Vulcania - Eng (April-2020)
Vulcania - Eng (April-2020)
Vulcania - Eng (April-2020)
[email protected]
Illustrations: Jacopo Tagliasacchi, Virginia Chiabotti, Carmine Cassese, Daniele D’Italia, Federico
Ferrarese, Giorgia Lanza, Luca Gagliasso, Matteo Leoni, Paolo Vallerga.
Playtesters: Aulo Lucignani, Carlo Lingua, Dario Dusio, Fabio Finiguerra, Gian Carlo Antonelli, Gian-
luca Mondo, Giorgio Savio, Giovanni Bersani, Lorenzo Moffa, Luca “Grippus” Galietta, Luca “Il Druido”
Onesti, Marco Barbarini, Marco Calderone, Marco Salusso, Mario Lingua, Mattia Cerrato, Renato “Tuccio”
Ligas, Stefano Armaliti, Stefano Truzzi.
This is a work of fantasy. All characters and places are a product of imagination.
Special Thanks
The first, huge thank you goes to two wonderful peo- (composer), Maurizio “BB” Bivona (video editing) and
ple of our wonderful team, who have given their heart Stefano “Plinto” Rizzo (animation, video shooting and
and soul to this project during its whole development editing, voice over).
and especially its crowdfunding phase; Marco “Daeron” A never-big-enough thank you to the “Sex Drugs and
Ventura and Virginia Chiabotti. THANK YOU! For the D&D” crew who have supported us since day one with
help, the patience, the hours of sleep they have sacrifi- their incredibly precious advice.
ced to the project gods and all the work and passion they
have dedicated to this adventure.
A huge shout out to Aulo Lucignani, alongside
whom everything started, and to our loyal adventu-
ring companions Carlo “The Dice President” Lingua,
Gian Carlo “Iron Giancus” Antonelli and our official A last, thank you Caterina, Erica, Alyssa, Ettore and
Narrator Luca “Grippus” Galietta, who has braved Livio who have always encouraged, supported (and bor-
countless conventions to spread the word of Vulcania. ne with) us during the countless nights spent at the PC
Hats off to those wonderfully talented madmen who working.
made possible the cross media content, Emanuele Frusi
Mattia Arnaudo
Simone Raspi
Past Experiences: each Islenation has a selection Lawrence just started playing and wants to create
of unique Past Experiences only available to Cha- a tough, intimidating Character, one that com-
racters hailing from there. mands respect. He loves colder climates, so his
Of course, should the available selection not suit
obvious choice is having his Character be a native
your needs, feel free to come up with your own Past
of Nuugard. Growing up in such an inhospi-
Experiences by consulting with the Narrator. Re-
member: the Narrator has the last word on all Past
table and savage land grants the Character a +1
Experiences. to their STAMINA and Senses scores, which
. Lawrence notes on his sheet. Then, he adds the
Origin Bonus: this feature grants an extra point Nuugard Knowledge in the dedicated space on his
to an ATTRIBUTE and a Skill, depending on the sheet and chooses “Tough as Nails” for an ex-
Islenation, as shown on the table at the beginning of tra Wound. Now, Lawrence is ready for the next
this section. phase of Character creation..
was lost and the cities, now in ruins, do not offer the
ABRABAZEM stability they used to.
Abrabs, then, have turned into a nomadic people,
Once, it was one of the most powerful nations, the roving from one edge of their continent to another
seat of the mightiest credit agencies on the planet. on foot or in ramshackle vehicles.
Today, Abrabazem is a desolate wasteland, deva- Those who retained some form of sanity attempt
stated by the explosion of the Abrabaz volcano that to leave this hell to try a new life in other Islenations,
caused the end of the Letvian War. although they tend to find integration difficult.
Toxic clouds pollute the air, the aquifers are con- Their reputation as cunning, heartless, and god-
taminated, and the few settlements left that managed less exploiters often turns against them, and many
to rebuild after the catastrophe constantly fight for times they have been segregated into ghettos.
survival. To make things worse, the fear that any Abrabazi
The Abrabs are shorter and stockier than average, might hide infectious mutations under their clothes
with dark hair and olive skin. is widespread.
The incident of the Abrabaz volcano completely
destroyed their society, fracturing them into a myriad Geographic Knowledge: Abrabazem
of smaller, disorganized groups. Regional Past Experiences: Shylok
The chaos that followed such a dramatic event al- Origin Bonus: +1 STAMINA, +1 Insight
lowed the resurgence of tribal groups, based on the
survival of the fittest and the mutation-induced ra- Special Traits
vings of their chieftains. Mutation – Abrab Characters choose one muta-
They prey on those who try to rebuild what tion from those listed in the next paragraph.
Survivor – The Character gains 1 extra point they
can spend on any STAMINA-related Skill.
Touched by Fate – Fate chose to spare the Cha-
racter when the volcano erupted, granting them an
extra Gear of Fate per game session.
The Abrabaz incident caused an incredible amount
of damage to the nation, killing hundreds of thou-
The survivors
had to face toxic
exhalations expan-
ding all over the island
and acid rain that burned
the skin and poisoned the waters,
killing many more.
Survivors, meanwhile, began displaying
signs of horrible mutations, altering their bo-
dies from one generation to the next. Even
today, it is possible for apparently “normal”
Abrab people to suffer from them if they spend too Webbed Hands and Feet, Gills
much time in their own homeland.
Whispers and rumors circulate about the many The Character’s body has adapted to amphibious life.
horrors living in Abrabazem… the Abrab being just They do not suffer any penalty for moving and
one of them. breathing underwater, while still being able to utilize
Some say your Character was given a new lease on all the normal land-based maneuvers.
life, others that they are the harbinger of a new era. Thanks to their gills, the Character can filter fu-
There are even those who see those desperate re- mes and toxins as if they wore a Februm mask.
fugees as the very incarnation of Evil.
Sometimes the Character is proud of their marks,
other times they are a source of shame and many Quill Mane
wish they could have had a choice in the matter.
Time, however, has been a wise teacher, and most The Character’s hair has thickened into long quills
eventually learn to live with their new abilities. they can throw for short distances by vigorously sha-
Back in Abrabazem, mutations are normal, but now king their head.
that you have left that scorched wasteland, you will be
forced to take precautions to hide your predicament. Hail of Quills. When the Character rolls an
Balastoc expressively forbade, under the pain of Opportunity on a Dodge Test, they can hurl some of
death, any mutant from entering their cities, belie- their quills, dealing 1 point of damage to any creatu-
ving that they brought only darkness among the chil- re within 3 cubitus of them.
dren of Isairnes.
In Ketniv, too, mutants are not welcome, althou-
gh the Emperor still has not officially pronounced Tail
himself on the matter. Oftentimes, in fact, Abrab
traveling in Ketniv disappear or suffer mysterious ac- The Character’s spine has evolved into a fully-grown
cidents after short periods of time spent as “guests” tail.
of the Imperial authorities. No matter if it is hairless or covered in fur or sca-
Nuugard, Mostucaal, and Itthegasp are more to- les, it still is flexible and boasts a limited prehensile
lerant in regards to the Abrab, but they are not yet capacity.
fully accepting. By having a tail, the Character gains 1 extra Agility
point and a +2 bonus to any Test rolled for climbing
or dangling from somewhere.
Toxic Breath A tail also allows a Character to carry, although
not use, small and light items, like medium-sized we-
Your breath is laced with toxins that cause quick apons.
irritation when they come in contact with mucous
Your body has adapted to withstand their effect, but Horns
your lips have turned bluish and the blood vessels
around your chin and cheeks form a light blue grid. The Character’s skull developed one or more horns
that they have learned how to use in combat.
Tear Induction. When the Character rolls
an Opportunity on a melee attack Test, they can in- Ram. When the Character rolls an Opportu-
flict the Blinded condition on their target. nity on a melee attack Test, they can push their op-
ponent up to 2 cubitus away, knocking them prone of putting one’s life to the service of those who have
when they land. saved it until the debt is repaid in kind.
Failing to repay a life debt is considered a source
of great shame and dishonor, and almost always re-
Reptilian Eyes sults in the banishing of the perpetrator.
On the other hand, wronging a Balast is met with
The Character is capable of seeing in the infrared such furious retribution, sometimes involving entire
spectrum, telling people and objects apart by their families, that they are respected and feared by those
heat signature even in the thickest of darkness wi- from other Islenations.
thin a range of 12 cubitus.
However, they can use this ability only when it is pi- Geographic Knowledge: Balastoc
tch black. Regional Past Experiences: Mujimam
Origin Bonus: +1 MAGNETISM, +1 Athletics
An unstable land for as long as man can remem-
ber, Itteghasp flourished in the pursuit of arts and
Neutral during the Letvian War, in the present
day Itteghasp is one of the most prosperous of the
Vulcanian nations and the seat of the Monopolies
and their secrets.
The Itteghi are known for their innate capacity
for adaptation, allowing it to exist as an archipe-
lago of independent islands without a defined
national identity.
Being so fragmented, the Itteghi are proud
and competitive, preferring curiosity and ambi-
tion over a sedentary lifestyle.
Many leave their homes to explore the for-
gotten corners of the world, hunting for new
lore to learn from.
Their passion for technological trinkets is
well known outside their national borders, and it Special Traits
does not take much time for a new idea to be turned Family Business – The Character’s family knew
into a business. how to exploit the Islenation’s flourishing markets
Thanks to their entrepreneurial and smart nature, to establish a profitable business. The Character re-
people from Itteghasp have always held positions of ceives an additional 500 $ during Character creation.
power within the Monopolies themselves and other Duelist – When fighting in melee against a single
minor corporations, to the point where many were opponent, the Character receives a +1 morale bonus
granted the right to have their headquarters on It- to their attack Tests.
teghi soil. Brilliant Mind – The Character gains 1 extra
The majority of the Itteghi are of medium height point they can spend on any MIND-related Skills.
and fair of skin, although frequent migratory fluxes
Special Traits
Imperial Training – The Empire is
known for imposing physical activities on
its citizens. The Character gains 1 bo-
nus point to spend on any DEXTE-
RITY-related Skill.
Focused – The Character can
focus on the task ahead to the
point where they no longer need
to roll Concentration Tests. When
not surprised, they gain a +1 bonus
to Initiative Tests.
Fearless – The typical restraint of
many Ketnyi makes them immune to the
Frightened and Terrorized conditions.
Quick Draw – Once per game session, at the be- Honor and glory in battle spur them to look for
ginning of a fight where the Character is not sur- combat in close quarters, with ranged weapons
prised and before Initiative is rolled, they can shoot being used mostly for hunting or against opponents
with a loaded firearm in their possession and readily deemed unfit for true combat.
accessible. Though rough around the edges, they are famous
Should more than one Character benefit from this for not beating around the bush and going straight
feature, the order in which they execute it is decided to the point of a discussion, often showing a sur-
by an opposed Discipline Test. prising amount of wisdom in their words.
The Nuug have a strong bond with the nature
around them, making them feel trapped and un-
NUUGARD comfortable when outside of their wild lands.
However, they are not ignorant barbarians, as
Nuugard is a cold, unforgiving land, dotted with one might think.
arctic forests and frozen fjords, its resources still Their society is simple, yet efficient, ruled by the
mostly intact thanks to the respect its inhabitants Council of Counts.
have for the land. So far, they have led their people well, making
The Nuug are a stoic and proud people, used to the sure the Nuug society lives in harmony with their
frigid climates and the silent forests of the North. homeland.
They rarely speak and are as tough as the moun- Generally, the Nuug are tall, with pale skin, bu-
tains among which they were born. shy beards, and muscled, often hirsute, limbs.
Once they give their word, they will go to great Tattoos are held in high regard, as they mark the
lengths to keep it and they never back down from a passage of a person into adulthood.
challenge, making them famed hunters and warriors
throughout the entire world. Geographic Knowledge: Nuugard
Regional Past Experiences: Valkyr
Origin Bonus: +1 STAMINA, +1 Senses
Special Traits
Ferocious – The Character kills with bru-
tality, leaving their opponents gripped by
fear. Whenever they kill an enemy, every-
body within 2 cubitus of them suffers
the Frightened condition.
Long Strider – The Character is tall
and used to long walks in the wilder-
ness: They add +1 to their base Mo-
Tough as Nails – The Character
is used to life in the harsh climates
of the North: They add +1 to
their base Wounds score.
ATTRIBUTES This is how quick the Character’s reasoning is, their
insight, and how well they can elaborate what their
senses tell them.
ATTRIBUTES represent the innate physical, social, Characters with a high MIND score have keen
and mental qualities of a Character, their values ran- senses and a nose for lies or reading intentions, often
ging from 0, the worst, to 6, the best. favoring ranged weapons with which to wreak havoc
During this phase of character creation, you can without having to jump into the fray.
spend SIX points between the four Attributes of
your future Character: STAMINA, DEXTERITY,
Each Attribute can receive a maximum of
THREE points, including any bonus points from the This is the sum of all the aesthetic, behavioral, and
Character’s Origins. It is possible for a Character to spiritual factors that allow the Character to attract
start the game with an attribute with ZERO points. attention and influence those who surround them.
As an example, physically powerful Characters Characters with powerful MAGNETISM scores
have a higher STAMINA score than charismatic excel in imposing their will on others by lying, inti-
ones, who instead excel in MAGNETISM. midating, or seducing.
As Attributes do not increase as much as other
Character abilities, during the game, it is important
to assign these six initial points with care. Our friend Lawrence is now defining his Cha-
When you are done with them, pencil them down racter’s ATTRIBUTES. Wanting a strong, fear-
on your Character sheet. less fighter, he assigns 2 points to STAMINA, to
profit from the +1 he received as a Nuug and then
2 more to DEXTERITY.
The remaining 2 points go into MIND and MA-
STAMINA GNETISM. The scores he notes on his Character
sheet, then, are as follows.
This is the height, build, and bulk of your Character.
This ATTRIBUTE is relevant to all Tests for phy-
sical exertion, like running, swimming, jumping, and Attribute Score
the like, and is key when fighting as it is a measure of
how much damage the Character can sustain.
Sesterzii $: 80
Arts: Master Biopsist
Bonus Skills: Handicraft 1, Analysis 1, Insight 1,
Discipline 1, Resistance 2
Equipment: knife, pistol, aculeus, portable lab,
mutagens (celeritas, potio, purificatio).
Sesterzii $: 20
Arts: Aviator, Scoundrel, Stabber
Bonus Skills: Brawl 2, Agility 1, Stealth 1,
Reflexes 1, Aggression 1
Equipment: dagger, shank, darts (5), crystallus,
chameleon, februm.
Sesterzii $: 20
Arti: Meccanicus, Tecnicus
Bonus Skills: Strength 1, Handicraft 2, Analysis
1, Senses 1, Discipline 1
Equipment: knife, revolver, gizmos (harpago)
Sesterzii $: 30
Arts: Master Entropist
Bonus Skill: Handicraft 2, Analysis 1, Insight 1,
Resistance 2
Equipment: knife, pistol, iuppiter or acidus,
bombs (bombard, glacies, glutinum).
Sesterzii $: 70
Arts: Infiltrator, Spy
Bonus Skills: Stealth 1, Analysis 1, Insight 2,
Charm 1, Cunning 1
Equipment: knife, pistol, auctus, chameleon,
mutagens (noctuor: 2), toxins (sopor).
Sesterzii $: 90
Arts: Magister Omega
Bonus Skills: Discipline 2, Analysis 1,
Insight 1, Charm 1, Cunning 1
Equipment: schiavona, pistol, re-
mote devices (drone, simple grafts: 5),
bombs (bombard, glacies, glutinum).
Sesterzii $: 320
Arts: Surgeon
Bonus Skills: Handicraft 2, Analysis 2, Disci-
pline 1, Insight 1
Equipment: saber, revolver, absolutio, pharus,
Doctor’s Bag, mutagens (potio: 2)
Sesterzii $: 20
Arts: Gambler, Emerald Blades or Fencer or Re-
Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Strength 1,
Resistance 1, Reflexes 1, Senses 1
Equipment: schiavona or war-axe, stiletto, scat-
tergun, armor (lorica), februm, mutagens (impetus,
potio), bombs (plangor).
Sesterzii $: 20
Arts: Investigator, Legionnaire
Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Strength 1,
Resistance 1, Reflexes 1, Discipline 1
Equipment: knife, saber, truncheon, pistol,
shield, armor (lorica), pharus, mutagens (potio),
bombs (glutinum).
Sesterzii $: 120
Arts: Magister Psi
Bonus Skills: Analysis 1, Insight 1, Discipline 1,
Charm 1, Cunning 1, Aggression 1
Equipment: knife, pistol, serpis, remote devices
Sesterzii $: 30
Arts: Ballistics Expert, Fusilier
Bonus Skills: Resistance 1, Handicraft 1, Analysis
1, Discipline 1, Senses 2
Equipment: knife, axe, rifle, oculus, bombs (K
foam), mutagens (exactus, potio).
Sesterzii $: 20
Arts: Aviator, Merchant, Swashbuckler
Bonus Skills: Brawl 1, Stealth 1, Insight 1, Sen-
ses 1, Charm 1, Aggression 1
Equipment: knife, pistol.
Sesterzii $: 60
Arts: Investigator, Ballistics Expert
Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Analysis 1,
Senses 1, Aggression 1
Equipment: knife, schiavona, whip, rifle,
pharus, excursor backpack, mutagens (celeri-
tas, potio), bombs (glutinum, glacies), toxi-
nes (sopor: 2).
Sesterzii $: 15
Arts: Explorer, Scout
Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Resistance 1, Stealth
1, Analysis 2, Senses 1
Equipment: machete, whip, tomahawk (5), ri-
fle, excursor bagpack, pharus, mutagens (noctuor:
2, purificatio), remedies of old gretchen (one of
Some stories can be told by any Vulcanian, others
are deeply rooted in a specific Islenation. Characters
can choose the following Past Experiences only if
they took the Origin indicated in parentheses.
Sesterzii $: 20
Arts: Ballistic Expert, Gunslinger
Bonus Skills: Brawl 1, Handicraft 1, Reflexes 1,
Insight 1, Senses 2
Equipment: knife, pistol , revolver.
Sesterzii $: 30
Arts: Fencer, Swordsman
Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Agility
2, Stealth 1, Reflexes 1, Insight 1
Equipment: knife, rapier, pistol, mutagens
Sesterzii $: 50
Arts: Merchant, Human Subject
Bonus Skills: Resistance 2, Stealth 1,
Charm 1, Cunning 1, Aggression 1
Equipment: machete, crossbow, cingu-
lum, februm, pharus, traveler’s bagpack, mu-
tagens (celeritas, cortex, noctuor: 2, potio,
Sesterzii $: 30
Arts: Ascetic, Disciple
Bonus Skills: Agility 1, Reflexes 1,
Discipline 2, Insight 1, Luck 1
Equipment: shuriken (5), shan-
dian (3), traveler’s bagpack.
first into anything they do. They are proud and face
VALKYR life knowing they could die the following day.
Combat: thanks to their height and bulk, the
Valkyr lord over weaker enemies in melee combat.
The elite corps of the Nuug army, they train for Although favoring large, hefty weapons, they’ll make
combat and battle from their youngest days. Only use of any kind of bludgeoning, slashing, chopping,
those who show unwavering courage and an insane or stabbing implement.
penchant for melee can hope to go anywhere wea-
ring the colors of the Valkyr, and the Character is Origins: the Nuug tundra is one of the most ho-
one of them. Their purple tattoos are the only pro- stile lands to live in, where the most ferocious of the
of anybody needs to have absolutely no doubt what Vulcanian warriors are born. Forged by the hard-
happens if they mess with them. ships of the tundra, the Valkyr do not fear death,
instead hoping it takes them after a long and bloody
Psychology: Nuug shock troops are usually battle.
reckless and hot-headed, ready to dive face
Sesterzii $: 50
Arts: Reaper
Bonus Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl
1, Strength 2, Resistance 1, Ag-
gression 1
Equipment: axe,
warhammer, tomahawk
(5), sawed-off, armor
(lorica), februm, muta-
gens (impetus, potio:
2), bombs (bom-
bard, plangor).
As an example, a Character with a DEXTERITY Strength is the measure of the Character’s raw mu-
score of 3 can have a maximum of 4 points in any scle power. Common Strength Tests involve bre-
DEXTERITY-related Skill. aking barriers, lifting heavy weights, or lobbing
As detailed later in the book, a Character can ac-
quire additional points in their Skill Bonuses through • RESISTANCE
the experience they gain during the game. On the Resistance is the Character’s toughness and their
other hand, ATTRIBUTE scores increase by 1 only capacity to withstand physical effort, toxic substan-
when the sum of the Skill Bonuses of their related ces, or a lack of sustenance for extended periods
Skills reaches 4, 10, and then 18. This applies during of time.
character creation also.
The Score of his Senses Skill includes the bonus from • ANALYSIS
the Nuugard Origin. Analysis defines the Character’s ability to process
data and reason. Common Analysis Tests inclu-
de finding clues or secret passages, recognizing
symptoms of a mysterious illness or poisoning,
DEXTERITY-related Skills identifying chemicals, or understanding mechani-
cal devices.
These skills define how much fine control the Cha-
racter has over their own body, their precision, and • INSIGHT
the coordination of their movements. Insight is the Character’s capacity to quickly gauge
people and situations. Common Insight Tests are
• AGILITY understanding the true intentions of one’s interlo-
Agility covers eye-to-limb coordination and the abi- cutor or finding ways out of a delicate situation.
lity of the Character to control their body under
extreme conditions. Common Agility Tests inclu- • SENSES
de keeping one’s footing or pulling off acrobatic Senses covers the sensory spectrum of the Cha-
stunts. racter. Senses Tests can involve shooting with fire-
arms or scanning the environment for threats. Sen-
• STEALTH ses Tests cover not only sight, but also the other
Stealth is the capacity to move silently and preci- four senses.
sely. Common Stealth Tests cover hiding, infiltra-
ting a building, picking a pocket, or blending into • DISCIPLINE
a crowd. Discipline is the Character’s ability to keep their
cool even under stressful conditions. Discipline Te-
• HANDICRAFT sts cover resisting panic and performing tasks that
Handicraft represents how precise the Character is require a great degree of concentration.
when performing tasks that require precision, such
MAGNETISM-related Skills them feel comfortable. Often, Charm Tests are ne-
cessary when trying to seduce somebody or to con-
This measure defines how the Character interacts vince them of something.
with other people, the surrounding world, and the
energies that move the universe, be they fate, deities, • CUNNING
or chance. Cunning determines how convincing the Character
MAGNETISM is especially useful outside of is when they lie or try to deceive the person they are
combat, as it covers the vast majority of social in- talking to. Common Cunning Tests cover telling a lie
teractions. or trying to impersonate somebody else.
• CHARM Aggression is how capable the Character is at having
Charm indicates how capable the Character is at other people comply to their will. Aggression Tests
gaining somebody’s trust or sympathy and making cover extorting information with duress or making
Now it is time for Lawrence to spend his final 6 Bonus than 2 points in them. Therefore, he must add the Bonus
Skills as he sees fit. he spent in Senses to some other Skill, such as Agility.
Skill Skill Bonus
Skill Skill Bonus
Athletics 2
Resistance 1 Athletics 3
Reflexes 1 Resistance 2
Senses 1 Agility 1
Luck 1 Stealth 1
Reflexes 1
Adding together the Bonus Skills he obtained from his Analysis 2
Origins and Past Experiences, their total is the following: Senses 2
Luck 1
Skill Skill Bonus
Having spent 4 Bonuses to STAMINA-rela-
Athletics 3
ted Skills (Athletics 3 and Resistance 2) Lawren-
Resistance 2
ce can add 1 to his STAMINA score. The same
Stealth 1 applies to MIND (Analysis 2 + Senses 2).
Reflexes 1 Therefore, the ATTRIBUTES of Lawrence’s Cha-
Analysis 2 racter looks like the following:
Senses 3
Luck 1 STAMINA 4
As he spent only 1 point on his Character’s MIND, MIND 2
Lawrence cannot have MIND-specific Skills with more MAGNETISM 1
The measure of how well the Cha- Lawrence now notes the Tactical Indicators for
racter is able to avoid being hit by ranged and area- his Character in their slots on his sheet:
of-effect attacks.
As only those Characters who have precogniti- Dodge 3
ve gifts or are capable of reading the code of the Evade 2
universe can predict such things, this is measured by
Initiative 2
Luck and any relevant modifiers.
Movement 4
Wounds 6
Character movement depends on how the Narra- It is up to the Narrator to decide when to have the
tor makes time flow. While in the majority of cases group roll and against what Difficulty, considering
it is enough to say that they do something for it to that a four hour walk is considered to be an Easy (Dif-
eventually happen, the Narrator might interrupt your ficulty 8) task.
action momentarily to describe an important event. On a failure, the group must stop for some time
Moving over particularly long distances is measured in to recover their energies and start again. If the group
hours or days of travel, without considering the Mo- fails another such Test before resting, they are so tired
vement Tactical Indicator. that they must take a longer rest of at least six hours.
A day of travel is usually made of just eight hours
of actual traveling, as Characters spend the rest of the
time making and unmaking camp, stopping for rest, 6. GEARING UP
cooking, and the like.
All of that is not even remotely interesting, so it is All Characters begin the game with some money to
just assumed that it happens. their name.
Although each Islenation has their own currencies,
• Movement Types the banking corporations make sure that all of them
can be linked to a uniform value, that of the universal-
When traveling using narrative time, Characters can
ly-accepted Sesterzius.
either walk or march.
Each Character’s initial wealth depends on their
Walking: a sustained but not too tiring pace, that
Past Experience, and can be spent on extra equipment
roughly equals 5 kilocubitus an hour. (1 Kilocubitus = or saved for later, at the player’s preference.
1,000 cubitus). Starting equipment granted by Past Origins is
Marching (x2): a faster traveling pace, equaling always free, and a few items, like weapons, can modify
around 10 kilocubitus an hour. your Tactical Indicators.
Additional information can be found in Chapter
• Environment V—Equipment.
The aforementioned travel distances assume that the
Characters are moving on flat, clear terrain or a road, When it comes to weapons, as your Character will
although it will not always be like that. most likely use different kinds during their adventu-
Whenever a trail is not available, traveling speed ring career, it is better to note their Tactical Indicator
slows down at the discretion of the Narrator. modifiers separately.
Alternatively, the group could have to wade throu-
gh atmospheric phenomena like storms that slow
them down, or make haste to reach a specific objective
earlier than planned.
Now your Character Sheet is ready to start adventu-
ring! However, as you might have noticed, we have
• Fatigue focused only on the numbers so far, with close to no
When traveling on land, the worst enemy of a group attention to the narrative details of your Character.
of adventurers is fatigue. Nobody knows their physical appearance, their atti-
As time passes, Characters must roll Resistance Te- tude, their age, and all those characteristics that sepa-
sts to determine the amount of fatigue they are suffe- rate them from the rest of the larger humanity.
ring - the faster they travel, the more frequently they
should roll.
• The Seducer
• The Tough Guy
The Character has an almost hypnotic influence over
Always strutting about the place with an aggressive the other gender, one they are fatally attracted to.
look to them, they never back down from a fight. More often than not, they do not know where this
magnetic effect comes from, because it cannot just
be their good looks and conversational skills! Many
Contemplation Study
Personality: Righteous, Dark One Personality: Righteous or Loser
The Character seeks the peace of the sun setting on Not necessarily a vice, although there are some who
the ocean, a dark forest, or the fabled aurora borealis consider it so.
up north. Especially among the academic types, finding so-
Taking in the beauty of a landscape or a work of mething new, complex, and interesting to learn is
architecture in complete solitude is the cure for all no small feat, and few can deny the inner peace that
ailments. cracking the code of the universe can grant.
Table1.2 - Appearance
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Personalities and Vices should offer a solid enou- details about their past.
gh starting point to flesh out the way in which your Where do they come from? Who is their family?
Character is unique and different from all the others. How did they end up living their Past Experiences?
Players are welcome to develop their own perso- All this information will make playing your Cha-
nality types and vices (based on Narrator approval, racter more fun, and will serve as hooks for the
of course) if what is here does not fit their character Narrator to weave even more epic and compelling
concept. stories.
Of course, it is part of the of the Narrator’s lot You can also add secondary characters to your
to make sure that situations where players pick traits background, to motivate their choices! People like
just for the bonuses they offer do not happen. mentors, opponents, great friends, and the like!
After all, an individual person is never the result
of a vacuum-sealed environment, but of the inte-
BACKSTORY ractions between them and the many people they
met during their life.
Now that the Character is basically complete, the
only thing missing is a bit of backstory, with a few
SCORE Skill Value
This score is the sum
of Skill Bonuses and
Skill Bonus ATTRIBUTE and is
This score is used added to the d12 roll to
only when creating or determine a success or
modifying a Character failure of a Test.
sheet and not during
actual play.
Iniziative Wounds
Dodge Movement Dodge score,
including any
Evade Damage Reduction weapon modifier.
Weapon and score
to add to the d12
result, including
Skill score and
any weapon mo-
Optimal Normal 10 1h
Adverse Hard 14 ½h
If the Narrator asks you to roll a Senses Test when The Narrator, then, could have you roll an Op-
your Characters are skulking in an alley, you, not your posed Senses Test against their Stealth score, or
Character, would be suspiciously sure that the Supre- they might even roll a Hidden Opposed Senses Test
me Entity in the universe that your paper alter egos against the same score without you even noticing.
have no idea even exists is plotting something, right? In either case, on a Success the Narrator would
In other words, your Character would not have any tell you that there is somebody on the heels of your
clue, because they are not aware of the rolling, but Character.
you would. Should you have specified that your Character is
To avoid such an occurrence, commonly referred paying attention to any suspicious bystanders while
at as “metagame,” it is the Narrator who rolls these walking down said alley, the Narrator would ask you
Tests. to roll an Analysis Test instead.
Skill Challenges
Butch decides to go all-in to bust his old friend
Rodrigo out of jail by attempting to pose as There are situations when the Character is called to
one of the guards. The Narrator rolls a Hid- succeed at a Test in competition with somebody else,
den Cunning Test to determine the credibility of like getting somewhere first. Resolve this as if it was
the disguise, adding Butch’s Cunning score of 5. an Opposed Test that always pits the same two Skills
However, the dice gods set for him to roll a 1… one against the other.
So, Butch presents himself at the prison, wearing
a totally inconspicuous set of fake mustaches and
the totally not wrong uniform. For a master of Utilizing Items
disguise like him, what could ever go wrong?!
When using an item that requires a Test that is not
dependent on the individual Skills of a Character,
instead of adding a Skill modifier to the d12, add
Opposed Tests half the Difficulty listed in the item’s description,
rounded up.
Skill Tests are not always against the environment or
inanimate objects.
During their adventures, your Character will inte- Chana manages to sneak into the kitchen of
ract with other living beings. In these circumstances the complex where her friend Vas is held. There,
the Difficulty score is not arbitrarily set by the Nar- she poisons the beer with a dose of Bonomella,
rator, but directly by the opponent your Character is a powerful narcotic, in the hopes of silently neu-
tralizing the local security. To see how potent the
STAMINA and DEXTERITY - related Opposed
drug is, she must make a Test rolling a d12 plus
Tests are most often rolled against other STAMINA
or DEXTERITY-related Skills. half of the Bonomella’s Difficulty (15), rounded
On the other hand, MIND and MAGNETI- up. With a 7 on the die and a +8 from the item,
SM-related Tests are not likely to be opposed by spe- the result is 15 against the 9 rolled for the guards’
cific Skills, depending instead on the situation. Resistance. After a few minutes, those who drank
As an example, let us imagine your Character is fall asleep in their chairs and Chana can now
walking in an alley unaware that they are being sha- help her friend!
dowed by a thug.
Athletics - Athletics
Brawl - Brawl
Strength - Strength
Resistance Resistance -
Agility - Agility
Handicraft - Handicraft
Reflexes Reflexes -
Analysis - Stealth
Insight - Cunning
Senses - Stealth
Discipline - Discipline
Charm Discipline -
Cunning Insight -
Aggression Discipline -
Luck Luck -
Improving Skills
One of Lawrence’s fellow players, Jennifer, plays the Vas is facing two adjacent enemies who are barring
agile Ketnyi acrobat named Akane, who is about to his way. He attacks one of them with a heavy ax,
climb half a kilocubitus of steep, ruthless mountain- rolling a Strength Test. The result is a 13, enough to
side. hit, so his player spends one of their Gears of Fate to
The Narrator says it will take her at least an hour activate the weapon’s Cleave Opportunity and deal 1
and a half, made all the harder by the lack of surface point of damage to the adjacent opponent also.
features that would grant her a better grip.
The first Test Jennifer rolls is an Athletics 12
Test, getting a 5 on the die.
The only occasion in which it is possible to spend
Akane’s Athletics score is 7, for a total of 12, so
a Gear of Fate to reroll a natural 1 is when the Cha-
she barely passed it!
racter is left with only 1 Wound.
The Narrator then asks Jennifer to roll another
If the Test they just rolled a 1 for would result in
Athletics Test, this time with Difficulty 14, for which
them suffering damage, then they can spend a Gear
she rolls a meager 2. For that, Akane suffers the Fa-
to reroll it.
tigued condition. But, Jennifer chooses to fight through
the fatigue and pain and rolls again in spite of that
-2 penalty.
The Price of Destiny
Unfortunately, Jennifer rolls only a 5, which is not
enough. Now, only a Gear of Fate and a good roll
Each time a player spends a Gear of Fate, it does not
can prevent Akane from falling to the ground!
leave play. Instead, the spent Gear is transferred to
the reserve of the Narrator, who can use it for the
Using Skills
re. The rate at which rolls must be made is up to the aring. Further information can be found in Chap-
Narrator, but a good rule of thumb is that a succes- ter IV – Combat.
sful Stealth Test covers 10 minutes of undisturbed
Sneaking: to sneak up on somebody or somewhe-
re, the Character must roll a Stealth Test against the Memorize: to remember or commit something to
Senses score of the bystanders, the Narrator applying memory, roll an Analysis Test with a Difficulty set by
environmental modifiers as they see fit. Once the Test the Narrator.
is passed, the Character can cover a distance equal to
their Movement or risk a -1 to their Stealth result for Orienteering: roll an Analysis Test to understand
every additional cubitus they move. maps and terrain features for orienteering and plot-
ting a route. A successful Test allows you to correctly
Vanishing: to avoid a pursuer, the Character must gauge the travel time from one place to another and
be aware that they are being chased and roll a Stealth in most cases it only takes one successful Test per
Test against the Analysis score of their pursuer. day to stay on the correct route.
Advanced Uses: Craftsmanship, Mechanical Re- Gambling: to participate in games of chance like
pairs, Lock-picking, Deactivating Traps dice or cards, Characters roll an Insight Test against
the Insight score of their opponents. On a success,
they win a single game. For longer periods of gam-
REFLEXES bling, the number of Tests to make is left to the ne-
cessity and comfort of the Narrator.
Avoid Hazards: to avoid being hit by envi-
ronmental hazards like traps, roll a Reflexes Test Sensing Intentions: to read the motives of peo-
against a Difficulty set by the Narrator. The faster ple they are interacting with, Characters can roll In-
the reaction should be, the higher the Difficulty is. sight Tests, usually against their Cunning score. If
the person the Character is talking to is attempting
Dodge: to avoid melee attacks, Characters roll something other than cheating them, then the Narra-
Reflexes Tests modified by the armor they are we- tor can consider the score of a Skill other than Cun-
ning. Insight Tests do not have a specific time length on a conversation, Characters roll Senses Tests
but rather the duration that benefits the Narrator the against a Difficulty set by the Narrator.
Sixth Sense: to see if a Character is aware of
Advanced Uses: Driving, Aeronautics, Alchem threats before they show themselves, the Narrator
Weapons rolls Hidden Opposed Senses Tests against the Ste-
alth score of the Characters’ opponents.
Acrobatics (Agility): Characters can use their Metallurgy: the Character can work metals into to-
Agility to pull extraordinary aerial stunts. The Diffi- ols, weapons, suits of armor, and supplies.
culty of the Test depends on the Narrator.
Mixing Mutagens: as a member of the Monopoly
Aculeus (Senses): as a Biopsist, the Character of Alchemists, the Character knows how to concoct
knows how to use Aculeus equipment. Mutagens.
Aeronautics (Insight): the Character is capable Mixing Toxins: as a member of the Monopoly of
of operating air-vessels and aircraft of any kind. Alchemists, the Character knows how to synthesize
Normally, no Test is required for basic maneuvers Toxins.
under normal conditions, like taking off and lan-
Sewing: the Character knows how to make clothing, Table 2.10 - Driving
sails, and tents.
Maneuver Difficulty Test
Disguise (Cunning): Characters can alter their Ramming Medium 10
appearance with a Cunning Test against the Analy- About-face Challenging 12
sis score of any bystander. The following table lists
modifiers that the Narrator can impose on the Test Fancy Driving Hard 14
depending on how extensive the alteration is: Shooting Hard 14
On a success, they have a rough idea of its market a failure, they fall off the mount and suffer fall dama-
value; on a failure, their evaluation has a 25% mar- ge (minimum of 1 point). This Test does not count
gin, while on a Catastrophic Failure they are clueless. as an Action but is part of the mount’s movement.
Evaluating an item does not reveal any supernatural
qualities it might have. Rapidly mounting or dismounting: as a Free Action,
Characters can attempt an Athletics Test to mount
Lock-picking (Handicraft) and Deactivating or dismount faster than usual. If they fail, they can-
Traps (Handicraft): to pick a lock or deactivate a not take their Maneuver for that turn. Rapidly moun-
trap, the Character must roll a Handicraft Test against ting or dismounting a creature that is not fit to be
a Difficulty set by the Narrator based on the type of used as a mount imposes a -2 penalty on all Tests to
lock or trap and the tools used by the Character. handle it.
Mechanical Repairs (Handicraft): Characters Reacting: to avoid falling from the back of their
can attempt Handicraft Tests to repair or sabotage mount, Characters must pass an Athletics Test that
damaged vehicles, weapons, suits of armor, and the does not count as an Action.
like with the right tools and materials.
Riding without using reins: at the beginning of the
Picking Pockets (Stealth): to silently take so- combat round, the Character can attempt an Athleti-
mething from somebody’s pocket, the Character cs Test to direct their mount only using their knees,
must pass a Stealth Test against either their victim’s to have both hands free to fight. On a failure, they
Sense score if they are unaware of the fact, or Analy- can use only one hand to fight. This Test does not
sis if they are actively trying not to be robbed. count as an Action.
ficient, it is not necessary to roll Athletics Tests for the complexity of the task or command. An ani-
swimming under normal conditions and over brief mal can learn up to four commands, each taking a
distances. Table 2.13 – Swimming lists the modi- month of training to be learned. Once that time is
fiers that can influence an Athletics Test rolled for passed, the animal can execute those commands in
swimming. Characters must, however, roll a Test if any conditions, even if they would not normally do
the waters they are swimming in become agitated. so. Characters can attempt to tame wild animals and
teach them commands, but any Charm Test in that
Drowning: should the Character fail their first Test, situation suffer a -2 penalty and the training time is
they start drowning and must roll again each turn. two months, rather than one.
If they cannot become afloat within a number of
rounds equal to their Resistance score, they drown Calm Animal: upon a successful Test, the Cha-
and die. racter calms a scared animal or dissuades it from at-
tacking or fleeing. The Calm command can be used
Table 2.13 - Swimming even with untrained animals and is required in order
to begin the process of teaching them new tricks.
Conditions Difficulty Test Fatigue
Calm waters Medium 10 1h Table 2.15– Training Animals
Rushing Waters Challenging 12 ¾h Command Difficulty Test
Agitated Waters Hard 14 ½h Recall Trivial 6
Storm Extraordinary 16 ¼h Follow Medium 10
Vortex Legendary 18 5 min Stay Medium 10
Attack Challenging 12
Tracking (Analysis): Characters can track crea-
tures and vehicles with an Analysis Test against the Search Hard 14
Difficulty listed in the table below: Guard Hard 14
Retrieve Extraordinary 16
Table 2.14 - Tracking
Hunt Extraordinary 16
Terrain Difficulty Test
Humid Terrain Easy 8
Examples of Tricks:
Soft Ground Challenging 12
Attack: the animal attacks one or more targets as
Rocky Ground Hard 14 directed by their master.
Rocks Extraordinary 16
Follow: the animal follows their master even in si-
tuations of grave danger.
Training Animals (Charm): this proficiency
allows a Character to understand the motives and Guard: the animal protects their master or a per-
behaviors of animals. Thanks to this knowledge, a son or place they were instructed to.
Character can attempt to calm, tame, or teach them
a few simple tricks. To do so, they must roll Charm Hunt: the animal hunts for small game in the sur-
Tests against a Difficulty that varies depending on rounding area.
Heel: the animal returns to their master. Animals: by passing an Analysis Test, the Cha-
racter knows how dangerous an animal is and what
Retrieve: the animal retrieves an item they were in- their weaknesses are. With a successful Handicraft
structed to. If they are not told what to return, they Test, they can also gather useful parts from their
retrieve something random. corpse, like horns, glands, skin, or fat.
Stay: the animal stands in the spot their master Herbalism: by passing an Analysis Test, the Cha-
told them to. racter can recognize the nature and properties of a
plant, how to gather and preserve it so it does not
lose any of its properties, and how to brew home-
made remedies with it.
Characters attempting to use a Skill in
an Advanced way without being profi- Riding: Biome Knowledge (Nature) also grants
cient in it succeed on the Test only with the Character proficiency in Riding.
a natural 11 or 12 on the d12 roll.
Specializing: if a Character employs an Art that
features environmental specialization, they benefit
from an extra +1 to the Test they roll for that Art
when they are in the environment they specialized in.
Biome Knowledge (Nature) Specializations:
Knowledge represents a specific field of lore the forest, arctic, desert, sea, mountain
Character has studied or has experience with and
now they can access without any roll. • Urban Areas
What follows is a list of the typical fields of Knowle- Camouflage: With a successful Cunning Test
dge that Vulcania’s Characters are most often versed against a Difficulty based on the size of the sett-
in. lement, the Character is able to be inconspicuous
when moving within an inhabited area.
Geographic Knowledge
Driving: Biome Knowledge (Urban Areas) also
How well Character knows the territory, traditions, grants proficiency in Driving.
and history of the Vulcanian Islenation indicated in
the parentheses. Orienteering: Characters used to city life can
orientate themselves in an urban area by passing an
Biome Knowledge Analysis Test with a Difficulty set by the Narrator
according to the settlement’s size and complexity.
Being versed in this field grants a +1 bonus to Tests
made when interacting with the biome specified in The right person at the right place: with a suc-
the parentheses. cessful Charm Test against a Difficulty based on the
size of the settlement, the Character is able to find
• Nature out what they have to do to get to their objective.
This encompasses knowledge about the natural en-
vironment, its flora and fauna. Below is a list of the
most common fields of application for its +1 bonus:
Specializing: if a Character employs an Art that reactions in the game world, the Character must have
features an environmental specialization, they bene- the raw resources available and pass an Analysis Test
fit from an extra +1 to the Test they roll for that Art against a Difficulty set by the Narrator according to
when they are in the environment they specialized in. the materials used and the desired effect.
Biome Knowledge (Urban Areas) Specializa- Identifying Materials: on a successful Analysis Test
tions: slums, rural areas, industrial areas, residential against a Difficulty that varies depending on the ra-
areas rity of the material, the Character is able to identify
their properties.
Academic Knowledge
• Engineering
These fields of study can be accessed only through
schools, universities, and similar institutions, and are Only those Characters who are members of the
required to learn and use many Arts. Monopoly of Engineers have access to advanced
machine lore, such as Vulcanus Batteries.
