Uas Esp
Uas Esp
Uas Esp
Student ID : 2010510023
Class : A6BIR
Target group: Seventh grade students in national primary school. All students are boys and range in age from 13 to
15 years.
Topic: Hobby
1. Students can identify various hobbies of all their friends
2. Students can express to their friends their favorite hobbies
3. Students can spell very simple English expressions correctly and acceptably with correct punctuation
involving very simple words, phrases and sentences.
4. Students are able to understand sentences and written messages very simply.
Langua Model of
Stage Interaction/ Materials/
Time ge Teacher Activity Learner Activity
(Activity) resources
Skills Grouping
● Step 6
Teacher relates the ● Students will
students answer with the understand the
topic that will be relation
discussed in the main between the
acitivity stage pictures and the
24 Main
mins activity
● Step 7
(10mi (Giving Speakin Teacher explains the ● Students are Classic Boardmarke
ns) materials) g material for today's excpected to model r,PPT,
lesson. respond setting LCD
-what is hobby? teachers and arrangeme Projector
- what kinds of answer some nt.
hobbies? question from
(Teacher u teacher
se TBLT method respectfully.
in this material)
● Step 8
7min Give an Reading Teacher Gives examples
s example of pronunciation of ● Students are T ↔ Ss Dictionary ,
vocabulary and able to (Teacher to books
expressions related to understand all students related to
hobbies.(Teacher use vocabulary and orthe the theme.
suggestopedia method in expressions whole
this material) about hobbies. class)
● Step 9
8mins Ask some The teacher instructs
words Writing students to write some ● Students write T ↔ Ss Dictionary ,
before hobby. some hobbies (Teacher to books, pen
exercise (Teacher use TPR before do all students
method in this material) exercise orthe
whole class)
● Step 11
10min Reflection Speakin The teacher asks one of ● A student gives T ↔ Ss
s and g and the students to reflect on a reflection (Teacher to
closing listening today's material. about today's all students
class -The teacher asks other material orthe
students to listen and ● Other students whole
give feedback to each listen and one class)
other. gives a
● Step 12
Teacher closing the class
today and Teacher leads ● Students are T ↔ Ss
the class to pray praying (Teacher to
together together with all students
the teacher. orthe