Domain Theory - College of Science and Engineering
Domain Theory - College of Science and Engineering
Domain Theory - College of Science and Engineering
Domains are formed for the following reason. Consider a large single
Suppose it is uniformly magnetized, and hence a single domain. Surface
charges will form on the ends due to the magnetization and are
themselves a second source of a magnetic field (the demagnetizing field).
The energy associated with the surface charge distribution is called the
magnetostatic energy. It is just the volume integral of the field over all
This subdivision into more and more domains can not continue
indefinitely because the transition region between domains (called a
domain wall) requires energy to be produced and maintained. Eventually
an equilibrium number of domains will be reached for a given particle
The exchange energy acts to keep spins parallel and can be kept small if
the 180°rotation takes place gradually, over many atomic units. Therefore,
the exchange energy is small in (a) but large in (b).
However, the spins within the wall are no longer aligned along an easy
axis of magnetization. This produces an anisotropy energy, which is high
in (a) but low in (b).
The exchange energy tends to make the wall as wide as possible whereas
the anisotropy tends to make the wall as thin as possible. As a result of
this competition between exchange and anisotropy energies,the domain
wall has a finite width (on the order of 100 nm) and surface energy.
The interplay between long range and short range effects results in the
domain states being grain-size dependent. In addition, the number of
domains for a given grain size depends on the magnitudes of the
exchange, magnetocrystalline, and saturation magnetization. As
mentioned before, these constants are dependent on temperature as well
as composition. Hence domain states in different magnetic minerals
(magnetite and hematite) will have a different grain size dependence. The
domain states will also vary with temperature for a single grain size.
However, as a rule of thumb, the larger the grain size the more domains it
As the grain size decreases, a critical size will be reached where the grain
can no longer accommodate a wall. Below this critical size, the grain
contains a single domain (SD). An SD grain is uniformly magnetized to its
saturation magnetization.
The critical size for SD behavior depends on several factors including, the
saturation magnetization and the shape of the grain. Most estimates of
the SD-MD transition size are based on theoretical calculations. For
magnetite, the best estimate for the transition size is about 80 nm. Here
are some theoretical results:
For hematite, the transition size from SD to MD is much larger (15 mm),
primarily because the saturation magnetization is about 200 times lower
than for magnetite.
There has been much theoretical and experimentally work on PSD grains.
Some current thinking is that small MD particles that contain just a few
domains may actually have difficulty nucleating domains. In some cases
MD grains exist in metastable SD states. The transformation of one
domain state into another, such as addition or loss of domains, is call
transdomain transformation.
The importance of PSD behavior in magnetite, is that the grain size range
for PSD behavior covers the range in sizes that most commonly occur in
natural samples.
Superparamagnetism (SPM)
Ku -anisotropy constant
v -particle volume
k -Boltzmann constant
T -absolute temperature
t (sec)
21 1
60 1017
Initial Susceptibility
Hi = H-NM
M =χiHi
Nχi > 1
χo » 1/N
SD Hysteresis Properties
Hr/Hc = 1-2
Parameter PSD MD
Mr/Ms 0.1-0.5 <0.1
Hr/Hc 2-4 >4
Hc 10-15 mT <10 mT
Hr/Hc > 10