• Alchemy
Cybernetics: the Character is capable of inter-
The Monopoly of Alchemists jealously guards alche- facing with Gizmos created by their Monopoly by
mical knowledge, teaching chemistry and metallurgy using a Maneuver.
as well as esoteric philosophies aimed at synthesizing
emotions, controlling self-combustion, or defeating Mechanical Diagnosis: with a successful Analy-
death. sis Test against the Difficulty listed in the description
of the item, modified by any problems they might be
Alchemical Reactions: to cause small alchemical suffering from, the Character is able to diagnose any
Conlio is an extraordinarily ductile and malleable Utilizing Remotes: the Character is capable of in-
silver-hued metal, its most famous property being terfacing with Remotes and using Markon Weapons.
the ability to transmit cerebral waves.
A few years before the great war, it was also disco- • Medicine
vered that conlio is present in minute quantities in
the blood of all living beings. Being well versed in the fields of medicine grants
By concentrating it in the central nervous system, a Character knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and
scientists discovered that anyone could acquire some pathology, and allows them to recognize symptoms
degree of telepathic influence over other people. and formulate treatments.
Connection: the Character is able to decipher and Amputation: on a successful Analysis Test against
broadcast messages through the Mentographic line. a Difficulty of 9 + the number of Wounds the target
has lost, the Character can save their life but cause
permanent damage.
Table 2.18 – Sensing Conlio
Item Example Difficulty Test Diagnosis: the Character is able to identify dise-
ases and formulate treatments with an Analysis Test
Drone Trivial 8 against a Difficulty from Table 2.19 – Basic and Ad-
vanced Skill Uses.
Athletics Swimming
Hand-to-hand Combat
Brawl Non-lethal Damage
Brute Force
Strength Carrying, Lifting, and Pushing
Prolonged Exertion
Resisting Toxins
Moving on Foot
Standing up in Melee
Agility Riding
Picking Pockets
Stealth Hiding
Mechanical Repairs
Handicraft First Aid
Avoid Hazards
Reflexes Dodge
Spot Tracking
Memorize Evaluating
Orienteering Snooping Poisons
Sensing Intentions
Insight Gambling
Alchem Weapons
Sixth Sense
Senses Aculeus
Gathering Information
Command Training Animals
Cunning Con Disguise
Aggression Extract Information
Lightning Rod
rts represent fields a Character can specia- Institutes and Prerequisites: some Arts do not
lize in during their life before and after be- have any requirements to learn them other than
coming an adventurer. They grant special abilities, paying their cost. Others, however, require a set of
knowledge, and proficiencies that allow Characters basic knowledge or skills to be accessed.
access to advanced uses of some of their Skills, In the description of each Art, this section con-
to be more efficient in combat, or generally more tains all the required knowledge, Arts, or anything
powerful. else the Character needs to know in order to learn
that Art.
Gaining Access to Arts
Features: the features of an Art are its practical
During Character creation, Characters automatically applications.
receive one or more Arts, depending on their Past With them, Characters can create objects, pull
Experience, and they can spend money to find pe- off acrobatic stunts, heal a companion, or pick the
ople who will teach them new Arts once the game pocket of a nobleman.
has begun. Whatever an Art teaches you to do, it is listed in
These teachers are found in cities as well as in the this part of its description.
wilderness and might not ask just for money as pay-
ment, but instead favors or tasks to be completed. Opportunities: some Arts grant special ways to
spend Opportunities when you roll a natural 11 or
12 on a Test. Further information about Oppor-
Arts Descriptions tunities in combat are described in Chapter IV –
Types: there are two kinds of Arts in Vulcania:
Professional and Combat. Knowledge: some Arts also grant a Knowledge
to the Character.
Sesterzii Cost: this is the amount of money
the Character must pay to learn that specific Art, Proficiencies and Craftsmanship: some Arts
whether it is the fee of its teacher or admission to grant proficiency with specific crafting tools and
a specific academic institution. Such cost is only advanced uses of Skills.
a guideline, and the Narrator is free to change it
depending on the region or the reputation of the
and despised for their work. Because of this, the Mo- ¤¤ Lab-hardened: by experimenting for so much
nopoly of Alchemists tends to keep public attention time with reagents and toxins, the Character has de-
focused on the School of Entropy. veloped a form of resistance to their effects. They
receive a +2 bonus to Resistance Tests when imbi-
bing a Mutagen.
Master Biopsist $ 1,000 ¤¤ Extra Dose: the Character is able to optimize
Prerequisites: None the dosage on their Mutagens. When administering
a Mutagen to a willing creature, the Difficulty of the
¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Alchemy) relative Resistance Test increases by 1, but if the Test
¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Medicine) is successful it counts as a Success with Opportunity.
¤¤ Craftsmanship (Mixing Mutagens): mixing
the right dosages of these neural stimulants is an un-
forgiving art, requiring a quick and flexible mind. Master of Poisons $ 500
¤¤ Craftsmanship (Mixing Toxins): these sub- Prerequisites: Master Biopsist
stances are incredibly toxic to human tissues, not Rank: Expert
to mention incredibly volatile and dangerous. It ta-
¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Nature)
kes but a mere slip of concentration to be killed by
exposure to their deadly effects. ¤¤ Professional Mixer: the Character gains a +2
bonus when synthesizing toxins.
¤¤ Proficiency (Aculeus): this piece of machi-
nery is capable of mixing, injecting, and even shoo- ¤¤ Poisoner: the Character is an expert in admini-
ting a wide range of toxins but is incredibly complex stering poisons. The Difficulty to identify and resist
to operate properly. Biopsists train extensively to the effects of a poison administered by the Character
master their secrets and always be ready to admini- increases by 2.
ster some of their concoctions to friends and rela- ¤¤ Inured to poisons: the Character has spent
tives… or enemies and enemy relatives, of course.
time pitting their immune system against both natu- hold no secrets for the Character. They are able to
ral and artificial poisons. They are immune to natural interface with the Devices made by the Monopoly of
poisons with Difficulty 10 or less and receive a +2 Engineers as a Free Action.
bonus to Resistance Tests against those they do roll ¤¤ Ballistic Expertise: pistols and rifles are sim-
for. ple toys for the Character. As a Maneuver, they can
attempt a Handicraft Test to unjam a firearm.
School of Engineering
Tecnicus $ 600
The Monopoly of Engineers trains its students in
the basics in mathematics and physics as well as their Prerequisites: Meccanicus
practical applications. Rank: Expert
It is the only way to learn the secrets of Vulcanus ¤¤ Foreman: study and experience has turned the
Batteries, the driving force behind the industrial re- Character into a master of machines. They gain a
volution. +2 bonus to all Handicraft Tests to repair stuck or
damaged vehicles and gizmos.
¤¤ Craftsmanship (Gizmos and Remotes): the
Aviator $ 800
character has the ability to build and repair a variety of
Prerequisites: None mechanical devices. But, when dealing with remotes, the
Character must be assisted by a skilled Markonist.
¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Engineering)
¤¤ Machinist: as a Maneuver, the Character can
¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas)
attempt a Handicraft Test against the Difficulty of a
¤¤ Geographic Knowledge (Any two of the Device to instantly kick it up to pressure. They can-
player’s choice) not do so again until the device goes through a full
¤¤ Proficiency (Aeronautics): the Character is compression cycle.
capable of piloting aircraft and air-vessels.
¤¤ Ace: the Character receives a +2 to all Insight
Omega School of Markonism
Tests when driving or piloting vehicles of any kind.
¤¤ Sixth Sense: the Character gains a +1 bonus The properties of conlio have been studied extensi-
to all Evade Tests when piloting. vely, to the point where the Monopoly of Markonists
has branched in three different directions.
Of them, the Omega School studies the interaction
Meccanicus $ 900 between the human mind and remotes, gizmos made
Prerequisites: None of conlio that can take any form.
the Character can control some of the more complex become a master in miniaturizing their drones and,
and esoteric of the remotes: drones. As a Maneuver, instead of just one, they can control a swarm of
they can have a drone under their control take one smaller ones called Nanodrones that behaves in the
Action. The drone cannot be activated more than same way as their larger cousin.
once per round. ¤¤ Infestation: the Character can guide their
¤¤ Basic Grafts: the Character is able to interfa- swarm of Nanodrones to pester a target, inflicting a
ce with the basic grafts of their drone. -2 penalty to all Tests. An Infested target must spend
¤¤ Speed of Thought: when obtaining an Op- one full round to get rid of the swarm of drones.
portunity from an Initiative Test, the Character can ¤¤ Living Armor: the Character is a firm be-
spend it to activate the drone as a Free Action. This liever in drones being a better friend to man than
does not count against the number of activations per dogs. They can have their swarm of drones encase
round for that drone. their body in a protective shell, gaining a damage re-
¤¤ Remote Perception: the Character’s link with duction of 1. The swarm will need a round to reform
their drone allows them to know its position and its itself each time the Character takes damage.
surroundings, even if it is outside of their field of
vision, as long as it is within control range. If the dro-
ne does not carry sensory equipment, the Character Primus Micron Omega $ 600
can only perceive the presence of moving creatures Prerequisites: Magister Micron Omega
within 3 cubitus. Rank: Veteran
studies the interactions that a well-trained mind can mare, inflicting the Terrified condition. If the Cha-
have with that of other people. racter Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the
Dazed condition.
¤¤ Charm: on a successful Charm Test against
Magister Psi $ 900 the Discipline score of a Mind Touch target, the
Prerequisites: None Character can make them friendly and can compel
them to complete one task “recommended” by the
¤¤ Academic Knowledge (Markonism) Character. If the target thinks the Character is a
¤¤ Mind Touch: thanks to their innate gifts, the threat, this power does not work. If the Character
Character can contact the minds of those around Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed
them. As a Free Action, the Character can use Mind condition.
Touch on a visible target within a number of cubitus
equal their MIND score.
¤¤ Empathy: the Character is used to delving Primus Umbra Psi $ 900
into the brains of other people, gaining a +2 bonus Prerequisites: Magister Psi
to Insight Tests to sense the mood of the targets of
Mind Touch. ¤¤ Distracting Aura: as a Maneuver, the Cha-
racter weakens the concentration of everyone within
¤¤ Illusion: by passing a Cunning Test against
3 cubitus around them, including their allies. Weake-
the Discipline score of a target of Mind Touch, the
ned targets suffer a -3 penalty to Analysis and Senses
Character can instill in them a fleeting image, infli-
Tests rolled to perceive or spot.
cting the Disoriented condition. If the Character
Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed ¤¤ Invisibility: on a successful Cunning Test
condition. against the Discipline score of a Mind Touch target,
they do not see the Character. Keeping this power
¤¤ Berserk: by succeeding at an Aggression Test
active takes an Action every round. If the Character
against the Discipline score of a target of Mind Tou-
Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed
ch, the Character can force them to strike at the per-
son closest to them with an attack that deals 1 point
of damage. If the Character Catastrophically fails the ¤¤ Amnesia: on a successful Cunning Test
Test, they suffer the Dazed condition. against the Discipline score of a Mind Touch target,
the Character removes everything that happened in
the last minute from their memory. If the Character
Primus Psi $ 900 Catastrophically fails the Test, they suffer the Dazed
Prerequisites: Magister Psi
Rank: Expert
what those foppish city-dwellers have to say about For additional information about animals, see Chap-
them. ter VIII – Adversaries.
¤¤ Animal Instinct: the tight bond the Character
shares with animals grants them a +2 bonus to Ini-
Magister Phi $ 900 tiative Tests.
Prerequisites: Magister Psi
Circus School
of the trade from one master performer at a time. mountains, swamps, and plains. To survive far from
Transcending the limits of one’s flesh is a trying the commodities of technology, one must be pre-
and taxing effort, but it is also the expression of pared to learn from this harsh school, that demands
the utmost freedom, and circus performers know absolute devotion, but rewards with a life far from
this all too well. the suffocating fumes of the cities.
School of Crime
School of Survival
If crime can be considered a school, it teaches ways
The Industrial Revolution led to the exponential to survive or get rich, often on the illegal side of
growth of industrial and urban centers, although things. Criminal life is not something to be taken
Vulcania still remains covered in wild lands, woods, lightly, it’s something that chews up those who live
it and spits out only their broken remains, so prepa- Infiltrator $ 500
ration is the keyword.
Prerequisites: None
¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas: any two
Scoundrel $ 600 environments of the player’s choice
Prerequisites: None ¤¤ Craftsmanship (Sewing)
¤¤ Biomes Knowledge (Urban Areas: Slums) ¤¤ Proficiency (Disguise )
¤¤ Proficiency (Picking Pockets) ¤¤ Information Miner: the Character is an adept
in manipulating a conversation to go in the direction
¤¤ Proficiency (Lock-picking)
they want it to. They receive a +2 bonus to Charm
¤¤ Vanishing: the Character is adept at melding and Cunning Tests to discreetly gather information.
in with people and gains a +2 bonus to Stealth Tests
to hide in a crowd and not be shadowed.
Spy $ 700
Prerequisites: Infiltrator
Thief $ 600
Rank: Expert
Prerequisites: Scoundrel
Rank: Expert ¤¤ Actor: the Character is incredibly skilled in po-
sing as another person. They receive a +2 bonus to
¤¤ Master Key: the Character is able to pick a all Cunning Tests rolled for posing as somebody else.
lock almost without even looking. They automati-
¤¤ Legendary Gall: often, the best way not to be
cally pass Lock-picking Tests with a difficulty of 10
discovered is playing it casual, as if doing something
or less.
totally legal. The Character receives a +2 bonus to
¤¤ Kleptomania: the Character finds it difficult Stealth Tests for infiltrating guarded places.
to control the urge to steal. With a Maneuver, they
¤¤ Insight: planning is essential to the success
may try to take a belt pouch, small weapon, or other
of a mission, and speed in planning is even more
carried or worn item off an adjacent target. They
important when things can degenerate at the speed
must roll a Stealth Test against the target’s Senses
of thought. The Character can spend a Free Action
score to succeed. If the Character is attempting to
instead of a Maneuver to prepare an Action.
pick a Bomb or activate it from within its owner’s
pocket, they suffer a -2 penalty to the Test… althou- ¤¤ Eyes in the Back: the Character is aware that
gh the results might well be worth it! everything could go wrong within the next few se-
conds. They cannot suffer from the Surprised con-
School of Espionage
Investigator $ 500
Prerequisites: None
Combat Arts offer Characters unique special abilities ¤¤ Perfect Timing: a bullet is a tiny item that
that they can use by spending Opportunities genera- requires only the right timing to find its way to its
ted by attacking, Dodging, Evading, or Initiative, as target even through a tangle of fighting bodies. The
indicated by the icons below: Character can shoot at a target even when an ally
obstructs their line of sight.
Opportunity generated by a Melee Attack ¤¤ Natural Selection: the weak succumbs and
the strong thrives, such are Nature’s laws. And also
Opportunity generated by a Ranged Attack the Character’s. When attacking Disoriented targets,
they benefit from Combat Advantage.
Hybrid School
Corsair $ 1,600
Teaching a form of combat that features the use of Prerequisites: Buccaneer
both a blade and a pistol, this philosophy of fighting
found its most famous representatives in the pirates Stake: the Character jams their blade into the
that plague Vulcania’s oceans and skies. As a testi- foot of their target, who suffers the Restrained con-
mony to the depth of the tie between the two, many dition, then takes a step backward and shoots the
of the Hybrid School’s specializations feature names sorry soul or a secondary target with their firearm.
taken from pirate jargon itself. The jammed blade must be recovered separately.
• Applies only when fighting with a pistol in one hand and Living Shield: the Character dodges a blow
a melee weapon in the other and grabs the closest enemy, aiming a weapon at
their throat as they use them as a shield. Then, they
can attempt an attack with their firearm. All ranged
Swashbuckler $ 700 attacks against the Character hit their living shield as
long as they keep a hold on their victim’s body.
Prerequisites: None
¤¤ Iron Fist: the very body of the Character is Sweep: the Character ducks and suddenly ki-
a weapon. When they attack without wielding any cks their opponent in the shins, inflicting the Prone
weapons, they are not considered unarmed and the condition.
techniques they know grant them benefits to hand- Projection: the Character still remembers
to-hand combat as if they were wielding a weapon. their teacher telling them to “fight without fighting”
Further information can be found in the Martial and turning the strength of their enemies against its
Arts section of Chapter V – Equipment. owners. By Dodging the attack, the Character grabs
Roundhouse: the Character spins on one one arm of their opponents and slams them 1 cubi-
foot, kicking their opponent in the face. The target tus away, inflicting the Prone condition.
of the attack is pushed 2 cubitus away and is Unba-
Guru $ 1,600
Prerequisites: Sensei
Rank: Expert
Mower $ 1,000
Backstabber $ 700
Prerequisites: Reaper
Prerequisites: None
Rank: Expert
¤¤ Backstab: the best way to quicken a fight is
¤¤ Uppercut: with a slow and ascending attack,
to deal with one’s opponent before being seen. The
the Character forces their opponent to retreat. In-
Character gains a +2 bonus to hit surprised enemies.
stead of rolling to hit and dealing damage, they can
spend a Gear of Fate to push their opponent 1 cubi- ¤¤ Silent Step: for the Character, moving without
tus away and inflict the Unbalanced condition. making a sound is akin to breathing. They can at-
tempt a Stealth Test as part of their movement.
Weapon Breaker: intercepting their oppo-
nent’s weapon with extreme force, the Character bre- Anticipate: the Character’s attacks are sur-
aks it. prisingly difficult to avoid. They can advance 2 slots
in the Initiative order.
can spend a Gear of Fate to disengage from a melee character, whether hostile and not, and force them
without penalty and move to a safer zone to hide, if to step back.
there are any within their Movement distance.
Artful Dodge: the Character leaves the op-
ponent’s field of vision through a series of feints Decurion $ 1,000
and counters. They can move up to 3 cubitus while Prerequisites: Legionary
staying adjacent to their target. The Character then Rank: Expert
counts that target as Surprised.
¤¤ Parry: the Character is a master with the shield,
gaining a +1 bonus to Dodge Tests while they wear
Assassin $ 1,600 one.
Prerequisites: Murderer Debilitating Parry: the Character intercepts
Rank: Veteran the enemy weapon with their shield, making it vibrate
in their opponent’s hand. That enemy is Disoriented.
¤¤ Deadly Strike: if the Character closes on their
prey, there is no escape. They deal 1 additional point
of damage to Surprised opponents. Centurion $ 1,600
Double Lunge: the Character attacks with Prerequisites: Decurion
a series of rapid strikes, rolling another melee attack Rank: Veteran
Test against that same target.
¤¤ Relentless: being bashed by somebody with a
shield to your solar plexus is never a nice thing to go
School of the Hoplite through. Instead of rolling for a normal melee attack,
the Character can spend a Gear of Fate to knock their
Hoplites are specialized in fighting with a shield and opponent 1 cubitus away and inflict the Dazed condi-
a Medium-sized weapon, usually a sword or an ax, tion.
and their school is named after the army of an an- Slam: the Character rains blows with both
cient Abrabazi civilization that lived thousands of weapon and shield upon their opponent, dealing 1
years ago. additional point of damage and the Dazed condi-
• Applies only when fighting with a Medium-sized wea- tion.
pon and a shield
Queequeg School
Legionary $ 700
This philosophy focuses on fighting with weapons
Prerequisites: None that work both in the thick of the melee and over a
short distance, like throwing knives. It was develo-
¤¤ Screen: by using their shield as a barrier, the
ped by wandering circuses, its paths named after the
Character can disengage as a Free Action.
many games the performers liked to play between
Conditioning: the Character is so used to wea- shows. It comes to no surprise that all of those pa-
ring a shield that they ignore any penalty to move- stimes involved throwing something at a target, with
ment it imposes. skill and precision being more important than brute
Shove: by pushing with their shield, the Cha- force.
racter can move into the space occupied by another • Applies only when fighting with throwing weapons
Doublering $ 700
Prerequisites: None
Elegance is not the strong suit of the Character. Merciless: the Character forgives no mista-
Instead, strength and ferocity very much are. ke from their enemies, being able to take an Action
¤¤ Next One, Please: killing invigorates the Cha- and a Maneuver after a successful Dodge Test.
racter. When they dispatch an opponent, the Cha-
racter can deal 1 point of damage to another enemy
adjacent to them. Sun Dancer $ 1,200
Unstoppable: the Character throws their Prerequisites: Sapphire Blades
enemy to the ground, savagely trampling them. The Geographic Knowledge: Balastoc
Character inflicts the Prone condition on their tar- Gender: Female
get, moves beyond them dealing 1 point of damage, Rank: Expert
and then they move to engage another target within
The Character has trained since childhood in the ri-
3 cubitus.
tual forms of combat sacred to the god Isairnes and
her harmonious movements are a lethal and hypno-
tic dance.
Path of Harmony $ 1,200
Prerequisites: Ascetic ¤ Dance of the Sun: the Character leaps and
Geographic Knowledge: Ketniv somersaults, leaving only a crimson wake behind,
Rank: Expert as if dancing between opponents. After an attack,
she can disengage without penalty and move, as long
Focused and imperturbable, the body and mind of as she ends her movement adjacent to an enemy.
the Character act in unison when they fight. Twilight of Blood: for the grand finale of
¤¤ Lethal Grace: the Character is in total control the Dance of the Sun, the Character can disengage
of their body and can make an additional Maneuver without penalty, move to engage another target, and
during their turn. immediately roll an attack against them.
Tactical Map
one attacking, but rather the target. One Character down after they have asked the players the Stealth
in the group rolls an Opposed Hidden Senses Test scores of their Characters. And, remember, the Nar-
against the highest Stealth score of the attackers, no- rator is totally not a sadist. Not at all. We swear.
ticing them and passing on to Phase 2 on a success.
Otherwise, the group is surprised and their attackers
can take the extra Action before rolling Initiative. PHASE 2: INITIATIVE
In the case of a tie between a Character’s Initiative considered a Free Action, as one can say something
score and an opponent’s, the former goes first. If while doing something else, but in the end it is up to
two Characters roll a tie on their Initiative Test, they the Narrator to establish how much can be said in
choose who has precedence. Combatants who join the few seconds of a Round. Always remember that,
the fight later on always act last. Characters can alter whenever it is not specified if something you want to
their position in the Initiative order thanks to some attempt is an Action or something else, anything that
Arts, Opportunities, and other factors. requires either your Character or their target to roll a
When a Character obtains a Success with Oppor- Test generally takes an Action.
tunity on their Initiative Roll, they can take an addi- When attacking an opponent, your Character must
tional Maneuver during the first round of combat. pass a Test for the Skill specified in the profile of the
Inversely, on a Catastrophic Failure, the Character weapon or item they are using. On the contrary, when
can take only a Maneuver during their first round of on the receiving end of an attack, your Character must
combat. pass a Dodge Test when engaged in melee or Evade to
avoid being hit by ranged attacks. Pieces of equipment
and fighting styles might add bonuses or penalties to
Faruk shoots at the professor, missing him, only to these rolls, and are listed separately on the Character
have the old man lob a freezing Crystallus knife at Sheet, along with Initiative, Wounds, and Movement.
him! Poor Faruk then attempts an Evade Test to What follows is a list of common Maneuvers and
avoid the flying object and, of course, gets the dreaded Actions your Character can take during their combat
1. Not only does Faruk suffer damage from the Cry- turn.
stallus, but he also gets the Slowed condition, losing 2
slots in the Initiative order.
Starting the following round, the Initiative order is Maneuvers
as follows:
Maneuvers are operations which generally automa-
New Initiative Order tically succeed and, unless otherwise stated, do not
require a Test to be successful.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
• Moving: as a Maneuver, it is possible for the
Character to move a distance up to their Movement
value, climb a section of a ladder of around 2 cubi-
tus, or stand up if not engaged in a melee. On the
tactical map, Characters can move in every direction
PHASE 3: TO ARMS! according to their Movement score, with no diffe-
rence between diagonal and straight-line movement.
Now, the Character occupying the first slot in the
Initiative order gets to act. Once they have taken their • Disengaging: there are occasions when a Cha-
Maneuver, Action (and extra Maneuver if they rolled racter needs to put distance between them and the
an Opportunity on Initiative), the next combatant enemy they are engaged with, to help a companion
gets to take their turn, and so on. Once all combatants in need, do something tactically more useful, or just
have taken their turn, repeat Phase 3 until one of the save their own skin. Enemies, however, are usually
factions involved in the fight wins. not that keen on letting their impromptu sparring
When you are called to take your turn, you can have partner go, and so often attempt to attack them if
your Character take one Maneuver and one Action, in they are not careful. When the Character takes a
whatever order you want them to. Usually, speaking is Maneuver to Disengage, thanks to a feint, a jump
backwards, or something similar, they leave their op- a +1 bonus to their Test for a ranged attack or they
ponent without suffering any ill effects. can target an opponent engaged in melee with one
of the Character’s allies without risking friendly fire.
• Drawing a weapon: as a Maneuver, the Cha-
racter can draw or stow a weapon they have easy ac-
As her companions are busy dealing with the prison
cess to. If said weapon is deep within their backpack,
the Narrator has final say on how many rounds it guards, Chana hides in the entrance room to welcome
would take for the Character to retrieve it. As part of the soldiers that are likely to arrive when they hear
the same Maneuver, once they have drawn or stowed sounds of fighting. She chooses to prepare an Action
their weapon, the Character may move a distance by aiming her pistol down the corridor and declaring
equal to half their Movement score. that she wants to shoot the first enemy that passes by.
At the end of the round, an officer leading an alerted
• Dropping Prone or Standing up: dropping to patrol barges into the corridor, intending to reach the
the ground without also moving, or standing up from rest of the engaged prison guards, and is met by a hail
a prone position takes a Maneuver. If a Character at- of hot lead.
tempts the same thing while engaged in melee, then
they must first pass an Agility Test with Difficulty
equal to the enemy’s Reflexes score or suffer 1 point •Preparing an Action: when they Prepare an
of damage from an adjacent opponent. Action, the Character is allowed to act at a different
moment in the round, rather than in their own Ini-
• Defensive Stance: there are times in a melee tiative slot, by setting the conditions that trigger this
when focusing on staying alive is more important delayed Action. As a Maneuver, the Character states
then neutralizing one’s opponents. By taking a de- what they wish to do and which circumstances they
fensive stance, the Character takes and deals only 1 want to make it happen. From that moment until the
point of damage per attack until they transition to end of the round, they can take their Action and do
another stance. what they wanted to only if the conditions they have
stated manifest.
• Aiming: when aiming, the Character either gains
• Delaying: the Character waits for a bet- lee attack, which happens only if somebody struck
ter moment to act. By Delaying, a Character at the Character.
moves to any Initiative slot they wish be-
low the one they were previously occupying • Dodging: when hit by a melee attack, Characters
and remain there for the rest of the encounter. can attempt a Dodge Test against the enemy’s attack
score. On a success, they do not suffer any damage.
1.2 Hitting from a Distance: when shooting or tack is determined randomly among those involved.
throwing a weapon at their enemy, the Character
rolls a Test of the relevant Skill against the Evade • Cover: hard cover confers an Evade bonus that
score of their target. ranges from +1 to +3. Otherwise, a combatant can
Combatants engaged in melee cannot shoot ran- completely hide behind a piece of cover, leaving line
ged weapons unless they know an Art that allows of sight. They cannot be targeted by direct fire wea-
them to. pons, but they also cannot use items that require line
Characters can attempt to shoot at any target wi- of sight.
thin the maximum range of their weapon without
penalty. When attacking targets beyond the wea- Table 4.2 – Cover Bonus
pon’s maximum distance, however, the Test suffers
a -1 penalty for each cubitus beyond its maximum Cover Bonus
Hiding behind a
To shoot, combatants must have a partially or +1
totally free line of sight, otherwise their target be-
nefits from cover.
Crouching behind a
low wall
Shooting from Melee (optional): combatants who try
to shoot a ranged weapon while engaged in melee
are trying something incredibly dangerous. If they Standing behind a
are targeting another combatant they are engaged shooting slit
with, they immediately suffer 1 point of damage
and must pass a Luck Test to hit them. On a Suc- • Precision Shooting: there are times when hit-
cess with Opportunity the shooter deals 2 points of ting a specific body part of the target is key. To land
damage to their attacker, instead suffering 1 more such a precise blow and have a specific effect hap-
damage on a Catastrophic Failure. When shooting pen, like the enemy dropping their weapon after their
from a melee to another cluster of fighters, on the hand has been struck, the Character must obtain a
other hand, combatants roll their normal attack Success with Opportunity.
Test at a -3 penalty and suffer 1 point of damage
from each enemy they are engaged with.
2. Opportunities and Catastrophic
Special Situations Failures
that there are Opportunities any Character can use Weapon-based Opportunities: a Character can use
and that you can ask the Narrator if you can spend any of the special attacks that specific weapons al-
an Opportunity to make something special happen, low their user to perform. In Vulcania, particularly
as long as it makes sense for the situation. Of course, advanced weapons feature signature attacks that the
the Narrator always has the final say on whether or Character wielding them can use without any specific
not what you just asked them is feasible or not. proficiency.
Dirty Trick. A handful of sand to the eyes, a uncolored part of the bar, the attack deals only 1
headbutt, or some other dirty trick on the enemy’s point of damage. If it is in the green sector, it deals 2
part inflicts the Disoriented condition on the Cha- points of damage. If it’s in the yellow sector, it deals
racter. 3 points of damage, and 4 if it’s in the red one.
Arts and specific situations (at the discretion of the
Loss of Balance. The Character is struck so Narrator) can further alter the final damage count.
forcefully that they are knocked back 1 cubitus and suf-
fer the Unbalanced condition. • Non lethal damage.
Sometimes, it is necessary to subdue, rather than kill,
Enemies Exploiting Catastrophic Failures: an enemy. To inflict non lethal damage, roll a Brawl
Enemies can profit from Catastrophic Failures or Test with a -2 penalty, even if your Character is wiel-
upgrade a normal Failure to its Catastrophic version ding weapons that require other Skills. This way,
in much the same way you can for your Character’s when the target’s Wounds score reaches 0 they are
Successes. knocked unconscious instead of dead, recovering 1
Wound per hour of rest.
Gravely wounded targets always suffer lethal
3. Determine Damage damage.
4. Applying Damage
5. Negative Conditions
can move only half of their Movement score and items they were holding. If cornered, a Terrorized
suffer a -1 penalty to all Tests as long as the condi- Character attempts everything in their power to
tion persists. flee, otherwise crouching on the ground whimpe-
• Immobilized: an Immobilized Character must ring.
spend the whole round to break free with either a • Unbalanced: Unbalanced Characters can
successful Strength or Agility Test. They can nei- move only half of their Movement score and are
ther move nor take Actions and grant Combat Ad- knocked Prone if struck.
vantage to those who attack them. • Vulnerable: a Vulnerable Character is entirely
• Pinned: a Pinned Character cannot move from at their opponent’s mercy, whether because they are
their position, but otherwise can act normally. sleeping, paralyzed, passed out, or something else
• Prone: prone Characters have been knocked to entirely. Vulnerable Characters are also Surprised.
the ground and suffer a -2 penalty to Dodge Tests,
but gain a +2 bonus to Evade Tests. Prone Cha-
racters can attack, but at a -3 penalty. UNDERWATER COMBAT
• Slowed: the Character loses two slots in the
Fighting underwater is an almost alien experience.
Initiative order.
Combatants without the proper equipment to see,
• Stunned: the Character can take neither breathe, and move in water are considered Blinded
Actions nor Maneuvers and grants Combat Advan- and must pass a Resistance Test every round not
tage to anyone who attacks them. to drown. The Difficulty for this Test starts Easy
• Surprised: Surprised Characters grant Combat and increases by one stage every round. On a fai-
Advantage to those who attack them, regardless led Test, the Character suffers the Vulnerable con-
of the weapons their enemies use. When they are dition and starts drowning. If drowning for more
struck, they are not Surprised anymore. than a minute, the Character dies.
Underwater, Characters can move only up to half
• Terrorized: a Terrorized Character suffers a -4
their Movement score and all attacks suffer a penal-
penalty to all Tests and flees in the direction op-
ty: -2 for short weapons, like daggers and knives,
posite the source of their fear, dropping whatever
and -3 for longer ones, such as swords and axes.
Natural Healing
Wound Magnitude
The human physiology is known for its capacity to
When suffering damage, a Character passes throu- regenerate even without access to medical attention
gh three states: Wounded, Gravely Wounded, and or alchemical wonders.
Dying. Wounded Characters heal 1 Wound, 2 on an Op-
portunity, on a successful Resistance Test against
• Wounded: a Character is considered Wounded a Difficulty of 8 + the Wounds they have lost. If
from the moment their Wounds count is not at its they take a whole day to rest, then the Wound is
maximum but higher than 1. healed without rolling.
Gravely Wounded Characters need medical atten-
• Gravely Wounded: a Character is considered tion to heal. Each day, the Character must pass a
Gravely Wounded when they have only 1 Wound Resistance Test against Difficulty 8 + the number
left, whether they suffered lethal or non-lethal da- of days they passed without treatment, entering the
mage. They suffer a -1 penalty to all Tests they roll Dying state on a Failure.
until they receive proper medical attention.
The Character’s reflexes are definitively not what they used to be.
5 Lightning Fast
The Character permanently loses 1 point in Reaction.
Well, that went awfully well, did it not? The Character permanently
6 Karmic Debt
loses 1 point in Luck.
Everybody knows the patch never goes out of style! The Character
7 One-Eyed
permanently loses 1 point in Senses.
We all know that the nose is extra parts, right? The Character
8 Pig-faced
permanently loses 2 points in Charm.
The Character’s ears ring and standing still is harder than it looks.
9 Hangover
The Character loses 1 point in Agility.
Muscles and bones did not quite heal the way they should have,
10 Arm Wrestler much to the Character’s chagrin when even a child can beat them in
arm wrestling. They permanently lose 1 point in Strength.
The Character’s body got back into shape, sort of. Their head… heh,
11 Chicken not so well. Whenever they hear loud, sudden noises the Character
starts crying like a baby. They permanently lose 1 point in Discipline.
A deep scar splits the Character’s face, making them look nasty and
12 Scarred Mug
ferocious. They permanently gain 1 point in Aggression.
Chana, Vas and Lamia are heading to the secret A result of 6 equals just 1 point of damage.
laboratory of the Crimson Spider, a crime syndicate Now, it is up to the assassin who attempts to sne-
that is growing in the industrial district. It appears ak behind Chana to catch her by surprise. She must
they are behind a powerful new drug that is quickly roll a Senses Test to recognize the threat. With a
exacting its toll among the population. Hoog, an im- total of 13 against the assassin’s 15 Stealth, she
portant local boss, is not happy with such an activity does not.
flourishing in his turf and so hired the party to put The assassin, then, moves behind her and attacks
an end to the rival gang’s business. Unfortunately, with their dagger. Chana attempts to dodge the at-
the Characters led their investigations a tad too much tack, rolling a 4 on the d12 plus another 4 for a total
on the loud side and so the Crimson Spider now is of 8. The Difficulty, however, is the Assassin’s 13,
waiting for them. so Chana is struck!
The building that should host the lab is occupied The die roll of Chana’s Dodge Test, 4, is checked
only by a few large crates piled randomly, covering on the damage bar of the Assassin’s dagger. Being 4
four muscle-bound brutes with weapons in hand. It is in the green area of the bar, the dagger deals 2 points
time to roll Initiative! Chana rolls a 12 on her die, of damage. Catching her by surprise, however, the
plus her bonus of 5, totaling a 17. Lamia obtains Assassin benefits from Advantage in Combat and
a 12 and Vas a 10. The now exposed Brutes have deals an additional point of damage, for a total of 3!
an Initiative score of 10; had they remained hidden The Narrator decides to activate an Opportunity
behind those crates, it would have been 13. The Nar- for the Assassin to use Anticipate. Chana’s player is
rator, then, sorts the Initiative slots as follows: then given a Gear of Fate from the Narrator’s pool
and the Assassin advances 2 slots in the Initiative
order, changing the turn order as follows:
Initiative Order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Initiative Order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
to immediately make a second attack against another Cross she learned thanks to the Emerald Blades Art.
target. By crossing her blades, then, Lamia parries the oppo-
She rolls a 9, hitting for 2 points of damage to her nent’s blade, while slashing the Brute’s face a moment
second target. Both Brutes fall down, dead! later for 1 point of damage.
Now it is up to Vas, who moves against the Assassin
to given them a taste of his malleus, a tormentum wea- This is where the round closes and the next one starts.
pon of incredible power! This time, however, it’s the Assassin who goes first;
Unfortunately, bad luck is always waiting for an oc- will they manage to best the Characters or, seeing what
casion to pounce, as Vas’s d12 stops on the dreaded fate befell their allies, will they opt to leave the area
1. The attack is a bust and the Narrator now has an before joining them in the eternal slumber of death?
occasion to be creative with their signature sadism! Vas Maybe they are doomed anyway or the Narrator has
stumbles, crashing to the ground right in front of the reinforcements arrive to turn the tide… who knows!
Assassin, who laughs heartily at the prone Character. Once familiarized with the base mechanics of the
The two remaining Brutes try to double up on La- game, a combat round should take at worst a few
mia, who just butchered their fellows. Lamia rolls a minutes, during which all sorts of spectacular actions,
first Dodge Test, obtaining a 6 plus her Reflexes of plot twists, and awesome stunts can happen. This
4 equals 10 as her scimitar does not offer any help in book, especially the Arts and Equipment sections,
those situations. Luckily, the Brute’s target Difficulty also give plenty of ideas to make combat more detai-
to avoid being hit is 10, so the worst that Lamia suffers led and yet keep it simple and fluid. Of course, then,
is his greatsword barely cutting a lock of her hair away. it is up to the players to make it more immersive with
Against the second attack, her player rolls a 9, allowing descriptions, banter and improv!
her to avoid it. However, her player also opts to spend
a Gear of Fate and activate the Opportunity Defense
d12 Description
5-6 Your brain seems incapable of staying focused on one thing at a time: -3
Weapons are the most loyal adventuring companions muscle power to swing around, so attacking takes a
when roaming Vulcania, each requiring a different Strength Test. A gun, on the other hand, requires
Skill to be mastered. much less strength and a sharper eye, requiring a
Senses Test.
Weapon Descriptions Cost: the average amount of Sesterzii ($) the Cha-
This section describes each weapon, along with the racter must pay to buy the weapon.
indicators and values needed to use it during game-
play. Complexity: how difficult it is to interact with the
weapon. It is also the Difficulty for crafting an indi-
Skill: each weapon requires a Test of a specific vidual item.
Skill to attack with it. As an example, a large and he-
avy weapon like an axe requires a great deal of raw
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+1 –1
Improvised Weapons
Mankind has developed many different regimens of
Sometimes, Characters are forced to fight with wha- training throughout history that turn the body into a
tever they have at hand: a stool, a broken bottle, old killing machine, capable of inflicting lethal damage.
Betzie’s funeral urn, anything goes. All Improvised
Weapons successfully hit on a Brawl Test with a -2
penalty and deal only 1 point of damage. Mutation: Beak [Brawl] $–
If the Test results in a Catastrophic Failure, the we- Type: melee
apon is destroyed.
Poor old Betzie... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+0 –3
Traditional Weapons
Abrabazem has left visible marks on you. Your
The weapons mankind has used since the dawn of mouth has become a horrible, sharp beak; nothing,
time to wage its wars: although materials and techni- however, is so bad that there is not some good in it
ques improved with the centuries, they do not requi- somewhere: now you can peck your enemies!
re special technologies to be made.
Characters proficient in Craftsmanship (Woo-
dworking and Metallurgy) can produce traditional Mutation: Mighty Horns [Brawl] $–
weapons with a Handicraft Test against their Com- Type: melee
plexity score.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 –3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 +0 –1 –1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+0 +0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 +0
Midway between a sickle and an ax, it was developed This enormous cleaver is the pinnacle of Nuugard
in southern Balastoc and then exported to the rest weaponsmithing. In untrained hands, it looks like an
of the world. unwieldy chunk of steel, but if used by the right per-
son, like a Nuug, it becomes the last sight of endless
scores of enemies.
Machete [Brawl] $ 100
Size: small
Type: melee Nuug Kirvii [Athletics] $ 900
Complexity: 10 Size: medium
Type: melee
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Complexity: 17
–1 +0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+1 +0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 –1
Dagger [Brawl] $ 300 This short blade is fitted with a wide and elabora-
te hand-guard, designed to deflect incoming blows.
Size: small
“Offense is the best defense” might work in the in-
Type: melee
dividual duel, but it does not carry through a fencing
Complexity: 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Shank [Brawl] $ 240
+1 +1 Size: small
Type: melee - piercing
Perfect for those looking for discretion and efficien- Complexity: 12
cy, this short sword is light, well-balanced, and easy
to conceal, perfect for fighting in narrow spaces or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 +0
Knife [Brawl] $ 80 This long knife has a thick and wicked blade. An
evolution of the stiletto meant to penetrate armor,
Size: small
it causes severe hemorrhages with the right flick of
Type: melee
the wrist.
Complexity: 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Stiletto [Brawl] $ 80
+1 +0 Size: small
Type: melee - piercing
Light, cheap, and easy to find, the knife is a perfect Complexity: 9
choice for those short on money and a weapon fit
for any occasion. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 +0
Main-gauche [Brawl] $ 240
Facing heavily armored opponents is rare these days,
Size: small
but it is always better to be safe than sorry. A stiletto
Type: melee
is a dull blade with a strong tip, designed to pierce
Complexity: 12
through armor.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 +3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 +0
+1 +1
These massive two-handed swords are extremely
dangerous and look quite the part. They are used al-
most everywhere and boast a great variety of diffe-
rent styles and makes.
The most widely used blade in Vulcania, issued to Scimitar [Athletics] $ 300
the levies of almost every army. A medium blade
with a simple guard, cheap and easy to use, it is a Size: medium
trusty ally in any melee. Type: melee
Complexity: 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Saber [Athletics] $ 360
Size: medium +1 +0
Type: melee
Complexity: 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+0 +1
Quarterstaff [Athletics] $ 80
Size: medium
Type: melee
Complexity: 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+0 +0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–3 +0 –2 –2
The weapon hated the most by the lower classes, This simple metal head mounted on a wooden shaft
the truncheon is used often (and eagerly so) by mi- is not particularly balanced, but when it strikes, it
litia and law-enforcement alike worldwide. It is a rains down pain from the heavens. Such a weapon
simple weapon that can rarely be deadly, but can le- is best suited for those who do not like technology,
ave many nasty bruises and broken bones for sure. are too clumsy for their own good to use swords, or
Special: when a Character uses a truncheon to think blades are for cutting bottles open.
deal non-lethal damage, they do not suffer the -3
penalty to attack Tests.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 +0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+0 –1
Thrown We apons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+1 –2 +1 –1
Small, balanced, and precise, the dart grants a +4 This small hatchet is balanced for throwing. Larger
bonus to Stealth Tests to hide it from casual glan- than a dart, its shape allows it to make better use
ces and a +2 against more attentive searches. Darts of the strength of its thrower, becoming a very
were born as ranged weapons, but can be used so- dangerous weapon in expert hands.
mewhat effectively in melee, working like an Im- It is a Nuug tradition to gift a tomahawk to their
provised weapon. children when they turn eight, to introduce them
to the realm of weapons. Should a tomahawk be
used as a melee weapon, its Brawl Tests do not
Shuriken [Handicraft] $ 30 benefit from any modifier and it deals only 1 point
Size: small of damage regardless of the die result.
