Inter 2
Inter 2
Inter 2
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4 authors, including:
Muhammad Azis
Universitas Negeri Makassar
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All content following this page was uploaded by Abdul Karim on 07 November 2020.
Abstract: The target of the development program is in regional economic growth with the establishment of Badan Usaha Milik Desa
(BUMDes) as a strategic business unit in increasing Village Original Income. The strategic values of the program are 1) the creation of
productive collective assets that are jointly managed and utilized by the community, and 2) cumulatively the regional economy can
develop, where each region has a specific and unique economic base.
This research is descriptive qualitative. which is done to determine the value of the independent variable, whether one or more
(independent) variables being asked are expressed in the form of words, sentences, and descriptions without making comparisons, or
connecting between one variable and another. This research was conducted in Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi Province.
To obtain relevant data in accordance with the objectives of this study, the researchers took data from data sources, namely
primary data and secondary data. The resource persons that the researchers will make informants in this study are 16 BUMDes
administrators. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interview, documentation.
3.1.2. The role of the Village Government in encouraging the development of BUMDes
The existence of villages as a potential basis for the economic activity must become a new paradigm in Indonesia's economic
development program as a whole. Changes in internal and external conditions that occur require the right and right policies from
policymakers in an effort to develop the potential of rural areas. It is time to make the village the center of development and make this
area the main motor of the economy.
Adjusted to the data from all respondents as many as 16 people in this study, the majority said that the village government is
currently encouraging the formation and development of BUMDes institutions. As a means of economic growth in rural areas to
support an increase in Village Original Income in supporting regional development growth. This can be seen in the following table:
Table 2. The role of the Village Government in the formation and development of BUMDes institutions
Number Role Percentage (%) Number of respondents
1 Very encouragin 75.00 12
2 Less encouraging 6.25 1
3 Mediocre 18.75 3
4 Don't push 00.00 0
Total 100.00 16
Source: processed data, 2020
3.1.2. BUMDes institutions encourage economic growth and development of village potential
The development of village potential aims to encourage the realization of community independence through the Development of
Leading Potentials and Institutional Strengthening and Community Empowerment. Village development must consider and be based on
the potential of each village (physical potential and non-physical potential) by prioritizing the advantages of each village. Efforts to
develop village potential need to empower community participation so that they feel like they belong and are responsible.
In driving regional economic growth, the role of BUMDes institutions is sufficient to contribute to the rate of economic
improvement, as seen from the answers of respondents as follows:
3.2. Discussion
3.2.1. Basic village potential development
The effort to build a village is to carry out development by considering links and match. Because links and matches are the main
keys to achieving good development. This means that the linkage/synergy of development policies from the local government (top-
down planning) and the village government (bottom-up planning) is needed. In this case, the development policy in rural areas must
also not contradict the development strategy set by the local government.
The basis of the national development strategy is as follows: 1) building without increasing regional inequality, 2) utilizing
natural resources for the greatest possible prosperity of the community, 3) building starting from the village, 4) the economy must be
oriented and based on sectors and types of businesses that add value add as much as possible with quality human resources, innovation,
creativity and application of appropriate technology, and 5) regional-scale development is a quality sustainable development nationally.
In an effort to achieve the desired development synergy, there are several rules and conditions that must be met and fulfilled. In
accordance with the objectives of regional development, the provisions and regulations must be fulfilled regarding the norms,
dimensions of development, and socio-economic conditions that occur, as in the following table diagram:
Based on the development that has been determined by the central government, what needs to be done in order to achieve
development synergy is the development of the regions/villages from below (Button up Planning) or what is known as building from
the periphery. The main objective of this development is to strengthen regions or villages to accelerate growth and equity.
The existence and activities of community institutions in the Enrekang Regency cover almost all areas of community life, such
as socio-culture, economy, politics. The community institutions that have developed in Enrekang Regency today are the result of
articulation between values and norms that originate from modernity with values and norms that come from traditionalism. The rules of
the game that become the reference for society is behaving, interacting with each other, and realizing common goals, are born from
these mutual articulations.
In the economic field, existing institutions are growing rapidly, but their identities are similar to one another. Modern economic
institutions place profit as the main orientation. Banks and cooperatives, including their variants Bank Perkreditan Rakyat and Bank
Syariah, have shifted traditional institutions such as the Patteseng bond which is unique in offering choices and channeling voice
among rural communities. The presence of modern market institutions tends to marginalize the existence of traditional markets. The
presence of modern markets, which are supposed to increase diversity, is actually weakening the existing traditional market entities.
The presence of large companies as economic institutions that are more concentrated in the automotive and construction sectors, less
encouraging manufacturing and agro-industrial production, is also a phenomenon behind the low diversity in economic institutions in
increasing the rate of regional economic growth.
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International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 229