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Revised Edition

Processes in
A.K. Mohanty
Rate Processes in Metallurgy
Rate Processes in Metallurgy
Revised Edition

A.K. Mohanty
Former Principal
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela, Orissa

New Delhi-110001
A.K. Mohanty

© 2009 by PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi. All rights reserved. No part
of this book may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means,
without permission in writing from the publisher.


The export rights of this book are vested solely with the publisher.

Third Printing (Revised Edition) ... ... July, 2009

Published by Asoke K. Ghosh, PHI Learning Private Limited, M-97, Connaught

Circus, New Delhi-110001 and Printed by Meenakshi Art Printers, Delhi-110006.

Preface .....................................................................................................................ix
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. xi

1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1–17

1.1 Basic Principles of Transport Phenomena 2
1.2 Basic Principles of Reaction Kinetics 8
1.3 Units and Dimensions 9
1.4 Importance of the Subject 14
Review Questions 15
Problems 15

2. FLOW OF FLUIDS ................................................................. 18–96

2.1 Nature of Fluid Flow 18
2.2 Viscosity 21
2.2.1 Viscosity of Gases 22
2.2.2 Viscosity of Liquid Metals and Alloys 24
2.2.3 Viscosity of Slags 28
2.3 Differential Mass and Momentum Balances 32
2.3.1 Differential Mass Balance: Continuity Equation 32
2.3.2 Differential Momentum Balance:
The Equation of Motion 37
2.3.3 Applications of Differential Balance Equations 48
2.4 Overall or Macroscopic Balance 56
2.4.1 Overall Mass Balance 56
2.4.2 Overall Momentum Balance 58
2.4.3 Overall Mechanical Energy Balance 65
2.4.4 Applications of Overall Balances 70
2.5 High Speed Flow of Gases 76
2.5.1 High Velocity Jets 81
vi Contents

2.6 Flow through Packed Beds 82

2.7 Flow through Fluidized Beds 87
2.8 Motion of Gas Bubbles in Liquids 90
Review Questions 93
Problems 94

3. HEAT TRANSFER ................................................................. 97–194

3.1 Conduction 98
3.1.1 Thermal Conductivity 99
3.1.2 Heat Conduction Equation 112
3.1.3 Applications of the Heat Conduction Equation 115
3.2 Convection 146
3.2.1 Differential Equation for Total
Energy Balance 146
3.2.2 Applications of Differential Total
Energy Balance Equation 154
3.2.3 Overall Thermal Energy Balance-Concept of
Heat Transfer Coefficient 164
3.3 Radiative Heat Transfer 168
3.3.1 Thermal Radiations and Related
Basic Properties of Materials 169
3.3.2 Emissivity and Absorptivity of Substances 172
3.3.3 Heat Exchange between Two Infinitely
Long and Wide Parallel Plates 175
3.3.4 Heat Exchange between Surfaces
of Finite Area: The View Factor 176
3.3.5 Calculation of Radiant Heat Transfer
for Black Surfaces 180
3.3.6 Flames and Furnaces 186
Review Questions 191
Problems 192

4. MASS TRANSFER .............................................................. 195–301

4.1 Diffusion 196
4.1.1 Diffusion in Gases 201
4.1.2 Diffusion in Liquids 207
4.1.3 Diffusion in Solids 208
4.1.4 Applications 231
4.2 Convective Mass Transfer-Natural and
Forced Convection 263
4.2.1 General Differential Equation for Convective
Mass Transfer 264
4.2.2 Applications 268
Contents vii

4.3 Overall Mass Balances 276

4.3.1 Reduction Kinetics of Dense Hematite Pellets
in an Isothermal Packed Bed 277
4.4 Concept of Mass Transfer Coefficient 282
4.4.1 Mass Transfer Coefficient for Flow through
Packed Beds 287
4.4.2 Mass Transfer Coefficients for Spherical
Objects 288
4.5 Interfacial Mass Transfer 288
4.5.1 Two-film Theory 289
4.5.2 Penetration Theory 290
4.5.3 Surface Renewal Model 294
4.5.4 Film-Penetration Theory 296
4.6 Interfacial Turbulence 297
Review Questions 297
Problems 299