Type: ranged (range 6)
Complexity: 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+2 –3
Ranged We apons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 –2 –1 –2
Crossbows are said to be the next step in non- Short bows are smaller versions that can be used
piryum-based ranged weapons. Their main advanta- from a saddle. Many still do not understand why so-
ge is silence and relative ease of maintenance and mebody would buy something so primitive when for
acquisition, although they are significantly slower to a few pennies more they can purchase a solid rifle,
reload than bows or guns, taking a whole round. but tastes are known to vary.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 –3 –1 –1
Bows were among the first ranged weapons ever This small and short-ranged weapon is appreciated
used by mankind. Shooting a bow takes both hands, by assassins and spies for its discreet presence. It
and cannot be done while prone or when engaged grants a +4 bonus to Stealth Tests to hide it from
in melee. Drawing and preparing an arrow requires casual glances but, is revealed if its bearer is searched
a Maneuver. more attentively.
Fire arms
Guns are thermoballistic machines that use Carbines are particularly complex weapons, fitted
piryum for the energy to propel projectiles over with bumpers to make recoil more manageable.
long distances. Or, more easily, pull the trigger, However, like many of the larger firearms, they are
boom, the poor idiot dies. Easy! relatively unwieldy and not that precise. Carbines
As a consequence, projectile velocity is such cannot be used against targets engaged in melee
that armor is pierced as if it was paper. with the shooter.
Humans, crafty as they are, make all sorts of
firearms, used either with one or both hands. Un-
less otherwise stated, a gun has a drum magazine Enterrador [Senses] $ 1,800
containing 6 rounds of ammunition. Replacing or Size: large
refilling a magazine takes two rounds of the Cha- Type: ranged (range: 30 – shots: 6) - Piercing
racter not doing anything else but that. Complexity: 14
Piryum detonations generate a hefty amount
of recoil and are extremely loud. Also, guns jam
when the Character rolls a Catastrophic Failure
on a Test to hit. A jammed weapon cannot be
used to shoot again until a successful Handicraft
(Mechanical Repairs) Test is made against a Dif-
ficulty of 10.
It goes both ways, however: on a Success with
Opportunity on a Dodge Test to avoid being hit
by a bullet, it is the enemy weapon’s that jams! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
If the Character possesses Academic Knowle-
dge (Engineering) and is proficient in Craftsman- –2 –2
ship (Metallurgy), they can try to make firearm
with a Test against the weapon’s Complexity.
The best of Mos firearm technology, this extraordi-
nary rifle boasts a quick and sensitive trigger, a per-
fectly balanced weight in spite of its large size, and
Carbine [Senses] $ 800 enough stopping power to paint the inside of an ar-
Size: large mored cabin with the brains of its pilot. Expensive,
Type: ranged (range: 16 – shots: 6) - Piercing for sure, but totally worth its money.
Complexity: 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 –2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–4 –3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+0 –2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 –3
–3 –2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 –2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 –2
Tormentum Arrays
Algor $ 600
Complexity: 17
Nidor $ 800
Complexity: 19
Zahyi $ 600
Complexity: 18
Tormentum We apons
The Monopolies did not just design Arrays and Almarada [Brawl] $ 1,000
Apparati, they also ventured into the realm of we-
Size: small
aponsmithing, developing new and terrifying tech-
Type: melee
nologies just for their tools of death. Although ra-
Complexity: 16
ther expensive, they are formidable weapons.
Special: if a Character gets a Catastrophic Failu- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
re when using a Tormentum weapon, it detonates
dealing 1 point of damage that ignores damage re- +1 +0
duction to everything within 2 cubitus. The wea-
pon, then, must be repaired before it can be used This small and lethal stiletto has a miniaturized Vul-
again. canus-powered pump that drains blood from the
Characters proficient in Academic Knowledge target whenever its user strikes a vein or artery. The
(Engineering) and Craftsmanship (Metallurgy) are sudden bleeding is known to make people faint, and
able to craft Tormentum Weapons with a Handi- the undoubtedly scenic effect of blood spurting at
craft Test against the Complexity listed in the item’s high pressure from the pommel of the weapon is
profile. known for being a powerful deterrent.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+2 –2
+0 –2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 –1 –3 –2
Magneto (Strength) $ 900 The head of this hammer contains a small reaction
engine similar to those used by aeronauts, which al-
Size: large lows the wielder to spin it at hilariously high speeds.
Type: melee So high, its inventor must have been extremely drunk
Complexity: 16 or a bloody genius, they say. Regardless of the sani-
ty or liver conditions of that poor sod, it is beyond
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 any sort of doubt that the Malleus is appealing to a
well-known category of crazies, right?
–2 +0
You can spend an Opportunity on this devi-
ce to rev the engine and knock its target 5 cubitus
This large hammer features a Vulcanus engine that
away. If the target strikes a solid surface, like a wall
generates a powerful magnetic field, capable of at-
or a tree, it deals 1 additional point of damage and
tracting bullets and, if used skillfully, wrenching a
stops; if it strikes somebody else instead, both suffer
weapon out of its owner’s hands. As Balast wisdom
1 point of damage and are knocked Prone.
has it, an unarmed opponent is always better than
an armed one, right?
You can spend an Opportunity on this de-
vice to have it capture your enemy’s weapon and
secure it to the head.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–1 –2 –1 –3
The tanks in this gun hold reagents that mix into an A weapon designed specifically for and by biopsists,
unstable and highly corrosive substance, expelled in it features a tank where its user mixes reagents to
globs that explode when they hit a solid item or at form Mutagens and Toxins that are then applied to
the end of their range. needles shot up to 5 cubitus away by a compressor.
The acid compound inundates a square 2 cubitus by Synthesizing a substance takes an Action and an Insi-
2 cubitus and, on contact with solid surfaces, exhales ght Test against the reagent’s Complexity. A Success
toxic gas. All damage dealt by an Acidus ignores da- with Opportunity on the Test reduces creation time
mage reduction offered by armor. to just a Maneuver.
You can spend an Opportunity on this wea- The reagents contained within an Aculeus are hi-
pon to have it inflict the Disoriented condition on ghly unstable and cannot be stored for long, so they
its target. must be used within a few minutes before they be-
come inert.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Iuppiter [Insight] $ 900
These special rounds of ammunition feature a car-
Size: small
tridge with chambers containing a small amount of
Type: ranged (line 6) - Piercing
alchem reagents. When the hammer strikes, the rea-
Complexity: 14
gents mix, unleashing a lightning bolt from the bar-
rel of the weapon in a 6 cubitus long straight line.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Unlike an actual Iuppiter, however, a gun loaded
with Zeus ammunition does not benefit from its
–1 –3
Opportunity and does not require proficiency with
alchem weapons.
The reagents contained within a Iuppiter’s tank mix
together, unleashing powerful electrolytic dischar-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Andromedus [Discipline] $ 900
Size: medium +2 –1
Type: melee
Complexity: 17 This conlio ring is known for its incredibly sharp
edge and the ability some Markonists have to control
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 its trajectory with their mind. Chakraam evolutions
include going around corners and returning to the
–1 +1 Markonist’s hands. Of course, non-Markonists can
still use this weapon, but it only serves them as a
Inspired by the Abrab chain, the Andromedus is normal thrown weapon.
a flash of steel under the control of a Markonist, Chakraams can be used in melee combat, hitting
acting as if of its own volition. Because of this cha- on a Brawl Test that does not benefit from any mo-
racteristic, a skilled user can employ their Androme- difier and dealing only 1 point of damage.
dus to intercept bullets or wrap it around shins and Special: Chakraams ignore any kind of cover,
wrists. Although born as a melee weapon, it can be since they can be thrown to make up to 90° changes
used as a ranged weapon with a 2 cubitus range. of direction. To attack a target with a Chakraam, the
Markonist only needs to know where they are.
You can spend an Opportunity on this wea-
pon to have it inflict the Prone condition.
–2 +0
Faux [Discipline] $ 300 A lethal drone graft that features three saw blades
which fan out in front of the drone, mowing down
whatever stands in its way.
Type: melee
Complexity: 14 You can spend an Opportunity on this wea-
pon to have it roll another attack against a secondary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 target adjacent to the first.
–1 +0
Lupar [Discipline] $ 600
A Vulcanus-powered toothed disc that is fitted to a Graft
drone, it is perfect for sawing through wood, flesh, Type: ranged (cone 4 – shots 4)
and bone. Complexity: 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Flambor [Discipline] $ 600
–1 +0
Type: area of effect (area 3)
Complexity: 16 The Lupar is a firearm grafted to drones that shoots
a cartridge filled with shrapnel which sprays out of
its barrel.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+0 +0 Nanowhip [Discipline] $: –
Size: medium
A tube running around the drone it is grafted to and
Type: melee
connected to an alchem chamber within, fitted with
multiple nozzles that spit flame in a circle of burning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
You can spend an Opportunity on this we- +1 –2
apon to have it inflict the Burning condition on
everything in its area of effect. This weapon cannot be bought at a shop, as it is one
of the many forms the nanodrones used by some
Markonists can take when they join together. Al-
Iniquitor [Discipline] $ 600 though it counts as a melee weapon, it is long enou-
Graft gh to have a range of 6 cubitus.
Type: melee You can spend an Opportunity on this wea-
Complexity: 16 pon to have the Nanodrones wrap around the legs
of an enemy, inflicting them with the Immobilized
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 condition.
–2 +0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 +0 –3 +0
A long barreled, drum-fed firearm grafted to drones. A tool to saw through hard surfaces like wood, Serris
drone grafts were not designed to be used as wea-
Rector $ 120 pons, but in a pinch could double as one.
Ammunition Assuming the Character has nothing else left to use,
Complexity: 16 of course...
–1 +0
Serpis [Athletics] $ 700
Size: medium This gun assembly is capable of shooting up to 6 cu-
Type: melee bitus away. Unfortunately, it must be reloaded after
Complexity: 16 every shot.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+1 +1
This conlio staff is fitted with special joints that a Shield $ 100
Markonist can control to defy Euclidean physics and Complexity: 8
surprise their opponents.
You can spend an Opportunity generated by Heavy and unwieldy, shields are not used often as the
a Dodge Test while wielding a Serpis to have it inflict majority of Vulcanian fighters prefer to use either
the Unbalanced condition on an enemy. two weapons or two-handed ones. However, masters
came up with techniques, utilized especially by city
militias, that can turn a bloke with a board into an
actually effective warrior. Shields offer a +1 bonus
to Dodge Tests and inflict a -1 penalty to Movement.
Lorica $ 200
DR: 1
Encumbrance: 2
Complexity: 11
Tormentum Armor
The Monopolies had their fun not just with giz- This suit of heavy armor is fitted with a Vulca-
mos and everyday items, but also with suits of armor. nus-powered hydraulic system that allows its wearer
If the Character is proficient in Craftsmanship to move in spite of the considerable weight, and a
(Leatherworking and Metallurgy) and Academic helmet with a Feles visor for night vision and an-
Knowledge (Alchemy or Engineering), they are ca- ti-toxin filters. This marvel of engineering was built
pable of making suits of armor by passing a Test during the Great War for elite forces to turn a sim-
against the armor’s Complexity. ple human being into a nigh-unstoppable juggernaut
of destruction, but the majority of them were de-
stroyed during the conflict. Nowadays, finding a Me-
chanus is incredibly hard, let alone somebody willing
Kevlarmor $ 800 to sell one.
DR: 1
Encumbrance: 2
Complexity: 18 Repulsor $ 2,100
DR: 1
This suit is made of Kevlus, an extremely resistant Encumbrance: 1
and elastic material capable of stopping firearm bul- Complexity: 18
lets. Kevlarmor ignores the armor-piercing characte-
ristic of guns, but is stiff and heavy, causing serious This metal armor is linked to a Vulcanus battery that
mobility issues. generates a magnetic field capable of bouncing away
small metal objects like bullets. Unfortunately, the
battery is exposed and limits the wearer’s mobility.
Lacerta $ 900 + $ Mutageni Repulsor suits grant a +2 bonus to Evade.
DR: 1
Encumbrance: 1
Complexity: 17 Volans $ 2,000
DR: 2
This suit of Karacena armor features two small blad- Encumbrance: 2
ders holding mutagens to inject into its wearer. As Complexity: 19
a Free Action, the wearer can press one of the two
buttons in the palm of its gauntlets and use one of Two large mechanical wings, fed by a Vulcanus bat-
the mutagens in the suit. Refilling the bladders takes tery, have been fitted to the back of this coat of mail.
an Extended Action and 15 minutes for each blad- Although not strong enough to properly fly, as a Ma-
der. neuver the wings allow the Character to leap up to
6 cubitus away or glide when falling. Otherwise, as
a Maneuver, the Character can close the wings over
Mechanus Exoskeleton $ 7,000 themselves, gaining a +3 cover bonus against ranged
DR: 2 attacks but being able only to move.
Encumbrance: 0
Complexity: 21
Crux $ 600
Complexity: 12
Harpago $ 300
Complexity: 8
Icarus $ 1,100
Complexity: 15
Impulsus $ 450
Complexity: 10
Remote Devices
Inauris $ 300
Exeptor $ 400 Complexity: 13
Complexity: 14
This device, not much larger than a coin, allows the
This array, the size of a small crate, is capable of re- Markonist to hear all sounds within 10 cubitus of
cording and replaying conversations and sounds up the device, if it is up to a maximum distance of 10
to 1 minute long. Each new recording overwrites the times their Analysis score away. Whether it is worn
one previously memorized. or hidden somewhere, knowledge is power!
These tiny mechanical creatures are the Drone’s Drones gain new features by being grafted with ex-
smaller cousins. Individually, they cannot take grafts tra appendages. Those grafts that are weapons are
and cannot do almost anything, but a skilled Mar- described in the Markon Weapons section of this
konist can control hundreds of them in a swarm. chapter.
If a swarm of Nanodrones takes damage, it can do
nothing but move for the next hour while it repairs
itself. Simple Grafts $ 100
Complexity: 12
Light: this floodlight either projects a 10 cubitus Uncinus: this graft turns the Polytool into an au-
long beam or emits light within a 6 cubitus radius. tomated lockpick, granting the Drone proficiency
Polytool: this array of clamps, tweezers, and ho- in Lock-picking.
oks allows the Drone to complete simple tasks or
carry small objects.
Rotor: this graft enhances the ground Movement Superior Grafts $ 600
score of a Drone to 6 cubitus. Complexity: 16
Serris: this small, sharpened disc was designed as
a circular saw but can double as an improvised wea- Carapax: this graft enhances the Exoskeleton
pon if need be. graft, granting the Drone a Damage Reduction of
Tubor: this gun assembly is capable of shooting 1.
up to 10 cubitus away. Unfortunately, it must be relo- Cerbox: this graft allows the Injector or Polynjec-
aded after every shot. tor grafts to shoot mutagens and toxins up to 6 cu-
Wings: these four thin membranes grant the Dro- bitus away.
ne an aerial Movement score of 3 cubitus. Eructor: this graft enhances the Propulsor graft,
allowing the Drone to carry a person for 3 rounds
at its maximum speed, whether on the ground or
Complex Grafts $ 300 in the air.
Complexity: 14 Feles: this graft grants night vision to the Ge-
mini graft.
Ardor: this graft turns a Tubor graft into a fla- Flambor: this graft allows the Ardor graft to
methrower. spread flames over a 2 cubitus radius around the
Commentor: this graft allows an Inauris graft to Drone.
relay words and sentences from the Markonist con- Iniquitor: this graft turns the Faux graft into a
trolling the drone. Although the sound of a Com- smaller version of the Dilanior.
mentor is clear, it cannot be mistaken for a human Lupar: this graft allows the Oplor to shoot
voice. cartridges that shower their targets in pellets and
Exoskeleton: this graft enhances the outer shell shrapnel.
of the Drone, granting it an extra Wound. Mechanus: this graft grants the Uncinus graft
Faux: this graft turns the Serris graft into a pro- proficiency in Mechanical Repairs.
per battlefield grade weapon. Silentium: this graft enhances the Inhauris graft,
Fulgor: this graft is applied to the Light graft, allowing it to project a dampening field that grants
doubling its range. It can also be used to emit a a +5 bonus to Stealth Tests within 4 cubitus of the
flash that blinds all targets within 3 cubitus of the Drone.
Oplor: this graft adds a drum magazine and a
longer barrel to a Tubor graft.
Polynjector: this graft adds two more capsules
to the Injector graft. The Character can decide whi-
ch capsule to use when.
Propulsor: this graft enhances the Wings or Ro-
tor grafts, adding 4 cubitus of Movement.
Simulacrum: this graft is added to the Gemini
graft and works like the remote of the same name.
The nozzles on this bomb emit dense smoke that This Bomb sprays a dense foam that consolidates
reduces visibility to 1 cubitus. The smoke is not toxic into a temporary bulwark, granting a +1 cover bonus
and dissipates after 3 rounds. to Evade Tests.
Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this Special: You can spend an Opportunity on this
device for its smoke screen last for 2 additional device to have it give a +2 bonus instead of +1.
This belt is worn in contact with one’s skin and is This mask is fitted with special lenses and filters ca-
fitted with hypocutaneous injectors. It is enough to pable of protecting the eyes and airways from toxins
give the right vial a slap to have the belt dispense and other harmful agents in the air.
its content in a fraction of a second. A Character
wearing a Cingulum can imbibe one of the two mu-
tagens it contains as a Free Action.
These precision scopes can be fitted on rifles, al- A practical backpack to carry one’s belongings is
lowing the shooter to spend a Maneuver to aim and the best friend of every globetrotter and wannabe
receive an additional +1 to their next shot. explorer. Now also available in red!
It features a small hidden compartment to store
money, small weapons, and other interesting items.
Pharus $ 100 Finding the secret pocket requires a success on an
Complexity: 9 Analysis Test against Difficulty 14.
Spare Bits
Wartime can been exceedingly harsh, now more Prosthesis Optimum Arm $ 1,400
than ever, not only for those bearing the brunt
of the fighting but also for those in the back li- Complexity: 14
nes with the task of saving lives from the horrors
of the war. The constant flood of wounded and The next step in the evolution of the 01 pattern,
maimed forced medics and physicians to find new the Optimum features an array of scalpels, lockpi-
methods to cure their patients, leading to the first cks, and tweezers in its fingers, adding 1 point to
experiments in linking the human nervous system the Character’s Handicraft score.
to mechanical grafts.
This is the main reason why in the present day
medicine is among the most advanced fields of Prosthesis 02 Leg $ 700
knowledge in the world. Complexity: 12
To implant a prosthetic limb, colloquially known
as Spare Bits, a competent surgeon must pass a Not among the best in the range, but better than a
Difficulty 16 Handicraft Test. wooden peg for sure. Characters with a Prosthesis
02 leg suffer a -1 penalty to their Movement score.
Re agents
Biopsist laboratories are always working to synthesi- Retrieving and injecting a Mutagen takes an Action
ze and test compounds that allow the human physio- and a Resistance Test against a Difficulty correspon-
logy to perform beyond its limits. ding the mutagen’s Complexity score. Its effects, un-
If the Character possesses Academic Knowledge less specified otherwise, are instantaneous or fade
(Alchemy and Medicine), they can try to synthesi- away the round after the mutagen was imbibed.
ze Mutagens and Toxins with a Test against the rea- Taking additional doses of the same Mutagen wi-
gent’s Complexity. thin an hour of the first requires the Character to roll
another Resistance Test. On a Success with Opportu-
nity, nothing adverse happens and the Mutagen wor-
Mutagens ks as intended. On a simple Success, the Mutagen has
no effect. On a Failure, the Mutagen has no effect
These reagents are meant to help and support com- and the Character falls to the ground, unconscious.
batants. They are sold in vials fitted with a hypo-der- On a Catastrophic Failure, instead, well… the place is
mal injector that allows anybody to use them on one- most likely to need a good scrub.
self or others without the need for special training. Special: When the Character rolls a Catastrophic
Being complex and potent substances, abuse and mi- Failure on the Resistance Test for imbibing a Muta-
suse could lead to unpleasant side effects. gen, not only does the substance has no effect, but
they suffer 1 point of damage.
Sopor $ 60
Complexity: 10
This compound makes movement sluggish and Characters with the correct skill set can extract
slows down the reflexes of its target. The Movement the many extremely toxic substances present in
score of the poisoned creature becomes 2 and they animals, plants, and minerals. Unlike biopsist-syn-
suffer a -2 penalty to Dodge Tests for one round. thesized poisons, the effects of natural toxins take
longer to manifest, but often last longer without
losing potency.
Vecordia $ 80 When they are under the effects of a natural poi-
son, Characters may pass a Resistance Test against
Complexity: 13
a Difficulty equal to the Toxicity in the substance’s
description to suffer only partial effects.
This substance inflicts a sensation of vertigo and
clouds the sight of its target, dealing them the Diso- If the Character possesses Biome Knowledge
riented condition. (Nature), they can attempt to gather toxins from na-
tural sources by passing a Handicraft Test against the
poison’s Toxicity.
Veritas $ 250 Special: If the Character rolls a Success with Op-
Complexity: 10 portunity on the Resistance Test against poison, their
body reacts so vigorously that they do not suffer any
Once administered, this substance forces its target of the toxin’s effects.
to instinctively answer any question they are asked
within the next 10 minutes. As they answer with no
hesitation, the subject is not able to craft a convin- Bonomella $ 500
cing lie. Toxicity: 15
Diamond Dust $ 300 taste, but a close inspection can detect their presence
in food or drinks.
Toxicity: 11
On a successful Resistance Test, the effects last
By correctly desiccating the crystalline zuurg lichen, only for half an hour.
the resulting fine powder is perfect for tampering
with food and drinks. Since it is famous for its cha-
racteristic sour taste, it is better used on particularly Peacock $ 700
flavorful meals. After a couple of hours, the poor Toxicity: 14
victim starts to lose their sight, becoming completely
blind within the next two days. During this period, This poison is obtained by mixing scorpion glands
permanent maiming can still be avoided. After that and powdered heavy metals, and is used by those
time has passed, the target’s eyeballs start dehydra- who not only want their opponents dead, but also to
ting, before wrinkling and falling out. leave a clear message. Peacock, in fact, is a spectacu-
On a successful Resistance Test, the poison does lar killer, as within one hour of ingestion brain blood
not have permanent effects. Its target remains blind pressure spikes so fast and violently that the skull
for a couple of days and then recovers their sight explodes, showering the poor victim’s surroundings
within a week. in blood and cerebral matter.
On a successful Resistance Test, the subject starts
to spasm violently, bleeding from their eyes, nose,
Duravia $ 200 and ears. Afterward, they collapse to the ground in a
Toxicity: 10 coma that lasts for many weeks.
Torbuco’s Herbal $ 15
Complexity: 8
score, equivalent to that given by personal armor. These four-wheeled vehicles feature a powerful en-
The Hull score mirrors the Wounds of a Character. gine and advanced mechanics, although they tend
You can spend an Opportunity to aim for a specific to be rather expensive. To this date, they are the fa-
component of the vehicle, like a wheel or an expo- vorite means of personal transportation for nobles
sed section of the engine, or to ignore its Damage and wealthy individuals, with some even being fitted
Reduction. The Difficulty score of a vehicle is the with components to maximize speed and maneuve-
one Drive Tests have to beat when called for by the rability to compete in races.
Explosion: the Vulcanus battery overheats, shredding the vehicle to pieces in the ensu-
ing detonation. Every occupant must pass a Reaction Test against Difficulty 10 to jump
out of the vehicle, suffering 1 point of falling damage. Those who fail suffer 3 points of
explosion damage.
Failure: the Vulcanus battery somehow runs out of charge. Until it is recharged, the vehi-
cle cannot move.
Rollover: the vehicle rolls over multiple times, ending up on one side. All occupants suffer
1 point of damage.
Shut Down: the vehicle suddenly shuts down. After a few seconds, it is possible to start
the engine again.
Smoke: a sudden rise in battery temperature causes dense smoke to cloud the driver’s vi-
sion, forcing them to slow down.
10/11 Slow Down: the engine skips a few beats, causing the vehicle to slow down.
Nothing: right when it seemed that Lady Luck had turned her back on you, the vehicle
skips a couple of beats but then suddenly accelerates.
Frigates are agile vessels, with decent cargo space, fi- Airship Models
repower, and enough armor to be significantly more
durable than common ships. Generally, they are Those above are the classes of airships available in
meant to be midway between every aspect of ship the world. Those below, instead, are specific models
design, employed mostly for patrolling, escort, and within those classes and their technical specifications,
exploration. like individual speed, armaments, and the like. With
these examples in mind, of course, you can always
design new ones, as progress in Vulcania never stops!
Difficulty: 12
Speed: 260 Kc/h Crotalus - Fighter
Damage Reduction: 1 Difficulty: 14
Hull: 6 Speed: 370 Kc/h
Engine: Movement 8
A slim vessel, a deadly melange of speed, aggres- Keel: Damage Reduction 1 – Hull 5
sion, and maneuverability, often employed for hit- Armaments: Forward – Facing machine guns –
and-run tactics or to expose the enemy flanks to Forward – Facing torpedoes
boardings and broadsides, they are favored by pira-
tes and many air forces around the world. The single seat fighter that revolutionized aerial war-
fare is a fast and agile aircraft, although it requires
rigorous training and nerves of steel to pilot. Un-
matched in their speed and maneuverability, they are neys, it does not feature cabins or sleeping accommo-
rather frail. dations. The side ramp has a mount for a lapidator to
Special: by passing an Aeronautics (Insight) Test, give cover fire to disembarking infantry, although it is
the pilot gains a +2 bonus to their Evasion and At- not well-suited for fighting vehicles.
tack Tests.
Luciernaga - Cargo
Hyttineen - Cargo Difficulty: 11
Difficulty: 10 Speed: 200 Kc/h
Speed: 150 Kc/h Engine: Movement 4
Engine: Movement 3 Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Thrusters) – Hull
Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Tanks) – Hull 5 7
Armaments: Side-facing lapidator – Forward-fa- Armaments: Dorsal cannons – Forward-facing
cing machine guns machine guns
A small Nuug cargo vessel that served as a troop This Mos-made cargo hauler is versatile and tou-
transport during the War, it is still often used by small gh, although not a beautiful aircraft. It is favored by
enterprises and smugglers because of its relatively smugglers and beginning sky pirates who appreciate
cheap price and solid hull. It features a small hold for its respectable cargo hold, four cabins, small dining
cargo or up to sixteen seats, while the cockpit hosts room, larder, and infirmary.
the pilot and mechanic. Not designed for long jour-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 Range: 8
modules is easier on your end, because you have less world. Do not fear levity, for sometimes it is neces-
to prepare for, but working on your own adventures sary to make tension and drama feel sharper.
and seeing the group have fun with them is more Prewritten modules already include these details and
rewarding for sure! you just have to read them to immerse your players
The golden rule! – At the end of the day, before in the game, and, when it is time to write your own,
anything else, this is a game. The “goal,” if there ever they make for a perfect guideline!
was one, is to have fun with friends. The game is not Interpretation: the most daunting task of a Nar-
a contest between Narrator and players, but a coo- rator is interpreting every single, solitary creature
perative, communal effort. Remember that the line the Characters meet and interact with, the so-cal-
between hard and frustrating is blurry, and so is the led NPC or “Non-Player Characters.” To do so,
one between a firm Narrator and a tyrant. Guiding you have to think about their character traits, their
the players through your content and plots without mindset, and how they might feel differently from
taking the freedom of choice away from them looks one another. Yes, if you are wondering, “Wait… that
like an impossible task, but you will see when you are sounds awfully similar to playing an actual Character
on the right path! myself!” the answer is, “Sort of.” You can find useful
tips and tricks further into this chapter.
Assigning Skill Bonuses: at the end of each game
The Narrator’s duty session, you are free to grant one or more Skill Bo-
Backgrounds: each Character has a background, nuses to your players so that they can improve the
whether it is elaborate or just a few words on a page. Skill scores of their Characters. Although this is not
One of your first tasks as a Narrator is to encourage an exact science, because no two tables (or two cam-
your players to come up with the backgrounds of paigns at the same table) are equal, it is a good rule
their Characters, even if it’s just a few lines: Where of thumb to assign 1 Skill Bonus per player at the
the Character was born, what kind of life they led, end of each session, with particularly impressive per-
the education or peculiar experiences they had, their formances or plans earning more.
relatives, and so on. Encourage your players when
describing their Characters, their teachers, mentors
and antagonists, or people they have scores to settle Hosting a game session
with, because this is material from which you can Once the group has made its Characters and you
take elements to weave into your plots and emotio- have a plot for them to play though, you are ready to
nally involve your friends. run your first session. It’s show time! Here are a few
Breathing life into the world: each time a player mo- tips to make sure it is fun for all of the people at the
ves their Character in the world of Vulcania, they table, including you.
make decisions, react to sudden dangers, or inquire
about the environment. In each and every one of Setting Difficulty
these circumstances, your players do so by asking When they have to roll a Test, it is your job to set
questions, with you being the only one who knows which number the result of the die roll must equal or
the true answer. Some you are free to divulge, becau- pass for a Success. That value is the Test’s Difficulty.
se it would make sense for the Characters to know Vulcania’s rules system features guidelines in set-
them. Others require a Test at your discretion. The ting the Difficulty for a Test with the seven Difficulty
important aspect, however, is how you deliver the Levels. Of course, as with many other aspects of the
information. Make sure your descriptions are as clear game, they are not hard rules to follow, but a system
as possible, tell them what they perceive with their in place to help you tailor the Difficulties in your
senses, what they feel, and the atmosphere that sur- game to make sure the Tests your players roll behave
rounds them, to immerse them in the session and the the way you need them to.
Trivial: The Test is about something anybody what should be an adequately challenging Test Diffi-
could habitually do. Trivial Tests, at your discretion, culty based on the Rank of the group:
could be so easy that there is not even the need to
roll for them in the first place. Table 6.2 – Ranks by Difficulty
Easy: an action requiring an Easy Test does not Rank Difficulty
require much effort.
Routine: Routine Tests are the default Difficulty Newbie 9
Challenging: this kind of Test features some fac- Expert 11
tor that might hamper its result.
Hard: the Test happens under adverse conditions. Veteran 13
Extraordinary: the Character must contend with
Hero 14
low chances of success.
Legendary: the vast majority of those in situa- Legend 16
tions that call for a Legendary Test succumb, its con-
ditions so adverse that only fate can save them from
what most likely is death! Bonuses and Penalties
Sometimes, external factors influence the result of
For each level, there is an actual, numerical Difficulty a Test. When this happens, it is the Narrator who
threshold for the die result: establishes if such external influence has a numerical
effect on the Difficulty of a Test.
Table 6.1 - Difficulty Levels
Level Difficulty A few considerations about Groups
To ensure harmony at the table and that the game
Trivial 6
runs smoothly, both you and your players must first
Easy 8 establish some out-of-game rules—the code of con-
duct that you and your friends want kept at the table.
Routine 10
Absent Players There are times when even the
Challenging 12 most assiduous of players are forced to miss ses-
sions, because the markedly less exciting eldritch
Hard 14 construct known as “real life” prevented them. In
this case, the absent player’s Character is without
Extraordinary 16 their pilot and the group must decide what to do
with them. To avoid needless confusion, it is better
Legendary 18
to establish how to deal with absent players befo-
re the campaign even starts: perhaps you or another
As an example, swimming in rough waters could player run that Character, or they are momentarily
be counted as a Challenging Test, while swimming in out of the action if the adventure allows it, ready
the same sea but during a storm is definitely a Hard to rush into the fray once again when their player
or Extraordinary Test. returns. It would be sad, not to mention incredibly
These levels are not only a useful tool to make anticlimactic, if a Character died or suffered greatly
sure each Test is as hard as it should be, but also a when their player was not there to control them. So,
gauge for the actual capabilities of the group. Table to avoid such a fate, it might be necessary to employ
6.2 – Ranks by Difficulty is helpful to determine a deus ex machina.
Describing the action authority as Narrator, or just be shy and perhaps not
To give players the chance to make informed deci- feel like speaking in public for something that im-
sions, a good Narrator tries to accurately describe the portant. If you do not know the people at your table
situations they find themselves in. During combat, well enough to know in advance who behaves well
for example, where precise information is key, an- in such a situation, ask them if they feel like descri-
swer in a concise and efficient manner any questions bing the act, to give them a chance to return to their
about terrain, objects, positioning, and equipment, comfort zone, and then, if they want you to do it,
and if the details your players ask are too minute, weave the most epic tale you can imagine.
feel free to ask them to roll for an Analysis Test to However, even Catastrophic Failures are helpful
see how much and how fast their Character can un- to focus the attention of the players on what is hap-
derstand. pening in the game. “You are taking aim against one
Also, dramatizing a description always adds to of the bandits, give a gentle tap to the trigger, and
both immersion and involvement for your players. the telltale click of a jammed gun is the only thing
As an example, saying “The mighty Nuug you are that you feel. Your opponent turns to face you and
fighting strikes you with a powerful swing, painfully snarls, menacingly hefting their weapon.”
slashing your ribcage,” is way better than just, “The
guy to your right deals you 1 point of damage,” be-
cause it makes the player who just took said 1 point
of damage imagine way more vividly what just hap-
If you have the impression that an important de-
tail was lost in the thick of the melee, feel free to
remind your players. Reminding them how each mo-
vement of the giant scorpion causes debris to fall
from the ceiling is a good hint to make them realize
the building will eventually collapse on their head.
Adding intensity and detail to the action allows
you to better hold the attention of your players and
make game time more fulfilling for the both of you.
Theatrics are a useful tool to achieve such a goal, al-
though practice will teach you when to dispense with
them for the sake of brevity or efficiency.
Always ramp up the epic whenever an Opportu-
nity or Catastrophic Failure happens, as the former
are moments when Fate itself chose the Character to
succeed, making them the absolute protagonist of
the story for a few moments. A good practice is to
allow them to describe how their Character succeeds,
as few things are more memorable than having the
opportunity to decide “how it actually went.” Howe-
ver, some players feel intimidated by such sudden
authority over the official, canonical, outcome of an
Opportunity. They might be inexperienced and feel
like stepping beyond their lot as players over your
something else you had already prepared or just im- guy?!” when you unravel the plot you spent so much
provise on the spot! One of the strong suits of a time and effort building is definitely anticlimactic.
role-playing game is freedom of choice, so its lack
causes frustration.
Location-based Adventures
Challenge The easiest way to begin creating an adventure is
The events you prepare, whether they are combat-ba- starting from the place where its events are set. The
sed or not, should challenge your players enough that abandoned city of Kbal, an ancient ruined com-
they have to earn their success, but it is not beyond pound, or a graveyard are all places that give a vibra-
their capabilities. Only teamwork should carry the tion of mysticism and action and are perfect adven-
Characters through the obstacles you have set in ture material. This kind of adventure benefits greatly
front of them, cementing their bond. Also, differen- from a map of the local area, with notes on the pla-
tiating the challenges they face is important to give ces where the relevant events you have prepared will
everyone a portion of the spotlight: let the events happen. The larger portion of your work, then, is
follow their course, but make sure that beating your setting the map and the individual events.
challenges is not guaranteed. If a player regularly
behaves in a way that endangers the group, let them Drawing the map
suffer the consequences, which will most likely make Graph paper allows you to not only represent the
them aware of their Character’s mortality. important locations in the area of play, but also show
an approximation of the distance between them, gi-
Knowledge ving a measure of the time it takes to move from one
Make sure your players have all the information they to another. Make sure to take note (or draw, if you
need to make a choice—it is not a contest between can) as many ambient elements as possible, like rub-
you and your players, after all. However, avoid unvei- ble, rundown walls, trees, and buildings, as the richer
ling the whole plot, because otherwise it would take the scene, the more diverse strategies your players
away a fairly large portion of the fun of discovery. can employ and the more dynamic the situation be-
Finding the final, carefully hidden clue to unravel a comes.
mystery, after all, is part of the fun in and of itself, Since the action can transition from outdoors to
although there is a fine line between that and just indoors, having a few detailed maps of the edifices
sheer frustration! of the area in addition to the more general one ma-
No two adventures are born equal, however, and kes handling the campaign more comfortable. In the
there are times when your players know all there is to former situation, it is enough to give an overview of
know and the challenge is in preparing and laying the what the Characters can see and interact with.
best plan for the task at hand. Other times, they are When the situation moves indoors, knowing the po-
swept by the events and have to improvise, gathering sitioning of furniture, doors, walls, windows, and so
information from the environment. Problem solving on becomes critical when executing a plan, both for
depends on information, which means you are likely the players and, of course, their enemies. The size of
to ask for Analysis or Senses Tests to determine how an environment is important, so make sure to prepa-
aware the Characters are of what surrounds them re for locations you can realistically portray on graph
Which type of challenge to use when and how paper. Characters usually alter the locations they rove
deep to make a plot, of course, depends on your through! They routinely vandalize statues, kick in do-
group. The more secondary plots and characters a ors, and take items, so noting down any alteration
campaign features, the easier it is to lose track of in the makeup of the environment is useful if the
them. group happens to wander back through a place they
Your players asking “and who on earth is that have already visited.
Planning events the Characters. If it takes only a few hours for the
Now that you have the location for your adventure, group to explore the city of Kbal, they could meet
it is time to determine what is going to happen there some NPC’s, but should they remain for the night,
and why it is going to be awesome. First of all, mark then things could be much different and dangerous.
with a letter or number the places where you want Should they find the wanted Lady Victoria before
an event to be. From there, you have room to start she acquires the local cache of weapons, then they
jotting down content like treasure, traps, secret pas- would avoid having to fight her and her goons, ar-
sages, NPCs, etc. med to the teeth with Vulcanus weapons.
ration, it benefits the most from a careful building this mysterious figure. The NPC’s who have key in-
of the main plot and the many possible ways it can formation are the tavern keeper, the priest, and the
evolve. Noting down the details of the plot in chro- pharmacist. If the group interrogates them with the
nological order and then many alternative paths the right questions and some successful Tests within a
group can take is always a good start. day of the murder, they will tell what they know.
The second day from the murder, the pharma-
Events Chart cist’s wife finds her husband dead in their apartment.
Keeping track of events and their internal consisten- As another, parallel investigation unfolds, now, the
cy is important when narrating an entertaining ad- tavern keeper feels threatened and closes the inn,
venture, so an Events Chart is surely helpful. Every hunkering down in his home and refusing to talk to
moment your players spend deep into your story has anybody.”
consequences on the future, as explained earlier, so When your players do something, note it down
you will spend a lot of time updating it depending on on the Chart and try to imagine what they could do
what the group does. next. This kind of play structure requires more pre-
“As usual, the city’s Alcalde visited his preferred paration and work on your end, although it is the one
tavern right before lunch for a glass of his favorite that makes the story the most dynamic and intere-
wine. The moment he took a sip, he dropped dead, sting. The actions of your players shape the events,
under the incredulous eyes of both the Characters although the world moves around them at the same
and his guard. As soon as a doctor is summoned, they time, and the more intricate the context is, the more
ascertain that the Alcalde was poisoned and so, either attention the group must pay to complete their mis-
because of some sense of duty or the hefty bounty sion. If they do, however, the satisfaction of solving
on the head of the murderer, the group starts chasing a complex mystery is second to none.
The Alcalde visits the
tavern at lunchtime and seems
to have been killed by a stroke.
The first rumors, however,
claim he has been
Does not share information.
Charm/Aggression LIBRARY
versus Difficulty 10: he saw Analysis versus
somebody wandering around Difficulty 13: a manhole ne-
the library the night before. arby seems to have been opened
Charm versus Difficulty 14: he is recently. The relative section of
suspicious of the undertaker, believing sewers leads to the alchemical
he is not who he wants the other villa- laboratory.
gers to think he is.
Analysis versus
Difficulty 10: the manhole
in the laboratory’s inner
courtyard has been
A former cutthroat who
opened recently.
wants to put his past behind him.
Charm versus Difficulty 10: he
heard noises from behind the library,
close to the alchemical laboratory.
Charm versus Difficulty 16: LABORATORY
he reveals, but claims to Analysis versus
be innocent. Difficulty 13: a professional
picked the lock of the backdoor
and then closed it to look like
it had never happened.
Although the corpse of the undertaker
was found in his laboratory, he seems to
be innocent. However, he does not share EPILOGUE
information and attempts to mislead the group. After their investigation
Cunning/Aggression versus Difficulty 10: is complete, the Characters
after being exposed, he asks for the group’s help in confront the Faceless clan for
recovering a rare reagent used in the making of a the final showdown!
powerful toxin. He suspects the thief was one
of the Faceless, a criminal group with which
he had dealings in the past.
Classic Structures
Evocative areas like a mausoleum or the sewers of a
metropolis are a perfect setting for adventures rich in
fighting and tension, not to mention a useful tool to
use should the group deviate too far from the main
plot and you need to buy time. There is no limit to
the kinds of structures you can come up with, but
the following list is there if you need a little guidance
for your creative flow:
both beasts and treasure. passages connecting locations together have the po-
Ruins: most often, ruins are buildings or settle- tential to be the theater of interesting encounters.
ments that have been abandoned by their makers and Their configuration conditions how the Characters
now are used by new occupants for new purposes. In move and fight, making for unique combinations.
many cases, such change is rather evident. The on- Corridors: of course, their main function is to
ce-proud Von Hammer manor, with the family crest connect the areas of a location together, but some-
on every door, hearth, and gate, now the den of a times they are used as defense mechanisms, forcing
group of Whaampa that terrorize the surrounding invaders to pass one at a time to negate their poten-
villages, is a prime example of this. tial numerical advantage. Ideal for traps.
These areas are ideal for criminal activities, or as Staircases: as corridors connect an area horizon-
roosts and dens for wandering creatures, where they tally, stairs and ladders do so vertically, with the top
raise their young and pile the bones of their prey. of a staircase being a perfect spot for a trap or a sen-
Usually, there is not much left of the original furni- tinel. Depending on their width, incline, and context,
ture or treasures, but it is also true that the new inha- like strong winds or hot lead raining down from the
bitants have either already found out or triggered any heavens, dealing with a ladder or staircase could call
possible trap that the builders have set about the pla- for an Agility Test in and of itself.
ce. Of course, depending on the level of sentience Bridges: linking together areas that would be
of the present occupants, they might have converted otherwise inaccessible, they can take any sort of
said traps for their own uses… form, from the fallen log to the drawbridge. Brid-
Subterranean Structures: it is often said that the ges also come in all materials, from iron to stone to
best way to keep something safe is hiding it under- wood, and in all shapes, easing passage or requiring
ground, be it a treasure or a secret Monopoly labora- Tests on the Characters’ end. As an example, a natu-
tory. Secure underground structures are an old con- rally occurring bridge in a volcanic area most likely
cept, where one is more likely to run into guardians features magma and is a rather dangerous location to
and traps rather than actual people, as technology or cross, while a rope bridge in a jungle could be easily
positioning is the main line of defense. Of course, destroyed with a few vigorous machete strokes. Of
not many can afford these places, so they are rare. course, falling from a bridge is followed by dire con-
Common sights are elaborate mechanical traps, se- sequences, although a Reaction Test against Difficul-
curity doors, and other measures that do not require ty 12 could be what an unfortunate Character needs
much in the way of maintenance to be kept working to grab onto something solid before meeting their
so that they still function even without the presence doom countless feet below.
of their makers.
Separating the areas of a structure, walls are usually
Scenic elements better climbed than smashed through, when possi-
There will be times when you need to know details ble. The most common building material on Vulca-
like how tough the door your players are trying to nia is brick and mortar, but stone and wood are still
smash their way through is. Since small and appa- in widespread use, especially in older buildings.
rently insignificant aspects of the game world like Wood: stables, warehouses, and farmhouses usual-
these can suddenly become relevant, the following ly feature wooden walls. Its relatively low resistance
is a list of props to have your players interact with and the ease with which it can be climbed by setting
when need be: nails and pitons makes wooden walls relatively easy
to deal with.
