CRPC Ass-1

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G2 Bocurs the ads op taking & seumcirg of outdone. Whan tho accused is Auought bofore the Coxusit,Ahe public peuosecuiton oper Aho case by olutubi the chowigts bsiouught iat tho acaued. Evidence, showed Wf seeconolecl tvs hea. yrannus. Gecthon 242-283 cleats with moole cy, LaKing & Heednd- a OF euidonce,.io tui conolucted ttefore Lhe © Magivtbeote Count, .ohite tap ®) Summons cases 5) Wagwiant Cases @ Cousch y Session ® High Couseb. —®% Crenaxad Rules Regastoling Mocle of Taking Feidune CU * CO © Languoge of the Coust edlion 24 As See. 272, Stake Croveunmont shale have the poroet to ciudeowrina the Language 9 Causd ,cthex Yhan High Cousct. 3 coses whwe Ae Language used sitios oo the arouses ts One ethan than the Count » puowolune howe been pasouidack by Sec. 297 & 28140" Aho A gy Suoh euloneg Sslettemont . @® Evddone rrurt he token in the fussence ofthe Accused Peuson — (Section 243) Asa Serle, ate euidones token inthe Course a the tung ou po ib shale be taker in tho pucsene oy tho arcsec cx tohan His personal orttendance 1s dispersed sith tr the psorence ewe, J cheno cha eiiidlene ya cwooman below dhe oye GF lueane CORO is abtaged 0 rave oosn bulged to ape oH seu Oboe , is tp ho seeroucled., the Cansct may toKe a ppropeiate Teaser teenie that such time woman isnot by tho atoused. a Resnaling 0) Euttonce in Summons Cases 4ejo (Gection-274)* 7 Ahe Magutrote ‘leh On all aummons case , Arad. Aiyjaso a Shake, 04 the examindlion o each usdre spreorecols ym memovancum of te substance Anis euidone in the Language OY the Cousct: pier 4 * Bathe Magi Us Unable to make auch memauandimn himsey, ho shale, apt, saioualig Ho season 9 tie , ewilen ce, gf each usitnoss * On age dauiaks byfoue Cont a & fi Shale see tsken Jin wi wy te ae Cause et yh Uaion the open ok WY (other ppointcd -by-the Cousct in this behofy- . Elan that sy ariing epftan fe use x Peconclivg GYEvidene in Toiad Before High Gun 29 Fveuy High Cound: ahatt have pair to puss th rani wo daca evidence op usitness Shale G2- Capeain append. Kinds @f agpeat L-vohan appeat cannat be fied fer Human 4 is nat i ard oluapite abe the pruoviribns b% enausy ao aise (Bind ard a just dedalon ,mitakes ante powible ard esau? cannot besuled auc. The Code theupaue puovices for ‘Oppeads’ & ee ee & caused chiirions oy Soe Cound, On the case of MH. Masher usStale gf Mahauasdtiig , Supuome Come o eobsewed ,ane component gp. fain pucuatunse sv round sie Grrowatls, spearing & subject to just crcepttons , OL ear a supe pene oF foc, che ee oe puoi Bf fog! Libeuty |, ts basis to Ciibized gsispuuctane . Apis Appear , as dn Guiminag Puoeouxe Code, manygory thet value uphotol're Aschicle 21. Bis Deprrition of Appeal The tiure appead ts nat dyfired anywhue in the Cook. Ar An appara? isa complaint two. euies, Caysit gf an vybrtive done ox ensox commited by an tyitor, Cousct , whose i O% oleuslen the obave it Called Yon to Cosa ck ax sovouse (Black's Law Dict ) Haweuey, Lb js a cuxotting of Stotuty thous can koe no. Unhwort sight gf append puom any ox dlileurtination sion pat iy pal ty i ng pe Pus ‘eons suganclig appeat Asie punvidled in Chapte 2x0 x- (Ge. 372-394) oy te 7 The Chapter On appends conscious the ubtcurnstancee in which appeals con te fied sgeiet e oae @ coméetions aol acpyittag, & ake the up whith the goveunmertCon appead Or the gecourel g cnadeqpacy gy ro Sentence. paxed on tha accused petson. “Kaha type © AppeaL to Coust op Session (500373) remy Agua the Causet Gf Bossian in the fatzousirg + Vine ee pin dos dn scot 2 give seuss Jor Ke Peace on Aehatous, vrei der "g "epee Rognie g mtg ® Appead puorn Convidion (Sec544) GD Append sto Suprome Couset Peity, kia Ae th cupame Cousit viv case af convichion in (ore tro ovclee of acyritial & sentences tho teas Oath itp imps (Sec.349) sends Gh the cau diwolves substartiag quostion Law ae eles + When the High Cousct culifizs trot the case Ls fit fon consedenotion fe by Supuome Coust Cie, Speiad Leawe Petition) CAsit: 36) Gi Appeal to High Count (See.3 740) An appeal vray