DOI: 10.1111/jonm.13014
Yuanyuan Mo MM, Clinical Nurse1 | Lan Deng MM, Head Nurse1 | Liyan Zhang BM,
Head Nurse1 | Qiuyan Lang BM, Head Nurse2 | Chunyan Liao BM, Head Nurse3 |
Nannan Wang BM, Head Nurse4 | Mingqin Qin BM, Clinician1 | Huiqiao Huang MM,
Head of the Nursing Department1
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China
The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China
Affiliated hospital of Guilin Medical University, Guilin, China
Liuzhou Worker's Hospital, Liuzhou, China
Mingqin Qin, Department of Intensive Abstract
Care Unit, The Second Affiliated Hospital Aims: To investigate the work stress among Chinese nurses who are supporting
of Guangxi Medical University, Daxue East
Road 166, Nanning, Guangxi, China. Wuhan in fighting against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection and to ex-
Email: [email protected] plore the relevant influencing factors.
Huiqiao Huang, Department of Nursing, Background: The COVID-19 epidemic has posed a major threat to public health.
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi
Nurses have always played an important role in infection prevention, infection con-
Medical University, Daxue East Road 166,
Nanning, Guangxi, China. trol, isolation, containment and public health. However, available data on the work
Email: [email protected]
stress among these nurses are limited.
Funding information Methods: A cross-sectional survey. An online questionnaire was completed by 180
The Key Reserach and Development
anti-epidemic nurses from Guangxi. Data collection tools, including the Chinese ver-
Project of Guangxi: Grant/Award Number:
Grant No.2020AB39028 sion of the Stress Overload Scale (SOS) and the Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), were
used. Descriptive single factor correlation and multiple regression analyses were used
in exploring the related influencing factors.
Results: The SOS (39.91 ± 12.92) and SAS (32.19 ± 7.56) scores of this nurse group
were positively correlated (r = 0.676, p < .05). Multiple regression analysis showed
that only children, working hours per week and anxiety were the main factors affect-
ing nurse stress (p = .000, .048, .000, respectively).
Conclusions: Nurses who fight against COVID-19 were generally under pressure.
Implications for Nursing Management: Nurse leaders should pay attention to the
work stress and the influencing factors of the nurses who are fighting against COVID-
19 infection, and offer solutions to retain mental health among these nurses.
1002 © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd J Nurs Manag. 2020;28:1002–1009.
MO et al. |
1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N the mental health problems of clinical medical workers during the
epidemic of COVID-19. The purpose of the present study was to in-
In December 2019, patients with pneumonia of unknown cause were vestigate the work stress load among Chinese nurses who support
emerged in Wuhan, China (Catton, 2020; Huang, Wang, & Li, 2020; Wuhan in fighting against COVID-19 infection and to explore the
Li et al., 2020). Local works and those conducted by the experts from relevant influencing factors for the development of psychological in-
WHO confirmed that the pathogen causing this novel pneumonia is terventions for Chinese nurses in order that they can adjust to public
SARS-CoV-2, and this type of pneumonia is called the Coronavirus health emergencies.
Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The COVID-19 epidemic has posed a
remarkable threat to public health (Pan et al., 2020). On 11 March
2020, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
said that there was deep concern about the extent and severity
of the COVID-19 epidemic, which the World Health Organization 2.1 | Participants and sampling
(WHO) assessed to be characterized as a pandemic (e.g., social net-
work or clinical setting; The novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak A cross-sectional survey. By means of convenient sampling, nurses
has acquired pandemic characteristics, 2020). As of 23:59 on 19 from Guangxi supporting Wuhan were selected to carry out the
March 2020, a total of 234,073 confirmed cases and 9,840 deaths survey. The inclusion criteria were as follows: nurses from Guangxi
have been reported globally. In Europe, the cumulative number of who are involved in fighting against COVID-19, those who have
cases reached 104,591, with 4,899 deaths. COVID-19 has been re- entered the clinical front line to participate in the rescue work
ported in 176 countries and regions, and more than 150,000 cases and those who volunteered to participate in this study. As of 21
have been confirmed outside China (e.g., social network or clinical February 2020, all the nurses (around 210) were invited to partici-
setting; Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report-60, pate in this study. The response rate was 85.71%, which resulted
2020). As of this date, the number of confirmed and suspected cases in a sample of 180 nurses.
outside China is increasing dramatically, as is the number of deaths.