Passages Brick and Mortar: used in recent buildings, bri-
Be they corridors, bridges, or dark, dank tunnels, the cks are favored for being both thermal and acoustic
Combination Locks: featuring six different triggered anyway. To reactivate a trap, the Character
locks operated by a disc where the user inputs a must pass another Handicraft Test and must have
code, they are unique items fitted to vacuum doors available any components the mechanism is current-
that guard important places like the bridge of an ly missing to operate properly. Traps designed for
airship or its captain’s quarters. Picking one of these one use only cannot be rearmed.
locks is almost impossible, and those who wish to The following trap examples include any details
try usually desist unless they have a hefty amount of you might need during play, but if you create your
explosives available. own, then the Test Difficulty is usually 10.
The Difficulty to deal with these locks is 15.
Defusing Mechanisms
Most skilled builders always devise ways to move
Traps undisturbed within the perimeters that they have fil-
Ancient passages, secret compounds, and bank vaul- led with traps, sometimes placing defusing mecha-
ts are only a few of the most common places a Cha- nisms in secret places that your players might find.
racter can have the pleasure of making the acquain- These contraptions take many forms, like levers,
tance of traps. The following section is about the special locks, or buttons, and require Analysis and
most common types of traps used in Vulcania, and Handicraft Tests against a Difficulty of 14 to find
a few handy rules for how to use them or, why not, and operate them.
make your own.
Effects of a trap
Activation The “what sort of mayhem is this going to wreak”
Each trap is set off by some sort of mechanism, be section of any trap. Not all are deadly, however, as
it a tripwire a few inches off the ground or a button some allow a Test to partially mitigate their nefa-
hidden in the floor. Whatever form they take, howe- rious effects.
ver, all traps in Vulcania have a mechanical position Danger (D): the Danger score sets the Difficulty
or contact-based activation trigger. of the Tests that Characters must pass to mitigate
Contact: the trap is triggered when the target the effects when they are within the trap’s affected
comes in contact with one of its peripheral com- area.
ponents. A common example is a door handle that Inevitable: these traps cannot miss their targets,
causes the surrounding area to be flooded in toxic making Skill, cunning, or luck irrelevant. A wall co-
gas when pulled. vered in spikes that barrels towards the group in a
Positioning: The target’s position determines the room with no exits is a typical example of an inevi-
activation of the trap. An old classic is the trapdoor table trap. Liquid or gas-based traps often have this
that opens into a pit filled with poisoned spikes. characteristic.
: on a Catastrophic Failure on the Test to
Finding, Deactivating, and Reactivating avoid the trap, consequences could be dire indeed!
a trap
To deactivate a trap, one must first know where its
trigger mechanism is located by making an Analysis
Test against a Difficulty based on the trigger size,
positioning, and any work done on it to keep it hid-
den. If the Character is not able to find said me-
chanism, the trap cannot be deactivated. Otherwise,
they can attempt a Handicraft Test. If the result of
the latter Test is a Catastrophic Failure, the trap is
combination. Unless that happens, the Characters are a common occurrence, and so is determining their
sucked out of the room, onto a wall covered in spikes resistance. To expedite this process, items are given
and blades. a material-dependent integrity and resistance score,
equivalent to the Wounds and Damage Reduction
Furniture and tools of organic beings, with 1 Wound per cubic meter of
Furniture and tools are essential to giving life and mass as a rule of thumb. Fragile materials offer 0 Re-
realism to a setting, as they help the players under- sistance, mineral-based substances like stone give 1,
stand the purpose of the structure they are in and, at while metal alloys grant 2.
the same time, help with immersion. Their condition Table 6.3 — Scenic Elements offers an over-
also gives precious clues to the Characters, like claw view of many of the elements described earlier. Of
marks, bullet holes, or a suspicious shine. Feel free to course, as Narrator, it is up to you to choose whether
place as much detail in your adventures as you see fit! or not to apply these rules so as not to excessively
slow down the game. If a Character wishes to break a
Action against props window with their ax, of course, they should be able
Acting against scenic elements, like bashing down a to do it, unless the glass is more resistant than usual
door or shredding an enemy’s cover with gunfire, is because of some plot-related reasons!
as really the only difference between a city and a because of the many guards, security systems, and a
dungeon is scale. Both have walls, hallways, doors, position dominating the local area. Fortresses usually
elevators, and the scenic elements described earlier. have up to thirty rooms.
However, cities are also ruled by laws that may pre-
clude access to specific areas and regulate the use Purchasing a building
of certain tools, like weapons. Also, the presence of When the Characters have acquired enough wealth,
law enforcement units makes moving about a settled they might wish to spend it to buy a residence for
area more interesting. However, should your players the group. As price varies depending on the size and
be creative in circumventing these obstacles or use location of their new home, Table 6.4—Buildings
them to their advantage, their creativity should be is there to help you in deciding the price.
encouraged. The law is a factor to be kept into con-
sideration when developing alternative ways to solve Table 6.4 - Buildings
a problem, not just an obstacle for gameplay.
Building Price
Habitation Block 100,000 $
Recurrent locations
One of the major advantages of operating in a sett- Upper Class Block 250,000 $
lement are the services the Characters can benefit
from and the Non Player Characters that offer them. Mansion 500,000 $
Through these, the group is able to buy and sell gear
Fortress 1,000,000 $
quickly, receive medical aid, find experts, or simply
enjoy the hospitality of various establishments on
the spectrum of morality. What follows is a list of Banks: banks are the beating heart of Vulcania’s
recurrent NPC’s and locations in a typical city. economy and have subsidiaries all over the major ci-
ties: massive buildings up to ten stories tall garriso-
Buildings ned by a small army of private guards. Characters
Habitation Blocks: these feature three to five should always remember that although a credit in-
floors and between six to ten apartments, without stitute might be willing to lend them money, it is im-
particular technological characteristics. Depending possible to escape them for long.
on the climate, some have tiled roofs while others Libraries: these ancient structures hold the majo-
have flat ones that the inhabitants use as balconies. rity of Vulcania’s knowledge and, with enough te-
Upper Class Blocks: the residence of the mid- nacity, can yield very specific pieces of information.
dle class, ranging from four to ten floors and often Librarians can help the group in navigating the en-
having a reception area or lodge. The apartments are dless rows of shelves and tomes, but their meager
large, featuring between four to seven rooms and toi- wages might require an incentive to make them more
lets connected to the sewers. cooperative.
Mansions: where important people and nobles Militia Barracks: every city employs a small
live, featuring between ten and twenty rooms. The standing army tasked with maintaining order and,
entrance gates and the surrounding garden ensure in wartime, defending its territory. Normally, patrols
privacy and many are even guarded by private securi- are led by a corporal and formed by privates, rotating
ty and have paid staff. between three eight hour long shifts. The bulk of
Fortress: these stone compounds feature mighty the militia is usually busy patrolling the city streets,
defensive walls and most often were built in the while the rest mans the walls. Before the war, city
ancient past, hosting the lords of a city. Entering a militias counted a soldier for every hundred citizens,
fortress without an invitation is almost impossible although nowadays they number about half that and
struggle to keep the banner of justice aloft. For this of a settlement, are narrower and often are not even
reason, any problems they cannot handle are dealt paved. Lighting here is scarce, provided by lanterns
with through a bounty system that rewards service hanging from wherever possible.
to the law… even if it is just temporary. Tavern: should your players wish to make new
Monopoly Seats: monopolies hold the most ca- acquaintances, taverns are the perfect place for me-
refully hidden secrets in Vulcania and have seats in eting new people, gathering information, or relaxing
every important city. Architecture depends on the after an exhausting adventure. Their vast range of
local style, although they present common elements services includes lodging, food, drink, pools, saunas,
like thick perimeter walls, loyal private security for- and more, to satisfy even the most refined tastes.
ces, and a fair amount of secret passages and rooms Bell Tower: the complexity of mechanical clocks
used to enter and leave the structure unnoticed. makes these installations extremely expensive, and
Airdocks: almost every city in Vulcania has a safe only the most technologically advanced of cities
landing spot for airships, without which commercial have them. As they are commonly held as the sym-
development, exploration, and warfare are almost bol of the Industrial Revolution and technological
impossible. Normally, airdocks are located in the progress, the apartments that have been built into
periphery or on large bodies of water, as airships them accommodate important figures from the local
still retain a limited buoyancy. Water-based airdocks scientific community, called Clock Wardens. These
resemble harbors and dockyards, while those that people are held in high regard by the politicians of
are land-based usually are large towers surrounded the area, whom they advise, and often come from
by gantries, cranes, lifts, and pipes for handling car- the many academies of engineering.
go and resupplying. All of them also feature one or
more light towers that guide airships to safety from
far away and in any weather. Adventures in unexplored lands
Sewers: Almost every city features a sewage sy- Encounters in the uncharted wilderness are as en-
stem, accessed by manholes and the main waste ca- gaging as urban ones, although wildly different. The
nal. Its tunnels vary from smaller peripheral ones characters are free to roam the wilderness, taking the
to larger gallery junctions, their brick walls covered directions they wish with the utmost freedom. You
in lichens and moss. Most often, the planning of a are not forced to draw tactical maps for every nook
sewage network resembles that of an underground and cranny the Characters might want to explore,
structure. although it means you need a basic understanding
Train Station: the majority of Vulcanian cities are of the possible events and consequences on a much
connected by a railway network, the fastest land-ba- wider scale.
sed means of transportation as personal vehicles are On the other hand, the group does not have ac-
unreliable and animal mounts leave their rider expo- cess to the commodities of a city, like shops and ho-
sed to the elements. Trains are comfortable and so- spitals. Effectively, they are on their own.
mewhat affordable vehicles, especially for those who
can purchase first class tickets. Those designed for
long travels are known for featuring restaurant coa- Lost in the wild
ches and actual suites, booked at around four times Following a trail, a river, or another landmark is a
middle class prices. useful method for not getting lost when traveling
City Streets: the painstakingly maintained major in the wilderness. However, the group will sooner
arteries of a city allow for the passage of vehicles, or later be forced to leave the relative security of
with those of richer districts lit by gas lamps or pha- the beaten path to delve deeper into the hinterland,
rus lanterns during nighttime. Lesser streets, on the where unexpected dangers and inclement weather
other hand, which connect the many neighborhoods might prevent them from understanding their po-
menon before falling into it. Characters who move point, although Skills are still capped at the value of
too fast or are busy doing anything else do not get their parent ATTRIBUTE + 1.
to roll to spot a patch of quicksand. Characters cau-
ght in quicksand must pass an Athletics Test against
Difficulty 13 to move one cubitus in the direction Chana and Vas catch their breath after capturing
of their choice. After three Failures, the Character Ghraam, the large Nuug who led a band of bloo-
is submerged by the quicksand and starts drowning. dthirsty brigands wanted by half the world. Fishing
him out of his lair was a grueling task, but now it is
all over and both can taste victory and money. Now the
Weather two adventurers are not just sensibly richer, but also
Weather is critical, even more so when the Characters more aware of their skills and limits, thanks to this
spend long periods of time in open areas. Rain re- new experience.
moves the tracks left by their prey, while storms for-
ce the group to take detours for shelter.
As Narrator, you decide when the weather chan- When to award how many points
ges and you can use this power both to help your Awarding Growth Points every other session al-
players or hinder them. Otherwise, there is always a lows the group to grow regularly, giving each player
Luck Test to let fate decide if those dark clouds turn enough time to become familiar with and appreciate
into a rainstorm or not. After all, it can always get each upgrade. Should you and your group decide you
worse. It could rain, right? want a faster progression rate so they can face harder
Downpour: pouring rain prevents the Characters challenges earlier, you can award Points at the end of
from seeing further than 4 cubitus away and shooting each session, instead.
beyond that requires a successful Luck Test against Alternatively, you can award Growth Points at the
the target’s Evade score. Groups caught outdoors by end of a whole adventure, depending on how many
pouring rain must pass an Analysis Test to keep their sessions it takes your group to complete it.
sense of direction, and they suffer a -2 penalty to all In both cases, feel free to reward the player who
Senses Tests. best interpreted their Character or played a key role
Fog: visibility is reduced to 2 cubitus, and sinister in advancing the plot with an extra Growth Point, in
and disturbing backgrounds benefit terribly by ad- a similar way that you reward clever play with Gears
ding a touch of mist, perfect for dramatically intro- of Fate during actual gameplay.
ducing a villain.
Snowfall: in addition to visibility issues if it is
snowing heavily, it coats the ground with a thick layer Rewards
in a few hours, halving the speed of the Characters. Greed is among the chief factors that make Cha-
Heavy snow instead reduces speed to a fourth. racters take up the way of the adventurer, as sesterzii
Hurricane: Shooting and attempting Senses Te- allow them to acquire what they need to in order to
sts result in automatic failure. May Lady Luck help survive and more
those who sail into a hurricane...
Acquiring wealth
Although the ways to wealth are endless, the most
Growth points common is looting corpses. Of course, wild beasts
In game terms, the Growth Points that you award do not offer much in the way of treasure, while hu-
to your players represent how the Characters grow manoid enemies are more likely to have gear, pre-
during their adventures. With each of these Points, cious objects, and coin on their persons. Another
players can increase any one of their Skill Scores by 1 path to wealth is through bounties. Vulcania’s gover-
nments have paid a hefty price for the Great War, paigns feature well-thought adventures that allow
both in lives and coin, and the cessation of hostilities you to weave a tapestry of references over time
put a stop only to the official killings. Many other with recurring allies and villains. To do so, write
issues only got worse: militia forces are used to pro- adventures based on the ones your group has alre-
tect the cities, leaving the rest of the lands exposed ady completed, to immerse your players in a living,
to criminals and the dangers of nature, so bounties breathing, dynamic world. All of this, of course,
are one of the few tools people can rely upon for at requires a great deal of effort and work on your
least a modicum of justice. end, so here are a few useful tips for undertaking
this daunting task.
Handling rewards
The moment of looting is a moment of joy for the Narrative Realism
group, being one way for their efforts to pay off. The best asset to achieve continuity and realism in
However, it is also delicate, as not splitting treasu- your narration is to take note of everything that
re equally could lead to some Characters becoming happens as the group moves about the world: who
more powerful than others and stealing their chan- they met, the information they receive, and the
ce at being in the spotlight. It can happen that the like. This way, you always have a quick reference
more exuberant players try to take the best items for if your players ask any questions. As an example,
themselves, compromising the fun for the rest of if Reikkar’s Nuug guards were ill-disposed towards
the table, a dynamic that you as Narrator should at- the group, it should come up when they pass throu-
tempt to avoid. Tallying treasure on a piece of paper gh those areas again. If the city of Kbal is ruled
to split up at the end of the session or when a sizable by Lord Bisti Beel, it should still be so unless so-
amount has been totaled helps in making sure every- mething specific has happened. Adding these de-
body receives roughly the same quantity. Remember tails to the narration helps make the setting more
that items are split by their market value, so players consistent and realistic and keeps the game enga-
who receive an item should not receive as much mo- ging.
ney from the treasure pile. Balanced groups allow
you to create adventures that are challenging to all An evolving world
but not lethal for some and too easy for others at Vulcania is a living world, where the stories of the
the same time. In addition to these considerations, mighty and powerful are the background of the li-
a shared treasury helps the group in covering their ves of the common folk. Cities wage war one on
expenses, like food, ammunition, and information. the other, water becomes a precious resource after
a period of drought, and new tyrants rise to power,
Learning new Arts levying taxes and strangling their people. Remem-
Unlike Growth Points, a Character is able to learn ber to feed this information to your players as they
Arts only when a Master is available. They are usually move through the plot you prepared.
loathe to teach them for free, requiring a payment in
coin or the undertaking of a mission in exchange for A reactive world
their services—a perfect way to play fun little episo- Your players should be aware that their actions have
dic adventures. consequences in the game world. If they found a
dangerous bandit and brought them to justice, the
city is likely to take a welcoming attitude towards the
Organizing a campaign Characters. On the other hand, should the group be
Usually, a campaign is a series of adventures, not involved in a brawl or set the tavern on fire, the
necessarily connected one with the other, that fea- local militia is likely to chase after them and, should
ture the same group of Characters. Engaging cam- they cause even more trouble, take hostile action.
and ideas that apply to Vulcania. But, how can you vanced models featuring a Vulcanus-powered blen-
breathe life into your adventures and campaigns? der to produce small ice cubes. Generally, they are
In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into the built in copper or brass, often decorated with wood
setting and find historical events, NPC’s, factions, panels, with a series of glass tubes feeding alchemi-
and the like to bring the world of Vulcania to your cal reagents through the chassis and changing color
players in the fullest. as the temperature varies.
Although setting-specific plot elements greatly Pharus Lanterns: these prodigious lanterns
help with engaging your players, you have to truly emanate a bright, constant yellow light thanks to
change your language to achieve a deeper level of their Vulcanus batteries. Powered by a magmatic
immersion. Enrich your descriptions with steam- stone and a series of mirrors kept behind a thick
punk details like aviator goggles, octopus capped glass housing, they come in different shapes for dif-
walking sticks, or mechanical limbs. ferent uses.
Chapter 5 – Equipment contains many cha- Vaporum Elevators: many business and resi-
racteristic items to enrich your NPC’s with, but also dential buildings are equipped with these devices
the environment where your scenes are set. Here powered by Vulcanus batteries and operated by pul-
follows a small list of exclusively Vulcanian furnitu- leys, motors, and chains that move a cabin along
re. However, feel totally free to add your own: a shaft. The aesthetics of the cabin are vastly dif-
Combination Discs: vacuum doors, mechani- ferent from one another, ranging from precious
sms for turning on vehicles, and many other se- metals, leather and velvet, as well as simple steel,
lection contraptions usually feature this item. It is depending on the building the elevator is in.
a disc with a series of numbered holes, where the Of course, materials play a key role in delivering
user inserts their finger and rotates the assembly to a setting. In the world of Vulcania, metal is widely
select a specific number. Once the correct sequence used. Brass is often used in luxury vehicles and bu-
has been entered, the whole mechanism unlocks. ildings, alongside thick emerald green or crimson
Ferrotype: thanks to advanced remotes, the velvets. Industrial areas prominently feature bronze
Monopoly of Markonists is able to capture images or copper, while iron, usually streaked with rust, is
and turn them into illustrations on thin sheets of perfect for painting the degraded tones of slums.
conlio. Many households have a few for decoration, Even when describing outdoor urban environ-
as they present a decent resolution albeit at the cost ments, remember to add elements that help in con-
of heavily desaturated colors. textualizing the setting. An airship that passes by
Mind Sculptures: these machines, realized the sun, a tram that chugs along, enveloping the
through a collaboration between the Monopolies Characters in a cloud of smoke, or an elegant Ri-
of Engineers and Markonists, represents one of ckenbacker sprinter zooming close by, through the
the peaks in technological advancement. A series cursing bystanders, are all elements you can employ
of Vulcanus-fed projectors reproduces a three-di- for ambiance. Also, components like levers, gears,
mensional image stored in a remote device, most needle indicators, valves, tubes, and transparent
commonly found as sculptures in the houses of ex- tanks filled with fluorescent liquids are precious al-
tremely wealthy people or in military installations to lies for almost any situation in Vulcania!
plan operations. They look like the flickering holo-
grams from science-fiction, projecting images with
a yellow tinge.
Noldon Refrigerators: this piece of machinery
has revolutionized the food industry. It is made up
of many compartments where food can be kept
cold and water can even be frozen, with more ad-
Vulcania’s Geography
The civilizations of the known world develo-
ped in the northern hemisphere, in six vol-
canic archipelagos. The other side of the
globe is a colossal, furious ocean that
whirls around a titanic vortex, perhaps
generated by a depression in the
Year Event
Mamba Kobyi extends his influence over the whole of Ketniv, proclaiming himself Emperor.
– 1400 P
His dynasty still rules over the nation today.
After a decade long war, the Confederation of the north and the League of Aqualos join to
– 900 P
form the Mostucaal Republic.
– 800 P A joint fleet of the Abrabazi city-states lands its troops in Naibas and occupies southern Balastoc.
– 500 P The Mostucaal Republic places Turena and Cyla, in Itteghasp, under its protection.
– 480 P The first Imperial hot air balloon sails above Ketniv.
– 360 P Abel Shool emigrates from Abrabazem to Bravia, Itteghasp, and founds his credit institute.
– 310 P The Nuug Counts join forces and push the armies of Ketniv out of their country.
Kareena Er Jabar proclaims herself the first Red Pope and launches the holy war that drives the
– 280 P
faithless Abrab out of Balastoc and unifies the country.
Abrabazi forces conquer the Itteghi island of Zardia. The operation prompts an immediate
– 250 P
Mos response and the two nations engage in a war over Itteghasp.
Mercenary companies from Berynia join forces and together attack the weakened Mos forces
– 248 P
in Abrabazem, unifying the nation. Itteghasp is born.
Nuugard launches an offensive on Ketniv, although its forces are driven back by the Imperial
– 190 P
Nuugard and Mostucaal officially enter a trading agreement, the first proper treaty between two
– 180 P
Abrabazem secretly hires Itteghi mercenaries to fight pirate infestations in the trade routes
– 170 P
between Nuugard and Mostucaal.
Lativo Bernulli is the first sea captain to return from an expedition beyond the Storm Wall.
– 150 P
Letvia is now on the maps, although nobody knows what it holds.
All the Islenations send fleets to Letvia, but the Storm Wall does not yield and losses are
– 145 P
beyond count.
Balastoc moves its massive fleet against Ketniv, condemning its heretical beliefs. Only the threat
– 105 P
of an Abrabazi intervention on the Empire’s side is enough to force a retreat.
Eriko Fermy, a brilliant Itteghi engineer, invents the Vulcanus battery, possibly the greatest in-
– 85 P
vention in history.
– 78 P The first dirigible that runs on Vulcanus power sails the Ketnyi skies.
– 69 P Mos researcher Gujermo Markon discovers how to transmit thoughts through a conlio wire.
Following the example of his friend Fermy, Markon founds the Monopoly of Markonists and
– 65 P
creates the world’s first long-range communications network in Bravia, Itteghasp.
The highest ranks of the alchemist guilds gather in Busto, Itteghasp, to form their own Mono-
– 61 P
– 58 P Development of Vulcanus-powered military vehicles begins all over the known world.
The Red Pope Sharifa Er Shalim kidnaps a group of scientists from the Monopoly of Engine-
– 55 P ers and has them tortured for their secrets, hiding behind claims of divine right to the volcanic
resources. Her captives, however, die during their interrogations.
The Monopolies encode a vocabulary for the new common language, Commercial, and open
– 50 P
free schools in their headquarters to teach it to the people.
To address the issue of overpopulation, the Monopolies present the Garghantua Project to the
– 43 P
Islenations: the construction of three flying cities capable of self-sustenance.
A Mos Vulcanus galleon returns from an expedition to the south, but is sunk by pirates close to
– 35 P Albuerq. Abrabazem is accused of backing the pirates and the tension rises. A few skirmishes
are fought, but open war is avoided.
Babylon, Cartago, and Gibraltar, the three flying cities of the Garganthua Project, are christened
– 32 P
as thousands of people embark.
– 28 P The first Crotalus fighter leaves the Zinear production line and flies over Itteghasp.
The Garghantua Project turns into a colossal failure. Living conditions aboard the flying cities
are awful as the primary resources run out soon after the launch and the systems fail more often
– 24 P
than the technicians can repair them. The Islenations refuse to take the refugees in, and the
massive structures fly aimlessly in the skies of Vulcania.
The Balast astronomer Melkior Afren formulates a theory about periodic breaches in the Storm
– 18 P Wall that could be foreseen by studying the movement of celestial bodies.
The Monopolies pool their resources to finance his research.
The Monopolies publicly announce that Afren’s theory is confirmed: the Storm Wall will be
– 11 P
calm enough for a crossing in four years. The flying city Cartago is mysteriously lost.
The Storm Wall is patrolled by flotillas of boats and airships from all Islenations, and tensions
rise as skirmishes spontaneously break out. The fighting among Abrabazi and Mos vessels is
–7P especially intense.
A few vessels manage to cross the Storm Wall before it closes a few weeks later. According to
Afren’s calculations, gaps should open again in another four years.
Mostucaal and Nuugard sign a non-aggression pact, and the former launches a large offensive
against Abrabazem. Thus the Letvian War begins. Nuug Octopus submarines attack the Ketnyi
fleet from the depths but, even though they deliver a devastating blow, they are driven back by
superior Imperial aviation.
Ketniv drives back Nuug troops, but fighting on too many fronts leaves its forces depleted
and it is not able to mount a counteroffensive. It is possible that Abrabazem would have had
the strength to counterattack, but they were occupied fighting Balast. In spite of their superior
numbers, the forces of the Red Pope are capitulating to superior enemy technology.
A young Fathin Er Kaddhuri takes the title of Red Pope of Balastoc and orders her Islenation
to retreat from the war.
–1P Mostucaal, now that they have Abrabazi forces on the frontline, decides to field test a new we-
apon—the “Z Device”—dropped by a Crotalus fighter in the Abrabaz volcano. In the ensuing
detonation, the country is destroyed and Mostucaal falls into civil war and anarchy.
The Council of Zena puts an end to the War, as the Islenations struggle to recover from the
losses of both lives and materiel.
2F Far off the Zenan coasts, the flying city of Libertas is sighted for the first time.
The Abrab who settled on Cyla after the war occupy Tusca and, with the blessing of the Itteghi
government, force its inhabitants off the island.
The populations of the caliphates of southern Balastoc rise up in arms, forcing the military out
5F of their territory and the Red Pope to grant autonomy to the Caliphate of Almar in order to
avoid civil war.
After years of study and research, professor Melkior Afren refines the equation for calculating
breaches in the Storm Wall and announces that the next one should open in the summer of 14 F.
Twenty years after its last sighting, the flying city of Cartago appears again, completely devoid
10 F
of any form of life.
Distances and Traveling Now, the war industry has significantly decreased
The circumference of the planet Vulcania is rou- its volume of business, as the reconstruction of the
ghly 35,000 kilocubitus, its surface mostly covered world takes most of their manpower and machinery.
in water. Moving between Islenations happens ei- Those craftspeople and traders who learned how to
ther by air or by sea. Table 7.1 - Distances and adapt to the shifting tide of commerce have survi-
Traveling lists the distances between them expres- ved. The others were not so lucky. The new world
sed in days of travel and the average cost of an that emerged after the Council of Zena is rich in op-
economy class ticket. First class tickets or luxury portunities for those ready to catch them, as well as
cruises are much more expensive, while the che- fraught with lethal dangers for those unwise enou-
apest usually means being crammed into a cargo gh to delve into it without the necessary caution.
hold alongside the desperate and destitute. Governments are not able to protect their citizens
anymore, so bounty hunters, private investigators,
Everyday Life mercenaries, and bodyguards are always in high de-
The war ended more than a decade ago, although it mand from wealthy individuals, Monopolies, private
is more than clear that the world has changed fore- organizations, and the states themselves.
ver. The coasts still bear the scars of landings and In short, there are endless paths to glory and
bombardments, and the locals still hate their for- wealth. The Characters could already know one
mer invaders with a fiery passion. Militias are much another, or they could randomly meet as they at-
less common now, leading to a growth in theft, rob- tempt to change their lives for the better. Destiny
beries, and violent crimes. Crime syndicates have could lead them to form a team hired by the same
risen in power and have taken over the underwor- person, who grants them the resources to train and
ld, as secret organizations, hidden to governments gear up, or they can attempt to go out on their own,
and Monopolies alike, vie for control of the power choosing their own contracts depending on factors
vacuum that the war has left open. Surprisingly, like morality. Otherwise, it could be adventure itself
countrysides all over the world have suffered less, that forces its way into their lives, involving them in
and farmers have not noticed significant changes in some dark plot of your design.
their lives of toil. If there is a constant in life, it is money. As the
By Air By Sea
Islenations Distance
Travel Days Cost Length Cost
Characters move from one settlement to another, taneously developed a form of dialect born from
lifestyle expenses vary, so Table 7.2 – Costs and the different languages spoken around the world to
Services is there to give an overview of price ave- make commerce easier. Sixty years ago, the Mono-
rages. polies codified this new language under the name of
Commercial. Only Balastoc remained cut off from
Languages and Currency this phenomenon, although after the end of the war
Throughout Vulcania’s history, travelers and mer- the Monopolies somehow managed to spread their
chants have been a key figure in the development of language even in the realm of the Red Pope.
civilization. As the centuries passed, traders spon- Something similar happened with currencies. Un-
der pressure from the Monopolies, the Islenations would become the first Markonist, this network of
signed a series of treaties that unified the endless conlio cables connects the major cities of the world.
range of currencies used around world. Before the The delicate process consists of transferring one’s
War, the golden sesterzius was the measure of all thoughts to the other end of the cable via a com-
other forms of currency, so a Nuug Crown could plex machine that requires extensive training from
be converted into Itteghi Marengo or Abrab Doblo- the Monopoly of Markonists. In short, for the com-
on. Since the war ended, each nation still mints their mon citizen of Goya who wants to tell their relati-
own currency, if they are able to, and even if the pi- ves in Bravia that their firstborn weighs almost six
ctures on the coins and notes vary from country to pounds and was named Graviolo, it takes only a trip
country, all Islenations use the same sizes. Common to the Nuntius station, where he tells everything to
coin sizes are the sesterzius, the half sesterzius— the local Markonist and waits for the Nuntius in
more commonly known as a “token”—and the Bravia to receive the message. There, the Nuntius
quarter sesterzius, called a “button.” Bank notes, on tells uncle Graviolo whether the tradition has been
the other hand, are available in ten sesterzii, called respected or not and if his newborn nephew bears
“leaves,” and hundred sesterzii, known as “bucks.” his name. Often, for better communication, people
agree to be present at their respective ends of the
Communication conlio line at the same time. Also, to ensure a modi-
The birth of the Mentographic Network, the first cum of privacy when sensitive or personal informa-
means for almost instantaneous communication, tion is transmitted, many Nuntius feature isolated
caused an unprecedented development in the speed transmission booths, where the Markonist and their
at which news, people, and wares traveled. Since the client are separated by a thin mesh panel that allows
first connection in -65 P by Guillermo Markon, who only sounds to pass.
Characters, either by rolling or choosing directly. Of of the existence of one another, busy as they are
course, your sadism is above any law. with just wrenching another day of hard life from
All social interaction issues caused by mutations the hands of raiders and beasts that roam the irra-
apply only outside of Abrabazi borders. Within, it is diated deserts.
just another Tuesday morning.
Government Before the war, Abrabazem was the seat of the most
There is no central government anymore and the important banks in the world. It exported Vesuvius
few settlements that have survived are barely aware gas extracted from the Abrabaz, and its textile in-
d12 Effect
Tentacles: the Character’s legs turn into clusters of two or three tentacles each. Their
Movement score decreases by 2 and they are not able to perform any task that requires
both legs, like riding or driving. On the other hand, the Character receives a +4 bonus to
all Athletics Tests rolled for climbing and cannot suffer the Unbalanced condition
Beak: teeth and lips fuse into a bony appendix similar to a short, hooked beak. The Cha-
3 racter becomes hideous and it is almost impossible to understand what they say. However,
their new beak is not bad as a weapon!
Mighty Horns: the Character grows horns on their forehead or temples. They can re-
semble the antlers of a stag or the curved horns of a ram, but whatever form they take,
they are unwieldy in closed spaces, although they can double as an efficient weapon in a
Reptile Tail: a Character with a tail is rather conspicuous, but cannot be thrown off ba-
lance and, as some might not know, is also able to sleep standing up.
Whiskers: The Character develops cute cat-like whiskers on their cheeks and eyebrows.
They suffer a -2 penalty to Aggression Tests rolled to intimidate and Cunning Tests to de-
6 ceive. If the whiskers are cut, the Character suffers from heavy dizziness and a -2 penalty
to all Tests until they regrow a couple of days later. When in the dark, a Character with
whiskers is able to feel within 2 cubitus of themselves, to avoid bumping into obstacles.
dustry was flourishing. Its farmlands could easily barely enough to feed the population of the survi-
feed the population and still have much left over to ving villages. The drug market, however, has found
trade with Itteghasp, Balastoc, and, in spite of their a host of new gems in the hallucinogenic gases pre-
tense relationship, even Mostucaal. Today, there is sent in the toxic clouds and the few mutated plants.
nothing left. The main Abrabazi exports are mu-
tated emigrants, sold as slaves to traveling circuses Climate
and pleasure houses, or horrid beasts born after the Abrabazem is a hot land, with dry summers and
cataclysm to fight in arenas or to show off in pens. mild winters. In the proximity of Lake Satna,
The scarce land that is still capable of birthing life is however, temperatures rise to be unbearable as the
Purple Skin: the pigmentation of the Character’s skin turns an aubergine shade of pur-
7 ple that can be covered only partially by heavy makeup. The Character receives a +1
bonus to Tests rolled for hiding.
Animal Ears: the Character’s ears mutated horribly, turning into those of a goat or, wor-
8 se, a dunce. Of course, they are highly conspicuous but, when kept uncovered, they grant
the Character a +2 bonus to all hearing-based Analysis and Senses Tests.
Feline Tail: a thick, furry tail sprouts from the base of the Character’s spine. If kept
9 loose, it grants them a +2 bonus to Agility Tests rolled to keep their balance or attempt
acrobatic stunts.
Thick Fur: the Character is covered in thick fur that allows them to lead a normal life
only if shaved at least twice a day. Other than making them an oversized cuddly teddy
bear of anger and destruction, thick fur grants the Character a +2 bonus to resistance
Tests rolled to resist extreme temperatures.
Extra Fingers: a few extra fingers are useful and inconspicuous, granting the Character
a +1 bonus to Handicraft.
A mutation of the Narrator’s choice among those listed in the Abrabazi Origin in Chap-
ter 1 – Character Creation.
exhalations of the scalding magma turn the air brands, masks, and anything they can find to create
around it into a scorching, toxic hell. The eastern a menacing appearance. And, many sport mutations
lands of the island have been devastated by deser- like tails, protrusions, webbed hands, scales, horns,
tification, dominated by Midbr, a kind of sterile, and whatever else.
mephitic desert where temperatures can rise to 50° Village life is harsh, and even one more day of
Celsius during the hottest hours of the day. Storms survival is a goal many do not achieve. Raiders,
of toxic gas can brew at any moment, as the veno- however tough they look, are not faring much bet-
mous mists inexorably move about the desert, carri- ter. Chieftains and their chosen aside, who have the
ed by the wind. Breathing these volatile substances first pick of the spoils of a raid, they are left only
for prolonged periods causes vivid nightmares at scraps, and cannibalism among these cursed creatu-
first, then, after a few days, violent hallucinations res is rather common.
that lead to utter and permanent madness.
Population The Abrab have always been atheists, believing that
The average Abrab is short, thickly built, their skin spirits and religion were only an obstacle to the pur-
shifting from shades of golden to olive. Before the suit of profit, the true goal of a respectable citizen.
war, they dressed in clothes of a simple elegance and The cataclysm for sure did not help in making them
sober colors, while today the concept of “fashion” turn to the divine or supernatural. Some, however,
has almost completely faded away. Villagers often interpreted the detonation of Mount Abrab as a
wear rags, while raiders wander about covered in studs punishment for their greed from a superior force.
and chains, rocking mohawks, piercings, tattoos, Gradually, in a few villages, cults are growing and
Balas missionaries have found a fertile land for fin- sion and the consequent earthquakes have caused a
ding new faithful for the Red God. relatively small amount of damage, this city suffered
the fate of many other major settlements: Abandon-
Main Settlements ment. Its only inhabitants happen to be the wande-
Gerola ring bands of raiders and brigands who kill anything
Abandoned Capital – no known inhabitants (200,000 that bars their way on sight.
before the war) In what was the attic of a rich bank manager, an
eccentric figure has made his lair. Lord Bisty Beel,
Gerola was neither particularly beautiful nor ame-
as he is known, was barely a kid when the Z Device
nable, but unimaginably rich. The most important
turned his world into present day Abrabazem. As
banks of the world had their headquarters there and
the survivors ran for their lives, Bisty Beel did not
the hard-working Gerolans were always busy with
lose hope. He took up residence in this abandoned
their favored activity: earning money. The explosion
attic and started gathering necessary goods and re-
of Mount Abrab swept the city away, leaving only
sources. Thanks to his penchant for technology and
a few piles of rubble behind, poking through the
a naturally brilliant mind, in spite of his young age he
black mist that coats everything.
has acquired a wealth of technical knowledge with
Life close to Lake Satna is impossible, although
which he has fortified his new abode with traps of
the Monopoly of Engineers somehow managed to
all kinds. With almost free access to the abandoned
secretly install a laboratory nine years after the end
headquarters of the Monopolies, he managed to
of the war in the hopes of harvesting some of its
plunder textbooks and advanced components, con-
radioactive materials to use in the construction of
incredibly powerful Vulcanus batteries. The structu-
re was built many meters below ground, in the
vaults of what was once the Weiss & Stern bank,
as the Monopoly thought the thick stone walls,
imposing doors, and last generation filtering sy-
stems would be enough to protect the structure
from sitting in the proximity of the lake.
After a few months, the laboratory had been
settled and a team was sent there with fresh
supplies, although it never made it back. Nume-
rous other teams were dispatched afterwards,
but none has returned to shed any light on the
mystery. Now, the leaders of the Monopoly are
debating whether to send a heavily armed and
equipped investigation expedition to finally un-
derstand what happened, or simply abandon
the whole project as it has already cost a stagge-
ring amount of sesterzii.
Abandoned City – estimated population: 500
(15,000 before the war)
There is not much left of this beautiful
coastal city. Although the volcanic explo-
stantly improving his security systems so that when Thanks to the insight and tolerance of its inhabi-
the first raiders came knocking at his door, they had tants, Zementi stands as a beacon of civilization in
their work cut for them. To this day, Lord Bisty Beel a dark land, and they chose a mutant, the Kibban, to
lives a wealthy live among his technological toys, and be their guide when the city was founded again after
securing contact with him is a fundamental step in the cataclysm. In this way, the mutant species could
surviving the Abrabazi summer, although how one have had a position of privilege, but the interdiction
enters into his graces is anything but obvious. against siring offspring has prevented dynastic di-
ctatorships. Today, thirteen years after the war, the
Zementi dream of a return to normality is but a mirage in
Hamlet – estimated population: 2,300 (40,000 before the the haze of the radioactive desert, but the laws that
war) have kept this settlement alive and well until now
A few kilocubitus away from the abandoned city, hid- stand firm.
den within a cliff in underground caves, lies one of Grua, Zementi’s third and acting Kibban, is a titan
the largest settlements of continental Abrabazem. endowed with enormous antlers, who rules with gre-
Maritime air currents prevent the hallucinogenic at wisdom and benevolence since his rise to power
clouds from reaching it, and an ingenious desalination four years before the present day. Always on the front
system to obtain clean water allows the population to as he vanquishes one band of raiders after another
survive with a relatively low rate of mutation. Access whenever they attempt to raid his city, Grua’s strong
to the city of New Zementi is not forbidden to mu- and dauntless personality is held as a model that all
tants, but they are allowed to stay only as long as they under his care attempt to follow.
do not procreate, under the pain of banishment.
country. Before the war, he was a street vendor of tation, shrouded in a perpetual toxic mist that causes
vaporuum clothes irons, the newest domestic inno- overwhelming hallucinations to those who breath it,
vation. But, even though he was gifted with cunning, leaving the survivors scarred for life. Those involved
he struggled to become rich because of the expensi- in the drug trade are the only ones attracted to the
ve lifestyle his greedy and tyrannical wife led. Today, grove, as the mist itself, its lichens, and mosses are
Ladus lives in luxury, surrounded by exotic concu- powerful ingredients. It is also one of the last few
bines, while his spouse seems to have died in the places to find blonde chimpanzees.
earthquakes. There are those who say, however, that
he killed her himself or that she still lives, captive in Vault 333
some dark dungeon of Ladus’ palace. Thanks to the After its first twenty years of activity, the capital of
commercial ingenuity of Fink and living conditions the Weiss & Stern company still required more room
relatively more stable than in the rest of the con- for storage. In spite of the continuous investments
tinent, Goudya has developed a large community, in every possible field and constant loans, the com-
albeit one ruled with no ethical or moral compass. pany’s vaults in Gerola were bursting with coins and
precious items. The efforts of thieves and gangs to
Famous Locations penetrate its fortified headquarters kept rising in
Nehar Springs quality and quantity over the years, until one attempt
From the mountain chain of Harbà flow a great almost succeeded, putting the company in the con-
many tributaries of the Nehar river. Their water is crete situation of losing face in front of their clients
not as contaminated as elsewhere in the region, and and the rest of the world. After such an episode, Fre-
many villages have risen along its course, clinging to dric Stern took it upon himself to design the safest
the mountainous slopes. The majority of raiders pre- vault in the history of vaults, alongside the brightest
fer to roam about the plains, where their ramshackle minds of the Monopoly of Engineers. So, Vault 333
vehicles have an easier time, but the mountains are was born. The headquarters of the bank were moved
no less dangerous, as arable land is scarce and the to the slopes of Mount Abrabaz to make sure it had
animals drawn to the rivers are most likely to be pre- enough power for its new security asset, but nobody
dators. knows for sure the actual size of Vault 333. Some
claim it extended over 3 levels, the last of which was
Midbr reserved to the two bankers. The outer shell of Vault
Once, southeastern Abrabazem was a fertile plain 333 is made of a steel and conlio alloy so it cannot
home to a vast agricultural district that produced be breached by any known substance, and its exact
food for the nation and still had more than enough location has never been disclosed. It is only known
to export. After the catastrophe, Midbr became an that access to the Vault is guarded by heavy vacuum
arid desert of hard, dead rocks. Often, toxic storms doors and a special elevator in the bank’s main base,
rise with no warning, scything the land with poiso- which was fortified and defended by military person-
nous winds at extreme speeds. The dwellers of this nel chosen by the Abrabaz government.
irradiated desert are a rare and unwelcome sight, Nobody knows the specifics about its security, as
abominations so horrible and lethal that not even even the most skilled of thieves could barely make it
the most terrible of nightmares could have spawned to the elevators before being arrested or killed, and
them. the only clue that Nicholas and Fredric let slip was
the pair of Zeiss keys etched with the company’s
Cianei Woods crest they wore as necklaces. Some even say that tho-
This area in southern Abrabazem on the Tanr river is se keys were not just symbols of their status, but also
home to a small grove, the only one remaining in the of their forbidden love. After their death, Nicholas’
country. It is a mass of contorted and mutated vege- key was given to his nephew, Philip Weiss, as well
as his share of the company. The other was given Kater Arid, the priestess at the helm of the group,
back to the Stern family, as Fredric had no designa- is a woman gifted with extraordinary strength and
ted heir, and they fought over them for years. To- legendary charisma, a stern but just guide who recru-
day, Vault 333 is one of the most discussed legends ited many in but a few years. Because of the many
of Vulcania, with many saying that Mount Abrabaz native Abrabaz under her banner now, Arid has
swallowed it whole when it erupted, hiding it who expedited her work of conversion and cleansing.
knows where in the insane chaos that is modern day
Abrabazem. Girz’s Biopsists
This group of researchers, who established a base
Influential Factions of operations on Bodin under the leadership of
The Demons Professor Girz, is more akin to a band of deranged
These roving raiders could hardly be considered hu- criminals than scientists. Periodically, they gather
man, hallucinations wracking their minds and mu- specimens from the local settlements for their mad
tations ravaging their bodies. These crazed maniacs experiments and are often bolstered by the members
follow the hallucinogenic clouds in ramshackle and of dubious morality that the Monopoly of Alchemi-
improvised vehicles, slaughtering anyone in their sts regularly sends them to collect any data or new
path, feeding on the flesh of the dead and raiding any breakthroughs. After all, such a secluded place is per-
settlement they find. They are a disorganized rabble, fect for these people to contribute to the glory of the
the vast majority of them barely capable of putting Monopoly without rising concerns.
together a coherent sentence, to the point where no
scientist has found out how their deranged minds are Abrab Names
still capable of operating relatively complex techno- Typical male names: Aarom, Anar, Frak, Gosto,
logies like weapons and vehicles. Some have advan- Hemi, Luco, Peter, Rafo, Timoti
ced the theory that they have set their individuality
Typical female names: Aroa, Edna, Kiri, Loya,
aside and now operate as a hive mind of sorts. A
Marama, Ruia, Suanna, Tamar, Yel
few flotillas of airships controlled by the Demons
roam the skies above Abrabazem, kept aloft by the Typical family names: Abadì, Bembprod, Dory,
toxic clouds born of Lake Satna and spreading their Fink, Kodron, Lomu, Poznak, Roth, Zemkys.
deadly cargoes even beyond the borders. A large cru-
iser, the Widow’s Wail, miraculously survived the ca-
taclysm and, along with its Demons crew, has been
spotted even in the skies of Nuugard and Ketniv.
