2009 Nat. Mater. Metal Halide Perovskites For Light-Emitting Diodes
2009 Nat. Mater. Metal Halide Perovskites For Light-Emitting Diodes
2009 Nat. Mater. Metal Halide Perovskites For Light-Emitting Diodes
Metal halide perovskites have shown promising optoelectronic properties suitable for light-emitting applications. The develop-
ment of perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) has progressed rapidly over the past several years, reaching high external
quantum efficiencies of over 20%. In this Review, we focus on the key requirements for high-performance PeLEDs, highlight
recent advances on materials and devices, and emphasize the importance of reliable characterization of PeLEDs. We discuss
possible approaches to improve the performance of blue and red PeLEDs, increase the long-term operational stability and reduce
toxicity hazards. We also provide an overview of the application space made possible by recent developments in high-efficiency
etal halide perovskites, which have led to great advances this Review by discussing strategies for achieving highly emissive
in photovoltaic devices, have also proved to be promis- perovskite emitters through effective control of both radiative and
ing candidates for light-emitting diodes (LEDs)1. They non-radiative recombination processes. We then focus on critical
have shown excellent optoelectronic properties suitable for LEDs, device prerequisites to achieve high-efficiency PeLEDs, highlight-
such as high photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQYs), widely ing similarities and differences between the device engineering of
tunable bandgap, narrow emission width and high charge-carrier PeLEDs and other LEDs, and emphasizing the importance of reli-
mobility2. Although early reports on perovskite LEDs (PeLEDs) able device characterization for this emerging technology. We also
date back to the 1990s3,4, room-temperature PeLEDs were not overview specific challenges and possible solutions in realizing
demonstrated until 20145. Since then, benefiting from established high-performance red and blue PeLEDs, improving operational sta-
experience in both perovskite materials and solution-processed bility and reducing the toxicity of these devices. Finally, we discuss
optoelectronic devices, the community has quickly boosted the future applications of perovskite emitters.
external quantum efficiencies (EQEs) of PeLEDs to reach more
than 20% (Box 1)6–10. Towards highly emissive metal halide perovskites
The rapid development of PeLEDs could lead to a new gen- From a material point of view, the prerequisite for achieving highly
eration of low-cost and high-performance LEDs for applications efficient LEDs is to use light emitters with high PLQYs. For any
including displays, lighting and optical communications2,11,12. luminescent material, its PLQY is defined as the number of photons
Compared with other emitters used in commercial devices, such as emitted divided by the number of photons absorbed, and can also
III–V inorganic semiconductors, organic emitters and conventional be expressed by the ratio between its radiative recombination rates
colloidal quantum dots (QDs), perovskites have several promising and the overall recombination rates:
characteristics. Specifically, perovskite emitters with high PLQYs P
can be straightforwardly fabricated from low-cost precursor solu- Rr
PLQY ¼ P P ð1Þ
tions, potentially reducing manufacturing costs. Synthesis of colloi- Rr þ Rnr
dal perovskite nanocrystals (PNCs) is also simplified, as PNCs can
reach near-unity PLQYs without delicate shell passivation, owing where Rr and Rnr are the radiative and non-radiative recombination
to their unique defect-tolerant nature13,14. Furthermore, the opto- rates, respectively. Equation (1) indicates that the general principle
electronic properties of perovskite emitters can be readily tailored for achieving a highly efficient light emitter is to enhance its radiative
by engineering composition and dimensionality, enabling continu- recombination rate(s) and to suppress the non-radiative recombina-
ously tunable light emission from violet to near-infrared (NIR) tion rate(s). In metal halide perovskites, the radiative recombination
regions2,13. In addition, light emission from perovskites shows can be bimolecular or excitonic, whereas trap-assisted monomo-
narrow linewidths (<100 meV), resulting in high colour purity: lecular and Auger recombination are non-radiative processes17,18.
for example, the photoluminescence full-width at half-maximum In this section, we discuss strategies for achieving highly efficient
(FWHM) is around 12, 20 and 40 nm for CsPbCl3, CsPbBr3 and perovskite emitters through effective control over both the radiative
CsPbI3 PNCs, respectively15. The colour gamut of displays made and non-radiative recombination processes.
by PNCs can cover up to 140% of the National Television System
Committee standard and is close to 100% of the new International Enhancing the radiative bimolecular recombination rate.
