Ipjugaad - Bcom 1st Sem Commerce Paper 2018
Ipjugaad - Bcom 1st Sem Commerce Paper 2018
Ipjugaad - Bcom 1st Sem Commerce Paper 2018
ÿoˆÁTˆEı YÁPˆy‘] ◊`l˘Á[˝bÔÁ‹ôˆ YÃ[˝›l˘Á From the following information of Kolkata Town
Club, prepare Income and Expenditure A/c for
( BDP Term End Examination )
the year ended 31.3.18 and a Balance Sheet as
◊Qˆ„a∂ëˆÃ[˝, 2017 C L«X, 2018 on that date :
( December-2017 & June-2018 ) Receipts & Payments A/c
B◊¨K˜Eı YÁPˆy‘] ( Elective Course ) Dr. for the year ended 31.3.18 Cr.
Receipts Rs. Payments Rs.
[˝Á◊SLÓ ( Commerce ) To Balance b/d 5,000 By Salaries 5,000
Y“U] Yy ( 1st Paper )
Accountancy : ECO-1 " Subscription " Stationeries 1,500
Y◊Ã[˝◊]Tˆ C ^UÁ^U =w¯„Ã[˝Ã[˝ LXÓ ◊[˝„`b ]…_Ó ÂVCÃ^Á c˜„[˝* event 3,500 " Balance c/d 9,400
%£à˘ [˝ÁXÁX, %Y◊Ã[˝¨K˜~TˆÁ A[˝e %Y◊Ã[˝õıÁÃ[˝ c˜ÿôˆÁl˘„Ã[˝Ã[˝ Âl˘‰y X∂ëˆÃ[˝ " Interest on 8%
ÂEı‰ªRÙO ÂXCÃ^Á c˜„[˝* =YÁ„‹ôˆ Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ ]…_Ó]ÁX a…◊ªJÙTˆ %Á‰ªK˜* securities 1,000
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance " Sale of old
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
newspaper 250
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The weightage for each question has been 19,250 19,250
indicated in the margin.
1. ◊X∂oˆ◊_◊FTˆ TˆUÓm◊_ ÂU„Eı Kolkata Town Club-AÃ[˝ Rs. 6,500. 30 members paid advance
subscription for 2018-19 during 2017-18.
31.3.18 [˝ªK˜Ã[˝ Â`„bÃ[˝ %ÁÃ^-[˝Ó„Ã^Ã[˝ ◊c˜aÁ[˝ C B ◊V„XÃ[˝
ii) Stationery as on 1.4.17 Rs. 500 and on 35 kg of tea was theft from the godown.
Rs. 35,000; Depreciation charges 10% p.a. Show the Consignment A/c, Consignee A/c and
iv) Investment made in 8% securities on 1.4.17 Abnormal Loss A/c in the books of Kalobaran.
Rs. 15,000 10 + 5 + 2 + 3
31.3.17 Rs. 50 and 31.3.18 Rs. 55. 20 Â^-ÂEıÁ„XÁ ªV«◊ªRÙO Y“‰`¬Ã[˝ =w¯Ã[˝ ◊VX*
2. Kalobaran of Kolkata sent 1000 kg Darjeeling tea Answer any two questions. 12 × 2 = 24
3. a) From the following particulars prepare a
to Rahul at Mumbai. The cost being Rs. 35 per
Bank Reconciliation Statement as on
kg. Kalobaran paid Rs. 5,000 as freight. 25 kg of
Tea was lost in transit. The compensation
i) Bank balance as per Cash Book on
received from the Insurance Co. Rs. 800. Rahul
31.03.18 Rs. 5,000
spent Rs. 600 as loading charge, Rs. 1,500 as
ii) Cheques deposited but not collected
godown rent and Rs. 2,000 as Misc. expenses.
by bank Rs. 2,100
Rahul sold 800 kg of Tea @ Rs. 50/kg. He is
iii) Cheques drawn but not presented to
entitled to get ordinary commission and del
bank Rs. 750
credere commission @4% and % respectively.
iv) Bank credited Rs. 50 as interest on 5. ABC Ltd. issued 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 10
30.03.18 and debited Rs. 15 for bank each at a premium of Rs. 2 per share, payable
charges but these were not recorded Rs. 3 on application, Rs. 5 on allotment
paid by bank but was not recorded in Applications were received for 13,000 shares and
vi) Dividend of Rs. 150 was collected by All the shares were duly allotted and the money
the bank but not recorded in the Cash so received on due dates with the exception of
book. the following :
b) ]ÓÁ◊ªJÙe W˝ÁÃ[˝SÁ◊ªRÙO %Á„_ÁªJÙXÁ EıÃ[˝”X* i) Mr. A holding 500 shares paid the entire
Discuss the matching concept. 6+6
amount due along with allotment
4. a) Â`Ã^ÁÃ[˝„c˜Á∑QˆÁÃ[˝ C ◊Qˆ„[˝á˚ÁÃ[˝ Âc˜Á∑QˆÁÃ[˝-AÃ[˝ ]„W˝Ó YÁUÔEıÓ ii) Mr. B holding 1,000 shares failed to pay
◊_F«X* both the calls.
Distinguish between Shareholder and
Debenture holder.
ABC Ltd. -AÃ[˝ [˝c˜O„Tˆ LÁ„[˝VÁ VÁ◊F_Ám◊_ ÂVFÁX*
b) %ÁVÁX-Y“VÁX ◊c˜aÁ[˝ C %ÁÃ^-[˝ÓÃ^ ◊c˜aÁ„[˝Ã[˝ ]„W˝Ó
YÁUÔEıÓ ◊_F«X* Show the necessary journal entries in the books
Distinguish between Receipts & Payment
of ABC Ltd. 12
A/c and Income & Expenditure A/c. 6+6
Part - III
7. mä aeÃ[˝l˘S Eı› ?
What is secret reserve ?