CHAPTER 8 Adolesence (Summaryzing)
CHAPTER 8 Adolesence (Summaryzing)
CHAPTER 8 Adolesence (Summaryzing)
1. What is the main topic from the text above?
2. What is the primary sign of adolescence?
3. How the girl can be called as mature?
4. What are the physical changes that appear in the girl?
5. Does the boy has the same sign too?
6. In what age does physical changes occur to both girl and boy?
7. Why the “mature” come late to both boy and girl?
8. Tell your experience during puberty phase!
See the text above and do both Paraphrasing, and Summarizing based on the text!
In the development of children towards adolescence, what will happen is that they experience
physical, emotional and cognitive changes. What is most noticeable is their physical changes which
make them look like adults, even though they are not yet emotionally mature. Physical changes such
as acne, increased odor and most importantly the maturity of the genitals or puberty. The occurrence
of puberty varies widely, but on average girls develop earlier than boys.
Aside from acne and increase in body odor, the most prominent physical changes that occur to
adolescence are the maturing of the genital organs, or puberty.
Although the timing of puberty varies a great deal between adolescence, as a rule, girls develop
earlier than boys.
The physical changes in boys-between the ages of 13 and 17 include rapid growth, an increase in
body and facial hair, developing sexual organs and undergoing voice changes.