As there is no witness of its raids, legends about the
Wail have sprung up among pilots and sailors all over
the world, leaving behind only corpses and ruin.
Balastoc is a hot country, scalding in its desert lands,
with temperatures varying more than thirty degrees
between day and night. The north of the Islenation
is tropical, with humid, hot summers and sudden,
violent storms, while the south is arid, with furna-
ce-hot summers and barely any winters.
Within Balastoc, wildly different ethnic groups coe-
xist, both in appearance and traditions. Those from
the northern isles are so thickly built that they rival
the Nuug, with the darkest of skins, black, curly hair
and, sometimes, purple eyes. They are unmatched
traders and love to show off their wealth, dressing
in gold and garishly dyed fabrics. Only on Pifu and
Limen can one find males in positions of privilege,
although never in public. The rest of the popula-
tion is of medium build, hazelnut skin and dark eyes
and hair, dressing in practical, unadorned clothes.
As beacons of honor in the darkness of sin, luxury
is a prerogative of the priestesses of Isairnes. To
the south, many cannot even afford a decent pair
of shoes, and so the majority dresses in rags, their the color of their tribe, used for some modicum of
only hope being embraced by the holy flame of the relief from the scorching sun, and are famous for
Red God to be reborn in the Heriq, the paradise of their large shaded sunglasses to avoid desert blind-
the just. Even more different are the Tawariq tri- ness. Their talent for bargaining is legendary and the
bes, the nomads who roam the Zoort desert: tall and Hum, the women leading the tribes, have used their
slender, they have tan skin and deep and intriguing knack for business to gather wealth by exploiting
gray or lilac eyes. They dress in wide cloaks, dyed in the resources of the Zoort.
Red Pope. Only those who live a pious live are wor- to toil in service of their mothers, rebelled and took
thy of walking this world, a gift of the Red God, power by force. Only the Balast held in their belief
and of aspiring to the flaming paradise after death. of the Red God, becoming the only ones worthy of
To everybody else, only steel and the gelid embrace the light of the sun, His eye, and of the holy task of
of Enolam, the endless dark, where they shall be bringing all others back to the path of light.These
consumed for eternity. are the beliefs all Balast children grow up with, gi-
The Holy Scriptures say that at the beginning of ving their soldiers the strength of will to compete
time Isairnes made a woman, by whom humanity with the less numerous but more advanced troops
was born. To give a home to his children, the Red of the other Islenations, as martyrdom and death in
God made the world and gave women the capacity battle for the glory of the Red Pope grant absolu-
to generate life of their own. So, the children of tion of all sins and access to Heriq, the flaming pa-
Isairnes grew and populated the world, progressing radise. Balast society has a rigid matriarchal structu-
through time as they became more intelligent. The re, where the purpose of males is attending their
Red God, touched by their devotion, cried tears of ladies, procreation, and anything else degrading or
joy onto the earth, giving birth to the holy volcano- labor intensive. Merely talking to a woman without
es. Males all over the world, however, made stronger showing the rightful respect is punished with dea-
th on the pyre and even daring a glance could cost
one’s eyes, gouged out with burning coals.
Main settlements
Capital – population: 340,000
The capital is built around
the massive Calhud Square
and its cathedral, the black
minaret lording over the
endless throngs of the fai-
thful. They gather from the
four corners of the country
to listen to the caliphs pre-
aching or, on more impor-
tant occasions, the words of
the Red Pope herself. The
buildings within the square
are the palaces of power,
the residences of the high
clergy and the seats of the
Monopolies. The ministry
of the Inquisition was also
there, before being officially
disbanded by Pope Fathin.
Progressively further from
the square, elegant trading
districts have risen, dotted
with taverns for the pilgrims and attached to the Naibas. In addition to becoming the new economic
city walls lie the bastions of the military. Beyond the heart of the country, the expedited development
walls are endless slums, further than the eye can see, caused strong social tensions where the dark-skinned
with dangerous alleys where gangs of street urchins northerners met with the Tawariq of the Zoort and
kill even for a crumb of bread. the immigrants of the south, infiltrated by terrorists
Red Pope Fathin Er Kaddhuri rules over Balastoc from the Scorched with the goal of destroying the
from the cathedral, surrounded by her high prie- new heretical technologies.
stesses and court. She rose to power when barely Genziana Maharez is the consultant for innova-
thirteen years old, succeeding Onhara Sahad, who tion sent by the Monopoly of Engineers to help
died under mysterious circumstances as the war was the local caliph with such delicate matters. The high
ending. Her enemies among the traditionalist clergy echelons of the Monopoly chose a young woman
accused her of being a puppet of the Monopolies of Balast origin, whose ancestors had fled from the
and of furthering their schemes, but to no avail. It northern reaches to Itteghasp because of their pro-
did not take long for them to meet Isairnes, through gressive views, rather than some of her more senior
glorious martyrdom on the pyre. Her most contro- colleagues to ensure smoother cooperation with the
versial action was modifying the black minaret, the local authorities. After almost a decade, the choice
symbol of the city, with a vaporuum clock as a testa- has paid off more than once, as Genziana has beco-
ment to change and new beginnings and to herald a me the most powerful woman in the caliphate and
new era of prosperity for Balastoc. now controls the entirety of the industrial district.
As many anticipated, such a move caused violent In her first years in Naidliz, Maharez played the part
protests among the traditionalists, led by priestess of the humble adviser to caliph Jamila, earning her
Zanima Ohara, while the spokesman for the engi- respect, trust, and a friendship that culminated in a
neers working on the project, Marcus Brizzi, com- still-vivid romantic relationship, which ensured her
plicated matters by accusing the most zealous of protection from any sort of harm. As in Balast so-
the church of being nothing more than retrograde ciety it is preferable for women to share a roman-
hags. During the inauguration of her clock, Fathin tic bond with each other and keep males only for
had two pyres erected in Calhud Square, where she procreation, now Genziana controls every technical
ordered both Ohara and Brizzi burned to prove her aspect of her domain and is cunning and powerful
strength and impartiality. Today, Fathin is a grown enough to leverage the authority of her mate when
woman, ruling over her country with strength and it comes to politics.
insight and, although still struggling to wrench the
poorer south out of the grasp of retrograde philo- Limen and Pifu
sophies, the vast majority of her subjects love and Towns and Villages – population: 42,000
respect her. The northern islands are the richest in resources, and
their dark-skinned denizens live in markedly better
Naidliz conditions than the rest of the country. Religious
Large City – population: 73,000 dogma here is taken with less fanaticism, earning
Until a few years before the current time, Naidliz was them an endless amount of accusations of heresy
little more than a dusty outpost at the southern edge for their reformist mindset before Pope Fathin rose
of the Zoort desert. After the reforms, its strategic to power. Pushed by the great reformation, their
position close to the Holy Mountain, rivers, and wo- ideas spread to the rest of the Islenation, increasing
odlands made it the ideal cradle for Balastoc’s indu- their divide in wealth from the vast majority of the
strial district. The Monopoly of Engineers establi- population.
shed its base of operations here, attracting many Limen is characterized by lowlands rich in pre-
from the poverty-striken caliphates of Almar and cious metals and surrounded by palm trees that yield
changed as innovation is still attacked as heretical, Krunin Mountains and the Nib’lum valley. Because
the poor see no future of escaping their condition, of the constant tectonic activity below the sands, oa-
and, sooner or later, violence will break out again. It ses and conlio deposits can appear or disappear in
only remains to be seen who will be the first to strike, the blink of an eye. It is a hostile land, where thirst
whether the Red Pope herself or the many terrorist kills more than the many predators, like poisonous
groups who swore revenge against her. bugs and snakes. The only mammals capable of wi-
Suha Sharif is the last traditionalist caliph left ali- thstanding such conditions are hyenas, holy to the
ve, old and yet determined to bring the Red God’s Balast for their matriarchal society, and the Tawariq,
holy rigor back before He claims her. She is an astu- the nomads who call the desert home. The tribes
te diplomat, with a sharp tongue, and her political continuously move from one oasis to another, her-
skill and formidable spy networks were instrumental ding dromedaries and gathering supplies. The Hum
in keeping her on her throne, whether by bribery, leading every tribe lead their people in search of new
threat, or assassination. Although officially she is on places to draw conlio from or to the borders of the
the side of the Red Pope against terrorism, it is su- desert to sell what they have gathered. If two tribes
spected that she sympathizes with them, with some meet along the road, a great feast is held, with tho-
even claiming she is part of the Scorched. se who were there first acting as hosts. The “guest”
tribes bring precious gifts, such as dromedaries, te-
Naibas chnology, jewels, or fabrics. At the end of the cele-
City – population: 13,400 brations, the “hosts” pack their camp and embark
Before the war, this small, fortified citadel was a trai- on the next part of their journey, leaving the oasis
ning hub later turned by the Pope into her personal to their “guests.” Tawariq are feared and respected
stronghold from which to keep a watchful eye over all over Balastoc, as they were among the few to use
threats from the south. Her plan did not come to technology even before the reformation and as such
fruition due to the insurrection that took place eight had a distinctive advantage after the war ended. In
years before the current day, and the city is now gar- the past, a few Popes have tried to send troops to
risoned by troops almost never seen outside its walls, force the Tawariq to compliance and punish their
surrounded as they are by a hostile population loyal heretical ways, but within their own lands and with
to the caliph of Almar rather than the Pope herself. the means they had available, the church soon had to
Ghahada Runi is officially the caliph, although she realize it was a lost cause.
is effectively more hostage than ruler, as her forces Grippus Lukozars, a Mos engineer, somehow ma-
and population seem to be more loyal to Suha Sha- naged to enter the Zoort roughly a decade before the
rif. Fathin herself ordered Ghahada not to interfere war with the intent of completing research he had
with the matter and limit her presence to that of a started in Yutland, Mostucaal’s own rocky desert,
religious officer, without ever leaving the citadel. Of which would have allowed him to build a humidity
course, Runi cannot wait to leave that role and fol- still that made clean water by taking moisture directly
lows the Pope’s directive to the letter in the hopes from the air. Should he have succeeded in his mis-
this will hasten her departure from a place forgotten sion, he would have become extremely wealthy and
by the Red God, and that the terrorists do not choo- climbed the hierarchy of the Monopoly. The stark
se to target her directly. differences in temperature at night in the Zoort were
ideal for the still, and Grippus invented a machine
Famous Locations that spread among the tribes, making him a celebri-
ty among the Tawariq. Unfortunately, news traveled
well beyond the Zoort and Lukozars made it to the
This endless land of hot sand is the largest desert in
top of the list of those wanted by the Inquisition,
Vulcania, spreading from the northern coasts to the
forcing him to permanently move around the desert
Influential Factions
The Sisters of Flame
and adopt the customs of the Tawariq, as their pro-
Although war is a task usually reserved to men, the-
tection was the only thing between him and the pyre.
re is a special group of warrior-priestesses who are
After the reformation, Grippus became a symbol of
deployed only in critical situations. The mere ap-
progress and its victory over religious prejudice, a
pearance of these wraiths is enough to reverse the
key element in improving the relationship between
result of a battle because of their skill at arms and
the nomads and the Monopolies. Lukozar Purifiers
the fervor they instill in the rest of the Balast forces.
are now easily available in any Engineer enclave, and
Having a daughter in the Sisters of Flame is a great
are often used in desert exploration.
honor for a Balast family, and the dream of many
young maidens.
Nib’lum Vale
Amira Madani, current commander of the Sisterho-
The lands around the Nib’lum, from the capital
od, incarnates the ideals of strength and beauty
of Mettak to the river delta, are fertile lands whe-
typical of this group. Her physique graceful and thi-
re farmhouses have risen alongside summer homes
ck with muscle, she moves with extraordinary agility
for the high and mighty from the capital. The fields
as she wields her scimitars, her favorite weapons.
offer generous bounties, consumed mostly by the
The rigorous and zealous training of the initiates,
usually in groups of four, falls upon her shoulders,
and to this day she has never been defeated, emer-
Krunin Mounts
ging victorious even from missions many thought
The range of the Krunin extends from the Holy
suicidal. Because of this, she is loved and respected
Mountain to the district of Almar and represents
by the whole Balast people.
the metaphorical border between the rich lands of
The Scorched spread all over the country, infiltrating every cali-
Not all welcomed the reformation that opened the phate within the span of a few short years. Their
doors of Balastoc to the Monopolies. Led by the bands of urchins now roam about every slum, enga-
Scorched Pope from her citadel in the caliphate of ging in theft, extortion, murder, and the dealing of
Almar, this bloodthirsty sect counts followers and both drugs and information. It is even said that the
cells all over the world. Nobody knows the Scor- Red Pope herself entered a pact with these young
ched Pope’s identity, kept hidden under a red tunic devils as she needs up to date information about
with a pointy hood that exposes only eyes as black the southern caliphates that official sources simply
as the deepest of nights. Her followers, during the cannot provide.
rites of the cult, dress in white hooded tunics, cut
in the same way as the Scorched Pope’s, and bear The Masks
on their body extensive and elaborate marks bran- Before the reformation, the ministry of the Inqui-
ded directly into their flesh. The influence the Scor- sition created feared and extremely capable agents
ched has over the southern caliphates is a constant in its secret laboratories, the Masks. Through a dre-
worry for the capital, with many fearing a religious aded procedure, the priestesses chose young boys
rebellion any day now. The Scorched Pope is a ruth- and exposed them to the touch of the Red God:
less and determined woman, gifted with unmatched tied to a wooden board, their eyes were treated
charisma, and although Pope Fathin has unleashed with a special protective ointment before their face
her best spies, the identity of her foe is still an impe- was covered in molten conlio. The majority of the
netrable secret. Currently, the two leading theories subjects died a horrible death, but those who sur-
hold that the Scorched Pope is either Suha Sharif, vived gained incredible powers. The metal solidi-
the caliph of Almar or Onhara Sahad, Fathin’s own fied into a thin and flexible foil, a permanent mask
predecessor still very much alive and determined to with no expression that their nervous system could
retake her place. shape, turning them into adept doppelgangers. Al-
though they required lengthy and rigorous training
The Tawariq to make the taxing effort of changing their face last
This nomadic people lives mainly in the Zoort de- longer, the initiates became true machines of death
sert and is characterized by a strong sense of inde- in service of the Inquisition. After the reformation,
pendence that the central government never quite the last Master of the Masks, Ibrahin Jafar, disappe-
managed to quell. Before the Reformation, they ared and nobody ever heard from him again. Some
held the black market for technology in their grasp of the Masks remained loyal to the Red Pope, while
and, now that legalization took that business from others joined the Scorched and many simply left the
them, they put their innate bargaining skills to the country, selling their skills to the highest bidder.
test mostly in the industrial areas of Naidliz.
Balast Names
Aljahin Devils Typical male names: Abhdul, Aziz, Fakhir, Hemre,
One of the greatest masterpieces of the crime boss Ibrahin, Kamhal, Lothfi, Omhar, Samhir.
Lando Carrizo. Reappearing years ago as the head
Typical female names: Baheera, Fathin, Huma, Ja-
of Libertas, the flying city of sin and pleasure, this
hala, Kharima, Nahala, Radwa, Sharifa, Zahira.
cunning entrepreneur of crime did not waste any
time. Seeing a unique opportunity in the extre- Typical family names: Ahrab, Fakur, Halì, Jabhar,
mely young age of the average Balast, he sent his Mutumbo, Nadhir, Olagiwo, Yerab, Zaminu
son—who looked the part being of Balast blood
himself—into the region to found a criminal orga-
nization made of the youngest. Flynn’s people soon
a small, insignificant isle, its central position led to weaponsmiths and warriors from all over the world.
it being chosen as the seat of the Council and that Mercenary companies are known for moving large
of the Monopolies, making it the beating heart of amounts of money, after all.
the world’s economy. Each of the major islands, The isle of Zardia instead lives off tourism, en-
then, has its own government, with almost absolute tertainment, and art. Painters, sculptors, and fashion
autonomy from the Triumvirate. Corruption runs designers from the four corners of the globe give
rampant among the administration, and an oppres- their contributions to this cauldron of ideas that
sive bureaucracy discourages the majority from fol- sets the standard for the whole of Vulcania.
lowing the law, making “greasing” the gears of the
machine the only solution to obtain anything. Climate
Itteghasp boasts a pleasant, temperate climate, with
Economy mild winters of sporadic snowfalls and warm sum-
Itteghi industry is advanced and prosperous, as Tu- mers. Zardia benefits the most from the cool nor-
rena’s own vast and lively district attests. On the slo- thern currents, so its golden beaches are crowded at
pes of Mount Enta, numerous establishments toil any time of the year.
incessantly to design and build engines and devices
powered by Vulcanus energy, experimenting with its Population
application in warfare, transportation, and civilian The Itteghi are a diverse and heterogeneous peo-
life. Berynia is highly industrialized, and the pre- ple, thanks both to the relative independence of the
sence of skilled fighters has attracted many master three islands and the massive migratory fluxes that
There is absolute freedom of worship in Ittegha-
sp, a way for many Itteghi to reconnect with their
ancestry. The widest spread confession is the cult
of Isairnes, although the country is rich with sects,
some rather unusual, that draw their mythos from
many beliefs at once.
Main Settlements
Capital – population: 109,000
Once a barren and inhospitable isle where only she- turning it into the center of Vulcanian power. The
pherds and their herds lived, Busto was elected as the palace of the Triumvirate sits within a large garden,
capital of the country some three centuries before dotted with ponds and a small artificial lake, while
the current time, when Berynia, Turena, and Zar- the rest of the city unfolds in orderly rows of buil-
dia joined and formed present day Itteghasp. Sin- dings arrayed over wide streets. To the south of the
ce then, the city has grown into the seat of foreign main settlement is the citadel of the Monopolies,
embassies and the beating heart of the Monopolies where laboratories, workshops, and research centers
rise around the Twisted Spire, a structure made of tunnel between Busto and Zardia. Last year, even
three towers that twist and coil one into the other this project became reality, the underwater railway
in a spiral. The isle is connected to Turena by the anchored to the maritime floor covering the 2346
Brocly Bridge, a feat of engineering that took ten cubitus between the two isles. A steel and glass
years to complete and opened just a few months structure allows visitors to admire the submarine
before the war began. Right after its inauguration, life of Zena’s gulf.
the Itteghi started working on their next marvel: a Even though his country has been turned into a
radioactive wasteland and the intelligence agency he Lately, he has been seen often in the company of
had dedicated his whole life to has fallen with the the beautiful Xie’Ying Yuyan, head of the Ofreyi
Abrab government, Garlo Lazon is not the sort of circus, thanks to whom he is expanding his network
person who backs down from a fight. Today, he lives of contacts even into Imperial territory.
in Busto, where he acts as a trade adviser with con-
tacts and informants among both Monopolies and Bravia
foreign governments. He was one of the mediators Metropoli – 695.000 abitanti
involved in the invasion of Tusca by Abrab refu- The largest city in Vulcania extends from the slopes
gees, earning him the gratitude of the Triumvirate. of Mount Enta to the springs of the Nessa River.
Although he frequently deals with factions in con- Close to the volcano, the laboratories of the Mo-
flict with one another, he is more than capable of nopoly of Engineers churn out the most advanced
keeping the same foot in more locomotion systems in the world, perfected by the
than the proverbial best technicians. The vehicle production lines of
two shoes, escala- the best designers on the planet toil incessantly
ting or reducing in this district, designing and assembling me-
tensions as he ans of transportation of every kind. Since It-
sees fit. teghasp is roughly equidistant from
the other Islenations and has
always been neutral in as many
conflicts as it could, it is the per-
fect place to exchange goods of
all sorts, made possible by the
imposing Bravian harbor. A
constant flow of barges laden
with cargo goes back and forth
along the muddy waters of the
Nessa, through the city’s slu-
ms and into its industrial core.
The city center unfurls around
the immense Triumvirate Squa-
re, as a maze of elegant alleys
dotted with historical buildin-
gs, upper class residences, and
boutiques connects it to the
periphery. The Square itself is
one of the most popular tou-
rist attractions in Vulcania. An
ingenious system of colossal
gears, pulleys, and moving pa-
nels powered by the Enta’s own
waters turn it into an enormous
stage where titanic sets allow
thespian companies to perform
enthralling plays. The most im-
portant event is, for sure, the
celebration of the Itteghi Unification and the battle grew up in the slums, witnessing the gangs lording
of Fonicia. There, a fleet of Berynian corsairs defe- over his parents’ business under the eyes of the mi-
ated the Mos and Abrabazi armadas in a key victory litia. One day, as he was fleeing from a local gang of
for the liberation and subsequent unification of the bullies, he hid under a heap of debris in an alley and
Itteghi islands. For the occasion, the moving panels saw something that would change his life forever.
that cover the Square open to create a massive pool On the other side of the wooden wall he was lea-
that is then filled with water where the battle is re- ning against, Lai witnessed a definitely not romantic
enacted for the spectators, the play culminating in affair between the militia sergeant tasked with en-
the appearance of a large model of Itteghasp itself forcing the law in his own neighborhood and a com-
rising from the waves as the national anthem plays placent baker. He found out not only that the two
in the background. saw each other almost every day, but also that the
Moving away from the splendor of the city cen- threat of telling the sergeant’s wife was more com-
ter, following the river down its path, the city pro- pelling than the gang’s bribes, sparing Lai’s paren-
gressively degrades into extremely dangerous port ts’ business. Since then, Garreth incarnated the old
districts, ruled by organized crime. adage “Knowledge is power,” building a network of
Garreth Lai is among the most influential Bra- informants and spies more powerful than brutality
vian criminals, the son of Zardian tailors who and violence, thanks to which he climbed the ranks
of the criminal hierarchy in his neighborhood. To-
day, he has become an institution, with eyes and ears
everywhere in the city and enough influence to
keep in check many of the mighty and
powerful who have secrets to keep
hidden. When adventurers need in-
formation and have a heavy enough
purse, of course, Garreth Lai is their
City – population: 10,300
This coastal settlement south of
Turena perfectly mirrors the Itteghi
evolution as the War of Letvia drew
to an end. As Balastoc was under-
going its modernization process, this
city became the main docking harbor
for ships trading with the country of
the Red God. It is connected to the
rest of the nation by the railway, al-
lowing it to distribute large quanti-
ties of goods among the other cities.
Davor Puruni is the city’s major
player, who accumulated a fortune
by expediting the slow working of
bureaucratic cogs for charter cap-
tains who showed the right amount
of generosity. A slimy and ruthless man tied to the His acrimony towards her is legendary, although it
Shield of Isairnes, he does not hesitate to employ seems it is owed to the fact that she unceremoniou-
criminal gangs to encourage the most reluctant of sly refused his advances when, in a bid to protect
captains to unload their cargo at Palmira. It appears, herself and at the same time add insult to injury, she
however, that recently some traders have chosen Fo- entered a “friendly” relationship with his peers in the
nicia instead of Palmira as their port of call to avoid Triumvirate.
the heavy “taxes” Puruni asks of them, leading to an
increase in tensions between the two cities. Goya
Large City – population: 53,000
Zena Goya is pure, undiluted chaos to Zena’s harmony
City – population: 23,000 and order. Its buildings are a cauldron of tall palaces,
The isle of Zardia is a reference for fashion, cuisine, squat military structures, and houses surrounded by
and high quality craftsmanship, hosting the ateliers courtyards and gardens that do not follow any logic.
of the best artists in the world. The city itself is a Many buildings are rundown and covered in plants,
masterpiece of architecture, with elegant villas and the streets dirty and uneven, and the sight of stum-
historical palaces skillfully renovated. The city cen- bling, stuttering people collapsing to the ground is
ter, on an elevated area close to Mount Sorbolo, is a commonplace. In spite of all this, Goya has always
labyrinth of alleys and ancient stone buildings con- been the bulwark between Itteghasp and its enemies
nected together by small arches. The roads are clean throughout the centuries, as well as the seat of the
and orderly, crowded with workshops where resident Triumvirate during the last war. Adept fighters all,
artists craft and expose their creations for all to see. the locals grow up with a strong warlike tradition,
Even the periphery is tidy and refined. Given the although totally lacking any discipline. Perhaps this
exorbitant costs of lodging and services, it comes to is why it never conquered any of the neighboring
no surprise that only the wealthiest can afford to live islands, allowing Itteghasp to keep its picturesque
in Zena. The local militia does not make use of a balance. The strong presence of foreigners is due to
uniform, so as not to perturb the idyllic atmosphe- the many students hoping to perfect their swordplay
re, and is always cordial and affable… to those who under the tutelage of the best sword masters in the
can afford it. Any disturbance is stopped and its per- world, with many of them actually choosing to stay
petrator banished from the city, if they survive the once their training is over. Others, instead, are stuck
arrest. Because of the elitist and despotic vein to the there as they wait for their teacher to find the time,
city, Zardians are known for not being too fond of will, or lucidity to teach them. Goyans, by nature,
Zena and its people. are neither soldiers nor trainers, gravitating toward
In the immediate proximity of the city is the scho- the corsair or mercenary as the situation demands.
ol of acrobatics for the Moon Circus, known for its In addition to its weapon masters, the city is also
extremely talented choreographers, loved by the hi- famous for its nightlife. As the sun sets, the streets
gher classes of the whole world. Paxiflora Degortes fill with a cheerful, festive crowd that flows from
is the current director of the circus and a famously one establishment to another, singing, dancing, and
controversial person. An incredibly beautiful wo- brawling until the sun rises again. Of course, Goya
man, a stunningly skilled performer, and a succes- is also extremely dangerous, and one of its most
sful businesswoman, she led the Moon Circus to characteristic sights is the carts that gather the bo-
the apex of an already successful career. She is also dies of those who did not manage to reach their
a famous femme fatale, who had at her feet many bed before the feasting ended. The blue carries the
powerful men and, it is rumored, even a few women. drunk… the red one the dead.
Of course, such fame garnered her many opponents, The most famous swordsman in the isle is wi-
too, the Zardian Triumvir Floro Pintus among them. thout the shadow of a doubt Inigo Montoia, who-
se skill and panache are sought after by an endless To complicate matters, the Abrab started expan-
number of young sword enthusiasts. The problem ding soon after, occupying the isle of Tusca to the
with this Epeyst is that he irascible, lunatic, aggressi- south of Cyla within the next four years, attacking
ve, and almost always drunk. It is also rumored that the locals and forcing them to flee. The Triumvira-
his most recent stunt might prove his last: Young te, under the economic influence of the colonists,
Tukyo Kobyi, cousin to the Emperor Kimjonyj, in chose not to intervene, offering instead a monetary
Goya to improve his technique with the greatest reparation to the homeless families. This gesture
master on the planet, presented himself to Montoia caused vast resentment among the islanders, trea-
with the arrogance of those who are venerated as ted like inferior citizens, who banded into groups
demigods in their own lands. Of course, it could fighting for independence. Cyla today is a piece of
not have gone well for the youth, as Inigo challen- Abrabazem implanted into Itteghasp, with many of
ged him to a duel with the pretense of testing his its areas renovated to look like the architecture of
mettle, and humiliated him in every way possible. the destroyed Islenation and new neighborhoods
The Imperial dignitary lost both his ears and his built from scratch in record time. The local admini-
Tamurei guard was slaughtered and urinated upon stration enjoys an unparalleled degree of autonomy
by the drunk fencer, as a crowd gathered to assist. and its desire to rebuild a people on the brink of
Itteghasp will most likely try to defend its Berynian extinction has led to incentives for giving birth and,
living legend, although it will not be easy for Inigo in time, an increasing population. In spite of the
to escape the wrath of the Ketnyi emperor. expansion towards Tusca, overpopulation might be-
come an issue all over again.
City – population: 21,600 Tusca
This isle lived in calm for centuries, trading food- Town – population: 5,300
stuffs and raw resources with its neighbor Goya. Its Occupied for more than a decade by Abrab refu-
only relevant factor was being the largest island in gees from Cyla, its Itteghi population is dwindling,
the country after the three main ones. Unfortuna- secluded in ghettos. The Triumvirate’s multiple at-
tely, in the years after the war ended, living condi- tempts to convince the Tuscans to move to Turena
tions on the isle were considerably deteriorated by were unsuccessful. After a few insurrections against
the overpopulation caused by Cylan refugees forced the deportation of the Cylans in Navia, the gover-
out of their homes by the Abrabs. The problem nment chose not to move the Tuscan families who
was eventually solved by the government, although had chosen to stay by force, and they now live under
it took more than a decade and an intense agricul- heavy Abrab surveillance. Needless to say, tension is
tural development program, but acrimony towards high and support for the terrorist movement known
the Abrabs is still high. as the National Liberation Front is frequent among
the Itteghi population of the isle.
Cyla The Black Tulip is a legendary figure among the
City – population: 18,000 Tuscan Itteghi, the mysterious leader of the N. L. F.
Neutrality has a price, and it is called Cyla. After In spite of the best efforts on the part of the Abrab
the Treaty of Zena, under the weight of the evi- militia to capture them, the Tulip is constantly on
dence attesting that Itteghasp had offered support the move through a labyrinthine network of natural
to Abrabazem in spite of its neutrality, the Itteghi underground tunnels. Many patrols have attempted
we forced to give some of their territories to the to map them, but nobody has ever seen them again
survivors of the cataclysm. Cylans were torn from after they were sent there, killed by unknown beasts
their land and transferred to Navia, their place taken or N. L. F. ambushes.
by Abrab refugees, causing a feud still vibrant today.
and saw recognition of rights that nobody would critical situation in Cyla, plunging the now-exposed
have thought workers could have had before, as al- cities in chaos. A few priests of the Red God started
most all of the industrial labor force in the island pooling the offerings of the population to assemble
adhered. However, Taddeus Zinear died eight years and arm groups of vigilantes to protect the citizens
ago, leaving his business to his sons, who do not and their businesses and, although the Itteghi have
share his vision. Soon after, Zinear’s most trusted never been famous for their religious fervor, the
people were intimidated by local criminals into step- experiment seemed to work. Father Fiore Clemen-
ping down from their positions, taken over by those za extended his influence over the island, gathering
who turned the organization into a twisted machine. considerable wealth. When, years later, the situation
Instead of protecting the workers, the union-tur- stabilized and the militia returned, the population
ned-syndicate makes life impossible for those who believed they could do without what had become
do not pay the fee and, on the other hand, takes the Shield of Isairnes, very much against the will of
large sums of money from the workshops and indu- Father Fiore. He then bribed the militias into not
stries to close both eyes on the progressively more interfering with his business, as he reminded the po-
frequent violations of the rights they had won in pulation with arson, threats, and beatings that the
the years before. A few of its members have started Shield was there to stay. At first, the central gover-
gathering in secret to find a way to halt the syndica- nment did not intervene, but in the long run the
te and return it to its former glory, but without the loss of authority over a considerable part of their
support of somebody with power and the means to territories forced the Triumvirate to ban the Shield
do it their chances of success are slim. of Isairnes and launch a relatively bland campaign
against them. To this day, the Shield is still well ro-
N. L. F. oted in southern Itteghasp, where the population
The National Liberation Front is a paramilitary often prefers to ask them for help rather than a state
organization with the goal of liberating Cyla and that has proven to be inadequate and weak for too
Tusca from Abrab occupation. If the majority of many years.
population on the main islands takes little interest in
the issue, a far away necessary evil, the Front finds Itteghi Names
many more supporters in the peripheral isles, fear- Typical male names: Anemon, Fiore, Garofano,
ful of being sacrificed by the rich and powerful of Giacinto, Liko, Loto, Narciso, Nasturzio, Palmiro
Berynia, Turena, and Zardia. The interventions of
Typical female names: Acantha, Genziana, Iris,
the N. L. F. are often demonstrative in nature, per-
Margarita, Ortenzia, Peonia, Silene, Tulip, Violet
forming deeds like painting the red swordfish on
a turquoise field of the Cylan flag on the walls of Typical Berynian family names: Besson, Blanc,
an important monument or the symbolic kidnap- Deshamps, Gaillard, Lacroix, Lafaiette, Peron, Vail-
ping of notorious people. As of late, however, they lant, Zidane
started taking violent actions even outside Cyla and Typical Turenan family names: Antonelli, Ar-
Tusca, their last being the detonation of a sprin- naudo, Bonacci, Di Tullio, Lucignani, Marconi, Ma-
ter laden with alchemical substances in front of the scetti, Nicchi, Puglisi
Abrab embassy in Busto. Dozens of bystanders and
Typical Zardian family names: Eltrudis, Fonne-
people working in the building were killed and the
su, Ghessa, Ghisu, Lai, Melis, Pintus, Siotto, Todde
facade marred with a sticky, turquoise substance.
The ultimate authority in the country is the Emperor.
The Kobyi dynasty has held power for thousands of
years, the only ones above the rest of the citizenry,
“Alone, a man is worth nothing”
while even his ministers and members of their court,
for all their power, are considered equal to everybo-
Dominated by mighty mountains, steep valleys, and
dy else. A law is either proposed by the Emperor
impetuous rivers flowing from the snowy peaks to
or his courtiers, but the Imperial seal is required for
the sea, this hostile land has always made traveling
the application of any act. Even the most local of
much harder. Forced to find a solution, its people
decisions is not considered official until approved by
became flight pioneers. Hundreds of years ago, Im-
the Imperial authority. The Emperor regulates every
perial hot air balloons flew the skies of Ketniv to
aspect of the lives of their subjects and, because of
bring supplies, exact tributes, or move the Emperor’s
this, numerous sectors are still subject to ancient
own if need be. Today, the heavens are continuou-
laws. Regional governors rise to their position by ri-
sly crossed by airships of all types and shapes. The
ght of seniority, after they have proven their loyalty
Emperor is the sun around whom the entire bureau-
as bureaucrats since they were thirteen, according to
cratic machine orbits, an almost godlike being who
the path set in front of them by the Xuan’ze, the
provides shelter, food, and clothing to every citizen
Imperial planners. Although such a system was in-
adequate to their role in society. Everything that lies
troduced some six centuries before the current time
within the Ketnyi borders belongs to the Emperor,
to replace the previous caste-based society, the rigi-
who redistributes it with equity among his subjects.
dity of the new administration did almost nothing
Everyday life follows rigid rules, each subject a gear
to address the issues of incompetence and privilege
that grinds in perfect synchrony with the rest in the
acquired through means other than personal merit.
apathetic perfection set by Imperial law. Citizens live
Even if the selection process ensures that the
their lives with serenity, knowing their talents are
youth with the right natural predisposition for ruling
appreciated and channeled into the career best for
reach those positions of power, the children of bu-
them, for the glory of Ketniv.
reaucrat families receive a rigorous education from
To the north rise the capital and a wide industrial
birth to take their parents’ place, granting them a tan-
district enveloping mount Oyi. Coastal areas are
gible advantage. Corruption is widespread, even if
punished harshly when discovered, and the Xuan’ze they showed the highest aptitude for during their pre-
are known for swaying their decision with the right vious studies. The Empire provides them with food,
gift. clothing, and shelter but even the slightest violation
of the law is harshly punished. The only alternative
Economy to the will of the Xuan’ze is joining the Tayo order
Thanks to their ancient traditions of aviation, Ket- of monks in their life of meditative seclusion, deep
niv’s pride is in the flight industry. In Tougyi, Imperial within the Dark Forests. Those who rebel against the
aviation engineers work incessantly with the Mono- system are arrested and thrown into the prison island
poly of Alchemists, studying the volcanic Vesuvius of Syiwang, where they spend the rest of their brief
gases used for floating in the air. Ketnyi fuel tanks are lives. Generally, the Ketnyi stoically accept the deci-
the best in the world, fitted to the best hulls of the sions of the bureaucrats, also tasked with determi-
most prestigious airship designers. After all, it was in ning personal moments in their lives like their spou-
Ketniv’s assembly lines that the levitation engines of se. Loyalty to the homeland, however, is not the only
the Garghantua Project and its three flying cities were reason behind the compliance of the people. Gonku,
built. Although the project turned out to be a failure, the Imperial secret police, constantly watches over
the fact that the three cities are still afloat at the same the population, searching for any elements who
height the project built them for, even forty years la- could disrupt the millennia-old traditions at the base
ter, is a testament to Kentyi engineering prowess. For of Ketnyi society. The duty of every good citizen is
the rest, Ketnyi economy tends to its internal market, not to ask questions and not to hesitate in reporting
limiting import and export. Rice, barley, grain, and suspicious behaviors to the authorities.
fruits are grown in agricultural districts and distribu- The Ketnyi are generally short, athletic people,
ted to the whole nation, as the coastal villages fish for with golden skin and black eyes and dark hair. Unlike
crustaceans and other sea life, and animal husbandry other Islenations, the Ketniv is particularly mindful
is almost impossible. in avoiding influences from foreign countries, and
the clothing worn by its people when not in servi-
Climate ce is traditionally simplistic: wide trousers dyed light
Ketnyi climate is divided into two distinct areas. The colors or with vertical stripes, a turtleneck shirt, a
lands north of the Beyi mountains are scythed by dark coat with wide sleeves, and long, garishly dyed
strong, frigid winds blowing from regions even fur- kimonos with flower decorations for women. Those
ther north, with mild summers and frigid winters. in service, however, the Empire provides with uni-
The eastern coast is sheltered by the mountain range forms and any necessary equipment. The percentage
and gifted with a temperate climate. Winters are still of foreigners is rather low, with the vast majority of
frigid, although the lack of strong winds makes them them not taking permanent residence there as Impe-
markedly gentler. rial law forbids them from staying too long, to avoid
being spied on by the other Islenations.
The Ketnyi are a disciplined and contemplative pe- Religion
ople, used to living under the iron-willed rule of the Religion is seen as superfluous and, therefore, for-
Emperor. With the exception of the Imperial family, bidden, although foreigners are allowed to celebrate
all Ketnyi are equal in rights. Every one of them per- their rites as long as it is done privately. Tayo monks,
forms the task they were assigned and is paid what on the other hand, are the only legal monastic order
the bureaucrats have set for them. In the past, the and, even if they look like a religious group, they do
population was arranged into castes and tasks were not worship a deity, instead meditating to distance
handed down between generations. Now, when they themselves from the mundane. Of course, that, too,
turn thirteen, Ketnyi children are assigned the task is done in the service of the Emperor.
Main settlements gardens, and cedar groves, the stretch of the Path of
Okyi History that crosses it watched over by the statues of
Capital – population: 118,000 all the previous Emperors of the Kobyi dynasty. The
The Imperial capital extends from the slopes of citizens who distinguish themselves for productivity
mount Oyi to the small plain where the springs of and devotion to the Empire are rewarded with access
the Yindo River are located. The imposing Impe- to this paradise, where they can spend their free time
rial palace, perched on the volcano, dominates over with the same rights as the Imperial family. Beyond
the expanse of pagoda-roofed buildings of the city, this area grows the government district, seat of the
color-coded according to the task they are dedica- embassies, the headquarters of the Monopolies,
ted to. The ever-present air-rickshaws lumber in the and the palaces of the Imperial bureaucracy, roofed
skies, slow and orderly, while the much faster ground in gray. The rest of the city develops radially, with
transportation is reserved for urgent business and red-roofed trading districts and orange-roofed ones
Imperial vehicles. A few kilometers from the pala- dedicated to producing food. The neighborhoods
ce, clinging to the volcano’s body, lies the Sky Ci- dedicated to education have blue roofs, and so on,
tadel, one of the most important Vesuvius gas and towards the docks.
aviation research structures on the whole planet. At Emperor Kimjonyj led Ketniv with skill during
the gates of the Imperial palace begins the so-called the Letvian war and the economic and demographic
“Path of History,” ending at the piers of the harbor. crisis that followed. While numerous governments
The palace is surrounded by the Imperial Gardens, have been swept away and others suffered heavy re-
a peaceful oasis dotted with fountains, ponds, rock formations, the Ketnyi Empire resisted, unchanged
Large City – population: 58,000
This city, located on the shores of
Lake Kenjyi, is the capital of the
agricultural district that stretches
to the south, to Oyines. Its central
position makes it the main sorting
center for its produce, distributed
to the rest of the country by the
Imperial quiqiu, large cargo zep-
pelins. Lake Kenjyi is also the lar-
gest airharbor of the nation, even
though aircraft with foreign flags
are a rare sight.
Love is a weird beast and the
story of Bia’Tel Kid’do is a known
example of how much dama-
ge this sentiment can cause. This
young woman had been assigned
to the Tamurei, the feared Impe-
rial guard, for her potential with
a blade, but fell in love with a
baker. Although the way of
the Tamurei forbids marria-
ge, the two joined in secret
matrimony. However, her
trainer, Felan, helped by the efficient secret police, trying to root out.
found them out and with the other cadets stormed Basho Abasyi succeeded his predecessor two ye-
the place where the celebration was held, killing the ars ago, after his death at the hands of the Freeborn,
baker and mortally wounding her. Only her thirst for and has been tasked with definitively breaking the
vengeance and the timely intervention of the Free- rebellion. The Emperor himself appointed him, bre-
born allowed her to survive and, after a year of con- aking the code of advancement through seniority,
valescence, Bia’Tel started a war against Felan, lea- wishing to grant the task to a young, motivated of-
ving a trail of bodies behind her. ficer rather than an older, probably corrupt official.