Telecommunication Union Rec. 2020 standard, making them prom- Three-dimensional (3D) perovskite emitters generally possess small
ising for ultra-high-definition displays15,16. exciton binding energies close to the room-temperature thermal
Yet the deployment of perovskite emitters in commercial devices energy, indicating that the excitons in perovskites readily dissoci-
presents barriers that need to be carefully addressed. We open ate into free charge carriers18. Because bimolecular recombination
Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden. 2Center for Chemistry of High-Performance and Novel
Materials, State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, and Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. 3Key Laboratory of Flexible
Electronics (KLOFE), Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing Tech University (NanjingTech), Nanjing, China. 4Cavendish Laboratory, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 5These authors contributed equally: Xiao-Ke Liu, Weidong Xu, Sai Bai. ✉e-mail: [email protected]
Metal halide perovskites refer to a large family of crystalline ma- emitted broad electroluminescence from the organic moieties
terials with structures similar to that of the natural mineral cal- in the material structure, attracting limited attention. PeLEDs
cium titanate, which was discovered by Gustav Rose in 1839 and demonstrating room-temperature electroluminescence with
named after Russian mineralogist Lev Perovski. 3D metal halide narrow emission were developed in 20145, setting a new start for the
perovskites can be described with a general chemical formula of evolution of this research field (panel b of the figure). Early-stage
ABX3, where A is a monovalent cation, B is a divalent metal cation development of PeLEDs mostly involved 3D perovskites, with a
and X is a halogen anion that bonds with metal cations, forming focus on uniform film morphology and reduced grain sizes20,21.
corner-sharing [BX6]4− octahedra cavities embedding the A cati- More recently, it was found that discontinuous perovskite films
ons. Limited by the Goldschmidt tolerance factor of the perovs- could increase light outcoupling and improve efficiency, as long
kite phase, A-site cations in such 3D structures are mostly caesium as leakage currents could be effectively suppressed8. Along with
(Cs+), methylammonium (MA, CH3NH3+) or formamidinium the development of 3D perovskite emitters, perovskite films made
(FA, CH(NH2)2+) cations with suitable sizes. of mixtures of 2D/quasi-2D/3D phases (hereafter referred to as
From the 3D structures, nanostructures or even mixed-dimensional perovskites) have also attracted attention for
quantum-confined structures can be derived by decreasing the high-efficiency PeLEDs26,27. Such perovskites demonstrate much
crystal size or reducing the structural dimensionality (panel a of enhanced confinement of charge carriers as well as effective
the figure). Through colloidal approaches, perovskite nanocrystals radiative recombination within the lowest-energy perovskite phase.
have been successfully synthesized with different sizes and shapes, In addition to the polycrystalline thin films deposited directly
including nanocubes, nanoplatelets, nanosheets, nanowires and from precursor solutions, assemblies of colloidal PNCs have been
quantum dots13. Alternatively, reduced structural dimensionality used in PeLEDs. Since the PNC-based PeLEDs reported in 201548,
— namely 2D or quasi-2D layered perovskites such as Ruddlesden– intensive efforts have been dedicated to optimizing material
Popper and Dion–Jacobson phases — has been obtained by compositions (for instance through A-site substitution and metal ion
incorporating large-sized organic cations into the perovskite doping), purification protocols and surface ligands13. These efforts
frameworks. These materials share the formula LmAn−1BnX3n+1, have led to controllable luminescent properties of PNCs and rapid
where L is typically a large-sized monovalent (m = 2) or divalent performance improvement of the ensuing PNC-based PeLEDs9,13,36.