the tg bgoue a ie Cousd, vohon convlected dy ony. We Saad . ee Femion Tadge c Arg athe case whore Count passe a Sorenie for a Bim enterdeny yan, et Ga Appeak to cout Cousch of Session (c.374() An may Mle alone Cousdt y Session ,tr case of conviclion dy tee polling cohan nn 4 * Metsopaditan M * Aisixtant Semion Ju * Tuning Pagtaty Pt cn { Judicing M Second Class Ato cage O& Sentine unger SCC 325 0 Sec360 Go When rnaue than One fouson ie Conunited (Sec.380) Accomaliry te Sec.880 af tho Code , when moxe than Bro powsen ase conuicted by the Cousct, anol sun appealable OudloK has hun passecin Swpedt 64 era—per alteost one of thom , then Gthon peusons Shale awe a suphb to file an append undies Dis Sedion. BM Appeal uh case o Aeqpittal (Se 378) The for don ving ane Gquece susbes segenalrg append ogauist va mont ox complaintnt “i L . n om an ctedpimes MA rg Bion cepee eines O Pppeal shall 0 fitec within Coclays after parting the arctes gy ittae. * An an onde oF Acqitinl , in a case instituted a areas oats ae pil woes Body usm tha date ra passing Ahe once acqptitiag, % Condittvons who No Appeal Lies (Se.375 £376) Appead a Aotutany night, ge rrsans post cannet file an Oppeal os a aught. Thane aXe cordain exception, seseursion in ft). Which pasties cannot gi aun appeal in a case. The fotausing ue the vonditron, in whic pauuties cannot file an appeal: — hen Awe Baad Gusty (See375) Accoucing to this Scotian, cohan Hj Count, Cousct ep Session, , Mets lagatuote, Tudhiiag Rogisdiate Fitut Clans Tudial Magistrate Secor Chass tas convicted the accused peauon on the ty Ma Phy api connate fied ty i Hewsewet, it is subject to the ing exceptions :— * Wheno Logavity ay te sentence is in qubbtion * Whene op sentence is in question. On Petty Goss (5ec.346> Ne appeal shat Bie -by convicted peusor in the fottausing condiitant?— High Coust passer a sertenw' gf) tmpuisormant fora tem not e ing Grmonths ou fine not ling Zl000 04 bath. ln Cot op Cain poses a snitee Gon Lumpodaon mort fas 0. seu not exteeling B rnonths ox firs not eateedipy 2 200 wx beth. * When Soul oy Seton Tudliotag Hagistsiate Psu Claw passes ordy a. sentence q fino nek exteidlity 2 100 an Summasuy Asiial, tohon the Mogistuats pases a sentence & pins nicl entsest catceedliing Z200- B Wisite a shouts note an fojouene & Reusbion. MM Chapter Xxx gf the Cole gf Coummuro? Puoecuse hooey uit Refewonca & Rewition. Section 395-306 paouioler Jew Pofeuarce ard Sein 394-- uy, contains pusvitdon » Adcttluoratly Asdicle. 227 & ie ato oltats usit pet a: ainapror sospecdivehy - REFERENCE se Tha syenonoa is sumpy an sopplltatiion race tay the Asuiog Coust to High Couch for Ake interpretation gy a. vratex wees Act, Legisfation ard Reputation. Refeuorce can be os the Fem, seers tw wade anita siposrration peony Tbe Count ushich is to make an application for the exptanotion of tha Lepistattion , Act epteten peaning case. Ya saiiminod Coust rothe. than cous has & cleciole laheten a pasctioutas, enadtmant te vali and i tseye tho opinion dhat bis not, but finds nuithu, tho Mi es 4s suboudinate nou the Supsome ced on tho enoclinent the Cousch is Koguisiool orien gare to the High Count pou the deotion an that quition. % Rejewene to High Count Ceection 945)" © fp sajouony 40 Cause: yry doe ari . a quection y Meontiniiarle vadtity valiclity a any Las : ox © gedaan a ata usin an rh Law. er Conchdions pon fefesscnce. © The Court is satipizd Lhat a. case ing -bgauo it solver a ain ote cartntrat ly ay a, ouairane Sagulalion on cry prcouition contarud thonein. © The Count 4s also sallixgicd that the determination y the quorlion Ahi the ds necers con ape a? Act ete asuy for the cipasae, othe cox’ © Te come is ne és the opinion that the pet, oxdtranc oh sugutation ds Invalid Beets tout hos not been 40 dlectawed by te igh Cousct io coidh hod COusel Te suboudinate ok diy the Suplerre © Bglouo rnakiny O sufexiane to AheHtiph Cousct Aho Cousct shale Stale OQ Case 3sdtlin gut itr gpinion Ahe seasons Ahouglox. Auilcte 222 also empavoou the Hiph Coved Jo usithduaurthe case fovom the ‘subanolinal, Court to 