After all, Basho had distinguished himself during the
Oyines war, holding an outpost in the Pah’doyin isles alone
City – population: 12,000 against a Nuug assault, and is known for being a cun-
The small city of Oyines is the southern border of the ning warrior. However, success still eludes him.
agricultural district, also known for hosting the Ofreyi
Imperial circus school, where the most promising of Gan’zhu
the Ketnyi youth trains without rest to be chosen to Large Maritime City – population: 64,600
perform in the company’s shows all over the world. The city of Gan’zhu features the largest harbor in
However, behind the circus facade lies one of the the country and one of the few where foreign vessels
most efficient intelligence gathering organizations in are allowed to dock. Although they are still a rather
the world. small percentage of the population, Gan’zhu is the
Xie’Ying Yuyan has been leading the Ofreyi School Ketnyi city with the largest concentration of forei-
and forming generations of spies for decades. Fasci- gners, with even a few hostels dedicated to those pre-
nating and deadly, she is a celebrity in her own coun- sent for touristic or academic purposes.
try, but only a very selected few know that behind the Genjyio Takane owns the Peacock’s Nest, the ol-
mask of the lovely showwoman hides a ruthless and dest hostel in the city. An amiable old man, he took
infallible assassin. International fame opens any door over the business before the war and is loved by
to her, allowing her to glimpse extremely precious and the locals and respected by the Imperial authority.
valuable information for her country. Behind the mask of the friendly neighborhood old
man, however, lies Iuussi Zorg, member of the Bald
Tosyi and a Nuug secret agent, veteran spy, and master of
Town – population: 16,400 disguise. With his skills, Zorg caused untold dama-
ge during the war and today still gathers intelligence,
The isle of Tosyi is one large forest that hosts and
right under the nose of the secret police who often
feeds the Imperial sawmills, its eponymous capital a
pay him a visit for information on the foreigners and
fortress tasked with finding the hidden camps of the
the dangerous infiltrators who may be hiding in their
Freeborn and preventing their terrorist attacks. The
midst. In recent years, however, Iuussi crafted a se-
deep gulf wedged close to the city features a harbor,
cond recurrent personality, Lang Ch’nayi, who infil-
one for airships and one for their water-borne coun-
trated the ranks of the Freeborn and is contributing
terparts, where Imperial ships dock to load timber
greatly to quelling their rebellion.
for the rest of the country. Access is forbidden to
foreign or non-governmental ships, and the island
is under martial law to help isolate and destroy the
Town – population: 7,300
Freeborn. Such a policy, however, seems to be cau-
sing more harm than good, as the population, forced Also called the City of Five Peaks, Ulyi is the seat of
to live with such constant tension, is beginning to the Tamurei Academy, for the deadliest of Ketnyi
sympathize with the very terrorists they should be warriors. During their time at the Academy, the stu-
dents train each year on a different peak, from the Syiwang Prison isle
shortest to Ghao’feng itself. The tallest of the five, This isle is the place no Ketnyi citizen would wish
where the students of the fifth year train, is also the to live on, the well-deserved fame of this high se-
place of the final test, the ultimate display of loyal- curity prison the best deterrent for crime the Empi-
ty to the Imperial dynasty passed only by the best. re needs. Its prisoners live in minuscule cells, their
The cadets who survive their grueling regimen are only comfort a few straws of hay as a sleeping pla-
paired, often with somebody they bonded especial- ce, before being sent to work in the Imperial fur-
ly well with, and must fight to the death. Although naces or on the fishing boats braving the northern
they know when they enter the academy what awai- seas hunting for fearsome shark-whales.
ts them, a lifetime of propaganda has made them Edmund Frink is an Abrab engineer specialized in
more than willing to lay their life down or kill their the crafting of prosthetic replacements, commonly
best friend to perform their duty to the dynasty. referred to as “spare bits.” He is a controversial cha-
Yukyi Fen’zhu is the general in charge of the racter, accused multiple times of atrocious experi-
Ulyi academy, the best blade in the country despite ments on subjects who he had paid into complian-
her advancing age. Years of sacrifice and solitude, ce, often as a way to escape poverty or deteriorating
however, are gnawing at her discipline: too many li- health. When the Syiwang board asked for a bio-en-
ves have been sacrificed before her own eyes for the gineer, the Monopoly took the chance to get rid
glory of the Empire, and the suspicion of having of the morbid scientist and gave him to them. The
wasted her life on hollow ideals is creeping into her Empire back then had embarked on the secret Yo-
mind. For now, her inner conflict is a close guarded shyimitzu Project, hoping to create super soldiers
secret, but should it emerge, her loss would be tra- whose arms had been replaced by mechanical, Vul-
gic one for the Empire. canus powered contraptions. To this end, prisoners
were used as test subjects for the implants destined
Famous Locations for the Tamurei guard, but the results were a disa-
Isole Pah’doyin ster. The total replacement of their limbs drove the
This cluster of sharp rocks north of Ketniv is an subjects mad, the few who survived attacking on si-
uninhabitable place under the constant wrath of ght. Three of them, dangerous criminals even befo-
the elements. During the war, it was fortified with re the experiment, used their superhuman strength
bunkers and outposts as a bulwark against the Nuug to break free, leaving a bloody wake behind them.
invasion and, when the hostilities ceased, the instal- Even to this day, they have not been found, and the
lations were abandoned. At least, that is what the Yoshyimitzu Project has been halted until light is
public believes, as nobody has been sent there to shed on the reasons for its failure.
watch over the isles for over a decade…
Kukitsyi 1
Dark Forests During the Letvian War, this immense flying cruiser
To the southwest of the Oyi volcano rise tall pe- was to host the entire Imperial court, a vast garri-
aks and deep valleys where light is unknown. On son of Tamurei guard, and a dozen Ying fighters
the slopes of the mountains are the Dark Forests, in its ventral bays. In the final days of the conflict,
thick woods where flora and fauna adapted to live Kukitsyi 1 suffered heavy damage and is still under
in darkness. There, conifer trees with pale needles repair today, due to the scarcity of men and resour-
and fluorescent mosses set the stage for groves of ces. Even in its wounded state, however, its massi-
giant mushrooms, the picturesque monasteries of ve, armored main sphere, surrounded by a ring of
the Tayo coexisting with absurd creatures and dea- gun decks and hangars, is still an imposing sight.
dly predators. The bottom section of the sphere has been carved
with a massive rendition of Emperor Kimjonyj’s vi-
sage, his eyes the thruster housings that burn with the Emperor would have provided for that, too. The
bright, nefarious purpose over the battlefield. only form of spirituality legal in the Empire is that
of the Tayo monks, who live in their secluded mo-
Relevant Factions nasteries deep in the Beyi valleys, meditating and
The Imperial Guard practicing lost martial arts. The Empire tolerates
The so-called Tamurei form the elite of the Ketnyi them, for their existence is silent and, when needed,
army, deployed only in those operations deemed too useful in taking care of problems too delicate for the
critical for lesser troops and tasked with protecting official forces.
the Imperial family. The Imperial academy in Ulyi
selects the most promising youth in the country, tur- The Yokhayi
ning them into veritable war machines. It is also from Ketnyi geography makes cable-based communica-
the Imperial Guard that the operatives of the Han- tion almost impossible, forcing the Imperial admini-
tyi are recruited, the special operations units tasked stration to find alternatives, such as specially trained
with rooting out the Freeborn, as it is suspected that messenger birds. However, when it comes to delive-
the terrorist group has been founded by a renegade ring messages of a particularly reserved or important
Tamurei. nature, the Empire relies on the Yokhayi, the Bea-
rers, who perform their duty with special-issue wings
The Freeborn made of a material whose origin is lost to the sands
Centuries of harsh enforcement of tradition and of time. Theirs is the only caste that survived the
hammering propaganda have kept the population reformation of Ketnyi society, their wings and the
under control. Not all have bent the knee, however, relative privileges handed down through generations.
and these fearsome rebels, the Freeborn, have refu- The secrets behind the unusual metal fiber used in
sed to have their lives dictated by some corrupt bure- those wings, however, was lost centuries ago and, as
aucrat. There have always been rebellious groups in long as the Empire keeps preventing the Monopoly
the country, nothing more than isolated minorities. of Alchemists from studying them, every pair lost is
But the Freeborn are a real issue as they have spre- one step closer to losing such knowledge forever. On
ad among the whole nation, their strong leadership their end, who knows what the Alchemists would
gathering the support of a great many citizens, espe- give for even a fragment of such a precious fiber.
cially the young.
Okoyshyi Manzo was a general of the Imperial Ketnyi Names
Guard who, after decades spent in close proximity to Typical male names: Akyi, Bashyio, Fujyio, Hat-
the Imperial family, could no longer stand the dispa- toryi, Inokyi, Jyian, Pong, Sanjyi, Zhen
rity in treatment between them and the rest of the Typical female names: Akane, Byi’han, Fujyiko,
population. Rumors also spoke of a love affair ended Kyio, Lyi’han, Quyiao’hen, Suyi, Yuryiko, Xyiu
in blood between Okoyshyi and a maiden, her throat
Typical family names: Aokyi, Chen’xu, Hunda,
slit in front of him by the sadistic prince Temeru
Manzo, Myiura, Pao’ren, Sayito, Wu’xu, Yiahama
over a spilled ewer of tea. Of course, nobody knows
if these rumors are actually true, although they find
purchase in the younger Ketnyi, whose romantic life
is impacted the most by the arbitrary decisions of
the Xuan’ze.
villages to gather money in the name of uniting the tan-skinned, with dark eyes and hair. Because of
country once again, promising protection to tho- intense immigration in the last century, many Mos
se who comply and threatening those who do not. bear the telltale signs of their heritage, boasting dark
Equally often, such visits end up in a firefight, al- skin or a strong build and fair eyes and hair. It is
though sometimes the locals prefer to bend the knee also not unheard of to see people with the golden
rather than being forced to pay the price of opposing complexion and almond-shaped eyes of the Ketnyi.
the rich and powerful Aqualos. The wealthier strata of society enjoy dressing in a so-
The hegemony of the Free Republic of Aqualos, mewhat ostentatious fashion, rich with lace and gari-
however, is threatened to the north by the birth of sh colors, while the common populace prefers more
the Democratic Confederation in the area surroun- spartan clothing, more apt for working in fields and
ding the city of Boslon. Born on the ideals of fre- riding. However, there is one, universal aspect that
edom and equality, its democratic nature slowed its unites all Mos: their religious, almost fanatical, love
growth. However, what began as an ideological li- for hats. Whether they are tall, lacquered top hats,
mit—that of non-violence—is earning them actual straw hats, or wide-brimmed sombreros, any Mos
allies who find in the Confederation a unity of both always keeps their hat on their head and, if separated
purpose and identity, turning it into a cohesive, who- from it, would feel naked.
le nation instead of a country based on fear. Life in the Democratic Confederation is good
enough, with food for everybody and a nascent eco-
Economy nomy. Resources are distributed among the popula-
The rich mines of Orelis still attract freighters from tion and, for the moment, the administration led by
the rest of Vulcania, although the absence of a go- the Baroness of Spring is working without the gan-
vernment to secure the moving of both money and grene of corruption. Much different is the Free Re-
goods has slowed Republican exports. Merchant air- public of Aqualos, where the divide between the rich,
ships dock and leave constantly from the Aqualos living off the great wealth of their industries, and the
airdocks, bringing cereals and legumes, key to the poorer farmers grows ever greater. The power is in
local diet, and loading up the best firearms in the Van Gomez’s hands, and corruption festers at almost
world. To the north, the ancient stills are slowly in- every level of the structure, from the humble guard
creasing their production rates, as the demand for to the highest functionaries. Every moving part of
whiskey and bourbon in Nuugard and Itteghasp is this machine is set in motion by bribery or belonging
enough to make it a significant source of income for to the right faction. Between the Confederation and
the Democratic Confederation. the Republic, however, lies a frontier land, where the
law of the gun is the one most will obey.
Mostucaal is gifted with a rather temperate climate, Religion
although the cutting down of entire forests and the The Mos never were a particularly religious bunch.
advancing desertification significantly altered it. Yut- Now, the Methodist Church of Isairnes has the most
land turned into an arid land, poor in resources, its diffused worship, brought there by Balas refugees
summer temperatures rising well beyond 45° Celsius. more than two centuries ago. Although it is based on
The southern lands, however, enjoy hot summers, the cult of the Red God, it differs from its orthodox
though milder than the desert’s, and mild winters, the parent to the point of being considered almost he-
Grayes Mountains is the only place where wintertime retical. The majority of the faithful offers a prayer
is as rough as summer and snow is a common sight. at sundown and during the Sunday ceremony at the
temple, more to respect a tradition rather than reli-
Population gious fervor.
The majority of the Mos are of medium build,
Main settlements where their slave workers live. Bereft of clean water
Aqualos and any of the essential services provided in impor-
Capital – population: 130,000 tant and civilized cities, they are the favorite victims
The capital and the surrounding lands are all that is of Van Gomez’s vigilantes, who do not hesitate to
left that is similar to what Mos life was before. After quell any rebellion with violence.
the civil war, Ruus Van Gomez took the title of Alcal- In spite of his advanced age and the rumors of
de and now rules the city with an iron fist, backed by his lucidity starting to fade, Ruus’ grasp on the gover-
his band of ruthless guerrilla fighters. The northern nment is still iron-tight. When he makes public ap-
district of the city faces the lake it owes its name to. pearances, his eldest son Magnus is often with him.
There can be found the last diplomatic buildings left The lad seems to be negotiating at the same time with
intact and the beautiful residences of those who can the former president of Mostucaal, now in exile in
afford to pay for Van Gomez’s protection. The city Albuerq, and with the poorer strata of society, who
center develops around De Luz square and the clock look to him for a glimpse of hope for the future. Van
tower, the city’s tallest building. The majority of the Gomez senior, however, is no fool and, in concert
important buildings, like Monopoly headquarters or with his son, has organized this ruse to confuse his
the town hall, featuring three stories, extends towards enemies and at the same time have agents where he
the periphery of the city in an orderly manner. The needs them.
southern districts are given to industry and the shacks
Scattered Settlements – population:
The barren hills of this isle are rich in
metals and dotted with mining villages
once controlled directly by the state or
left in concession to large corporations.
After many shut-downs during and
after the civil war, some fell under the
control of gangs of raiders. Since none
prevailed over the others, when the
Free Republic attacked to take hold of
the mines, they banded together into a
sort of mining federation, a union of
peers balanced on the fear of being at-
tacked from the south and the desire to
Albuerq expand to the north. The leaders of the many mi-
City – population: 12,000 ning corporations joined their efforts to push back
This lush island hosts the survivors of the old gover- Van Gomez’s men and then signed a treaty to do
nment, who live in a deep and sheltered gulf, whe- the same should an invasion happen again. So far,
re the last remnants of the nation’s navy protect the this pact has allowed them to remain independent,
island from maritime attacks. Although they would although the forces plotting alliances and schemes
be more than glad to join Van Gomez and his goons, within the individual gangs are numerous.
the old man does not seem too inclined to cede any The Orelis Mining Federation is regulated by a
of his power. On the other hand, former president brief treaty that establishes few clear rules to respect.
Mata hopes Magnus Van Gomez could be more mal- First and foremost, all the mines have to contribute
leable, should something unfortunate happen to his troops to the defense of the isle, but cannot form
father... alliances to attack any other member of the Federa-
The ship captains, once loyal to the navy and the tion. Feuds must be resolved privately and external
old government, have split between those who sett- interference is not tolerated, leading to the inevitable
led on the island and enjoy the comfortable life of a merging of the minor factions into the larger ones.
tropical paradise, those who turned pirate to break Others were not so fortunate. As the treaty says that
the monotony, and a nostalgic few who wait to put an a gang leader who survives an aggression is allowed
end to their lives with a last charge. to demand justice from the other members of the
Former president Jorge Mata has lived in exile on Federation, who would be obliged to wipe out the
this island for more than ten years. As age has not culprits, many gangs have just been exterminated so
as not to leave any witnesses. After all, if a branch
falls off of a tree in a forest and nobody neither saw Van Gomez’s tyranny. Aqualos troops patrol those
nor heard it, has it actually fallen? lands constantly, to disrupt communications betwe-
en the rebels and the Democratic Confederation and
Piedratumbal prevent dangerous alliances from being formed. The
Village – population: 450 rebels from the swamps have been exchanging infor-
One of the many villages deep in the Yutland desert. mation and war materiel with the Free Ozul Move-
These settlements usually develop around a saloon, ment, who fight for the independence of their isle
where the whole community gathers, that serves as a from Abrabazem.
tavern, hotel, gambling den, and often brothel. The The rebels in the swamps are led by Tonio Elco-
owner of the saloon is usually both the wealthiest stal, a charismatic leader, skilled gunslinger, and fe-
citizen and the mayor of the town. Sometimes, this arless warrior. Once an officer in Mostucaal’s shock
figure is balanced by that of the sheriff, who guaran- troops, after a period spent in Van Gomez’s forces
tees that crime is punished and everybody lives a safe he realized that Ruud’s brutal ways could not bring
life, although the majority of the time this lawman is peace and democracy back to the country. The last
in the mayor’s own pocket. straw was his time spent in Florecida to quell a dan-
Tiago Kruiff was a wealthy medic in Aqualos who, gerous insurrection, where he had to fight a gang of
not happy with Van Gomez’s hegemony, moved to barely adolescent dregs. Tonio was against slaughte-
Piedratumbal, trading the comfort of the capital for ring them, his second in command accused him of
the hard and uncertain life of Yutland. He is the lea- treason, and a bloody fight broke out between those
der of his community and built a small hospital into loyal to him and the rest of Van Gomez’s soldiers. It
his saloon, transforming Piedratumbal into a faint ended in a bloodbath and the officer survived only
glimmer of civilization within a desert of barbarians. because of the intervention of the thankful villagers.
In time, it became the “capital” of a small group of Since then, he has dedicated every fiber of his being
villages in southern Yutland, who banded together to leading and helping the hopeless, his daring heroics
against the hardships of life in the desert and the con- turning him into a symbol both hated and dreaded by
stant raids of Van Gomez. his enemy. The mere sight of this imposing gunslin-
ger, the rhythmic lighting and snuffing of a cigar the
Famous Locations only thing visible under the wide brim of a sombrero,
is enough to shatter the morale of any Republican
This rich peninsula to the south is separated from
Ozul Isle, once Abrabazem land, only by a narrow
Grayes Mountains
stretch of sea. After the Abrabaz exploded, this area
This massive mountain range covers the eastern rea-
suffered greatly from the toxic fumes, agriculture and
ches of the country, from the northern coasts to the
fishing almost disappearing in the years since the war.
Florecida peninsula. Close to the rivers that run to
Even though the soil is now fertile again and the wa-
the eastern coast, small communities have appeared,
ters are no longer home to irradiated fish, mutations
inhabited by conlio prospectors who search the wa-
have not completely disappeared. Officially, it is under
ters for the precious metal motes that surface from
the control of the Free Republic of Aqualos, which
time to time.
defends its largest agricultural district with tooth and
Its underground caverns are the homes of nume-
nail, although it is also rumored to be home to dis-
rous groups of the so-called pielroja, the last descen-
sidents, especially in the swamps along the northern
dants of Mostucaal’s natives, predating the colonists
shores. The ruthless policy of genetic purity enforced
from Nuugard, Itteghasp, and Abrabazem. These
against mutants forced their families to hide there,
tribes lead a simple a life in religious harmony with
where they formed a resistance movement against
Nuugard is ruled by the Council of Counts, instituted
in -310 P when the chieftains stopped their interneci-
“No flag is worth more than one’s freedom.” ne war to fight their Ketnyi rulers under one banner.
The Counts rule from their mighty castle-fortresses,
Nuugard is a hard, frigid land of ancient forests and
massive gothic architectures rich in charm and my-
frozen fjords. Only the central part of the island, he-
stery. Their sporadic gatherings happen in the capital,
ated by the volcano Orgh, is relatively hospitable. The
to discuss matters of communal importance or settle
Nuug are a proud people, tempered by the adverse
disputes between clans. It is known that the impla-
conditions under which they live and madly in love
cable and warlike Counts despise the rulers of the
with the savage nature that rules over their world. It
southern countries, seeing them as fat politicians who
was such respect that allowed Nuugard to keep most
cling to their seats. Ketnyi legends abound of them,
of its natural resources intact, avoiding catastrophes
claiming they gain supernatural powers by drinking
like deforestation and desertification that plague the
the blood of their enemies.
southern countries. Even in their approach to techno-
Each count rules over their clan’s territories in to-
logy and architecture, the Nuug take inspiration from
tal autonomy, answering to the Council only in case
the shapes and look of the natural world. Communi-
of extreme violations of the “Chart of Duties,” the
cation is made possible by steamboats that navigate
document that laid the foundations of the Council it-
the long rivers and cross endless conifer forests, while
self. This treaty forces all the clans to unite should the
the only railway line in the country connects the capi-
majority of Counts declare a state of emergency and
tal of Orgholm to Reikkar. The northern reaches are
forbids a great many aberrant practices towards both
dominated by an endless frozen plain, the Tuundra,
people and land. Usually, expansion is attempted with
that fades into the many fjords of the northern coast.
diplomacy rather than a good, old scrap on the field
The central mountain ridge surrounding Mount Orgh
of battle, seen as one of those “aberrant practices.”
features a milder climate, thanks to the geothermal
activity of the volcano and its many geysers, upon
which the Nuug have built their industrial districts.
Nuugard is a vast and scarcely populated land,
Many Urboorg, the citadels of the Nuug warlords,
self-sufficient and capable of exporting cereals, fish,
timber, and other raw materials even while keeping its summers short and mild. Around the volcanoes,
natural resources under strict regulations. Southern temperatures are somewhat easier to bear, but only
coasts are dotted with small fishing villages, while the a Nuug would call them mild. The fjords and all the
sawmills in the forests work tirelessly to keep them in northern coasts are frozen for the majority of the
good health, and the industrial districts build vehicles, year, with temperatures rarely ever reaching beyond
tools, and, of course, weapons. Nuug blacksmiths are zero. Instead, it is even known to drop to -40 degre-
among the best in the world, and axes inlaid with pre- es.
cious metals made by Mookholm master blacksmiths
are treasured all over the world. The traditional Nuug Population
black beer, Guunes, is loved both domestically and Because of its geographic position, Nuugard has ne-
abroad. Displaying the Guunes brewery crest of a ver been the target of migratory fluxes and its popu-
crow flying over a volcano above one’s inn is a great lation is mostly of strong build and pale skin. The
honor, as inspectors from Nuugard itself have certi- Nuug are proud of their flowing hair and thick be-
fied their mysterious standards have been met by the ards, often kept long to look more intimidating, and
owners and as such are worthy of a Guunes supply. many have their clan allegiance or important events
Some naive innkeepers have attempted to bribe the tattooed directly on their body. The clans from the
inspectors. It did not go as they hoped. north usually have blonde or red hair and green or
blue eyes, while to the south the tendency is to black.
Climate Although habits vary wildly from clan to clan,
Nuugard’s winters are long and fearsome and its all Nuug are bound by honor and often foreigners
The Nuug pantheon varies from clan to clan, al-
though their relationship with the divine is more in
respecting ancient traditions rather than traditional
worship. The majority of the population does not
celebrate any rite, instead calling upon the deity ap-
propriate to the context they are in. The apex of
their fervor is a short prayer followed by a symbolic
sacrifice, like burning incense or lighting a blessed
candle before embarking on a particularly challen-
ging endeavor. to Wootan. The Father made the mountains and the
The main Nuug deities are Wootan, the Father of seas, then plants and animals, but he felt sad again
All Gods, and his mother Morilov, the Crone, pro- after some time. Morilov could not manage to find
tector of the hearth and the source of all honors. a way to make her son happy again, until Pettaja, the
Before the creation of the world, the Father and the Trickster goddess, appeared. Wootan fell madly in
Crone lived in the cosmic void. Morilov, seeing her love with her, although she was fickle and attemp-
son sad and alone, first made the world and gifted it ted to sow discord between mother and son. One
day, Pettaja claimed she was miraculously pregnant, coming the people of the south. The World, then,
although she and Wootan had not lain together, and seeing Wootan’s desperation, generated Kvinna, the
the Crone, horrified by the lies with which the Tri- Mother, who rose from the frozen seas of the north.
ckster deceived her son, hurled her onto the world. The two wed and together gave birth to the many
The impact set the mountains ablaze, creating the other deities who, in turn, created the first Nuug,
Mounts Orgh and Mook, while the creatures Pet- Adaan and Eyva.
taja carried within her scattered about Vulcania, be- Of course, nobody believes these stories anymo-
re, but their teachings and the strong desire to keep northern brethren uncouth barbarians, incapable of
the ancient traditions alive has made it so they still accepting progress. Truth, as usual, sits in the mid-
play a key role in Nuug life. dle. As the volcano-dwelling clans of the south had
to fight for their lives since birth, they have come to
Main Settlements relish it, although never refusing technological inno-
Orgholm vation. On the other hand, the Reikkarn never had
Capital – population: 115,000 to battle with belligerent neighbors. Reikkar might
The capital, the urboorg of Orgholm, rises on the benefit from the geothermal energies of a volcano,
slopes of the mighty volcano Orgh and is a modern but its harbor and the connection to Korrpor and
metropolis of gothic spires crossed by piping that its trade with the other Islenations made it wealthy.
transports heat from the geothermal power plants Three years ago, they even built an airdock, granting
to the peripheries. The city center is dominated by airships an alternative to landing on the frozen sea.
the imposing Palace of Counts, the heart of Nuug In Reikkar is the Nuug school of the Monopoly
politics, where the nobles of the country gather in of Markonists, housing even a small number of fo-
council under the leadership of one of the Counts, reign students there to study melding their minds
known as the Prince. Unlike many other Vulcanian with those of animals and the use of the Fidelitas
capitals, even in the peripheral areas of Orgholm collars. Gregorj Valastoof is the academy’s grand
living conditions are decent, in part thanks to the master, and has also been Reikkar’s Count for more
contained population. Along the banks of the Her- than twenty years. During the war, he was Hoorik’s
rel River, a great many farms have developed, in- right hand, his contribution pivotal to keeping the
cluding dairy farms and breweries, their products country together as the hostilities raged on. Howe-
appreciated even outside the Islenation’s borders. ver, after the war ended, he abandoned his projects
Count Gunnar Hoorik is a skilled diplomat and for expansion and the relationship between the two
a calculating and pensive leader, skills that did not Counts soured.
endear him much to his population, used as they are
to follow rash and bloodthirsty warriors. However, Korrpor
the benefits his policies have brought to the nation Harbor City – population: 21,000
cannot be denied, and the Nuug tolerate him as a Still bearing the scars of the war, the walled city of
necessary evil for the greater good of all. On the Korrpor has fully recovered from the conflict and
other hand, Gunnar’s ambitions are to expand the now is an important trade node. Although the si-
Nuug territories, but for one reason or another his ght of warships anchored there is not rare, the vast
supporters have been neutralized, removed, or sim- majority of the docked vessels are fishing boats, frei-
ply disappeared after the war, leaving him alone in ghters, and passenger ships. Fishing is one of the
his dreams. main industries of the southern coast and a key re-
source in both domestic and international trade.
Large City– population: 53,000 Ortenpor
Harbor City – population: 13,000
An ancient urboorg rising on the Herrel, the main
river of the country. Thanks to its proximity to the After Mostucaal fell into anarchy, Ortenpor suffered
only landing spot in the northern coast, it develo- greatly from the interruption of trade that, before
ped into a flourishing city and its people are often the Mos civil war, represented the city’s main source
considered soft and weak by the clans of the vol- of income. Today, the city’s piers are occupied mostly
canoes. However, those who live in Reikkar do not by fishing boats and the occasional passenger vessel,
care much about such trivialities, considering their the city center dotted with empty buildings abando-
ned by the many people who moved to the capital or been a Countess. It is said that their legendary deed
Korrpor. Its fluvial connection to Orgholm ensures changed forever the traditions of the whole country.
at least some income, mostly thanks to the fishing in-
dustry, so the city has not fallen into poverty. Howe- Mookholm
ver, its days of splendor are long gone. Large City – population: 56,000
On the slopes of Mount Mook rises the urboorg
Thoorholm of Mookholm, famous for its lava-fueled forges. Its
City – population: 23,000 smiths are known for their unmatched skill, crafting
One of the most ancient urboorgs in Nuugard, its incredibly resilient, well-balanced, and beautiful we-
people are deeply respectful of their ancient Nuug apons. They are produced in great quantity each day
traditions. Because of its close proximity to the in their dedicated industrial district, separated from
Tuundra, it is a place where the Uurka and the rest the rest of the city’s workshops.
of the country meet and trade for goods. Its other Arkadia Smirnoof is the Countess of Mookholm.
source of wealth is the processing of the conlio mi- An indomitable warrior, Arkadia is also a talented
ned on the northern coasts and the production of engineer and a leader beloved by her people. During
the precious Fidelitas collars. the war, when she still had not taken her position,
Count Vlaadimir Ivanov rules these lands from his she had a long romantic relationship with Gunnar of
fortress, the famed Stooker Castle, a gothic structure
dominating the valley from above. As it is entirely
built of black stone, its sight is a stark
contrast to the white snow of the moun-
tains, its shadow looming over the city.
The Ivanovs have held power seemingly
forever, the title of Count of Thorholm
surrounded by a dark, ominous aura. The
skeleton of the last who attempted to
seize it, more than a hundred years ago,
is still impaled outside of the Castle’s do-
City – population: 21,000
The thermal springs of this urboorg are
considered a sacred place, where people
from all over the country go to spend
time and relax. It is common for warriors
from different clans to recover from par-
ticularly intense battles there and even
spend time together drinking dark
beer while resting in the warm waters.
Centuries ago, Kattholmian amazons,
who were forbidden from carrying wea-
pons before this, took over the city. Since
then, the ruler of the city has traditionally
Orgholm and, when she took the mantle of Coun- call “an honest ne’er-do-well.” During the war, the
tess, many accused her of having risen to power then not-so-old Istvar led the shock troops of the
thanks to her powerful companion. Arkadia faced 501st company in operations that invariably turned
and defeated her detractors on the field of battle, into a bloodbath, leading to their very name being
after which she organized a kaarl competition with dreaded by the enemy. Even if a stranger sees only
their heads. However, after the end of the Letvian a scruffy old man in Granpa Istvar, not addressing
War, she was firmly opposed to Gunnar’s expansion him with due respect would be a fatal mistake, for
plans, choosing to follow the will of her people ra- sure, as his body is a living monument to war made
ther than her fiancee’s. of ritual tattoos and scars.
Il kaarl Akkar
A beloved Nuug sport, it is a challenge of skill whe- Fortress – population: 1,100
re the contenders must throw a flat rock so that it The isle of Akkar is perhaps the least hospitable
skids on a sheet of ice towards a tomahawk thrown place in the whole world. Gripped by intense cold
by the organizer at the beginning of the game. Ka- every single day of the year, it seems to know nei-
arl rocks feature a braid that works as a handle to ther spring nor summer, with the occasional conifer
throw it better, with the victor being the player who tree grove the only sight to break the monotony of
manages to make their stone skid closer to the to- ice. Here is Kravatoon, the Academy of the Hair-
mahawk without touching it. Centuries ago, when less. The entrance to the castle is fashioned in the
the game was born, the first players used the heads likeness of the fanged mouth of a massive skull,
of vanquished enemies and kaarl games were part where the recruits face grueling training to become
of the celebrations after victories. living weapons.
Vasilj Sketlon, the Kluut, supreme commander
Tirospool of the Hairless, is as hard and inflexible as the ice
City – population: 19,000 from which his fortress is made. Slim for a Nuug,
The only glimmer of civilization in the eternally he took part in the Letvian War as a legendary spy,
frozen north, the capital of the Uurka clan who live alone behind enemy lines impersonating an enemy
in the Tuundra is as rustic as its people. Survival officer, sowing chaos and murdering key figures
in these wind-scythed lands would be impossible whenever he had the chance. He is known for puni-
for many Nuug, but for the Uurka it is just another shing failure with harshness, but rewarding success
day in their life, spent between weeks-long hunts fairly.
and conlio diving in the gelid fjords. Exploring the-
se lands without the guidance and protection of a
native is a death sentence, and many of those who Stamber
somehow offended the locals during their stay were Fortress – population: 4,200
never seen again. Although the rest of the Nuug This entire isle is a fortress where the navy set its
see them as weird and extreme people, the Uurka anchor during the Letvian War. Today, the ships
are respected all over the country for their stubborn that survived the conflict have returned to the har-
ferocity and resolute nature. bors of their respective clans and even Stamber’s
Granpa Istvar is the oldest man in Tirospool and, barracks are empty. The only active compound is
therefore, the most respected, the one who steps in the workshop where the Oktopus was developed,
as Count when the Council requires the opinion of a lethal submarine fitted with mechanical tentacles
the Uurka. He is loved and respected by everybody, controlled by a Markonist via a conlio nervous sy-
embodying what the Uurka code of values would stem for optimal control. A team of Engineers and
Markonists still works on the project, to both per- unlike in other countries, are designed not to ruin
fect the submarine and invent new steering and na- the beauty of the lands surrounding them and are
vigation technologies. dug deep, although the use of aggressive alchemical
Frool Frood, a rich merchant from Korrpor, has substances is strictly forbidden so as not to pollute
acquired numerous hangars here and retooled them air and waters.
to serve as workshops to design new vehicles and
equipment that employs the technologies develo- Gruunland
ped by the Monopolies on the same island. What Nuugard received from Mostucaal in exchan-
ge for their support during the Letvian War—it is
Famous Locations a rocky island, with a few villages of Nuug coloni-
Black Forest sts or Mos natives. The two groups coexist in peace
The Kerrel River runs through this dark, thick fo- and, after more than a decade, many mixed families
rest that stretches between the southern coast and have been formed. The main activity is the herding
the slopes of the volcanoes. Within its borders, of goats and rams in the hills and bovines in the
especially on the banks of the river, there are nu- northern plains.
merous villages inhabited by woodsmen and hun- Among the most eccentric characters in the
ters. All kinds of creatures and medicinal herbs live world, Sisco Gutierrez is the manager of one the
there, and life on the river is rather lively, as barges small settlements on the small and barren island of
laden with timber and fish move along the Kerrel in Gruunland, feeding off the sporadic passage of the
both directions. In the depths of the woods, howe- Garghantua flying cities. These rundown flying co-
ver, sounds dim to an almost mystical silence, inter- lossi are systematically tugged outside the airspace
rupted only by the singing of birds and the rustling of the various Islenations to prevent their detritus
of tree branches. The only people known to dare from falling in civilized lands. However, as Gruun-
venturing there are holy men and women, who bra- land is a spit of land lost in the middle of nowhere,
ve the deadly predators lurking among the foliage. it has become a perfect spot for those smugglers
and pirates that wish to do business with the flying
Tuundra cities. The picturesque Mos Markonist is never far
This endless, frozen stretch of land is among the from his drone, which he loves to dress with mant-
most savage places in Vulcania. Temperatures are les, wigs, knick-knacks, and other oddities that his
well below the freezing point, the sun’s glare ruth- colleagues find rather uncharacteristic. As many
less, and the snow mantle treacherous, hiding cra- Markonists do, he named his mechanical assistant:
gs and deadly falls. Not to mention sudden, violent Danton the Great, although unlike his colleagues he
storms and deadly predators. For the average citizen treats it like a living, sentient being of which he is
of almost any other Islenation, this is another flavor the valet. Although Sisco is evidently crazy, lost as
of hell. For the average Uurka, this is home. Bra- he is in thinking of himself as the expression of
ving the Tuundra without a guide is suicidal, althou- Danton’s will, he is extremely competent in his field
gh this land presents opportunities in addition to its and is appreciated by smugglers and pirates for his
many threats. The conlio in the air, thanks to unique eccentric friendliness.
climate conditions, coalesces into iridescent flakes
that deposit on the frozen fjords, forming a mother Powerful Factions
of pearl-like carpet. The Hairless
In the ancient past, giving birth to a hairless child
Jeerl Mounts was the greatest shame for a Nuug family, with
These mountains are rich in metals and are inha- many of these infants abandoned in the forests as a
bited by a large number of miners. Mines here, sacrifice for nature spirits. Legends have it that one
After a successful start, however, Carrizo realized fending for themselves however they could. Mostly,
his income would have skyrocketed had he tapped they were helped by smugglers, who sold goods or
into the wealth of the lower classes, as keeping his passage to dry land at extremely high prices, by the
activities from being overwhelmed by both compe- cult of Isairnes, or the occasional private benefac-
tition and government officials was becoming in- tor. Islenation air forces intervened only to drag the
creasingly expensive. The Falcon, then, disappeared cities out of their airspace, to avoid their waste or
for many years, with many rumors spreading about debris from damaging people or buildings.
the ultimate fate of its owner. Some claimed the Ba-
las navy had sunk the “ship of sin,” others that they Babylon
had witnessed the game of Syrus where Carrizo had Flying City – population: 2,800
lost his vessel. Some even said they had seen him When food became scarce and tensions rose,
headed to the Storm Wall in an attempt to reach Babylon’s citizens started fragmenting into ethnic
Letvia. Nobody really knows how he managed to groups, accusing one another of being the cause of
disappear, where he went, or how he built Libertas, the catastrophic turn life had taken. Within a few
but the fact that he did and then became the head years, the situation degenerated into civil war, with
of the most powerful crime syndicate in the world factions fighting for months over the control tower
is a testament to his cunning. where the former rulers of the city had dug in to
wait the conflict out. An unknown faction mana-
GARGHANTUA’S FLYING CITIES ged to plant improvised explosives at the base of
In -32 P, three flying cities were christened in Bu- the structure, bringing it down and decapitating
sto’s shipyards in an attempt to ease the issue of Babylon. Today, the city is divided among six rubble
overpopulation that plagued the Islenations. Thou- strongholds, reinforced with makeshift barricades,
sands of the desperate and destitute from all over that fight over the territory and the scarce resources
the world embarked, hoping for a better life abo- left. Fighting is often quick and brutal, alliances fi-
ard this technological marvel the Monopolies had ckle, and life a veritable hell.
brought them. However, not even a decade in, they
realized the entirety of the mistake they had made, Gibraltar
as food dwindled and producing wares to exchange Flying City – population: 4,000
for resources became progressively harder, plun-
When the population began revolting, demanding
ging the flying cities into abject poverty. The Islena-
to be brought back to the ground, there was one
tions refused to take these people back, both Gar-
person who offered to resolve the situation on
ghantua’s inhabitants and technicians alike, and the
behalf of the governor: Artemis Eltrudis, a serial
flying cities wandered about the skies of Vulcania
they are marked with an acid burn on the forehead, latter benefiting from all the support he needs from
to single them out as outcasts. It was this obsession the former in his morbid studies on the reanima-
for secrecy that inspired Fermi in forming the Mo- tion of dead tissue.
nopolies. The Alchemists formed their own only
in -61 P, following the example of the Engineers The Engineers
and the Markonists, and nowadays it is divided into Eriko Fermi was the engineer who designed and bu-
two branches: on one side, there are the Enthro- ilt the first Vulcanus battery and the one who foun-
pists, those who mix and synthesize reagents and ded the first Monopoly. Unlike many other geniuses
study the transformations of matter and energy; on of his time, Fermi understood the relevance of his
the other, Biopsists study human physiology and discovery, upon which he built an empire that in a
its alterations under the effects of physioreagents. few years became more powerful than many gover-
The two paths, structured in what the Alchemists nments. To protect the technological advantage his
themselves call “guilds,” study and train in separate organization had acquired from treason, spies, or
structures and yet, although feeling somewhat su- extortion, Fermi never taught the secrets of his in-
perior to one another, share a sense of almost sym- ventions to an individual person, instead choosing
biotic brotherhood. In fact, it is not uncommon for to fragment it between his most brilliant studen-
an Alchemist to walk both paths for a while. ts. For decades, nobody could match their results
The head of the Monopoly is the Magnificent and, by then, the Engineers had gathered so much
Supreme Architect, extremely well versed in both power that whoever attempted to develop similar
branches, who shares their responsibilities with the technologies either was bought out of the equation
Magus, leader of the Enthropists, and the Venefi- or simply disappeared. The Engineers are present
cus, representative of the Biopsists. Although actual all over the world, from small town workshops all
scientists, the Alchemists love their aura of mystery, the way up to large enclaves in capital cities and re-
decorating their laboratories around the world with search laboratories in the many industrial districts,
statues of bizarre creatures or ancient deities, eso- where scientists and corporate technicians from all
teric symbols, and mysterious inscriptions in now over the world work side by side to develop new
forgotten languages. motors and vehicles.
Shokol Nisla, a fifty year old Abrab with thick, Tamarindo Chang, an Itteghi of Ketnyi herita-
woolly hair, took the mantle of Magnificent Su- ge, is the current Sovereign Grand Commander
preme Architect two years before the current day, and Grand Master of the Monopoly of Engineers.
when his predecessor Shabbaz Ubuntu retired to Profiting off the failure of the Garghantua Project,
his beloved Pifu at the venerable age of ninety. Al- thirty years ago, he overturned the hierarchy of the
though formally retired, old Shabbaz is one of the Monopoly and now, in his waning days, he is prepa-
most respected people in the world, with politicians ring to retire. In spite of his aging body, he still is
and other influential people making the journey very much the lucid and ruthless man he has always
to his abode overhanging the sea for his counsel. been. He should have retired years ago, leaving his
Shokol struggles to impose his authority over the place to his pupil, Butch Gutierrez, but the latter’s
shadow cast by his illustrious predecessor, to the death forced Chang to reformulate his plans. Tra-
point that even his Magus and Veneficus, respecti- ditionally, the many factions of the Engineers have
vely Liko Treguet and Conchita Van Tifar, often vi- waged an internal war of intrigue, subterfuge, and
sit their old mentor to hear his wisdom. Frustrated scandals for the hallowed mantle, although never
and eager to leave his mark on the history of the has it come to murder and, although so far there is
Monopoly, Shokol Nisla secretly authorized seve- no evidence that Gutierrez was killed, Chang is de-
ral unethical research projects. Nisla and Girz, the termined to see the mystery solved before leaving
chief of Bodin’s laboratory, studied together, the the Monopoly in hands he does not trust.
The Markonists per training. Since then, the Psi Division has grown
This Monopoly owes its name to Gujermo Markon, quickly in both influence and numbers, achieving
the first scientist to transmit his thoughts throu- an almost unparalleled degree of freedom both
gh a conlio wire. The discovery of conlio and its inside and outside the Monopoly. Its members are
brain-enhancing effects is lost in the sands of time, chosen with care, after a grueling series of physical,
although the ability to transmit thoughts over long mental, and behavioral tests, to ensure their loyalty
distances through a wire revolutionized the world to the Monopoly and speed of learning.
of communications. Of course, the secret behind Phi Division (Etomarkonists): the youngest division
such technology is jealously guarded by the Mono- of the Monopoly is ironically tasked with exploring
poly of Markonists, whose transmission stations, what is the oldest use of conlio: controlling animals.
the so-called Nuntius, regulate the flow of informa- Legends abound of hermits and sorcerers capable
tion all over the world. Discretion is a key aspect for of communicating with animals, and it is rumored
those who operate the Mentographic Network, and that their study led to the creation of the Fidelitas
the diffusion of sensitive information is punished conlio collars and the birth of its parent discipline,
harshly both by governments and the Monopoly it- etomarkonism, which allows a Markonist to merge
self, so government agents, large corporations, and their mind with that of an animal.
particularly wealthy people have their own personal Alevtiina Chomsky has been the first etomarko-
Nuntius staffed with trusted Markonists. In time, nist to take the vaunted seat of Supreme High Prin-
the Monopoly has developed different paths of ce Governor of the Monopoly of Markonists, in
specialization for its scientists, exploring the inte- spite of the scant respect that controllers and psio-
ractions between conlio items and human brains. nics have historically shown her branch. However,
Omega Division (Controllers): the first remote de- during her first years at the head of the Monopoly,
vices were created just a few years after the birth Chomsky has performed admirably. A fine diplo-
of the Mentographic Network, forming the core of mat and an astute strategist, she is a tough woman,
the training for every member of the Monopoly. every inch the proud Uurka of the Nuug Tuundra
When in -48 P a team of researchers from both where she was born.
the Monopolies of Markonists and Engineers bu-
ilt the first drone capable of performing complex BANKS
tasks under the mental control of an operator, the Weiss & Stern
Omega Division was born. Since then, the Omega The year -90 P is one of the most important dates
Division has become the main component of the in Abrab history, as it was the birth of the Weiss &
Monopoly, developing extremely sophisticated dro- Stern bank, the investment group destined to be-
nes that can be fitted with a great variety of grafts come the most important in the whole world. Its
to turn them into precious allies or deadly foes. founders, Nichlaas Weiss and Frederic Stern, hailed
Psi Division (Psionics): at the beginning of the from two of the wealthiest families in the country.
