for changes. HIDSs can be employed on mission-
critical systems like servers that require just minor configuration changes.
Antivirus software, which works directly on the host device, can also be
categorized as a sort of HIDS. This software scans files for malware
signatures, which are patterns of known malware and infections. The
software may also use control of some critical directories to prevent
malware from being installed in the first place, thus making it more of an
integrated intrusion detection and prevention system if set to do so.
Network-based IDPSs or NIDSs are not installed on the hosts but rely
on discrete devices known as sensors that are strategically positioned
throughout the network. NIDS monitor network traffic and identify or act
on packets that may be considered a threat. These systems keep track of all
data that passes via a specific network point, which may include many
Many firms can now outsource their data storage to cloud service
providers who are data security experts, resulting in improved CIA from
better dependability and performance. Cost savings, scalability, higher
processing speed, and the flexibility for management to devote more time
to core company tasks are some of the advantages of cloud computing.
Firms that use cloud storage have the option to scale up or down their cloud
services while maintaining a comparable degree of security in response to
varying data flow volumes, all while saving money. Data stored in the
cloud decreases the risk of internal hostile attacks and business
interruptions caused by power failures, human error, and natural
catastrophes. Employees have access to all cloud data, which are
encrypted, but subject to needs restrictions and security protocols.
Cloud computing solutions include security mechanisms to protect
critical transactions and information from third-party data breaches. By
integrating mitigation measures at many levels to prevent massive amounts
of traffic intended for a business's cloud server thereby limiting the
possibility of a distributed-denial-of-service attack to protect enterprises.
Outsourced data storage has advantages, but it also exposes businesses to
cyber hazards. For example, cloud service providers are high-value targets
for cyber-attacks, and a data breach at a cloud service provider is likely to
cause severe business disruption to their clients.
162 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
9.3. Blockchain
NASA is a recent example of a company that has decided to use Blockchain technology to
improve its cybersecurity and avoid denial of service and other assaults on air traffic
services (Security Today, 15th January 2019).
164 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
This chapter discusses the monitor, detect & report phase (Step Four)
of the operational ERM process. It covers monitoring, detecting the risk
conditions, and reporting them to the relevant stakeholders. In other words,
this step covers the surveillance of the cyber risk status and conditions and
reporting them to the relevant parties. Companies have put more focus on
both internal and external risk reporting in recent years as they have
become an important corporate governance mechanism in ERM for
accountability, efficiency, and transparency in the business world. Risk
reports disclose information about the company's status of risk exposures,
mitigation actions, and risk control processes. The focus is on existing
critical or severe risks that have an immediate impact on the company, as
well as emerging risks that must be monitored to avoid future losses.
As a result of internal risk reporting, it may be necessary to repeat a
partial or full cycle of the risk control process to properly address a risk.
Some of the benefits of risk reporting are: improve strategic risk planning
as more up-to-date relevant information about the risk situation is made
166 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
available for timely and confident decision making; help to heighten risk
awareness and reinforce the corporate risk culture through pro-active and
continuous communication; allow better and up-to-date risk monitoring
and detection; reduce the probability and risk impact from risk
management weaknesses due to information gap and information
asymmetry; ensure growth opportunities are taken up; a good risk
reporting regime will reduce information overload and help to detect any
breach of the information infrastructure, and aid strategy setting and
operational planning.
Most firms provide a general statement of risk (Linsley & Shrives,
2006) comprising of mainly qualitative content in their annual reports
(Beretta & Bozzolan, 2004). The Australian Stock Exchange’s (ASX)
external disclosure guidelines published in 2014, the “Corporate
Governance Council Principles & Recommendations (3rd Edition),” and
taking effect from 1 July 2014, includes a new recommendation that
explicitly requires that:
The UK’s Financial Reporting Council (November 2013) consultation paper on amending
Actuarial Standard Technical Memorandum 1 (AS TM1) for revised disclosure regulations.
168 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Figure 8.1. Monitor, detect & report risk in the ERM/ORM cycle.
Internal Stakeholders
External Stakeholders
also be noted that while KPIs are used to measure past performance, they
also act as a useful tool for identifying emerging risks.
Simon Constant-Glemas of Shell.