5.1 Dimensionless Numbers and Functional Relationships 302
5.2 Methods of Dimensional Analysis 304
5.2.1 Rayleigh's Method 304
5.2.2 Buckingham Method 314
5.2.3 Use of Differential Equations 323
5.2.4 Analysis Based on Similarity Criteria 324
5.3 Normalization 328
Review Questions 333
Problems 333

6. BOUNDARY LAYER THEORY ......................................... 335–373

6.1 Velocity Boundary Layer 336
6.1.1 Laminar Boundary Layer for Flow on a
Flat Plate 337
6.1.2 Integral Method 344
6.2 Thermal Boundary Layer 347
6.2.1 Forced Convective Laminar Flow 347
6.2.2 Integral Method 353
6.3 Concentration Boundary Layer 357
6.3.1 Mass Transfer by Natural Convection 357
6.3.2 Mass Transfer During Forced Convection 362
6.4 Boundary Layer Theory for Simultaneous Heat,
Mass and Momentum Transfer 368
Review Questions 371
Problems 372
viii Contents

7. REACTION KINETICS ......................................................... 374–405

7.1 Basic Definitions and Concepts 374
7.1.1 General Observations on Reaction Rates 376
7.2 Determination of Rate Constant and Order
of Reaction 378
7.2.1 Integration Method 378
7.2.2 Method of Equi-fractional Parts or
Half-life Period 383
7.2.3 Differential Method 384
7.2.4 Isolation Method 386
7.3 Reaction Mechanism 386
7.4 Reaction Rate Theories 390
7.4.1 Collision Theory 391
7.4.2 Absolute Reaction Rate Theory 393
7.5 Oxidation of Carbon 396
7.6 Slag-metal Reaction 399
Review Questions 403
Problems 404

8. COUPLED PHENOMENON ................................................. 406–421

8.1 Transport Coupling 406
8.1.1 Reynolds' Analogy between Heat and Momentum
Transfer 406
8.1.2 Reynolds' Analogy between Mass and
Momentum Transfer 409
8.1.3 Prandtl's Analogy between Heat and
Momentum Transfer 412
8.1.4 Prandtl's Analogy between Mass and
Momentum Transfer 414
8.1.5 Chilton-Colburn Analogy among Heat,
Mass and Momentum Transfer 416
Review Questions 420
Problems 420

Suggested Further Reading ..................................................... 423–425

Answers to Problems ................................................................ 427–430
Index ............................................................................................ 431–435

The initial development of metallurgical processes started on singular or

piecemeal basis as it was then assumed that there was little common ground
among the different processes or process-steps. However, with the development
of science and technology of metal extraction, refining and processing, it was
realized that the various processes could be grouped in a series of unit operations
or unit processes, each based on some common basic concepts. This realization
opened up a new field for the experimental and analytical research in the
thermodynamic and kinetic principles of the different unit operations and unit
processes employed. These studies led to a significant improvement in both the
design of equipment and process-flowsheets as well as in their performance.
With the development of computers and automation techniques, the present
trend in metallurgical industry is towards building of large-capacity, high-
productivity, automated reactors. This objective demands putting more emphasis
on the understanding of the basic scientific principles of the different processes
at the metallurgical education stage itself. The purpose of this book, therefore, is
to provide a firm foundation to students, pursuing undergraduate courses in
metallurgical engineering, in the study of the fundamental principles of rate
phenomena or kinetic aspects of various metallurgical processes. Although such
courses are offered in some institutions in this country and abroad, there are only
a few general books dealing with this subject. And these books do not cut across
the entire cross-section of the kinetic aspects of metallurgical processes. This
thoroughly revised edition is aimed at providing a comprehensive treatment of
the subject matter.
Chapter 1 highlights the importance of the subject, its subdivision into
different topics, and outlines their underlying principles. Chapter 2 deals with
the kinetic properties of fluids, the derivation of fluid-dynamic equations and
their application to the development of fluid flow instruments as well as to the
packed beds, fluidized beds, and high speed flow of compressible fluids.
Chapter 3 is on heat transfer, starting with the derivation of conduction equation

Rate Processes In Metallurgy


Publisher : PHI Learning ISBN : 9788120335912 Author : MOHANTY, A. K.

Type the URL : http://www.kopykitab.com/product/7368

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