COVID-19 presents a vast public health challenge, not only to China
but also around the world. 2.2 | Measurements
Nurses have always played an important role in infection pre-
vention, infection control, isolation, containment and public health 2.2.1 | Basic situation survey form
(Graeme, 2020). As of 1 March, a total of 28,679 nurses had been
sent to Hubei Province to fight against COVID-19 infection (e.g., According to literature review and expert consultation, self-made gen-
social network or clinical setting; The white coat went out to bat- eral information and demographic questionnaires, including gender,
tle, 2020). Nurses on the front line in this event are showing the age, nursing age, education, professional qualifications, marital sta-
commitment and compassion that nurses do everywhere, but the tus, fertility status, whether the participants are the only child in their
truth is they are putting their lives at risk in the course of their duties families, whether their family supports them, whether they have been
(Catton et al., 2020). One third of all fatalities during the 2003 SARS trained in SARS-CoV-2 prevention and control knowledge, self-assess-
outbreak in China were health care professionals (Hung, 2003). In ment of the mastery of COVID-19 prevention and control knowledge,
the early days of the outbreak, more than 3,000 medical workers whether they participate in protective skills training, self-assessment
in Hubei Province were infected, 40% in hospitals and 60% in com- of the mastery of the protection skills, experience in related depart-
munities (e.g., social network or clinical setting; National support ments (e.g., fever clinic, infection department, respiratory and critical
Wuhan medical staff ‘zero infection’ novel coronavirus pneumonia, medicine department, critical medicine department and emergency
2020). department), whether they volunteer to participate in the support
The unfolding emergency caused by the COVID-19 in Wuhan work, whether they regret participating in the support work, whether
is putting nursing services under intense pressure. When nurses they have completed the support work with confidence, the name of
are exposed to working environments with high job demands and the hospital where they are working in, the time they participated in
low resources, higher job stress and greater physical and psycho- support and working hours per week, were completed.
logical stress symptoms may adversely affect health and well-being
(Chou, Li, & Hu, 2014; Khamisa, Oldenburg, Peltzer, & Ilic, 2015;
Lin, Liao, Chen, & Fan, 2014; Malinauskiene, Leisyte, Romualdas, 2.2.2 | Chinese version of the stress overload scale
& Kirtiklyte, 2011). Maintaining the mental health of nursing staff
is essential to control infectious diseases (Kang et al., 2019; Xiang Amirkhan (2012) developed a SOS, and Qian & Leilei (2014) intro-
et al., 2020). duced it and conducted cultural commissioning. The Chinese ver-
At present, studies on the epidemic situation of COVID-2019 sion of the SOS has good reliability and validity. The Cronbach's α
mostly focused on epidemiological investigation, prevention and value is 0.936, and the content validity is 0.860. The scale consists of
control, diagnosis and treatment. Fewer studies have investigated two dimensions: event load (12 entries) and individual vulnerability
1004 MO et al.
(10 entries), with 22 entries using a 5-point scoring method, ‘never follows: 34 (18.89%) junior college students, 143 (79.44%) undergradu-
before’ scores 1 point and ‘always there’ scores 5 points, with the ates and 3 (1.67%) masters. The professional qualification is as follows:
total score in the range of 22–110 points. The higher the score is, the 7 (3.89%) primary nurses, 102 (56.67%) senior nurses, 59 (32.78%) su-
greater the pressure load will be. pervisors and 12 (6.67%) deputy chief nurses. The marital status of the
participants is as follows: 89 (49.44%) married, 86 (47.78%) unmarried
and 5 (2.78%) divorced. The fertility status of the participants is as fol-
2.2.3 | Self-rating anxiety scale lows: 82 (45.56%) nurses are fertile, and 98 (54.44%) have no children.
in their families, working hours per week and anxiety were the main points, with a score rate of 39.91%, and those with a score > 50
factors influencing the stress load of nurses assisting in the fight were 22.22%. This result showed a widespread pressure on nurses
against COVID-19, which can explain 52.1% of the total variation, as in Hubei who helped fight against COVID-19. COVID-19 was se-
shown in Table 2. vere and coincided with the large-Scale cross-regional population
movement during the Chinese Lunar New Year. This epidemic has
spread to the entire country, with Wuhan as the epicentre, and the
4 | D I S CU S S I O N number of confirmed and suspected patients has increased rapidly
in a short period of time (e.g., social network or clinical setting;
4.1 | General perceived stress on nurses assisting in Epidemic situation of new coronavirus infection on 21 January
Wuhan to fight against COVID-19 2020 and Pneumonia situation of new coronavirus infection as
of 24:00 on 13 February 2020). This phenomenon has resulted
The results of this study showed that the total stress load of nurses in huge challenges in disease prevention and control. All localities
who assisted in fighting against COVID-19 was 39.91 ± 12.92 have actively responded to the national call and quickly formed a
1006 MO et al.
nursing team to assist in Hubei. Given unknown and uncontrol- parents will lose their only child. When multiple roles are in conflict,
lable nature of the epidemic rescue work, coupled with being far certain psychological pressure will be present.