(m = 1) cation, and n is the number of inorganic octahedra sheets In all these different perovskite emitters, it is of critical
between the large-sized organic spacers, with the case of n = ∞ importance to effectively eliminate non-radiative recombination
representing the 3D structures. The large compositional and pathways for achieving high-performance PeLEDs. A wide range of
dimensional diversity obtained by combining different cations effective strategies have been developed, including quasi-core–shell
and anions in the crystal structures offers wide tunability of the structures7, perovskite–polymer heterostructures10 and rational
optoelectronic properties of perovskite emitters. hydrogen bonding manipulation6. These efforts have pushed the
Early reports of PeLEDs date back to the 1990s3,4. The EQEs of PeLEDs over 20%, approaching those of organic LEDs
devices at that time either operated at cryogenic temperatures or (OLEDs) and conventional QD-based LEDs (QLEDs).
EQE (%)
A+ X– [BX6]4–
3D structure (n = ∞) 0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Reducing structural dimensionality
The development of perovskite emitters and PeLEDs. a, Material diversity of metal halide perovskite emitters. Beyond 3D structures, nanostructures
(including quantum-confined structures) can be obtained by decreasing the crystal size or reducing the structural dimensionality, resulting in
increased electron–hole (exciton) binding energy. b, Development of PeLEDs with different emitters and different light emissions; the red, green and
blue symbols denote red/near-infrared, green and blue PeLEDs, respectively. The data used for this figure are listed in Supplementary Table 1.
rates are usually slow in typical 3D perovskites, free carriers can in 3D perovskites is strongly dependent on charge-carrier density,
be easily captured by non-radiative recombination centres at low and can be described by equation (2)18,19,
charge-carrier densities (as illustrated in Fig. 1a). At relatively high
charge-carrier densities, traps are saturated, and radiative recombi- dN
� ¼ AN þ BN 2 þ CN 3 ð2Þ
nation can be dominant. The charge-carrier recombination kinetics dt
–+ 0.6 5 × 10–10 0.6 1 × 106
5 × 10 1 × 107
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
– Electron + Hole Trap 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019
Radiative recombination Excitation density (cm–3) Excitation density (cm–3)
d Quantum-confined perovskite e
k = 108 s–1; k2 = 10–8 cm3 s–1
ktrap (s–1)
1 × 106
0.8 1 × 107
5 × 107
+ 0.6 1 × 108
– + Exciton Trap 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019
Fig. 1 | Charge-carrier recombination kinetics. a, A schematic illustration of charge-carrier recombination in 3D perovskites. b,c, Related PLQY-excitation
density characteristics with (b) varying bimolecular recombination coefficients and (c) varying non-radiative monomolecular recombination coefficients.
d, A schematic illustration of charge-carrier recombination in quantum-confined perovskites. e, Related PLQY-excitation density plots with varying
trap-assisted non-radiative recombination rate constants. Figure adapted with permission from: a,d, ref. 17, under a Creative Commons licence
where N is the charge-carrier density, t is time, A is the trap-assisted Using radiative excitonic recombination. In addition to enhanc-
non-radiative monomolecular recombination coefficient, B is the radi- ing radiative bimolecular recombination, another strategy to
ative bimolecular recombination coefficient and C is the three-body increase PLQYs is to make use of radiative monomolecular recom-
Auger (non-radiative) recombination coefficient. The PLQYs of 3D bination pathways. This could be readily achieved through devel-
perovskite emitters can hence be quantified by equation (3): oping quantum-confined perovskites such as 2D perovskites,
quasi-2D perovskites or PNCs (Box 1). In contrast to free
BN charge carriers generated in 3D perovskites, stable excitons can
PLQY ¼ ð3Þ form in these quantum-confined perovskites at room temperature
A þ BN þ CN 2
(as illustrated in Fig. 1d) owing to their high exciton binding ener-
Figure 1b and c illustrate the excitation-density-dependent gies, up to hundreds of millielectronvolts17. This feature results
PLQYs of 3D perovskites with different recombination coefficients. in fast radiative monomolecular recombination rates, and hence
These calculations indicate the importance of increasing B (Fig. 1b) recombination dynamics in this case is less dependent on charge-
and decreasing A values (Fig. 1c), so that the PLQYs can approach carrier densities.