174 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Function: Detect
ERM/ORM Category:
Anomalies and Events (DE:AE)
Monitor, Detect & Security Continuous Monitoring
Report Risk (DE:CM)
(Step 4) Detection Processes (DE:DP)
Sub-categories: All
Figure 8.3. Risk monitoring & reporting - ERM & NIST CSF alignment.
National Institute of Science & Technology (NIST).
Cyber Risk Monitoring, Detection and Reporting 175
Detect (DE)
Category Sub-category
Anomalies and Events A baseline of network operations and expected data flows for
(DE:AE) users and systems is established and managed (DE:AE1)
Detected events are analyzed to understand attack targets and
methods (DE:AE2)
Event data are aggregated and correlated from multiple sources
and sensors (DE:AE3)
Impact of events is determined (DE:AE4)
Incident alert thresholds are established (DE:AE5)
Security Continuous The network is monitored to detect potential cybersecurity
Monitoring (DE:CM) events (DE:CM1)
The physical environment is monitored to detect potential
cybersecurity events (DE:CM2)
Personnel activity is monitored to detect potential
cybersecurity events (DE:CM3)
Malicious code is detected (DE:CM4)
Unauthorized mobile code is detected (DE:CM5)
External service provider activity is monitored to detect
potential cybersecurity events (DE:CM6)
Monitoring for unauthorized personnel, connections, devices,
and software is performed (DE:CM7)
Vulnerability scans are performed (DE:CM8)
Detection Processes Roles and responsibilities for detection are well defined to
(DE:DP) ensure accountability (DE:DP1)
Detection activities comply with all applicable requirements
Detection processes are tested (DE:DP3)
Event detection information is communicated to appropriate
parties (DE:DP4)
Detection processes are continuously improved (DE:DP5)
The goals of the detect function are to monitor and detect for malicious
code, unauthorized mobile code, unusual activity of external service
providers and, any access by unauthorized individuals, connections,
devices, and software to the organization's systems are monitored to detect
potential cybersecurity incidents. The category on security continuous
monitoring (DE:CM) requires organizations to monitor their information
system and assets, including the physical environment, at regular intervals
to identify potential cyber-attacks and check the efficiency of protective
measures. Human behavior and activity are also tracked to detect potential
cyber-attacks, errors, or omissions.
The detection processes (DE:DP) category recommends the
maintenance and regularly testing of detection systems and procedures to
provide a timely and adequate awareness of abnormal events. The team
will need to be trained and prepared to gather and evaluate data from
numerous sources in order to detect an incident. The program will detect
unusual behaviour or pattern and alert the risk team and everyone in the
team will be aware of the consequences.
The detect function is one of the most critical, since detecting a breach
or incident early will allow a company to take the necessary actions to
minimize its losses or in the worst case scenario, to ensure its survival.
Following these best practices and adopting these solutions will
undoubtedly assist a company in mitigating cybersecurity risk. The
successful implementation of this activity requires an organization to
ensure accountability, roles, and duties for detection are specified,
detection efforts meet all necessary standards, regularly test the detection
processes, and information about event detection is shared with the
appropriate parties to help improve the detection processes.
The source of a crisis comes from the risk exposure of a company when
that risk is not properly addressed or managed. A crisis could be the result
of a cyber-attack, a failure of an internal process, an internal or systemic
financial meltdown, product or environmental contamination, destruction
from natural disasters, an act of terrorism, or explosion and fire.
Management of a critical risk requires planning, evaluation, prevention,
testing, and monitoring to mitigate and minimize potential losses from the
exposure. The effectiveness of the risk management process used by a
company will determine the company's preparedness in preventing the risk
from turning into a crisis, affecting employees, the company, and the
community (Ho, et al., 2010). In this chapter, we will explore the
importance of developing the CCMP and its elements for mitigating
cybersecurity incidents.
A crisis ensues when a risk is realized, which has the potential to cause
extensive damage to the organization if it is not effectively managed and
on time (Ho, et al., 2010). The CCMP is an action plan that instructs the
incident response team members about a comprehensive approach to
managing cyber-attacks during and after the incidents to minimize
disruptions to business operations. Creating a crisis response strategy
ahead of time increases a company's alertness of cyber events and chances
of surviving a cyber incident or breach. These occurrences are normally
unpredictable and can happen quickly, often require a large number of
people to manage, can deplete a company's resources, and unless handled
properly they can have long-term reputational and financial consequences
for a firm.