away from their hometown and loved ones, the nurses helping in Social support is an important protective factor for psychological
Hubei had certain psychological pressure. resilience that alleviates mental stress and lifts psychological bar-
The pressure load of the nurses in Hubei who participated riers (Su & Guo 2015). Strengthening social support among nurses
in this study was at a moderately low level, which was slightly could also mitigate the effect of job strain on health, as has been
lower than that in the study of Wu et al. (2020) and other studies mentioned in the literature (Garcia-Rojas, Choi, & Krause, 2015;
(Kane, 2009; Lin et al., 2014), which may be attributed to the high Schmidt, 2013). Thus, the social support system of nurses should
level of conscientiousness and preparation for nurses in Hubei in be actively mobilized. Nurses should keep in touch with their fami-
this study. A total of 180 (100%) nurses took the initiative to ask lies and friends so as to achieve spiritual support. At the same time,
for participation in support and treatment and received support nurses should encourage one another, discuss and share our feelings
and encouragement from their loved ones. A total of 156 (86.67%) and experiences with their colleagues in a timely manner, and vent
nurses have working experience in related departments (e.g., negative emotions. Hu, Hu, Yang , Han, Yanmei (2014) reported that
fever clinic, infection department, respiratory and critical med- the social support of the nurses who are the only child in their fami-
icine department, critical medicine department and emergency lies maintains their mental health.
department). A total of 180 (100%) nurses have been trained in Furthermore, the worries of the front-line nurses should be re-
the prevention and control of COVID-19 in the hospital. As Bruce lieved. The government has implemented policies to care for medical
Aylward said that Chinese medical workers in the fight against workers (e.g., social network or clinical setting; Measures of Guangxi
COVID-19 epidemic exude a sense of responsibility and collective health commission to care for medical team members in Hubei,
action. They all have a mindset of fighting to complete the task 2020). For example, community staff visit nurses' families provide
(Kupferschmidt & Cohen 2020). help to families in need so that nurses can concentrate on their work
Conscientiousness is the strongest driving force of the work in Wuhan.
role performance (Ellershaw, Fullarton, & Mcwiliams, 2016).
Strengthening specialist training and preparation is the only effec-
tive measure to alleviate the psychological pressure of the medical 4.2.2 | Long working time per week increased stress
staff (Wong, Wong, Lee, & Goggins, 2007). Thus, in public health
emergencies, it is very important to mobilize the enthusiasm and Consistent with other studies (Huang et al., 2019; Triana-Palencia
conscientiousness of nurses. The government should try the best to et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2020), long working time per week increased
provide safe working conditions for nurses, while offering financial stress, which may be correlated with the fear of infection, exces-
subsidies and rewards. sive physical consumption, etc. COVID-19 infection is caused by
The knowledge of COVID-19 is limited, but it is highly contagious. respiratory droplet and close contact transmission; this infection is
In order to better care for patients and protect nurses, the training highly contagious (e.g., social network or clinical setting; Notice on
of the nursing team's business capabilities should be strengthened, Issuing a New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment
training plans of the COVID-19 epidemic should be formulated, the Plan [Trial Version 6], 2020). Nurses are at high risk of occupational
training content should be rationally set, and multimedia network exposure while caring for patient with COVID-19.
platforms should be used to promote the participation of all staff in After wearing a full set of protective clothing, nurses’ breath-
training and improve the knowledge and skills reserve of the nursing ing will be limited to a certain extent. To save the use of isolation
staff and epidemic response ability. clothing during work, nurses do not drink water or go to the toilet,
thereby increasing the difficulty of nursing work. In this case, the
longer the working time per week is, the higher the consumption of
4.2 | Factors affecting stress load of nurses assisting body and mind will be. Hence, the body is in a state of tension and fa-
in Wuhan to fight against COVID-19 tigue. If tension cannot be released for a long time, then the nurse is
prone to burnout. Burnout is correlated with the physical and mental
4.2.1 | Being a nurse who is the only child in their health of nurses and affects the quality and safety of nurses. Stress
family was highly stressful from work moderately affects burnout (Liu & Aungsuroch, 2019).
Thus, nurse managers should strengthen the allocation and man-
The stress load score of nurses who are the only child in their fami- agement of human resources, scientifically arrange shifts, reduce
lies in the present study was 50.87 ± 10.47 points and that of nurses the work intensity of nurses and decrease work pressure. In the case
who are the non-only child in their families was 38.91 ± 12.68 points of sufficient human resources, nurses’ participation in the treatment
(p < .05), which indicated that nurses who are the only child in their of COVID-19 is for less than 1 month. At the same time, the support
families were more stressful. This result may be correlated with role of medical protective equipment and other related materials should
conflict and social support system. They worry about the health of be increased, and conditions to provide medical staff with shower
their family members and fear that if they died of COVID-19, their and bath facilities should be actively created, thereby ensuring that
MO et al. |
the staff can thoroughly bathe when leaving the isolated ward after out an intervention. Finally, in addition to the factors concerned in
work and reducing the possibility of infection. this study, there may be other factors that affect the work stress
of nurses. Consequently, future research can expand the region and
increase the sample size.