unity in a wide range of excitation density relevant for practical LED In quantum-confined perovskites, first-order radiative excitonic
operations. recombination competes with first-order non-radiative recombina-
Although bimolecular recombination rates in typical 3D tion through charge- or exciton-trapping, and with second-order
perovskites are usually slow under the LED operating conditions19, non-radiative Auger recombination of exciton-electron/hole or
they can be efficiently enhanced by spatially confining the charge exciton–exciton annihilation24. Therefore, charge-carrier recombi-
carriers in perovskite emitters. Early work5 on room-temperature nation kinetics and PLQYs can be described by equations (4) and
PeLEDs demonstrated a useful strategy for confining the charge car- (5), respectively:
riers by using thin perovskite layers (~30 nm). Similar confinement
effects can also be obtained by decreasing the perovskite grain sizes; dN
� ¼ ktrap þ k N þ k2 N 2 ð4Þ
this has been obtained by constraining crystal growth through, for dt
instance, engineering the precursor stoichiometry20, incorporating
ammonium halides with large organic cations21 and embedding the and
perovskite grains in polymer matrixes22. In addition, confining one
of the carriers through local variations in band-edge energies can k
switch the decay to first-order kinetics and give enhanced PLQYs, as PLQY ¼ ð5Þ
reported for ‘photodoping’ in a mixed cation/anion system23. ktrap þ k þ k2 N
a b c
Diamine-based molecules
O NH 2
H 2N O
O NH 2
H 2N O
H 2N O NH 2
Metal Pb cluster Anti-sites H
N Zwitterionic salts
A+ B2+ X-
Fig. 2 | Defects in perovskites and defect passivation. a, Point defects of perovskites including vacancies, interstitials, anti-sites and metal Pb clusters.
b, Categories of passivating ligands for colloidal PNCs; the right side demonstrates the hard–soft acids–bases theory that was used in ref. 32 to predict the
passivation effects of Lewis-base ligands for CsPbX3 PNCs. c, An illustration demonstrating the modulation of passivation effects by rational molecular
design reported in ref. 6.
where ktrap, k and k2 are rate constants of non-radiative monomo- The basic concept of defect passivation in perovskites is to heal
lecular recombination, radiative monomolecular recombination the dangling bonds by using agents that provide extra coordina-
and Auger recombination, respectively. Accordingly, under low tion or ionic bonding to neutralize the charged defects, leading to
excitation densities where the second-order Auger process is neg- annihilation of electronic trap states. Generally, useful passivation
ligible, the PLQY is equal to k/(ktrap + k), which is independent of agents can be introduced by loading them in precursors for film
the excitation density (Fig. 1e). With finely controlled trap densities, deposition or colloidal synthesis of perovskites, or by performing
first-order excitonic radiative recombination could outperform the post-treatment on the crystallized perovskites6,32. A wide range
non-radiative recombination, leading to high PLQYs even at low of agents or ligands, including molecules containing Lewis acid/
excitation densities (Fig. 1e). Indeed, near-unity PLQYs have been base moieties, positively/negatively charged organic components,
demonstrated in a range of PNCs, 2D and quasi-2D perovskites10,25. and alkali metal ions, have been demonstrated to be efficient in
We note that, in practical cases, the radiative processes of reducing the defect density of perovskites, leading to increased
perovskite emitters might be more complicated. For example, in PLQYs of perovskite emitters and improved performance of
quasi-2D perovskites with large n values and PNCs with crystal PeLEDs33.