A CCMP can apply to any size company and is essential for
establishing the operational plan, structure, instructions, and resources for
dealing with crises and managing the business during a crisis. Therefore,
the CCMP outlines a series of interrelated activities and processes that
Cyber Attack Response and Recovery 181
form the organization-wide crisis management plan for use in the event of
a crisis (Figure 9.1).
Pre-crisis Preparation
Post-crisis Recovery
Adapted from Ho, Oh, Durden & Slade 2010, Crisis Decision Making, Nova Science
Publishers, New York (p.236).
Cyber Attack Response and Recovery 183
minimize its impact on the business and for getting back to normal and
minimizing the effect of a cybersecurity incident. The categories and sub-
categories specifying the activities and outcomes of these functions are
summarized in Table 9.1.
Respond (RS)
Category Sub-category
Response Planning (RS:RP) A response plan is executed during or after an event
Communications (RS:CO) Personnel know their roles and order of operations when a
response is needed (RS:CO1)
Events are reported consistent with established criteria
Information is shared consistent with response plans
Coordination with stakeholders occurs consistent with
response plans (RS:CO4)
Voluntary information sharing occurs with external
stakeholders to achieve broader cybersecurity situational
awareness (RS:CO5)
Analysis (RS:AN) Notifications from detection systems are investigated
The impact of the incident is understood (RS:AN2)
Forensics are performed (RS:AN3)
Incidents are categorized consistent with response plans
Mitigation (RS:MI) Incidents are contained (RS:MI1)
Incidents are mitigated (RS:MI2)
Newly identified vulnerabilities are mitigated or
documented as accepted risks (RS:MI3)
Improvements (RS:IM) Response plans incorporate lessons learned (RS:IM1)
Response strategies are updated (RS:IM2)
Recover (RC)
Recovery Planning (RC:RP) A recovery plan is executed during or after an event (RC:RP1)
Improvements (RC:IM) Recovery plans incorporate lessons learned (RC:IM1)
Recovery strategies are updated (RC:IM2)
Communications (RC:CO) Public relations are managed (RC:CO1)
Reputation after an event is repaired (RC:CO2)
Recovery activities are communicated to internal stakeholders
and executive and management teams (RC:CO3)
184 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
The crisis recovery process can begin during or after the crisis
depending on the criticality of the systems to the business operation and
whether it is safe to do so (RC:RP1). Crisis recovery relates to actions
normally taken in the aftermath of a crisis to restore organizational
operations to pre-crisis levels and mitigate the effects of future crises from
lessons drawn from the experience. Therefore, the lessons learned are
incorporated into the recovery plan for updating the recovery strategies
with the improvement (RC:IM1 & RC:IM2).
Information regarding recovery actions and progress is disseminated
to leadership and management teams to inform them of the recovery efforts
(RC:CO3) and to external stakeholders (including the media) as necessary
to avoid misinformation and speculations (RC:CO1). After a crisis, a firm
needs to prepare a strategy to re-establish its business reputation and to
respond to media reports by developing a communication strategy
communicating with media and other stakeholders, and the legal team
informing regulators of the incident. The final step of the CCMP is to
activate those actions that will recover and restore systems to their full
working state.
RACI stands for Responsible: who is responsible for executing & completing the task;
Accountable: who owns, approves, and is the final decision-maker for the task; Consulted:
who will be consulted regarding decisions or task, and Informed: who will be updated or
informed about the task's progress or status.
Cyber Attack Response and Recovery 191
Section 5.5 is adapted from Ho, Oh, Durden & Slade 2010, Crisis Decision Making, Nova
Science Publishers, New York.