4 ey dhe dispoe of. tho sarne etiing the qortion seegasialing the validity the Ac, Post Pyjemunct Puocduse (Gestion ~348) When the question Aastra 50 sujersed Unc Ste.396,the High Coust shall pars Such Oudlex —Ahwtedn os ik thinks fit .4 shate Comse A copy Gf Such ander to be Sent tp the Cause by ushidhy the mojoune wos moole, whith shale dispose G the case te the said, euder. The Hig Coust Tayp cveck ae Sd cons g uth sugenane be paid! REvISION Bn wot ta cusid Aho poribil gray muscwuciage J fustite in (080 Ushi ne sul x FI 3s cureukorble the Code has cleuind anol ase Ff ek dn rate. nm pusy be ny eighth 08 atch Ao be hoard any Casuk Coen Atay Stich pomeie, {a] The Woxd Seuison hasnat teen defined Under the Code. St can AYirad at the punwu ay ue~ examination gf ander gf Sulvexcrote Coust by a tughun Cousct (High Couse§ Couset Seyion) &seodlity the din eourictse, dad power ox Ae dion f totke toad yee The powder Y HouLron has bern yesrVerd sin High Cousct L Cows ap Serion tundas they Cao Conouition.s when Ko Reuamon ray lies © an case a) pudues whith cute ap ; ® an case y ant ocubaiy Quote a Colt for the Recaud Gection 399)" Tha High Cause oy the Couset Cession is empoweusd to cath fox &txaming Ae Mecaud of Ory puoecotingt Agioue any Ayevite Cousct & salidy G0 i Nantes ANY PPS A Fowen Ho cue Srquiny Gectivon -395)* Sowtors Court y O: High Cousct Aas powoe to examine ony. dempud Undue Aeclion 397 0% otkeelsg , Und Suchpawer ence ete crrencBable to proceedings pondting 6% carctuock ob the pect Bel Br Foun of Rewi-uon Gf Coussct oy) Sorsiion Gection 399 £400) Lag Whorover cation suutston Le maole ont ‘se fenlee Gust thn the Sesyion cal Oe the decision, of subsdinate Cousct § cleatdy the case on m Lsuch detixven is final, No fustren application shale be erdteittainedt Gnu an appaiation 1 Coued ay Ferien of Hig ing the same Hod doernmacle Ao * Pewen o High Count (Sedion—u0ir Cousct may exoucise such pour polite on moto. eithex, on appeication * DHewru Bawen Repeuen ce 4 Revision r Basis | Repenion@ Relirton, | | Chapten & | St urdu the Chapter —| St 2 wrote Chaplu KE Section | LAY, Sechlon 895-3% y | Sediion 307-40s of Ho tre Ode Guan of Bt Lie toe Hip Count facia foro an the qpostion ofa. " Finaldetixioe © occus cohen Hu matiey code. H Los on Adyiiclucartenk ~roctleser. iS | Bt stout atu te firad | { Si-means Xo consubh the 2 Coust On Jselat seutew , adter 0% amonda ouluiwot Loss Adz, mara ,Lesicol or ox Oualinane, aaiitheretiva? exsuon -by she | ininy te, #ho cose act Talat Cound a yaa, | | | at is Antitiotsd 4y tho | gtcan hte Antiviated ..b | “Taual Cousit tothe hephoy | eithon, Aho Tuiad Cousd. Aomato ontiy:the hehe By} CU: Waite a shat note on Bait. An Said is a tego proms wohane the cvsoriad poser J wulosee 4A Compotent uth 6 wethout conditions pork dime. Br peuon ot congtbut be obeiiany orf Be bal can be canceeted. The tim has net Been cypined curds Ahi (acle. Baio ie 4 pea bo whith, ocuused: peuison ok aseored pouson dy uokeoxed contend nail ne ry coe Tavourions boig ane cortaured, ural the Seot Sections 436 “USO g & Seckton 167 OY tho Coole. gf Guirminat Purdue. On Supt. & Remembsoneer 9 Legace Appocns iya Kumar Roy y 2b wos hekd Lroct Ahe Law af yen “hos to clovetouk ue dlemarde, namely, ora on hard 5 dhe Semper for Ahistded fuom the hazouds of ar tothe risdduorbuser oY a powzon autleged tp hte eae and onthe other, the fundamental Canon ¢ sell rear tee Pe ae aoel ececeea fe Js fours quiyy P Kinds op Baik Bard — = Fost Asowrt [Barwa | Bait 7 | 1 _ UD dn Core an case oe anki baidolole alence non baiLaloly ofjence Spabeny a easy Ose) ® Bain sy comep Baitubee Gporce Ceclilan -436) Section—Yg6 puouisles Ahat when a, person nat accused of 0 hon-baidable affone Ls cuuuortad ox ostosrad re can, 08 of-sdgrt-, Claim to ho waleased on baid, 2 he Ls ceuuoied won clatoureck 8 without wauwant by an eypiinr in chasge gf 0 folie dfaltion PX Opproms Or Je ouvought bygone a COU, 42 popousd a angio’ sel Lihie Sy the custody of such opie orart-any Hage of tho fuccesltng

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