Letvian War, Markonists involved with the military The Weiss clan had made its fortune building more
found a few individuals gifted with the capacity to than eighty percent of the buildings in Gerola and
influence others. They were capable of feats like Zementi, while the Stern were of Nuug heritage
amplifying the fears of their targets, causing them and had risen to fame by dealing in technology. The
to hallucinate or even controlling them for short business of their young scions operated in banking,
amounts of time. The Monopoly was allowed to financing new activities or handling valuables all
recruit some for further study, discovering that over Vulcania. Weiss’ Abrab blood had made him
they could control the traces of conlio present in more apt at the financial side of the business, whi-
the blood of all living beings, and finding that this le Stern, born among weapons and other pieces
power could be developed by anyone with the pro- of technology, had a gift for developing security
mechanisms and weapon and armor systems. The shed that the wages set by the Emperor were to be
two were not only talented, but also good friends paid by the Bank of the Sky. By forbidding other
and, backed by their respective families, they led banks from opening subsidiaries within its confines
the company well beyond the nation’s borders. Wi- out of fear that their presence could influence the
thin a decade, Weiss & Stern was entrusted with Ketnyi “free will” and erode the imperial finances,
the wealth of many of Vulcania’s richest elites, as the other Islenations have reciprocated, preventing
well as that of the Abrab, Mos, Itteghi, and Nuug the Bank of the Sky from branching outside of
governments. Not even the Monopolies could keep Ketniv.
W&S out of their business, even more so after they
started investing in the transportation industry, as The Hand of Isairnes
the company was instrumental in moving conlio Although vile money is not as important as pro-
around the world, preserving patents, and funding tecting the souls of the faithful, Pope Kaddhuri was
research. In time, the ever-growing piles of treasu- the first to realize that no matter how fervent was
re guarded in W&S’s vaults forced the company to their zeal, no cult would be able to rule a country
move them to a fortified building, equipped with without an actual treasury. So, in 1 F, soon after
cutting edge systems, as new subsidiaries were ope- her rise to power, she founded the Hand of Isair-
ned in the other Islenations to limit the risky move- nes, taking the task of managing investments and
ment of valuables. protecting the religious works from the grasp of
After the death of its founders, control of the incompetent Inquisitorial bureaucrats.
company changed hands multiple times between The institute only has its headquarters in Calhud
their successors among the two families until the Square, and is led by Abdela Majid, who answers
Abrabaz volcano exploded. Somehow, the company only to the Pope and her caliphs. In her years as exe-
survived the cataclysm, managing not to lose all of cutive, Majid showed skill and devotion both to her
its wealth, and the new sole owner of the company duty and to the Red Pope, her popularity skyrocke-
fled to Itteghasp, where he lives today, attempting ting when she brought Hussein Assad, Balastoc’s
to bring W&S back to its former glory. wealthiest cattle merchant, in front of a court after
his attempts at obtaining illegal funding from the
Bank of the Sky Hand. Hussein was burned in a public execution
After the birth of the first Abrabazi credit institu- in Calhud Square and his wealth confiscated by the
tions, news about their lucrative activities arrived in institute, ensuring that nobody would ever dare to
Ketniv, too. Emperor Rinosheen Kobyi seemed to doubt the integrity of both Majid and the Hand of
appreciate the idea of a new economic policy, free Isairnes.
from the traditional control of the imperial treasu-
rer. A banking system would modernize the coun- PICARTO AGENCY
try, the Emperor thought, and would grant the dy- Nelso Picarto started the first detective agency in
nasty a finer degree of control over the circulation the world more than a century before the present
of wealth and a way to recover part of the wages it time. His skill in investigation and planting infor-
paid to its citizens. Giving to the people with one mants within both local and global groups of power
hand and taking back with the other, the Emperor brought this newly born agency fame, the Mono-
secured a way to have the bank fund his ambitious poly of Engineers often making use of its services
projects. Under these pretenses, the Emperor foun- to hunt down traitors who had escaped with too
ded the Bank of the Sky in -59 P, the only credit many secrets—A task Picarto’s agents have always
institution allowed in the country. After the inau- executed with deadly and ruthless efficiency. Today,
guration of an imposing, gray roofed building in the Agency, as it is commonly referred to, is free
the government district, the next law passed establi- to operate within the borders of every nation and
The top of the Picarto
Agency’s most wanted
list is proudly held by this
group of Mos army ve-
terans charged with tre-
ason and war crimes, al-
though it is rumored this
squad is hunted because
it uncovered the wrong
unsettling secret, ear-
ning them a bounty that
The most-read newspaper of the present day
has a fascinating history. During the War, young
Zardian journalist Oleandro Masil founded a
local gazette to keep his townsfolk infor-
med on the ebb and flow of the confli-
ct. Back then, the majority of the Itteghi
press was under the control of many
powerful groups that used it for their
own purposes, so listening to a free and
independent voice had a strong effect on
the locals, especially the youth. Initially,
Oleandro’s activity was so underestima-
ted that when the larger newspapers at-
tempted to acquire or suppress the Volcano’s
Echo it was already too late. It quickly expanded to
Nuugard, Mostucaal, and Abrabazem, gaining po- distributing it in Ketniv. Thanks to its network of
pularity even outside Itteghi borders, although sin- journalists, investigators, and simple supporters, af-
ce then Oleandro has been forced to lead a noma- fectionately nicknamed “the rabble,” the Volcano’s
dic life, wandering from safehouse to safehouse to Echo is healthier than ever, even being capable of
avoid killers sent by those who would silence him. bringing to its readers an occasional update about
However, its distribution is also sanctioned within the Abrabazem or Free Republic of Aqualos situa-
the borders of Balas and the Freeborn are secretly tions, where it has been banned.
“At last, you are here, Captain Akhbar… As you can see,
I took precautions.” He cackled, maniacally, winking at
the band of thugs around him. Perched on a metal throne,
four rusty spikes sprouting from its back, he was staring
at the group of bounty hunters with bulging eyes, lit with
“Don’t think I’m scared that easily, Junker! I brought
friends too. Your miserable life ends now!” The tension
could be cut with a knife as the two parties held each other
at gunpoint.
“Nobody walks out of life alive, eh, Captain?” cackled
Junker. “So! Let us settle scores like gentlemen, shall we?”
He said, standing up and revealing the array of pistons and
valves on the Crux array around his legs. “How about a
duel? The winner wins, well, everything… and doesn’t die.
Are you game? Mmmh?”
Looking back at his companions, the Captain nodded.
“So be it. Show me what you’ve got, you old dog!” he an-
swered, confident. Junker’s sharp features lit up, tasting the
challenge, as the machete at his belt flashed into his hand.
“And now comes the part where I relieve you poor idiot of
your life…” Activating his Crux array, he jumped onto
Captain Akhbar, who readily turned his own Brachius
on and parried the incoming blow with his Malleus rocket
hammer. This was a promising fight…
Enemy Training
Alchem Training: the enemy is capable of using
alchem weapons.
Command Training: at the beginning of their
turn, the adversary can allow an ally to take one
Action for free.
Dual Front Training: the enemy ignores one of
their opponents when calculating numerical superio-
Engineering Training: the enemy is capable of
using Gizmos as a Free Action.
Martial Arts Training: the enemy is not conside-
red unarmed when fighting without weapons.
Psychic Training: the enemy is capable of using
Markonist psychic powers.
Sharpshooter Training: the enemy is capable
of shooting at targets engaged in melee without
Stealth Training: the enemy can make
Stealth Tests as part of their movement.
Enemy Equipment
Enemies own pieces of kit, too!
Whether it is suits of armor, we-
apons, mutagens, tools, or other
items, if an adversary possesses
anything, it is listed in their pro-
file and the relative modifiers
are always included in the sum-
mary tables.
Addendum for the totally not sadistic Narrator: A life
of war leaves equipment scarred, pitted, dented, and,
ultimately, broken, so it may happen that a vital item
- Opportunities -
Cannon fodder is always useful to season a fight, Make Way: with a powerful bash of their
as the players revel in butchering them in droves shoulder, the brute shoves an opponent aside, oc-
and they are easier for you to manage. Numerical cupying their square.
superiority is a strength in itself, right? Not to men-
tion that the nameless red shirts of an action movie Trip: after dodging an attack, the brute stomps
could prove key in distracting the heroes from pur- on their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced
suing your carefully crafted main antagonist! Dead condition.
men plot no vengeance, right?! Generic Adds, like
guards, are useful in almost any situation and can be
tweaked to still pose an adequate challenge to the Rank: Expert Difficulty: 10
group even later in the campaign.
Initiative: 8 Movement: 3
Dodge: 10 Wounds: 2
Brute Role: Add
Evade: 10 Damage Reduction: –
At the base of the social pyramid of organized crime
sit ruthless and brutal individuals, ready to break bo- - Qualities -
nes and bash skulls at the beck and call of those with
the money to hire them. Theft, extortion, and beatings Skills: Brawl 12 – Aggression 11
are not beneath them, and, although not the brightest Training: none
of the bunch, they are somewhat reliable. At the end Equipment: Claymore, Machete, Pistol, 50 $
of the day, everybody from the lowliest of thugs to
Mister Carrizo himself knows that sometimes a good, - Attacks -
healthy dose of violence is just what carries a great Claymore: 10
many hairy situations, right?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Rank: Newbie Difficulty: 8 Pistol: 8 (range: 12 cubitus) Piercing
Initiative: 6 Movement: 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dodge: 8 Wounds: 2
Evade: 8 Damage Reduction: – - Opportunities -
Cleaver 12 - Attacks -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cleaver 13
Sawed-offl: 8 (range: 6 cubitus) Piercing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sawed-off: 11 (range: 6 cubitus) Piercing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities -
Make Way: with a powerful bash of their
shoulder, the brute shoves an opponent aside, oc- Cleave: with a powerful sweep, the brute deals
cupying their square. 1 point of damage to a secondary target adjacent to
Trip: after dodging an attack, the brute stomps their first.
on their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced Trip: after dodging an attack, the brute catches
condition. their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced con-
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities - - Opportunities -
Peripheral Vision: the guard shoots their pistol Peripheral Vision: the guard shoots their pistol
at a secondary target they are engaged in melee with. at a secondary target they are engaged in melee with.
Escape: after dodging an attack, the guard mo- Escape: after dodging an attack, the guard mo-
ves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape. ves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.
- Opportunities -
Schiavona: 9 - Attacks -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Schiavona: 9
Carabine: 13 (range: 16 cubitus) Piercing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Carabine: 13 (range: 16 cubitus) Piercing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities -
Hamstring: the adversary shoots at the target’s
leg, halving their Movement score. Piercing Shot: the bullet pierces through its tar-
Relocate: if missed by a ranged attack, the Ri- get, dealing 1 point of damage to a secondary target
fleman immediately takes a movement Maneuver. right behind it in a straight line.
Relocate: if missed by a ranged attack, the Ri-
fleman immediately takes a movement Maneuver.
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities - - Opportunities -
Painful Slash: with a cunning slash, the scum Painful Slash: with a cunning slash, the scum
cuts their target deep, inflicting the Disoriented con- cuts their target deep, inflicting the Disoriented con-
dition. dition.
Escape: after dodging an attack, the scum mo- Escape: after dodging an attack, the scum mo-
ves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape. ves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.
- Opportunities - - Opportunities -
Painful Slash: with a cunning slash, the scum Painful Slash: with a cunning slash, the scum
cuts their target deep, inflicting the Disoriented con- cuts their target deep, inflicting the Disoriented con-
dition. dition.
Freeze: extreme cold unleashed by a crystallus Freeze: extreme cold unleashed by a crystallus
causes crippling pain, inflicting the Slowed condition causes crippling pain, inflicting the Slowed condition
on the scum’s target. on the scum’s target.
Vanish: after dodging an attack, the scum mo- Vanish: after dodging an attack, the scum mo-
ves 3 cubitus, so they are adjacent to their target, and ves 3 cubitus, so they are adjacent to their target, and
gains Combat Advantage against them. gains Combat Advantage against them.
- Attacks - - Attacks -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities - - Opportunities -
Roundhouse Kick: the target is shoved 2 cubitus Dance of the Blade: the Tawariq switches posi-
away and suffers the Unbalanced condition. tions with their target
Projection: the monk tackles their opponent to Defensive Cross: with one scimitar, the Tawariq
the ground 1 cubitus away, knocking them Prone. pushes aside the enemy’s incoming blow, striking them
with the other.
- Opportunities - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Qualities - - Qualities -
- Attacks - - Attacks -
Schiavona: 10 Saber: 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities -
o Recharge: the engineer recharges the ste-
am pressure in one of their gizmos. o Recharge: the engineer recharges the ste-
am pressure in one of their gizmos.
Scenic Escape: after dodging an attack, the en-
gineer activates their harpago and moves 10 cubitus Scenic Escape: after dodging an attack, the en-
away, possibly to higher ground. gineer activates their harpago and moves 10 cubitus
away, possibly to higher ground.
Saber: 13 - Attacks -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Katana Caceus: 13
Revolver: 11 (range: 10 cubitus) Piercing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Matador: 13 (range: 12 cubitus) Piercing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities -
Tear Gas: the gases of the caceus array inflict
the Dazed condition on the enemy. Tear Gas: the gases of the caceus array inflict
o Recharge: the engineer recharges the ste- the Dazed condition on the enemy.
am pressure in one of their gizmos. o Recharge: the engineer recharges the ste-
Jump and Gun: after dodging an attack, the en- am pressure in one of their gizmos.
gineer activates their impulsus boots, landing up to Jump and Gun: after dodging an attack, the en-
10 cubitus away as they shoot with their revolver. gineer activates their impulsus boots, landing up to
10 cubitus away as they shoot with their revolver.
Claymore: 13 - Attacks -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Zweihander: 14
Rifle: 8 (range: 20 cubitus) Piercing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Carbine: 13 (range: 16 cubitus) Piercing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities -
Cleave: with a powerful sweep, the mercenary
deals 1 point of damage to a secondary target adja- Cleave: with a powerful sweep, the mercenary
cent to their first. deals 1 point of damage to a secondary target adja-
Slip Away: the mercenary slips away at the last cent to their first.
moment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unba- Slip Away: the mercenary slips away at the last
lanced condition on their target. moment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unba-
lanced condition on their target.
- Opportunities - - Opportunities -
Hamstring: the adversary shoots at the target’s Hamstring: the adversary shoots at the target’s
leg, halving their Movement score. leg, halving their Movement score.
Escape: after dodging an attack, the officer Escape: after dodging an attack, the officer
moves 6 cubitus. moves 6 cubitus.
Saber: 13 - Attacks -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Katana: 13
Pistol: 14 (range: 12 cubitus) Piercing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Revolver: 14 (raggio: 10 cubitus) Piercing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities -
Peripheral Vision: After attacking with their sa-
ber, the officer shoots a secondary target with their Peripheral Vision: After attacking with their sa-
pistol. ber, the officer shoots a secondary target with their
Escape: after dodging an attack, the officer pistol.
moves 6 cubitus. Slip Away: the officer slips away at the last mo-
ment, dodging the attack and inflicting the Unbalan-
ced condition on their target.
Quarterstaff: 12 - Attacks -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Quarterstaff: 13
Shuriken: 12 (range: 6 cubitus) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chakraan: 13 (range: 8 cubitus)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities -
Bash: the psycher presses their attack, dealing
1 point of damage to their target. Bash: the psycher presses their attack, dealing
Trip: after dodging an attack, the telepath ca- 1 point of damage to their target.
tches their attacker’s foot, inflicting the Unbalanced or Invisibility: after dodging an attack, the
condition. telepath erases their image from the mind of their
target, becoming invisible to their eye.
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
- Attacks - - Attacks -
Machete: 10 Dagger: 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pistol: 11 (range: 12 cubitus) Piercing Pistol: 11 (range: 12 cubitus) Piercing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities - - Opportunities -
Anticipate: the Kingpin is capable of reading
Hamstring: a bullet hits the target’s leg, halving
their enemy’s moves, advancing 2 slots in the Initia-
their Movement score.
tive order.
Escape: after dodging an attack, the Gunslin-
Help: the Kingpin dodges the attack and calls
ger moves 6 cubitus to a better position or to escape.
for help. Another opponent within 4 cubitus moves
Always Ready: when shooting Gunslingers, it
next to the Character attacking the kingpin, disenga-
is advised to kill them on the spot. The Gunslinger
ging without penalty if necessary.
shoots back at the Character who attacked them.
Out of Sight, Out of Heart: the Kingpin dodges
bullets and blades, moving, if possible, outside of
their enemies’ line of sight.
Always ready: The Gonku are known for not Premonition: the Missionary is guided by the
liking being shot at and have the awful habit of sho- Hand of Isairnes and moves away at the last moment,
oting back. causing the attack to strike a target adjacent to them.
Smoke Screen: the Bald activates a fumidus that That’s the Way It’s Done: the Bald dodges the
causes a thick screen of smoke, hiding them from bullet and stares defiantly at the Character who just
view. They may immediately move and make an at- attacked them. Then, they make 2 ranged attacks
tack. against 2 different targets.
The Etho-Markonist Role: Villain Protection: don’t shoot anybody’s friend! The
Do you remember that time a gorilla with a sawed- Gorilla open fires on the target who attacked the
off shot your friend’s leg clean off ? Yeah… it was Markonist.
not you hallucinating, their Markonist friend was ri-
ght behind that palm tree to the left! And you did Gorilla Role: Antagonist
not even see half of the tricks they had just for you...
Initiative: – Movement: 6
Rank: Heroic Difficulty: 16 Dodge: 16 Wounds: 7
Evade: 16 Damage Reduction: –
Initiative: 18 Movement: 4
- Qualities -
Dodge: 14 Wounds: 6
Evade: 17 Damage Reduction: – Skills: Athletics 19, Senses 17
- Qualities - Equipment: Sawed-off, Februm.
- Attacks -
Skills: Insight 17, Discipline 18, Charm 17
Training: Phi (as a Maneuver, the Markonist Bite: 15
controls an allied animal). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Equipment: Serpis, Hatchet, Uskuir, Tomahawk Sawed-off: 13 Piercing
(6), Bombs: Glutinum, Plangor, and K Foam,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Gorilla, 190 $.
- Attacks - - Opportunities -
The Headhunter Role: Villain damage and stopping if they hit a solid surface. If
the flying target instead lands on somebody else, they
When the Picarto Agency sends its headhunter, it
both suffer 1 point of damage and are both knocked
means the situation has suddenly become whole
levels of gnarlier. These are absolutely ruthless fi-
ghters, renowned for their extremely low rate of fai- Help: the Headhunter dodges the attack and
lure. Will the heroes be capable of saving their sorry calls for help. Another opponent within 4 cubitus
hides? moves to the Character attacking them, disengaging
without penalty if necessary.
Rank: Heroic Difficulty: 16 Wanna Chat?: settling scores up close is always
a good idea to avoid misunderstandings, right? After
Initiative: 15 Movement: 3 dodging the bullet, the Headhunter activates their
Dodge: 14 Wounds: 7 Harpago, catches the enemy that shot them, and dra-
Evade: 17 Damage Reduction: 1 gs them into melee range.
- Qualities -
- Opportunities -
Freeze: extreme cold unleashed by a crystallus The Omega Micron Role: Villain
causes crippling pain, inflicting the Slowed condi- That fella covered in a multitude of teeming beetles
tion on its target. looks harmless, right? Gross at best, sure, but should
Backflip: after dodging an attack, the Mask at- not be dangerous… right? Well, not exactly: those are
tacks with their crystallus. not beetles, but nanodrones – minuscule mechanical
Always Ready: the Mask dodges the attack and creatures that work in tireless unison with the mind
throws one of their crystallus against the Character of their Markonist handler. Perfect for pranks...
who attacked them.
- Opportunities -
- Qualities -
Skewer: all of a sudden, the aspis extends,
piercing the target and whoever is in the 2 cubitus
Skills: Resistance 18, Handicraft 18
behind them.
Training: Mechanus (needed to use Mechanus
Deflection: the Swordmaster dodges the attack,
grabs their opponent by the wrist, and drives their equipment)
blade into the back of a secondary target within 2 Equipment: Magneton, Dagger, Lapidator,
cubitus, inflicting 2 points of damage. Pistol, Mechanus Exoskeleton, Ignis, Bombs:
Spite: ranged weapons are dishonorable. The Bombard and Nimbus, 430 $.
Swordmaster stares disdainfully at the Character who
just shot at them, Frightening them. - Attacks -
Magneton: 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Lapidator: 14 (cone: 6 cubitus) Piercing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
Initiative: 15 Movement: 5
Dodge: 16 Wounds: 7
Evade: 18 Damage Reduction: 2
Death Trap
A Bald never attacks frontally without a solid plan
behind it. They attempt to set an ambush or otherwise
catch the enemy by surprise, whether it is using a tele-
path or an officer and their brutes as a diversion.
• Enemies: The Bald, 1 Telepath, 1 Officer, 2 Brutes, 2 Dura Lex, Sed Lex
Thugs The Empire does not forgive. Ever. If the Imperial
guard enters the scene, then, you can be sure bodies
It’s Open Season are going to hit the floor. One Tamurei keeps thin-
The deadliest Mos gunslingers love to surround them- gs manageable by spraying lapidator bullets around,
selves with big goons to keep their enemies busy while while the other engages in melee. The officer and te-
they fill them with hot lead. In this case, brutes and lepath, meanwhile, stay slightly back, supporting their
mercenaries in the front with the alchemist keeping heavy-hitting companions.
the Characters under control with their bombs. Then, • Enemies: 2 Tamurei, 1 Officer, 1 Telepath, 3 Guards
the Renegade handles the rest.
• Enemies: The Renegade, 1 Alchemist, 2 Mercenaries, 2 Did They Come out of the Bloody Walls Again?!
Brutes Thanks to their mechanical friends, the Omega Mi-
cron attacks with their whip at blinding speed from
No Way Out the back line. Nuug shock troops, meanwhile, form
Picarto teams have their standard modus operandi, the front, with guards plugging any voids as they form.
which usually proves quite successful. The War Can • Enemies: The Omega Micron, 2 Nuug Shocktroopers, 4
dives into the melee, engaging the mightiest enemies Guards
in combat while guards and riflemen lay cover fire and
the Headhunter deals with the stragglers before joi- Blades, Not Shades!
ning the melee. Fearless, cunning, and deadly, swordmasters always
• Enemies: The Headhunter, 1 War Can, 2 Guards, 3 attempt to face their enemies one at a time. The alche-
Special Abilities
Some creatures have special abilities, whether the re-
sult of mutation or simple evolution. The following is
a list of the most frequently found around Vulcania:
Ambush: some predators are especially lethal
when they strike catching their prey by surprise. A
creature with this ability is capable of pouncing on
their prey as a Free Action and deal 1 additional
point of damage to Surprised targets, in addition to
any other damage.
Amphibious: there are creatures that have adap-
ted to live both in water and on dry land. Unless
otherwise specified, an amphibious creature does
not suffer penalties in either environment.
Braced: some creatures are gifted with extra lim- Fury: as death draws near, the furious beast does
bs or are large and heavy enough to be harder for not flee. It only fights. A creature with the Fury spe-
a Character to move. Braced creatures cannot be cial rule fights for one more round after its Wounds
grappled, shoved, knocked Prone, or moved about reach 0, ignoring any further damage or conditions
by Arts or equipment. and dealing 1 additional point of damage when it
Dark Vision: creatures with this ability can see hits its enemy.
perfectly in darkness, without suffering penalties in Multiple Attacks: mother nature has spawned
combat. no end of savage, bloodthirsty monsters. A creature
Explosive Death: bones, blisters, internal organs, with this feature is capable of making an extra attack
or other anatomical parts of the creature contain an every round.
unstable substance that is released upon its death, Poison: some creatures have poison glands used
causing a violent explosion when in contact with air. for self-defense or to neutralize their prey. Creatures
The round the creature dies, its body explodes, de- with the Poison special rule attempt to inject their
aling 1 point of damage to everything within 2 cu- toxin every time they get an Opportunity on a melee
bitus. attack. Below is a list of the most frequent poisons
Fear: the presence of this creature frightens those found in nature:
around it, forcing them to make a Discipline Test • Paralyzing Poison: a Character under the effects
to avoid suffering the Frightened condition. If they of paralyzing poison immediately suffers the Immo-
fail, they suffer the condition as long as they are wi- bilized condition. At the beginning of their turn each
thin 10 cubitus of the creature. The Difficulty for round, they can attempt a Resistance Test. On a suc-
the Test is either the creature’s base Difficulty or its cess, the poison ends its effect and the Character can
Aggression score (whichever is higher). move and act normally.
Flailing Attacks: creatures with multiple limbs or • Debilitating Poison: the creature boasts a poison
gifted with great ferocity become even more dange- that slowly kills their target, attacking their nervous
rous when surrounded by enemies. They make an system. When the target is injected with the poison,
attack against each opponent they are engaged with they suffer a -1 penalty to all Tests and must make
in melee. a Resistance Test at the beginning of their turn. If
Flying: The creature is capable of flying, with they pass, the poison is purged from their system.
wings, gliding membranes, or whatever means of Otherwise, the penalty increases incrementally by 1
locomotion nature gave them. Unless otherwise spe- every round until the Test is passed.
cified, their flight speed is equal to their Movement
• Deadly Poison: this poison kills its target by corro- Abomination Role: Villain
ding their tissues. When injected with the poison, the
These unholy creatures seem spawned directly from
target suffers 1 point of damage. Then, at the begin-
the worst nightmares of a deranged mind. An en-
ning of their turn each round, the target must make a
counter with any of these monsters is often a death
Resistance Test, ending the effect on a success. On a
sentence, making flight a viable strategy to deal with
failure, they suffer 1 additional point of damage per
them… if not the only one. Information about them
failed Test, increasing the damage until they die (i.e.,
is scarce, as few survive close encounters and they do
2 damage in round 2, 3 in round 3, etc.).
not appear to follow specific patterns; however, abo-
Reach: some creatures are capable of reaching
minations have been described as amalgams of dif-
further than usual, thanks to their size or long limbs.
ferent animals, with a varying number of limbs and
A creature with Reach uses that value as the range
heads, moved by unrelenting fury. Their seemingly
for its melee attacks.
random anatomy makes them particularly resilient,
Swarm: creatures with this special rule are groups
because of redundancy in vital organs. For example,
of numerous smaller beings, like critters or bugs,
aiming for the heart is mostly luck, as nobody actual-
that move in unison. Swarms occupy the area listed
ly knows where it is, if they have only one… or even
in their description and can occupy the same spaces
if they need one at all.
as other creatures. They attack anything within their
area, but suffer twice as much damage from area of
effect weapons. Their Wounds score is the total of Rank: Heroic Difficulty: 16
all the individual creatures in the swarm and their
Initiative: 12 Movement: 6
Damage Reduction value represents the fact that it
Dodge: 15 Wounds: 14
is harder to strike individual swarm members with
conventional weapons. Evade: 13 Damage Reduction: 1
Terror: the presence of the creature terrorizes - Qualities -
living beings around it, forcing them to make a Di-
scipline Test to avoid suffering the Terrorized condi- Size: Large
tion as long as they are within 10 cubitus of it. The Skills: Brawl 17 – Strength 17 – Resistance 18
Difficulty for the Test is either the creature’s base
Difficulty or its Aggression score (whichever is hi- - Special Abilities -
Thick Skin: the abomination ignores the Piercing
Thick Skin: bone plates, chitinous exoskeletons,
or other defensive structures protect the creature,
providing natural armor, although they are still vul- Flailing Attacks: the abomination is capable of at-
nerable to perforation. Creatures with this special ar- tacking any number of targets in melee. You do not
mor, however, whether it is a layer of fat under their want to know where it got all those limbs...
skin, thick fur, or an overly developed musculature, Fury: it is possible that the alien mind of these
ignore the Piercing property of weapons. horrid beasts cannot realize when their life is ending.
Thirst for Blood: when it smells blood, the be- When their Wounds reach zero, they fight for an ad-
ast enters a state of battle frenzy that prompts it to ditional round ignoring any damage or conditions
attack the source. A creature with this special rule before dying.
always attacks the enemy within 10 cubitus that has Braced: every abomination is different—some
suffered the most damage, disengaging freely from have untold numbers of legs, others slither or rum-
whomever they may be engaged with. ble about. All of them, however, cannot be shoved,
Vertical Movement: the creature is capable of grappled, or pinned to the ground.
moving across vertical surfaces.
Sometimes, groups of deranged fanatics follow an Curiosity:. Monkeys are naturally curious cre-
abomination in the hallucinogenic Abrabazi deserts. atures, capable of developing fine manipulation and
When this happens, the encounter involves 1 Abo- showing intelligence to a higher degree than many
mination and between 4 and 6 Demons. Given their other animals… or rushing to a particularly stupid
nature, it is incredibly rare to find more than one and spectacular death. The baboon steals a gizmo
abomination together. from their target, activating it instantly.
- Suggested Encounters -
Baboon Role: Add Baboons live in large families of more than a do-
These small primates live mostly in southern Ketniv zen individuals, as their strength lies in numbers.
and Balastoc. They are extremely agile, aggressive, and However, it is not rare for a baboon community to
skilled in climbing almost any surface, including those be ruled by a particularly strong alpha, for which you
that would seem impossible for a monkey. Alone, they can use the Pifu humped gorilla.
do not pose much of a threat, but a pack of them
could become rather dangerous if faced unprepared.
Size: Large
Skills: Senses 13 (+2)
- Suggested Encounters -
Bears are usually solitary creatures, although during
Rank: Heroic Difficulty: 14 the mating season adventurers might stumble into
couples not so happy at having their private time ru-
Initiative: 12 Movement: 6
ined by bipeds.
Dodge: 13 Wounds: 13
Evade: 11 Damage Reduction: 1
- Qualities - Blonde Chimpanzee Role: Antagonist
These large monkeys once lived in the Abrabazi he-
Size: Large artland and would have been extinguished by the ca-
Skills: Strength 17 (+3) – Senses 17 (+3) taclysm had the Monopoly of Markonists not inter-
vened to save them for psychic training. Nowadays,
it is still possible to find blonde chimpanzees, albeit
mutated beyond reason, in the few woodlands that
- Qualities - - Qualities -
Rank: Newbie Difficulty: 6 Shove: going for the throat of its target, the
dog shoves them to the ground, inflicting the Unba-
Initiative: 8 Movement: 7
lanced condition.
Dodge: 6 Wounds: 5
Evade: 6 Damage Reduction: – - Suggested Encounters -
and their paws boast claws and suckers that allow - Opportunities -
them to climb vertical surfaces with ease. However,
their most disconcerting characteristic is the second Infestation: the beast grabs their victim with
mouth nestled within their jaws, armed with nume- their claws, opens their maw and another mouth
rous rows of sharp teeth, capable of jamming into springs forth from their throat, jamming into the
the body of the unlucky victim, place their eggs and enemy’s flesh. The ghiger immediately makes a bite
retract back. Then, those eggs will hatch new gighers, attack. On a hit, they implant an egg in their target
who will feed on the entrails of the poor host, emer- that must be surgically removed (Difficulty 13 Han-
ging from their abdomen when their growth is over. dicraft Test). Otherwise, the new gigher will grow in-
side them, tearing their way out within a week.
Rank: Veteran Difficulty: 15 Leap: the ghiger dodges the attack, leaping
over their target and making a move.
Initiative: 16 Movement: 12
Dodge: 15 Wounds: 9 - Suggested Encounters -
Evade: 13 Damage Reduction: – These beasts infest the ruins of cities, moving in
- Qualities - groups that can vary from 6 to 8 individuals.
Size: Large
Skills: Athletics 16 (+1), Agility 13 (+2), Stealth Hornmule Role: Antagonist
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - Qualities -
Bite: 14 Size: Large
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Skills: Senses 11 – Charm 12
Multiple Attacks: the hornmule attacks with both Ram: the hornmule dodges the attack and
Horns and Hooves every round. rams its target, sending them 3 cubitus away, Prone.
Fear: every Character who sees a hornmule must Puppy Eyes: you just shot a hornmule, you de-
pass a Discipline Test against Difficulty 12 or suffer praved git! Are you proud of yourself, now!? Grip-
the Frightened condition. ped by despair, the Character breaks into tears, suf-
- Attacks - fering the Dazed condition.
The ilvrys is mostly a solitary predator that should not Intimidating Howl: the osolobo stands on its
pose a threat to a group of Characters. However, it is hind legs and lets out a blood-curdling howl. All
also cunning and opportunistic, and could profit from enemies who can hear it suffer the Slowed condi-
a moment of difficulty to attack isolated or wounded tion.
party members. Phi division Markonists are also known
for having one of these animals as a companion.
Reactive Bite: the osolobo bites the hand that Rank: Expert Difficulty: 11
tried to hit it. The target suffers 1 point of damage.
Initiative: 13 Movement: 6
- Suggested Encounters - Dodge: 10 Wounds: 10
These canines can live in packs of more than 10 in- Evade: 11 Damage Reduction: –
dividuals. - Qualities -
Size: Large
Otus (Giant Owl) Role: Antagonist Skills: Stealth 13 (+2) – Senses 15 (+4)
Otus are enormous owls found mostly in Ketniv and
- Special Abilities -
Itteghasp, although some with white plumage have
been sighted in Nuugard, too. Legends say that otus Ambush: swooping from the sky with its almost
have an intelligence comparable to that of the hu- dead silent feathers, an otus is a perfect stealth pre-
mans they bond with. Although science has proven dator. Otus inflict 1 additional point of damage to
this rumor to be just that, they remain animals parti- Surprised targets.
cularly fit for Markonist training.
Dark Vision: Otus can see in the dark. Rank: Veteran Difficulty: 13
Flying: the Movement score of the otus is its flying
speed. When it moves on land, its Movement score Initiative: 15 Movement: 7
becomes 3. Dodge: 12 Wounds: 8
Evade: 13 Damage Reduction: –
- Attacks -
- Qualities -
Claws: 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Size: Large
Skills: Stealth 16 (+3) – Senses 14 (+1)
- Opportunities -
- Special Abilities -
Rend: once it has sunk its claws into its tar- Ambush: the phoneutria inflicts 1 additional point
get, the otus attacks with its beak for an additional 1 of damage to Surprised targets.
point of damage.
Braced: with eight legs available, knocking a spider
Blinding Beak: the otus dodges the attack and Prone or pinning them to the ground is impossible.
stabs its opponent with its beak, inflicting the Slowed
Vertical Movement: thanks to their special hairs,
phoneutria are capable of moving at full speed along
- Suggested Encounters - walls and ceilings.
Giant owls live alone and only rarely attack in pairs. Deadly Poison: the poison of this creature inflicts
However, they are more commonly seen as com- 1 point of damage the turn it is injected. Then, the
panions of ethomarkonists of the more belligerent target must pass a Resistance Test against Difficulty
type. 14 at the beginning of each turn or suffer 2 points
of damage the first turn, 3 the second, and so on
until they die.
Phoneutria Role: Villain Dark Vision: Phoneutrias can see in the dark.
Originally found in Balastoc, the phoneutria is a spi- - Attacks -
der that has adapted to living in every Islenation.
Its poison is considered among the deadliest in the Bite: 14
animal realm, to the point where whole trade routes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
have been devoted to the specific commerce of the
poison glands of this dangerous predator. After the - Opportunities -
war, however, Balastoc banned its export, although
that did not completely stop smugglers and black Vampire: sucking a copious dose of blood
market agents. Phoneutrias nest in caves or dilapi- from its victim, the phoneutria heals a number of
dated buildings, where it can lay its eggs undisturbed Wounds equal to the damage it just inflicted.
before heading out into the night to hunt. Since it Retreat: the phoneutria dodges the attack and
cannot weave the characteristic spider web, the pho- moves up to twice its Movement score. If it ends
neutria waits for its prey, hidden in some crag or han- its movement under the cover of shadows, it hides
ging from the ceiling of a cave, before swooping in immediately.
for the kill.
Bite: 12 - Attacks -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bite: 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
- Opportunities -
Punch: after biting, the gorilla throws a mighty
punch that Dazes its target. Push: standing on its hind legs, the lizard pu-
Grapple: after dodging the attack, the gorilla shes its target 2 cubitus away, inflicting the Unbalan-
grabs the face of its target with an enormous hand ced condition.
and lobs them at a secondary target within 2 cubitus. Sweep: the crimson lizard sweeps its tail and
Both targets suffer 1 point of damage and the Unba- strikes at the enemy’s legs, knocking them Prone.
lanced condition.
- Suggested Encounters -
- Suggested Encounters -
Crimson lizards live in colonies of up to 6 indivi-
Humped gorillas live in families of 4 or 5. For the duals and, being prized mounts, are usually found
sake of variety, a fight could see an alpha male invol- bearing riders.
ved, using the profile of an osolobo.
- Opportunities -
Skerpien Role: Villain Grab: the skerpien clamps its pincers around
This enormous scorpion lives in the Balas desert, its target, inflicting the Immobilized condition. To
where it nests close to abandoned settlements and break free, the target can attempt an opposed Brawl
rock formations. It is extremely territorial, and Test at the beginning of their turn. While grabbing
spends most of its time buried in the sand, waiting an opponent, the skerpien inflicts 1 point of damage
for hapless prey to jump upon. each round and can still attack with its other pincer.
- Suggested Encounters -
Rank: Heroic Difficulty: 16
These giant scorpions are found alone or with 6 to
Initiative: 16 Movement: 8 8 hatchlings.
Dodge: 15 Wounds: 16
Evade: 13 Damage Reduction: 2
Skerpien Hatchling Role: Add
- Qualities -
Young skerpiens are less imposing than their ful-
Size: Enormous ly-grown counterparts, although they still should not
Skills: Brawl 19 (+3) – Stealth 18 (+2) – Senses be underestimated. They live in large groups, with
their mother usually not far away. And if you thou-
18 (+2) ght one skerpien was bad enough… have a bucket
- Special Abilities - of them!
- Opportunities - - Attacks -
creatures, ignore the Piercing property, and suffer Ying Role: Add
double damage from area of effect weapons.
These beautiful hawks live on the coastlines and feed
Debilitating Poison: Tobimasyi stings inject a poison mostly on fish. Although not aggressive, they are
that causes a -1 penalty to all Tests. At the beginning determined when defending their hunting grounds
of their turn, poisoned targets must pass a Resistan- and flock.
ce Test against Difficulty 13 or suffer an additional
-1. If they pass the Test, the effect ends. Rank: Newbie Difficulty: 8
Flying: they’re flies, they fly.
Initiative: 10 Movement: 9
- Attacks -
Dodge: 8 Wounds: 2
Bite: 14 Evade: 9 Damage Reduction: –
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - Qualities -
- Attacks -
Aquatic Creatures
Bite: 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The oceans that cover the majority of Vulcania’s sur-
face are the home of endless varieties of creatures, no
- Opportunities -
less deadly than their land-based counterparts.
When out of their element, aquatic creatures suffer
Shove. Attacking its target’s throat, the wolf
a -4 penalty to all Tests and can remain alive only for a
inflicts the Unbalanced condition.
limited amount of time. When in water, however, they
all count as having the Braced special rule.
- Suggested Encounters -
Wolves live in large packs and could attack by the
dozens. Butcher Whale Role: Villain
One of the most fearsome predators in Vulcania,
the butcher whale is a mouth filled with razor-sharp
teeth attached to a six cubitus long body. Its keen
hearing and sense of smell allow a butcher whale to
sense blood up to a kilocubitus away and, once it has
clamped its maws on its prey, it usually is a matter of
seconds before there is not much left of it.
Initiative: 12 Movement: 7
Dodge: 15 Wounds: 11
Evade: 14 Damage Reduction: 1
- Qualities -
Size: Enormous
Skills: Senses 18 (+4)
- Special Abilities -
Thick Skin: the butcher whale ignores the Piercing
Terror: the sight of these creatures is enough to
overwhelm the sanity of even the bravest warriors.
Every Character who sees a butcher whale must pass
a Discipline Test against Difficulty 12 or suffer the
Terrorized condition.
- Attacks -
Bite: 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities - - Attacks -
- Attacks - perty.
Tentacle: 8 Flailing Attacks: The oktopus attacks every target
within reach with its tentacles.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Reach: the oktopus can attack targets within 6
- Opportunities -
Terror: perhaps “common sense” is a touch more
Chromatic Illusion: thanks to its translucent appropriate, is it not? Every Character who sees an
cap, the jellyfish confuses its target, inflicting the Di- oktopus must pass a Discipline Test against Difficul-
soriented condition. ty 17 or suffer the Terrorized condition.
Stinging Touch: after successfully avoiding an - Attacks -
attack, the jellyfish can inflict its Debilitating Poison
effect. Tentacle: 17
- Suggested Encounters - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Initiative: 17 Movement: 15
Dodge: 18 Wounds: 35 Scorpion Fish Role: Add
Evade: 15 Damage Reduction: 1 At a first glance, one could say that the only weapon
- Qualities - in the arsenal of this fish is its legendary ugliness.
However, although admittedly not much of a threat
Size: Colossal otherwise, the scorpion fish is called so for a reason.
Skills: Brawl 19 – Senses 18 Its dorsal spines inject a paralyzing poison that is ca-
pable of making short work of any prey that does
- Special Abilities - not breath underwater.
Thick Skin: the oktopus ignores the Piercing pro-
Oh, please, do not mind the bite marks on the skeleton Where piranhas live, one can be sure they have ex-
in the pond… These foot-long animals seem harmless tinguished all life forms for a few hundred cubitus.
until they sense prey. Then, it is only a matter of seconds
before what is left of the poor idiot careless enough to
wade into their territory is turned into bloody ribbons.
First Hunter.
It was the highest commendation for a warrior of the
majestic city of Shael-Igurrath, the Xhuul capital. He had
fought much for that, forced to use every drop of power to
survive the tests the Council of Elders had put him throu-
gh. And now, the crowds in the arena cheered, euphorically
chanting his name…
As much as the memory was dear to him, however, he
could feel that sense of elation slip into the immensity of
the universe he had been plunged into centuries before. The
Elders had told them it would be their deliverance from the
doom that was about to strike the planet, although he would
have preferred death. Much better than that cosmic expanse
of galaxies beyond his reach, causing him only nausea and
All of a sudden, however, something caught his atten-
tion: A sphere of blue light appeared close to him, gradually
growing until it had taken the form of a portal. Beyond it,
Goro could see the ruins of an ancient, somewhat familiar,
city. Shael-Igurrath! Realization came crashing upon him.
There, a man with his hands on the portal was chanting in-
comprehensible words, and in that instant Goro understood
fate had given him a second shot at freedom. He focused his
whole might into the mind of that poor, frail creature who
had the gall to venture there, crushing his feeble defenses.
Then, he opened his eyes. Actual, flesh and blood eyes.
limbo for ages. After so much time there, Goro is The secret organization of the Hornmule is tasked
determined to return to actual life and free his survi- with monitoring the movements of the Monopolies
ving brethren from their own immaterial prison. So, and ensure that they do not turn into a world-wide
when Van Aldez opens his mind to interface with tyranny and, although not yet aware of the plot or-
the sarcophagus, Goro pours his consciousness into chestrated by Goro and the Xhuul, they know that
it, overwhelming the Markonist’s defenses and taking something unusual is happening among the Mono-
control of him. polies’ highest ranks.
During the following weeks, Goro leads the arche- Can our heroes secure professor Kordon’s eviden-
ological expedition in discovering more sarcophagi ce and warn the Hornmule before it is too late?
and, as weeks turn into months, many more of the
Xhuul return to the world within a human vessel.