192 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Recovery refers to the steps taken for the enterprise to return to normal
operations after neutralizing or eliminating a cyber-attack. In the post-
crisis phase of recovery, the response team and those parties involved in
the incident will also be responsible for reviewing and updating the CCMP
from the experiences gained in the recent incident. This review should be
conducted immediately after the attack occurred. The steps involved
are an analysis of the causes leading to the events and reviews of the
effectiveness of the management of the incident or crisis. The purpose of
recovery activities is to learn from how the incident or crisis has been
handled in the detection and eradication of the attack to implement more
robust defenses or responses to enhance the organization’s readiness in
confronting a similar crisis in the future. Responses include measures that
should be taken to regain trust with employees, customers, suppliers, and
The BIA-based crisis impact study will help to enhance the CCMP in terms
of pre-crisis response and post-crisis strategies as well as prioritizing the
allocation of resources.
The information from the lessons learned meetings together with the
BIA assessment should be incorporated into an Incident Report (IR), which
is a post-mortem report that is prepared after systems have been fully
recovered. The report should contain information about the type and nature
of the incident; how and when the incident was detected; the digital assets
affected by the attack; whether the incident was preventable; the
organization’s response and recommendations to improve the response
process including the use of better detection tools and what could have
been done better during the incident response process.
The purpose of the IR is to document the experiences and effectiveness
of the general recovery process for the organization to implement the
recommendations to enhance its cyber operational resilience and use as a
reference for future attacks and training. Changes to rules, processes, and
procedures, as well as tools and equipment, and even the behavior of the
individuals participating in the process, are all examples of
implementation. Information on responsible parties, due dates, and
deliverables should be recorded for both short- and long-term changes.
Before being sent out, the updated and improved incident response plan
should be tested to see if the improvements made are adequate.
planning the control of any risk that affects a company's business strategy,
strategic objectives, and strategy execution. It involves oversight,
identifying, assessing, and managing the risk in the organization's business
strategy. At the strategic level, it includes establishing the Cybersecurity
Strategic Plan and Enterprise Information Security Policy, planning and
establishing budgets, and risk tolerance for implementing the operational
risk program. This is conducted at the board and senior management (c-
suite) level, in conjunction with the risk committee or the CRO.
The proposed integrated cybersecurity ERM model consists of three
distinct layers consisting the strategic process (SRM), operational process
(ORM), and crisis management process (CM) as depicted in Figure 10.1.
The SRM is a high-level planning function for establishing the CSP and
EISP for a company's cybersecurity risk management program guided by
the ISO 31000's Principles, Framework, and Process constructs. At the
ORM level, the day-to-day activities relating to the operational cyber risk
functions are implemented and maintained. The ORM structure is based
on the conventional ERM approach with cyber risk control measures that
draw on the constructs from the NIST/CSF’s Framework Core. The CCM
function encompasses pre-crisis management planning and preparation for
responding to an attack and, crisis response and recovery. Similar to ORM,
the CCM function in our proposed model is guided by the relevant
functions in NIST/CSF.
The proposed model adopts a risk-based approach that identifies,
assesses, and prioritizes the cybersecurity threats to an organization's
vision, goals, and objectives. It's a flexible approach that allows businesses
to adjust their cybersecurity strategy based on their knowledge of their
individual organizational needs and operational vulnerabilities and
weaknesses. To reduce enterprise risk, an organization’s leadership and
governance effort should focus on identifying and targeting those elements
of cyber risk that pose the greatest risk to its business objectives. A
definitive risk tolerance policy is important for pursuing a set of risk-based
objectives. It describes the amount of variability that can be tolerated in
terms of how much of a loss an organization is ready to accept in light of
its current assets and other risks. Finally, a strong risk-based culture is
202 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
necessary for the success of ERM and corporate risk culture describes the
shared values, knowledge, practices, and awareness of cybersecurity risk
in an organization. These ERM imperatives are discussed in the following
sections and constitute crucial elements of our proposed cybersecurity
reduction &
Monitor, Detect & report
Adapted from Ho, Oh, Durden, & Slade, 2010, Crisis Decision Making, Nova Science
Publishers, New York and Oh, Ho, Pham, Huang & Wang 2018, The Process of Enterprise
Risk Management, Nova Science Publishers, New York.
Strategic Cybersecurity Risk Management 203
After the organization has identified its critical risks, the strategic
goals are framed in which to articulate and prioritize the key goals that
must be achieved to reduce its risks to an acceptable level or within the
organization's risk tolerance. These goals are high-level descriptions of the
204 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Adapted from “Cyber Security Strategic Plan - 2007,” Department of Energy, USA & “Cyber
Security Strategic Plan 2018-2021,” South Australian Government,
Plan2018-21_FINAL-RELEASED-Feb2018.pdf (accessed 19/9/2021).