sizes close to exciton Bohr diameters, both excitonic and free-carrier Such studies have also been instrumental in understanding the
recombination may contribute to the light emission and collec- role of chemical structures of passivation agents on their effective-
tively determine the PLQYs. In addition, in mixed-dimensional ness. For instance, the successful passivation of halide vacancies
perovskites (mixtures of 2D/quasi-2D/3D phases), radiative in CsPbX3 PNCs using Lewis base ligands can be predicted by the
recombination can happen at different phases, and there is usually hard–soft acids–bases theory32: harder species such as alkylcarbox-
energy transfer from the large-bandgap phases to the low-bandgap ylates and carbonates are ineffective owing to a hard–soft mismatch
phase26,27. Furthermore, the presence of materials with excited-state between hard groups and soft Pb binding sites, whereas softer spe-
energies lower than those of the perovskite emitters (such as cies such as alkylphosphonates and sulfonates are effective owing to
additives in 3D perovskites, organic spacers in 2D or quasi-2D their higher binding affinity (Fig. 2b). Hydrogen bonding between
perovskites) can result in energy transfer from the perovskite emit- the passivation agents and the organic cations of the perovskite
ters to these materials4,28,29, leading to lower PLQYs or emission structure has a critical role in determining the passivation effec-
from these lower-energy materials. tiveness6: diamine-based agents, whose amino groups form weaker
hydrogen bonding with organic cations, are more effective in coordi-
Suppressing trap-assisted non-radiative recombination. In nating with unsaturated Pb sites (Fig. 2c). Moreover, molecules with
addition to the above strategies for enhancing the radiative P=O and As=O end groups have shown strong binding energies
recombination rates, minimizing trap-assisted non-radiative with unsaturated Pb sites in reduced-dimensional perovskites, lead-
recombination pathways is equally important for maximizing the ing to high PLQYs34. An in-depth understanding of such structure–
PLQYs of perovskite emitters. Trap states are usually associated with passivation relationships would be useful for rational design of opti-
intrinsic point defects, such as vacancies, interstitials and anti-site mal passivation agents.
occupations (Fig. 2a). So far, several types of point defects, includ- We note that PNCs often require additional considerations for
ing halide and A-site vacancies, Pb–halide anti-sites and metallic the passivation agents although they have similar defect passivation
Pb0, have been experimentally demonstrated to be associated with mechanisms to bulk perovskites. For example, the commonly used
non-radiative trap states30,31. surface ligands (such as oleic acid and oleylamine) are highly labile
Eliminating the negative effects of trap states has been inten- and easily desorb from the surface during the purification, lead-
sively investigated in perovskite photovoltaic materials, and vari- ing to a high density of dangling bonds at the surface of PNCs35. In
ous useful strategies for defect passivation have been developed30. addition, the residual long-chain organic ligands usually deteriorate
a b c
1.2 24 350
Normalized PL intensity (a.u.)
20 300
MoOx /Au
EQE (%)
ZnO/PEIE Perovskite
0.6 12
Organic layer 150
0.4 ZnO–PEIE 8 100
ITO 4 50
0.2 Radiance
Glass substrate
0 0
500 600 700 800 900 1,000 0 100 200 300 400
Wavelength (nm) Current density (mA cm–2)
d e f
24 100 140 1.1
25 °C
22 1.0 35 °C
EQE (%)
16 0.7
14 40 0.6
12 EQE
60 0.5
Radiance 20
10 Tdecay
@ 50 mA cm–2 0.4
8 40
0 0.3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (s) Time (min)
Fig. 3 | Device aspects of PeLEDs. a, Normalized photoluminescence (PL) spectra and photographs (inset) of perovskite films on TiOx/PEIE, SnO2/PEIE
and ZnO/PEIE substrates prepared from the same precursor solution, indicating that the interlayers can strongly affect the properties of the perovskite
layer; PEIE is polyethylenimine ethoxylated. b, An illustration (left panel) of a device with submicrometre-sized perovskite platelets, where rays A, B
and C represent light, otherwise trapped in devices with a continuous emitting layer, that can be extracted by the submicrometre structure. TFB is
poly(9,9-dioctyl-fluorene-co-N-(4-butylphenyl)diphenylamine). Top-view scanning electronic microscopic (SEM) image (right panel) of the perovskite
film, with a scale bar of 1 μm. c, d, Examples of the commonly used EQE– and radiance–current density curves (c), and stabilized EQE and radiance at a
constant current density for the same device (d). e, A schematic operational stability curve of PeLEDs with an obvious increase in the luminance during the
measurement. Tramp, the needed time for the initial luminance to increase to the peak value; Tdecay, the needed time for the peak luminance to drop to 50%
of the value. f, Operational stability of an FAPbI3 PeLED measured at various temperatures at 100 mA cm−2. Figure adapted with permission from:
a, ref. 47, under a Creative Commons licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/); b, ref. 8, Springer Nature Ltd; c, ref. 6, Springer Nature Ltd;
f, ref. 63, under a Creative Commons licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
to early-stage film optimization strategies that emphasize the film In addition, EQE enhancement by repeated voltage scans has been
uniformness, discontinuous film morphology does not necessarily observed, ascribed to defect filling caused by ion migration under
result in electrical issues, as long as leakage current and electrical electrical stress59. It has also been demonstrated that the peak values
shunts through the gaps of the isolated perovskite grains can be and shapes of the EQE curves are dependent on the scan speed dur-
properly suppressed6,8,55. ing the measurements21.