With patience and cunning, Goro is able to get more BEHIND THE SCENES
high-ranking Markonists possessed by his survi- After the study of the sarcophagus began, Profes-
ving brethren, starting to see an actual chance for sor Kordon realized something had happened to his
returning his kind to their rightful place of power team. He knew Milo Van Aldez personally to be a
in the world. However, his plan for world domina- correct and honorable, although extremely ambi-
tion is slowed by the fact that only Markonists have a tious, man. Kordon had in fact been recruited by
powerful enough mind to host the consciousness of Van Aldez for his expertise in anthropology and hi-
a Xhuul. Manipulating the scientists at their dispo- story! The professor had already formulated a theory
sal, Goro begins a Xhuul experiment to turn humans of his own about the site, assuming it was Azanul,
into suitable vessels by injecting them with a conlio an ancient temple complex where the local tribes
solution. The first tangible results, however, have si- brought their dead to ensure their safe passage to
gnificant side effects: the personality of the subject the world beyond life. Once on site, however, Kor-
is completely erased, replaced with relentless murde- don realized the place was far more ancient. After a
rous fury followed by all of their hair falling out and few weeks without any significant results, Van Al-
swelling of the cranial blood vessels. dez decided to run Markonist analysis protocols: he
Goro’s final plan, then, is to infiltrate the other maintained contact with the sarcophagus for hours,
Monopolies and lead the world into a war that emerging exhausted and somehow changed by the
should grant the Xhuul control over the planet whi- experience. His manners turned from affable to ge-
le they find a way to bring their mummified bodies lid and controlled and, although Van Aldez claimed
back to life and eventually abandon their limited hu- otherwise, Kordon had the feeling the demeanor of
man husks. his colleague had been changed by his exposure to
In their infinite arrogance, however, the Xhuul the sarcophagus. Thus, the professor chose to work
have made a grave mistake in assuming that an in- more closely with his other colleagues, but at the
dividual human could not became a serious threat same time keep a watchful eye on the situation.
to their plans. Professor Gosto Kordon, in fact, su- In spite of an increase in the frequency of his
spects that the excavation has transformed his collea- unusual behaviors, Van Aldez led the archaeologists
gues somehow, and so he has secretly observed them with extreme precision in discovering ten new sar-
for many months. Having gathered enough evidence cophagi, after which his assistants started behaving
to demonstrate the existence of these powerful bein- in the same cold and distant manner. Over the fol-
gs, Kordon leaves the site for the safety of Itteghasp lowing months, Van Aldez and his Markonist team
and hopes to hand all of his research materials to an gathered increasing amounts of power and influence
old politician friend of his. Perhaps, he hopes, it is within the expedition, even barring access to entire
not too late to stop the Xhuul from infiltrating every sections of the site. The other scholars were gradual-
level of society.
ly excluded from the decision-making process and at value, and he became curious about it. However,
new workers from Balastoc were brought in for the mister Carrizo, always the shrewd businessman, did
occasion and tasked with working in the restricted not wish to expose himself or his assets before ha-
areas. Many of them were never seen again. In spite ving more precise information. So, he chose to “con-
of that, the team’s morale was kept high by the new tract” somebody “from outside the biz,” manipula-
discoveries, making the majority of researchers ac- ting them from the shadows. And it is here that our
cept Van Aldez’s vague answers without asking too heroes make their appearance!
many questions. Months passed among the general Chosen for their skills, Lando sets them up to
indifference, but it was clear to Professor Kordon be arrested in order to offer them their freedom in
that something was wrong. So, one night he snea- exchange for a favor: finding Kordon.
ked past the guards into the sarcophagus chamber, Then, the group finds the location of the profes-
hoping to find something useful. He noticed an unu- sor’s ex-wife, although they arrive too late, as Kor-
sual, pulsating, green glow coming from the room, don has left for the station to take the first train he-
turning into a disturbing sight when he finally step- aded to Goya.
ped into it. The greenish light spilled out of one of The group realizes that the fastest way to find the
the sarcophagi, enveloping one of the missing atten- professor is to catch his train, although the journey is
dants, who was tied to a cart and kept upright by a not to be a calm one. Dokton and his cronies had the
chanting Van Aldez. Before retreating, frightened by same idea and are determined to kidnap the profes-
what he saw, the professor caught a picture with his sor. Kordon, however, slows his pursuers by hiding
simulacrum goggles, proof of what he had witnes- and sending a decoy in his place. When the group
sed. He then returned to his tent, packed his belon- attempts to reach the professor at Goya’s station, the
gings, and hastily fled. He rode for two days, arriving Xhuul and his goons are hiding in the crowd, captu-
in Boslon and then taking an airship to Bravia. The- ring Kordon before he can offer any resistance.
re, he intended to ask his ex-wife Margarita to hide Next, the group chases the kidnappers across the
him as he planned his next move. city, eventually finding their hideout only to discover
Discovering Kordon was missing, Goro-Van Al- that Kordon has already been transferred elsewhere.
dez soon realized the enormity of the danger he The Characters should then be able to find
represented to his plans, so he sent a team on the Dokton’s den, defeat his minions, and recover the
professor’s track, hoping to neutralize him before it professor’s simulacrum goggles containing the fa-
was too late. Wishing to preserve his Markonist re- teful evidence. Following the instructions of their
sources, Goro sent a group of Balas fanatics, easily “handler,” the group goes to contact Commander
swayed by his demonstrations of telepathic powers, Edgard, tasked with their recovery and escort to Li-
led by Dokton, another Xhuul in a conlio-treated bertas to finish their mission… and their lives. For-
vessel. Equipped with a harness unearthed during tunately, the Hornmule is also aware of what is hap-
the excavation that allowed him to control four me- pening thanks to an infiltrator, and sends an airship
chanical arms, Dokton was a powerful and versatile to collect the group before Edgard arrives, warning
warrior. His team tracked the professor to Bravia, them of the impending danger. An airborne chase
where they started investigating his whereabouts. follows, as Edgard does not wish to return to his
However, all of this movement was bound to at- master empty-handed, before the Characters manage
tract the attention of the criminal underworld and as to reach safety in one of the many local isles.
everybody knows when something is afoot, Lando Surviving the aerial chase, the group is now finally
Carrizo is the first to know about it. He had heard free to spend some time in tranquility before their
that a group of unusual individuals had been wande- next adventure… assuming everything went as it
ring around asking about some Professor Kordon, should have, of course!
presumed to possess information or items of gre-
he’s going to Goya on the train that leaves tomor- Margarita’s eyes widen in fear, as she slams the
row after lunch. I also found this other note reading door before you can stop her. You then hear her scre-
SEAT 3 COACH 8. I don’t know anything else, I’m aming from a window, “HELP! Somebody’s trying to
sorry.” kill me! Please, help!” Somebody shouts back from
the street and then a few seconds later you hear a
Success with Opportunity: Margarita thinks the male voice from the staircase, “Who goes there?!” It
Characters are friends of the professor—or, if the seems Margarita attracted the attention of the town
Opportunity was on an Aggression Test, her fear militia.
for her own safety is such that she tells everything
she knows. Four guards come out of the stairway, heading
towards the Characters, with the clear intention of
“Gosto arrived at my office at Zinear two days arresting them. Depending on what happens, read
ago. I hadn’t seen him in a long time… we didn’t respectively paragraph 1.2.2 or 1.2.3
separate on the best of terms, you know, so I di- • If the Characters decide to fight them, the group
dn’t even want to see him. However, he looked so is made up of 1 Officer and 3 Guards.
distraught that I ended up helping him. He told me • If the Characters instead flee, they are not fol-
he was in danger, but didn’t say anything about why lowed.
or what for fear of making me a target, I guess. To-
night, when I returned home, I found he’d gone. He 1.2.2 – If the Characters reach miss Eiden’s house later.
left this note, here, where he thanked me and said
he’s going to Goya on the train that leaves tomor- The address miss Kobayashyi gave you leads you
row after lunch. I also found this other note reading to a five-story building close to the city’s industrial
SEAT 3 COACH 8. He wrote it to confuse his pur- district. You know Margarita Eiden’s apartment is
suers. He also told me he was going to lay a trap on the top floor, from which she enjoys a breath-ta-
in case somebody followed him. Be careful, I think king view of Mount Enta.
he’s in deep trouble.” Given the late hour, the streets are deserted, save
for a few militia guards patrolling the neighborhood.
Failure: Maragarita doesn’t trust you. You enter the building, but when you arrive at the
last section of the stairs, you hear voices and muf-
“Leave immediately or I’ll call the guards!” Marga- fled screams coming from Margarita Eiden’s apart-
rita shouts, then slams the door in your face before ment. From the landing, you see a blade of light
you can stop her. filtering beneath the door, guarded by two shady-lo-
oking individuals.
Opening the door again now requires a Test:
• Lock Picking: Difficulty 13
• Strength: Difficulty 10 The PC’s must pass a Stealth Test against Diffi-
culty 8 to avoid being spotted by the lookouts. On a
Should the Characters fail to overcome the obstacle failure, the two sentries raise the alarm and Dokton
within the next few seconds, Margarita starts scre- orders them to kill the Characters before leaving the
aming and triggers the event described in the next apartment from a window. The enemies are 2 Thugs
paragraph. and 4 Brutes and you can alter their equipment to
whatever makes sense to you.
Critical Failure: Maragarita doesn’t trust you. Should the PC’s be able to take out the guards
And it get worse. without being noticed, read or paraphrase the fol-
Peeking inside the apartment, you notice four fi- Characters to notice nasty-looking bruises on the
gures in dark clothes surrounding a short woman sides of her neck, as if she had been gripped by
with red hair matching the description of Marga- something extremely strong.
rita Eiden. A fifth figure lifts her off the ground, • To enter the building unnoticed, the Characters
grabbing her by the throat with what looks like a need to pass a Stealth Test, with a +2 bonus if the
mechanical tentacle sprouting from a protrusion on guards are distracted.
its back. The woman seems to be choking and the • To enter the apartment, the PC’s must pass a
weird character is about to throw her out the win- Lock Picking Test against Difficulty 13 or a Stren-
dow! gth Test against Difficulty 10, although the latter
will alert the guards who enter the apartment after
5 rounds.
In the apartment are 4 Brutes and Dokton. If the • An Analysis Test against Difficulty 12 allows
Characters decide to face these enemies, Dokton the Characters to find the note reading SEAT 3
lets the woman go and uses its tentacles to escape COACH 8. With another successful Test, they re-
from the window, leaving its goons to deal with the cover the letter the professor left for miss Eiden so
group. she could send it to his friend in Goya, warning of
If the PC’s win the fight and revive Margarita, his arrival. If the group goes to the railway station,
she rewards them with the information in para- they find the train to Goya is leaving in the after-
graph 1.2.1 as if they had scored a Success with noon.
1.2.4 – Arrive at Margarita’s the following evening or
1.2.3 – If the Characters reach miss Eiden’s house the later.
following day.
The address miss Kobayashyi gave you leads you
The address miss Kobayashyi gave you leads you to a five-story building close to the city’s industrial
to a five-story building close to the city’s industrial district. You know Margarita Eiden’s apartment is
district. You know Margarita Eiden’s apartment is on the top floor, from which she enjoys a brea-
on the top floor, from which she enjoys a brea- th-taking view of Mount Enta.
th-taking view of Mount Enta. The streets are Given the late hour, the streets are deserted,
crowded with people milling about. save for a few militia guards patrolling the neigh-
Close to the building, you notice a small crowd borhood.
is kept at bay by a group of militia guards, while You enter the edifice, but hear voices coming
two of them are inspecting the body of a woman from the corridor to miss Eiden’s apartment. On
lying face down in a pool of blood. From the mane the landing, you see two guards watching the door.
of red hair and shorter height, you recognize the It looks like the militia has sequestered the place
person described to you by the lawyer: Margarita after something happened. It will not be easy to
Eiden! sneak inside and find clues.
It looks like you arrived too late!
8, he took seat 4 in coach 5 in the hopes that his ruse is A few rounds after their arrival, Dokton and 5
enough to convince his pursuers he is not on the train. Brutes storm the coach, looking for the professor.
A Senses Test against Difficulty 12 alerts the Cha-
IF THE PC’S racters of the incoming threat.
2.1.1 – Head for the seat in Margarita’s note All of a sudden, the groan of metal directs your
attention to the ceiling of the coach, as four me-
You make your way through the mass of passen- chanical arms begin tearing open a hole in the roof.
gers in the corridors, passing coach after coach, un- After a few seconds, you realize these arms are con-
til you somehow manage to reach coach 8. Opening nected to the back of a figure in a dark coat who
the coach’s door, you look around for your objective stares at you, his bloodshot eyes filled with hatred.
and, in the press of people crowding the train, you The wind howls through the tear, as the figure lowers
spot a figure with a long, gray trench coat and a wi- himself inside the coach, his face partially covered
de-brimmed hat who seems to be resting, their head by a februm mask. Two of the mechanical limbs dart
leaning on the window. It occupies four seats. towards you, while three Balast goons emerge from
the crowd, drawing weapons and blocking the exits.
What looks to be Professor Kordon is his booby Now, you have to fight for your life.
trap. If the Characters touch the decoy, its head falls
off, arming the charge in its neck. A small explosion If Kordon’s decoy is still intact, then Dokton mo-
fills the vicinity with Fellas gas, a Balas poison ca- ves to it, grasping it with one of his mechanical arms
pable of sending somebody into a deep slumber for and triggering the trap. Even though much of the
many hours. To avoid its effects, the Characters must coach is hit by the gas, Dokton’s mask protects him
pass a Resistance Test against Difficulty 12. from its effects.
Once the decoy has been discovered, Dokton 2.2 - ARRIVING IN GOYA
and his cronies disengage from the group after two Once the train has reached its destination, profes-
rounds and leave through the tear in the ceiling. sor Kordon immediately seeks the protection of
After the fighting dies down, however, the Cha- the local militia, fearing for his safety. He is then
racters have but a few rounds before the guards ar- escorted by two guards through the railway station’s
rive. Before that, read or paraphrase the following: main hall to its administrative wing to the left.
The shooting and clashing of steel wanes, repla- The sun is setting when the train arrives at its
ced by the chugging of the locomotive. Through the intended destination. After such a journey, you are
tear in the ceiling, air whistles inside, whirling around glad you finally made it to Goya, as the dark shape
books, newspapers, and anything else that is not nai- of the train station comes into view. What happened
led to a hard surface. The passengers who managed in Coach 8 has spread from passenger to passenger
to hastily take cover start peeking from their shelters, and everybody is trying to leave the train, and you
looking bewildered at the corpses. The Balast thugs are almost caught by the flow of people crowding
and a few of the passengers have fallen into pudd- the platform. The Goyan militia is attempting to
les of blood, clogging the corridor between the two take identities and, after a brief interrogation, you
rows of seats. Amid the howling of the wind and are left free to go towards the main hall.
the moans of the distressed survivors, you can hear
guards shouting to lower your weapons. At that point, a Senses Test against Difficulty 8
allows the Characters to spot a man matching the
Four guards enter the coach, keeping the Cha- description of Professor Kordon being escorted by
racters at gunpoint and instructing them to keep two guards.
their hands well in sight as their weapons are taken
away. The Characters can attempt a Deception Test IF THE PC’S
against Difficulty 8 to trick the guards into believing
they were just trying to protect the civilians from the 2.2.1 – Head for the militia offices.
aggressors. On a success, the situation is defused, but
on a failure their weapons are taken and they are held Once they reach the door to the offices, the Cha-
until the end of the journey, when they will be inter- racters discover they have been beaten to the punch
rogated at the Goyan station. again.
Meanwhile, Professor Kordon, warned about what
happened by some distressed passenger, locks him- You open the door to the administrative wing of
self in the toilet of his coach until the end of the the Goyan station, in the corridor that runs along
journey. the outer wall of the rundown edifice. The faint
light of the dying sun philters through the many
2.1.2: Have missed the train. office doors opening on the other side of the cor-
ridor, which ends at an open gate to the outside.
If the Characters missed their train, they are not out A sudden gurgle attracts your attention to the flo-
of options yet! They could attempt to steal a vehicle or, where you see the bodies of two dying guards
or take a taxi, convincing the driver to follow their in a pool of blood, their throats slit. You imme-
crazy plan. diately realize those where the militiamen escor-
ting Professor Kordon, now missing again, as the
noise of a drifting motorwagon distracts you from
the gory scene. As you leave the corridor, you can
hear guards in the distance blowing their whistles ficulty 12 to tell them they notice the vehicle has
and, gathering outside of the station, you see four suffered damage and is in need of repairs soon.
guards open fire on a Rickenbeker sprinting away in If even that does not work, then an old passenger
a cloud of bluish smoke. could shout something along the lines of “The ban-
dits! But they cannot go far, with that damage...”
Looking at the fleeing motorwagon, you can ask
for an Analysis Test against Difficulty 10 from tho-
se Characters skilled in Knowledge: Engineering.
On a success, they notice that a bullet must have
pierced a transmission sleeve, preventing the Ri-
ckenbeker from going further than a dozen kilocu-
bitus after having suffered such damage.
If none of the Characters is proficient in that,
you can always ask for an Analysis Test against Dif-
ficulty 12 to tell them they notice the vehicle has
suffered damage and is in need of repairs soon.
If even that does not work, then an old passenger
could shout something along the lines of “The ban-
dits! But they cannot go far, with that damage...”
charisma have made him popular among the Goyans, to an inner courtyard, surrounded by a tall wall. At
so even the militia ask him for repairs. Thanks to the moment, nothing is disturbing the calm of night.
this respectable facade, Peron manages to conduct
his illegal business undisturbed, making vehicles di- At this point, a Senses Test against Difficulty 10 al-
sappear, cleaning stolen hardware so it could be legi- lows the Characters to spot a shadow moving behind
timately sold, and even hiding wanted criminals. To- one of the windows of the upper floor, apparently
night, he makes no exception. Behind his workshop, stealthily watching over the street.
within a walled courtyard, is a large, windowless shed • If the Characters close on the garage without
accessed by a road that leads to the main street. A he- masking their presence, they are spotted by Peron’s
avy rolling shutter bars the shed’s entrance while two men on the first floor, who warn the others before the
doors on the sides connect it to the courtyard. Offi- first breaching attempt by the group. Then, 4 Brutes
cially, this is where Peron keeps his spares, although and 2 Scorched lay in wait in the shed, blades drawn
it is actually where he conducts all of his illegal work so as not to attract the militia’s attention, leaving the
and where the Rickenbeker is waiting for repairs. door partially ajar to catch the Characters’ eye.
Dokton’s cronies asked for a new vehicle, three of • If the Characters choose to approach with subt-
them leaving with the professor and the remaining lety, they must pass a Stealth Test against Difficulty
two staying behind to oversee the repairs of the one 10, allowing them to reach the workshop undetected.
they just left. To make sure he can work without sur- On a failure, instead apply the above.
prises, Peron has set his own underlings to watch • If the Characters choose to pass around the buil-
the street and the shed. Two Thugs are watching the ding and scale the perimeter wall (3 cubitus tall), they
main road from the windows of the workshop, two must pass an Athletics Test against Difficulty 11 and
more run the perimeter around the shed, while two a Stealth Test against Difficulty 8 to avoid detection
Scorched wait impatiently. from the goons patrolling the outside perimeter.
Unfortunately for them, it takes Peron the whole
night to fix their motorwagon, allowing the Ricken- Be aware of the following:
beker to leave only at the crack of dawn. Then, the a) The gate to the inner courtyard is closed with
two Balast slit his throat while his goons are away. a heavy chain and a lock that takes a Lock Picking
The Characters could change things considerably. (Handicraft) Test against Difficulty 9 to open. From
there, it is possible to see a door on the side of the
workshop. If the Characters attempt to open it, they
IF THE PC’S find it is not locked. From there, they can take a stair-
case to the first floor, to Peron’s own chambers and
3.2.1 – Arrive at the garage during the night. where two of his men keep the road under surveil-
How the group approaches is key in determining b) The workshop’s main door is closed by a more
how events play out. advanced lock, requiring a Lock Picking (Handicraft)
Test against Difficulty 11 to open. Within the wor-
Night is silent in the Goyan streets as you reach kshop, there are an already repaired rotodart and a
your destination. Turning the last corner, you can see larger gutted militia motorwagon, its engine parts
the well-kept brick building with the signboard of sprawled all over the floor. By passing an Analysis
Peron’s Garage at the end of the street. The heavy Test against Difficulty 10, the group finds the keys to
entrance door is closed and barred, like the two win- the rotodart in one of Peron’s desk’s drawers.
dows alongside it. The windows of the upper floor, c) The workshop’s side doors, although obscured
however, are open, but no light is coming through by crates and racks with spare parts and tools, are
them. Just beside the edifice, a closed iron gate leads open.
IF THE PC’S the blood vessels in his head swollen, almost defor-
ming his skull.
4.1.1 – Sneak their way into the house.
4.1.2 – Arrive late
The group immediately spots two sentinels at the
door. To move past them unnoticed, the Characters Luckily for the group, Dokton remains at the farm
must pass a Stealth Test against Difficulty 8. for a few more days to interrogate the professor and
Once inside without alerting the guards, the group leave enough time for his men to accurately exami-
moves in to find Dokton and his minions, catching ne Kordon’s equipment. As the Characters arrive, the
them by surprise. As his first action, Dokton kills the scene they face is the same, but the professor is alre-
professor and then focuses on the Characters. The ady dead.
group is made of Dokton, 1 Brute, 2 Scorched, and
2 Thugs, including the two lookouts at the door.
On a failure, the group is spotted and the two lo-
okouts raise the alarm. Dokton kills the professor
and, angry by the lack of results, heads out of the far-
mhouse to deal with the Characters once and for all.
In both cases, if the group makes it out of the
fight, the professor with his dying breath says “You
must stop them! My death will be pointless and your
children will die as slaves!” On the table of the room
where the now-dead professor Kordon lies, the Cha-
racters find his simulacrum goggles, with the pictu-
res of the sarcophagus. In an iron bin close by, they
find the burnt remains of the professor’s diary, from
which the group can glean the important, albeit frag-
mented, information found in Appendix II. Should
the Characters be curious and wish to examine the
diary or have the contents of the goggles printed on
conlio, they would need an adequately stocked Mar-
konist laboratory. The image shows a capsule made
of an iron-like material veined with blue that looks
like conlio, with a view port showing the top part of
a body lying within. It appears to be humanoid, al-
though its head is much softer and fitted with tenta-
cles, more akin to a squid rather than a human being.
Examining the corpses, the group needs no Test
to find that all the Balast thugs bear a ritual mark
seared into their flesh that looks like a cephalopod
of some sort. A Character proficient in Geographic
Knowledge: Balastoc would know that the practice
of ritually branding symbols is common to the fana-
tic sect of the Scorched, although the specific sym-
bol seems to be new. Dokton, on the other hand, is
deathly pale, almost greenish, his eyes bloodshot and
leaving the building as they shout in your direction to however, will not be easy, as Captain Edgard has wi-
stop. Kobayashyi suddenly takes the turn, rifle rounds tnessed the escape of the vessel and is bent on not
whistling around you and chipping plaster. A few letting them go.
hundred feet from you, you can see the Black Bolt After the group has boarded the Black Bolt, read
opening its hatch and some of its crew shooting back or paraphrase the following:
to cover your retreat. You run on board as a small
gunfight breaks out behind you under the wailing of Although a luxury vehicle, the inside of the Black
a siren, raising the alarm. However, you were succes- Bolt is much like any other: a maze of brass and cop-
sful: the hatch closes and the airship starts climbing, per pipes, with more gauges and indicators than thin-
carrying you to what you hope is a safe place. gs to gauge and indicate. Of course, for an Engineer
all of that is sweeter than the singing of angels.
5.1.2 – Attack the guards. The rear hatch clangs closed and the airship
ascends as you follow Kobayashyi into the cargo
If the group decides to engage the guards, in the sur- hold while the rest of the crew is rushing to their
prise round they benefit from Combat Advantage. stations on the deck above. Climbing a narrow iron
Once the guards recover from their initial shock, ladder, you leave the hold and, going through a corri-
they engage the group as their commanding officer dor paved with soft carpet, you cross a Vacuum door
sends one to sound the alarm. If the group manages and enter what you realize is the command bridge.
to prevent that from happening, 5 guards arrive ten On the side walls, a row of view ports opens on
rounds later. If, however, the guard reaches the desk the crimson sky as the sun sets, while in front of
at the end of the room and turns the crank benea- you can be seen the endless levers, manometers,
th it, the siren on the building’s roof starts wailing. anemometers, and kilometers of piping forming the
After 5 rounds, 10 guards enter the building to help command platform. A large man stands in front of
their fellows. a desk bolted to the floor, busy consulting a map in
Luckily for the Characters, Kobayashyi is determi- which he is placing a series of pins connected with
ned to help them, even in spite of their thirst for blo- red cord. From his elegant and yet practical garb, you
od. After 8 rounds, she returns with 6 sailors from immediately understand his rank.
the Black Bolt’s crew, armed to the teeth. Once the “Allow me to introduce you to Raggar Olson,
group is safe among their ranks, they fall back to the captain of the Black Bolt,” says Kobayashyi before
airship, trying to open a way out. Should one of the continuing: “Now I think the time has come for my
Characters lag behind or fall in battle, the crew of introduction, as well… My name is Yuriko Kobaya-
the Black Bolt is not going to help them, but should shyi and I have been working as a lawyer for Lando
the group make it to the ship, they will allow them Carrizo for some time, although my loyalties lie el-
to board. Otherwise, 10 more guards arrive 10 more sewhere. I am part of an organization tasked with
rounds after the first group and the Black Bolt is for- fighting crime, rather than nurturing it, and my task,
ced to take off. until today, was finding evidence of Carrizo’s plans
and his involvement with the Monopolies. Howe-
5.2 - THE BLACK BOLT ver, now that my cover has been blown… I hope
The Black Bolt is a luxury airship the size of a cargo it was worth the damage,” she says, looking at you
vessel, although much more lavishly decorated and intensely.
better armed. Once on board, Kobayashyi reveals
her true identity as a Hornmule cover agent who has If the Characters attempt to get additional infor-
infiltrated Lando Carrizo’s organization. The airship mation about her group, she only answers that she
is headed to Zareya, an island off the Blade Reef will talk when the circumstances allow it.
where the Hornmule has a secret base. The journey,
The Vacuum door behind you suddenly opens as Olson, a war veteran, expects the enemy to tear a
a sailor rushes in. “Captain, we got company!” she hole in the outer hull to board the vessel and con-
gasps. ”A raider’s on the horizon, full speed on us. quer the bridge, so he asks the Characters to garri-
We’re not going to keep them off for long.” Captain son the corridor as he and his people descend into
Olson grabs a copper tube built into a corner of his the cargo hold to protect the engineering deck. In
desk and you hear his voice echo through the ship as the meantime, the two vessels exchange broadsides,
he says, “Attention, all hands to battle stations. Pre- as the Red Kite tentatively makes her way forward,
pare to repel boarders!” Edgard not wishing to kill the group before he has
To reinforce the concept, the entire hull is rocked gained the information they possess.
by a fearsome explosion somewhere on its outer Being faster, the Red Kite quickly catches up with
plating. the Black Bolt, flanking it to stay outside of the field
“Oh, for f-, the paint was new!” Olson curses as of fire of its machine guns. Two robigo bullets from
he takes a saber and a sawed-off shotgun from a the Kite start corroding the hull of the bridge and
chest. “Helmsmistress, the deck is yours. I want to the cargo hold, as hooked gangplanks connect the
make sure these flybrats pay for the repairs they owe two ships. If the Characters attempt to rush the ro-
me. You lot,” he says glaring at the group, “come bigo hole to stem the tide of attackers, they find
with me. We’ll need every blade we can get. Plus, you themselves in the field of fire of a bombard and a
still owe me a favor!” With that said, he stomps into tonitrus. As soon as the bombs are within the Bolt,
the corridor, barking orders left and right in his bo- the hole is patched with a shield to prevent their
oming voice. contents from spilling out. Given the cramped con-
ditions in the corridor, it is impossible to escape
• Fighting in the Skies the bombs unscathed, so you should hand a Gear
If the group includes Characters with the right skills, of Fate to the Characters caught in the blast, inflict
this is a perfect occasion to use the rules for airship them with the Dazed condition, and buy time for
combat. A Character proficient in Piloting could the boarders to breach.
try to take the helm of the ship, an Engineer could Then, 1 officer, 1 mercenary, and 4 guards board
head for the engineering deck and help the ship lose the Black Bolt.
the Red Kite, while the others could man the guns. Should the Characters have difficulties defea-
Under normal circumstances, Olson would react to ting their enemies, some of the crew from the hold
this suggestion simply by shrugging and punching of the Bolt arrive, commanded by their first mate.
the shameless brat in the throat before having them If they succeed instead, the group can either help
hung outside the ship for a few hours to rethink their Olson in the cargo hold or, if they are capable of
life choices. However, given this is an emergency and doing so, board the Red Kite back and attempt to
Yuriko vouches for the group, perhaps in a great seize control.
show of magnanimous tactical sense, he could al-
low them some control of his ship. For the sake of IF THE PC’S
plausibility, you could ask for a Charm Test against
Difficulty 12 to convince Olson. After all, we know 5.2.1 – Assist Captain Olson.
how Nuugs react when somebody is close to their
weapons, right? The Characters have defeated their enemies, but
You can use the rules explained in Chapter 5 – from the cargo hold they can still hear the sounds
Equipment to have the group experience the joys of fighting: Captain Edgard rushed the engineering
of aerial battle preceding the boarding attempt. compartment with a dozen men to force the Black
To help you, at the end of this module you can Bolt to stop. When the group enters the cargo hold,
find the profiles for both airships. read or paraphrase the following:
The pall of gunfire smoke clings to the walls and 5.2.2 – Attempt to seize the Red Kite.
air, as Captain Edgard looks in satisfaction at Olson,
slumped against a bulkhead as blood drips down his After defeating the boarders, the group crosses the
lip and he stares daggers into his enemy. Two sol- gangplank to attack the Red Kite. As the Narrator,
diers flank Edgard, weapons trained on the fallen you should remind the players that a warship would
captain, surrounded by more than a dozen corpses surely be a powerful resource… However, warships
on the deck floor. also tend to have worthy crews.
The deck plating is slick with blood and whoe- As you lean out of the tear in the hull of the Bolt,
ver attempts to move more than 2 cubitus a round a strong wind grabs you, making the gangplank
automatically suffers the Unbalanced condition and oscillate. A stray bullet whistles dangerously close to
must pass an Agility Test against Difficulty 10 to your ears before slamming into the bulkhead behind
avoid falling Prone. Olson is in no shape to fight, you. You already have a welcoming party!
guarded by Edgard and 2 mercenaries. As soon as
the group defeats the boarders, Olson, with his last The gangplank is 6 cubitus long and 2 wide and
strength, drags himself to a communications tube definitely not stable. To cross it, it takes an Agility
and gives a couple sharp orders to the command Test against Difficulty 12. On a failure, Characters
deck. are able to advance only 1 cubitus and then must
hang onto the railing in order to not be thrown
“Hard to port, fire the stern machine guns into overboard. With a Critical Failure, well… sympa-
their floatation tanks!” After a moment of silence, thies. On the other side of the gangplank, 2 guards
the Vulcanus engines roar to life, the Black Bolt li- wait for them, one shooting at the Characters as the
sts heavily on one side as the machine guns start other attempts to release the clamps of the gan-
vomiting lead into the Red Kite. Surrounded by a gplank and throw the group into the void. It takes
cloud of Vesuvius gas, it starts losing altitude. A fi- them 3 rounds to do so, so the Characters should
nal broadside hits the Black Bolt before it can leave stop them before then. Once they have dealt with
the range of the enemy guns. the guards, the Characters breach the Red Kite. Un-
natural silence hangs among the corridors, as the
The Black Bolt limps its way to the isle of Zareya, only crew remaining are the ones necessary to keep
where it will be repaired and the Characters interro- the Red Kite floating. (1 officer, 2 guards, 1 alche-
gated by higher ranks of the Hornmule. If they are mist, and 1 engineer). If the Characters manage to
interested, the group will be able to find more in- beat them, they can take control of the Red Kite.
formation about the disconcerting secrets that have After a few minutes, a group of Hornmule arm-
been unearthed thanks to their intervention. smen reach them and tell them to follow the Black
Bolt to their secret hideout.
return to your lives. I, however, cannot hide the fact ledge. Also, by now the Characters should have rea-
that the Hornmule could really benefit from some- lized that something dangerous for the entire world
body like you.” is about to happen.
Yuriko answers the Characters’ questions, explai- What will the heroes choose to do? Will they close
ning what the Hornmule is and what its goals are. this chapter of their lives and turn the page, or join
Of course, being part of such an organization entails the Hornmule?
dangers, but also access to high-end gear and know-
Appendix 1 - Airships
The Black Bolt The Red Kite
Difficulty: 11 Difficulty: 9
Speed: 200 Kc/h Speed: 280 Kc/h
Engine: Movement 4 Engine: Movement 6
Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Thrusters) – Hull 7 Keel: Damage Reduction 2 (+1 Tanks) – Hull 6
Armaments: Dorsal Cannons – Stern Machine Armaments: Dorsal Cannons – Ventral Cannons –
Guns Prow Machine Guns – Front Torpedoes
History: The Black Bolt was commissioned by History: The Red Kite was one of the most highly
Weiss & Stern some thirty years before the Letvian honored Ketnyi raiders in the Imperial Navy during
War began, to move valuables or important people the War. Fast and well-armed, this ship was perfect
on behalf of the company. It took a decade to finish for patrols and hit and run missions in defense of
the vessel. the Islenation. It was in -2 P, during the famous Batt-
The ship balances aesthetics and performance, le of the Pah’doyin where the Ketnyi forces pushed
thanks to the so called “twin axis” method of con- the Nuug back, that the Red Kite played a key role in
struction, as its hull is more resistant than average deciding the fate of the engagement. Unfortunately,
without gaining weight. Command of this vessel was however, during the last battle, captain Inokyi Yamah
granted to a promising youth, whose honorable and chose to pursue the retreating Nuug forces and, after
unbroken spirit had made him something of a ce- an initially favorable engagement that saw the Red
lebrity among the captains back in the day: Captain Kite reap even more kills among the enemy vessels,
Raggar Olson. it was struck and forced to an emergency landing so-
Thanks to his professional and discreet methods, mewhere on the Nuug coast.
Olson became one of the closest collaborators of In a desperate attempt to save the ship, Cap-
the Stern family, earning their respect and trust. In tain Yamah and most of the crew died, leaving the
the years before the war, the Stern started financing wreckage exposed to the same Nuug troops they
the Hornmule, fearing the growing power of the had been fighting. Upon finding the ruined carcass
Monopolies, eventually deciding to grant them use of the Red Kite, young Edgard Stochkoov and his
of the Black Bolt for secret missions. In time, Olson fellows started working on refitting it to sky-worthy
and his vessel switched from being employees of the condition, financing the process with illegal activities
company to serving the Stern family directly. he meant to bolster once the ship could fly again.
After the War and the losses the Sterns suffered And so it has been. For a long time, captain Edgard
because of it, the captain chose to remain in service plagued the skies as a pirate and smuggler until Lan-
to the Hornmule and continue the mission his for- do Carrizo offered him a position of some repute in
mer employers had given him. his organization, opening the doors for a long and
fruitful “friendship.”
Appendix 3 –- Adversaries
Dokton Role Villain Captain Edgard Role Villain
During his experiments, Goro managed to create beings The captain of the Red Kite is a violent and ruthless
capable of hosting the consciousness of a Xhuul trap- Nuug. He is not above using any trick he can to gain
ped in a stasis capsule. Dokton is one of them, one of the upper hand over his enemies or sacrifice his un-
the most fearsome opponents the group is going to fi- derlings to save his own skin.
ght during the course of the adventure. He is equipped
with a Xhuul technological relic that allows him to con- Difficulty: 11
trol four mechanical tentacles.
Initiative: 9 Movement: 4
Difficulty: 11 Dodge: 10 Wounds: 7
Evade: 11 Damage Reduction: 1
Initiative: 12 Movement: 5
Dodge: 11 Wounds: 7 - Qualities -
Evade: 10 Damage Reduction: – Skills: Athletics 13, Senses 13, Charm 12
Training: Command
- Qualities - Equipment: Nuug Kirvi, Pistol, Harpago,
Skills: Athletics 13, Brawl 13, Agility 12, Mutagens: Potio, Bombs: Plangor, 250 $.
Cunning 12
Training: Double Front, Command - Attacks -
Equipment: Relic Xhuul Technology, Dagger, Kirvi: 12
Pistol, 30 $.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Attacks -
Pistol: 9 (range: 12 cubitus) Piercing
Mechanical Tentacle : 11 (range: 4 cubitus) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Opportunities -
Pistol: 9 (range: 12 cubitus) Piercing
Dirty Trick: after he has slashed with his we-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
apon, Edgard headbutts his target, inflicting the
- Opportunities - Slowed condition.
Help: Edgard dodges the attack and calls for
Constrict: a mechanical Tentacle coils around help. Another enemy within 4 cubitus moves to the
Dokton’s target, Immobilizing them. At the begin- Character Edgard is engaged with, disengaging wi-
ning of his turn, Dokton deals 1 point of damage to thout penalty if necessary.
each target imprisoned by a tentacle. At the begin- Hamstring: striking one of his target’s legs, Ed-
ning of their turn, a trapped Character can attempt gard halves their Movement score until they receive
to break free with a Brawl Test. medical attention.
Counterattack: Dokton dodges the attack and Oi! Got Somethin’ to Tell Ya!: Edgard dodges
lashes out with every tentacle available. the bullets, shoots his harpago’s grappling hook
into the Character that just attacked him, inflicting
Meat Shield: Dokton grabs a target within 4
1 point of damage and pulling them within melee
cubitus with one of his tentacles and uses them as
combat range.
a shield against the incoming bullets. The poor soul
suffers 1 point of damage and is then knocked Prone.
Vulcania has been made possible by a kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Your incredible support has blown
us away and we wanted your name to be here, in this book, carved in the magmatic rock of Vulcania. And, of
course, rigorous alphabetic order!
It’s not all, though! There is a huge host of people who wanted to support us with their art, because a role-
playing game is not just words and rules, but it creates living and breathing characters. Characters some have
chosen to commit to paper and ink according to their unique sensitivity.
Let us close with a series of phenomenal artists who have shared their phenomenal works with us during the
campaign. Oh, by the way, you will be able to check them in their dedicated gallery at
Thank you, folks, from the bottom of our hearts, for this wonderful and crazy adventure!
Abrabazem 12, 232 Backstabber 100
Academic knowledge 76 Balastoc 14, 242
Acrobat 21, 91 Ballistics expert 95
Acrobatics 71, 80 Ballistics expert 95
Aculeus 152 Barter 70, 81
Adds 298 Base opportunities 116
Advanced use of skills 63 Battle flair 107
Adversaries 294, 413 Battles in the skies 189
Aeronautics 71 Biome knowledge 75
Aggression 72 Biome knowledge specializations 75
Agility 67 Biopsiist architect 86
Aim 69 Biopsist 22, 86, 336
Aiming 112 Blind shooting 115
Airships 183, 411 Blinded 118
Airships maneuvers 198 Bloodthirst 104
Alchem weapons 71, 151 Bomber 103
Alchemical reactions 77 Bombs 71, 85, 165
Alchemical school of biopsy 85 Brawl 42, 66
Alchemical school of entropy 85 Brute force 66, 80
Alchemy 77, 85 Buccaneer 98
Ambush 109 Bullseye 102
Amputation 78 Burning 118
Analysis 43, 68
Animal-drawn vehicles 180 C
Antagonists 314 Calm animal 74
Anticipate 100 Camouflage 75
Anticipating 113 Carrying 66
Applying damage 118 Catastrophic failure 116
Aquatic creatures 379 Catastrophic failure 63
Area of effect 130 Catastrophic failure 63, 116
Armaments 196 Centurion 101
Armor 158 Charging 114, 118
Art description 84 Charm 44, 71
Art-based opportunities 116 Cheating 71, 81, 93
Arts 20, 82, 219 Circus 90
Ascetic 93 Circus school 90
Assassin 101, 334 Climbing 65
Assault 109 Clubes 137
Athletics 42, 65 Combat advantage 124
Attacking 114 Combat arts 95
Availability 128 Combat phases 113
Aviator 87 Command 70, 81
Avoid hazards 68, 80 Complexity 129
Axes 132 Con 70, 81
Concealing 67, 80 E
Concentration 70 Emerald blades 97
Connection 78, 103 Enemies 297
Cool 70, 81 Enemy round 121
Corsair 33 Enemy rounds 121
Corsair 98 Engineer 24
Cover 73, 115 Engineering 77, 87
Cover fire 113, 143 Entropic architect 85
Crafting equipment 128, 129 Entropic master 85
Craftsmanship 71 Entropist 25
Creatures 349 Epeyst 37
Cunning 45, 70 Equipment 10, 20, 47, 126, 297
Cutthroat 23 Evade 46, 71
Cybernetics 77, 87 Evaluating 72, 81
Exhausted 118
D Exhausted 118
Damage 117, 118, 130 Explorer 35, 91
Dance of the sun 105 Extended tests 60
Darvish school 97 Extract information 70, 81
Dazed 118
Decurion 101 F
Defense 130 Failure 63
Defensive stance 112 Fire and flames 104
Delaying 113 Firearms 142
Desperado 36 First aid 68, 80
Dexterity 19, 43 Flexible weapons 139
Diagnosis 77, 78 Frightened 118
Dirty trick 117
Disappearance 100 G
Disciple 99 Gambler 93
Disciplines 43, 70 Gambling 68
Disengage 111 Ganging up 114
Disguise 72, 92 Gathering information 70, 81
Disoriented 118 Gears of fate 64
Diving 67, 80 Generating attributes 10
Dodge 46, 68 Generating skills 10, 42
Dodging 113 Geographic knowledge 11, 75
Doors 208, 213 Gizmos 77, 160
Doublering 21, 102 Grafts 88, 163
Drawing a weapon 112 Grappling 119
Driving 75, 81, 182 Gravely wounded 118, 120
Dropping an item 113 Guascon school 97
Dropping prone 112 Gunslinger 96
Drugs 50, 176 Guru 99
Dying 120
Glutinum 50
Academic (Engineering)
Biome (Urban Areas)
Geographic (Ketniv, Nuugard,
20 2100 Aeronautics
400 2500
3 3 1
4 2
1 3 1 4 3 2
2 3 3 2
1 3 2
1 3 6 1 5 1 2
3 3 4 3
4 5 Pugnale 4 3
3 5 Revolver 4 0
3 -
Geographic (Balastoc)
Academic (Engineering)
Biome (Urban Areas)
20 1500 Mechanical Repairs
1000 2500
30 1000 Alchem Weapons
1500 2500 Craftsmanship (Making Bombs)
90 900
1600 2500
10 1300 Picking Pockets
1200 2500 Lock-picking
5 2 2
5 2
2 5 1 3 3 2
3 2 3 2
2 1
3 2 5 1 3
3 2 3 3
3 5 Schiavona 5 3
2 4 Fucile 2 0
3 - Frusta 5 0
The war is over, but there is no shortage
of reasons to keep fighting! The world of
Vulcania is in constant evolution and new
threats are rising from its dark past…
A classy tool to have all the information
you need close at hand to immerse your
players in the world of Vulcania!
In addition, the sheets and pregen characters in this volume will be available
as a free download from our website as well as other game materials