Strategic Cybersecurity Risk Management 207
Compliant with one or more of the industry's standards and complies with
all applicable laws and regulations.
organizations should align their strategic cyber vision to their cyber risk
tolerance policy as the established risk tolerance defines the strategic goals
and objectives. Adherence to corporate risk tolerance policy in setting
strategy and operating procedures assures staff that a coherent risk control
process is in place that is consistent throughout the organization. Risk
tolerance should be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains relevant by
keeping up with changing dynamics in the rapidly evolving cyber risk
environment. All employees should acknowledge the risk appetite
Regulators keep a close check on a formal cyber risk tolerance
statement, especially in organizations operating in highly regulated
industries, like healthcare, education, and financial services, to ensure
these organizations have in place a set of comprehensive policies and
procedures that can effectively safeguard confidential and personal
improve their risk capability. The model is divided into four stages, which
are labeled as "naive," "novice," "normalized," and "natural" in progressive
order. The naive risk organization is unaware of the importance of risk
management and lacks a well-defined strategy for coping with uncertainty.
The novice risk organization is aware of the potential benefits of risk
management but is still experimenting with risk management, usually
through a small group of nominated persons, but it lacks a formal or
structured generic approach. Risk management is built into ordinary
business processes and applied extensively in the normalized risk
organization. The organization recognizes the benefits of risk
management. The natural risk company has a risk-aware culture and takes
a proactive approach in applying risk management best practices across the
organization. One of the disadvantages of this method is the focus on
building a multi-layer of security against everything, which may need a
significant financial commitment for some firms. However, the "maturity-
based" approach remains a popular choice as it helps an organization to
evaluate and monitor the effectiveness and adequacy of its enterprise risk
management program for improvement. It is a useful assessment and
monitoring tool. Some of the metrics adopted for measuring maturity
include the appointment of CISO, risk committee, existence of a security
operations center (SOC), integration with strategic planning, and measure
performance of ERM effectiveness.
Alternatively, the "risk-based" approach aligns the organization's
business objectives with a cyber risk strategy to target risk reduction
through definitive policies and pragmatic implementation programs.
Therefore, it is geared towards identifying and mitigating the critical risks
in the business's most critical systems, networks and data. Risk-based
approaches are significantly more cost-effective than maturity models
because they allow the risk manager to allocate more resources in defenses
for the vulnerabilities that affect the business's most critical systems.
Collier, Linkov, & Lambert (2013) recommend that firms should adopt a
risk-based systems approach that integrates the “physical, information,
cognitive, and social domains” to better understand and manage
cybersecurity. A risk-based approach recognizes risk-taking as
210 Kok-Boon Oh, Bruce Ho and Bret Slade
Category Sub-category
Asset management Asset inventory (ID:AM1)
(ID:AM) Software inventory (ID:AM2)
Organization ICT map (ID:AM3)
External ICT catalog (ID:AM4)
Resources priority list (ID:AM5)
Cybersecurity roles & responsibilities (ID:AM6)
Business Environment Supply chain role (ID:BE1)
(ID:BE) Organization IT & Industry position (ID:BE2)
Organizational mission, objectives & activities (ID:BE3)
Dependencies & critical functions for service delivery (ID:BE4)
Resilience requirements for service delivery (ID:BE5)
Governance (ID:GV) Information security policy (ID:GV1)
Information security roles & responsibilities coordination
Legal and regulatory requirements (ID:GV3)
Governance and risk management processes (ID:GV4)
Risk assessment Critical assets identified & documented (ID:RA1)
(ID:RA) Shared information on threats & vulnerabilities (ID:RA2)
Internal and external threats are documented (ID:RA3)
Likelihoods & impacts analysis (ID:RA4)
Threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods, and impacts are used to
determine risk (ID:RA5)
Risk responses identified and prioritized (ID:RA6)
Risk management Risk management processes (ID:RM1)
strategy (ID:RM) Risk tolerance (ID:RM2)
Informed risk tolerance (ID:RM3)
Supply chain (ID:SC) Cyber supply chain RM processes defined and agreed upon by
organization stakeholders (ID:SC1)
Suppliers and third-party partners of information systems,
components, and services are assessed & documented (ID:SC2)
Supplier and third-party contracts implement measures to meet
the organization’s cybersecurity objectives & plan (ID:SC3)
Suppliers and third-party partners are routinely assessed to
confirm satisfactory contractual obligations (ID:SC4)
Recovery planning and testing and response are conducted with
both suppliers and third-party providers (ID:SC5)
categories are activities that are more closely aligned to the strategic
initiatives (i.e., strategic level) of the ERM model. As the supply chain
plays a strategic role in modern businesses for growth and sustainability
by linking a company with its suppliers and customers, concerns about
cybersecurity risk in the supply chain have become a top management
priority. Table 10.1 shows NIST/CSF’s Identify function’s categories and
sub-categories that reflect the actions relevant to the organization's
initiatives for establishing the strategic cybersecurity program. The
following sections discuss the alignment of the NIST/CSF actions vis-à-
vis the initiatives for developing an enterprise cybersecurity strategic plan
that is consistent with the ERM model.