Another approach for achieving high light-outcoupling effi- As an emerging research field that is attracting increasing atten-
ciency is to use light emitters with horizontally oriented (in-plane) tion, PeLEDs development critically requires reliable measurements
transition dipole moments, a strategy that is widely used in OLEDs of the device parameters. We suggest providing details of the mea-
and yet to be explored in PeLEDs. Theoretical simulations predict surements, such as scan step, delay time, scan speed and the use of
a maximum light-outcoupling efficiency of around 46% for OLEDs pre-bias stress protocols. In addition to the commonly used EQE–
based on light emitters with both PLQYs and orientation factor and brightness–current density curves (Fig. 3c), we propose to pro-
approaching unity56. Encouragingly, anisotropic photon emission vide stabilized EQEs and brightness at a constant current density
has been observed in PNCs57, suggesting that high light-outcoupling to minimize the effect of scanning methods on the device perfor-
efficiencies in PeLEDs are possible by using perovskites with mance (Fig. 3d). Although the values measured under a constant
in-plane transition dipole moments. current density could be slightly different from those measured with
scanning current densities, the former represents the values under
Device characterizations of PeLEDs. The characterization meth- practical operating conditions of LEDs. Note that measuring stabi-
ods for PeLEDs follow the standards established in other LED lized power output has been widely adopted in the perovskite pho-
technologies58. However, the well-acknowledged ion migration in tovoltaic community to accurately determine the performance60. In
perovskites brings challenges in reliably determining the param- addition, for spectrally unstable devices, it is necessary to provide
eters, and this calls for further attention. In particular, the perfor- both the electroluminescence spectra and EQEs at different bright-
mance parameters of PeLEDs, including current densities, EQEs, ness, or at different driving voltages or current densities.
luminance/radiance and efficiency roll-off, often depend on how Device operational stability is another critical parameter of
the measurements are performed. For example, a hysteresis in EQE– PeLEDs. In the LED luminaire industry, operational stability (life-
voltage curves under different scanning directions was reported5. time) is typically recognized as the operating time until lumen
a b c
25 Green 1.2
Increasing n
Red 0 min (5 V)
Phase population
4 min (7 V)
6 min (7 V)
EQE (%)
5 n=1
0 0.0
101 102 103 104 105 106 500 600 700 800 900 400 450 500
Luminance (cd m–2) Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
d e f
x = 0.8 CsPbBr3
x = 0.6 2.8 CsPb1–xCdxBr3
x = 0.4
Normalized intensity (a.u.)
x = 0.2 CsPb1–xZnxBr3
x=0 2.7
PL energy (eV)
50 nm
400 450 500 550 5.70 5.75 5.80 5.85 5.90
Wavelength (nm) Lattice vector (Å)
Fig. 4 | Challenges in high-performance blue and red PeLEDs. a, Summary of EQE and luminance of state-of-the-art blue, green and red PeLEDs; the data
used for this figure are listed in Supplementary Table 1. b, Normalized electroluminescence (EL) spectra of a CsPb(Br/I)3-based PeLED during operation.