4.2.3 | Anxiety was important factor affecting
nurses’ stress load
Anxiety is a negative emotional state perceived by individual subjec- M A N AG E R S
tively and one of the most common psychological obstacles of nurses
(Gao et al., 2012; Dongbo et al., 2018). In this survey, the average score The results of this study showed a widespread pressure on nurses
of SAS was 32.19 ± 7.56, which was significantly higher than the na- who are supporting in Wuhan to fight against COVID-19. Maintaining
tional standard anxiety level (p < .05). This result showed that nurses the mental health of nursing staff is essential to control COVID-19.
had evident anxiety, which was similar to the results of Wu et al. (2020) Nurse leaders should pay attention to the work stress and the re-
and Zhang, Li, Zheng, Zhang, (2020). The results of a multifactor analy- lated factors of the clinical nurses. Nurse managers should try the
sis showed that anxiety is an important factor affecting nurses’ stress best to provide safe working conditions for nurses, while offering
load. The correlation analysis also shows that anxiety is positively cor- financial subsidies and rewards, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm and
related with stress load. The more evident the anxiety is, the more conscientiousness of nurses.
intense the pressure that the nurses will feel. Many previous studies The knowledge of COVID-19 is limited, but it is highly contagious.
have also shown that nurses with high stress lead to anxiety, frus- Nurses who received COVID 19 epidemic training had higher mental
tration, depression and other psychological disorders and emotions health levels than those who did not (Wu et al., 2020). Thus, nursing
(Malinauskiene et al., 2011; Teles, Barbosa, & Vargas, 2014). managers should make the study plans of the COVID-19 epidemic,
COVID-19 is highly infectious and spread rapidly, with suspected and multimedia network platforms should be used to promote the
and confirmed patients increasing daily. Nurses feel anxiety and participation of all staff in training and improve the epidemic re-
helplessness due to so many patients. The government of China sponse ability.
has implemented policies to address these mental health problems. Different from the past, because of the strong transmission
Medical workers infected with COVID-19 due to the performance of power of virus, in order to reduce cross-infection, the nurse had to
their duties, they shall be identified as industrial injury and enjoy the stay alone in the room after finishing the work (e.g., social network or
benefits of industrial injury insurance according to law (e.g., social clinical setting; Notice on Issuing a New Coronary Virus Pneumonia
network or clinical setting; Occupational injury insurance supports Diagnosis and Treatment Plan [Trial Version 6], 2020). They may
occupational injury ‘protection umbrella’ for prevention and rescue feel lonely, anxious and so on. Thus, nursing managers should help
personnel in the fight against new coronavirus pneumonia, 2020). nurses actively mobilize their social support systems.
Online platforms with medical advice have been provided to share Furthermore, nurse leaders should guide nurses to adjust their
information on how to decrease the risk of transmission between psychological state scientifically. Leisure activities and training on
the patients in medical settings, which aims to eventually reduce the how to relax should be properly arranged to help staff reduce stress.
anxiety and pressure on medical workers (Kang et al., 2019). Nurses
should maintain their psychological health to ensure the quality
of care for patients (Hsiao & Tseng 2020). Nurse managers should 7 | CO N C LU S I O N S
guide the nurses to adjust their psychological state scientifically.
Leisure activities and training on how to relax should be properly COVID-19 presents a vast public health challenge all around the
arranged to help staff reduce stress. world. The outbreak of COVID-19 is complicated, infectious and
generally susceptible. COVID-19 brings remarkable challenges to
social prevention and control and front-line treatment. In public
5 | LI M ITATI O N S health emergencies, the psychological stress of the nurses should
be focused. Nurses who supported COVID-19 treatment in Wuhan
Several limitations should be considered. First, this study only in- were generally under pressure. Whether the participants are the
vestigated the nurses from Guangxi who are supporting in Wuhan only child in their families, working hours per week and anxiety were
to fight against COVID-19 without additional data from nurses who the main factors that affected nurses’ stress load. This study inves-
came from other provinces. Thus, the results cannot be general- tigated the work stress among nurses who are supporting Wuhan
ized to all Chinese nurses. Second, as a cross-sectional design, this in fighting against COVID-19 infection and analysed the influenc-
study could only evaluate the work stress at the time without the ing factors, and shared and proposed some methods to relieve the
longitudinal observation of the subjects. Third, due to time con- stress, which may provide reference for nurses in other countries in
straints, we only conducted a questionnaire survey and did not carry mental health maintenance.
1008 MO et al.
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