7.1.3. Governance
The policies and practices that dictate how businesses identify,
prevent, and respond to cyber incidents are referred to as governance in
cybersecurity. They constitute the means through which an organization
regulates and directs its approach to information security. Cybersecurity
governance enables an organization's security initiatives aimed at allowing
the uninterrupted flow of information throughout an organization.
Organizational governance for the cybersecurity risk management function
necessitates all organizational risk, legal, regulatory, operational, and
environmental requirements to be monitored and managed (ID:GV) using
policies, processes, and procedures (as spelled out in the CSP & EISP) that
are precise and well-understood (ID:GV1). This process entails alignment
and coordination of cybersecurity duties and responsibilities with internal
strategic and operational functions (ID:GV2), the establishment and
communication of the organization's cybersecurity policy to all employees
including external partners (ID:GV2), and cybersecurity legal and
regulatory standards are observed, complied and managed, including
privacy and civil liberties (ID:GV3). This process must include risk
management and governance mechanisms in the organizational structure
or hierarchy to complement and support cybersecurity risk mitigation
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236 References
# C
global economy, 28
Index 243
heat map, viii, 121, 122, 123, 124, 136 network diagram, 101, 110, 112, 188
hedging, ix, 140, 141, 144, 150, 153, 154, NIST (2002), 35
155, 221 NIST framework, 71, 80, 99
holistic approach, 9, 10, 44, 49, 51, 64 NIST/CSF, viii, xvii, 27, 32, 71, 80, 81, 82,
human factors, 6, 7, 24, 32, 226, 227, 230, 83, 84, 97, 99, 101, 102, 104, 119, 120,
232 146, 174, 182, 199, 201, 205, 210, 212,
215, 216
NIST/CSF framework core, viii, 81, 82, 99,
NIST/CSF functions, 99
ICT processes, 25
non-human factors, 6, 32
industries, 20, 29, 31, 40, 41, 96, 134, 152,
198, 199, 208, 230
information network, 31, 101, 228 O
intrusion detection and prevention systems
(IDPS), 144, 158, 167, 170, 190 operational risk management (ORM), vii,
IoT devices, 35 viii, xii, xvii, 2, 4, 43, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55,
ISO 27000 series, viii, 75, 85, 88 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 71, 77, 78, 79, 81,
ISO 31000, vii, 2, 8, 12, 52, 65, 73, 75, 76, 93, 94, 95, 101, 102, 109, 113, 118, 119,
77, 78, 199, 200, 201, 217, 228, 235 120, 135, 139, 140, 141, 146, 167, 168,
172, 199, 200, 201, 217
key performance indicators (KPIs), xvii,
19, 53, 60, 169, 172 penetration testing, 105, 111, 191
portfolio risk, vii, 18, 46
portfolio theory approach, 45
post-crisis phase, 181, 193
pre-crisis management, 185, 201
leadership and governance, 63, 198, 201,
predictive risk control, 54
204, 208
pre-emptive steps, 54
leveraging technology, 29