c, A schematic diagram of the dimensional control in mixed-dimensional perovskites towards narrow dimensional distribution with the aim of realizing
Rec. 2020 primary blue emission. Reducing the domains composed of n = 1 phase and large n phases (red arrows) helps achieving narrow dimensional
distribution. d, Low-resolution transmission electron microscopic (TEM) image (left panel) of stacked nanoplatelets (thicknesses are around 3.5 nm
and 6.5 nm without and with the ligand shell, respectively) and TEM image (right panel) of CsPbBr3 cuboid nanocrystals assembled from nanoplatelets.
e, Normalized photoluminescence spectra of PEA2(RbxCs1−x)2Pb3Br10 perovskites, demonstrating the effect of Rb+ incorporation on the bandgap.
f, Photoluminescence energy as a function of lattice vector in doped CsPb1–xMxBr3 (M = Cd and Zn) nanocrystals and their parent CsPbBr3 nanocrystals,
indicating that impurity metal ions in the perovskite lattice can tune the bandgap of perovskite nanocrystals. Figure adapted with permission from: b, ref. 66,
American Chemical Society; c, ref. 74, American Chemical Society; d (left panel), ref. 79, American Chemical Society; d (right panel), ref. 81, under a Creative
Commons licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/); e, ref. 83, under a Creative Commons licence; f, ref. 84, American Chemical Society.
as the use of colloidal nanoplatelets, also called colloidal quantum impurity metal ions into the perovskite lattice provides an additional
wells (CQWs), could be a useful approach78. As the quantum con- synthetic tool to tune the bandgaps of the PNCs. For instance, zinc-
finement in these systems is hardly affected by the lateral size distri- or cadmium-doped CsPbBr3 PNCs present considerably blueshifted
bution, the size requirement is only on the thickness of the CQWs emission owing to lattice contraction (Fig. 4f)84. This approach would
and hence less stringent, beneficial for achieving narrow emission be difficult to achieve in polycrystalline films formed in situ, because
linewidth. For example, a sharp photoluminescence spectrum with of the high formation energies of the doped perovskites, in which the
the FWHM of 18 nm has been realized in blue emissive CsPbBr3 impurity metal ions tend to locate on grain surfaces.
CQWs with well controlled thickness (Fig. 4d, left panel)79. These
CQWs can also form large nanocrystals through self-assembly Stability of PeLEDs. As a young technology, the operational sta-
(Fig. 4d, right panel) while preserving narrow emission from the bility of PeLEDs remains a big challenge limiting their practical
CQWs, which is promising for PeLEDs80,81. applications. Currently, the most stable PeLEDs are recorded with
Successful fabrication of high-performance PeLEDs with blue/red NIR devices8. Nevertheless, visible PeLEDs show T50 of hundreds of
emission that satisfies display purposes might require a combination hours at most at a low luminance of 100 cd m−2 (ref. 85), far behind
of strategies leveraging on mixed halides, the quantum confinement those of OLEDs and QLEDs. Most of the blue PeLEDs reported so
effect, and other materials composition engineering (such as A- or far can only last for tens of seconds to minutes61,83. Inspired by the
B-site alloying or doping). For instance, the introduction of Rb+ into development of perovskite photovoltaics86, we consider that the
CsPbBr3 increases the bandgap owing to the tilting of the [PbBr6]4− factors responsible for the poor stability of PeLEDs could mainly
octahedra and the reduced overall orbital overlap82. It is therefore include ion migration, thermal instability and interfacial instability.
attractive to shift the emission towards the blue by incorporating Besides the impact on phase stability of mixed halide perovskites
Rb+, which is also compatible with other strategies for bandgap tun- discussed above, ion migration has also been regarded as a critical
ing. In fact, blue emission within the range of about 450–490 nm has issue affecting the long-term stability of perovskite optoelectronic
been demonstrated in PEA2(RbxCs1−x)2Pb3Br10 mixed-dimensional devices67. Ion migration is generally associated with defect for-
perovskites, where PEA is phenethylammonium (Fig. 4e)83. Introducing mation, interfacial charge and ion accumulation, degradation of
Lead-free perovskites. The presence of lead in perovskite opto- Printable and flexible electronics. Perovskite emitters are compati-
electronic devices raises concerns about their toxicity, even though ble with low-temperature solution-based manufacturing techniques,
the lead content in perovskite optoelectronic devices meets current such as inkjet printing, roll-to-roll and 3D printing, providing
criteria for commercial products as previously evaluated in great potential in scale-up production and flexible electronics. For
perovskite photovoltaics92. One critical reason is that lead halide example, multicolour pixel arrays based on 3D-printed perovskite
perovskites have high solubility in water, making them readily leach nanowires have been demonstrated, where the emission colour can
into the environment in the case of encapsulant failure92. Before a be controlled by leveraging anisotropy property of the emitters with
clear consensus on the toxicity issue is reached, increasing efforts polarizing filters102. High-performance flexible PeLEDs have also
should be made in parallel to search for alternative compounds that been fabricated on various lightweight substrates, such as carbon
are environmentally friendly and perform equally well. nanotubes and silver nanowires103,104. These devices showed excel-
During the past several years, a range of promising lead-free mate- lent mechanical robustness with negligible performance loss after
rials have been developed, including 3D ABX3 perovskites (mainly a bending test of up to 10,000 cycles104. Pixelated touch-responsive
based on Sn2+), vacancy-ordered perovskites (such as Cs2SnI6), PeLEDs for instantaneous visualization of pressure mapping fur-
halide double perovskites (such as Cs2AgInCl6, Cs2AgBiBr6), and ther expand the potential of this technology to applications includ-
non-perovskite metal halides with various metal ions and dimen- ing robotics, motion detection and fingerprint identification105.
sionalities93. These lead-free perovskites and perovskite deriva- For high-resolution devices with enhanced performance, further
tives, some of which have shown comparable PLQYs to lead halide improvements in ink design, device engineering and associated
perovskites, represent a rich library for LED applications. When printing and encapsulation technologies are still necessary.
a b
FC 1.2
FE 1.0
400 500 600 700 800
Nuclear coordinate
Wavelength (nm)
c d
100 PW = 800 / 250 ns
/ Glass
100 80 / Sapphire
Threshold fluence (μJ cm–2)
10 40
1 0
150 200 250 300 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Temperature (K) Current density (kA cm–2)
Fig. 5 | Prospects for perovskites in white PeLEDs and electrically pumped lasers. a, A schematic illustration of STE emission; FC, free carrier state; FE,
free exciton state; STE, self-trapped exciton state; GS, ground state. b, Normalized photoluminescence spectrum of Cs2Ag0.60Na0.40InCl6 measured at
293 K; the inset shows a 300-nm-thick Cs2Ag0.60Na0.40InCl6 film under 254-nm ultraviolet illumination. c, Pump threshold fluence as a function of
temperature for MAPbI3. d, Radiance–current density curves of pulse-driven PeLEDs on glass or sapphire substrates, with or without a graphite heat spreader
and copper heat sink. PW, pulse width. Adapted with permission from: b, ref. 12, Springer Nature Ltd; c, ref. 109, American Chemical Society; d, ref. 110, Wiley.
Electrically pumped perovskite lasers. Solution-processed elec- high-performance blue and red PeLEDs, long-term device stability
trically pumped laser diodes have been intensively studied since and lead-free PeLEDs. These challenges require an interdisciplin-
the 1990s but are hard to achieve with organic emitters and conven- ary approach for further breakthroughs to create industrial paths.
tional QDs106. Perovskites, which show low trap density (<1016 cm−3), Combining the considerable advances already made by the commu-
high charge-carrier mobility (>10 cm2 V−1 s−1) and low Auger recom- nity and the outstanding properties of perovskites, we believe that
bination coefficient (about 10−28 to 10−29 cm6 s−1)2, may offer greater PeLEDs offer unique advantages for future applications.
opportunities towards this ambitious goal. So far, a range of optically
pumped perovskite lasers with tunable emission (from 390 to 800
nm), ultra-low threshold (around 0.2–40 µJ cm−2) and high optical Received: 12 December 2019; Accepted: 24 July 2020;
Published: xx xx xxxx
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